ACI Bundeled Bars
ACI Bundeled Bars
ACI Bundeled Bars
European (EC2) and ACI 318-08 design code rules for lap splices parameters vary over a wide range.3,4 The data are, however,
of reinforcing bars within a bundle differ markedly—the former almost entirely restricted to splices between individual bars,
permits the same or shorter lap-splice lengths with respect to where all bars are spliced at the same cross section.
splices of individual bars, while the latter requires longer laps. This Although there is a small amount of test data on anchorage
paper reports an investigation into the performance of lap splices of bundled bars,5 there appears to be an almost complete
of individual bars within a bundle of two or three. The results show
absence of test data on lap splices of bars within a bundle.
that the bond strength of individual bars is not reduced on account
of their forming part of a bundle (contrary to the provisions of Stressing of a bundle differs markedly between these two
ACI 318-08). Staggered laps were found to be weaker but fail in situations: in an anchorage, all bars in the bundle are pulled
a less brittle manner when splices are staggered longitudinally as in the same direction, whereas in a splice, pairs of bars are
compared to equivalent laps, where all bars are spliced at the same pulled in opposite directions while the remainder are contin-
section whether or not bars were bundled. Therefore, the outcome uous throughout the splice length. Other, more general differ-
raises the question of the validity of reductions permitted by both ences may also exist between laps and anchorages: anchor-
the ACI 318-08 and European (EC2) codes, where only a portion of ages at end supports often benefit from transverse compres-
the bars is lap-spliced at a section. It is recommended that further sion generated by the support reaction, but lapped splices
investigation of the influence of the proportion of bars lapped at a will invariably be located where transverse stress is negli-
section on splice performance be undertaken. gible. The only study of splices of bundled bars known to the
Keywords: bond strength; brittleness; bundles; lap splices.
author is reported by Bashandy,6 but herein, entire bundles
of up to four bars were spliced at the same cross section
INTRODUCTION (giving a total of as many as eight bars in contact within
In situations where reinforcement is congested, it may be the splice length). Hence, detailing was not representative
advantageous to place bars in bundles of two, three, or four of normal practice nor compliant with ACI 318-08,7 which
states that bars are to be spliced individually and that splices
instead of fixing individual bars at equal spacing.1 Bundles
within a bundle are not to overlap.
permit flexibility in detailing where availability of larger
There are several factors that could be expected to enhance
bars is restricted and ease manual handling on site. Bundling
the performance of splices of single bars within a bundle
of bars allows for increased clear spacing, facilitating
when compared with similar splices of individual bars:
compaction of concrete between bundles. In comparison
1. Clear spacing between bars is increased (for a given
with reinforcement in layers, bundles are more efficient in
section breadth);
maintaining the effective depth of longitudinal reinforce-
2. For a given stirrup diameter and spacing, confinement
ment. Bundles may permit cross sections to be achieved
to each lap within a bundle is increased as splices are stag-
in reinforced concrete that would otherwise require
gered; and
prestressing. Bundling of bars does, however, require some 3. A proportion of the bars will be continuous where a
modifications in detailing of lap splices and anchorages with single bar within the bundle is spliced.
respect to provisions for individual bars. Other factors may have an adverse effect:
The bond action of ribbed reinforcing bars generates 4. The perimeter of the bar in direct contact with concrete
bursting forces that generate circumferential tensile stresses is reduced.
around the bar and tend to split the surrounding concrete Further differences may arise as a consequence of stag-
cover.2 Unless confinement is high (typically where concrete gering splices of individual bars in the bundle:
cover is greater than 5 times the diameter of the lapped bars 5. The distribution of bond stress throughout the splice
or where compressive stress is applied perpendicular to the length may alter; and
bar axis as at an end support, for example), bond failure 6. The share of tension force taken by individual bars may
of laps and anchorages usually occurs in a splitting mode alter as a result of differences in stiffness between spliced
with formation of longitudinal cover cracks throughout the and continuous bars.
bond length, leading to eventual spalling of the cover. Bond The aims of this investigation are therefore to assess
strength in this mode of failure is limited by the resistance of whether the rules in ACI 318-087 for lap joints of bars
the section to these bursting forces. Most design codes recog- within a bundle are soundly based and, if appropriate,
nize the importance of the splitting mode of failure through suggest revisions.
bond strength and detailing provisions linked to minimum
cover thickness and the area of secondary reinforcement
provided. Some codes also reflect the enhancement in bond ACI Structural Journal, V. 110, No. 2, March-April 2013.
obtained in the presence of transverse compressive stress. MS No. S-2011-090.R2 received August 15, 2011, and reviewed under Institute
publication policies. Copyright © 2013, American Concrete Institute. All rights
Code rules for laps and anchorages of individual bars have reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the
been validated against an extensive set of physical test data copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s closure, if any, will be
published in the January-February 2014 ACI Structural Journal if the discussion is
on splices and anchorages of individual bars in which these received by September 1, 2013.
c ω + K tr′ d
fb,calc = 0.375 b + 12ω b fc′ 0.25 (SI)
db lb
cb ω + K tr′ db 0.25
fb,calc = 15.5 + 500ω lb fc′ (in.-lb)
where fb,calc is the average bond stress over the splice length
in MPa (psi); and fc′ is the measured concrete cylinder
compressive strength, taken as 0.8 times the cube compres-
Fig. 7—Definition of cover dimensions. sive strength in MPa (psi)
ω = 0.1 + 0.9 ≤ 1.25 (6)
by less than 4%—well within the typical scatter of bond t d = 0.03db + 0.22 (SI)
strength measurements. (8)
t d = 0.78db + 0.22 (in.-lb)
An indication of the brittleness of failure is also given by
the quantity Dres, calculated as the ratio of residual load at a
deflection equal to 1.5 times the peak load deflection to the where SAtr is the total area of transverse reinforcement within
peak load itself (Fig. 6). splice length lb crossing the potential splitting plane in mm2
Reference Specimens R2 and R3 were included in the test (in.2); and n is the number of bars spliced at the section.
program to verify that splice strengths measured in the tests Further analysis of the results is based on the bond strength
herein were consistent with existing “best-fit” semi-empirical ratio—the ratio of measured bond strength to that estimated
expressions proposed by others and hence represent a valid by Eq. (4)—listed in the final column of Table 2.
benchmark against which other results reported herein may The influence of bundling of reinforcement is plotted in
be compared. These two beams were both reinforced with Fig. 8, in which the bond strength ratios for bundled bars
single bars, all lap-spliced at the same section—the same (beams designated “B”) are compared with those for beams
form as in the majority of specimens used to calibrate such with the same reinforcement but positioned and spliced
expressions. The strengths measured in Specimens R2 and individually (beams designated “S”). The value plotted for
R3 were 96% and 105%, respectively, of those estimated by bundled laps is the average of two individual tests, while that
the expression proposed by Zuo and Darwin,4 for example, for the individually spliced bars is a single value. Overall, the
and may therefore be considered representative of the larger difference between bundled and individual strength ratios is
body of test data. 2% and is not significant.
Bond strengths in a bundle of two or three (“B” speci- Figure 9 compares the bond strength ratio of bars lap-
mens) average 7% and 1% higher, respectively, than similar spliced within a bundle (beams designated “B”) with that of