POM Question Bank

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Semester VI


Multiple Choice Questions.

1. A is something which is offered to customers to satisfy their needs or wants.

A. Process.
B. Price.
C. Promotion.
D. Product.

2. Production is the process by which raw materials and other inputs are converted in to .
A. finished product.
B. services.
C. satisfaction.
D. loyalty.

3. Inputs in a production system includes .

A. organization, output.
B. process, procedure.
C. system, supply .
D. men, materials.

4. For a production manager, the product is

A. Optimal blend of uses.
B. Optimal blend of services.
C. Combination of surfaces.
D. Combination of properties.

5. Planning and controlling the quality of products and services is a type of decision.
A. Control.
B. Operating.
C. Strategic.
D. Organisation.

6. The competitive advantage in the production function can be achieved through .

A. high wastages.
B. more cost.
C. higher quality.
D. lowest quantity.

7. More textile mills in Coimbatore is mainly due to .

A. no other industry can be setup in this area.
B. regulation by govt.
C. climate.
D. power supply.

8. The advantage of locating a plant in urban (city) side is .

A. cheap availability of land.
B. disposal of waste is easy.
C. cost of operation is low.
D. large markets for finished products.

9. Unavailability of skilled labour is a big problem if we locate our factory in .

A. road.
B. rural.
C. city.
D. foreign.

10. refers to the arrangement of machinery, equipment and other industrial facilities.
A. Plant lining.
B. Plant location.
C. Facility location.
D. Plant layout.

11. The objective of good layout is to .

A. reduce production.
B. reduce wastages.
C. reduce productivity.
D. reduce labour.
12. Every foot of available space should be used effectively is a principle of .
A. sequence.
B. safety.
C. flexibility.
D. usage.

13. type of layout is also called as functional layout.

A. Process.
B. Product.
C. Line.
D. Matrix.

14. Grouping together of like machines in one department is in layout.

A. product.
B. process.
C. group.
D. parallel.

15. Product layout is also called as layout.

A. line
B. cellular.
C. process.
D. functional.

16. In type of layout machineries are arranged according to the sequence of operations.
A. process.
B. group.
C. matrix.
D. line.

17. type of layout are suitable for non repetitive or standard types of production .
A. Process.
B. Product.
C. Group.
D. Matrix.

18. type of layout is a combination of functional layout and line layout.

A. Cellular.
B. Group.
C. Product.
D. Process.

19. Ship Building and Aircraft manufacturing is an example of type of layout .

A. combined.
B. matrix.
C. fixed.
D. group.

20. In layout machines are grouped in to cells and the cells function somewhat like a product layout
in larger shop or process layout.
A. functional.
B. fixed.
C. matrix.
D. cellular.

21. Product layout is suitable for type of production.

A. small.
B. mass.
C. less.
D. medium.

22. The main components of production system include which of the following?
A. Men, material.
B. Services, satisfaction.
C. Input, process, output.
D. Process, service.

23. The products are produced for stock purpose in .

A. continuous production system.
B. assembly production system.
C. intermittent production system.
D. analytic production system.

24. Operations management is applicable .

A. mostly to the service sector .
B. to services exclusively .
C. mostly to the manufacturing sector .
D. to manufacturing and service sectors .

25. Typical differences between goods and services do not include .

A. cost per unit.
B. ability to inventory items.
C. timing of production and consumption.
D. customer interaction.

26. Which is not true regarding differences between goods and services?
A. Services are generally produced and consumed simultaneously, tangible goods are not.
B. Services tend to be more knowledge-based than products.
C. Services tend to have a more inconsistent product definition than goods.
D. Goods tend to have higher customer interaction than services.

27. Which of the following is not a typical attribute of goods?

A. Output can be inventoried.
B. Often easy to automate.
C. Aspects of quality difficult to measure.
D. Output can be resold.

28. In a Layout all machines or process of the same type are grouped together.
A. Fixed position.
B. Factory.
C. Process.
D. Product.

29. Which of the following services is not unique, i.e., customized to a particular individual's needs?
A. Hairdressing.
B. Elementary education.
C. Legal services.
D. Dental care.

