Classwork On Self-Monitoring
Classwork On Self-Monitoring
Classwork On Self-Monitoring
On the other hand, when Jenny's mother, Darla, is presented with a food choice
that she does not like, she may choose to not eat it, ask for something different,
or eat it anyways to be respectful of the person who gave it to her. Typically,
screaming and crying will not be Darla's response because she has the ability to
monitor her behavioural expression. Jenny's ability to both understand, then
internalise others' behavioural expectations is a developmental social milestone
that will occur in middle childhood.
Managers who develop self-monitoring skills tend to be more productive, make better
decisions and communicate effectively with co-workers and supervisors, according to
My Management Guide, a resource for project management best practices. Self-
monitoring or self-management is a tool incorporated by employees looking for career
advancement and should be encouraged. While you want to support the efforts of
employees who successfully monitor their own progress, you also must develop
techniques to manage them without discouraging their initiative.
Ask, rather than tell employees to perform certain tasks or participate in various
projects. You must be confident in your ability to persuade through gentle
suggestions and queries if you want to support your self-managing employees.
James Heskett, professor emeritus at Harvard Business School writes in the
Harvard newsletter, Working Knowledge, that a self-monitoring environment is
not conducive for managers with a need to control and command their
Discuss the inner workings of the company and speak openly with employees,
providing them with as much information about the business as you can.
Employees have access to a significant amount of information, and when they see
that company insider information is available to them they are more likely to
respond by sharing their own innovative ideas and feel more empowered as an
integral part of your operations.