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Version 1.

October 2020

Table of Contents
What is Brawlmachine? - pg 3
Army Composition - pg 3
Theme Forces - pg 3
Epic List - pg 4
Win Conditions - pg 5
Clock - pg 5
Sideboards - pg 5
Tournament Format Overview - pg 6
Best of Three Format - pg 7
Two Game Rounds Format - pg 7
Single Game Format - pg 8
Scenario and Scoring - pg 8
Test List - pg 8
Feedback Forms - pg 8
Scenario 1: Orbits - pg 9
Scenario 2: Binary - pg 10
Scenario 3: Ignition - pg 11
Scenario 4: Singularity - pg 12
Format Reference Sheet - pg 13
Acknowledgements - pg 14
Epic List Reasoning - pg 15
Multi-Model FA: 1 List - pg 17
Example of Sideboarding - pg 18

What is Brawlmachine?
Brawlmachine is a 25 point format for Warmachine and Hordes developed by Line
of Sight. It has a Field Allowance of 1, Custom Scenarios for the smaller game size,
and a limited list of models that are not suitable for the format called the epic list.

Additionally, Brawlmachine’s fast play and short game length (5 turn limit, 4 CP
lead to win) allows for best of 3 or other multi-game match systems and for a
specialist “sideboard” as an option for competitive play.

Terrain, scoring, game tiebreakers, and scenario elements are described in the
Steamroller document, and are unchanged in Brawlmachine.

Army Composition
A Brawlmachine army has a minimum Some models in the game are only
size of 21 points and a maximum size of brought in multiples. An example of
25 points. this is Stormsmith Stormcallers, which
are 5 points for 3 solos. Because these
models cannot be brought in smaller
Models in a Brawlmachine army have a
quantities, this counts as FA: 1 for that
Field Allowance of 1 regardless of model. A complete list of these models
theme force benefits or requisition can be found at the end of the
point options. This means that document.
Requisition options that bring multiple
models not listed at the end of this
document only bring one of those
Theme Forces
model instead. Theme Forces are legal in
Brawlmachine. At 25 points, Theme
The only exception to the FA: 1 rule is Forces bring one Requisition Point.
that up to three of the same Weapon Please note that any theme benefits
Attachment may be attached to one that provide extra Field Allowance
options are overridden by the FA: 1 rule
unit in a Brawlmachine army.
of the Brawlmachine Format
Requisition points that allow a player to
bring multiple weapon attachments are
legal, so long as all weapon
attachments are attached to the same

Epic List
Some models cannot be constrained by a 25 point level game and are therefore
suitable only for games of higher point values. To support competitive, balanced
play, the following casters cannot be played in Brawlmachine tournaments and
should not be played by experienced players in casual play.

Truly new players should be allowed to use these choices, especially

if their model collection is limited.

Reasoning for the choices on the epic list can be found at the end of this
document in the appendices .

Huge Based Models Casters with Telekinesis:

Major Victoria Haley (Haley 2)
Dr. Arkadius (Arkadius 1) Krueger the Stormwrath (Krueger 2)

Bethayne, Pride of Everblight Lord Exhumator Scaverous (Scaverous

(Bethayne 2) 1)
Sturm and Drang (Sturm and Drang 1)
The Butcher Unleashed (Butcher 3)
Exulon Thexus (Thexus 1)
Fiona the Black (Fiona 1)
Adeptis Rahn (Rahn 1)
Gorten Grundback (Gorten 1)
Infernal Masters:
Drake Macbain (Macbain 1) Agathon, the Voice in the Darkness

Magnus the Warlord (Magnus 2) Omodamos, the Black Gate

Morvahna the Dawnshadow Zaateroth, Weaver of Shadows

(Morvahna 2)
Hierarch Severius (Severius 2) Asphyxious the Sanctified (Asphyxious
Pirate Queen Skarre (Skarre 1)
Kommander Sorscha (Sorscha 1)
Sentry Stone
Kommander Obavnik Zerkova
(Zerkova 2) Solos:
The Hermit of Henge Hold

The Covenant of Menoth 4

Win Conditions Sideboard
Brawlmachine games last five rounds. Brawlmachine has an optional
sideboard variant for competitive play.
A player wins a game of Brawlmachine
We do not recommend sideboards for
when: new players until they are ready to
expand their list.
1) They have the only remaining
Warcaster or Warlock

2) They have 4 or more control

A sideboard is up to 15 points of
points more than the opposing
models legal for the theme which is
player. used for the main list.

