4582-Article Text-40623-1-10-20150415
4582-Article Text-40623-1-10-20150415
4582-Article Text-40623-1-10-20150415
Department of Microbiology, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
Since the emergence of pathogenic non-albicans Candida species, a number of new isolates have been added to the list. One such unusual
species is Candida auris (C. auris), recently isolated and studied in few reports. In this study, a case of vulvovaginitis caused by Candida
auris incidentally identified by molecular methods using internal transcribed spacer polymerase chain reaction (ITS PCR) is described.
Antifungal susceptibility testing revealed the isolate to be resistant to itraconazole (MIC ≥ 2 µg/ml) and expressed important virulence factors
including phospholipase, proteinase and hemolysin activity. The patient was successfully treated with oral fluconazole and did not have any
invasive fungemia.
Very few cases of this emerging pathogen have been reported. However, its isolation from clinical specimens reveals the significance of non-
albicans candida species over C. albicans and the diversity of Candida spp causing infections.
Copyright © 2015 Kumar et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The isolate showed no germ tube and Figure 1. A. Globose yeast cells in Gram’s staining; B. C.auris
chlamydospore formation, produced no characteristic C.auris growth on CHROMagar
colour on CHROMagar (Figure 1B). Species
identification by sugar assimilation and fermentation
tests were inconclusive. The isolate grew at 42°C but
failed to grow at 45°C. Due to unavailability of
automated methods and a known confirmatory
method, molecular identification methods by
amplifying a conserved portion of 18SrDNA region,
adjacent ITS1and a portion of the 28SrDNA were
performed,as described elsewhere [5]. On
visualization, a band of approximately 479 bp (which Figure 2. PCR amplification product of Candida spp
was slightly lower than that for C. glabrata) was seen
(Figure 2). Polymerase chain reaction products were
extracted and purified (extraction kit, Qiagen Inc.,
Valencia, USA) and subjected to DNA sequencing
(Genei, Bangalore, India) followed by sequence
analysis using BLAST suite programs and compared
with the gene bank databases of the national center for
biotechnology information
(www.ncbi.nl.nih.gov/entrez). The isolate showed
greater than 99% similarity to C. auris and was
identified as such.
Due to infrequent isolation of this species from treatment, without any event of breakthrough
clinical specimens and in order to reveal its pathogenic fungemia.
nature, the isolate was further studied for virulence
determinants as detailed elsewhere [6]. Briefly, Discussion
determination of phospholipase, proteinase and Candidal vulvovaginitis is a worldwide problem,
hemolysin activity was carried out. For phospholipase being the second most common cause of vaginitis,
detection, 5µl of standard yeast suspension (108 yeast affecting millions of women especially in the
cells/ml) was dropped over egg yolk agar media and reproductive age group [7]. Previous studies on
air-dried, followed by incubation at 37°C for 48 hours. vulvovaginitis cases due to Candida spp have already
Phospholipase activity was expressed as Pz value documented the increasing prevalence of non-albicans
which is the ratio of the diameter of the colony to the Candida spp over C. albicans. Indiscriminate use of
diameter of the colony plus the precipitation zone antifungal agents along with incorrect dosage
measured in mm. For proteinase activity, Prz value was schedules, prolonged hospitalization, poor immune
measured as the ratio of the diameter of the colony to status are some of the implicated factors behind the
that of the clear zone of proteolysis following emergence of unusual species [8].
inoculation on 1% bovine serum albumin (BSA) plate There have been a handful of reports on C. auris as
and staining and destaining after 5 days incubation. a pathogen causing fungemia [9,10] but in this case C.
Hemolysin activity was detected on SDA with 3% auris was found as the causative agent for
glucose and 7% sheep blood and expressed as vulvovaginitis. The increasing isolation of C. auris
hemolytic index (Hz).Candida albicans ATCC 90028 from various clinical specimens clearly indicates its
was used as positive control. ability to colonise, invade and cause disease with
The isolate was resistant to itraconazole (MIC≥ 2 varying severity. Though a limited number of studies
µg/ml) and sensitive to fluconazole (MIC ≤16µg/ml), have addressed this isolate, the majority of them have
voriconazole (MIC≤0.5µg/ml)and amphotericin B reported this species to be intrinsically resistant to
(MIC≤0.5µg/ml). The isolate showed phospholipase azoles and amphotericin B [11]. C. auris is
activity (Pz value 0.72), proteinase activity (Przvalue intrinsically less susceptible to fluconazole with
0.66) and hemolysin activity (Hz value 0.74). propensity to develop high-level resistance. In this
However, the patient responded to oral fluconazole report, we found the isolate to be resistant to
itraconazole only. However, it had been previously
Kumar et al. – C. auris causing vulvovaginitis J Infect Dev Ctries 2015; 9(4):435-437.