Dotnet Eud - Interface Elements For Desktop - v17.2

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Table of Contents

Chart Designer
Chart Wizard
Chart Type Page
Appearance Page
Series Page
Data Page
Chart Page
Diagram Page
Panes Page
Axes Page
Series Views Page
Point Labels Page
Chart Titles Page
Legend Page
Annotations Page
Highlighting and Selection Chart Elements
Zoom a Chart
Scroll a Chart
Rotate a Chart
Dock Panels
Working with Dropdown Editors
Editing Values, Selecting Text and Using the Clipboard
Editor Context Menu
Image Editor
Manipulating Tokens
Expression Editor
Expression Operators, Functions and Constants
Filter Editor
Filter Data via the Filter Editor
Examples of Using the Filter Editor
Data Editing
Edit Grid Cells
Add and Delete Grid Records
Data Presentation
Sort Grid Rows
Group Grid Rows
Fix Grid Rows
Data Analysis
Filter Grid Data
Filter Grid Data via Find Panel
Show Summaries (Totals) in Grids
Apply Cell Conditional Formatting
Layout Customization
Expand and Collapse Rows and Cards in Grids
Hide and Display Grid Columns, Bands and Card Fields
Rearrange Grid Columns, Bands and Card Fields
Resize Cards in Grids
Resize Grid Columns, Bands and Card Fields
Selection and Navigation
Locate Grid Records
Navigate Through Grid Records
Select Grid Rows and Cards
Layout Manager
Layout Customization
Start Layout Customization
Finish Layout Customization
Hide and Display Elements using a Layout Manager
Change Element Layout
Resize Interface Elements
Add Empty Regions, Separators, Splitters and Labels
Change Text Label Options
Work with Interface Element Groups
Create and Delete Tabbed Groups
Save and Restore Layout
Save and Restore Interface Layout
Using the Search Panel
Mini Map
Navigation Bars
Navigation Pane
Navigation Bar
PDF Viewer
Manage Documents and Files
Print Documents
Navigate and View a Document
Adjust the Document View
Select and Copy the Document Content
View Document Properties
File Attachment
Export and Import the AcroForm Data
Pivot Table
Data Editing
Edit Data in Pivot Tables
Edit Unbound Expression
Data Presentation
Sort Data in Pivot Tables
Filter Data in Pivot Tables
Apply Conditional Formatting
Change Summary Type in Pivot Tables
Layout Customization
Resizing Columns
Expand and Collapse Groups in Pivot Tables
Hide Pivot Table Fields
Display Hidden Pivot Table Fields
Reorder Pivot Table Fields
Select Cells in Pivot Tables
Field List Overview
Invoke a Field List
Invoke a Field List
Defer Pivot Table Updates
Change Field List Layout
Print Preview
Print Preview for WinForms
File Management
Printing and Page Setup
Headers and Footers
Viewing and Navigating
Watermark and Background
Passing Parameters in Print Preview
Warnings and Error Messages in Print Preview
Print Preview for WPF
File Management
Printing and Page Setup
Passing Parameter Values
Changing a Watermark
Report Designer
Report Designer for WinForms
Report Editing Basics
Create Reports
Report Designer Reference
Report Wizard
Preview, Print and Export Reports
Report Designer for WPF
Report Types
Creating Reports
Report Elements
Interface Elements
Report Wizard
Document Preview
Frequently Used Ribbon Commands
Minimize Ribbon
Invoke Ribbon Commands
Rich Text Editor
Text Editor UI
Editor Elements
Ribbon Interface
File Operations
Create a New Document
Load a Document
Save a Document
Print a Document
Document Layout and Page Setup
Divide a Documents into Sections
Adjust Page Settings
Lay Out Text in Columns
Add Line Numbers
Change Page Background Color
Viewing and Navigating
Navigate through a Document
Switch Document Views
Zoom a Document
Text Editing
Select Text
Delete Text
Find and Replace Text
Use a Clipboard
Check Text Spelling
Undo and Redo Last Operations
Format Text
Format Paragraphs
Apply and Modify Styles
Pictures and Text Boxes
Insert, Select, Copy or Delete a Text Box
Insert a Picture
Add, Change or Delete a Border for a Picture or Text Box
Add, Change or Delete a Text Box Fill
Rotate a Picture or Text Box
Move a Picture or Text Box
Wrap Text around a Picture or Text Box
Resize a Picture or Text Box
Numbered Lists
Bulleted Lists
Multilevel Lists
Insert a Table
Add and Remove Table Borders
Customize a Style of Cell Borders
Select a Cell, Row or Column
Insert a Cell, Row or Column
Delete a Cell, Row or Column
Merge or Split Cells
Align Text in Table Cells
Adjust Column Width
Set Background Color of Cells
Set Table Properties
Header and Footer
Mail Merge
Table of Contents
Create a Table of Contents
Create Table of Contents for Special Cases
Update Table of Contents
Document Protection
Protect and Unprotect a Document
Edit a Protected Document
Insert a Bookmark
Insert a Hyperlink
Insert a Comment
Insert a Page Break
Insert Page Numbers
Insert a Symbol
Set Document Properties
Scheduler UI
Ribbon Interface
Appointment Management
Create Appointments
Edit Appointments
Manage Reminders
Delete Appointments
Restrictions for Operations with Appointments
Layout Customization
Switch Scheduler Views
Scheduler Grouping
Zoom the Scheduling Area
Selection and Navigation
Navigate Dates in the Scheduler
Navigate Scheduler Resources
Navigate Scheduler Time Cells
Scheduler Navigation Buttons
Scheduler 'More' Buttons
Snap Reporting Engine
Graphical User Interface
Main Toolbar
Snap Application Elements
Connect to Data
Connect a Document to a Data Source
Create a Master-Detail Data Source
Filter Data
Format Data
Group Data
Sort Data
Pass Parameter Values
Use Calculated Fields
Use the Query Builder
Create a Report Layout
Create a Mail-Merge Report
Create a Master-Detail Report
Create a Table Report
Create a Multi-Column Report
Create a Side-by-Side Report
Create a Parameterized Report
Create a Chart-Based Report
Create a Combined Report Layout
Manage Documents and Files
Create a New Report
Storing Reports
Save a Report
Open an Existing Report
Export a Report
Spreadsheet UI
Ribbon Interface
Spreadsheet Elements
File Operations
Create a Workbook
Load a Workbook
Create a Worksheet
Rename a Worksheet
Delete a Worksheet
Save a Workbook
Import and Export Text Files
Print a Workbook
Adjust Page Settings
Undo and Redo Last Actions
Viewing and Navigating
Hide and Display Worksheets
Zoom a Worksheet
Hide Gridlines and Headings
Freeze Columns and Rows
Editing Cells
Select Cells or Cell Content
Copy and Paste Cell Content
Fill Data Automatically
Find and Replace
Insert a Comment
Insert a Symbol
Cell Formatting
Format Cells
Format Cell Content
Wrap Text and Merge Cells
Number Formatting
Conditional Formatting
Clear Cell Formatting
Columns and Rows
Insert and Delete Columns and Rows
Show and Hide Columns and Rows
Specify Column Width and Row Height
Create a Table
Pivot Tables
Create a Pivot Table
Modify a Pivot Table
Refresh the PivotTable Data
Change the Value Field Settings
Apply a Predefined Style to a Pivot Table
Change the PivotTable Layout
Subtotal and Total Fields in a Pivot Table
Group Items in a Pivot Table
Sort Items in a Pivot Table
Filter a Pivot Table
Insert a Calculated Field and Calculated Item
Data Presentation
Outline Data
Subtotal Data
Sort Data
Filter Data
Data Validation
Validate Data in Cells
Create a Simple Formula
Cell References
Defined Names
Using Functions in Formulas
Supported Functions
Create an Array Formula
Error Types in Formulas
Charting Overview
Creating a Chart
Changing a Chart Type
Applying a Predefined Chart Layout and Style
Modifying a Chart Manually
Creating a Chart Sheet
Mail Merge
Mail Merge Overview
Data Source Wizard
Query Builder
Parameters Panel
Pictures and Hyperlinks
Insert a Picture
Move, Rotate and Resize a Picture
Insert and Delete Hyperlinks
Shortcuts to Work with Pictures
Protect a Workbook
Protect a Worksheet
Protect Worksheet Ranges
Encrypt a Workbook with the Password
File Operations
Navigation inside Worksheets
Work with Selections
Copy, Paste and Edit the Cell Content
Cell Formatting
Work with Columns and Rows
Sort and Filter
Work with Formulas
Toolbars and Menus
Layout Customization
Open Toolbar Customization Window
Finish Toolbar Customization
Hide and Display Toolbars
Hide and Display Bar Commands
Rearrange Toolbars and Menus
Rearrange Bar Commands
Restore the Default Layout of Bar Commands
Keyboard Navigation in Menus and Toolbars
Select Commands
Invoke Toolbar and Menu Commands
Tree List
Edit Cells in a Tree List
Data Presentation
Sort Tree List Nodes
Data Analysis
Filter TreeList Data
Show Summaries (Totals) in a Tree List
Apply Cell Conditional Formatting
Layout Customization
Expand and Collapse Nodes in a Tree List
Hide and Display Tree List Columns
Reorder Tree List Columns
Resize Tree List Columns
Selection and Navigation
Navigation in a Tree List
Select Tree List Nodes
Vertical Grid
Edit Cells in Vertical Grids
Layout Customization
Expand and Collapse Rows in Vertical Grids
Resize Rows and Columns in Vertical Grids
Navigation in Vertical Grids
This section describes the capabilities provided by Charts.

Topics in this section:

Chart Designer
Chart Wizard
Highlighting and Selection Chart Elements
Zoom a Chart
Scroll a Chart
Rotate a Chart
Chart Designer
Use the Chart Designer dialog to quickly and easily customize a chart, or create a new one.

The Chart Designer is organized into three main areas, which are represented below.
Chart Elements Tree
The Chart Elements Tree allows you to quickly select chart elements, change the structure of a chart (add or delete elements and
change their visibility) and also represent chart structure. When you locate an element in the tree, it is highlighted in the central
area. If you click the element, then its settings will be displayed in the Customization Tabs area.

Chart Control Appearance

The Chart Control Appearance area allows you to see how the chart looks. Moreover, it allows you to select an item, whose
settings will be displayed in the Customization Tabs area.
Customization Tabs
The Customization Tabs area allows you to customize chart element settings. Settings are separated by three tabs.
The Options Tab contains commonly used element settings.

The Properties Tab contains all settings of a chart element.

The Data Tab contains settings, which allow you to specify data source members used to plot series or other data settings
of a chart element (for example, the series points values if the series is not assigned with data).


For several chart elements, the Customization Tabs area may not contain all tabs from the Tabs list represented above.
Chart Wizard
Use the chart wizard dialog to quickly and easily create a new chart, or modify an existing one.

The Chart Wizard contains the following pages.

Construction group
Chart Type Page
Appearance Page
Series Page
Data Page
Presentation group
Chart Page
Diagram Page
Panes Page
Axes Page
Series Views Page
Point Labels Page
Chart Titles Page
Legend Page
Annotations Page
To navigate through the Chart Wizard's pages, use the navigation bar or the and buttons.
To complete the chart, use the button, or the button, to cancel all changes.
Use the "Display a wizard every time a new chart is added" option to specify whether or not a chart wizard should appear when
you add a new chart to the windows form.
Chart Type Page
Choose a chart type.

Page Elements

Chart type selector

Contains icons representing chart types. Click an icon to choose the appropriate chart type.
Chart type filter
Filters chart types available in the Chart type selector. The following chart filters are available:
All Chart Types.
Bar Series (Bar, Stacked Bar, 100% Stacked Bar, Side-By-Side Stacked Bar, 100% Side-By-Side Stacked Bar, 3D Bar, 3D
Stacked Bar, 3D 100% Stacked Bar, 3D Side-By-Side Stacked Bar, 3D 100% Side-By-Side Stacked Bar and Manhattan Bar).
Point and Line Series (Point, Bubble, Line, Stacked Line, 100% Stacked Line, Step Line, Spline, Scatter Line, Swift Plot, 3D
Line, 3D Stacked Line, 3D 100% Stacked Line, 3D Step Line and 3D Spline).
Pie Series (Pie, Doughnut, 3D Pie and 3D Doughnut).
Funnel Series (Funnel and 3D Funnel).
Area Series (Area, Stacked Area, 100% Stacked Area, Step Area, Spline Area, Spline Area Stacked, 100% Stacked Spline
Area, 3D Area, 3D Stacked Area, 3D 100% Stacked Area, 3D Step Area, 3D Spline Area, 3D Spline Stacked Area and 3D 100%
Stacked Spline Area).
Range Series (Range Bar, Side-By-Side Range Bar, Range Area, 3D Range Area).
Radar and Polar Series (Radar Point, Radar Line, Radar Area, Polar Point, Polar Line and Polar Area).
Advanced Series (Stock, Candle Stick, Gantt, Side-By-Side Gantt).
Appearance Page
Choose a palette to color a series.
Choose the style specifying the chart's appearance.

Page Elements

Chart preview area

Previews a chart's layout.
Palette Editor
Specifies a palette to color a series.

Style Editor
Specifies the style determining the chart's appearance, depending on the selected palette.
Series Page
Create or remove a series of points.
Define the series name, visibility and view type.
Customize additional series options and legend point options.
Enable and customize the Top N Values feature.

Page Elements

Series List
This list displays all available series. You can click list entries to access properties of the corresponding series. To switch between
series, use the ∧ and ∨ buttons.
Series management buttons
Use the Add, Copy and Remove buttons to manage the series collection.
Options tabs
The following tabs are available on this page:
Choose whether the selected series should be visible, define its name, and select a view type.
Series Options
Specifies argument and value scale types, the point sort order, visibility in the legend, whether the legend is checked, and
legend text.
Top N Options
Specifies whether the Top N Values feature is enabled, and allows you to control this feature's options.
Legend Text Pattern
Specifies the format of values displayed in the chart legend.
Data Page
Provide data for a chart;
Bind a chart or individual series to a data source;
Customize an argument and a value scale type;
Customize the view type of auto-generated series;
Apply data filtering and sorting;
Adjust the Pivot Chart settings.

Page Elements

You can provide data for a chart using the following tabs.
Points tab
Series Binding tab
Auto-created Series tab

Points Tab
Use it to manually enter data points for series.

Note that valid Argument and Value entries must correspond to the Argument scale type and the Value scale type selected
for the appropriate series on the Series Page. Otherwise, an error message will be invoked.
Series Binding Tab
Use it to provide specific data binding options for each series.

The following illustration demonstrates how it works.

Auto-created Series Tab

Use it to specify data columns used to generate series, as well as the series view type and other options like sorting, filtering and
name template.
The following illustration demonstrates how it works.

For familiar data sources (such as Pivot Grid), you can choose to automatically adjust the binding and layout settings of your
And when you set a Pivot Grid as a Chart's data source, the Pivot Grid Data Source tab becomes available.

On this tab you can adjust various Pivot Chart options.

Chart Page
Define a chart's background color and background image.

Page Elements

Chart preview area

Previews a chart's layout.
Options tabs
The following tabs are available on this page.
Specifies a chart's automatic layout, chart background color, fill style and background image.
Specifies a border's color, thickness and visibility.
Specifies the diagram's inner indents.
Empty Chart Text
Specifies the message displayed in the chart when there's no data to display.
Small Chart Text
Specifies the message displayed in the chart, when the chart size is too small to fit the diagram.
Diagram Page
Rotate a diagram;
Define a diagram's padding;
Add or remove secondary axes;
Add or remove panes;
Define panes' layout direction;
Enable or disable a diagram's scrolling and zooming.

Page Elements

Chart preview area

Previews a chart's layout.
Options tabs
The following tabs are available on this page.
Choose whether a diagram should be rotated, set its padding values, and (if it contains several panes) define the panes'
layout direction.
Add or remove secondary axes and panes.
Scroll & Zoom
Enable or disable a diagram's scrolling and zooming, and specify the scrolling and zooming options.
Panes Page
Customize panes properties.

Page Elements

Chart preview area

Previews a chart's layout.
Pane selector
Specifies a pane to be customized.
Options tabs
The following tabs are available on this page.
Determines whether the selected pane should be visible, specifies its name, size mode and size value.
Specifies a pane's background color and fill style, and its background image.
Determines whether a pane's border should be visible, and defines its color.
Determines whether a pane's shadow should be visible, and defines its color and size.
Scroll & Zoom
Enable or disable a pane's scrolling and zooming for specific axes.
Scroll Bars
If scrolling and/or zooming is enabled for an axis, adjust the scroll bars visibility, position and appearance.
Axes Page
Customize axes properties;
Customize the appearance of axis labels;
Add a constant line and a strip to an axis;
Enable automatic and manual scale breaks.

Page Elements

Chart preview area

Previews a chart's layout.
Note that you can select an axis to be modified on the chart preview area directly.
Axis selector
Specifies an axis to be customized.
Options tabs
The following tabs are available on this page.
Specifies visibility, position, range and format properties.
Defines color, thickness and interlacing options.
Customizes title, tickmarks and grid line properties.
Specifies position and text for automatically created labels, or allows custom labels to be defined.
Allows you to create strips, define their visibility, name, limits, appearance, etc.
Constant Lines
Allows you to create constant lines, specify whether the constant line should be checkable or checked in a legend, define
their visibility, name, value, legend text, appearance, title, etc.
Scale Breaks
Allows you to enable automatic and / or create custom scale breaks, and define their appearance.
Series Views Page
Customize the view-type-specific properties of series;
Customize the appearance and border settings of series;
Add or remove financial indicators (Fibonacci indicators, trendlines and regression lines).

Page Elements

Chart preview area

Previews a chart's layout.
Note that you can select a series to be modified directly in the chart preview area.
Series selector
Specifies a series to be customized.
Options tabs
The following tabs are available on this page.
Specifies a series bar's width, distance, color, transparency, etc.
Specifies a series color, transparency and fill style. Additionally, determines whether series points should be painted
Determines whether a series border should be visible, and defines its color and thickness.
Specifies whether a series' shadow should be visible, determines its color and size.
Allows you to add or remove indicators of a required kind (Regression Line, Trend Line, Fibonacci Arcs, Fibonacci Fans,
Fibonacci Retracement and many others).
Point Labels Page
Resolve overlapping of point labels;
Customize the appearance of point labels.

Page Elements


The point labels are hidden in the chart control by default. To show series point labels, check the Visibile check box.
Chart preview area
Previews a chart's layout.
Note that you can select point labels to be modified directly in the chart preview area.
Series selector
Specifies a series to be customized.
Options tabs
The following tabs are available on this page.
Specifies whether labels should be visible and shown for zero values, determines their text and resolves overlapping
Text Pattern
Specifies a text pattern to format series point labels.
Determines whether label lines should be visible, and specifies their appearance.
Specifies the background color and fill style of labels.
Determines whether label borders should be visible, and defines their color and thickness.
Specifies whether a label's shadow should be visible, and defines its color and size.
Chart Titles Page
Create chart titles;
Enable the word-wrapping for lengthy chart titles;
Customize the appearance and position of chart titles.

Page Elements

Chart preview area

Previews a chart's layout.
Note that you can select chart titles to be modified in the chart preview area directly.

Titles management section

Allows you to add or remove titles from the titles list, and choose a title to be customized.
Options tabs
The following tabs are available on this page.
Sets a text for the selected chart title. Note that the basic HTML formatting is supported for chart titles.
Specifies a title's visibility, alignment and font options, and determines whether the word-wrapping is enabled for a title.
Legend Page
Customize chart legend's properties.

Page Elements

Chart preview area

Previews a chart's layout.
Note that you can select the legend directly on the chart preview area.

Options tabs
The following tabs are available on this page.
Specifies legend visibility, direction, alignment, spacing, limits and margins.
Specifies legend background color and background image.
Specifies visibility and dimensions of legend markers.
Specifies legend text antialiasing, color and font.
Specifies visibility, color and thickness of legend borders.
Specifies visibility, color and size of the legend shadow.
Annotations Page
Create and customize image and text annotations.

Page Elements

Chart preview area

Previews a chart's layout.
Annotation selector
Specifies an annotation to be created and/or customized.
Note that you can select an annotation directly on the chart preview area.
Options tabs
The following tabs are available on this page.
Specify an annotation's name, adjust its visibility, z-order and layout.
Anchor Point
Choose an element to anchor to (chart, pane, or series point), and adjust the corresponding options.
Shape Position
Choose an annotation's shape position type (free or relative), and adjust the corresponding options.
Depending on an annotation's type (text or image), specify its content.
Specify an annotation's inner indents.
Adjust an annotation's background color, fill style, shape and connector options.
Specify visibility, color and thickness of an annotation's borders.
Specifies visibility, color and size of an annotation's shadow.
Highlighting and Selection Chart Elements
If you are working with 2D charts, you can highlight and select different chart elements via the mouse or using different gestures
on your touchscreen device.

Any chart element that can be selected supports highlighting.
An end user can highlight a chart's area using either the drag gesture on your touchscreen device or via the mouse pointer by
hovering over a particular chart element, as shown in the image below.


Chart element highlighting and selection is available only for 2D Chart Types.

To select a particular chart element, an end user should tap it on a device supporting touchscreen or click this element using the
left mouse button. The following image demonstrates how a constant line and a single series are painted if selected by an end
user with the mouse pointer.
Selectable Elements
Chart elements which can be highlighted or selected are shown in the following illustration.
Zoom a Chart
If you are working with 2D XY-charts (Bar, Line, Point, etc.) or 3D charts, you can zoom in or out of a chart. This allows you to see
some of the chart's data in greater detail, or get a more general picture of your data.
Note that zooming is unavailable for 2D Pie, 2D Doughnut, Radar, and Polar charts.

Zoom In a Chart
To zoom in a chart, do one of the following.
Hold down SHIFT and click.
After you press SHIFT, the mouse pointer is changed to . Then, move the mouse pointer to the chart region to be zoomed
into, and click (while holding SHIFT). The magnification factor is 300%.
Press SHIFT and select a region on a diagram.
After you press SHIFT, the mouse pointer is changed to . Then, select a zoomed region by dragging the mouse pointer.

After releasing the left mouse button, a chart is zoomed into the bounds of the selected region on a diagram.

This feature is available for 2D charts only.

if you press SHIFT and can't zoom in anymore (the mouse pointer is changed to ), then a chart is already zoomed in by
100 times (10000%). This is the maximum possible zoom factor allowed.
In this case, the magnification factor is 120%.
Use the spread gestures on a touchscreen device.
An end-user can zoom in a chart's diagram performing spread gestures on any device supporting touchscreen.

Use the mouse wheel.

In this case, the magnification factor is 120%.

Zoom Out of a Chart

To zoom out of a chart, do one of the following.
Hold down ALT and click.
After you press ALT, the mouse pointer is changed to . Then, move the mouse pointer to the region to be zoomed out, and
click (while holding ALT). The magnification factor is 300%.
In this case, the magnification factor is 120%.
Use the pinch gestures on a touchscreen device.
A chart's diagram can be zoomed out by performing pinch gestures on any device supporting touchscreen.

