Centre for Excellence in Sustainable Development, Goa Institute of Management, India
Department of Information Technology and Operations Management, Goa Institute of Management, India
Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University, India
Keywords: Since the inception of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Asia Pacific countries are facing difficulties in
Sustainable Development Goals attaining the SDG objectives, as maintaining the environmental quality has been a challenge for them. In this
Technology policy study, we have revisited the technology policies of these countries, and in doing so, we have tried to address the
Research and development problem of environmental degradation, while addressing the issues of sustainable economic growth, clean and
Asia Pacific
affordable energy, and quality education. In this pursuit, we have designed two indices for environmental de
Environmental quality
gradation and technological advancement, and then analyzed the association between them following the
Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis. Following IPAT framework, and by using quantile approach,
over a period of 1990–2017, we have found that the turnaround points of EKCs rise with the rise in quantiles, i.e.
quantiles with low pollutions are having turnaround points within sample range, whereas quantiles with high
pollutions are having turnaround points outside sample range. Using Rolling Window Heterogeneous Panel
Causality test, unidirectional causality has been found running from technological advancement to environ
mental degradation. Following the results obtained from the analysis, we have tried to address the objectives of
SDG 13, SDG 4, SDG 8, SDG 9, SDG 7, and SDG 10.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Sinha), [email protected] (T. Sengupta), [email protected] (T. Saha).
Received 1 April 2020; Received in revised form 13 July 2020; Accepted 13 September 2020
0040-1625/ © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A. Sinha, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120317
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” (COP24) in Kato means of technological innovation and targeting environmental de
wice, Poland. The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2018 has re gradation, present study aims touching upon other SDG objectives, and
corded the year 2017 to be a hottest year with temperature 1.1 °C above thereafter, designing suitable policies based on the study outcomes. The
that of the pre-industrial period (United Nations, 2018). In addition, the United Nations report (Asia and the Pacific SDG Progress Report 2017)
World Meteorological Organization has shown that the global tem on Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific specifi
perature reached the highest from 2013 to 2017. This calls for urgent cally mentions that Southeast Asia have made “no progress towards
and meaningful mitigation actions for tackling the problem of climate SDG's on climate action”. It is envisaged that the region would ex
change. To fulfill climate change mitigation, a notable outcry is the perience a 6 °C increase in temperature with the culmination of this
utilization of clean energy as an effective energy policy around the century. This could have serious impact on weather, agriculture, po
globe, which shifts our attention for the time being on SDG 7 (Afford pulation migration etc. The report also finds that the medium and high-
able and Clean Energy), which is one of the measures that will help SDG tech industry growth in the Asia-pacific region is not sufficient to meet
13 (Climate change) meet its target. According to the current trend the 2030 SDG target. Therefore, it highlights the importance of tech
presented in the report, it is expected that the share of renewable en nology and infrastructure in meeting the SDG target. Lastly, the current
ergy will reach about 21% of the total energy consumption by 2030. trend of economic growth needs to be reversed for fulfilling SDG Goal 8.
The implementation and use of green and clean energy are subjected to For this reason, a comprehensive policy (environmental quality, tech
various aspects like current economic growth of the country, the nology and economic growth) needs to be in place to address the issues
amount of foreign direct investments in the form of cleaner technolo of Asia-Pacific region from the perspective of 2030 SDG Goal target.
gies, and the domestic policy of the nation toward clean energy use There lies the policy-level contribution of the study.
