BIFFPP-Step 6 CPA Bermuda
BIFFPP-Step 6 CPA Bermuda
BIFFPP-Step 6 CPA Bermuda
Step Six - Setting Up Your Budget Tracker
There are two simple steps to the method spend. Note the section to show annual
of managing your household costs and your costs of car, house insurance etc. divided
budget: by 12 - even though you haven’t spent
the money, the budget needs to show
• Monthly (or quarterly) Track Actual in-
that the expense will be covered.
come & expenses, the monetary things
that happen in re-al life. • You are encouraged to set those pro-
jected amounts aside in your emergency
• Then, define your budget - you determine
savings fund.
what you would like to receive in income
and what you want to control in allocat- Truthfully, many people find the two-column
ing your spending each month. Many budget-to-actuals just too hard to keep up
of these are fixed costs: rent/mortgage, with. They prefer to simply track income
utilities, transportation, school fees. You and expenses monthly, hopefully making
have to pay them. However, you are plan- sure that there is always a sur-plus of posi-
ning ahead as well for those once-a-year tive cash at month end, however small.
cash hits, vehicle registration, vacation,
land tax, house or tenant insurance, edu-
cation, etc. There is one serious problem with simply
tracking income and outflow. We all
It is very seldom that these two - actual and
know what that is - the unexpected, un-
budgeted are the same. Close to - is good
planned for annual/semi-annual expens-
es to license the car, property insurance,
See the two charts ABOVE again. spe-cial condo assessment, co-pays for
dental braces, medication, an accident,
In Fig. 1, We assume that you have com-
and so on.
pleted the simple tracking income / ex-
pense chart for Actual inflows and outflows These unplanned for items can throw a
of cash for the first month. simple monthly cost plan into disarray.
In Fig. 2, you can see the sample two col- My suggestion always is to set up a bud-
umn worksheet: get, and actual by itself, as a reminder of
those annual ex-penses, then use the single
• Budgeted amount - enter the budget-
tracking method of Figure I for your real
ed amounts, those costs that you have
income / expenses each month.
defined as how much you would like to
Starting Your Plan by There are three reasons (rules) to review
your finances once a month, or quarter, or
Reviewing Your Finances! more, if needed:
1. No one, but no one, can manage your
money the way you can.
Try not to feel 2. If you don’t manage your financial
affairs, you haven’t a clue where you’ve
overwhelmed initially, been, where you are, or where you are
just start! going.
3. Neglect your finance review, when
something goes badly wrong because
your identity was scammed, you were
overcharged, you will never know —
Your monthly bank statement - or online until it is too late.
transaction activity is a good place to begin.
Will you only have yourself to blame? FOR-
Yes, it is time-consuming. It may take you GET BLAME, just resolve to do better!
a day, a couple, a week, or a month to go
through at least one-three months of bank
transaction activity. Additionally, if you are
at the start of a New Year, then it is a good
Figure 1 Tracking Your Income
time, a traditional time for review because - Expense Numbers
you will be receiving all of the year-end
reports that show cumulative activity: your Start with the Illustrative Bermuda Simple
cash and credit card accounts, investment Monthly Income-Expense Tracker Worksheet
and pension accounts, insurance if you at Fig.1 above, or you can try other budget
have variable life, or cash value build-up, math tools that I’ve researched for you.
your expenses and the recognition that — “
I spent that amount on that? Electronic and manual tracking spread-
sheets - See links in reference section.
What was I thinking!
The Do-It-Yourselfers can use a generic
It is true that the number of people who find electronic spreadsheet. There are countless
this exercise tedious, boring and over- downloadable templates that you can tailor
whelming are many, measurable by their for your personal use. Free spreadsheet
complaining, procrastinating, just finding software is available from open sources:
any excuse to put the chore off. Apache Open Office, LibreOffice, Excel,
Uh, you don’t want to do this, I know you Mac Numbers, Google, and many others.
don’t, however, as your Moms used to Search for the free ones and experiment in
say, “It’s good for you!” learning.
• Use a commercially set up budget plan-
ner (also free) such as Open Office or
Vertex42 - easy to find in Google search,
just search free budget planners.
• Use Our Simple Budget Worksheet fea- Then, Still on Money In, add any cash
tured in the accompanying chart – tai- income from part time jobs, interest or
lored for the Ber-muda environment. Fig.1 dividends, rental unit(s), pension annuity
above and in Resources End of STEP. payments (if retired), and so on, all listed
• Manual Tracking the old-fashioned way on your bank statements. Don’t forget to
is sometimes just as easy, by hand, using include other cash payments you may earn
legal or two column 8/11 inch lined paper on side hustles - that are not accounted for
and copying the format of Fig.1 or 2. Use on your state-ment.
one page for each monthly set of income/ Remember you want your complete finan-
expense categories. You don’t even need cial picture for the month. You can’t plan
electricity! for anything, if you don’t know what your
• Add the totals up manually each month resources (cash and assets) are!
on a calendar type planning book then
enter on your Master Income/expense Don’t list things like inheritances, lump sum
sheet for the month. You can also create payments, or even bonuses - they are not a
one for the for the year. monthly cycle item. In fact, they are “sur-
prise” gifts. They require different spending
/ saving decisions.
It took years to
build by saving and Listen to tips for
Making a Basic
budgeting, but!
They finally owned a
home, a wonderful
appreciating asset. Listen to tips for a
Simple Budget to
Track ALL Income
and Expense
& Resources