Use the mouse wheel.

In this case, the magnification factor is 120%.

Undo Zooming
Press CTRL+Z to return to the state before the first zoom operation in a series.
Scroll a Chart
You can scroll a chart if either the axis visible range is reduced or a chart is already zoomed in (its zoom factor is more than
100%). Since the entire chart is not visible at one time, it's possible to scroll a chart.

Scroll a 2D Chart
To scroll a 2D chart, do one of the following:
Hold down the left mouse button, and drag it.

After you hold down the left mouse button, the mouse pointer is changed from to . Then drag the mouse pointer to
scroll the diagram.
Use scrollbars.
An end-user is able to click a scrollbar arrow, click the scrollbar near the thumb, or drag the thumb and move it.

In this instance, a chart's diagram is scrolled in the same way as controls in used Windows applications.
Use flick gestures on a touchscreen device.
An end-user can scroll a diagram using flick gestures on a touchscreen device.

Use CTRL+ARROW combinations.

When an end-user presses CTRL + LEFT, a chart's diagram is moved to the left.
When an end-user presses CTRL + UP, a chart's diagram is moved to the top.
When an end-user presses CTRL + RIGHT, a chart's diagram is moved to the right.
When an end-user presses CTRL + DOWN, a chart's diagram is moved to the bottom.
Scroll a 3D Chart
An end-user can perform chart scrolling doing one of the following:
Hold down the mouse wheel button on a chart and drag it.

After you hold down the mouse wheel, the mouse pointer is changed from to . Then drag the mouse pointer to scroll
a chart's diagram.
Use CTRL+ARROW combinations.
Use flick gestures on a touchscreen device.
An end-user can scroll a diagram using flick gestures.
Rotate a Chart
If you are working with 3D charts, you can rotate a chart's diagram. This may be required if a chart displays multiple series or data
points, and it's required to change the current rotation angle to view the chart data in detail.
To rotate a chart control, do one of the following:
Hold down the left mouse button on the diagram and drag the mouse pointer.

After holding down the left mouse button, the mouse pointer is changed from to . Then, drag the mouse pointer to
rotate the chart.
Use rotation gestures on a touchscreen device.
Touch a 3D chart's area with two fingers and move them in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.
In the Docking section, you will learn about the main runtime capabilities of the DocumentManager and DockManager, which
can be combined to create traditional docking UI applications (see the image below).

The main elements of the DocumentManager and DockManager components are Documents and Dock panels, respectively.
These objects are containers that display content and provide docking functionality – you can drag Documents and Dock Panels
into a tab group, dock them to different application dock zones, make them floating or auto-hidden, etc.
This section consists of the following topics.
Dock Panels
Dock Panels
This topic describes the most common runtime operations for dock panels.

Docking Hints
Dock panels can be docked, floating or auto-hidden. To dock or undock a panel, simply click its header and drag the panel. As you
drag the panel over an application form, docking hints appear (see the figure below). Use these hints to dock the panel to the
desired position.

Docking hints are semi-transparent square elements that allow you to dock a panel to a form's edges, or to an existing container
as a tab, or between other docking elements. These hints are displayed separately or grouped in a docking guide (e.g., in the
form's central area). Finally, a docking zone is a semi-transparent preview of exactly where your panel will be docked. This zone is
displayed when you drag a panel into a docking hint, but before you drop it.

Dock panels have multiple state change buttons in their top right corner.
Close - closes the current panel.
Maximize/Restore - maximizes the panel to full-screen size, or restores it back to its original size. Available only for
floating panels.
Auto-hide/Dock - hides the panel, leaving only its header visible, or restores an auto-hidden panel back to the docked
state. Depending on the application settings, hidden panels are displayed either on mouse hover or on click only. Available
only for docked panels.
Pin - places the panel in the first tab position. Available only for panels docked as tabbed documents.

Context Menu
Most docking operations are available from the panel's context menu, displayed on right-click. The figure below illustrates the
context menu for a docked panel.

For dock panels docked as tabbed documents, the context menu displays multiple additional items, which allow you to pin the
panel or start a new horizontal or vertical group within the docked area (see the image below).

Interoperability with Documents and Other Dock Panels

When dragging a dock panel, you can dock it to other dock panels. This will create a dock panel container that presents both
panels as tabs. Note that in addition to docking panels via docking hints, you can also drag them to the tab header area. This
allows you to instantly rearrange panels within the container (see the animation below).
Dock panels can be docked to both the dock panel docking areas (the form's edges) as well as to the tabbed View. Documents,
however, can only be docked within the tabbed View, and not to the docking areas.

Mouse Operations and Hotkeys

Double-click a docked panel's caption - undocks the panel and makes it floating. This does not work with auto-hide panels.
Ctrl+Double-click a floating panel's caption - docks the floating panel to its previous docking position.
Esc while dragging a panel - cancels the dock operation and drops the panel at the current position.
Ctrl+Tab or Crtl+Shift+Tab - shows the Document Selector. See the Dock Panels topic to learn more about the Document
Document objects resemble dock panels and serve the very same goal - to host content within floating or tabbed MDI windows.
You can click a document’s caption, and drag this document to dock or undock it in the same manner as dock panels. However,
there are certain differences between documents and dock panels.

While dock panels can be docked to any form’s edge, documents can only be docked in a special area called a tabbed View. When
you drag a document, docking hints will tell you where this area is. The image below illustrates a tabbed View within a tabbed
MDI application.

Dock panels can also be docked into this area, but documents cannot be docked to auto-hide containers and form edges.

Floating Document Container

As you can see from the image above, documents can be nested into a floating document container. If this feature is enabled, it
allows you to organize all of your floating documents in a single floating container (and avoid a cluttered UI with multiple floating
windows). If you want to dock your floating documents once again, simply drag this container in the same manner in which you
drag documents. Docking a floating container into a tabbed View will dock all of the container's documents into this View. You
can also rearrange within or drag individual documents out of this container.

Tabbed Groups
Documents within a tabbed View can be docked to vertical or horizontal document groups. To do so, use the side docking hint
when dragging a document, or right-click the document header and select the New Tab Group item in the invoked context menu
(see the figure below).

Document groups are divided by splitters. You can drag the splitter to resize the groups, as shown in the figure below.

Document groups can display Next and Previous buttons, which allow you to scroll through tab headers when there is not
enough free space within the group to display all of the headers.

Document groups within a View can either be arranged horizontally (side-by-side), or vertically (one above another), but not in
both directions simultaneously. If only one tabbed group exists, the View does not yet have an orientation setting. After you start a
new horizontal tab group, for example, the View becomes vertically oriented, which means that all subsequent tab groups can
only be arranged vertically. You can reverse the current View orientation by right-clicking any tab group header and selecting the
Arrange Tab Groups Vertically (Horizontally) context menu item.

To navigate through documents (and dock panels, if any exist), you can use the Document Selector, invoked via the CTRL+Tab
keyboard hotkey. This tool displays a small preview of each focused document (dock panel) and its short description. You can see
the Document Selector in the next image.
To quickly navigate through documents, you can also use the button in the group's top right corner.

Finally, you can right-click a document group's header and select the Windows... item to display the Windows dialog, which lists
all currently opened documents and their paths (see the image below).
Mouse Operations and Keyboard Shortcuts
Double-click a docked document's caption - undock the document and make it floating.
Ctrl+Double-click a floating document's caption - docks the floating document to its previous docking position.
Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab - shows the Document Selector.
This section describes the capabilities provided by the editor controls:

Topics in this section:

Working with Dropdown Editors
Editing Values, Selecting Text and Using the Clipboard
Editor Context Menu
Image Editor
Manipulating Tokens
Working with Dropdown Editors
Open Editor's Dropdown
Do one of the following:
Focus the editor and press ALT+DOWN ARROW or F4.
Click the editor's dropdown button:

Close Editor's Dropdown

For all editors providing a dropdown, you can close the dropdown by pressing ALT+DOWN ARROW, ESC or F4.
If the calculator is displayed in the dropdown, it can be closed via CTRL+ENTER.
Dropdowns displaying lists of items can be closed by clicking an item with the mouse, or by selecting an item with the keyboard
and pressing ENTER.
Editing Values, Selecting Text and Using the Clipboard
Select and Deselect Editor's Contents
To select all text within an editor, you can invoke the Editor Context Menu and choose Select All. To select a part of the edit value,
click on a position where the selection should start, drag the pointer to the end position and then release the mouse button.
Additionally, the following keyboard shortcuts allow you to manage selections.


CTRL+A or F2 Selects all within an editor.

SHIFT+ARROW Extends or shrinks the selection by one character.

CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW Extends or shrinks the selection by one word.

Clipboard Operations
Clipboard operations are supported for editors that support caret moving.
To copy selected text into the clipboard, do one of the following.
Open the Editor Context Menu and select Copy.
To paste text from the clipboard, do one of the following.
Open the Editor Context Menu and select Paste.
To cut text from an editor into the clipboard, do one of the following.
Open the Editor Context Menu and select Cut.

Delete Selected Text

To delete the selected text within an editor, do one of the following.
Open the Editor Context Menu and select Delete.

To undo the last text editing operation, do one of the following.
Press CTRL+Z.
Open the Editor Context Menu and select Undo.

After you've undone an operation, you can return to the previous edit value by executing the Undo command once again.

Change Date/Time Values

You can edit these values without opening the dropdown calendar. Position the caret at the portion of a date/time value that
needs to be changed. To increment the value, press the UP ARROW. To decrement the value, press the DOWN ARROW. Or use the
mouse wheel.

Change Numeric Values

To increment a value, press the UP ARROW. To decrement the value, press the DOWN ARROW. Alternatively, rotate the wheel

Change Binary Values

Click a check box or a toggle switch to change its value.

Change Values of Editors That Display Items in the Dropdown

To select the previous value, press the UP ARROW. To select the next value, press the DOWN ARROW. Alternatively, rotate the
wheel button.
To learn how to open and close dropdown windows, see Working with Dropdown Editors.

Navigate hyperlinks
Hover the mouse pointer over a hyperlink to display a tooltip. Click a hyperlink to navigate it.

Edit Images
To copy, cut, paste, load and save images in image editors, select the required command from the image menu. To access the
image menu, do one of the following.
Right click the image editor.
Hover the mouse pointer over the image editor.
To learn more about image editors, see Image Editor.
Editor Context Menu
Text editors support a context menu providing common commands. To open the menu, right-click an editor.
Image Editor
An image editor allows you to load and display images.

The following steps may vary depending on application vendor.

Built-in menu
To access the built-in menu, do one of the following.
Hover the mouse pointer over the image editor.
Right-click the image editor.

Open an image
To load a new image, click the Open(Load) button from the built-in menu.
In the invoked dialog, choose an image file and click Open.

Save an image
To save the currently displayed image, open the built-in menu and click the Save button.
In the invoked dialog, locate the folder where you want to store your image, enter the file name and click Save.
Using the clipboard

To cut the currently displayed image and copy it to the clipboard, click the Cut button.
To copy the currently displayed image to the clipboard, click the Copy button.
To retrieve the image from the clipboard, click the Paste button.

Clear the editor

Click the Clear(Delete) button to clear editor contents.
Manipulating Tokens
Add a Token

To add a new token, do any of the following.

Click an item from the dropdown.
Type the item name in the text field and press ENTER.
Rotate the wheel button to scroll through items. Press the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW to navigate the items one by one.

Remove a Token

To remove a token, click the Remove Token button.

Clipboard Operations

To select multiple tokens, click each token you want to select while holding down the CTRL button.
To copy selected tokens to the clipboard, press CTRL+C.
To paste the tokens from the clipboard, click within a token editor and press CTRL+V.
Expression Editor
The Expression Editor allows you to edit various Boolean or regular expressions in controls:

In this editor, you can type an expression manually, or select functions, operators and operands using the editor's controls.
An expression is a string that, when parsed and processed, evaluates some value. Expressions consist of column/field names,
constants, operators and functions. Column/field names must be wrapped with brackets. The following are examples of regular
"[Quantity] * [UnitPrice] * (1 - [BonusAmount])"
Boolean expressions:
"[Country] == 'USA'"
The Expression Editor supports numerous standard functions, allowing you to easily perform different string, date-time, logical
and math operations over data. You can access the available functions by selecting the Functions category.
Expression Operators, Functions and Constants
This topic lists operators and functions supported by the Expression Editor. It also provides information on how constants can be
specified in expressions.


Adds the value of one numeric expression to another, or

+ [FirstName] + ' ' + [LastName]; [UnitPrice] + 4
concatenates two strings.

- Finds the difference between two numbers. [Price1] - [Price2]

* Multiplies the value of two expressions. [Quantity] * [UnitPrice] * (1 - [BonusAmount])

/ Divides the first operand by the second. [Quantity] / 2

Returns the remainder (modulus) obtained by dividing one

% [Quantity] % 3
numeric expression into another.

Compares each bit of its first operand to the

corresponding bit of its second operand. If either bit is 1,
the corresponding result bit is set to 1. Otherwise, the
corresponding result bit is set to 0.

Performs a bitwise logical AND operation between two integer

& [Flag] & 10

Performs a logical exclusion on two Boolean expressions, or a

^ [Flag1] ^ [Flag2]
bitwise exclusion on two numeric expressions.

== (as Returns true if both operands have the same value; otherwise, it
[Quantity] == 10 (as well as [ID] = 11)
well as =) returns false.

Returns true if the operands do not have the same value;

!= [Country] != 'France'
otherwise, it returns false.

< Less than operator. Used to compare expressions. [UnitPrice] < 20

<= Less than or equal to operator. Used to compare expressions. [UnitPrice] <= 20

>= Greater than or equal to operator. Used to compare expressions. [UnitPrice] > 30

> Greater than operator. Used to compare expressions. [UnitPrice] >= 30

In (,,,) Tests for the existence of a property in an object. [Country] In ('USA', 'UK', 'Italy')

Compares a string against a pattern. If the value of the string

matches the pattern, result is true. If the string does not match
Like [Name] Like 'An%'
the pattern, result is false. If both string and pattern are empty
strings, the result is true.

Specifies a range to test. Returns true if a value is greater than

or equal to the first operand and less than or equal to the [Quantity] Between (10, 20)
second operand.

And Performs a logical conjunction on two expressions. [InStock] And ([ExtendedPrice]> 100)

Or Performs a logical disjunction on two Boolean expressions. [Country]=='USA' Or [Country]=='UK'

Not Performs logical negation on an expression. Not [InStock]

Date-time Functions


Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of days away

AddDays(DateTime, DaysCount) AddDays([OrderDate], 30)
from the specified DateTime.

AddHours(DateTime, Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of hours away
AddHours([StartTime], 2)
HoursCount) from the specified DateTime.

AddMilliSeconds(DateTime, Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of milliseconds AddMilliSeconds(([StartTime],
MilliSecondsCount) away from the specified DateTime. 5000))

AddMinutes(DateTime, Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of minutes away
AddMinutes([StartTime], 30)
MinutesCount) from the specified DateTime.

AddMonths(DateTime, Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of months away
AddMonths([OrderDate], 1)
MonthsCount) from the specified DateTime.

AddSeconds(DateTime, Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of seconds away
AddSeconds([StartTime], 60)
SecondsCount) from the specified DateTime.

Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of ticks away

AddTicks(DateTime, TicksCount) AddTicks([StartTime], 5000)
from the specified DateTime.

AddTimeSpan(DateTime, Returns a date-time value that is away from the specified DateTime for AddTimeSpan([StartTime],
TimeSpan) the given TimeSpan. [Duration])

AddYears(DateTime, Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of years away
AddYears([EndDate], -1)
YearsCount) from the specieid DateTime.

GetDate(DateTime) Extracts a date from the defined DateTime. GetDate([OrderDateTime])

GetDay(DateTime) Extracts a day from the defined DateTime. GetDay([OrderDate])

GetDayOfWeek(DateTime) Extracts a day of the week from the defined DateTime. GetDayOfWeek([OrderDate])

GetDayOfYear(DateTime) Extracts a day of the year from the defined DateTime. GetDayOfYear([OrderDate])

GetHour(DateTime) Extracts an hour from the defined DateTime. GetHour([StartTime])

GetMilliSecond(DateTime) Extracts milliseconds from the defined DateTime. GetMilliSecond([StartTime])

GetMinute(DateTime) Extracts minutes from the defined DateTime. GetMinute([StartTime])

GetMonth(DateTime) Extracts a month from the defined DateTime. GetMonth([StartTime])

GetSecond(DateTime) Extracts seconds from the defined DateTime. GetSecond([StartTime])

GetTimeOfDay(DateTime) Extracts the time of the day from the defined DateTime, in ticks. GetTimeOfDay([StartTime])

GetYear(DateTime) Extracts a year from the defined DateTime. GetYear([StartTime])

Now() Returns the current system date and time. AddDays(Now(), 5)

Returns the current date. Regardless of the actual time, this function
Today() AddMonths(Today(), 1)
returns midnight of the current date.

Returns the current system date and time, expressed as Coordinated

UtcNow() AddDays(UtcNow(), 7)
Universal Time (UTC).

Logical Functions


Iif(Expression, TruePart, Returns either TruePart or FalsePart, depending on the evaluation of the
Iif([Quantity]>=10, 10, 0 )
FalsePart) Boolean Expression.

IsNull(Value) Returns True if the specified Value is NULL. IsNull([OrderDate])

IsNull(Value1, Value2) Returns Value1 if it is not set to NULL; otherwise, Value2 is returned.

Returns True if the specified String object is NULL or an empty string;

IsNullOrEmpty(String) IsNullOrEmpty([ProductName])
otherwise, False is returned.

Math Functions


Abs(Value) Returns the absolute, positive value of the given numeric expression. Abs(1 - [Discount])

Returns the arccosine of a number (the angle, in radians, whose cosine is the given float
Acos(Value) Acos([Value])

Returns the arcsine of a number (the angle, in radians, whose sine is the given float
Asin(Value) Asin([Value])

Returns the arctangent of a number (the angle, in radians, whose tangent is the given
Atn(Value) Atn([Value])
float expression).

Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers, in radians. Atn2([Value1], [Value2])

BigMul(Value1, BigMul([Amount],
Returns an Int64 containing the full product of two specified 32-bit numbers.
Value2) [Quantity])

Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the given numeric
Ceiling(Value) Ceiling([Value])

Cos(Value) Returns the cosine of the angle defined in radians. Cos([Value])

Cosh(Value) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the angle defined in radians. Cosh([Value])

Exp(Value) Returns the exponential value of the given float expression. Exp([Value])

Floor(Value) Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the given numeric expression. Floor([Value])

Log(Value) Returns the natural logarithm of a specified number. Log([Value])

Log(Value, Base) Returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified Base. Log([Value], 2)

Log10(Value) Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number. Log10([Value])

Returns a specified number raised to a specified power. Power([Value], 3)

Rnd() Returns a random number that is less than 1, but greater than or equal to zero. Rnd()*100

Round(Value) Rounds the given value to the nearest integer. Round([Value])

Sign(Value) Returns the positive (+1), zero (0), or negative (-1) sign of the given expression. Sign([Value])

Sin(Value) Returns the sine of the angle, defined in radians. Sin([Value])

Sinh(Value) Returns the hyperbolic sine of the angle defined in radians. Sinh([Value])

Sqr(Value) Returns the square root of a given number. Sqr([Value])

Tan(Value) Returns the tangent of the angle defined in radians. Tan([Value])

Tanh(Value) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the angle defined in radians. Tanh([Value])

String Functions


Ascii(String) Returns the ASCII code value of the leftmost character in a character expression. Ascii('a')

Char(Number) Converts an integerASCIICode to a character. Char(65) + Char(51)


CharIndex(String1, Returns the starting position of String1 within String2, beginning from the zero CharIndex('e',
String2) character position to the end of a string. 'devexpress')

CharIndex(String1, Returns the starting position of String1 within String2, beginning from the CharIndex('e',
String2, StartLocation) StartLocation character position to the end of a string. 'devexpress', 2)

Concat(String1, ... , Concat('A', ')',

Returns the result of concatenating two or more string values.
StringN) [ProductName])

Insert(String1, Insert([Name], 0, 'ABC-

Inserts String2 into String1 at the position specified by StartPositon
StartPosition, String2) ')

Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the

Len(Value) Len([Description])
nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.

Lower(String) Returns String in lowercase. Lower([ProductName])

Left-aligns characters in the defined string, padding its left side with white space
PadLeft(String, Length)
characters up to a specified total length.

PadLeft(String, Length, Left-aligns characters in the defined string, padding its left side with the specified PadLeft([Name], 30,
Char) Char up to a specified total length. '<')

Right-aligns characters in the defined string, padding its left side with white space
PadRight(String, Length) PadRight([Name], 30)
characters up to a specified total length.

PadRight(String, Length, Right-aligns characters in the defined string, padding its left side with the specified PadRight([Name], 30,
Char) Char up to a specified total length. '>')

Remove(String, Deletes a specified number of characters from this instance, beginning at a specified
Remove([Name], 0, 3)
StartPosition, Length) position.

Replace(String, Replace([Name], 'The ',

Returns a copy of String1, in which SubString2 has been replaced with String3.
SubString2, String3) '')

Reverse(String) Reverses the order of elements within String. Reverse([Name])

Substring(String, Retrieves a substring from String. The substring starts at StartPosition and has the Substring([Description],
StartPosition, Length) specified Length.. 2, 3)

Substring(String, Substring([Description],
Retrieves a substring from String. The substring starts at StartPosition.
StartPosition) 2)

ToStr(Value) Returns a string representation of an object. ToStr([ID])

Trim(String) Removes all leading and trailing SPACE characters from String. Trim([ProductName])

Upper(String) Returns String in uppercase. Upper([ProductName])


String constants String constants must be wrapped in apostrophes. [Country] == 'France'

String constants (with apostrophe) If a string contains an apostrophe, the apostrophe must be doubled. [Name] == 'O''Neil'

Date-time constants Date-time constants must be wrapped in '#'. [OrderDate] >= #1/1/2009#

True Represents the Boolean True value. [InStock] == True

False Represents the Boolean False value. [InStock] == False

? Represents a null reference or DBNull.Value. [Region] != ?

Filter Editor
This section describes the capabilities provided by the Filter Editor, which allows users to visually build filters:

Topics in this section:

Filter Data via the Filter Editor
Examples of Using the Filter Editor
Filter Data via the Filter Editor
Filter Editor
The Filter Editor is used to edit filter criteria. To create and customize filter criteria, use the and buttons embedded into the
control and context menus supported by the editor's elements:

A filter condition group is a set of conditions combined by the same logical operator. The following filter expression contains two
groups combined by the logical OR operator: "([Product] = 'Chang' And [Quantity] > 20) Or ([Product] In ('Tofu', 'Konbu') And
[Quantity] < 100)". In the Filter Editor it's represented as follows:

For step-by-step examples of creating filter criteria, see Examples of Using the Filter Editor.

Add Conditions
To add a condition to a logical group, do one of the following:
Focus any condition within the group or the group's logical operator and then press INSERT or ADD on the keyboard.
Click the button for the group.
Click the group's logical operator and select Add Condition.
To add a condition or a group of conditions that have been copied to the clipboard, press CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERT. The new
condition will be added to the focused group.

