Project Management: 1 Lecture. By: Serwan Talabani
Project Management: 1 Lecture. By: Serwan Talabani
Project Management: 1 Lecture. By: Serwan Talabani
1st lecture. By: Serwan Talabani
A. Concept Phase
B. Project definition or proposal preparation phase.
C. Planning and organizing phase.
D. Plan validation phase.
E. Performance or work accomplishment phase
F. Post-accomplishment phase.
A. Concept Phase
The concept phase begins with the initial notion or "gleam in the
eye" of someone who imagines accomplishing some objective. The
objective may be to provide a bridge, to develop a manufacturing
capability, to obtain information, to make arrangements to
accomplish some task or goal.
the objectives can be defined as a succinct set of individual
requirements, which will make the project more manageable.
Each requirement in a well-formulated set has the following
characteristics, as appropriate:
1. Defines what, but not how, to the maximum extent possible, to
allow the project team to select the most appropriate approach.
2. Is expressed as "shall" or "shall not," to enable quick recognition of
a requirement.
3. Is simple or "atomic," not compound, to provide clarity and to
facilitate change control.
4. Can be validated by testing.
5. Identifies whether the situation to which it applies is of nominal (most
likely), worst case, or expected values, to guide those whose products
must satisfy the requirement.
6. Identifies when the requirement shall first be met and when it shall no
longer be needed
7. Identifies the conditions or mode to which it applies, e.g., always or
sometimes (when), also to guide those whose products must satisfy the
8. Identifies related requirements, to help evaluate the impacts of proposed
9. Identifies its source, including whether it serves end-users or just
intermediate developments, to indicate who must be consulted if changes
to it are contemplated.
10. Can be satisfied by its due date with available or attainable resources.
11. Has a unique label, to enable its bookkeeping.
12. Has a custodian, to localize information about it and its implementation
Things Should Be taking into
consideration at the concept
The concept phase should not include how to
accomplish the objectives.
Project's objectives need to be fully explored and
Identification of relevant constraints, such as budget
and time .
B. Project Definition Phase
In this phase
Plan should be validated, plan validation consist of (literature
searches, field reconnaissance's, experiments, interviews, and
other forms of gathering data and information that (1) validate or
rectify any assumptions made in the plan and (2) identify and
characterize critical aspects of the project so that it can go
forward smoothly.
Flaws in assumptions that are revealed during plan validation.
Assumptions and adverse consequences that could arise from
assumptions with hidden flaws should be examined validated.
If validation and risk-planning activities confirm the team's fears
about being successful, the team should revisit the concept,
definition, and planning phases in consultation with its customer.
If validation indicates, however, that success is within reach, then
it is time to proceed to the performance phase.
E. Performance Phase
It consists
doing the work and reporting the results. Doing the
work includes directing and coordinating other people
and controlling their accomplishments so that their
collective efforts achieve the project’s objectives
F. Post-Accomplishment Phase