Financial Research Is The Process of Evaluating Businesses, Projects, Budgets, and
Financial Research Is The Process of Evaluating Businesses, Projects, Budgets, and
Financial Research Is The Process of Evaluating Businesses, Projects, Budgets, and
Assignment 3
2. Philip Morris International
3. Procter & Gamble
Assignment 4
Time series analysis is a statistical technique that deals with time series data, or trend
analysis. Time series data means that data is in a series of particular time periods or
intervals. The data is considered in three types:
- Time series data: A set of observations on the values that a variable takes at different
- Cross-sectional data: Data of one or more variables, collected at the same point in
- Pooled data: A combination of time series data and cross-sectional data.
Correlation analysis is a statistical method used to evaluate the strength of relationship
between two quantitative variables. A high correlation means that two or more variables
have a strong relationship with each other, while a weak correlation means that the
variables are hardly related.
Regression analysis is a set of statistical methods used for the estimation of
relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It
can be utilized to assess the strength of the relationship between variables and for
modeling the future relationship between them.
Assignment 5
Assignment 6
Time constraint refers to the limitations on the start and end times of a project.
Limitation imposed on you by someone else.
Data availability statement (also sometimes called a 'data access statement') tells the
reader where the data associated with a paper is available, and under what conditions
the data can be accessed. They also include links (where applicable) to the data set.
Nature in decision - research on aspects related your business such as your target
customer, marketplace trends, production processes, and financial practices, can help
you predict trends, project sales, spot opportunities, and avoid potential problems.
Understanding the nature of different types of business research will help you use data
to maximize your sales and profits.
Cost of your product or service is the amount you spend to produce it while
Value is what your customer believes the product or service is worth to them.