Kertas Kerja Neraca Lajur

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Jakarta Tailor Machindo

Daftar Rekening ( Chart Of Account )
Nomor Account
11,110 Cash On Hand
11,120 Cash On BCA
11,210 Account Receivable
11,220 Allowance For Bad Debt
11,310 Merchandise Inventory
11,320 Supplies
11,410 Prepaid Insurance
11,420 Prepaid Advertice
11,430 Prepaid Tax
11,440 Value added Tax Input (VATI)
12,110 Equipment At Cost
12,120 Accum. Depre. Equipment
12,210 Automotive At Cost
12,220 Accum. Depre. Automotive
12,310 Building
12,320 Accum. Depp. Of Building
12,330 Land
21,100 Account Payable
21,210 Value Added Tax Output ( VATO)
21,220 Tax Payable Artc 21
21,230 Tax Payable
21,310 Salaries Payable
21,320 Unearned Rent
21,330 Expense Payable
22,100 Bank Payable
31,100 Common Stock
31,200 Premium On Common Stock
32,000 Retained Earning
33,000 Deviden
41,100 Sale
41,200 Sale Return
41,300 Sale Discount
51,100 Cost Of Good Sold
51,200 Purchase Discount
61,100 Salaries Expense
61,200 Maintenence Expense
61,300 Water, Eletricity, Telemunication Exp
61,400 Insurance Expense
61,500 Advertice Expense
61,600 Supplies Expense
61,700 Depre. Equipment Expense
61,720 Depre. Automotive Expense
61,800 Bad Debt Expense
61,900 Miscellaneous Expense
81,100 Rent Income
81,200 Interest Income
81,300 Gain On Exchange Of Fixed Asset
91,100 Interes Expense
91,200 Bank Charge
PT. Jakarta Tailor Machindo
Neraca Saldo ( Trial Balance )
Nomor Account Debet Credit
11,110 Cash On Hand 26,900,000 -
11,120 Cash On BCA 155,690,000 -
11,210 Account Receivable 247,360,000 -
11,220 Allowance For Bad Debt - 1,950,000
11,310 Merchandise Inventory 82,800,000 -
11,320 Supplies 6,000,000 -
11,410 Prepaid Insurance 15,000,000 -
11,420 Prepaid Advertice 41,250,000 -
11,430 Prepaid Tax - -
11,440 Value added Tax Input (VATI) 35,440,000 -
12,110 Equipment At Cost 67,000,000 -
12,120 Accum. Depre. Equipment - 6,750,000
12,210 Automotive At Cost 138,000,000 -
12,220 Accum. Depre. Automotive - 19,000,000
12,310 Building 140,000,000 -
12,320 Accum. Depp. Of Building - 48,000,000
12,330 Land 25,000,000 -
21,100 Account Payable - 121,620,000
21,210 Value Added Tax Output ( VATO) - 49,310,000
21,220 Tax Payable Artc 21 - 750,000
21,230 Tax Payable - -
21,310 Salaries Payable - -
21,320 Unearned Rent - 15,000,000
21,330 Expense Payable - -
22,100 Bank Payable - 108,000,000
31,100 Common Stock - 500,000,000
31,200 Premium On Common Stock - 25,000,000
32,000 Retained Earning - 47,175,000
33,000 Deviden 75,000,000 -
41,100 Sale - 1,267,500,000
41,200 Sale Return 33,000,000 -
41,300 Sale Discount 23,500,000 -
51,100 Cost Of Good Sold 955,550,000 -
51,200 Purchase Discount - 11,160,000
61,100 Salaries Expense 111,000,000 -
61,200 Maintenence Expense 12,600,000 -
61,300 Water, Eletricity, Telemunication Exp 27,000,000 -
61,400 Insurance Expense - -
61,500 Advertice Expense - -
61,600 Supplies Expense - -
61,700 Depre. Equipment Expense - -
61,720 Depre. Automotive Expense 1,875,000 -
61,800 Bad Debt Expense - -
61,900 Miscellaneous Expense 6,000,000 -
81,100 Rent Income - -
81,200 Interest Income - 11,500,000
81,300 Gain On Exchange Of Fixed Asset - 2,275,000
91,100 Interes Expense 8,775,000 -
91,200 Bank Charge 250,000 -
2,234,990,000 2,234,990,000

Catatan : Perbedaan jumlah antara debet dan kredit masukkan ke rekening Retained Earning (32000)
arning (32000)
PT. Jakarta Tailor Machindo
Jurnal Penyesuaian ( Trial Balance )
Date Account Ref Debet
PT. Jakarta Tailor Machindo (JTM
Laporan Rekonsiliasi bank pada tanggal 31 De

Saldo Perusahaan 155,690,000

Kesalahan pencatatn pembelian komputer TK Krakatau 2,000,000
Pembayaran Piutang dari PT Sinar Jaya 10,000,000
Pendapatan Bunga Bank 525,000
Jumlah 12,525,000

Beban ADM Bank 65,000

Saldo Akhir
PT. Jakarta Tailor Machindo (JTM)
onsiliasi bank pada tanggal 31 Desember 2014

Saldo Bank 108,150,000

Cek Beredar dari Pembayaran Piutang Toko Cemerlang 60,000,000

Saldo Akhir

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