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Shen Ting and Shang Xing are both points on the governing
vessel, and the governing vessel is the sum and governor of
all the yang channels of the body. The governing vessel
moves within the interior of the spine and enters the brain
above. Dr. Ding needles Shen Ting through to Shang Xing
for the treatment of phlegm obstruction-yang blockage,
feeble-mindedness and inertia and stiff reversal with
extremely good results, including cataleptic schizophrenia.
In that case, Dr. Ding combines strong draining technique of
these points with Feng Long (St 40) to flush phlegm and
downbear turbidity and Nei Guan (Per 6) to rectify the qi and
extend the spirit. After needling, Dr. Ding applies
moxibustion with a moxa roll for three minutes per point.
Each day he needles one time, retaining the needles for 2-3
hours, twisting the needles one time each 30 minutes.
According to Dr. Ding, when this acupuncture protocol is
combined with appropriate Chinese medicinals for the
patient's pattern, after 30 days, the feeble-mindedness and
torpidity markedly improve. After 60 days, the feeble-
mindedness is gone and the spirit is clear. For cataleptic
schizophrenia due to insufficient qi mixed with phlegm and
dampness confounding above, Dr. Ding combines Sheng
Ting and Shang Xing with draining Ren Zhong (GV 26) and
Zu San Li (St 36) and Guan Yuan (CV 4) with supplementing
method. After needling, he adds moxibustion for six minutes
per point. For this condition, he needles two times per day.
Typically, stiff reversal is resolved after 2-3 days.
Tong Li and Xian Gu as well as Xin Shu (Bl 15), Wei Shu (Bl
21), Feng Long (St 40), Shao Chong (Ht 9), and Li Dui (St
45), all with draining technique and strong stimulation. Dr.
Ding needles one time every day, and, typically, after 15
days, the mania and chaotic behavior can mostly be brought
under control. This combination of points for this condition
seems to be a traditional Ding family protocol, since Dr. Ding
quotes two other Dings regarding this combination's ability
to treat phlegm fire manic conditions.
Dr. Ding thinks the combination of Yin Xi and Ear Shen Men
is especially good for the treatment of manic euphoria,
laughing and singing without limit, excessive stirring, heart
vexation, and insomnia, due to heart fire. Yin Xi is the cleft
point on the hand shao yin heart channel, and needling it
can drain heart fire. Ear Shen Men is very effective for
settling the heart and quieting the spirit. Besides appropriate
internally administered Chinese medicinals, Dr. Ding
commonly combines these two points with Xin Shu (Bl 15),
Ling Dao (Ht 4), Shao Hai (Ht 3), and Ren Zhong (Gv 26),
all with draining technique and strong stimulation. Each day,
Dr. Ding needles 1-2 times. Dr. Ding says that, typically,
manic euphoria can be greatly reduced after 18 days and
completely eliminated after 30.