considering their internal micro-economic factors (Amri et al., 2019; In order to achieve this policy-level contribution, suitable analytical
Chen et al., 2020). Therefore, it is quite evident that the presence of and methodological frameworks are required, so that the policy-level
green technology is an important parameter to promote clean energy contributions are complemented. Now, in order to design an effective
and tackle climate change. However, to implement green technology policy framework, then the analytical framework should be able to
for both short and long run, there is need for investment in R&D and capture the evolutionary impact of the policy instruments on the target
innovation (Avom et al., 2020; Khan et al., 2020). Hence, there is a policy variable, and it is possible through the Environmental Kuznets
need to focus on SDG Goal 9 (Resilient Infrastructure, Sustainable In Curve (EKC) hypothesis framework. Application of this theoretical
dustrialization and Foster Innovation) coupled with environmental framework has given the study a tractability to exemplify the con
awareness through quality education (SDG Goal 4). As per the report, textual development in a much comprehensive manner, and therefore,
there is 19% reduction in carbon intensity from 2000 to 2015. In ad the anticipated model outcomes might be capable of recommending
dition, of the aggregated global manufacturing value in 2015, about closely exact consequences for this context, which can be imitated in
44.7% (of which 34.6% belongs to the developing economies) is from case of other emerging economies around the globe. Now, this analy
the medium and high technology sectors. Further, the report states that tical framework needs a suitable methodological adaptation, so that the
approximately 617 million children of both the primary and lower evolutionary impact captured through analytical framework can be
secondary schools are not able to accomplish minimum expertise in complemented. While considering this aspect, it also needs to be re
reading, thereby highlighting the lack of quality education for membered that the design of an effective policy framework necessitates
achieving environmental awareness. Moreover, following the results encompassing the entire spectrum of data, so that the policy suggestions
obtained by Zafar et al. (2020), it can be understood that the deficiency can be focused at various levels of the target policy parameters. In order
in educational attainment not only lowers the environmental aware to comply with this requirement, Bootstrap Quantile Regression has
ness, but also impedes the research and development process within a been employed, so that the entire spectrum of the data can be en
nation. Without the proper educational infrastructure in place, it might compassed in the analysis, and the policy decisions can be provided at
not be possible for the policymakers to enable the public-private part various levels of the target policy variable, defined by quantiles. This is
nerships for enhancing the environmental awareness. Hence, it can be how the methodological and analytical complementarity of the policy-
said that tackling climate change will not be feasible without under level contribution of the study has been ascertained.
standing the devising policies for SDG 13, rather SDG 7 (affordable and Along with this, two indices have been introduced in this study, i.e.,
clean energy) and SDG 9 (Innovation and Infrastructure) coupled with environmental index and technological index, to make the analysis
SDG 13 should be addressed together to bring in a sustainable policy in more comprehensive. In the environmental index, we included the
the interface of technology, R&D and innovation, environmental major air pollutants, which are CO2, CH4, N2O, PM2.5, and other
quality, and economic growth. This will not only foster long run sus greenhouse gases, whereas, in the technological index, we did include
tainable economic growth (SDG Goal 8) but also contribute toward government expenditure in R&D, amount of technical cooperation
reducing inequality among countries in the long run (SDG Goal 10). In grants, number of researchers in R&D, and number of patent and tra
this way, integrating SDGs would help policy makers to tackle the demark applications.1 The reasons behind designing these two indices
pressing issues in a comprehensive manner in the short as well as long are: (a) the target policy variable in this study is environmental de
run. gradation, which is indicated by air pollution. Now, the indicator of air
Only few studies have attempted to address climate change pollution might not be captured through a single variable, and there
(Le Blanc, 2015) with a three-pronged SDG (technology, R&D, In fore, five air pollution indicators are chosen for building an index. This
novation, and economic growth) integration approach. The primary environmental index might give a clear picture about the air pollution
intention towards such an approach is direct effect of technology driven scenario in these nations. (b) The major policy instrument in this study
progressions on the economic growth, whose subsequent beneficial is technological advancement, which also might not be captured
impacts are evident in the developmental procedures. Hence, technical through a single variable, and therefore, five technological advance
advancement has indirect effect on the developmental process, and any ment indicators are chosen for building an index. This technological
effort of evaluating this impact is probably far-flanged. Intention of this index might give a clear picture about the technological advancement
study is to design a SDG framework for policy designing. The extant scenario in these nations. Lastly, this study has utilized the Rolling
studies on SDGs in specific primarily include SDG Index and Dash Window Heterogeneous Panel Causality Test, which has been designed
boards (Sachs et al., 2017), scorecards (Nicolai et al., 2015), and
country development diagnostics framework (Gable et al., 2015). This
study aims at designing a multipronged policy framework for the Asia 1
Due to unavailability of data, we have restricted ourselves within these
Pacific countries, so that they can attain the SDG objectives by 2030. By indicators of technological progression.