Delete Conditions
To delete a condition, do one of the following:
Focus the condition and press DELETE or SUBTRACT.
Click the button.
To delete a group of conditions, do one of the following:
Focus the group's logical operator and press DELETE or SUBTRACT
Click the group's logical operator and select Remove Group.
To delete all conditions, do one of the following:
Focus the topmost logical operator and press DELETE or SUBTRACT.
Click the topmost logical operator and select Clear All.
To cut a condition/group of conditions to the clipboard, focus this condition or the group's logical operator and press CTRL+X or

Clipboard Operations
To copy a condition or a group of conditions to the clipboard, focus this condition or the group's logical operator and press
To cut a condition or a group of conditions to the clipboard, focus this condition or the group's logical operator and press CTRL+X
To paste a condition or a group of conditions from the clipboard to the focused group, press CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERT.

Change a Column in a Filter Condition

To change a condition's column, invoke the column list by doing one of the following:
Click the current column.
Focus the current column via the keyboard and press SPACE or ALT+DOWN ARROW.
Then, choose the required column from the list that will be invoked

Change an Operator in a Filter Condition

To change a condition's operator, invoke the operator list by doing one of the following:
Click the condition's current operator.
Focus the current operator via the keyboard and press SPACE or ALT+DOWN ARROW
Then, choose the required operator from the list that will be invoked

Edit a Condition's Value

To edit a condition's value, click the operand value and type text.
To activate the operand value's edit box without changing the value, click the value or focus the operand value via the keyboard
and press F2, SPACE, ENTER or ALT+DOWN
To close the active edit box, press ENTER.
To discard changes to the value and close the active edit box, press ESC.

To focus a specific filter condition or a group's operator within the Filter Editor, do one of the following:
Click the target element.
Use arrow keys to move focus via the keyboard.
Examples of Using the Filter Editor
The Filter Editor allows you to filter data (display those records that meet specific requirements), by visually constructing filter
criteria in a straightforward graphical form.
The following sections demonstrate how to construct filter criteria using the Filter Editor.

How to Construct a Simple Filter Condition

Basically, filter conditions specify what data to select from a data source and display in a data-bound control. A typical simple filter
condition consists of three parts: the column/field name, operator and a value(s). For instance, '[Discount] >= 0.05' is a simple
filter condition, where '[Discount]' is a field name, '>=' is an operator and '0.05' is a value. This condition when applied to a data-
aware control will display records that have values in the Discount column greater than or equal to 0.05. Here is how to create this
condition via the Filter Editor (it's assumed that the underlying data source contains the Discount column, otherwise, this column
will not be accessible in the Filter Editor's column list):
1. Invoke the Filter Editor.
To invoke the Filter Editor in a grid control, right-click any grid column's header and select the Filter Editor option.

To learn how to invoke the Filter Editor for other controls, see corresponding sections in this documentation.
2. The Filter Editor will pop up.
When invoking the Filter Editor for a grid control, if no filtering has yet been applied, the Filter Editor will contain a new filter
condition referring to the clicked column. If, for example, the Filter Editor has been opened by right-clicking a Product Name
column, it will look like the image below:

3. Select a column.
Now, to filter against the Discount column, click the condition's link displaying a column name ('Product Name'). This will
display the list of available columns. Select the Discount column in this list:
4. Select a comparison operator.
To select the '>=' comparison operator, click the condition's operator link ('Equals') to display the list of supported
comparison operators and select the required operator:

The comparison operator list displays only those operators that are supported by the current column's data type. For
instance, the Discount column is of the numeric type, and the operator list doesn't display the 'Begins with' operator and
other operators that are related to strings.
5. Enter a value.
Now, click the value box and enter a comparison value ('0.05'):

6. Save changes.
Click OK or Apply, to filter data using the created filter condition. The grid will show the filter panel displaying the current
filter criteria:
The filter panel will contain the 'Edit Filter' button, which also allows you to invoke the Filter Editor.

How to Construct Filter Criteria with Multiple Conditions Joined by One

Logical Operator
Filter criteria typically consist of two or more simple filter conditions combined by logical operators (AND, OR, NOT AND, NOT
OR). The following example shows how to construct filter criteria in the Filter Editor that consist of multiple conditions combined
by one logical operator. The "[ProductName] = 'Tofu' AND [Discount] >= 0.1 AND [Quantity] > 99" filter expression contains
three simple filter conditions combined by the AND operator. To construct it, do the following:
1. Invoke the Filter Editor. When the Filter Editor is invoked for a grid control, the Filter Editor may display an unfinished new
filter condition:

2. Set the condition's operator to Equals and operand value to 'Tofu' (as described in the previous section):

3. To add one more condition, press the button next to the group's AND operator:

This will create a new condition under the current one:

4. For the second condition, set the column to 'Discount', operator to '>=' and operand value to '0.1':

5. To add a third condition to the same group, click the button again. Set the condition's column to 'Quantity', operator to '>'
and operand value to '99'. Below is the result:

6. Click OK or Apply, to apply the created filter criteria.

How to Construct Filter Criteria Involving Different Logical Operators

Some filter criteria contain multiple logical (Boolean) operators combining simple filter conditions. For instance, you want to see
items whose price is under 10, and at the same time, the available quantity is also less than 10. At the same time, you may also
want to see those items whose price is over 10, while the available quantity is also greater than 10.
The resulting condition will look like this:
(Price is less than 10 AND Quantity is less than 10) OR (Price is greater than 10 AND Quantity is greater than

This is how you can do this:

1. Invoke the Filter Editor.
2. Clear existing filter conditions (if any) by clicking the button:
3. Change the root logical operator to OR. To do this, click the current AND operator and select OR:

4. Add a new filter condition group by clicking the OR operator and selecting Add Group.

5. For the created condition, set the column to 'UnitPrice', operator to '<' and operand value to '10':

6. Click the button to add a new condition to the current group:

7. For the new condition, set the column to 'Quantity', operator to '<' and operand value to '10':

8. Add a new filter condition group. To do this, click the root OR operator and select Add Group.
9. For the condition within the created group, set the column to 'UnitPrice', operator to '>' and operand value to '10':

10. Click the button to add a new condition to the new group:

11. For the new condition, set the column to 'Quantity', operator to '>' and operand value to '10':

12. Click OK or Apply, to apply the created filter criteria.

This section describes the capabilities provided by the Grid control, which represents data in a tabular or card form, supports data
editing, sorting, grouping, filtering, summary calculation and many other features:

Data Editing
Edit Grid Cells
Add and Delete Grid Records

Data Presentation
Sort Grid Rows
Group Grid Rows
Fix Grid Rows

Data Analysis
Filter Grid Data
Show Summaries (Totals) in Grids
Apply Cell Conditional Formatting

Layout Customization
Expand and Collapse Rows and Cards in Grids
Hide and Display Grid Columns, Bands and Card Fields
Rearrange Grid Columns, Bands and Card Fields
Resize Cards in Grids
Resize Grid Columns, Bands and Card Fields

Selection and Navigation

Locate Grid Records
Navigate Through Grid Records
Select Grid Rows and Cards
Edit Grid Cells
Activate Cell Editor
Do one of the following:
Click a cell.
Focus a cell (for instance, via the keyboard), and press ENTER or F2.
Focus a cell and press any alpha-numeric key. The editor will be invoked and its contents will be replaced with the pressed
Focus a cell and click the Navigator control's Edit button:

If a cell editor provides a dropdown, you can activate the editor and open its dropdown by pressing ALT+DOWN ARROW or F4.

Select and Deselect Cell Text

Press F2 or CTRL+A.

Close Cell Editor and Accept Changes Made

Do one of the following:
Press ENTER.
Click the End Edit button within the Navigator control:

Click any other grid cell.

Focus any other control.

Discard Changes
To discard changes made in a cell press ESC.
To discard changes made in all cells in a row/card, do one of the following:.
Press ESC twice.
Click the Cancel Edit button within the Navigator control:

Open Cell Editor's Dropdown

Do one of the following:
Click the editor's dropdown button:

Close Cell Editor's Dropdown

For all editors providing a dropdown, you can close the dropdown by pressing ALT+DOWN ARROW.
If the calculator is displayed in the dropdown, it can be closed via CTRL+ENTER.
Dropdowns displaying lists of items can be closed by clicking an item with the mouse, or by selecting an item with the keyboard
and pressing ENTER.

Change Values
Change D ate/Time Values
You can edit these cell values without opening the dropdown calendar. Position the caret at the portion of a date/time value that
needs to be changed. To increment the value, press CTRL+UP ARROW. To decrement the value, press CTRL+DOWN ARROW.
Change Numeric Values
To increment the value, press CTRL+UP ARROW. To decrement the value, press CTRL+DOWN ARROW.
Change Values of Cells That P rovide D ropdown I tems
To select the previous value, press CTRL+UP ARROW. To select the next value, press CTRL+DOWN ARROW.
Note: this feature is not applicable to all editors.
Edit I mages
To copy, cut, paste, load and save images in image editors, right click the image and select the required command via the context
Add and Delete Grid Records
Add Records
Click the Append button within the Navigator control:

Delete Records
Click the Delete button within the Navigator control:
Sort Grid Rows
Sort Data in Grid Views
To sort records by a column's values and replace existing sort conditions that are applied to the current or other columns, click the
target column's header, until an Up or Down Arrow icon is displayed within the header. The Up and Down Arrows indicate
ascending and descending sort orders respectively.

To sort records by a column's values while preserving existing sort conditions, do one of the following:
Click a column header while holding the SHIFT key down, until an Up or Down Arrow icon is displayed within the header.
Right-click a column header and select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending from the context menu that appears:

To remove sorting by a column, click a column header while holding the CTRL key down. You can also select Clear Sorting from
the column header context menu.

Sort Data in Card Views

To sort records by a card field's values and replace existing sort conditions that are applied to the current or other fields:
1. Click the Customize button:

2. In the Customization window that opens, click the Sort button that corresponds to the target card field:
To sort records by a card field's values while preserving existing sort conditions:
1. Click the Customize button.
2. In the Customization window that opens, click the Sort button that corresponds to the target card field, while holding the
SHIFT key down.
To remove sorting by a card field:
1. Click the Customize button.
2. In the Customization window that opens, click the Sort button that corresponds to the target card field, while holding the
CTRL key down.

Sort Data in Layout Views

To sort records by a card field's values and replace existing sort conditions that are applied to the current or other fields, do the
1. Hover over the target card field within any card. The sort ( ) and filter buttons will appear.

2. Click the sort button until its image changes to a black arrow ( or ). These images indicate ascending and descending
sort orders respectively.
To sort records by a card field's values while preserving existing sort conditions:
1. Hover over the target card field within any card. The sort and filter buttons will appear.
2. Hold the SHIFT key down and click the sort button until its image changes to a black arrow ( or ).
To remove sorting by a card field:
1. Hover over the target card field within any card. The sort and filter buttons will appear.
2. Hold the CTRL key down and click the sort button until its image changes to two arrows ( ).
Group Grid Rows
Group Data
To group by a specific column, do one of the following:
Drag a column header from the column header panel to the group panel:

Right-click a column header and select Group By This Column from the context menu:

Ungroup Data
To ungroup data by a grouping column, do one of the following:
Drag a column header from the group panel to the column header panel:
Right-click a grouping column's header and select UnGroup from the context menu:

To remove grouping by all columns, right click the group panel and select Clear Grouping from the context menu:

Change Group Order

To change group order, move a grouping column header to another position within the group panel:
Fix Grid Rows
Some applications allow you to fix grid rows at the top or at the bottom of the grid. Fixed rows remain visible while the grid
content is scrolled vertically.

The following steps may vary depending on an application vendor.

Fix a Row
To fix a grid row, do one of the following.
Click the Fix Row button located at the left side of a grid row.
Choose the required fixed row position from the popup menu.

Right-click a grid row.

Choose the required fixed row position from the context menu.

Change a Fixed Row's Position

To unfix a row or change a fixed row's position, do one of the following.
Click the Unfix Row button located at the left side of a fixed grid row.
From the popup menu, choose the required fixed row position. Select None to unfix a grid row.
Right-click a fixed grid row.
Choose the required fixed row position from the context menu. Select Unfix to unfix a row.
Filter Grid Data
Invoke the Filter Dropdown List
In Grid Views, hover over the column header. Click the filter button ( ) within the column header that appears.

In Card Views, click the Customize button and then click the Filter button corresponding to the target column.

In Layout Views, hover over the target card field within any card. Click the filter button ( ) that appears.

Create a Simple Filter Condition

To select records that contain a specific value in a specific column/card field, do the following:
1. Invoke the filter dropdown list containing available filter values.
By default, if filtering is applied, the filter dropdown will only display the values which match the current filter criteria. If the
SHIFT key is pressed while opening the filter dropdown, all values will be listed (not only those that match the current filter
2. Select the required filter value in the filter dropdown list:
The filter dropdown list will be immediately closed, and the control will display the records which contain the specified value
in the specified column/card field.
If the filter dropdown list provides check boxes to the left of filter values, multiple values can be selected (checked)

In this mode, click OK to close the filter dropdown list and apply the filter.
You can sequentially filter data against multiple columns using the method described above.

Use Microsoft Excel Style Custom Filter Dialog

To construct filter criteria involving up to two conditions, do the following:
Invoke the filter dropdown list (see above) and click Custom. This will invoke the Custom Filter Dialog, allowing you to
compare a column with one or two values:

Use Advanced Filter Editor Dialog

To invoke an advanced Filter Editor dialog, do one of the following:
Right-click any column's header and select Filter Editor:
If the filter panel at the bottom of the grid control is visible, click the Edit Filter button:

To learn how to work with the Filter Editor, refer to Filter Data via the Filter Editor.

Clear the Filter

To clear the filter applied to a specific column, do one of the following:
Invoke the filter dropdown list (see below) and click (All).
In Grid Views, right-click the column header and select Clear Filter:
To clear all filter criteria, click the Close Filter button within the Filter Panel:

Disable/Enable the Filter

Click the Enable Filter button within the Filter Panel:
Filter Grid Data via Find Panel
The Find Panel provides an easy way of searching against visible columns/card fields. Displayed above the grid, the panel contains
a search box where you can type a search string.

Invoke the Find Panel

Ensure that no cell editor is active and press Ctrl+F.
In Grid Views, choose the Show Find Panel command from a column menu.

Enter a search string in the search box. In most cases, rows are filtered automatically after a short while.
In some cases (mostly when the grid is bound to a large amount of data), you need to press the Find button to manually
start the search.
The search syntax is described below.

Clear the Search Box

Press ESC or click the Clear button.

Close the Find Panel

Click the 'x' button to the left of the search box or:
If the search box is empty, press ESC (the shortcut is in effect if the search box has focus);
If the search box is not empty, press ESC twice (the shortcut is in effect if the search box has focus).

Search Syntax
In its simplest form, a search criterion consists of a single word. If you want to search for a string containing a space character,
specify this string in quotation marks. Without quotation marks, words separated by the space character are treated as individual
You can search against a specific column by preceding a search string with the column's display name plus a colon character.

Instead of the complete name, it is possible to partially specify the display name, using the initial characters of a column's display
name. A search will be performed against the first column whose display name starts with the specified substring. If you want to
search against a column whose display caption contains space characters, specify the column's display caption in quotation
If the search string contains multiple conditions separated by space characters, and at least one condition defines a search against
a specific column, only records that match all of these conditions are shown (i.e., the conditions are combined by the AND logical
operator). If there is no column specification, records that match at least one of these conditions are shown (i.e., the conditions are
combined by the OR logical operator).
Precede a condition with "+" to display only records that match this condition. The "+" specifier allows you to implement the
logical AND operator. There should be no space character between the "+" sign and the condition.
Precede a condition with "-" to exclude records that match this condition from the result set. There should be no space between
the "-" sign and the condition.


register Selects records that contain the "register" string in any search column.

check register Dave Selects records that contain either "check" OR "register" OR "Dave" strings in any search column.

"check register" Selects records that contain "check register" in any search column.

screen +"Richard
Fisher" Selects records that contain both "screen" AND "Richard Fisher" in search columns.

Product:Tofu Seattle
Selects records that contain "Tofu" in the column that starts with "Product", AND also contain "Seattle" in
any search column.

data +entry -mark

Selects records that contain both "data" AND "entry" in search columns, excluding records that contain

menu mask -file Selects records that contain "menu" OR "mask", excluding records that contain "file".

From:Roller Selects records that contain "Roller" in the column that starts with "From", AND also contain "currency
Subj:"currency mask" mask" in the column that starts with "Subj".

import -From:Steve
Selects records that contain "import" in any search column, excluding records that contain "Steve" in the
column that starts with "From".

Searches performed using a Find Panel are case insensitive.

Show Summaries (Totals) in Grids
To change the type of summary for a specific column or apply a summary, do the following:
1. Right-click a region within a group footer or grid footer under a specific column:

A context menu displaying a list of supported summary types will be displayed:

2. Select the required option from the context menu.

Apply Cell Conditional Formatting
You can highlight certain column cells that meet a specific condition using the Conditional Formatting menu. To invoke this
menu, right-click the column to which a formatting rule should be applied and select Conditional Formatting.

Available format rules are displayed when expanding the Conditional Formatting menu. Different options are supported for
different columns (depending on the type of data a clicked column displays).

Highlighting Cells that Meet a Specific Condition

Choose the Highlight Cell Rules menu item.

Select the condition type. You can use one of the predefined conditions (the Greater Than..., Less Than.., Between... and
Equal To... menu items), provide a custom condition (the Custom Condition.. item) or format cells that contain the
specified text (Text that Contains...) or refer to a certain date interval(s) (A Date Occurring...).
Based on the selected condition type, an appropriate dialog window is invoked. You need to either enter a constant to be
compared with the column's values, or select desired check boxes related to dates, or construct a custom condition in the
dedicated editor. After that, choose a format style in the dropdown list, and click the OK button. To apply formatting to an
entire row instead of a single cell, select the corresponding check box.
Highlighting Top or Bottom Cell Values
Choose the Top/Bottom Rules menu item.

Select the rule type. You can highlight cells that contain the highest or lowest values (the Top 10%..., Bottom 10%..., Top
10 Items... and Bottom 10 Items... menu items), and values that are above or below the column's average (Above
Average and Below Average).
According to the selected rule type, an appropriate dialog window is invoked. Enter a cutoff value (where required), choose a
format style in the dropdown list, and click the OK button. To apply formatting to an entire row instead of a single cell, select
the corresponding check box.

Highlighting Unique or Duplicate Cell Values

Choose the Unique/Duplicate Rules menu item.

Select the rule type.

In the invoked dialog window, choose a format style in the dropdown list, and click the OK button. To apply formatting to an
entire row instead of a single cell, select the corresponding check box.

Highlighting Cells Using Data Bars

A data bar fills a cell according to the ratio of the cell's value to the highest and smallest column values. A longer bar corresponds
to a higher value, and a shorter bar corresponds to a lower value.
To apply a data bar format, do the following:
Choose the Data Bars menu item.

Select the bar style format. Solid bars and bars with gradient fills are available in various colors.

Applying Color Scales

This format shows data distribution and variation using color scales. A cell is filled with the background color that is calculated
according to the ratio of the cell's value to the highest and smallest column values. A two-color scale specifies two colors, which
represent the minimum and maximum column values. Cell values residing between the minimum and maximum values are
painted using a shade of these colors. A three-color scale additionally defines a color for the middle value and so, uses a gradation
of three colors.
Choose the Color Scales menu item.
Select one of the predefined two or three-color scales.

Highlighting Cells Using Predefined Icons

Icon sets allow you to classify column values into several ranges separated by threshold values, and display a specific icon in a
column cell according to the range to which this cell value belongs. In the Positive/Negative group, the available icon sets divide
column values into three ranges: positive values, negative values and values equal to zero.
Other icon sets divide column values into three, four or five ranges, displaying a specific icon for each range. If an icon set
contains three icons, the ranges are as follows: [0%-33%), [33%-67%) and [67%-100%], where 0% corresponds to the smallest
column value and 100% corresponds to the largest column value. The icon sets with four icons classify column values into four
ranges: [0%-25%), [25%-50%), [50%-75%) and [75%-100%]. For the icon sets that contain five icons, the target ranges are: [0%-
20%), [20%-40%), [40%-60%), [60%-80%) and [80%-100%].
Choose the Icon Sets menu item.

Select one of the predefined icon sets.

Deleting Rules
If you have already applied one or more rules to columns, the additional Clear Rules item is displayed at the second level of the
Conditional Formatting menu.

You can do one of the following.

To delete conditional formatting rules from the target column, click the Clear Rules from This Column menu item. If the
column has no rules applied to it, this item is not shown.
To delete formatting rules from all columns, click the Clear Rules from All Columns menu item .
Expand and Collapse Rows and Cards in Grids
Expand/Collapse Group Rows in Grid Views
To expand/collapse a group row, do one of the following:
Click the row's expand button:

Double-click the group row.

Double-click the indicator cell corresponding to the group row:

Focus the group row and press PLUS (to expand the row) or MINUS (to collapse the row).
Focus the group row and press RIGHT ARROW (to expand the row) or LEFT ARROW (to collapse the row).
To expand or collapse all group rows, right-click the group panel at the top of the control. This opens the group panel context
menu. Then select Full Expand or Full Collapse respectively:

Expand/Collapse Master Rows in Grid Views

To expand/collapse a master row, do one of the following:
Click the master row's expand button:

Double-click the indicator cell corresponding to the master row:

Focus the master row and press CTRL+PLUS (to expand the row) or CTRL+MINUS (to collapse the row).

Expand/Collapse Cards in Card and Layout Views

Do one of the following:
Click a card's Expand button:

Click a card's caption and press PLUS (to expand the card) or MINUS (to collapse the card).
Hide and Display Grid Columns, Bands and Card Fields
Hide Columns/Bands in Grid Views
Do one of the following:
Click a column header/band header and drag it onto the grid control's cell area, until the cursor changes its image to a big
'X'. Then drop the header.

Drag and drop a column/band header onto the Customization Form if it's open:

Display Hidden Columns/Bands in Grid Views

1. Open the Customization Form by right-clicking a column header and selecting Column Chooser:

The Customization Form will be displayed listing hidden columns and bands (if any):
2. Drag the required column/band from the Customization Form onto the column/band header panel and drop it at a specific


When a band is hidden together with its child bands and columns, headers of hidden children are not displayed within the
Customization Form.

