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Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

 Course No: ECE-1102

 Course Title: Circuits & Systems I Sessional

 Experiment No: 07,08

 Experiment Name: Verification of Thevenin and Norton Theorem

 Submitted To:

Md. Mahabubur Rahman


Dept. of ECE, RUET

 Submitted By:

Adittya Podder

Roll: 1910045

Year: 1st (ODD)

 Date of Experiment: 18.11.2020

 Date of Submission: 26.11.2020


Contents Page
Sl. No.
7.1 Experiment No 04
7.2 Name of Experiment 04

7.3 Objectives 04

7.4 Theory 04

7.5 Apparatus 04-05

7.6 Circuit Diagram 05

7.7 Procedures 05-06

7.8 Data Table 06

7.9 Calculation 06-07

7.10 Result 07

7.11 Precautions & Discussions 07-08

7.12 Reference 08
Figure Index

Fig No Title Page No

01 Complex Circuit 04

02 Equivalent Circuit 04

03 Verification of Thevenin theorem 05

04 Circuit for VTh measurement 05

05 Circuit for RTh measurement 05

Table Index

Sl No Title Page No

01 Table for verification of Thevenin Theorem 06

 7.1 Experiment No: 07

 7.2 Name of Experiment: Verification of Thevenin Theorem.

 7.3 Objectives:
1.To verify Thevenin principle.
2. To verify Thevenin with hardwired components.
3.To find the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit from the given circuit.

 7.4 Theory:

Thevenin theorem states that any two terminal linear network having a number of voltage
and current sources can be replaced by a simple equivalent circuit consisting of a single
voltage source in series with a resistance, where the value of the voltage source is equal
to the open circuit voltage across the two terminals of the network, and resistance is equal
to the equivalent resistances measured between the terminals with all the energy sources
are replaced by their internal resistances.

R1 RTh

370Ω 83.598Ω
V1 R2 108Ω RL VTh RL
12V 37Ω
37Ω 2.711V

Fig.1: Complex circuit Fig.2: Equivalent Circuit

 7.5 Required Apparatus:

1.Ammeter (0-15A);
2.Voltmeter (0-400V);
3.Resistance (370Ω,108Ω,37Ω);
4.DC voltage sources;
5. Connecting wires.

 7.6 Circuit Diagram:

V1 R2 108Ω
370Ω 12V
V1 R2 108Ω
12V 37Ω

Fig.4: Circuit for VTh measurement

Fig.3: Verification of Thevenin

R2 108Ω

Fig.5: Circuit for RTh measurement

 7.7 Procedures:

 Connections were made as per the circuit diagram shown in figure 3.

 Then voltage across RL was measured and correspondingly current reading from
the ammeter was taken.
 After that load resistor (RL) was removed and voltage (VTH) was measured across
the two terminals of load resistor as per the circuit diagram shown in figure 4.
 Similarly, load resistor (RL) was removed, the voltage source was short circuited
and resistance (RTH) was measured across the two terminals of load resistor as per
the circuit diagram shown in figure 5.
 Up next, VTH, RTH and RL were connected in a series circuit as per the circuit
shown in figure 2 as well as voltage across R L was measured and correspondingly
current reading was taken from the ammeter.
 Supply voltage was varied again and VL, IL was measured and noted down by
repeating the same processes mentioned before.

 7.8 Data Table:

Voltage Complex circuit Thevenin Equivalent Circuit

Through Through
Through RL Through RL VTH RTH RL RL
Current (IL) voltage (VL) Current voltage
(IL)’ (VL)’

12 22.479 mA 831.836 mV 2.711 v 83.598 22.48 831.747

Ω mA mV

24 44.965 mA 1.664 v 5.432 v 83.598 44.937 1.664 v

Ω mA

Table-1: Table for verification of Thevenin Theorem

 7.9 Calculation :

Case-1: (complex circuit) Case-2: (Thevenin equivalent circuit)

V1=12v by removing RL from the circuit, and short
R1=370Ω circuiting the voltage source we can find
R2=108Ω out the RTH. Then, R1 & R2 will be
connected in parallelly.

RL =37Ω
RTH = (R1 || R2)
= (370 || 108) Ω = 83.598

So, IL= VL / RL Again removing RL from the circuit, we

= (831.594/ 37) can find out VTH across R2.
=22.475 mA VTH = {R2/ (R2+R1)} *V
= {108/ (108+170)} *12
And, VL = {(R2|| RL)/ (R1+R2 | | RL)} *12 =2.711 V
= {(108|| 37)/ (370+108 || 37)} *12 Then, VL’= (RL/ RL+ RTH) * VTH
= 831.594 mV = {37/ (37+83.598) * 2.711}
= 831.7467 mV
IL’= VL’/ RL= (831.7467/37) =22.48 mA

Percentage of error (VL) = {(831.7467- 831.594)/831.594} *100

= 0.02%
Percentage of error (IL) = {(22.48-22.475)/22.475} *100

= 0.02%
By doing the same processes, in case of 24V we can find out VL & IL.

 7.10 Result :

The value of IL, VL & IL’, VL’ is approximately equal in both cases. The percentage of
error is = 0.02%. Hence, Thevenin theorem is verified.