A. Sinha, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120317
in keeping with the application of rolling window estimation performance. Fisher-Vanden and Wing (2008) modeled the impact of
(Balcilar et al., 2010) on heterogeneous panel causality test by R&D on economic growth and carbon emissions in the developing
Dumitrescu and Hurlin (2012). This approach makes use of the boot countries. It has been stated earlier that these studies neglected a
strapping of causality test, and thereby, it enhances the explanatory comprehensive EKC analysis for robust policy design. Further, these
power of the test. Application of this approach is a methodological studies did not incorporate technology, innovation, R&D analysis in
innovation brought forth in the study. their model; so our research tries to fill the void and attempts to analyze
The paper is organized in the following manner: Section 2 explains a robust technological policy through the implementation of the EKC
the current literature on technology, R&D, and Innovation toward en framework by developing a comprehensive environmental and tech
vironmental quality and outlines the research gap for our study. The nological index.
mathematical model followed by theoretical basis is explained in
Section 3. The next section documents the results obtained from the 2.2. Technology, SDGs, and climate change
analysis. The research, practice and policy implications are explained in
Section 5. Section 6 gives the conclusion by highlighting the ways of Studies have been conducted related to the interface of SDGs and
answering the research questions given in the Introduction. climate change; however, the focus has been divergent in terms of
addressing issues and causes of climate change (Ladan, 2018;
2. Literature review Major et al., 2018; Rodriguez et al., 2018). Reckien et al. (2017) ex
plored the impact of climate change on urban population and how the
We triangulated our research gap by segregating the literature into impact would ultimately affect other SDGs. Haines et al. (2017) high
two parts. First, we concentrated on studies related to the impact of lighted the measures to mitigate adverse outcomes of pollutants in the
technology, population, innovation, economic progression, research short run. Kelman (2017) explored the relation among disaster risk
and development on ecological features. Second, we focused on studies reduction, climate change, and SDGs, and stressed on the necessity of
related to SDGs and technology in one sub-group and climate change incorporating the strategies associated with climate change alleviation
and SDGs in another sub-group and argued about the contribution of and adversity risk management. Kedir (2017) highlighted the adverse
our paper to the existing literature. impacts of climate change in Africa toward worsening of food security
and emphasized the need to devise mitigation strategies for achieving
2.1. Technology, population, economic progression, and ecology SDG targets in Africa. Chirambo (2016) emphasized on the need to
forge South-South alliances in terms of financial support for mitigating
Numerous works have been conducted on technology and carbon adverse impacts of climate change in Africa, which can have a sub
emissions (Wolfram and Lutsey, 2016; Zhang et al., 2016a; Gelenbe and stantial impact on human development index. Hiller et al. (2016)
Caseau, 2015; Bond et al., 2004; Shahbaz et al., 2019; Shahbaz and highlighted the importance of addressing issues concerning climate
Sinha, 2019). Most of these studies have neglected two aspects: First, change and development together and further emphasized the need to
the studies did not use the EKC framework for comprehending the include the use and potential of modern effective technologies, devel
consequences associated at the policy level in the short and long run. opment agendas and climate change in business as well as financial
Second, very few studies have probably incorporated technology, po models. Balasubramanian (2018) substantiated the same argument by
pulation, economic growth and environmental policy in one single addressing the need to focus on famine in conjunction with climate
study (Zongzhi, 2010). For instance, Lewis (2016) tried to understand change in low income population groups as a pressing need thereby
the role of legal and policy framework with technology for minimizing positively contributing toward the vital aspects of SDGs. Hence, we
global carbon emissions. de Vries and Ferrarini (2017) scrutinized the observed that very limited focus and importance has been given to
role of technology, supply chain, and energy consumption on emission technology for addressing climate action and the SDGs associated with
levels in both the developed and emerging economies. Li et al. (2019) it.