Change the Visibility of Fields in Card Views

1. Click the Customize button:

2. To hide specific fields, clear corresponding check boxes in the opened window. To display hidden items, enable
corresponding check boxes:

Change the Visibility of Fields in Layout Views

1. Click the Customization button within the header panel:
2. To hide a field, in the Layout View Customization Window, drag and drop the field from the Template Card onto the Hidden
Items list. To display a hidden field, drag it from the Hidden Items list onto the Template Card at the required position:

3. Click OK or Apply.
Rearrange Grid Columns, Bands and Card Fields
Reorder Columns and Bands in Grid Views
To reorder columns, drag and drop a column header to a new position:

To reorder bands, drag and drop a band header to a new position:

Rearrange Card Fields in Layout Views

Do the following:
1. Click the Customization button displayed within the header panel:

The LayoutView Customization window will open:

2. Rearrange fields using drag and drop, as required.
3. Close the Customization window to apply the changes.
Resize Cards in Grids
Resize Cards in Card Views
In Card Views, to resize cards horizontally, drag card separators (if they are visible):

Resize Cards in Layout Views

In Layout Views, to resize cards do the following:
1. Click the Customization button displayed within the header panel:

The LayoutView Customization window will open:

2. Resize the template card as required.

3. Close the Customization window to apply the changes.
Resize Grid Columns, Bands and Card Fields
Resize Columns and Bands in Grid Views
To resize columns and bands, drag the right edge of the target column/band header:

To change a column's width so that it displays its contents compactly in their entirety, do one of the following:
Double-click the right edge of the column header.
Right-click the column's header and select Best Fit:

To change the widths of all columns so that they display their contents in the best possible way, right-click the header of any
column and select Best Fit (all columns).

Resize Card Fields in Layout Views

To resize cards or card fields do the following:
1. Click the Customization button displayed within the header panel:
The LayoutView Customization window will open:

2. Resize the template card and/or fields within the template card as required.
3. Close the Customization window to apply the changes.
Locate Grid Records
In Grid Views, you can locate a data row by typing the initial characters of the values contained in this row.
To locate the nearest row that contains a specific value in a specific column, do the following:
Focus any cell in the column, against which a search will be performed.
Type the initial character(s) of the value to be located. The nearest row that contains the specified value in the clicked
column will be located.
To proceed with the search in the forward direction, press CTRL+DOWN ARROW.
To proceed with the search in the backward direction, press CTRL+UP ARROW.
To erase the previously typed characters in the search string, press BACKSPACE.
Navigate Through Grid Records
Move Focus Between Rows and Cards
To move focus between cells and rows use the ARROW, TAB, HOME, END, PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys. Note that the
ARROW, HOME and END keys are used for navigation between rows/cards only when the focused cell is not being edited.
Othewise, these keys affect focus movement within the currently edited cell.
To focus the next cell, do one of the following:
Press TAB.
In Grid Views, press RIGHT ARROW. In Card Views and Layout Views, press DOWN ARROW. If a cell editor is active,
pressing RIGHT ARROW moves focus to the next cell if the caret is positioned at the end of the current cell's text, or if the
cell's text is selected in its entirety.
To focus the previous cell, do one of the following:
In Grid Views, press LEFT ARROW. In Card Views and Layout Views, press UP ARROW. If a cell editor is active, pressing LEFT
ARROW moves focus to the previous cell if the caret is positioned at the beginning of the current cell's text, or if the cell's
text is selected in its entirety.
To focus the first cell within the current row in Grid Views, press HOME.
To focus the last cell within the current row in Grid Views, press END.
To focus the first row/card:
press CTRL+HOME in Grid Views.
press HOME or CTRL+HOME in Card Views and Layout Views.
To focus the last row/card:
press CTRL+END in Grid Views.
press END or CTRL+END in Card Views and Layout Views.
To move focus to the Auto Filter Row displayed at the top of a Grid View, do one of the following:
Click this row.
If a top data row is focused, press CTRL+UP ARROW.

Move Focus Away From the Grid Control

Select Grid Rows and Cards
Select Individual Rows/Cards
To select a row/card and clear the existing selection, do one of the following:
In Grid Views, click the row's indicator cell or any of its data cells:

In Card and Layout Views, click the card's caption or any of its data cells.
Select the row/card using the ARROW keys.

Select Multiple Rows or Cards

To select a row/card while preserving the current selection, do one of the following:
In Grid Views, click the row's indicator cell or any of its data cells, while holding the CTRL key down.
In Card and Layout Views, click the card's caption or any of its data cells, while holding the CTRL key down.
To toggle the focused row's/card's selected state, do one of the following:
Click the row/card while holding the CTRL key down.
To move focus between rows and cards while preserving the current selection, use CTRL+ARROW keyboard shortcut (supported
by Grid and Card Views).

Select a Range of Rows/Cards

To select all rows/cards, press CTRL+A (supported by Grid and Layout Views). Before pressing this shortcut, ensure that the
focused cell is not being edited
To select a continuous range or rows/cards, you can do the following
Use ARROW, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN keys while holding the SHIFT key down.
To select all rows/cards between the currently focused row/card and another one, click the target row/card while holding
the SHIFT key down.

If the SHIFT key is combined with CTRL, the previously selected rows/cards, if there are any, are not unselected. If you use
the SHIFT key alone, the previously selected rows/cards are unselected.
To select a continuous range of cards in Layout Views, drag with the mouse around cards that are to be selected (marquee

Copy Selected Records to the Clipboard

Layout Manager
This section describes the capabilities provided by the Layout Manager. It maintains a consistent layout of controls within a form
for you, so whenever you resize the form, the controls do not overlap. You can invoke customization mode to temporarily hide
specific editors, and then show them again, resize the controls, save and then restore the layout, etc.

Layout Customization
Start Layout Customization
Finish Layout Customization
Hide and Display Elements using a Layout Manager
Change Element Layout
Resize Interface Elements
Add Empty Regions, Separators, Splitters and Labels
Change Text Label Options
Work with Interface Element Groups
Create and Delete Tabbed Groups

Save and Restore Layout

Save and Restore Interface Layout
Start Layout Customization
The layout of controls can be modified in customization mode. To invoke customization mode, right-click an empty space within
the Layout Manager and select Customize Layout:

As a result, the Customization Form opens a list of service items and currently hidden elements:

Now, you can modify the current layout using drag-and-drop and resizing operations and commands provided by context menus.
Context menus that can be invoked by right-clicking within the Layout Manager provide various customization commands.
Different commands are available depending upon the type of a layout item which has been right-clicked (a regular control, a
group or tabbed group).
Finish Layout Customization
To finish customization, do one of the following:
Close the Customization form by clicking on its close button.

Right-click the form and select Hide Customization Form.

Hide and Display Elements using a Layout Manager
To perform layout customization, first invoke Customization Mode. After customization has been completed, exit customization

Hide an Element
Do one of the following:
Right-click on the layout item and select Hide Item from the context menu:

Drag the layout item onto the Hidden Items list of the Customization Form.

Display a Hidden Element

Drag the required item from the Customization form's Hidden Items list onto the main form.
Change Element Layout
To perform layout customization, first invoke Customization Mode. After customization has been completed, exit customization

Change Element Layout

To rearrange items within the form, use drag-and-drop operations.
Resize Interface Elements
To perform layout customization, first invoke Customization Mode. After customization has been completed, exit customization

Resize Layout Items

To resize a layout item, drag the layout item's edge:

Lock Size
To lock a layout item's size, and prevent it from being resized (for instance, when the size of the container changes), right-click on
a layout item and select the Size Constraints | Lock Size menu command:
Add Empty Regions, Separators, Splitters and Labels
To perform layout customization, first invoke Customization Mode. After customization has been completed, exit customization

Add Empty Regions

Empty regions enable greater control over element layout. They can be used, for example, if you want elements to be aligned to
the right or bottom edge of a resizeable container. To add an empty region, do one of the following:
Drag the Empty Space Item from the Customization form and drop at the required position on the form.
Right-click the Layout Control and select Create EmptySpace Item from the context menu:

A new empty region will be added at the bottom of the Layout Control. Then, drag this item to the required position.

Add Splitters
To allow controls to be resized even when no customization is being performed, you can add a splitter between these controls. To
add a splitter, drag the Splitter item from the Customization form onto the main form.

Add Separators
A separator is just a line that allows you visually separate the Layout Control's areas. To add a separator, drag the Separator item
from the Customization form onto the main form.

Add Labels
To add a static text label to the Layout Control, do the following:
1. Drag the Label item from the Customization form onto the main form.
2. To rename the label, right-click the created label and select Rename from the context menu.
Change Text Label Options
To perform layout customization, first invoke Customization Mode. After customization has been completed, exit customization

Rename Labels
To rename a layout item's text label, right-click the item and select Rename from the context menu.

To rename a group, right-click the group's caption and select Rename.

Change a Label's Visibility

To hide a layout item's text label or a group's caption, right-click the item/group and select Hide Text from the context menu.
To display a layout item's hidden text label or a group's hidden caption, right-click the item/group and select Show Text.

Change a Label's Position

To change the position of an item's label or a group's caption, right-click the item/group to open the context menu. Then, select
Text Position and the required command from this submenu.
Work with Interface Element Groups
To perform layout customization, first invoke Customization Mode. After customization has been completed, exit customization

Combine Layout Items into Groups

1. Select a layout item that is to be added to a new group by clicking it.
You can select multiple items simultaneously by clicking them while holding the SHIFT key down.
2. Right-click any of the selected layout items and select Group from the context menu:

Note that only adjacent selected layout items can be combined into a group, and only if the region occupied by them forms
a rectangle. Otherwise, the Group command is not available when right-clicking the selection.
As a result, a new group is created:

You can subsequently rename the group and customize its contents using drag-and-drop and context menus if required.

Rename Groups
Do the following:
1. Right-click the group's caption and select Rename:
2. Type a new name and press ENTER.

Change Group Content

To customize the layout of controls within a group, use drag-and-drop.

Ungroup Elements
To ungroup elements, right-click the group's caption and select Ungroup:
Create and Delete Tabbed Groups
To perform layout customization, first invoke Customization Mode. After customization has been completed, exit customization

Combine Layout Items into a Tab Control

1. Select a layout item that is to be added to a tab control by clicking it.
You can select multiple items simultaneously by clicking them while holding the SHIFT key down.
2. Right-click any of the selected layout items and select Group from the context menu:

Note that only adjacent selected layout items can be combined into a group, and only if the region occupied by them forms
a rectangle. Otherwise, the Group command is not available when right-clicking the selection.
As a result, a new group is created:

3. Right-click the group's caption and select Create Tabbed Group.

This creates a tab control with one tab displaying the contents of the original group.
You can subsequently rename the created tab and customize the contents of tab pages using drag-and-drop and context menus,
if required.

Combine Groups into a Tab Control

To transform a group into a tab control, right-click the group's caption and select Create Tabbed Group.

To add a group as a tab page to an existing tab control, drag the group's caption onto the tab control's header area.

Rename Tab Pages

Do the following:
1. Right-click a tab header and select Rename:

2. Type a new name and press ENTER.

Customize Tabbed Groups

To customize the layout of controls and the order of tab pages within a tab control , use drag-and-drop.

Ungroup Tabbed Groups

To disassemble a tab control into regular groups, right-click the tab control's header area and select Ungroup Tabbed Group.

As a result, the tab control will be destroyed and all its tab pages will be displayed as regular groups, one below another.
Save and Restore Interface Layout
You can save the current layout of controls to an XML file, and subsequently, restore it.

Save the Layout of Controls

1. Invoke Customization mode.
2. In the Customization form that opens, click the Save Layout button ( ).
3. The Save As dialog will appear. It allows you to specify the XML file to which the layout is to be saved.

Load a Layout of Controls

1. Invoke Customization mode.
2. In the Customization form that opens, click the Load Layout button ( ).
3. The Open File dialog will appear. It allows you to specify the XML file from which the layout is to be loaded.
The section describes capabilities provided by the Map control. The following topics are available.
Using the Search Panel
Mini Map
The following operations can be performed by end-users to scroll a map.


Hold down When an end-user holds down the left mouse button, the mouse pointer changes from
the left mouse
button and to . Move the mouse pointer by holding down the left mouse button. The map is
drag it. scrolled in the same direction as the mouse pointer is moved.

Use the
arrows in the
An end-user can scroll a map in four directions by clicking the arrows in the map navigation
panel. For example, to move east, use the right arrow in the navigation panel.

Use the
"Arrow" keys If an end-user presses the LEFT arrow key, the map is moved west; if an end-user presses
(LEFT, UP, the UP arrow key, the map is moved north; if an end-user presses the RIGHT arrow key, the
RIGHT or map is moved east; if an end-user presses the DOWN arrow key, the map is moved south.

Use flick
gestures on a
An end-user can scroll a map using flick gestures on a touchscreen device.
The following operations can be performed by end-users to zoom in to or out of a map.


Use the Plus

or Minus
symbols in the
Click the Plus or Minus symbols in the map navigation panel.

Use the track

Select the track bar slider in the map navigation panel by hovering the mouse cursor over the
bar slider in
slider. Drag the track bar slider to the right (zoom in) or to the left (zoom out) in the map
the map
navigation panel. To stop zooming, release the left mouse button. Note that a tooltip that
displays the current zoom level appears below the track bar slider.

Drag an area
on the map Hold the Shift and Ctrl keys, and the left mouse button. Then, drag the mouse pointer. This
while holding draws a rectangle on the map that corresponds to the map zoom region. To zoom into the
the Shift and specified rectangular area, release the left mouse button.
Ctrl keys.

Use the + or - If the "+" key is pressed, the map is zoomed in. If the "-" key is pressed, the map is zoomed
keys. out.

Use the
Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in to and out of a map.
mouse wheel

Use the
spread or
pinch gesture Zoom in to or out of a map by performing a spread or pinch gesture on any touchscreen
on a device.
To select a map item, do one of the following:
Tap a map item on a touchscreen device;
Hover over a map item with the mouse pointer and click it.
To select multiple map items, do the following:
Hold the Shift key and the left mouse button;
Drag the mouse pointer, to mark an area that includes the desired map items;
Release the left mouse button. All map items within the area will be selected.
Using the Search Panel
This document explains how to use a search panel in the Map control.
The Search Panel is a UI element that accepts text input and displays the results of a search request returned by the search
The Search Panel allows you to find a location on the map and see the search results for a request in the panel.
To start a search, type a place name ("Texas", for example) in the panel. The result is shown in the image below.

To cancel a request, click the delete ( ) icon on the right side of the panel.
Notice that the map pushpin only shows the "Houston, TX" location on the map. Note, however, that the search result also
displays the Show others… item, which means that the Microsoft Bing Search service found alternative results for this request.
Click the Show others... option to see the other search results.

Other search results ("Texas, Heard Co., GA", "Texas, QLD, Australia", etc.) will be displayed along with the Show best result…
To see only "Houston, TX", click Show best result… in the Search panel.
Mini Map
The Mini Map provides a complete overview of the map, as well as additional information about the current map viewport, and
allows you to navigate to different map regions.
The mini map supports the following behavior modes.
When a mini map operates in fixed behavior mode, its center point and zoom level are fixed. The following image demonstrates
fixed behavior mode.
Note that center point of the mini map stays the same when the map's center point changes, as well as the zoom level.

In a dynamic behavior mode, mini map settings are changed according to the zoom level and center point of the owner map. The
following image demonstrates dynamic behavior mode.
Note that center point of the mini map is changing depending on the map's center point, as well as the zoom level.
Navigation Bars
This section describes the capabilities provided by the Navigation Bars.

Topics in this section:

Navigation Pane
Navigation Bar
Navigation Pane
Expand Groups
A Navigation Pane displays only one group at a time. Other groups are collapsed and their buttons are displayed at the bottom or
in the Overflow panel. You can use the horizontal splitter to control the number of group buttons shown outside of the Overflow

To activate a group, click its caption button.

Minimize the Navigation Pane

To minimize the Navigation Pane, click the Minimize button:

Display the Contents of the Minimized Navigation Pane

To display the contents of a minimized Navigation Pane, you can restore it to its normal state, or display its contents while it's in
the minimized state.
To restore the minimized Navigation Pane to its normal size, click the Maximize button:
To display the contents of the Navigation Pane when it's in the minimized state, click the current group's button:

To display the contents of the group that is currently hidden, do the following:
1. Click the dropdown button at the bottom of the Navigation Pane:

2. Select the required group in the menu that opens:

3. Click the current group's button:

Navigation Bar
Expand Groups in the Navigation Bar That Can Display Multiple Groups
at One Time
Windows Explorer Bar style navigation bars can display multiple groups at one time, as in the image below:

To collapse a specific expanded group, click the expand button within the group's header:

To expand a specific collapsed group, click the collapse button:

Expand Groups in the Navigation Bar That Displays One Group at a Time
To expand a specific collapsed group, click the group's button. The previously opened group will be collapsed.
PDF Viewer
This section describes the capabilities of the PDF Viewer.
The PDF Viewer used to displaying PDF files and supports various document content such as text, images, vector graphics, etc.

The following sections are available in this guide.

Manage Documents and Files
Print Documents
Navigate and View a Document
Adjust the Document View
Select and Copy the Document Content
View Document Properties
File Attachment
Export and Import the AcroForm Data
Manage Documents and Files
This document describes how to open and save PDF files using the PDF Viewer.
This topic consists of the following sections.
Open a PDF File
Save a PDF File

Open a PDF File

To open a document for viewing, click the Open button, or press Ctrl+O.

In the invoked dialog, choose a PDF file and click Open.

Save a PDF File

If you need to save your PDF file to disk, click the Save As button, or press Ctrl+S.
In the invoked Save As dialog, locate the folder where you want to store your file, enter the document's name and click Save.

Your document will be saved with the .pdf file extension.

Print Documents
To print the current document, click the Print command located on the File toolbar button group, or press CTRL+P.

In the invoked standard Print dialog, choose the printer, specify the printing parameters and click Print.

Alternatively, to invoke the Print dialog, right-click the document area and select the Print... item in the context menu.
Navigate and View a Document
This document provides information on using the PDF Viewer user interface to navigate through the document content.
The topic consists of the following sections.
Navigate Between Pages
Navigate Between Viewes
Search for a Specific Text

Navigate Between Pages

To navigate between pages, use one of the following.
The scrollbars.
Previous and Next navigation buttons.

These buttons allow you to switch to the previous or next page of a document.
The Pager that is used to show the current page number and the total number of pages in a document.

To change the page number in the Pager, type a new page number and press ENTER.
The Bookmarks panel located on the Navigation pane.

To jump to a topic, click a bookmark.

The Page Thumbnails panel located on the Navigation pane.
To jump to the page in a document, click a page thumbnail in the Page Thumbnails panel.

Navigate Between Views

To change the page view, use one of the following.
Right-click this document and select the Previous View or Next View item in the invoked context menu.

press Alt+Left or Alt+Right.
Move a page with the Hand tool.
The Hand tool enables you to scroll content by dragging the document instead of using scrollbars.
To activate the Hand tool, right-click the viewing document and select the Hand Tool item in the context menu.
Then, after you click the document's page, the mouse pointer is changed from to . Drag the mouse pointer to scroll
the document.
Use zoom toolbars to change page magnification. For more details, see the Adjust the Document View topic.

Search for a Specific Text

To search for a specific text within a document, click the Find button on the toolbar.

Otherwise, to invoke the Find dialog, right-click the document and select the Find item in the context menu, or press Ctrl+F.

In this dialog, you can input the text to find, and specify whether to match case or the whole word during the search. Click the
Previous and Next buttons to set the search direction.

To start searching or search again, click the Previous or Next button, or press ENTER.
Adjust the Document View
This topic describes the features that adjust the view in the PDF Viewer.
The document consists of the following sections.
Rotate a Document
Zoom In and Out of a Document
Using Marquee Zoom Tool
Use a Specific Zoom Factor

Rotate a Document
To rotate a document, use the following commands.
Rotate Clockwise
Rotates the document clockwise through 90 degrees. To perform this command, right-click the viewed document, choose
the Rotate Clockwise item, or press Ctrl + Shift + Add.

Rotate Counterclockwise
Rotates the document counterclockwise through 90 degrees. To do this, invoke the context menu by right-clicking the
document, choose the Rotate Counterclockwise item, or press Ctrl + Shift + Subtract.

Zoom In and Out of a Document

Use buttons from the Zoom button group of the PDF Viewer tab.

To zoom in a document, click the Zoom In button on the toolbar, or press Ctrl+Plus sign.
To zoom out of a document, click the Zoom Out button on the toolbar, or press Ctrl+Minus sign.
To zoom in or out of a document, you can also hold down Ctrl and rotate the mouse wheel.

Using Marquee Zoom Tool

The Marquee Zoom tool allows end users to zoom in a particular part of the page.
To activate the Marquee Zoom tool:
right-click the viewing document;
select the Marquee Zoom item in the context menu.

You can perform the following actions:

zoom in on a portion of a page by dragging a rectangle around it;

increase the zoom level by clicking;

decrease the zoom level by clicking while pressing the Ctrl key.

Use a Specific Zoom Factor

To zoom to a specific zoom factor, click the Zoom dropdown list button. The following list will be invoked.
Choose the percentage value of the zoom factor or one of the following zoom factor presets.
Actual Size
Sets the document zoom factor value to 100%.
Zoom to Page Level
Sets the document zoom factor value to fit the entire page height.
Fit to Width
Sets the document zoom factor value to fit the entire page width.
Fit to V isible
The document zoom factor is calculated to fit the actual content of a page (if possible).
Select and Copy the Document Content
The PDF Viewer provides for selecting and copying text from the selectable document to the clipboard. Note that only plain text
copying is supported.
To enable the selection mode, invoke the context menu and choose the Select Tool item. This mode is active by default.

To copy the viewing document content, select the required text, right-click the selected text and select the Copy command in the
context menu, or press Ctrl+C.
To select all the text in a document for copying, invoke the context menu and choose the Select All command, or press Ctrl+A.
View Document Properties
To view information related to the currently opened document, invoke the context menu by right-clicking this document and
selecting Document properties... item.

The dialog displaying the standard set of the PDF file properties is invoked.
This document introduces page thumbnails and describes their capabilities on a Navigation pane.
This document consists of the following sections.

A thumbnail provides a miniature preview of a document page. The PDF Viewer shows page thumbnails of an active PDF
document in the Page Thumbnails panel. The panel is located on the Navigation pane.

When a thumbnail is selected, the PDF Viewer shows the corresponding page.
You can navigate through a document by selecting the page thumbnails.
The Page Thumbnails panel provides thumbnail options that can be accessed using one of the following ways:
click the Options drop-down button;

use the right click menu of the Page Thumbnails panel.

The Page Thumbnails panel provides the following options.
Print Pages... - invokes the Print dialog in which you can print pages that correspond to the selected thumbnails.
Use this option after a thumbnail is selected. If there are no selected thumbnails in the panel, the Page range option in the
Print dialog is set to All. This means that all pages in a document can be printed.
Enlarge Page Thumbnails - increases the page thumbnails size.
Reduce Page Thumbnails - decreases the page thumbnails size.
You can also enlarge/reduce thumbnail size using one of the following ways:
press Ctrl on the keyboard and scroll the mouse wheel when the Page Thumbnails panel is focused;
use the zoom slider which is placed on the Page Thumbnails panel.
The document describes the PDF Viewer bookmarks capabilities and customization options on a navigation pane.
This topic consists of the following sections.