3) They have more control points Sideboards cannot break the FA:1 rule.
than their opponent at the end of
Additionally, Sideboards may not
the fifth round of the game.
contain additional mercenary or
minion options beyond the single slot
If players have the same number of
open for the theme force if the main
control points at the end of the fifth list already contains a model fulfilling
round, tie breakers follow the
those requirements.
guidelines outlined on page 9 of the
Steamroller document.
Models in the sideboard that are
options as requisition points in the
theme force may be substituted for the
Clock requisition slot in the main list on a 1:1
basis, even if the model in the
Brawlmachine Tournaments have sideboard has a native point value
optional Death Clock. These should be higher than the requisition slot in the
tailored to your players. main list.

Relaxed 45 min per side Models in the sideboard can never be

free, even if they are options for
Standard 35 min per side
requisition slots.
Hardcore 25 min per side
Sideboards cannot allow a player to
maximize a unit from the main list or
to minimize a unit to
gain points in the sideboarding
Warcasters and Warlocks cannot have The resulting list must be a legal 25
more than one attachment, which point Brawlmachine list, however the
means that a player may not have one sideboard may be more or less than 15
points after sideboarding due to points
in the main list and another in the
differences in requisition options
sideboard to swap out. exchanged.

Command and Weapon Attachments An example of sideboarding is shown

that are attached to a unit cannot be in the appendices on page 18
attached to a different unit during the
sideboarding process. Command and
Weapon Attachments that are in the Tournament Formats
side board must have an explicitly
stated unit that they attach to either in Brawlmachine brings a unique
the side board or in the main list. opportunity to competitive play for
multiple games per round thanks to its
faster game time and sideboard
Remember, units can only have one
command attachment, so having a
secondary one in the sideboard is The rules for best of three and two
illegal. game formats, as well as specialists
provide some competitive benefits in
Warjacks and Warbeasts may not the form of better Strength of
Schedule, better matchup adaption and
change battlegroup controllers during
less dice variance. However, they
the sideboarding process. Warjacks detract from the game speed,
and Warbeasts in a sideboard must be simplicity and variety that are critical
explicitly stated for one battlegroup for new players. We recommend
controller before the game begins. avoiding these tournament formats if
your goal is to bring new players into
the game. As always, Event Organizers
Sideboard Method:
should tailor tournaments to their
players wants and needs.
Between games but before initiative
rolls in some tournament formats,
Variants for all formats are the same as
players may opt to remove models
the Steamroller Document, found on
from their main list and replace them
page 11. They are:
with models from their sideboard.
1 list
1 list, second list optional
Any changes from sideboarding are
No sideboard
revealed simultaneously to their
Optional Sideboard

Best of Three Standings and Placement in this
format function as follows:
Best of Three Tournaments are run such
that each round of the event is an 1st Tiebreak: Rounds won.
opportunity for players to play up to 3 2nd Tiebreak: Percentage of games
games. The person who first wins 2
games in a round is considered the
3rd Tiebreak: Average percentage of
winner of that round. This format takes
about 40% longer than a Standard games won by opponents.
Steamroller event. 4th Tiebreak: Total Control Points

