m422 Lesson

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Hannah Adams and Taylor Miller 

Geometry- November 4th

Specifies State Content Standards: 
G.PL.1. Prove and apply theorems about lines and angles, including the following:
 Vertical angles are congruent.
 When a transversal crosses parallel lines, alternate interior angles are congruent, alternate
exterior angles are congruent, and corresponding angles are congruent. 
 When a transversal crosses parallel lines, same side interior angles are supplementary. 
 Points on a perpendicular bisector of a line segment are exactly those equidistant from the
endpoints of the segment.
States Central Focus: In this lesson, students will use their knowledge of angle pairs to
determine the relationships in angle pairs’ measures when formed by a set of parallel lines cut by
a transversal. They will learn which pairs of angles are congruent and which pairs are
supplementary by exploring the measurements of those pairs on GeoGebra figures they
Includes Essential Questions: 
How can you describe angle pairs formed by parallel lines crossed by a transversal? 
What are the relationships in angle measures between those pairs of angles?
States Specific Measurable Objectives: Students will construct two parallel lines as well as a
transversal line using GeoGebra and use the Measure tool to determine which types of angles are
congruent and which are supplementary. 
Launch (Before): 
For this lesson, we are assuming that students have learned how to identify vertical, adjacent,
alternate interior, alternate exterior, consecutive interior, consecutive exterior, and corresponding
angles. We are assuming they do NOT know the relationship in measures of these angles when
the lines forming them are parallel. 
Hook: 5 min
Guess the CAPITAL letter of the alphabet based on the description. 

1. I am a letter with a set of three horizontal parallel lines. I also have a vertical line
segment to the left of the parallel lines. _____________________   E
2. I am a letter with an acute angle. I also have a horizontal line segment. _______________
3. I am a letter with two vertical parallel lines. I also have a horizontal line segment in
between the parallel lines. _______________ H
4. I am a letter with three line segments and two of them are parallel. I also have two acute
angles._______________ Z
5. I am a letter with two lines that are perpendicular. My lines meet at the same point, but do
not intersect. ___________________ (two possible letters)
Review: 10 minutes
We have constructed a figure on GeoGebra that can be sent out to the entire class, which
contains two parallel lines and multiple transversals, as well as several geometric shapes within
the figure. We are going to send students to 4 different, random breakout groups and ask them to
identify a pair of each type of angle they have learned so far within the picture. Each group will
have a slide created for them on our presentation for this activity that allows them to write their
answers down, and allows us to compare answers between groups. 
Investigate (During): 
Students will be guided to go to www.geogebra.org/geometry and construct two parallel lines cut
by a transversal. They will use the Measure feature on GeoGebra to label every angle with the
angle measure, and look at the pairs of angles they just learned about and reviewed. They will
use these measurements to determine the relationships between these angle measures, whether
supplementary or congruent. We have created a slide for each group on our presentation that
allows them to document their findings and for each group to see other groups’ conclusions as
well. Our Google Slides presentation, which groups will have access to, will be linked below. 
Summarize (After): 
Summarize includes a description of how to organize the sharing to make sure the class is
engaged in a productive discussion and reflection in which students learn ideas and
strategies from each other. It includes possible questions to ask to encourage
generalizations and to make sure students justify their answers. 
After students have created their own pictures and explored the relationships between congruent
angles, they will be brought back together in the whole group. There will be four summary
questions. Each group will be prompted to answer one of the questions discussing a different
angle. The questions asked should lead into a summary of what the group talked about in relation
to the initial discovery questions. 
The questions that will be asked of each group are: 
1. What are the relationships between two vertical angles 
2. What are the relationships between alternate interior/exterior?
3. What are the relationships between same side interior/exterior?
4. What are the relationships between corresponding angles?

All groups will be asked: Are these angle measure relationships always true? Is there
significance in the way you constructed the figure?

Assessment Evidence: 
Students will be assessed by their answers to the slides we provide them with. Their responses on
the slides will tell us whether students remembered the angle pairs they were supposed to have
learned previously and whether they successfully found the relationships in the measures of
those angles. We will also be able to assess students’ findings about the measures of angle pairs
when we discuss each one as a whole group. That discussion will also give us the opportunity to
correct any misconceptions about the angles that may have been a result of incorrect
identification of angles or confusion. 
Resources and Materials, including the reading you found related to your central focus
Citations for any work you did not produce
Article: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?
This article highlights the importance of discovering and applying geometric transformations
with showing congruence of similar angles and shapes. Our lesson plan in the building block of
the discovery of what this article discusses. The article states: 
“It is apparent from the research, Mashingaidze (2012) stated that math teachers, especially those
at the secondary level, need to make the connection of transformations with congruence,
similarity, and proportion (p. 198). The use of transformations to identify congruent and similar
figures “explain the traditional Euclidean properties” (Smith, 2011, p. 42), thus relying less on
the memorization of properties, definitions, and axioms.” -pg 8
Our central focus is targeted to help students understand the relationships between congruent
angles. The discovery and understanding the “why” is more than just memorization of the tools.
It connects the bridge of furthering the knowledge to the application. Students will better be able
to progress throughout the material from the discovery rather than memorizing a list of
Plans for modifications: 
We have designed a lesson plan that meets students at their last learning session, activating their
prior knowledge, and building on prerequisite skills in order to make sure every student can
continue into this lesson successfully. We also designed multiple grouping of students and
formats of learning throughout the lesson in order to engage and appeal to every student. This
universal design makes the number of modifications that will need to be made as minimal as
possible. However, some students may need more one-on-one help from the teacher or fewer
problems in order to complete them in the given time slot and we are prepared to provide those
Plans for individual students: 
Students with specific learning disabilities in mathematics, such as dysgraphia, will be given a
resource sheet with examples of each of the types of angles, to limit the number of
misconceptions that occur and focus all working memory on the investigation. Students with
specific learning disabilities in mathematics may also be given materials to color code the
problem, so they can identify, through color, where the different angles are within the figure and
see them more clearly. 
Instructions will be read aloud to the entire class, which supports students with specific learning
disabilities in reading without making them feel outside or different. 
Students who fail to grasp the concept will be given small-group instruction to follow up on the
topic and make sure they understand the material before moving on to new information. 
Plans for extending the lesson: 
No homework or work outside of class will be given for this lesson. 

Reference Sheet: 

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