Year 9 Science Yearly Exam Notification 2020 2

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Assessment Task Sheet

Australian International Academy, Kellyville

NAME: _____________________________ NOTIFICATION DATE: 19/10/2020
TASK NAME: Yearly Examination
EXAM DATE: Week 6 (day to be confirmed)

Section A: Multiple choice (15 marks)
Section B: Short answer (understanding) (48 marks)
Section C: Extended response (critical thinking) (14 marks)
CRITERIA ASSESSED: Criteria A (Knowledge and Understanding)


TERM 1 - Chemical dilemma!

Chapter 5 – Chemistry – the inside story
Atomic Theory
 describe the features and location of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom 5.2
 define the terms ‘ion’ and ‘molecule’ 5.2, 5.3, 5.4
 distinguish between atomic mass and atomic number 5.3, 5.4
 describe the way in which electrons are arranged around the nucleus 5.2, 5.3, 5.4

Elements and compounds

 describe some relationships between elements using the periodic table 5.4
 compare the shell arrangements and properties within atoms in different groups in the periodic table 5.5
 distinguish between elements and compounds 5.6
 define the term ‘valency’ 5.8
 identify features of specific families of elements 5.4
 explain how compounds are named 5.6, 5.7, 5.8

Chapter 7 – Chemical reactions

Communicating chemistry
 write word equations to describe common reactions between chemicals 7.2
 distinguish between reactants and products 7.2, 7.3
 write balanced chemical equations using chemical formulae to describe important chemical reactions between
substances 7.3

Using chemicals
 distinguish between an acid and a base 7.5
 recall common uses of both acids and bases in everyday life 7.5

TERM 2 - Light, sound, action …

Chapter 3 Electricity at work
Electric circuits
 design, construct and draw circuits containing a number of components 3.2
 define the terms ‘current’, ‘voltage’ and ‘resistance’ 3.2
 identify the symbols for current, voltage and resistance and their units of measurement 3.2
 describe voltage, resistance and current using analogies 3.2
 outline how current and voltage can be measured in circuits 3.2
 describe the relationship between voltage, resistance and current 3.2
 solve problems using Ohm’s Law 3.2
 compare the characteristics and applications of series and parallel circuits 3.2

Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet Adapted from:

Understanding by Design, written by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
Meeting our future electricity needs
 identify examples of renewable and non-renewable energy sources 3.4
 account for the research and development of technologies using non-renewable energy sources 3.4
 describe scientific and technological developments in the generation of electricity using renewable energy 3.4

Chapter 4 Invisible waves

Waves – carriers of energy
 identify, with the use of examples the transfer of energy by waves 4.2
 compare longitudinal (compression) waves and transverse waves 4.2
 describe, using the wave model, the features of waves including frequency and wavelength 4.2

 identify visible light as a form of electromagnetic radiation 4.5
 identify the properties of electromagnetic waves 4.5

Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet Adapted from:

Understanding by Design, written by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
TERM 3 - Body Coordination
Chapter 1 – All under control

Systems keeping cells alive

 explain why multicellular organisms require specialised organs and systems. 1.2

 recall examples of tissues, organs and systems in humans. 1.2
 recall the systems involved in providing cells with their requirements and removing waste. 1.2
 define the term homeostasis. 1.3
 distinguish between negative and positive feedback mechanisms. 1.3
 describe an example of negative feedback to maintain homeostasis. 1.3
 outline the role of the kidneys in maintaining water balance. 1.3

The nervous system

 recall the structure of the eye. 1.4

 outline the function of the nervous system. 1.5
 describe the structure of nerve cells. 1.5
 contrast reflex reactions and actions under conscious control. 1.5
 describe the structure and function of the brain. 1.6

The endocrine system

 outline the function of the endocrine system. 1.6

Chapter 2 - Medical Science

Infectious diseases

 distinguish between infectious and non-infectious diseases 2.2

 recall examples of diseases caused by each of the following types of pathogens: bacteria, fungi, viruses 2.2

The immune system

 describe the role of the skin, mucus membranes, chemical barriers and other components of the first line of defence
against diseases in the human body 2.4
 outline how inflammation, fever and phagocytosis assist in the maintenance of health 2.4
 explain how immunity against a particular pathogen is acquired 2.5

Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet Adapted from:

Understanding by Design, written by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
Term 4 - Ecosystems
Chapter 13 Ecology
Features of ecosystems
 distinguish between biotic and abiotic features of ecosystems 13.2
 measure abiotic factors in an ecosystem 13.2
 use the quadrat and capture–recapture methods to estimate the abundance of a particular species in an ecosystem
 define the term ‘distribution’ 13.7
 interpret population graphs 13.7

Energy and materials in ecosystems

 describe the flow of energy in ecosystems 13.5
 interpret biomass pyramids 13.5
 describe the cycling of water in natural ecosystems 13.6
 recall word equations for photosynthesis and respiration 13.4
 extract information from food webs 13.5
 outline the main processes involved in the carbon cycle 13.6


 Complete assigned Education Perfect tasks
 Summarise relevant chapters from Jacaranda and complete questions relevant to those in the study checklist
 Revise the following skills (Chapter 15 has lots of information on this):
o Designing a fair test
o Discussing the validity, accuracy and reliability of results
o Identifying variables
o Performing risk assessments
o Interpreting information in tables, graphs and charts
o Constructing tables and graphs

Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet Adapted from:

Understanding by Design, written by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
MYP Criteria and rubric:
ment A – Knowing & Understanding Task Specific Criteria
0 The student does not reach a
standard indicated by any of the The student does not reach a standard indicated by any of
descriptors below. the descriptors below.
1–2 The student is able to: The student is able to:
i. recall scientific knowledge i. recall
and demonstrate correct scientific knowledge from
ii. apply scientific knowledge and a given set of options
understanding to suggest solutions ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to
to problems set in familiar suggest solutions to problems set in familiar situations
situations taken directly from the textbook and exercise book
iii. apply information to make iii. apply information to make judgments based on
judgments. discussions in the classroom
Marks attained in all sections: less than 10 marks
3–4 The student is able to: The student is able to:
i. state scientific knowledge i. State and demonstrate correct scientific knowledge from
ii. apply scientific knowledgeand a given set of options
understanding to solve problems ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve
set in familiar situations problems set in familiar situations taken directly from the
iii. apply information to make textbook and exercise book
scientifically supported iii. apply information to make scientifically supported
judgments. judgments based on discussions in the classroom
Marks attained in all sections: 11-26 marks
5–6 The student is able to:
The student is able to:
i. outline scientific knowledge
i. Outline and demonstrate correct scientific knowledge
ii. apply scientific knowledge and
from a given set of options
understanding to solve problems
ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve
set in familiar situations and
problems set in familiar situations taken directly from the
suggest solutions to problems set
textbook and exercise book and suggest solutions to
in unfamiliar situations
problems set in unfamiliar situations
iii. interpret information to make
iii. Interpret information to make scientifically supported
scientifically supported
judgments based on discussions in the classroom
Marks attained in all sections: 27 - 35 marks
7–8 The student is able to:
The student is able to:
i. describe scientific knowledge
i. Describe and demonstrate correct scientific knowledge
ii. apply scientific knowledge and
from a given set of options
understanding to solve problems
ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve
set in familiar and unfamiliar
problems set in familiar situations and unfamiliar
iii. analyse information to make
iii. analyse information to make scientifically supported
scientifically supported
judgments based on discussions in the classroom
Marks attained in all sections: 36-50 marks


Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet Adapted from:

Understanding by Design, written by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe

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