Each game of a round is played on the

same table for each player, with the
Two Game Rounds
same scenario and terrain set up.
Two Game Rounds is a hybrid format that
Determining initiative and table edge reaches a mid ground between single
functions as the Steamroller packet for game and best of three. Time for this style
game 1. of tournament is approximately the same
as a Steamroller event.
For game 2, the player who lost game 1
automatically wins the initiative roll
and can choose whether or not to go A popular variant of this format includes
first, or which table edge they would a best of three match for the top table.
Two Game Round Tournaments play
For game 3, the player who lost game 2
two games per round, and there is no
automatically wins the initiative.
“round winner”. Individual wins are
Before game 2 and again before game counted as the first standing check.
3, players may choose to sideboard if
sideboards are being used in the Each game of the round is played on
tournament. The sideboarding process the same table for each player, with the
is outlined in the Sideboard section of same scenario and terrain set up.
this document, and happens before
initiative is decided. Determining initiative and table edge
functions as the Steamroller packet for
game 1.
A bye round in this format awards a
player 2 game wins, zero game losses, For game 2, the player who lost game 1
and 6 control points. Calculate win automatically wins the initiative roll
percentage of a “bye” opponent at and can choose whether or not to go
50% for purposes of third tiebreak. first, or which table edge they would

Before game 1 and again before game
2, players may sideboard as outlined in Test List
the Sideboard section of the document.
As the format evolves, we want to be
Sideboarding occurs before initiative is able to react with quarterly or
rolled but after determining lists. semi-annual patches for balance and
meta adjustment.
Standings and Placement in this
format functions as follows: The following models are on our public
test list, and we value feedback about
1st tiebreak: Number of Games Won them highly (see the linked Google
2nd tiebreak: Number of Games won Form below).
by opponents
3rd tiebreak: Total Control Points Alexia 2
scored Azazello, the Castellan
4th tiebreak: Total Army Points The Harbinger of Menoth
Destroyed Warwitch Deneghra
High Exemplar Kreoss
Eiryss 1
Single Game Rounds Goreshade 1
Morvahna 1
This format functions exactly as a regular
Steamroller at a much faster pace. With

rounds taking on average about 1 hour,
an 8 player Brawlmachine event can be
completed comfortably in an afternoon.
Brawlmachine is a living format, with
A sideboard variant for this format allows expected quarterly or semi-annual
players to sideboard before their game, updates and patches. If you have
before determining initiative. feedback on the format, please feel free
to fill out this Google Form.
Refer to the Steamroller Document for
standings and placement for Single If you want to chat about the format or
Game Rounds. have an easy place to find games on, we recommend

Scenario & Scoring joining the Line of Sight Discord,

which can be found here:
Scenario elements, scoring, and
contesting follow the same rules as
those found on page 8 of the
Steamroller Document.

Non-Symmetrical Brawlmachine
scenarios are set up with terrain prior
to initiative rolls.

Scenario 1: Orbits
Place the flags and zones as shown. Killbox is 12 inches from the back edge as per
the usual Steamroller document, however Killboxing yourself only gives your
opponent 1 point instead of the regular 2. See the Steamroller Document for
specifics regarding Killbox.

Player 1 deploys at the 7 inch mark for regular deployment and 13 inch mark for
advanced deployment

Player 2 deploys at the 10 inch mark for regular deployment and 16 inch mark for
advanced deployment.

Scenario 2: Binary
Place the flags and zones as shown. Killbox is 12 inches from the back edge as per
the usual Steamroller document, however Killboxing yourself only gives your
opponent 1 point instead of the regular 2. See the Steamroller Document for
specifics regarding Killbox.

Player 1 deploys at the 7 inch mark for regular deployment and 13 inch mark for
advanced deployment

Player 2 deploys at the 10 inch mark for regular deployment and 16 inch mark for
advanced deployment.

Scenario 3: Ignition
Place the flags and zones as shown. Killbox is 12 inches from the back edge as per
the usual Steamroller document, however Killboxing yourself only gives your
opponent 1 point instead of the regular 2. See the Steamroller Document for
specifics regarding Killbox.

Player 1 deploys at the 7 inch mark for regular deployment and 13 inch mark for
advanced deployment

Player 2 deploys at the 10 inch mark for regular deployment and 16 inch mark for
advanced deployment.

Scenario 4: Singularity
Place the flags and zones as shown. Killbox is 12 inches from the back edge as per
the usual Steamroller document, however Killboxing yourself only gives your
opponent 1 point instead of the regular 2. See the Steamroller Document for
specifics regarding Killbox.

A Warcaster or Warlock can control both overlapping zones if there are no

models contesting them. A model can contest both zones if it is within both

Player 1 deploys at the 7 inch mark for regular deployment and 13 inch mark for
advanced deployment

Player 2 deploys at the 10 inch mark for regular deployment and 16 inch mark for
advanced deployment.