Bookmarks (outlines) are used to navigate quickly from one part of a document to another. The PDF Viewer can show
bookmarks on the navigation pane for a PDF document that contains them.
Click on a bookmark to display a page linked to the bookmark in the Viewer. Bookmarks can also open web pages.

Bookmarks are displayed in a hierarchical tree providing a convenient document overview. They can show or hide the document
hierarchy in the navigation pane.
To open (or close) a bookmark item, click it with the mouse.
After the bookmark item is open, you can see its children in the pane.

To customize the bookmarks behavior, click the Options drop-down button in the Bookmarks panel, as shown below.

The available options are:

Expand Current Bookmark
Shows all lower-level bookmarks in the Bookmarks panel.
Collapse Top-Level Bookmarks
Collapses nested bookmarks.
Text Size
Sets the text size of nodes located in the PDF navigation pane to Small, Medium or Large.
Go to Bookmark
Goes to a bookmark.
Print Page(s)
Prints only pages to which selected bookmarks are linked in the document.
Print Section(s)
Prints a document section corresponding to selected bookmarks.
Wrap Long Bookmarks
Wraps long lines in the outline node text if the option is checked. If the Wrap Long Bookmarks option is unchecked, shows
the outline node text unwrapped in the PDF Viewer.
File Attachment
This document describes actions that can be performed on attachments in the PDF Viewer.
An attachment is a file that is attached to a PDF document. The PDF Viewer shows the file attachments in the Attachments panel
of the navigation pane.

Open an attachment
To open a file attachment for viewing, you need an application which supports the corresponding file format to be installed in
your computer. To view an attachment, do one of the following.
double click the attached file;
select the file and click the "Open file in its native application" icon in the Attachments panel.

The Security Warning message appears. It warns you that the PDF Viewer will be use an external application to open the
attached file.

Click Yes to open the attached file, otherwise click No.

Save an attachment
The file attachment can be saved to your disk. To do this, select the file and click the "Save attachment" icon, as shown below.

The Save As dialog appears.

Choose the file attachment location on the disk, specify the file name, and click Save.
Export and Import the AcroForm Data
This document describes how to export and import a document with AcroForm data.
To export a PDF document with interactive forms to supported formats (FDF, XFDF, XML or TXT).
Click the Export button on the PDF Viewer's toolbar (if you use a Ribbon toolbar, you can find this button in the Interactive
Form tab).

The Save As dialog appears.

In this dialog you specify a file name, and the format in which the document should be exported (FDF, XFDF, XML or TXT). To
save a document, click Save, as shown above.
To import a document that contains interactive forms from FDF, XFDF, XML or TXT:
Click the Import button on the PDF toolbar (in the Ribbon toolbar you can find this button in the Interactive Form tab).

This invokes the Open dialog box, where you can choose a file with interactive forms (e.g., in the FDF format) to import data.
To perform import, click Open.
The imported document is shown below.
Pivot Table
This section describes the capabilities provided by the Pivot Table, which represents data in a cross-tabulated form.

Data Editing
Edit Data in Pivot Tables
Describes how to edit cell values and regular expressions used to calculate these values.
Edit Unbound Expression
Describes how to edit the unbound field's expression.

Data Presentation
Sort Data in Pivot Tables
Describes how you can sort field values alphabetically or by summary values displayed in a particular column or row.
Filter Data in Pivot Tables
Provides information on how to filter data by hiding specific rows or columns via filter drop-down lists, and how to provide
more advanced filtering by building a complex filter condition.
Apply Conditional Formatting
Describes how to change the appearance of individual cells based on specific conditions.
Change Summary Type in Pivot Tables
Describes how to specify which calculations the Pivot Table should perform against its data.

Layout Customization
Expand and Collapse Groups in Pivot Tables
Provides information on how to expand and collapse field values and field headers.
Hide Pivot Table Fields
Guides you through the process of hiding Pivot Table fields.
Display Hidden Pivot Table Fields
Describes how to display fields that have previously been hidden.
Reorder Pivot Table Fields
Provides information on how to reorder Pivot Table fields.

Selection and Navigation

Select Cells in Pivot Tables
Describes how to select a single or multiple cells, and copy their contents to the clipboard.

Field List
Field List Overview
Provides basic information about Field Lists.
Invoke a Field List
Describes how to invoke a Field List.
Defer Pivot Table Updates
Describes how to prevent automatic Pivot Table updates and force it to update manually.
Change Field List Layout
Provides information on how to change the layout of an advanced Field List.
Edit Data in Pivot Tables
Edit Cell Values
To edit a cell value, click the cell and specify a new value:

Cell values are specified via editors of different types (e.g. text editor, calculator, etc.), depending on the cell data type and pivot
table settings.

Edit Expressions
Specific columns allow you to set a regular or Boolean expression which will be used to calculate their values. Clicking the column
header invokes the Expression Editor used to specify the expression:

To learn more about using the Expression Editor, see Expression Editor.
Edit Unbound Expression
You can edit the unbound field's expression in the Expression Editor by selecting the Expression Editor... menu command.
Expressions allow you to calculate values based on values of other fields. You can use constants, various functions and operators
in expressions.
Data Presentation
This section describes how you can customize data presentation in Pivot Tables.
The following sections are available.
Sort Data in Pivot Tables
Describes how you can sort field values alphabetically or by summary values displayed in a particular column or row.
Filter Data in Pivot Tables
Provides information on how to filter data by hiding specific rows or columns via filter drop-down lists, and how to provide
a more advanced filtering by building a complex filter condition.
Apply Conditional Formatting
Describes how to change the appearance of individual cells based on specific conditions.
Change Summary Type in Pivot Tables
Describes how to specify which calculations Pivot Table should perform against its data.
Sort Data in Pivot Tables
This section describes the Pivot Table capabilities used to sort its data by field and summary values.
Topics in this section:
Simple Sorting
Provides information on how to sort data by field values.
Sort Data Using the Context Menu
Describes how to use the context menu to sort data.
Sort Data Using a Field List
Describes how to use a Field List to sort data.
Sort Data by Summaries
Describes how to sort data by column or row values.
Simple Sorting
Values of dimension fields are always arranged in ascending or descending order. The sort order is indicated by an Up or Down
arrow displayed within a corresponding dimension field's header.

To toggle the sort order for a dimension field, click this field's header.

You can also sort field values using a Field List or context menu. To learn more, see Sort Data Using a Field List and Sort Data
Using the Context Menu.
Sort Data Using the Context Menu
Depending on the Pivot Table settings made by your application vendor, you may be able to sort data using the context menu.
If the corresponding functionality is enabled, the context menu invoked when you right-click a field header contains the Sort A-Z,
Sort Z-A and Clear Sorting items.

Select Sort A-Z to set ascending sort order, and Sort Z-A to set descending order.
To reset sort order to the default one, select Clear Sorting.
Sort Data Using a Field List
You can use an advanced Field List to sort field values (to learn more about Field Lists, see Field List Overview).

First, invoke a Field List. For information on how to do this, see Invoke a Field List.
To toggle the sort order of a field, click its header.

You can sort data without using a Field List. To learn more, see Simple Sorting and Sort Data Using the Context Menu.
Sort Data by Summaries
You can sort values of a particular dimension field by summary values calculated against a specific data field. To do this, right-
click a column or row header, and choose a dimension field whose values should be sorted by column/row summary values. A
specific indicator marks the column/row whose summary values are used to define the sort order.

You can sort values of multiple dimension fields against a single column/row. To cancel this sorting, click the same item again, or
'Remove All Sorting' to cancel sorting for all dimension fields.
Filter Data in Pivot Tables
By default, the Pivot Table processes all records when calculating its values. Data filtering allows you to process only those records
that meet your requirements.
Topics in this section describe three ways of filtering data in Pivot Tables - filtering by field values, filtering by cell values and
building complex filter criteria.
The following sections and topics are available.
Filter Data by Field Values
Contains topics that describe how to specify simple filter conditions via Filter Windows.
Filter Data by Cell Values
Contains topics that describe how to specify which cell values to display and which to hide.
Build Complex Filter Criteria
Describes the Prefilter feature that allows you to build complex filter criteria.
Filter Data by Field Values
Filter Popup Windows allow you to configure and apply simple filtering conditions by selecting which values you wish to view,
and which you do not.
Topics in this section describe how to invoke, use and customize Filter Windows.
The following topics are available:
Invoke a Filter Popup Window
Shows how to invoke Filter Windows from the Pivot Table and a Field List.
Using Filter Popup Windows
Describes how to build filter conditions in Filter Popup Windows.
Filtering Options
Acquaints you with filtering options provided by the Pivot Table and describes how you can access these options via a
specially designed toolbar.
Invoke a Filter Popup Window
You can invoke a Filter Window from the Pivot Table or from a Field List (to learn about Field Lists, see Field List Overview).

Invoke a Filter Window from the Pivot Table

Field headers display special buttons used to invoke a Filter Window. Follow the steps below:
1. Hover over the header of a field whose data you need to filter. A filter button (the icon) will be highlighted.

2. Click this filter button to display a Filter Window.

Invoke a Filter Window from a Field List

You can use an advanced Field List to filter field values.
First, invoke a Field List. For information on how to do this, see Invoke a Field List.
To open a Filter Window, click the filter button displayed in the field header.
Using Filter Popup Windows
Depending on the settings made by your application vendor, the Pivot Table can display an individual Filter Window for each field,
or an integrated Filter Window for a group of fields.
This topic describes how to filter data using both types of Filter Windows.

Simple Filter Window

A simple Filter Window allows you to hide visible and show previously hidden values of a particular field.

In the Filter Window, uncheck field values that should be hidden and check values that should be visible. Then, click OK to close
the window and apply the filtering.
Note that you can customize Filter Window settings using the toolbar displayed at the top of the window. To learn how to do this,
see Filtering Options.

Hierarchical Filter Window

A hierarchical Filter Window displays values of several fields, arranged in a tree-like manner.

In the Filter Window, uncheck field values that should be hidden and check values that should be visible.
Use the buttons to expand field values and access their child values. To collapse an expanded field value and hide its child
values, use the button.
You can also expand and collapse all values on a particular level. To do this, right-click any field value and select Collapse All or
Expand All from the context menu.
For instance, to expand all quarters and display months, right-click any quarter value and select Expand All from the context
menu as shown on the image below.
Click OK to close the window and apply the filtering.
Note that you can customize Filter Window settings using the toolbar displayed at the top of the window. To learn how to do this,
see Filtering Options.

Filtering Indication
You can determine whether a field is filtered by looking at its header. Filter buttons for these fields are visible even when you are
not hovering over their headers.

Removing Filtering
To remove filtering against a specific field, invoke its Filter Window and select (Show All).
Filtering Options
The Pivot Table allows you to customize its filtering mechanism according to your needs.
If the corresponding functionality is enabled by your application vendor, Filter Windows display toolbars where you can access
various filtering options.

Use the toolbar buttons to enable or disable particular options.

The following table describes the available toolbar buttons.


Show Only
If this button is pressed, values that cannot be displayed because of filtering applied to other fields are hidden from
Filter Windows. Note that this button is not available for Hierarchical Filter Windows.

If this button is pressed, field values that have appeared in the database after the field's filtering was configured are
Show New
shown by default. If this button is released, new field values are hidden by default. To view these values, check
Field Values
them manually in the corresponding Filter Window.

Incremental If this button is pressed, the Incremental Search feature is enabled. This feature allows you to locate a value in the
Search Filter Window by typing its initial characters.

If this button is pressed, you can select multiple values by sequentially clicking them with the CTRL key held down
(or the SHIFT key to select a continuous range of values). In this instance, a field value is selected when you click its
Multi- name, and checked (or unchecked) when you click a corresponding check box. When you click a check box with
Selection multiple values selected, this changes the checked state of all selected values. If this button is released, you cannot
select multiple values. In this instance, a field value is selected and checked (or unchecked) when you click either its
name or a corresponding check box.

Radio If this button is pressed, Filter Windows hide check boxes and display field values in a simple list. In this instance,
Mode you can select and view only one value from each field in the Pivot Table.

Invert Filter Inverts the checked state for all values.

Filter Data by Cell Values
The Pivot Table allows you to filter data by specifying a range of cell values that should be displayed. Values that do not fall into
this range will be hidden.
Topics in this section describe how to configure filtering by cell values (or summary filtering).
The following topics are available.
Invoke a Summary Filter Window
Describes how to invoke a Summary Filter Window used to enable and configure filtering by cell values.
Select a Range of Values
Shows how to specify a range of cell values that should be displayed.
Move the Selected Range
Demonstrates how to select another range with the same length by moving the selection.
Zoom and Move the Viewport
Describes how to zoom and scroll the range selector.
Specify Target Cells
Shows how to enable filtering by Total and Grand Total cells.
Remove Filtering
Describes how to disable filtering.
Invoke a Summary Filter Window
To enable and configure filtering by cell values, use the Summary Filter Window.
You can invoke a Summary Filter Window from the Pivot Table or from a Field List (to learn about Field Lists, see Field List

Invoke a Summary Filter Window from the Pivot Table

Field headers located in the Data Area display special buttons used to invoke a Summary Filter Window. Follow the steps below.
1. Hover over the header of a field whose data you need to filter. A filter button ( ) will be highlighted.

2. Click this filter button to display a Summary Filter Window.

Invoke a Summary Filter Window from a Field List

You can use an advanced Field List to filter field values.
First, invoke a Field List. For information on how to do this, see Invoke a Field List.
To open a Summary Filter Window, click the filter button displayed in the field header.
Select a Range of Values
You can select a range of cell values to be displayed in any of the following ways.
Enter the bounds of the range into the appropriate text editors.

Drag selection thumbs in the range selector.

If a range is already selected, you can select a different range with the mouse.
Move the Selected Range
To move a selection, do the following.
Drag the selection by any point within it.

Drag a selection scroll thumb displayed within the Zoom & Scroll Bar.
Zoom and Move the Viewport
You can zoom in or out by shrinking or enlarging a viewport scroll thumb displayed within the Zoom & Scroll Bar.
To zoom in, drag a zoom grip inwards. To zoom out, drag a zoom grip outwards.

Move Viewport
To move the viewport, drag a viewport scroll thumb.
Specify Target Cells
Filtering by cell values is applied only to regular cells by default. You can change this behavior and apply it to Total or Grand Total
cells. To do this, check the Apply to specific level check box, and select column and row fields that identify the desired Total or
Grand Total cells.
Remove Filtering
To remove filtering, click the Clear button.
Build Complex Filter Criteria
To build complex filter criteria consisting of multiple filter clauses using various filter operators, you can use a Prefilter (Filter

The Prefilter does not affect filtering via Filter Popup Windows.
To invoke a Prefilter, click an empty space within the Pivot Table header region and select Show Prefilter from the context menu.

After you have built and applied a filter condition, a prefilter panel appears at the Pivot Table bottom. This panel displays the filter

To modify a filter condition, open a Prefilter. You can now do it by clicking the Edit Prefilter button.
To temporarily disable filtering, uncheck the button.
To remove filtering, click the button.
For information on the Prefilter filtering capabilities, see Filter Data via the Filter Editor. To learn how to create filter criteria using
a Prefilter, please see Examples of Using the Filter Editor.
Apply Conditional Formatting
You can change the appearance of individual cells based on specific conditions using Format Rules context menu. This feature
helps to highlight important information, identify trends and exceptions, and compare data.
To invoke the menu, do the following.
Right-click the data cell corresponding to the intersection of the required data, row and column field.
Select the required rule from the list.

Available format rules are displayed when expanding the Format Rules menu.

Highlighting Cells that Meet a Specific Condition

This rule formats cells if values matches one of the predefined conditions, custom condition or contain the specified text.
To apply this format, do the following:
Choose the Highlight Cell Rules menu item and select the rule type.

According to the selected rule type, an appropriate dialog window is invoked.

Specify the rule value(s), choose a format style in the dropdown list, and click the OK button. To apply formatting to all data
cells instead of an intersection, clear the Apply only to specific level check box.

Highlighting Top or Bottom Cell Values

This rule formats cells that contain the highest or lowest values, and values that are above or below the average of the field
intersection data cells value.
To apply this format, do the following:
Choose the Top/Bottom Rules menu item and select the rule type.

According to the selected rule type, an appropriate dialog window is invoked.

Specify the rule value if it is necessary, choose a format style in the dropdown list, and click the OK button.

Highlighting Cells Using Data Bars

A data bar fills a cell according to the ratio of the cell's value to the highest and smallest field intersection data cells values. A
longer bar corresponds to a higher value, and a shorter bar, to a lower value.
To apply this format, choose the Data Bars menu item and select the bar style format.

Solid bars and bars with gradient fills are available in various colors.
Applying Color Scales
This format shows data distribution and variation using color scales. A cell is filled with a background color that is calculated
according to the ratio of the cell's value to the highest and smallest field intersection data cells values.
To apply this format, choose the Color Scales menu item and select one of the predefined two or three-color scales.

Highlighting Cells Using Predefined Icons

Icon sets allow you to classify data cells values into three, four or five ranges separated by threshold values, and display a specific
icon in a cell according to the range to which this cell value belongs. In the Positive/Negative group, the available icon sets divide
column values into three ranges: positive values, negative values and values equal to zero.
To apply this format, choose the Icon Sets menu item and select one of the predefined icon sets.

Conditional Formatting Rules Manager

You can create, sort and modify the created rules using the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager. To invoke this manager,
select the Manage Rules... item from the Format Rules context menu.
To create a new rule, click the New Rule... button, select a rule type and specify its parameters. Depending on rule type,
you can set maximum and minimum values, specify format, colors or icon style, etc.
To edit the existing rule, click the Edit Rule... button and change the rule parameters. Besides that, you can see the rule's
format preview and specify row, measure and column in the list of rules in the main window.
To delete the rule, select the rule and click the Delete Rule button.
To reorder rules, select the rule and click Up or Down button.

Deleting Rules
If you have already applied one or more rules to data cells, the additional Clear Rules item is displayed in the Conditional
Formatting menu.

You can select one of the following items.

Click the Clear Rules from This Intersection menu item to delete conditional formatting rules from the target fields
Click the Clear Rules from This Measure menu item to delete conditional formatting rules from the target data field.
Click the Clear Rules from All Measures menu item to delete formatting rules from all data cells.
Change Summary Type in Pivot Tables
Pivot Tables can perform different calculations against data (for instance, calculating sums, averages, maximum and minimum
values, etc.).
To specify which calculations Pivot Table should do against its data, left-click a data header and choose the appropriate function
Layout Customization
This section describes how to customize the Pivot Table layout by expanding and collapsing field values, as well as hiding,
displaying and reordering fields.
The following sections are available.
Resizing Columns
Describes how to resize columns displayed within the Pivot Table.
Expand and Collapse Groups in Pivot Tables
Provides information on how to expand and collapse field values and field headers.
Hide Pivot Table Fields
Guides you through the process of hiding Pivot Table fields.
Display Hidden Pivot Table Fields
Describes how to display fields that have previously been hidden.
Reorder Pivot Table Fields
Provides information on how to reorder Pivot Table fields.
Resizing Columns
You can resize columns within the Pivot Table by dragging their borders.


Regular, Total and Grand Total columns are resized independently. This means that resizing a regular column changes the width
of all regular columns but does not affect Total and Grand Total columns, and vice versa.
Double-click a column border to automatically resize the column to the minimum width required to completely display its
Expand and Collapse Groups in Pivot Tables
Expand/Collapse Groups of Values
To expand/collapse groups of values, do one of the following:
Click a corresponding expand button:

Right-click a value that has nested values, and select the required Expand or Collapse command from the menu that opens:

Expand/Collapse Fields
To expand/collapse a group of fields, click a corresponding field expand button:
Hide Pivot Table Fields
This section describes the Pivot Table capabilities to hide fields.
Topics in this section:
Hide Fields Using the Context Menu
Provides information on how to use context menus to hide fields.
Hide Fields Using a Field List
Describes how to hide fields using a Field List.
Hide Fields Using the Context Menu
To hide a field, right-click its header and choose Hide from the context menu.

You can also use a Field List to hide fields. To learn more, see Hide Fields Using a Field List.
Hide Fields Using a Field List
You can use a simple or an advanced Field List to hide fields (to learn more about Field Lists, see Field List Overview).

First, invoke a Field List. For information on how to do this, see Invoke a Field List.
Then do one of the following:
Drag a field away from the header panel, until the cursor changes its image to the big 'X'. Then drop the header.

Drag and drop a field onto the Field List form.

If you are using an advanced Field List, you can hide a field by dragging its header to the hidden fields area displayed on the Field
List top.

You can also hide fields using the context menu. To learn more, see Hide Fields Using the Context Menu.
Display Hidden Pivot Table Fields
To display hidden fields, use a simple or advanced Field List (to learn more about Field Lists, see Field List Overview).

First, invoke a Field List. For information on how to do this, see Invoke a Field List.
To display a hidden field, drag-and-drop the field from the Field List onto the required area of Pivot Table. This works for both
simple and advanced Field Lists.

If you are using a simple Field List, you can display the required field as follows.
1. Click the required field in the Field List.
2. In the drop-down combo box, select a Pivot Table area within which this field should be displayed.
3. Click the Add To button.
If you are using an advanced Field List, you can display a hidden field by dragging its header from the hidden fields section to the
section corresponding to the required Pivot Table area.
Reorder Pivot Table Fields
This section describes the Pivot Table capabilities to reorder fields.
The following topics are available:
Simple Fields Reordering
Describes how to reorder fields via drag-and-drop and context menus.
Reorder Fields Using a Field List
Provides information on how to use a Field List to reorder fields.
Simple Fields Reordering
To move a field to another position, use drag-and-drop operations.

To move a field to a different position within the same area, you can also use a field context menu.
Right-click the field header to activate the context menu.

Select the required command from the Order menu.

You can also use a Field List to reorder fields. For more information, see Reorder Fields Using a Field List.
Reorder Fields Using a Field List
You can use an advanced Field List to reorder fields (to learn more about Field Lists, see Field List Overview).

First, invoke a Field List. For information on how to do this, see Invoke a Field List.
To reorder fields, drag their headers within or between Field List sections that correspond to different Pivot Table areas.

You can also reorder fields via simple drag-and-drop operations (without invoking a Field List), or using a context menu. To learn
more, see Simple Fields Reordering.
Select Cells in Pivot Tables
Multiple cells can be selected simultaneously, and their contents can then be copied to the clipboard. This topic shows how.

Select Cells and Clear the Current Selection

To select a single cell, do one of the following:
Click the cell.

Focus the cell using the ARROW keys.

To select a row or column of cells, click the appropriate header:

To select a continuous range of cells, do one of the following:

Use ARROW, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN keys while holding the SHIFT key down.
Press the mouse button over the starting cell and drag the mouse cursor towards the ending cell. Then release the mouse

Click the starting cell. Then click the ending cell while holding the SHIFT key down.
To select a continuous range of columns or rows, do one of the following:
Press the mouse button over the starting column/row header and drag the mouse cursor towards to the ending column or
row header. Then release the mouse button.

Click the starting column or row header. Then click the ending column/row header while holding the SHIFT key down.
To select all the cells, press CTRL+A.