30. Which of the following is not a typical service attribute?

A. Intangible product.
B. Easy to store.
C. Customer interaction is high.
D. Simultaneous production and consumption.

31. Productivity can be improved by .

A. increasing inputs while holding outputs steady.
B. decreasing outputs while holding inputs steady.
C. increasing inputs and outputs in the same proportion.
D. decreasing inputs while holding outputs steady.

32. In which type of production system the unit cost of production is low?
A. Combined production
B. Continuous production.
C. Intermittent production.
D. Custom production.
33. may be defined as the ratio between output and input.
A. Production.
B. Productivity.
C. Batch production.
D. Job production.

34. Which of the following is defined as a set of activities which help to keep plant, machinery and other
facilities in good working condition?
A. Management.
B. Maintenance.
C. Materials.
D. Mechanic.

35. VED analysis of inventory management stands for

A. Vital-Essential-Desirable
B. Valuable-Easy-Difficult
C. Very-Essentially-Desired
D. Valuable-Effective-Difficult to obtain

36. The 4Ms does not include .

A. men.
B. material.
C. message.
D. machinery.

37. Mass production is characterized by .

A. Low volume high variety.
B. High volume low variety.
C. High volume high variety.
D. Low volume low variety.

38. may be defined as the ratio between output and input.

A. Production.
B. Productivity.
C. Batch production.
D. Job production.

39. Due to availability of , quality of the products produced by the manufacturers remains
A. technology.
B. raw materials.
C. machineries.
D. human resource.

40. Congestion is more in layout.

A. process.
B. product.
C. fixed.
D. cellular.

41. Idle time is more in layout.

A. process.
B. fixed.
C. cellular.
D. product.

42. Operations management is applicable .

A. mostly to the service sector .
B. to services exclusively.
C. mostly to the manufacturing sector.
D. to manufacturing and service sectors.

43. In layout , the facilities are clubbed together so as to form a cell.

A. Product.
B. Process.
C. Cellular.
D. Fixed.

44. All of the following decisions fall within the scope of operations management except for
A. financial analysis.
B. design of products and processes.
C. location of facilities.
D. quality management.
45. Typical differences between goods and services do not include .
A. cost per unit.
B. ability to inventory items.
C. timing of production and consumption.
D. customer interaction.

46. Which is not true regarding differences between goods and services?
A. Services are generally produced and consumed simultaneously, tangible goods are not.
B. Services tend to be more knowledge-based than products.
C. Services tend to have a more inconsistent product definition than goods.
D. Goods tend to have higher customer interaction than services.

47. Productivity measurement is complicated by .

A. the competition's output .
B. the fact that precise units of measure are often unavailable .
C. stable quality .
D. the workforce size .

48. Productivity can be improved by .

A. increasing inputs while holding outputs steady .
B. decreasing outputs while holding inputs steady .
C. increasing inputs and outputs in the same proportion .
D. decreasing inputs while holding outputs steady .

49. Select the odd one which is not the dimension of quality?
A. Response.
B. Reliability.
C. Reputation.
D. Reassurance.
50. All of the following are differences between manufacturing and service operations
a) Quality is more easily measured in service operations.
b) Productivity is easier to measure in manufacturing operations
c) Contact with customers is more prevalent with persons working in service
d) Accumulation or decrease in inventory of finished products ismore applicable to
manufacturing operations.

Ans: A

51. is a system that is used to maintain a desired level of quality in a

product or service.
A. Economic ordering quantity C. Knowledge
B.Quality control management

D. Manpower planning

Ans: B
52. Operations management is applicable
a)Mostly to the service sector
b) Mostly to the manufacturing sector
c) to manufacturing and service sectors
d) To services exclusively
Ans: D

53. Which of the following is not an objective of operation management?

A. To improve product quality C. Material cost control
B.To reduce cost of production D. Trading on equity

Ans: D
54. Moving of materials from the store room to the machine and from one machine to the next
machine during the process of manufacture is called…………………
A. VED analysis C. Material handling
B.ABC Analysis D. None of these

Ans: C
55. is the process of verification or correction in the quality of the
product when the deviations in the quality are found to be more than expected.
a) Policies c)Quantity measurement
b)Quality control d)None of these
Ans: B
56. All of the following decisions fall within the scope of operations
management EXCEPT for
a) Financial analysis c) Location of facilities
b) Design of products and processes d) Quality management
Ans: A
57. In ....................... , machines and other supporting services are located
according to the processing sequence of the product
a) Project layout c) Combination layout
b) Product layout d)None of these
Ans: B