conducted a study on 30 provinces in China and employed a spatial Studies concerning technology and SDGs have been limited and
model to understand the effect of economic growth and high-tech have concentrated towards commonly exclusive subjects. For instance,
nology toward carbon emissions. On similar lines, Yi (2012) studied the Adams et al. (2018) explored the utility of blockchain technology that
crucial role played by environmental regulation and technology in could deliver advantageous consequences both ecologically and socially
novation and economic growth toward emission levels in China. for stimulating business models, thus promoting the UN SDGs. Van der
Shabani and Shahnazi (2019) conducted a causality study to under Sanden and Foing (2018) attempted to map the collaboration with
stand the effect of energy consumption, information and communica space technology for accomplishing sustainability in various facets that
tion technology and gross domestic product on carbon emission levels are advantageous for life on earth through the scrutinization of nu
in Iran. The studies discussed so far did consider technology as one of merous crucial regions within the 17 SDGs. Imaz and
the predictors of emission levels. However, these studies mostly ne Sheinbaum (2017) highlighted the need to extend the current under
glected innovation and R&D in their econometric model. Very few standing and application of technology, i.e., technology transfer toward
studies have incorporated innovation and R&D as one of the techno achieving different SDG's. Dialoke (2017) analyzed the implication of
logical parameters while evaluating their role in emission levels achieving SDGs with the help of technology in the education sector in
(Apergis et al., 2013; Álvarez-Herránz et al., 2017a, 2017b; Nigeria. Hence, we observed that there remains a void in terms of fo
Churchill et al., 2019). For instance, Lee and Min (2015) analyzed the cusing on the need to address the policy directive toward the use of
role of eco-friendly innovation and R&D towards carbon emissions and technology in achieving different SDGs.
firm performance. Zhang et al. (2016b) highlighted the role of tech
nological innovation while analyzing the emission levels in China. 2.3. Research gap
Irandoust (2016) investigated the role of energy-growth nexus and
technological innovation in the reduction of carbon emissions in the Summarizing the above two subsections, we attempt to address two
Nordic countries. Ganda (2019) investigated the role of innovation and research gaps in the following sections. First, none of the studies ad
technological investments on carbon emissions in the chosen countries. dresses the motivation behind integrating different SDGs at the policy
Garrone and Grilli (2010) studied the association between R&D ex level. Le Blanc (2015) highlighted the need to integrate SDGs in re
penditures in the power segment and carbon emissions for 13 advanced search studies, which substantiates the gap addressed in our study.
nations. However, Lee et al. (2015) explored influence of carbon dis Second, very few studies have considered the interplay of technology
charges and expenditures on conservational studies related to firm and SDG both at the policy and operational level, thus presenting the
A. Sinha, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120317
opportunity of dealing with the same interaction in this study. Third, ENVit = f (GNIit , GNIit2, TECHit , RENit , POPit ) (1)
there has been no study that specifically analyzes the technological
advancement on environmental quality through the overarching fra Here, ENV represents the indicator of air pollution, GNI represents
mework of EKC. While addressing the given research gaps, our paper the gross national income, TECH stands for the indicator of technolo
attempts to make specific contribution to the literature. First, our paper gical development and R&D, REN stands for consumption in renewable
is amongst those primary studies that attempt and analyze the tech energy, POP refers to population, and i refers to the selected countries
nology policy and environmental quality by creating two different in (i = 1,…,N), and t stands for the study duration (t = 1,…,T).