Select Cells While Preserving the Current Selection

Hold the CTRL key down while selecting cells.

Copy Selected Cells to the Clipboard

Field List Overview
Pivot Table provides a Field List form used to reorder and hide fields, sort and filter data, etc. For more information on how to
invoke a Field List, see Invoke a Field List.
This topic describes Field List visual elements and layout.
Depending on Pivot Table settings made by your application vendor, Pivot Table can display either a simple or advanced Field List.

Simple Field List

The following picture shows a simple Field List.

A simple Field List contains the following visual elements:

Hidden Fields Section - contains headers of fields hidden from Pivot Table. Use it to display hidden fields.
Add Button - used to display a selected field in a specified Pivot Table area.
Pivot Table Area Combo Box - used to choose a Pivot Table area where the selected field will be displayed after you click
the Add button.
Use a simple Field List to hide fields from Pivot Table and display hidden fields again.
For more information on operations available in a simple Field List, refer to the following topics:
Hide Fields Using a Field List
Display Hidden Pivot Table Fields

Advanced Field List

The following picture shows an advanced Field List.
An advanced Field List contains the following visual elements:
Hidden Fields Section - contains headers of fields hidden from Pivot Table. Use it to display hidden fields.
Filter, Column, Row and Data Area Sections - contains headers located in respective Pivot Table areas.
Defer Updates Check Box - used to enable/disable automatic Pivot Table updates (see Defer Pivot Table Updates).
Update Button - used to force Pivot Table to update (see Defer Pivot Table Updates).
Layout Button - used to invoke the Layout menu and change the Field List layout (see Change Field List Layout).
Use an advanced Field List to sort and filter data, reorder and hide visible fields, and show fields that have been hidden.
For more information on operations available in an advanced Field List, refer to the following topics:
Sort Data Using a Field List
Invoke a Filter Popup Window
Hide Fields Using a Field List
Display Hidden Pivot Table Fields
Reorder Fields Using a Field List
Invoke a Field List
To invoke a Field List, right-click on an empty space within the Pivot Table header region, and select Show Field List from the
context menu.

A simple or advanced Field List (similar to one of those shown below) will be displayed.

To learn more about Field Lists, see Field List Overview.

Defer Pivot Table Updates
When you perform several sequential operations like hiding, displaying or reordering fields using an advanced Field List, Pivot
Table is updated after each operation.
You can disable automatic Pivot Table updates by checking the Defer Layout Update check box. In this instance, use the Update
button to force Pivot Table to update.

Note that if the Defer Layout Update check box is checked, you cannot sort or filter data in the Field List.
To learn more about Field Lists, see Field List Overview.
Change Field List Layout
By default, an advanced Field List displays a hidden fields section on the top, and four sections that correspond to Pivot Table
areas at the bottom (see Field List Overview for details).

You can use the Layout menu to control which sections are displayed and where they are displayed. To do this, click the button
and select the required layout from the drop-down menu.

To learn more about Field Lists, see Field List Overview.

Print Preview
The Print Preview user interface may vary depending on your application platform.
The following topics are available in this section.
Print Preview for WinForms
Print Preview for WPF
Print Preview for WinForms
This section describes the capabilities provided by the Print Preview form.

File Management
Save a Print Preview to a File
Load a Print Preview from a File

Printing and Page Setup

Print a Document via the Print Dialog
Print a Document Using Default Settings
Change Printing Settings via the Page Setup Dialog
Specify Page Margins in Print Preview

Headers and Footers

Insert Page Header and Page Footer into Printed Documents
Insert Page Numbers into Printed Documents
Insert Date and Time into Printed Documents
Insert the User Name into Printed Documents
Insert a Logo into Printed Documents

Scale Print Preview by Entering a Zoom Factor
Scale Print Preview by Specifying Width in Pages
Zoom Print Preview In or Out
Zoom Print Preview by Entering a Zoom Factor
Zoom Print Preview to Show Whole Pages or Fit Content
Show Two or More Pages in Print Preview

Viewing and Navigating

Navigate Between Pages in Print Preview
Use the Hand Tool in Print Preview
Navigate in Print Preview Using Bookmarks
Navigate in Print Preview Using Thumbnails
Search for a Specific Text in Print Preview
Switch Print Preview Display Mode

Content Editing in Print Preview

Watermark and Background

Change Watermark and Background Settings in Print Preview
Remove a Watermark in Print Preview

Exporting from Print Preview
PDF-Specific Export Options
HTML-Specific Export Options
MHT-Specific Export Options
RTF-Specific Export Options
DOCX-Specific Export Options
XLS-Specific Export Options
XLSX-Specific Export Options
CSV-Specific Export Options
TXT-Specific Export Options
Image-Specific Export Options

Passing Parameters
Passing Parameters in Print Preview

Customize Printing Settings of Charts
Customize Printing Settings of Grids
Customize Printing Settings of Pivot Tables
Customize Printing Settings of Tree Views

Warnings and Error Messages

Warnings and Error Messages in Print Preview
Save a Print Preview to a File
If you've modified your document, and there's a chance you'll need to print out this document version more than once, you can
save the document to a file on disk. After that, you can simply load your document and print it out, without having to apply the
same changes again.
To save a document to the file, click the Save button on the toolbar, or press CTRL+S.
On the invoked Save As dialog, locate a folder where you want to store your file, enter the document's name and click Save.

Your document will be saved with the .prnx file extension. Note that this extension will be added to the file name even if you
enter another one.

If you open a document which was previously saved to the hard drive, it is impossible to change its page settings (e.g. page size,
orientation, margins, etc.). So, the Page Setup and the Scale buttons will be disabled.
Load a Print Preview from a File
To open a previously saved document, click the Open button on the toolbar, or press CTRL+O.
On the invoked Open dialog, define the file and click Open.


If you open a document previously saved to the hard drive, it is impossible to change its page settings (e.g. page size, orientation,
margins, etc.). So, the Page Setup and Scale buttons will be disabled.
Print a Document via the Print Dialog
To print a document, do one of the following.
Click the Print button on the toolbar, or press CTRL+P.
On the File menu, click Print....
The Print dialog will be invoked.

Specify the necessary settings and click Print.

To print a document without invoking the Print dialog, see the Print a Document Using Default Settings topic.

If you try to print a document whose margins are outside of the printable area, you'll see a warning message. Click Yes to print
the document anyway, if you are sure that your printer supports the specified page margins.
Print a Document Using Default Settings
To send a document directly to the default printer without customizing print settings, do one of the following.
Click the Quick Print button on the toolbar.
On the File menu, click Print.
To learn how to select a printer, number of copies, and other printing options, refer to the Print a Document via the Print Dialog

If you try to print a document whose margins are outside of the printable area, you'll see a warning message. Click Yes to print
the document anyway, if you're sure that your printer supports the specified page margins.
Change Printing Settings via the Page Setup Dialog
To start the page setup dialog box, do one of the following.
Click the Page Setup button on the toolbar.
On the File menu, click Page Setup...
The following dialog will be invoked.

This dialog allows you to do the following:

Change page orientation (choose Portrait or Landscape).
Select paper size.
Change page margins. (This can also be done in the Print Preview dialog)

If you're working with a document that was loaded from file, the Page Setup commands on the toolbar and main menu will be
Specify Page Margins in Print Preview
To set document page margins, do one of the following.
Use the Page Setup dialog
In the Page Setup dialog, enter the required top, left, bottom and right page margins' values into the appropriate editors.

Then, click OK to save changes.

Use drag-and-drop in the Print Preview window
To use this approach, point to the dotted line indicating the margin's border. When the pointer changes to , drag the
pointer to move the margin.


If you're working with a document that was loaded from file, it is impossible to change its page settings (e.g. page size,
orientation, margins, etc.).
Print Selection
To print only the selected content of the previewed document, do the following.
1. Select the content of the previewed document by holding the left mouse button and dragging the mouse pointer to create a
selection box. Expand the selection box to fit all of the content you wish to print. The selected document elements are

2. Right-click anywhere within the highlighted area of the document and select Print... in the context menu.

3. In the invoked Print dialog, specify the required settings and click Print.
Insert Page Header and Page Footer into Printed Documents
To insert a page header and page footer into a document, click the Header and Footer button on the toolbar. This will invoke
the Header and Footer dialog.

Specify header and footer content using the appropriate text boxes, depending on the required alignment.
If needed, you can also adjust vertical alignment and font settings.
Click OK to save changes and close the dialog.
Insert Page Numbers into Printed Documents
To insert or remove page numbers from a document, first invoke the Header and Footer dialog.
Focus a text box, depending on the required alignment, and do one of the following:
If you need to simply display the current page number, click the Page Number button.
If you need to display the page number out of the total number of pages, click the Page # of Pages # button.
When you click one of these buttons, the dialog adds an alias within square brackets at the current cursor position. You can
surround this alias with any text you like. If you no longer need page numbers in your document, delete this alias.
Click OK to save changes and close the dialog.
Insert Date and Time into Printed Documents
If you need to display the date and time when a document is printed, first invoke the Header and Footer dialog.
Then, click on the appropriate text box, depending on the required alignment, and do the following:
To add a date stamp, click the Date Printed button.
To add a time stamp, click the Time Printed button.
When you click one of these buttons, the dialog adds an alias within square brackets at the current cursor position. You can
surround this alias with any text you like. If you no longer need to display date and time in your document, delete this alias.
Click OK to save changes and close the dialog.
Insert the User Name into Printed Documents
To insert user name into a document's header or footer, first invoke the Header and Footer dialog.
Then, focus an appropriate text box, depending on the required alignment, and click the User Name button.
When you click this button, the dialog adds an alias within square brackets at the current cursor position. You can surround this
alias with any text you like. If you no longer need to display user name in your document, delete this alias.
Click OK to save changes and close the dialog.
Insert a Logo into Printed Documents
To insert a logo into a document's header or footer, first invoke the Header and Footer dialog.
Then, focus an appropriate text box, depending on the required alignment, and click the Image button.
Select the image from the dropdown list.

Click OK to save changes and close the dialog.


If the Image button is disabled, then logo insertion is not supported by your software vendor.
Scale Print Preview by Entering a Zoom Factor
To scale a document, click the Scale button on the toolbar. The Scaling dialog will be invoked.
Set the required percentage value in the editor.

Click OK to save changes and close the dialog.


If you're working with a document loaded from file, you cannot use scaling.
Scale Print Preview by Specifying Width in Pages
To scale a document to fit into X pages, click the Scale button on the toolbar. The Scaling dialog will be invoked.
Set the required number of pages in the editor.

Click OK to save changes and close the dialog.


If you're working with a document loaded from file, you cannot use scaling.
Zoom Print Preview In or Out
Zoom In and Out of a Document
To zoom in a document, click the Zoom In button on the toolbar, or press CTRL+PLUS SIGN.
To zoom out of a document, click the Zoom Out button on the toolbar, or press CTRL+MINUS SIGN.
To zoom in or out of a document, you can also hold down CTRL and rotate the mouse wheel.

Use the Magnifier Tool

Use the Magnifier Tool to switch between 100% and "fit whole page" views. Simply click anywhere in the document, to toggle
Zoom Print Preview by Entering a Zoom Factor
To zoom to a specific zoom factor, do one of the following.
Click the Zooming dropdown list button. The following list will be invoked.

Choose one of the zoom factor presets.

You can manually enter any value into the Zooming box.
Zoom Print Preview to Show Whole Pages or Fit Content
Zoom Documents to Fit Page Content
To zoom to the page or text width, click the Zooming box. The following list will be invoked.

To zoom to the page width, click Page Width.

To zoom to the text width, click Text Width.

If the preview window will be resized later, the current zoom factor will also be changed, to fit the current page or text width.

Zoom Documents to Display Whole Pages

First, invoke the zooming dropdown (see above).
To display one whole page at a time, click Whole Page.
To fit two pages into the current view, click Two Pages.

If the preview window will be resized later, the current zoom factor will be also changed in order to fit one or two pages.
If you want to preview more pages simultaneously, refer to the Show Two or More Pages in Print Preview topic.
Show Two or More Pages in Print Preview
To preview two or more pages at one time, click the Multiple Pages button on the toolbar.
Then, in the invoked dialog, hover over the page icons, depending on the required number of pages to preview.

When the required number of pages has been selected, click the popup window to close it and apply changes to the document
Navigate Between Pages in Print Preview
To navigate between pages, use the scrollbars or navigation buttons on the toolbar. These buttons allow you to
switch to the first, previous, next, or last page of a document.
Use the Hand Tool in Print Preview
The Hand Tool enables you to scroll content by dragging the document instead of using scrollbars.
To activate the Hand Tool, click the Hand Tool button on the toolbar.

Then, after you click a document's page, the mouse pointer is changed from to . Drag the mouse pointer to scroll the
Navigate in Print Preview Using Bookmarks
If a document contains bookmarks, you can use the Document Map panel for navigation purposes.
To toggle this panel's visibility, use the Docuemnt Map button on the toolbar. To go to a specific bookmark, click it in the
Document Map. As a result, the Print Preview navigates to a document element associated with the bookmark.
Navigate in Print Preview Using Thumbnails
You can use thumbnails to quickly navigate between document pages.
To show report thumbnails, click the Thumbnails button on the toolbar.

Click a thumbnail to navigate to the corresponding document page.

Search for a Specific Text in Print Preview
To search for a specific text throughout a document, click the Search button on the toolbar, or press CTRL+F. This invokes the
Search panel.

To start searching for the terms, click Next or press ENTER. To find the next occurrence of the terms, do the same. To find the
previous occurrence of the terms, click Previous.
The Search panel also provides the settings button, which invokes the dedicated submenu allowing you to specify whether or not
to use a case-sensitive search and whether or not you need to match the whole word during the search.
Switch Print Preview Display Mode
Enable the Facing Layout View
To enable the facing layout view, on the View menu, point to Page Layout, and then click Facing.

This allows you to preserve an entire page view, whether you resize the preview window, scroll a document or choose a multiple
page view mode.

Enable the Continuous Layout View

To enable the continuous layout view, on the View menu, point to Page Layout, and then click Continuous.

This allows you to continuously scroll a page layout view.

Content Editing in Print Preview
If content editing is enabled for document elements, it is possible to customize the corresponding field values in Print Preview.
To highlight all editing fields available in the document, click the Editing Fields button on the toolbar. This button is not
available when there are no such fields in the document.
Clicking a field will invoke an appropriate editor. To apply the entered values and navigate between editing fields, use the TAB and
SHIFT+TAB keys. In addition to editing text, you can switch check box states.
Change Watermark and Background Settings in Print Preview
Invoke the Watermark Dialog
To add a watermark to a document, click the Watermark button on the toolbar, or click Watermark... on the Background
menu. The Watermark dialog will be invoked.

Add a Text Watermark

To add a text watermark, open the Text Watermark tab.

Input the required text, or choose one from the provided options. If required, define other text properties, such as direction, color,
font, size, transparency, etc.

Add an Image Watermark

To add a picture watermark, open the Picture Watermark tab.
Load the image and customize its properties, such as size mode, horizontal and vertical alignment, tiling, transparency, etc.

Specify the Pages Where you will Display Your Watermark

Specify the required pages to apply a watermark in the Page Range section of the dialog.

Separate page numbers with commas, or specify page ranges using a dash.

Add a Background Color to a Document

To add a background color to a document, click the Background Color button on the toolbar, or click Color... on the
Background menu. The Background Color dialog will be invoked.

Then, choose a color from the Custom, Web or System palettes.

Remove a Watermark in Print Preview
To remove a watermark from a document, invoke the Watermark dialog. Click Clear All, then click OK to save changes and close
the dialog.
Exporting from Print Preview
There are two options available for a document being exported to.
Export Document to a File on Disk
Send Exported File via E-Mail

Export Document to a File on Disk

To export a document and save the resulting file on your hard drive, do one of the following.

On the toolbar, click the arrow near the Export Document... button .
On the File menu, choose the Export Document... item.
Choose the required format from the invoked list.

Then, you may be prompted to define format-specific options. See corresponding help topics in this documentation for details,
e.g. PDF-Specific Export Options.
Once you've specified exporting options, the Save As dialog appears, allowing you to enter the file name. Then, the following
message will be invoked.

Click Yes, if you want to preview the exported file.

Send Exported File via E-Mail

To send the resulting PDF file via e-mail, do one of the following.

On the toolbar, click the arrow near the Send via E-Mail... button .
On the File menu, choose the Send via E-Mail... item.
Choose the required format in the invoked list.
Then, you may be prompted to define format-specific options. See corresponding help topics in this documentation for details,
e.g. PDF-Specific Export Options.
Once you've specified exporting options, the Save As dialog appears, allowing you to enter the file name.
Finally, the created document will be attached to a new empty message, created in your default mail program.
Copy to the Clipboard
Aside from exporting a document to a third-party formatted file, you can copy a portion of the document content to the clipboard,
and paste it into an editor compatible with one of the supported third-party formats.
To copy document content to the clipboard, do the following.
1. Select the content of the previewed document by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse pointer, to
create a selection box. Expand the selection box to fit all of the content you wish to print. The selected document elements
are highlighted.

2. To copy the selected content, press CTRL + C or right-click anywhere within the highlighted area of the document, and
select Copy in the context menu.
When pasted to a third-party editor from the clipboard, the report content will automatically be converted to the target format.
PDF-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define PDF-specific exporting options using the following dialog.

General Options
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page
ranges, use hyphens.
Don't embed these fonts
Specifies font names which should not be embedded into the resulting file to reduce the file size. To separate fonts, use
Convert Images to Jpeg
Specifies whether all bitmaps contained in the document should be converted to JPEG format during export to PDF.
Images quality
Specifies the document's image quality level. The higher the quality, the bigger the file, and vice versa.
Specifies whether the resulting file should be compressed.
Specifies whether to enable document compatibility with the PDF/A-2b specification.
Password Security Options
These options allow you to adjust the security options of the resulting PDF file (e.g. enable open document, editing, printing and
copying protection, and specify which changes are allowed).
Signature Options
If an X.509 certificate is applied to your report, you can maintain its options using the Signature Options property of the report
PDF Export Options.
Additional Options
You can also fill the Application, Author, Keywords, Subject, and Title fields. These options specify the Document Properties
of the created PDF file.
HTML-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define HTML-specific exporting options using the following dialog.

Export Mode
Specifies how a document is exported to HTML. The following modes are available.
The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without preserving the page-by-page breakdown.
The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, while preserving page-by-page
breakdown. In this mode, the Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
The Different files mode allows export of a document to multiple files, one for each document page. In this mode, the
Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page
ranges, use hyphens.
Page border color
Specifies the color of page borders from the available palettes.
Page border width
Specifies the width (in pixels) of page borders.
Specifies the title of the created document.
Character set
Specifies the character set for the HTML document.
Remove carriage returns
Specifies whether to remove carriage returns.
Table layout
Specifies whether to use table or non-table layout in the resulting document.
Export watermarks
Specifies whether to export watermarks to HTML along with the rest of the document content.
Embed images in HTML
Specifies whether to embed images in HTML content.
MHT-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define MHT-specific exporting options using the following dialog.

Export mode
Specifies how a document is exported to MHT. The following modes are available.
The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without dividing it into pages.
The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, divided into pages. In this mode,
the Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
The Different files mode allows export of a document to multiple files, one for each document page. In this mode, the
Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page
ranges, use hyphens.
Page border color
Specifies the color of page borders from the available palettes.
Page border width
Specifies the width (in pixels) of page borders.
Specifies the title of the created document.
Character set
Specifies the character set for the HTML document.
Remove carriage returns
Specifies whether to remove carriage returns.
Table layout
Specifies whether to use table or non-table layout in the resulting document.
Export watermarks
Specifies whether to export watermarks to HTML along with the rest of the document content.
RTF-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define RTF-specific export options using the following dialog.

Export mode
Specifies how a document is exported to RTF. The following modes are available.
The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without dividing it into pages.
The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, divided into pages. In this mode,
the Page range option is available.
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page
ranges, use hyphens.
Export watermarks
Specifies whether the exported document should include watermarks (if they exist).
DOCX-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define DOCX-specific export options using the following dialog:

Export mode
Specifies how a document is exported to DOCX. The following modes are available.
The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file without dividing it into pages.
The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file divided into pages. In this mode, the
Page range option is available.
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. Use commas to separate page numbers. Use hyphens
to set page ranges.
Export watermarks
Specifies whether the exported document should include watermarks (if they exist).
XLS-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define XLS-specific export options using the following dialog.

Export mode
Specifies how a document is exported to XLS. The following modes are available.
The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without dividing it into pages.
The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, divided into pages.
The Different files mode allows export of a document to multiple files, one for each document page.
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page
ranges, use hyphens.
Sheet name
Specifies the name of the sheet in the created XLS file.
Text export mode
Specifies whether value formatting should be converted to the native XLS format string (if it is possible), or embedded into
cell values as plain text.
Show grid lines
Specifies whether grid lines should be visible in the resulting XLS file.
Export hyperlinks
Specifies whether hyperlinks should be exported to the XLS document.
Raw data mode
Specifies whether to enable the raw data export mode. In this mode, only a document's actual data is exported to XLS,
ignoring non-relevant elements, such as images, graphic content, font and appearance settings.
XLSX-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define XLSX-specific export options using the following dialog.

Export mode
Specifies how a document is exported to XLSX. The following modes are available.
The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without dividing it into pages.
The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, with each shown in a separate
The Different files mode allows export of a document to multiple files, one for each document page.
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page
ranges, use hyphens.
Sheet name
Specifies the name of the sheet in the created XLSX file.
Text export mode
Specifies whether value formatting should be converted to the native XLSX format string (if it is possible), or embedded into
cell values as plain text.
Show grid lines
Specifies whether grid lines should be visible in the resulting XLSX file.
Export hyperlinks
Specifies whether to include hyperlinks into the resulting file.
Raw data mode
Specifies whether to enable the raw data export mode. In this mode, only a document's actual data is exported to XLSX,
ignoring non-relevant elements, such as images, graphic content, font and appearance settings.
CSV-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define CSV-specific exporting options using the following dialog.

Specifies the encoding used in the exported document.
Text export mode
Specifies whether to use the formatting of data fields in the bound data source for cells in the exported document. If this
option is set to Text, all data fields are exported to the CSV file as strings with the corresponding formatting embedded into
those strings. If the option is set to Value, all formatting will be lost in the resulting document.
Text separator
Specifies a symbol used to separate text elements (comma by default).
Quote strings with separators
Specifies whether strings with separators should be placed in quotation marks in the exported document.
TXT-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define TXT-specific exporting options using the following dialog.

Specifies the encoding used in the exported document.
Text export mode
Specifies whether to use the formatting of data fields in the bound data source for cells in the exported document. If this
option is set to Text, all data fields are exported to the text file as strings with the corresponding formatting embedded into
those strings. If the option is set to Value, all formatting will be lost in the resulting document.
Text separator
Specifies a symbol to separate text elements (TAB by default).
Quote strings with separators
Specifies whether strings with separators should be placed in quotation marks in the exported document.
Image-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define image-specific exporting options using the following dialog.

