Alertness, All Three at Once. Technically This Is Called A Dispositional View of
Alertness, All Three at Once. Technically This Is Called A Dispositional View of
Alertness, All Three at Once. Technically This Is Called A Dispositional View of
Visible thinking is the result of many year of research, and this is related with
children’s’ thinking and learning, that happen in the classroom.
The research shows that skills and abilities are not enough. They are important of
course, but alertness to situations that call for thinking and positive attitudes toward
thinking and learning are tremendously important as well. Often, we found, children
(and adults) think in shallow ways not for lack of ability to think more deeply but
because they simply do not notice the opportunity or do not care. To put it all
together, we say that really good thinking involves abilities, attitudes, and
alertness, all three at once. Technically this is called a dispositional view of
thinking. Visible Thinking is designed to foster all three.
Another important result of this research concerns the practical functionality of the
Visible Thinking approach -- the thinking routines, the thinking ideals and other
elements. All these were developed in classroom contexts and have been revised
and revised again to ensure workability, accessibility, rich thinking results from the
activities, and teacher and student engagement.
The routines are a central element of the practical, functional and accessible
nature of Visible Thinking. Thinking routines are easy to use mini-strategies that
are repeatedly used in the classroom. They are a small set of questions or a short
sequence of steps that can be used across various grade levels and content. Each
routine targets a different type of thinking and by bringing their own content. They
have a public nature, so that they make thinking visible, and students quickly get
used to them
You focus on that ideal, foreground thinking routines that emphasize the ideal, and
draw out students' ideas and reflections about that ideal, to foster their conceptual
development. For instance, if you picked the ideal of understanding, you might use
thinking routines that foreground understanding several times a week in connection
with subject matter instruction. You might ask your students to develop concept
maps about understanding, so that you and they can reflect on what understanding
Thinking ideals offers more focus than starting with general routines or
documentation, although you may prefer to greater flexibility of those entry ways. It
allows you to draw students' attention to one or another very important aspect of
thinking in a sustained way -- understanding, truth, creativity, or fairness. And of
course you can go on to the others later.
The idea of documentation is closely linked with the idea of making thinking visible.
Through documentation of students' thinking and learning, we develop our own
understanding of how thinking processes develop and how we can best support
them. In this sense, documentation is not just a reflective examination but also a
prospective one as it shapes the design of future learning situations.
As educators, our first task is perhaps to see the absence, to hear the silence, to
notice what is not there. The Chinese proverb tells us that a journey of one
thousand miles begins with but a single step. Seeing the absence is an excellent
first step. Without it, the journey is not likely to happen. With it, and the direction
and energy the realization brings, we are on our way to making thinking visible.