 7.11 Precautions & Discussions:

1. The circuit connection is given properly.
2. Thevenin theorem can be applied for a complex network.
3. Data’s have been calculated carefully.

 7.12 Reference:

1. en.wikipedia.org.
2. www. Scribd.com/document/32567755/Thevenin theorem-db.


Contents Page
Sl. No.
8.1 Experiment No 10
8.2 Name of Experiment 10

8.3 Objectives 10

8.4 Theory 10

8.5 Apparatus 10-11

8.6 Circuit Diagram 11

8.7 Procedures 11-12

8.8 Data Table 12

8.9 Calculation 12-13

8.10 Result 13

8.11 Precautions & Discussions 13

8.12 Reference 14
Figure Index

Fig No Title Page No

01 Complex Circuit 10

02 Equivalent Circuit 10

03 Verification of Norton theorem 11

04 Circuit for IN measurement 11

05 Circuit for RN measurement 11

Table Index

Sl No Title Page No

01 Table for verification of Norton Theorem 12

 8.1 Experiment No: 08

 8.2 Name of Experiment: Verification of Norton Theorem.

 8.3 Objectives:
1.To verify Norton principle.
2. To verify Norton with hardwired components.
3.To find the Norton’s equivalent circuit from the given circuit.

 8.4 Theory:

Norton’s theorem states that any two terminal linear networks with current sources,
voltage sources and resistances can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a
current source in parallel with a resistance. The value of the current source is the short
circuit current between the two terminals of the network and the resistance is equal to the
equivalent resistance measured between the two terminals with all the energy sources are
replaced by their internal resistances.

R1 R3

6Ω 1Ω
V1 RL 3Ω V2 IN RN 0.857Ω RL
24V 12V 16A 3Ω

Fig.1: Complex circuit Fig.2: Equivalent Circuit

 8.5 Required Apparatus:

1.Ammeter (0-15A);
2.Voltmeter (0-400V);
3.Resistances (6Ω,3Ω,1Ω);
4. Two DC voltage sources;
5. Connecting wires.

 8.6 Circuit Diagram:


R1 R2
R1 R2
6Ω 1Ω V2
6Ω 1Ω
RL V1 12V
V1 V2
3Ω 24V
24V 12V

Fig.3: Verification of Norton theorem Fig.4: Circuit for IN measurement


R1 R2

6Ω 1Ω

Fig.5: Circuit for RN measurement

 8.7 Procedures:

 Connections were made as per the circuit diagram shown in figure 3.

 Then voltage across RL was measured and correspondingly current reading from
the ammeter was taken.
 After that load resistor (RL) was removed and current (IN) was measured through
the detached two terminals of load resistor as per the circuit diagram shown in
figure 4.
 Similarly, load resistor (RL) was removed, two voltage sources were short
circuited and resistance (RN) was measured across the two terminals of load
resistor as per the circuit diagram shown in figure 5
 Up next, IN, RN and RL were connected in a parallel circuit as per the circuit
shown in figure 2 as well as voltage across R L was measured and correspondingly
current reading was taken from the ammeter.
 Supply voltage was varied again and VL, IL was measured and noted down by
repeating the same processes mentioned before.

 8.8 Data Table:

Voltage Complex circuit Norton Equivalent Circuit

V2(v) Through Through
Through RL Through RL IN RN RL RL
Current (IL) voltage (VL) Current voltage
(IL)’ (VL)’

24,12 3.556A 10.668v 16A 0.857 Ω 3.557A 10.671v

36,24 6.667A 20.001v 30A 0.857 Ω 6.676A 20.028v

Table-1: Table for verification of Norton Theorem

 8.9 Calculation :

Case-1: (complex circuit) Case-2: (Norton equivalent circuit)

V1=24v by removing RL from the circuit, short circuiting all the
voltage sources we can find out RN from the circuit.
Then R1& R2 will be connected parallelly.
RN= R1 || R2 = 6 || 1= 0.857Ω
In order to calculate Norton current, we have assumed a
RL=3 Ω
short circuit current through the removed RL resistance.

(VL-24)/6+VL/3+(VL-12)/1=0 IN = I1+I2 = (24/6) +(12/1) =16 A

IL’= {(RN)/ (RN+ RL)} * IN
IL= VL/ RL= (10.667/3) A = (0.857)/ (0.857+3) *16 = 3.557 A
=3.556 A VL’= IL’ *RL = (3.557 *3) v
= 10.671v

Percentage of error (VL) = {(10.671-10.667)/10.667} *100

= 0.04%
Percentage of error (IL) = {(3.557 -3.556)/3.556} *100
= 0.03%
By doing the same processes, in case of (36v&24v) we can find out VL & IL.

 8.10 Result :

The value of IL, VL & IL’, VL’ is approximately equal in both cases. The percentage of
error is = 0.03% & 0.04%. Hence, Norton theorem is verified.

 8.11 Precautions & Discussions:

1.The circuit connection is given properly.

2.Norton theorem can be applied for a complex
network. 3.Data’s have been calculated carefully.
 8.12 Reference:

3. en.wikipedia.org.
4. www. Scribd.com/document/32643755/Norton theorem-db.

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