dices, which consider an inclusive coverage of both environmental The index represented by ENV constitutes of five main air pollutants
degradation parameters and technological advancement features in a present in the Asia pacific countries, these pollutants are carbon dioxide
single study. Second, our paper presents an opportunity to revisit (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), particulate matter 2.5
technology policy both in the short and long run through the lens of (PM2.5), and greenhouse gases (GHGO), including hydrofluorocarbons,
EKC in the Asia-Pacific region. Future researchers can replicate similar perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride. Likewise, the index re
studies on other nations keeping in mind the interplay of economic presented by TECH constitutes of five main R&D indicators, which are
growth and cleaner technology in the short as well as long run. We the count of trademark submissions (TM) and patent submissions
presented our mathematical model and theoretical framework in the (PAT), number of researchers in R&D per million people (RES), tech
next section. nical cooperation grants (GR), and spending associated with R&D,
which is depicted as a percentage of GDP (GOVEX). The indices are
developed with the help of principal component analysis (PCA). The
3. Empirical framework and data primary reason behind the use of these indices is that the focus on
neither local nor global pollutants can depict the appropriate picture of
In this study, our intention is to examine the impact of technological different countries degrading ambient air quality. However, the varying
advancements related to environmental quality for certain Asia Pacific levels of development essentially affect the R&D level of these coun
countries from 1990 to 2017. For analyzing the effect, we employed the tries; hence, the selection of an indicator for R&D will probably not be
IPAT framework (Ehrlich and Holdren, 1971). The estimation schema is able to illustrate the accurate picture of technological innovation and
designed depending on the available literature on the EKC hypothesis advancement of these nations. Consequently, it is possible to represent
and IPAT modeling (Paramati et al., 2017; Vélez-Henao et al., 2019; these two indices as (We provide the eigenvalues of the indices in
Sinha and Sengupta, 2019). The primary reason for using the IPAT Fig. 1):
framework for this study is the capability of this framework to capture ENVit = 0it + 1it CO 2 it + 2it CH4 it + 3it N2 Oit + 4it PM 2. 5it + 5it GHGOit + it
the evolutionary environmental impact (I) of population (P), economic (2)
affluence (A), and technological advancement (T). The objective of this
study is to design a policy framework by analyzing the impact of TECHit = 0it + 1it PATit + 2it TMit + 3it RESit + 4it GRit + 5it GOVEXit + it
A. Sinha, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120317
A. Sinha, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120317
Table 1
Variable description.
Variables Description Source of data Reference study
CO2 CO2 emissions in thousand metric tons World Development Indicator Roberts et al. (2019)
(World Bank, 2018)
CH4 CH4 emissions in thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent World Development Indicator Yusuf et al. (2012)
(World Bank, 2018)
N2O N2O emissions in thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent World Development Indicator Sinha and Sengupta (2019)
(World Bank, 2018)
PM2.5 mean annual exposure of PM2.5 emissions in μg/m3 World Development Indicator Dong et al. (2018)
(World Bank, 2018)
GHGO other greenhouse gas emissions (i.e. HFC, PFC and SF6) in thousand World Development Indicator Mallapragada et al. (2018)
metric tons of CO2 equivalent (World Bank, 2018)
PAT number of patent applications World Development Indicator Lemus and Marshall (2018)
(World Bank, 2018)
TM number of trademark applications World Development Indicator Hidalgo and Gabaly (2012)
(World Bank, 2018)
RES number of researchers in R&D per million people World Development Indicator De Rassenfosse and de la Potterie (2009)
(World Bank, 2018)
GR technical cooperation grants in current USD World Development Indicator Bojnec (2011)
(World Bank, 2018)
GOVEX R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP World Development Indicator Vicente and Lopez (2006)
(World Bank, 2018)
GNI gross national income in current USD World Development Indicator Cranston and Hammond (2012)
(World Bank, 2018)
REN renewable energy consumption in billion kWHs World Development Indicator Sadorsky (2009)
(World Bank, 2018)
POP Population World Development Indicator Dalton et al. (2008)
(World Bank, 2018)
A. Sinha, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120317
Table 5
Results of bootstrap quantile regression analysis.
