Activity 1.5-Identify The Founding Fathers of Sociology From The Pictures Below

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The Founding Fathers of Sociology

We have read that Sociology developed in Europe as a result of great social unrest and
rapid social change that was occurring at the time. Out of this period Comte, Marx, Weber and
Durkheim, were interested and wanted to understand, the major changes which were occurring.
Separately, they attempted to develop ways of examining society and social change, not only for
their society, but also for societies across the world. They believed a scientific approach would
assist them greatly in this enterprise. Each man brought a different perspective, or lens through
which society was viewed or explained. Through these men the different theoretical perspectives
were birthed.

Activity 1.5- Identify the Founding Fathers of Sociology from the pictures below.


Activity 1.6
Research each founding father and write a summary of their contribution to society.

Theoretical Framework of Sociology

Sociology is a subject which consists of competing theories about what social life is and how it
should be explained.

Each founding father developed a way of looking at and explaining the world around them. They
developed theories.
A theory is an attempt to identify general properties that explain regularly observed events. Theories
form an essential element of all sociological works. While theories tend to be linked to broader
theoretical approaches, they are also strongly influenced by the research results they help generate.
[ CITATION Gid12 \l 1033 ]
A sociological theory is a set of ideas which claim to explain how society or aspects of society
work. [ CITATION Har91 \l 1033 ]

Activity 1.7-Identify the school of thought which developed out of the Founding Fathers of

School of

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