Geothermal Energy

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The Philippines is one of the world's top producers of

geothermal power, owing to its location along the Ring

of Fire zone of Pacific volcanoes. According to the
International Geothermal Association (IGA),
worldwide, the Philippines ranks second to the United
States in producing geothermal energy.


power plants harness steam from the hot fluid
recovered below the Earth’s surface to generate
energy, while the separated water is returned to the Leyte Geothermal Power Plant - One of the geothermal
reservoir, helping in regenerating the steam source. It power plant facilities of the Energy Development Corp.
is form of renewable energy produced bye the heat Mindanao Geothermal Power Plant - Mindanao (EDC) in Tongonan, Kananga, Leyte. The EDC said on
from the earth. Also geothermal is considerably safer Geothermal Field lies within the watchful eye of Mt. Thursday (June 20, 2019) renewable energy is still the best
than most if other energy resources. Apo, the Philippines’ highest peak at 2,954 mASL. Mt. option in the country amid increasing share of power
Apo is one of the several Quaternary volcanoes that cap generated from coal-fired power plants.

HERE ARE THE SEVEN DIFFERENT GEOTHERMAL Mindanao’s north-south trending Central Cordillera The Leyte geothermal reservation, the world’s largest wet
POWER PLANT'S IN THE PHILIPPINES: steam field, covers 14 towns and two cities, occupying the

1. Mindanao Geothermal Power Plant

2. Tiwi Geothermal Power Plant
3. Leyte Geothermal Power Plant
4. Northern Negros Geothermal Power Plant
5. Mak-Ban Geothermal Power Plant
6. Palinpinon Geothermal Power Plant
7. BacMan Geothermal Power Plant

forested 107,625 hectares.

Tiwi Geothermal Power Plant - geothermal field of Tiwi Northern Negros Geothermal Power Plant - Northern
is located at Mt. Malinao in the Province of Albay in the Negros Geothermal Power Plant Philippines is located at
Philippines, ca 350 km southeast of Manila. Bago City, Northern Negros, Philippines. Location
coordinates are: Latitude= 10.823, Longitude= 123.2053.
“The field has now provided steam to the NPC power This infrastructure is of TYPE Geothermal Power Plant with
plants for 40 years and in spite of many challenges and a design capacity of 49.37 MWe. It has 1 unit(s). The first
difficulties, gross generation has averaged 157 MWe.” unit was commissioned in 2007. It is operated by Energy
Development Corporation (EDC).

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