Image format
Specifies an image format to export a document. Available formats are BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, EMF, WMF and TIFF.
Resolution (dpi)
Specifies the required image resolution (in dpi).
Export mode
Specifies how a document is exported to an image. The following modes are available.
The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without dividing the output into pages.
The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, divided into pages. In this mode,
the Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
The Different files mode allows export of a document to multiple files, one for each document page. In this mode, the
Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page
ranges, use hyphens.
Page border color
Specifies the color of page borders.
Page border width
Specifies the width (in pixels) of page borders.
Passing Parameters in Print Preview
Some documents or reports allow you to control data display, and what data is to be displayed by specifying parameter values.
To show the Parameters window, click the Parameters button on the main toolbar. A window allowing you to change
parameter values will be invoked.
Enter the required values and click Submit. After changing the current values, you can revert back the previously selected values
by clicking Reset.
Customize Printing Settings of Charts
If allowed by your application vendor, you can customize additional print settings of a document. For example, if you are about to
print out a chart, you may be able to customize the chart's printing options.
To do this, click the Customize button on the toolbar. The Print Options dialog will be invoked.

A chart is printed in the same size identical to that shown on the form.
A chart is stretched or shrunk to fit the page on which it is printed.
A chart is resized proportionally (without clipping), so that it best fits the page on which it is printed.
Customize Printing Settings of Grids
If allowed by your application vendor, you can customize additional print settings of a document. For example, if you are about to
print out a grid, you may be able to customize grid printing options.
To do this, click the Customize button on the toolbar. The Print Options dialog will be invoked.

Options tab
Allows you to uncheck elements that you don't want to print.
Behavior tab
Allows you to pre-process a grid before printing it. For instance, you can enable automatic column width calculation, or
automatic group row expansion.
Customize Printing Settings of Pivot Tables
If allowed by your application vendor, you can customize additional print settings of a document. For example, if you are about to
print out a Pivot Table, you may be able to customize its printing options.
To do this, click the Customize button on the toolbar. The Print Options dialog will be invoked.

Options tab
Allows you to specify which elements are to be printed.
Behavior tab
Allows you to pre-process a Pivot Table before printing it. For instance, you can enable field value merging.
Customize Printing Settings of Tree Views
If allowed by your application vendor, you can customize additional print settings of a document. For example, if you are about to
print out a tree view, you may be able to customize its printing options.
To do this, click the Customize button on the toolbar. The Print Options dialog will be invoked.

Options tab
Allows you to specify which elements are to be printed.
Behavior tab
Allows you to pre-process a tree view before printing it. For instance, you can enable automatic column width or row height
Warnings and Error Messages in Print Preview
One or more margins are set outside the printable area of the page.
This message is invoked when you try to print a document whose margins are outside of the printable area of the page.
Click Yes if you are sure that your printer supports the specified page margins. Otherwise, click No.

The specified file cannot be loaded, because it either does not contain valid XML data or exceeds the allowed
This message is invoked if you try to open a file with an incompatible markup or a file whose size exceeds the allowed size.
These files cannot be loaded in the Print Preview. Try to open a file with a compatible markup and/or a smaller size.
Print Preview for WPF
The documents in this section provide information on the capabilities of the Print Preview, which is used to display an interactive
document preview.
The Print Preview provides a toolbar and menu that contain commands related to document viewing, navigating, exporting and
printing. It also provides the Document Map for navigating throughout a document using bookmarks, the Parameters panel for
editing report parameters, the Search panel for locating required data, etc.

File Management
Save a Print Preview to a File
Load a Print Preview from a File

Printing and Page Setup

Print a Document Using the Print Dialog
Print a Document Using Default Settings
Change Print Settings Using the Page Setup Dialog

Navigate Between Pages
Navigate Using Bookmarks
Navigate Using Thumbnails
Navigate Using the Hand Tool
Search for a Specific Text

Content Editing in Print Preview


Passing Parameters
Passing Parameter Values

Changing a Watermark

Copying to the Clipboard
PDF-Specific Export Options
HTML-Specific Export Options
MHT-Specific Export Options
RTF-Specific Export Options
DOCX-Specific Export Options
XLS-Specific Export Options
XLSX-Specific Export Options
CSV-Specific Export Options
Text-Specific Export Options
Image-Specific Export Options
Save a Print Preview to a File
If you've modified your document, and there's a chance you'll need to print out this document version more than once, you can
save the document to a file on disk. After that, you can simply load your document and print it out, without having to apply the
same changes again.
To save a document to the file, do one of the following.

Click the Save button on the toolbar.

On the menu, click Save.

Press CTRL+S.
In the invoked Save As dialog, locate a folder where you want to store your file, enter the document name and click Save.

The document is saved with the .prnx file extension. Note that this extension will be added to the file name even if you enter
another one.

If you open a document that was previously saved to the hard drive, it is impossible to change its page settings (e.g., page size,
orientation, margins, etc.). So, the Page Setup and the Scale buttons will be disabled.
Load a Print Preview from a File
To open a previously saved document, do one of the following.

Click the Open button on the toolbar.

On the menu, click Open.

Press CTRL+O.
In the invoked Open dialog, select the required file and click Open.


If you open a document which was previously saved to the hard drive, it is impossible to change its page settings (e.g., page size,
orientation, margins, etc.). So, the Page Setup and the Scale buttons will be disabled.
Print a Document Using the Print Dialog
To print a document, do one of the following.

Click the Print... button on the toolbar.

On the menu, click Print...

Press CTRL+P.
In the invoked Print dialog, specify the necessary settings (the printer name, number of copies, page range, etc.) and click OK.

To learn how to print the document without invoking the Print dialog, see the Print a Document Using Default Settings topic.
Print a Document Using Default Settings
To send a document directly to the default printer without customizing print settings, click the Quick Print button on the
Preview's toolbar.
To learn how to select a printer, number of copies and other printer options, refer to the Print a Document Using the Print Dialog
Change Print Settings Using the Page Setup Dialog
To invoke the Page Setup dialog, click the Page Setup... button on the Print Preview's toolbar.

The Page Setup dialog allows you to do the following.

Change the paper size using the dedicated drop-down.
Select page orientation (Portrait or Landscape).
Specify page margins by entering the required top, left, bottom and right page margin values into the appropriate editors.

If you're working with a document that was loaded from a file, the Page Setup button on the toolbar is disabled.
To scale a document, click the Scale button on the Print Preview's toolbar. This invokes the Scale dialog.

The dialog provides two ways for scaling the document.

Scaling by entering a zoom factor.
Select the first option and set the required percentage value in the dedicated editor.
Scaling to fit into X pages.
Choose the second option and specify the required number of pages.
Click OK to save changes and close the dialog.

If you're working with a document loaded from a file, you cannot use scaling.
Navigate Between Pages
To navigate between document pages, use the scrollbars or navigation buttons on the Print Preview's toolbar. These buttons
allow you to switch to the first, previous, next, or last page of a document.

To navigate to a specific page of a document, enter the required page in the dedicated editor in the Print Preview's status bar.
Navigate Using Bookmarks
If a document contains bookmarks, you can use the Document Map panel for navigation purposes.

To switch to this panel, click the Document Map button on the Print Preview's toolbar. To go to a specific bookmark, click it
in the Document Map. As a result, the Print Preview navigates to a document element associated with the bookmark.
Navigate Using Thumbnails
You can use thumbnails to quickly navigate between document pages.

To show thumbnails, click the Thumbnails button on the Print Preview's toolbar. Click a thumbnail to navigate to the
corresponding document page.
Navigate Using the Hand Tool
The Hand Tool enables you to scroll content by dragging the document instead of using scrollbars.
To activate the Hand Tool, right-click anywhere within the document, and in the invoked context menu, select Hand Tool.

Then, after you click a document's page, the mouse pointer is changed from to . Drag the mouse pointer to scroll the
Search for a Specific Text
To search for a specific text throughout a document, click the Search button on the Print Preview's toolbar, or press CTRL+F.
This invokes the Search panel.

In the search box on the left, input the text to find. Click the Settings button to invoke the dedicated submenu allowing you to
specify whether or not to use a case-sensitive search, and specify if you are required to match the whole word during the search.

To start searching, or search down again, click Next, or press ENTER or CTRL+G. To search backward, click Previous or press
Content Editing in Print Preview
If content editing is enabled for document elements, it is possible to customize the corresponding field values in Print Preview.
To highlight all editing fields available in the document, click the Editing Fields button on the toolbar. This button is not
available when there are no such fields in the document.
Clicking a field will invoke an appropriate editor. To apply the entered values and navigate between editing fields, use the TAB and
SHIFT+TAB keys. In addition to editing text, you can switch check box states.
To zoom in or out a document, click the Zoom In or Zoom Out button on the Print Preview's toolbar. The alternative
way to zoom in and out the document is to hold down CTRL and rotate the mouse wheel.
You can also zoom the document to a specific zoom factor. To do this, click the Zoom button and choose one of the zoom factor
presets from the invoked list.

In addition, this list provides items allowing you to display one whole page at a time and fit the document to the page width. If the
preview window will be resized later, the current zoom factor will also be changed in order to fit one page or the current page
width, respectively.
Passing Parameter Values
Certain documents or reports allow you to control what data is to be displayed by specifying parameter values.

To show the Parameters panel, click the Parameters button on the Print Preview's toolbar. This panel allows you to specify
parameter values before document preview generation is started.
Enter the required values using the corresponding parameter editors and click Submit. After changing the current values, you can
revert back the previously selected values by clicking Reset.
Changing a Watermark
With the Print Preview, you can add a text watermark in a document, or turn a picture into a document's background. It is also
possible to use both textual and image watermarks simultaneously.

To invoke the Watermark dialog, click the Watermark button on the toolbar.

Adding a Text Watermark

To add a text watermark, open the Text Watermark tab. Input the required watermark's text or choose one of the provided
options in the Text drop-down list. Then, define other text properties, such as direction, color, font, size, transparency, etc.

Adding an Image Watermark

To add a picture watermark, switch to the Picture Watermark tab. To load the image to be used as a watermark, click the ellipsis
button for the Image property. In the invoked dialog, select the file containing the image that you wish to load and click Open.
Then, you can specify the picture's properties, such as the size mode, alignment, transparency, etc.

Specifying Watermark Properties

At the bottom of the Watermark dialog, you can select a watermark position behind or in front of the document, and specify the
page range in which the watermark will be printed.
These settings are in effect both for text and image watermarks.

Removing a Watermark
To remove watermarks from a document, click Clear All in the Watermark dialog. Then, click OK to save changes and close the
There are two options available for exporting a document to one of the supported third-party formats.
Export Document to a File on Disk
Send Exported File Using E-Mail

Export Document to a File on Disk

To export a document and save the resulting file on your hard drive, click the arrow for the Export... button and select the
required format from the list.

This invokes the Export Document... dialog with options for the selected format.

If you simply click the Export... button, the dialog will provide settings for the PDF format. Then, you can always change the
export format directly in the dialog using the dedicated Export format drop-down list.
In the Export Document... dialog, you should specify the path where the resulting file should be saved and choose whether or
not to open the file after exporting.
To access and customize advanced export options for the selected format, click the More Options link.
Specify the required format-specific options and click OK to initiate export of a report and save the resulting file.

Send Exported File Using E-Mail

To export a document and send the resulting file using e-mail, click the arrow for the Send... button and select one of the
supported formats.

This invokes the Send via E-Mail... dialog with options for the selected format.

If you simply click the Send... button, the dialog will provide settings for the PDF format. Then, you can always change the export
format directly in the dialog using the dedicated Export Format drop-down list.
In the Send via E-Mail... dialog, you should specify the path where the resulting file should be saved. The dialog also allows you
to specify advanced export options for the selected format. To access and customize these format-specific options, click the More
Options link.
Specify the required options and click OK to initiate export of a report and save the resulting file. The saved file will be then
attached to a new empty message in the default mail program.
Copying to the Clipboard
Besides exporting a document to a third-party formatted file, you can copy a portion of the document content to the clipboard,
and paste it into an editor compatible with one of the supported third-party formats.
To copy document content to the clipboard, do the following.
1. Select the content of the previewed document by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse pointer. The
selected document elements are highlighted.

2. To copy the selected content, press CTRL+C or right-click anywhere within the highlighted area of the document, and select
Copy in the context menu.

When pasted to a third-party editor from the clipboard, the report content will automatically be converted to the target format.
PDF-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define the following PDF-specific export options.

General Options
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page
ranges, use hyphens.
Don't embed these fonts
Specifies font names which should not be embedded into the resulting file to reduce the file size. To separate fonts, use
Convert Images to Jpeg
Specifies whether all bitmaps contained in the document should be converted to JPEG format during export to PDF.
Images quality
Specifies the document's image quality level. The higher the quality, the bigger the file, and vice versa.
Specifies whether the resulting file should be compressed.
Specifies whether to enable document compatibility with the PDF/A-2b specification.
Password Security Options

These options allow you to adjust the security options of the resulting PDF file (e.g. enable open document, editing, printing and
copying protection, and specify what changes are allowed).
Signature Options
If an X.509 certificate is applied to your report, you can maintain its options using the Signature Options property of the report
PDF Export Options.
Additional Options
You can also fill the Application, Author, Keywords, Subject, and Title fields. These options specify the Document Properties
of the created PDF file.
HTML-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define the following HTML-specific export options.

Export Mode
Specifies how a document is exported to HTML. The following modes are available.
The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without preserving the page-by-page breakdown.
The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, while preserving page-by-page
breakdown. In this mode, the Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
The Different files mode allows export of a document to multiple files, one for each document page. In this mode, the
Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page
ranges, use hyphens.
Page border color
Specifies the color of page borders from the available palettes.
Page border width
Specifies the width (in pixels) of page borders.
Specifies the title of the created document.
Character set
Specifies the character set for the HTML document.
Remove carriage returns
Specifies whether to remove carriage returns.
Table layout
Specifies whether to use table or non-table layout in the resulting document.
Export watermarks
Specifies whether to export watermarks to HTML along with the remaining document content.
Embed images in HTML
Specifies whether to embed images in HTML content.
MHT-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define the following MHT-specific export options.

Export mode
Specifies how a document is exported to MHT. The following modes are available.
The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without dividing it into pages.
The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, divided into pages. In this mode,
the Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
The Different files mode allows export of a document to multiple files, one for each document page. In this mode, the
Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page
ranges, use hyphens.
Page border color
Specifies the color of page borders from the available palettes.
Page border width
Specifies the width (in pixels) of page borders.
Specifies the title of the created document.
Character set
Specifies the character set for the HTML document.
Remove carriage returns
Specifies whether to remove carriage returns.
Table layout
Specifies whether to use table or non-table layout in the resulting document.
Export watermarks
Specifies whether to export watermarks to HTML along with the remaining document content.
RTF-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define the following RTF-specific exporting options.

Export mode
Specifies how a document is exported to RTF. The following modes are available.
The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without dividing it into pages.
The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, divided into pages. In this mode,
the Page range option is available.
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page
ranges, use hyphens.
Export watermarks
Specifies whether the exported document should include watermarks (if they exist).
DOCX-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define DOCX-specific export options using the following dialog:

Export mode
Specifies how a document is exported to DOCX. The following modes are available.
The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file without dividing it into pages.
The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file divided into pages. In this mode, the
Page range option is available.
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. Use commas to separate page numbers. Use hyphens
to set page ranges.
Export watermarks
Specifies whether the exported document should include watermarks (if they exist).
XLS-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define the following XLS-specific exporting options.

Export mode
Specifies how a document is exported to XLS. The following modes are available.
The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without dividing it into pages.
The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, divided into pages. In this mode,
the Page range option is available.
The Different files mode allows export of a document to multiple files, one for each document page. In this mode, the
Page range option is available.
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page
ranges, use hyphens.
Sheet name
Specifies the name of the sheet in the created XLS file.
Text export mode
Specifies whether value formatting should be converted to the native XLS format string (if possible), or embedded into cell
values as plain text.
Show grid lines
Specifies whether grid lines should be visible in the resulting XLS file.
Export hyperlinks
Specifies whether hyperlinks should be exported to the XLS document.
Raw data mode
Specifies whether to enable the raw data export mode. In this mode, only a document's actual data is exported to XLS,
ignoring non-relevant elements, such as images, graphic content, font and appearance settings.
XLSX-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define the following XLSX-specific exporting options.

Export mode
Specifies how a document is exported to XLSX. The following modes are available.
The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without dividing it into pages.
The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, divided into pages. In this mode,
the Page range option is available.
The Different files mode allows export of a document to multiple files, one for each document page. In this mode, the
Page range option is available.
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page
ranges, use hyphens.
Sheet name
Specifies the name of the sheet in the created XLSX file.
Text export mode
Specifies whether value formatting should be converted to the native XLSX format string (if it is possible), or embedded into
cell values as plain text.
Show grid lines
Specifies whether grid lines should be visible in the resulting XLSX file.
Export hyperlinks
Specifies whether to include hyperlinks into the resulting file.
Raw data mode
Specifies whether to enable the raw data export mode. In this mode, only a document's actual data is exported to XLSX,
ignoring non-relevant elements, such as images, graphic content, font and appearance settings.
CSV-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define the following CSV-specific exporting options.

Specifies the encoding used in the exported document.
Text export mode
Specifies whether to use the formatting of data fields in the bound data source for cells in the exported document. If this
option is set to Text, all data fields are exported to the CSV file as strings with the corresponding formatting embedded into
those strings. If the option is set to Value, all formatting will be lost in the resulting document.
Text separator
Specifies a symbol used to separate text elements (comma by default).
Quote strings with separators
Specifies whether strings with separators should be placed in quotation marks in the exported document.
Text-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define the following TXT-specific exporting options.

Specifies the encoding used in the exported document.
Text export mode
Specifies whether to use the formatting of data fields in the bound data source for cells in the exported document. If this
option is set to Text, all data fields are exported to the text file as strings with the corresponding formatting embedded into
those strings. If the option is set to Value, all formatting will be lost in the resulting document.
Text separator
Specifies a symbol to separate text elements (TAB by default).
Quote strings with separators
Specifies whether strings with separators should be placed in quotation marks in the exported document.
Image-Specific Export Options
When exporting a document, you can define the following Image-specific exporting options.

Image format
Specifies an image format to export a document. Available formats are BMP, EMF, WMF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF.
Resolution (dpi)
Specifies the required image resolution (in dpi).
Export mode
Specifies how a document is exported to an image. The following modes are available.
The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without dividing the output into pages.
The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, divided into pages. In this mode,
the Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
The Different files mode allows export of a document to multiple files, one for each document page. In this mode, the
Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
Page range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page
ranges, use hyphens.
Page border color
Specifies the color of page borders.
Page border width
Specifies the width (in pixels) of page borders.
Report Designer
This documentation section contains information about the basic principles of creating reports with Report Designers.
The Report Designer user interface may vary depending on your application platform.
The following topics are available in this section.
Report Designer for WinForms
Report Designer for WPF
Report Designer for WinForms
This guide contains information about the basic principles of creating reports with Report Designer.
The Report Designer allows you to create new reports from scratch, bind them to data, and even pass them to another
workstation and load them into another instance of the report designer. In addition to report editing capabilities, it allows you to
display its Print Preview and send its output to a printer or export it to a file on disk.

The following sections are available in this guide.

Report Editing Basics
Create Reports
Report Designer Reference
Report Wizard
Preview, Print and Export Reports

Some features described in this guide may differ from what you see in your application. This depends on your application vendor.
Report Editing Basics
This section describes the most basic tasks you may encounter when initiating a report edit in the Report Designer.
The following documents are available in this section.
Report Editing Basics
Back Up the Current Layout Before Modifying It
Manually Update Report Output
Change the Layout of Report Elements
Change Fonts and Colors of Report Elements
Delete Report Elements
Providing Data
Add or Modify Static Information in Your Report
Binding Report Elements to Data
Binding Report Elements Using Binding Expressions
Use Mail Merge in Report Elements
Add Calculated Fields to a Report
Add Parameters to a Report
Use Query Parameters
Data Representation
Change Value Formatting of Report Elements
Change or Apply Data Sorting to a Report
Change or Apply Data Grouping to a Report
Change or Apply Data Filtering to a Report
Additional Features
Add Totals to a Report
Add Page Numbers and System Information to a Report
Create or Modify Watermarks of a Report
Back Up the Current Layout Before Modifying It
To guarantee that you will be able to revert your report to its original state, you need to create a backup copy. Then, you can apply
changes without worrying that it will be hard to restore your report, in case something breaks.
To save a copy of your report, in the Main Menu, select File | Save As.

Then, in the invoked standard Save dialog, specify the folder and file name.
To save the current layout of your report, in the Main Menu select File | Save, or press CTRL+S. In this case, the report will
be saved in the application's current folder.

To load a previously saved report, in the Main Menu, click File | Open, or press CTRL+O. The standard Open dialog will
allow you to locate and open report files.
Manually Update Report Output
Sometimes you may need to simply update a couple of values in your report before printing it. In these cases, the simplest way to
correct your report is to export it to an editable file (e.g. RTF), then use an appropriate editor tool to edit values and print your

To export a report, switch to the Preview Tab and click the arrow near the Export Document... button .

To learn more about report exporting, see Exporting from Print Preview.
Change the Layout of Report Elements
To select a control, click it. To select the next control in tab order, press TAB. To select the previous control in tab order, click SHIFT
+ TAB.
Individual controls can be moved, using either mouse or keyboard.

They can be precisely aligned to each other using the Snap Gird and/or Snap Lines. For details on this, refer to Controls
To resize a control using the mouse, select it, and then drag a rectangle drawn on its edge or corner.

To resize a band, drag its header strip.

To resize an element using the keyboard, press SHIFT+ARROW or CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW.

To select multiple elements, do one of the following.
Click elements while holding CTRL or SHIFT.
Click on a blank space and drag the mouse to create a selection frame. When the mouse button is released, all controls
within the selection frame's boundaries will be selected. In this case, the previous selection is cleared.

You can also easily align multiple controls or make them the same size, by utilizing the Layout Toolbar.
In addition, to copy, paste and delete controls simultaneously, you can place them within the Panel.
For more information, refer to Controls Positioning.
Change Fonts and Colors of Report Elements
To change fonts and colors (as well as paddings, text alignment and other appearance properties) of a report control or band,
select this element and do one of the following.
Use the Formatting Toolbar.

Use the Property Grid, where all appearance-related properties are located under the Appearance category.

Note that the appearance settings of a band are applied to all controls contained within it.
When it's required to apply styles in bulk, we recommend using common style templates, which also can be stored in an external
style sheet file, and applied to multiple reports. In addition, this allows you specify separate odd/even styles, to improve your
reports' readability. Another noteworthy option, is the capability to conditionally change the appearance of report elements based
on a certain logical expression (e.g. if a control's value satisfies some rule). For more information, refer to Styles and Conditional
Formatting in Reports.
Delete Report Elements
To delete a report element (band or control), select it in the Design Panel or Report Explorer (to select multiple elements, hold
down SHIFT while selecting), and then do one of the following.
Right-click the report element, and in the invoked Context Menu, choose Delete.