58. The lay out in which production operation is performed in a fixed position is
d) Project lay out c)(a) and(b)
e) Product lay out d)None of these
Ans C

59. The layout in which all the equipment’s performing similar tasks are grouped
together is called…………………..
a.)product lay out c)Combination lay out
b)Process layout d)None of these
60. In management literature TQM stands for
a) Total quality management c)Total quantity maintenance
b) Total quantity management d) None of these

61. Which of the following is not a principles’ of TQM?

a) Customer focus b)Continuous c) Team approach
improvement d) Black marketing

62. Fixed position layout is also called as… .......................................of layout

a) Project type c) (a) and(b)
b) Product type d) None of these

63. Which of the following is not an input in production system

a) Men b)Material c)Money d)Competition

64. Which of the following is a part of production system?

b) Input d) Transformation process
c) Output e) all of these

65. VED Analysis is related with

a. Materials
b. Spare parts
c. Cost
d. None of the above

66. Which of the following cost is associated with inventories?

a. Carrying c. Over stocking cost
cost d. all of these
b. Ordering cost
67. Which of the following factor affects the choice of the plant location selection
a. Capital requirement. c. Climate conditions
b. Government policy d. all of these
68. Locating the plant nearer to the market is preferred if:
a. The products are subject to spoilage.
b. After sales services are promptly required very often.
c. (a) and (b)
d. None of these
69. Which of the following is the objective of plant layout
a. Streamline the flow of materials through the plant.
b. Facilitate the manufacturing process.
c. Minimise materials handling cost.
d. all of these

70. Which of the following is not a quality of good plant layout?

a. To reduce material handling cost
b. To provide enough production facility
c. To reduce labour efficiency
d. To provide ease of supervision

71. Which of the following is not an objective of good plant layout?

a. To improve productivity
b. To provide safety to employees
c. Toincrease the number of accidents
d. to provide easy supervision

72. Which one of the following is not an objective of maintenance

a. To reduce breakdown of machineries
b. To keep the machines and other facilities in a bad condition.
c. To keep the plant in good working condition
d. all of these

73. Which of the following is an input in manufacturing system?

a. capital c) Human resource
b)Material d) all of these

74. Which of the following is not a part of production system?

a. Inp c. Transformation process
ut d. Politics
b. Output
75. Which of the following is not an objective of quality assurance?
a. To reduce the c. To increase productivity
quality d. all of these
b. To reduce cost

76. Which of the following is not the objective of plant layout?

a. Streamline the flow of materials through the plant.
b. Facilitate the manufacturing process.
c. Enhance materials handling cost.
d. None of these

77. Which of the following is not an objective of operation management?

a. To reduce product quality
b. To reduce cost of production
c. Material cost control
d. None of these

78. Which of the following is not an objective of quality control?

a. To produce qualitative items
b. To reduce companies cost through reduction of losses due to defects.
c. Toenhance quality variation among same product category.
d. None of these
79. Which of the following explain the need for facility location selection?

(a) When the existing business unit has outgrown its original facilities and expansion is not

(b) When a business is newly started.

(c) When the lease expires and the landlord does not renew the lease.

(d) All of these.

80. Which of the following is the first step in making a correct location choice?

(a) Develop location alternatives

(b) Decide the criteria for evaluating location alternatives

(c) Evaluate the alternatives

(d) Make a decision and select the location

81. Process layout is also known as .

(a) Functional layout

(b) Batch production layout

(c) Straight line layout

(d) Both (a) and (b)

82. Which of the following facility layout is best suited for the intermittent type of
production, which is a method of manufacturing several different products using
the same production line?

(a) Product layout

(b) Process layout

(c) Fixed position layout

(d) Cellular manufacturing layout

83. In which of the following layout type, materials are fed into the first machine
and finished products come out of the last machine?

(a) Product layout

(b) Process layout

(c) Fixed position layout

(d) Cellular manufacturing layout

84. Which of the following is not an advantage of using product layout?

(a) Minimum material handling cost

(b) Minimum inspection requirement

(c) Specialised supervision requirement

(d) None of these

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