CHN Post Test 2
CHN Post Test 2
CHN Post Test 2
a. Severe dehydration
b. Dysentery 8. Nina, the 2nd child has diarrhea for 5 days. There is no
c. Severe persistent diarrhea blood in the stool. She is irritable, and her eyes are
d. Persistent diarrhea sunken. The nurse offered fluids and the child drinks
eagerly. How would you classify Nina’s illness?
3. Kevin, a 18 month old toddler is suffering from cough
for 5 days, the patient is observed for the following: 55
breaths/min, chest indrawing and a harsh sound upon
A. Some dehydration
breathing in. classify his disease
B. Dysentery
C. Severe dehydration
a. Pneumonia D. No dehydration
b. Severe pneumonia
c. No pneumonia
d. None of the above
9. Nina’s treatment should include the following EXCEPT:
Situation – Two children were broughtto you. One with chest in-
drawing and the other had diarrhea. The following questions A. No pneumonia
apply. B. Severe pneumonia
C. Pneumonia
D. Bronchopneumonia
D. D. Pneumonia
A. Check for ear discharge 20. If the child has sunken eyes, drinking eagerly, thirsty
B. Check for tender swellings behind the ear and skin pinch goes back slowly, the classification
C. Check for ear pain would be:
D. Go to the next question, check for
malnutrition A. no dehydration
B. moderate dehydration
14. A ear discharge that has been present for more than C. some dehydration
14 days can be classified as: D. severe dehydration
A. mastoiditis 21. Carlo has had diarrhea for 5 days. There is no blood in
B. chronic ear infection the stool, he is irritable. His eyes are sunken, the nurse
C. acute ear infection offers fluid to Carlo and he drinks eagerly. When the
D. complicated ear infection nurse pinched the abdomen, it goes back slowly. How
will you classify Carlo’s illness?
15. An ear discharge that has been present for less than 14 A. severe dehydration
days can be classified as: B. no dehydration
C. some dehydration
A. chronic ear infection D. moderate dehydration
B. mastoiditis
C. acute ear infection 22. Which of the following principles is applied in CHN?
D. complicate ear infection a. Greatest good for the greatest number
b. Geared toward self-reliance
16. If the child has severe classification because of ear c. What I cannot give to one I cannot give to all and vice versa
problem, what would be the best thing that you as the d. All of the above
nurse can do? 23. Which of the following statements is correct about health?
A. instruct mother when to return
a. Health and illness have the same meaning for individuals, families,
and groups
B. refer urgently
C. give an antibiotic for 5 days b. Planning, implementation, and evaluation of community health
D. dry the ear by wicking care plans must be done at their respective provincial health
c. While health is the responsibility of the health department, it is
Situation 20 – If the child with diarrhea registers one sign in the as much a responsibility of the individual, family, and
pink row and one in the yellow row in the IMCI Chart – community
d. People’s health behavior is not in any way influenced by their
beliefs and emotions.
24. The goal of community health nursing is to
17. We can classify the patient as: a. Lessen case load of public health nurses
A. moderate dehydration
b. Provide clinic nursing activities to the populace
B. some dehydration
C. no dehydration c. Assist families to be self-reliant and be able to identify and solve
D. severe dehydration their own problems