Variables Low air pollution Medium air pollution High air pollution
Q0.1 Q0.2 Q0.3 Q0.4 Q0.5 Q0.6 Q0.7 Q0.8 Q0.9
c c b a a c c
GNI 0.0875 0.1168 0.1245 0.2398 0.1210 0.2965 0.4290 0.2966 0.3596a
GNI2 −0.0049a −0.0064a −0.0069a −0.0100a −0.0052a −0.0123a −0.0167a −0.0110c −0.0132a
TECH 0.0359a 0.0477a 0.0498b 0.0604c 0.0951a 0.1212b 0.1336b 0.1008c 0.1276a
REN −0.0011b −0.0288a −0.0307b −0.0317c −0.0121b −0.0437b −0.0105b −0.0583b −0.0458b
POP 0.2420a 0.3013a 0.3369a 0.3809a 0.5617a 0.4802a 0.5682a 0.5501a 0.4288a
Constant −3.6723a −4.3063a −4.6405a −6.2054a −3.9451a −7.4535a −8.6227a −7.9506b −7.8359a
Shape of EKC Inverted U Inverted U Inverted U Inverted U Inverted U Inverted U Inverted U Inverted U Inverted U
Turnaround Point $7544.48 $9181.99 $8281.17 $161135.35 $112940.38 $171586.96 $378628.72 $716274.09 $823412.13
Note: regressions have been run with 200 bootstrap replications and 95% confidence level.
significant value at 1%.
significant value at 5%.
significant value at 10%.
nations are also experiencing a rise in population. Furthermore, the existing results, which show that EKC exists for the Asia-pacific countries.
urban infrastructure in these nations are not yet capable of handling the However, the direct impact of renewable energy consumption on eco
issue of rising population; hence, these nations are striving with major in logical feature has been offset by the negative effect of technological
cidents of energy poverty issues. In such a situation, the inadequate urban progression. In this case, it is noteworthy to observe that the turn
infrastructure not only aggravates the issues of energy efficiency, but also around points for the aggregate data are outside the sample range, thus
results in space heating, which in turn causes greenhouse gas emissions. indicating the need of sustainable policy level design.
Sinha and Bhattacharya (2016a, 2017) identified this issue in the case of Finally, we carried out the rolling window heterogeneous panel caus
Indian cities. This segment of the results indicates that the rising population ality test. For any national level policy towards sustainable development,
pressure in the urban center of these countries might restrict them from one of the intrinsic characteristics is bidirectionality (Lu et al., 2014;
achieving the objectives of SDG 8. In Fig. 2, the coefficients of the quantile Sinha et al., 2018). Fig. 3 depicts the results, which shows progression in
regression analysis are plotted. technology has a positive effect on ambient air pollution; however, there is
To bring forth more robustness in the analysis, we carried out AMG, minimal effect when the direction of the causal relationship changes.
CCE-MG, and CS-ARDL tests on the aggregate data. Table 6 presents the However, the result obtained demonstrates that the prevalent research and
A. Sinha, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120317
A. Sinha, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120317
the requirements of SDG 8 and SDG 9, in consort with realization of the help in elevating the living standard, which in turn will reduce the social
goals of SDG 7, SDG 4, and SDG 13. imbalance occurring due to income inequality. Along these lines, climate
Lastly, we consider the last strata, i.e., nations with high air pollution change might be mitigated through decline in ecological deprivation
levels. Along with air pollution, these countries also have high population (achievement of SDG 13), the alteration of educational curriculum can in
pressure, low energy efficiency, and social imbalance. Therefore, the policy crease consciousness about the ecology (achievement of SDG 4), R&D ac
level interventions in these countries need to be inclusive, keeping the tivities can foster innovation and create new vocational opportunities
economic growth pattern unharmed. For these nations, the new energy (achievement of SDG 8 and 9), citizens will be able to afford clean energy at
policies should focus on both the industrial and domestic consumers. reasonable prices (SDG 7). Further, the enhancement of living standard can
Industries can avail the renewable energy and cleaner technology solutions reduce societal disparity and inequality in earnings (achievement of SDG
at a predetermined rate of interest, which will be payable to the govern 10) (see Appendix 5).