Quick Reference Sheet
- 25 Points - Sideboarding is done before
- FA: 1 aside from Weapon initiative is rolled when used.
Attachments and list on pg 17. - Game ends after round 5.
- Small Epic List (See pg 4) - Game win conditions are
- Sideboards are 15 points of assassination, scoring 4 more
additional models that fit within points than opponent, having
the theme force of the main list. more control points at the end
- Sideboards and main lists must of round 5.
follow the FA: 1 rule together.

Scenario 1: Orbits Scenario 2: Binary

Scenario 3: Ignition Scenario 4: Singularity


We would like to thank our wives and
families for their support and
longsuffering as we spent our free time
working on our passion project.

We would like to give a huge thank you

to the myriad people who participated
in our two testing leagues. Your
feedback and enthusiasm for this
project fanned the flame into the
finished format you see today.

A special thank you to Jeff for the seed

that would find its way into becoming
the Brawlmachine format.

And finally, a huge thank you to for allowing us to
grow this crazy format with your
incredible resources you provide the

We couldn’t have done this without

any of you, thank you very much.

- The Line of Sight Team

Epic List Reasoning: Butcher 3 - Many Warcasters and
Warlocks have the damage output to
rival Butcher 3, but no other
All Huge Based Models - Huge based contenders can pull enemy models in
models are complicated for new from 5 inches away, kill well over half
players, and are also incredibly of a list, and then be on full camp and
difficult to dislodge when protected unchargeable. We love seeing casters
with ARM enhancers at this point level. that do work in this format, but
While appropriate for 75 point games, the Butcher is too survivable and
we have elected to relegate all huge affects too much of the table.
bases to higher point levels than
Brawlmachine Supports. Fiona 1 - Fiona has one of the most
potent defensive feats and offensive
Casters with Telekinesis - spell lists in the game. Befuddle with
Telekinesis is an incredible spell, and her ability to leverage it from
at a point level where casting anywhere on the table combined with
Telekinesis twice can move two-thirds her offensive debuffs and incredible
of a list around it is beyond the curve. control feat make her too powerful at
25 points.
Infernal Masters - Summoning is a
very potent ability that is difficult for Gorten 1 - Gorten’s ability to instantly
new players to play into. While strong win on scenario with little to no
and engaging at 75 points, we have interaction when you only have to get
found that the ability to create heavies four extra points places him firmly on
every turn is impossible to overcome the epic list.
attritionally at 25 points. Please note:
Hearts of Darkness is still allowed in MacBain 1 - MacBain’s feat is too
this format. powerful at this point level when he
can effectively shut off a players ability
Arkadius - The combination of all of to interact with his list for a round.
Arkadius’ potent abilities makes him
an extreme outlier on the power curve. Magnus 2 - In this format, you win if
His heavies already trade two for one you score four more points than your
at 75 points, and with the theme opponent. Magnus makes this
benefit of Overtake in Will Work for incredibly easy with his feat, and his
Food he can mulch infantry easily as presence in the format would be far too
well. warping.

Bethayne 2 - With a feat that can

make her entire army impossible to
engage with and a spell list that any
caster would envy, combined with
personal output on par with many
dedicated melee powerhouses,
Bethayne is simply too epic to contain
at 25 points.
Morvahna 2 - A feat that lets you Asphyxious 4 - Very few models have
bring back your entire army is fairly the damage output, survivability, and
outside the power curve of control that Asphyxious 4 has, and he
Brawlmachine, to say nothing of her can be taken in many many themes.
ability to let her army reroll attack and We don’t want the format to turn
damage rolls passively. Morvahna 2 is into Asphyxious with a bunch of
a great caster to move up to in higher different Warcasters, so we’re just
point games. taking him off the roster.