ment. Moreover, the domestic consumers can avail the renewable solutions
against low-cost loans from the government, and for decreasing the burden
6. Conclusion
of expenses, the households can be given an interest holiday. During this
period, the fiscal pressure can be managed by the interest received from the
Today, the achievement of sustainable development has become one of
industrial consumers, which in turn will give the households enough time
the major critical issues, and to institutionalize this global issue, SDGs came
and capacity to repay the price of the renewable energy solutions for do
into existence. Countries with pro-industrialization agenda are finding it
mestic usage. Now, this solution needs to be considered for the rising po
difficult to address the objectives, as the policies and practices prevailing in
pulation pressure, and therefore, the interest holiday and pro-rata price for
those countries are more growth-oriented. Therefore, the policies in those
the households might be decided depending on the household income, as it
countries need to be redesigned for fulfilling the objectives of the SDGs,
will bring parity in terms of providing the solutions. Such policy interven
which is the focus of this study. The empirical results of this study in
tions might provide the government with several benefits: (a) it will help
vestigate the effect of technological progression on environmental de
the policymakers to go for gradual transferal from fossil fuel to renewable
gradation, following the EKC framework, which includes consumption in
energy sources, (b) there will be sufficient time to allocate budgetary re
renewable energy, population and gross national income. The next step was
sources for R&D activities toward unearthing alternate energy sources and
to analyze the relationship among the said variable for different country
building cleaner technological solutions, and (c) the environmental
segments as explained in the methodology section through the bootstrap
awareness among the citizens will start rising. Further, it should be re
quantile regression analysis. This was followed by robustness checks
membered that these policy interventions need to be complemented by
through CS-ARDL, CCE-MG, and AMG analysis. To obtain further insights
increasing environmental awareness, which can be done through revision of
between environmental degradation and technological progression, we
the educational curriculum in schools and upgradation of the urban infra
applied the rolling window heterogenous panel causality test. Based on the
structure. Upon considering these policy interventions together, these na
results of the analysis, the policies for addressing some of the SDGs objec
tions might experience the emergence of green jobs, better living conditions,
tives have been suggested.
higher educational attainment along with lower level of environmental
For the Asia-Pacific countries, this study for the first time address
degradation, affordable and clean energy, and sustainable growth in in
the issue of implementation of SDGs, while considering progression in
come. Once, these things are in place, the social imbalance is likely to come
technology as vehicle for sustainable development. With regard to
down, as vocational opportunities will rise, along with affordable energy,
ambient air pollution, the index has given us a wide scope for analyzing
better education, and robust urban infrastructure, and consequently, the
the environmental degradation issue, as choosing a single pollutant
inequality in income can be reduced because the average level of income
could not have solved the purpose by narrowing the purpose of policy-
and living standard of the marginalized population will rise. Sinha and
oriented study. Similarly, choosing only one single parameter for R&D
Bhattacharya (2016a, b) also suggested that addressing the energy effi
activities related to the technological progression would have trimmed
ciency issues might have positive social spillover effect. All of these might
the scope of the study. Therefore, in methodological terms, the in
be possible by enhancing the R&D capacity of these nations and capitalizing
troduction of these two indices is a contribution to the literature on
the enhanced capacity to encounter environmental degradation, develop
environmental economics. Moreover, the usage of quantile regression
cleaner technologies, and create new green vocational opportunities. Thus,
in designating the country segmented air pollution has given us the
these countries should be in a position for ascertaining the requirements of
flexibility of suggesting the policies in accordance with the context
SDG 8, SDG 9, SDG 7, SDG 4, and SDG 13. Furthermore, we have already
setting. Now, on policymaking front, the present work contributed to
discussed that the accomplishment of these objectives might habitually re
the extant literature of environmental economics by providing in
sult in accomplishment of SDG 10 to some extent.
dicative ways of addressing the objectives of selected SDGs, and the
In a nutshell, these nations need to augment their capacity of con
ways in which the complementarity of research capabilities and the
ducting the R&D activities for reducing environmental degradation, devel
national policies can be used as a vehicle for achieving these objectives.
oping cleaner production technologies, and creating new vocational op
Lastly, we would like to mention that data support is crucial to come up
portunities. The policymakers need to invest more on R&D activities for
with sound policy level decisions, and many researchers have identified this
capacity building, and they also need to promote the renewable energy
issue. During analysis, one of the major problems, we have encountered is
solutions by increasing awareness about environmental protection and en
the unavailability of data. Because of this specific issue, we could not
ergy efficiency through the revision of educational curriculum. While car
consider several other Asia-Pacific countries for the analysis. Therefore, the
rying this transformation, they will also have to consider about not harming
unavailability of data is a limitation for this study, and further it acts as a
the economic growth pattern; hence, both the industrial and domestic
limitation for these countries to achieve the objectives of SDGs.
consumers of electricity must be considered. In this consideration, the in
come level of the domestic consumers also needs to be taken care of. The
differential interest rate mechanism for the different levels of consumers CRediT authorship contribution statement
needs to be implemented, which will enable smooth transition from fossil
fuel to renewable energy sources as well as in maintaining parity in the Avik Sinha: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis,
policy-level impact. The increase in environmental awareness is expected to Resources, Software, Validation, Visualization, Writing - original draft.
bring forth people-public-partnerships, which can be a channel for creating Tuhin Sengupta: Conceptualization, Writing - original draft. Tanaya
new green jobs. It is expected that the new vocational opportunities will Saha: Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing.
A. Sinha, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120317
Supplementary materials
Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120317.
Appendix 1
Correlation matrix of the model parameters for PCA.
Correlation matrix for the parameters of ENVINDEX
CO2 1.0000
GHGO 0.6040 1.0000
CH4 0.9155 0.3525 1.0000
N2O 0.8916 0.3596 0.9770 1.0000
PM2.5 0.5633 0.9278 0.4822 0.6698 1.0000
Correlation matrix for the parameters of TECHINDEX
GOVEX 1.0000
PAT 0.9565 1.0000
TM 0.8492 0.8139 1.0000
RES 0.9196 0.7834 0.6521 1.0000
GR 0.8308 0.5445 0.4813 0.9287 1.0000
Appendix 2
Multicolinearity statistics.
Variables Before transformation After transformation
VIF Tolerance VIF Tolerance
Appendix 3
Summary statistics of variables.
Variables Number of observations Mean Standard deviation
Appendix 4
Diagnostic statistics of the empirical model.
Diagnostic tests Test statistics
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A. Sinha, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120317
Tuhin Sengupta is an Assistant Professor in the area of Information Technology and Market Case Studies, and European Case Clearing House. His-current research interests
Operations Management at Goa Institute of Management. He is also affiliated with Centre include sustainable supply chain and retail supply chains in unorganized markets.
of Excellence in Sustainable Development at Goa Institute of Management. He is a Fellow
in Operations Management & Quantitative Techniques at Indian Institute of Management Tanaya Saha has done M.Phil. in Comparative Literature from the Jadavpur University,
Indore. He has worked in Larsen & Toubro Ltd. as a senior planning engineer. He has M.A. in English from the English and Foreign Language University Lucknow, and B.A. in
published research papers in international journals such as Technological Forecasting and English from Scottish Church College Kolkata. She has been featured in the prestigious
Social Change, Journal of Cleaner Production, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Advantage Woman Programme of ICICI Bank. She has a rich experience of working with
Operations Management Education Review, Journal of Global Operations and Strategic SAGE Publications. Her research interest is sustainable development.
Sourcing, etc. He has also published teaching cases in Ivey Publishing, Emerald Emerging