Skarre 1 - Skarre 1 has an incredible Hellmouth - This unit is both free in

defensive and offensive feat all Primal Terrors and almost a
wrapped into one, as well as the ability guaranteed “not lose on
to do a huge amount of damage in her scenario” piece with its ability to
own right. She is too powerful in this contest virtually every element of the
format, and has been removed. Brawlmachine Scenarios. Couple that
with the ability to strongly dictate
Severius 2 - The ability to feat and opponent positioning as well as the
delete every solo and possibly unit likelihood of being functionally
attachment on the table is a little too immortal given reasonable terrain,
spicy for this format, especially when this unit is deserving of the epic list.
coupled with Oracular Vision in a place
where attacks are at a premium. This, Sentry Stone - Basically the above.
combined with his extremely efficient Being able to generate multiple
spell list, have earned Severius 2 a contesting models for free and be
place on the epic list. incredibly safe between stealth/terrain
makes this unit not suitable for
Sorscha 1- This is a caster that has Brawlmachine scenarios.
very little counterplay other than
distance, and distance in The Covenant of Menoth - The
Brawlmachine is extremely difficult to Covenant, like the Hermit of Henge
utilize without losing on scenario very Hold, requires a huge investment of
quickly. With an almost completely attacks to remove while also removing
non-interactive game plan coupled a lot of counterplay to popular
with extremely powerful pieces such as Protectorate options such as the
Doom Reavers and Void Archons, Initiates of the Wall and Menite
Sorscha 1 has to go. Archon.

Zerkova 2 - The tempo, scenario, The Hermit of Henge Hold - It’s not
attrition, and assassination threat of the ARM debuff, it’s the combination
this Warcaster combined with Greylord of Ancient Shroud and his mini-feat to
Outriders is too strong for this format. keep a crucial model alive. It takes 6
attacks to clear this model out of a
zone, and frankly, there aren’t that
many attacks in Brawlmachine to
begin with.

Multi-Model FA: 1 List
The following models are considered FA: 1 even though they bring multiple
models. Requisition Points that bring in multiple of these models as a
Requisition Point may be used to purchase them in list building.


2 Crabbits
2 Razor Boars


3 Stormsmith Stormcallers
3 Scrap Thralls
3 Accretion Servitors
3 Attunement Servitors
3 Elimination Servitors
3 Reflex Servitors
5 Incubi Solos
5 Troll Whelps (Until Trollbloods Dynamic Update)
2 Cask Imps

Weapon Attachments - Up to 3 so long as they are only attached to one unit:

Stormblade Storm Gunners

Trencher Commando Scattergunners
Morrowan Battle Priests
Assault Kommando Flame Throwers
Winter Guard Rocketeers
Brute Thralls
Revenant Crew Riflemen
Rocketman Gunners
Dark Sentinels
Kriel Warrior Caber Throwers
Trollkin Sorcerers
Void Leeches

Example of Sideboarding

Main List: My resulting main list is 24 points,

Stryker 2 (Flames in the Darkness) +28 which is a legal list, and my sideboard
- Toro [-13] is now 17 points which is allowed per
- Charger [-9] the sideboarding rules.
- Mad Dog [-8]
Grand Master Gabriel Throne [-7] I win game 2 but my opponent has put
Alexia 3 [-5] something with a little more armor
Legion of Lost Souls (min) [-11] into his main list and I decide to swap
- Battle Priest x3 [0 (6)] the Vigilants back out for the Legion of
Lost Souls. He has less shooting than
Sideboard: before, however, and Glyn has been
Vigilants [-10] performing well for me. In this
Glyn Cormier [-5] instance, I can choose to leave the
Battle Priests in the sideboard and
After a game 1 loss, I decide I need keep Glyn in the main list.
more ranged attacks than I thought I
did, so I opt to side board out my My resulting main list is back to 25
Legion of Lost Souls for my Vigilants. points and my sideboard is now 16
Because my Battle Priests are points, both of which are legal states
connected to the Legion of Lost Souls for between games. Note that the
unit, they also have to come out of the Battle Priests, even in the sideboard
main list. alone, are connected to the Legion of
Lost Souls and could not be attached to
Putting in the Vigilants leaves me at 24 anything else.
points and leaves a Requisition Slot
unfilled now that the Battle Priests are
in the Sideboard, so I can bring Glyn
Cormier into the main list and have her
be free as a requisition point.

Background image can be found here, used with permission.


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