In the Main Menu, select Edit | Delete.


You can cancel the operation by pressing CTRL+Z.

Note that certain elements cannot be deleted (such as the Detail band).
Add or Modify Static Information in Your Report
In a report, static and dynamic information is displayed using appropriate controls.
Dynamic information changes through a report, such as values from a database (which comprise the main report data) or
service information (such as current user name or page numbers). Approaches to embed dynamic information to your report are
detailed in the following document: Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
Static information is text or images that aren't obtained from a data source, and therefore don't change through the report, and
don't depend on the current computer. Static information can be printed only once (e.g. in a Report Header), can repeat on each
page (e.g. in a Page Header) or can repeat with every entry in your report's data source (a data-bound label, which is placed onto
the Detail band).

Static information can be either edited in-place, or loaded from an external file.

Change Static Information

Text elements (e.g. Labels and Rich Text Boxes) allow in-place editing of their content. Simply double-click an element and activate
the editor.


For in-place editing, you also can utilize the Formatting Toolbar.
Another way to change a control's static information, is by clicking its Smart Tag. Then, the invoked actions list will contain a link
(or, a button) allowing you to edit this control's content.
Load Static Information to Your Report
To load static information to your report from an external file, drop an appropriate control from the Control Toolbox (e.g. Label,
Rich Text Box or Picture Box). After it is properly positioned, edit its content using the Smart Tag.
For instance, the following instructions describe how to display a rich text (a formatted text with embedded images) into your
1. Drop the Rich Text control from the Toolbox onto the Detail band.

2. To load content from an external RTF or TXT file, select the created control and click its Smart Tag. In the invoked actions list,
click the Load File... link.

Then, in the invoked dialog, locate the required file, and click Open.
Binding Report Elements to Data

This topic describes the approach you can use when expression binding is not enabled in the Report Designer. If the
Expressions ( ) icon is available in the Property Grid, then expression binding is enabled, and you should refer to the Binding
Report Elements Using Binding Expressions topic instead.
Report controls can display both static information and data fetched from a bound database.
In the Design Panel and in the Report Explorer, each data-bound control has a yellow database icon ( ).

You can use the following approaches to include information from a data source to your report:
Using the Field List
Using the Smart Tag
Using the Property Grid
After a control is bound to data, you can apply additional customizations listed in the Special Capabilities section.

Using the Field List

To bind an existing report control to a data field, click the required field item in the Field List, and then drag and drop it onto
the control. The yellow database icon inside it will indicate that it has been successfully bound.

To add a new data-bound control, simply drag the required data field from the Field List onto a report band. This will create
a Label bound to this data field.
A more flexible way to create data-bound elements is to right-click a Field List item, and then drag and drop it onto a report.
This invokes the Context Menu, where you can choose a control to visualize data. The selected control will be automatically
created and bound to a selected data field.

Using the Smart Tag

Click a control's Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, expand the Data Binding drop-down list, and select the required data

Using the Property Grid

Focus a control. In the Property Grid, expand the (Data Bindings) category that contains binding options. Specify a data field for
the required attribute (e.g. Text).
Special Capabilities
After a control is bound, you can apply formatting to its dynamic content (e.g., treat it as a currency, or as a date and time).
It is possible to make a control display the result of a summary function calculated across the data field to which it is bound.
For details, refer to the Add Totals to a Report topic.
You can combine both static and dynamic content within the same control (e.g., append a text prefix or postfix), or bind a
control to multiple data fields. For details, refer to the Use Mail Merge in Report Elements.
You can create a calculated field and bind the control to it.
A calculated field may use both parameters requested each time a report is displayed.
Binding Report Elements Using Binding Expressions

This topic describes an approach you can use when expression binding is enabled in the Report Designer. If the Expressions ( )
icon is missing in the Property Grid, then expression binding is not enabled, and you should refer to the Binding Report Elements
to Data topic instead.
Report controls can display both static information and data fetched from a bound database.
In the Design Panel, each data-bound control has a yellow database icon ( ) in the top-right corner.

You can use the following approaches to include information from a data source to your report:
Using the Field List
Using the Smart Tag
Using the Expressions Tab in the Property Grid

Using the Field List

To bind an existing report control to a data field, drag the required field item from the Field List onto the control. The yellow
database icon indicates that it has been successfully bound.

To add a new data-bound control, simply drag the required data field from the Field List onto a report band. This will create
a Label bound to this data field.
A more flexible way to create data-bound elements is to right-click a Field List item, and then drag and drop it onto a report.
This invokes the Context Menu, where you can choose a control to visualize data. The selected control will be automatically
created and bound to a selected data field.

Using the Smart Tag

Click a control's Smart Tag. In the actions list, expand the Expression drop-down list and select the required field.

Alternatively, you can click the ellipsis button to the right of the Expression field and create a complex binding expression in the
invoked Expression Editor.
Using the Expressions Tab in the Property Grid
Focus the required report control and select the Expressions ( ) tab in the Property Grid. Click the ellipsis button to the right of
the Text property to invoke the Expression Editor and specify an expression.
Use Mail Merge in Report Elements
The mail merge feature allows you to combine both static and dynamic content within the same control (e.g. to append some text
prefix or postfix to a value obtained from a database), or even bind a control to multiple data fields at one time.
Mail merge is available for the following controls.
Bar Code
Check Box
Rich Text
Table Cell
Zip Code
To embed dynamic data into a control's static content, type in data field names surrounded by [square brackets].

To learn how values formatting can be applied to the embedded data fields (e.g. for them to be treated as currency, or date-time
content), refer to Change Value Formatting of Report Elements.
Add Calculated Fields to a Report
This document demonstrates how to add a calculated field to a report. The main purpose of calculated fields is to perform pre-
calculations (of virtually any level of complexity) over data fields. To learn how to easily perform simple calculations within a
single data field, refer to Add Totals to a Report.
In the Report Designer, a calculated field is similar to an ordinary data field (e.g. you can bind controls to it, and group, sort and
filter your report against it).
To add a calculated field to your report, follow the instructions below.
1. To create a calculated field, in the Field List, right-click any data member, and on the invoked menu, choose Add Calculated

2. In the Field List, select the created field to show its properties in the Property Grid. Among these options, make sure to
change the Field Type property to an appropriate value.

3. Now, let's create an expression for the calculated field.

Click the ellipsis button in the Expression section, to invoke the Expression Editor. You can also invoke this dialog by
right-clicking your calculated field within the Field List and selecting Edit Expression...
Click Fields to see the field list. Double-click field names to add them to the expression string. Use the toolbar to add
operators between field names.

Note that it's also possible to employ parameters in a calculated field's expression.
To close the dialog and save the expression, click OK.
4. Finally, drag the calculated field from the Field List onto the required band, just like an ordinary data field.

The report with a calculated field is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Add Parameters to a Report
For your report, you can employ parameters, which can be requested each time the report is being previewed. Based on specified
values, the report will then be filtered. It is also possible to employ parameters in expressions of calculated fields.
In this example, we'll create two date-time parameters to filter out orders that don't fall in the specified range from the report.
To add parameters and filter your report based on their values, follow the steps below.
1. In the Field List window, right-click the Parameters section and in the invoked menu, click Add Parameter.

2. In the invoked window for the created parameter, set its Name and Description. And, make sure to set its Type to an
appropriate value.


In Print Preview, the report's document is not generated until you have submitted values of all the parameters that have the
Show in the parameters panel option switched on via the Parameters UI.
3. Enabling the Supports the collection of standard values option of the parameter allows end-users to modify its value
and also activates the Dynamic values and the Static values tabs of the window:
On the Dynamic values tab, you can specify a parameter's data source, data adapter and data member. The value
member defines a data field that provides values to the parameter. The display member defines a data field that
provides display names for parameter values (how these values appear in the user interface available in a Print
On the Static values tab, you can manually fill the list of parameter values, with each value having an individual
On the Static values tab, you can manually fill the list of parameter values, with each value having an individual
description (specifying how this value appears in the Parameters panel).

Then, repeat the previous steps to create the second parameter, so that every time your report is previewed, you will
be asked to specify two dates.
The following instructions explain how to use parameters to filter your report's data.
4. Click your report's Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, click the ellipsis button for the Filter String property. Then, in
the invoked FilterString Editor, construct an expression where a data field is compared with the created parameters. To
access parameters, click the icon on the right until it turns into a question mark.

The complete filtering expression will then look like this.

The Parametrized report is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and in the Parameters section, define the required values and
click Submit.

If a parameter is bound to a collection of standard values, it is possible to store more than one value in it. To do this, when
creating a parameter using the Add New Parameter dialog, select the Allow multiple values. check box.

Multi-value parameters are useful when you need to filter report data against a list of values. The image below demonstrates a
correct filleting expression that incorporates a multi-value parameter.
The following image shows an editor for a multi-value parameter in a print preview.
Use Query Parameters
This document describes the common ways of utilizing query parameters to perform simple and straightforward data source
level data shaping.
This topic consists of the following sections.
Query Parameters Overview
Create and Configure Query Parameters
Provide the Query Parameter Value

Query Parameters Overview

A query parameter holds an external value that is inserted into a SQL statement before query execution. This value can be either
static or dynamically generated by an associated expression.
The query parameter's value is inserted into the resulting SQL query string in the position of the corresponding placeholder,
which has the "@QueryParameterName" form.
In the Report Designer, query parameters are typically used in the following scenarios.
Passed as criteria to the WHERE part of a SQL statement to perform data source level filtering.
Passed as actual parameters to a stored procedure.

Create and Configure Query Parameters

To create and configure query parameters to filter report data, do the following.
1. When creating a new data-bound report using the Report Wizard or binding an existing one to a SQL data source, go to the
query customization page. On this page, click the button for the Queries category to create a new query using the Query

To open the query customization page to customize an existing data source, right-click this data source in the Report
Explorer or Field List and select Manage Queries in the context menu.
Then, in the invoked Manage Queries dialog, click the ellipsis button for the required query.

In the invoked Query Editor, click the Run Query Builder button.

2. In the Query Builder, construct the query, and then, click the Filter button. In the invoked Filter Editor, construct a filtering
expression that will be used to filter resulting data at the data source level. To access parameters, click the icon on the right
until it turns into a question mark. Then, click the parameter placeholder and select Add Query Parameter.
3. In the invoked Create Query Parameter dialog, specify the parameter's name and appropriate value type, and click OK.

Close the Filter Editor, and then, complete the Query Builder.
As a result, the query parameter is passed to the WHERE part of the SQL string and has the "@QueryParameterName" form.
Then, click Next to proceed to the next wizard page and specify query parameter values as described in the document section

Provide Query Parameter Values

The configure query parameters wizard page provides access to query parameters and allows you to add, configure and remove
them. On this page, specify the actual value (either static or dynamic) for a query parameter.
Specifying a static value
To specify a static value for a query parameter, select the parameter's value type, and then specify its actual value in the
Value column according to the selected type.
Specifying a dynamic value
To use a dynamically generated value, do the following.
First, activate the Expression check box for the required parameter. This allows you to use an expression to dynamically
calculate the parameter's actual value.
Now, you have the following three options for specifying an expression to calculate the parameter value.
To create a complex expression, expand the drop-down list for the Value property and select Expression Editor.

Construct the required expression in the invoked Expression Editor.

To map the query parameter to a new report parameter, expand the drop-down list for the Value property and select
New Report Parameter.

In the invoked Report Parameter dialog, specify the required report parameter settings. Be sure to specify the report
parameter type according to the type of the respective query parameter. Click OK to exit the dialog.

You can map a query parameter to a report parameter that already exists in a report by referring to its value from a
simple expression. To do this, expand the drop-down list for the Value property and select the parameter that you
want to use. The appropriate expression string will be generated automatically.
Change Value Formatting of Report Elements
To apply value formatting for a data-bound control's content (e.g. for it to be treated as currency, or date-time content), locate this
control, click its Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, click the ellipsis button for the Format String entry.
Then, in the invoked format string editor, choose one of the predefined formatting styles, or specify a custom one.

To quit the dialog and apply the changes, click OK.

Similarly, when the mail-merge is employed for a control's dynamic content, to apply a value formatting to an embedded data
field, select it in the in-place editor, and click the control's smart tag. Then, in the invoked actions list, specify the required format.

Note that when a summary function is being applied to a control's dynamic content, value formatting is applied separately, via the
Summary Editor, as described at Add Totals to a Report.
Independently from the general (or, summary) value formatting, you can specify a native XLSX format string, which is to be
preserved when the report is being exported to XLSX. This can be done via a control's Xlsx Format String property.
Change or Apply Data Sorting to a Report
This document demonstrates how to sort a report's data. Note that as with data grouping, sorting can be performed only if a
report is bound to a data source. In this example, we'll use the report created in the following tutorial: Change or Apply Data
Grouping to a Report.
To sort records in a data-aware report, do the following.
1. Switch to the Group and Sort Panel, and click Add a Sort. In the invoked list, choose a data member across which the report
is to be sorted.

Note that sorting across calculated fields is supported, as well.

2. To manage the sorting order (ascending or descending), use the Sort Order drop-down list.
And, if multiple sorting criteria are specified, you can define the priority for each one, by selecting it in the Group and Sort
Panel, and using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
The sorting is now applied. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Change or Apply Data Grouping to a Report
This document demonstrates how to group a report's data. Note that data grouping can be performed only if a report is bound to
a data source.
To group records in a report, do the following.
1. Create a new report and bind it to a data source. In this tutorial, we'll start with the following report.

2. Now, switch to the Group and Sort Panel, and click Add a Group. In the invoked list, choose a data member across which
the report is to be grouped. Note that grouping across calculated fields is supported, as well.

If multiple groups are created, you can specify the priority for each group, by selecting it in the Group and Sort Panel, and
using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
3. After this, a Group Header band is added to the report, with the specified data member being set as its grouping criterion.
Now, it's only left to drop the corresponding item from the Field List onto this band, so that it's displayed as a header for
each group.

If required, you also can apply mail merge to this label.

4. In addition, you can enable the corresponding Group Footer band, by checking the Show Footer option in the Group and
Sort Panel.
To manage the sorting order of the group's items (ascending or descending), use the Sort Order drop-down list. You can
disable sorting in grouped data by selecting None.
5. Then, you can calculate a total across the group, by placing a Label onto this band, and specifying its Summary properties
in the following way.

Note also that value formatting is applied to a summary independently of the general formatting, and has a greater priority.
The report is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.

To learn how groups can be sorted against a summary function result, see Sort Groups by a Summary Function Result.
To learn how page numbers can be added to groups independently from the report's page numbers, refer to Add Page Numbers
for Groups.
Change or Apply Data Filtering to a Report
If a report is bound to a data source that contains far more rows than are necessary for processing report creation, you can
exclude excessive or undesired data. To accomplish this, construct a filtering expression using single or multiple data fields.
This document describes two approaches to filtering data in the Report Designer.
Filter Data at the Report Level
Filter Data at the Data Source Level

Filter Data at the Report Level

To filter a report's data, click its Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, click the ellipsis button for the Filter String property.
Then, in the invoked Filter String Editor, construct an expression.

When creating a filter criteria, you can create and edit logical expressions and also join the expression groups with And, Or, Not
And, and Not Or operators. In every filter condition, the left part contains either the data field name or the name of the calculated
field, which exists in this data source at the same level. The right part of the condition contains either a certain numerical or string
value, or the name of the report parameter.
To access parameters, click the icon on the right, until it turns into a question mark.

To quit the dialog and save the changes, click OK.

Filter Data at the Data Source Level
To filter data before it has been supplied to a report, you can modify a query of a SqlDataSource assigned to the report's Data
Source property. To do this, perform the following steps.
1. Invoke the Manage Queries dialog using one of the following ways.
Switch to the Report Explorer or Field List and right-click the data source item. In the invoked context menu, select the
Manage Queries command.

Select a data source, and in the Property Grid, click the ellipsis button for the Queries property.

2. In the invoked dialog, click the ellipsis button corresponding to the required query.

3. Next, in the invoked Query Editor, click the Run Query Builder button.
4. In the Query Builder, click the Filter button. In the invoked Filter Editor, construct a filtering expression that will be used to
filter resulting data at the data source level.

Note that it is possible to embed query parameters into the expression.

Add Totals to a Report
With Report Designer, you can force a data-bound control to calculate one of the standard summary functions (Average, Sum,
Count, Percentage, Max, Min, etc.)
To calculate summaries (totals) within a report, follow the instructions below.
1. To display the result at the bottom of a report, the Report Footer band should be present. To add it, right-click anywhere
over the report's area and in the invoked Context Menu, select Insert Band | ReportFooter.

2. Click the field for which a summary will be calculated, to select it. Then, hold down CTRL and drag the field onto the Report
Footer area, to create an exact copy of the Label that will display the summary.


You can also create a new label for your total by simply dragging it from the Control Toolbox.
3. Now, select the newly created Label, click its Smart Tag, and in its actions list, click the ellipsis button for the Summary item.
And, in the invoked Summary Editor, specify the summary options.
The following image shows an example of how you can set up your total. Note that the Summary Running option is set to
Report, to ensure that all values from the specified data field are taken into account.

The Ignore NULL values option won't affect the result in this example, since NULL values are treated like zeros, by default.
So, Sum won't change whether these values are taken into account or not. This option makes sense for functions like Count
or Average, because the number of elements counted will depend on it.
Note also that value formatting is applied to a summary independently of the general formatting, and has a greater priority.
When calculating totals for groups, you can sort the groups against a summary function result.
To save the settings and close the dialog, click OK.
Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Add Page Numbers and System Information to a Report
This document describes how to insert page numbers or other system information (e.g. current date and time, user name, etc.)
into a report.
Generally, this information is displayed within the Page Header and Footer or Page Margin bands. To add page numbers or
system information to a report, locate the Control Toolbox and drag and drop the Page Info control.

Then, follow the instructions below for your specific task.

Add Page Numbers
Add System Date and Time
Add the User Name

Add Page Numbers

1. Select the Page Info control, click its Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, expand the drop-down list for the Page
Information entry.

Select whether to display only the page number (Latin or Roman - uppercase or lowercase), or the current page number
with total pages.
2. To format the control's text, via its Smart Tag, invoked its actions list, and specify the required format (e.g. Page {0} of {1}).

3. Using the control's actions list, you also can specify the starting page number, and the running band (e.g. this option is
available when there are groups in a report, and it's required to apply independent page numbering for them). For details
on this, refer to Add Page Numbers for Groups.
The result is shown below.

Add System Date and Time

1. Select the Page Info control, click its Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, expand the drop-down list for the Page
Information entry, and select Current Date and Time.

2. To format the control's text, via its Smart Tag, invoked its actions list, and specify the required format. You can either type it
in the Format field, or, click its ellipsis button and use the Format String Editor.
The result is shown below.

Add the User Name

1. Select the Page Info control, click its Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, expand the drop-down list for the Page
Information entry, and select User Name.

2. To format the control's text, via its Smart Tag, invoke its actions list, and specify the required format (e.g. Current User: {0}).

The result is shown below.

Create or Modify Watermarks of a Report
This document describes how to add a text watermark in a report, or turn a picture into a report's background. Note that
watermarks are visible only in Preview and HTML View modes.
To create a new watermark in a report (or to modify the existing one), do the following.
1. Click the report's Smart Tag, and in its actions list, click the ellipsis button for the Watermark entry.

2. In the Text tab of the invoked Watermark dialog, define the required properties for the text watermark.

3. Then, switch to the Picture Watermark tab to load the image to be used as a watermark, and define its properties, such as
Size mode, Alignment (vertical and horizontal), Tiling, Transparency, Page Range, etc.
As you can see, it is possible to use both textual and image watermarks simultaneously.
The report with watermark is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Create Reports
With the help of the Report Designer, you can edit existing reports, as well as create your own reports from scratch. The following
sections contain tutorials providing step-by-step instructions on both basic and advanced report customization.
Basic Operations
The topics in this section cover the basics of working with reports in the Report Designer.
Binding a Report to Data
The documents in this section describe how to connect reports to various kinds of data sources.
Report Types
The tutorials in this section provide you detailed instructions on how to create reports of different types with the Report
Styles and Conditional Formatting in Reports
The topics of this section cover appearance-related information about the Report Designer.
Report Navigation and Interactivity
The documents in this section describe how to establish navigation through a report and enable editing reports in Print
Miscellaneous Report Management Capabilities
The topics of this section cover the Report Designer features that don't fall into other categories.
Basic Operations
The topics in this section cover the basics of working with reports in the Report Designer.
This section consists of the following topics.
Create a New Report
Controls Positioning
Change Measurement Units of a Report
Change Page Settings of a Report
Create a New Report
This topic explains how to create a new blank report in the Report Designer. Before you start, make sure to back up the current
To create a new report, do one of the following.

Create a New Blank Report

In the Main Menu, click File and then New (or press CTRL+N).

The Main Toolbar contains a button ( ) with the same function.

If there is another report already loaded in the designer, you may be prompted whether it should be saved before it is replaced
with a newly created report.
By default, the created report contains three bands - Page Header and Footer, and the Detail band.

Create a New Report Using the Report Wizard

In the Main Menu, click File and then New via Wizard... (or press CTRL+W).

For more information about this option, refer to Report Wizard.

Controls Positioning
This document describes how to easily construct professionally looking reports by precisely aligning their elements to each other.
These are useful when creating new reports from scratch or when fixing cluttered report layouts with dozens of randomly
scattered controls.
To select an appropriate alignment mode for report elements, use a report's Snapping Mode property.

Snap Grid
When a report is being edited in the Report Designer, it is lined up by the snap grid. This helps to establish the distance between
report elements and align them to each other.

To quickly align a report control to the snap grid, right-click it and select Align To Grid in the context menu. Alternatively, use the
Align to Grid toolbar button.

In the Snap to Grid mode, a report control that is being relocated using the mouse or the ARROW keys is automatically aligned
with the nearest grid cell. When resizing the report control using the mouse or by pressing the SHIFT+ARROW keys, its size is
discretely changed by one grid cell. You can temporarily ignore snapping to the grid when moving and resizing controls. For this,
hold down the ALT key when using the mouse and the CTRL key when using the keyboard.
You can select whether or not the snap grid should be drawn over a report surface by setting the Draw the Grid option in the
Property Grid.

You also can adjust the Snap Grid Size, which is measured in the measurement units set for your report.

Snap Lines
If the Snap Lines mode is selected, report elements are aligned using snap lines. These are special guide lines, which appear
around the report control that is being moved or resized and indicate the distance to other report elements (controls and bands).

When you move a report control using the ARROW keys or resize it by pressing the SHIFT+ARROW keys, this control is aligned
using snap lines to the nearest report element in that direction.
To help maintain a uniform distance between elements, the snap lines maintain the inner paddings of report bands and the outer
margins of report controls specified by the band's Snap Line Padding and control's Snap Line Margin properties, respectively.

To disable snapping using snap lines for controls being relocated or resized, additionally hold down the ALT key when using the
mouse and the CTRL key when using the keyboard.

Snap Lines and Snap Grid

The Snap to Grid and Snap Lines mode enables snapping to both the snap grid and snap lines.

No Snapping
To disable snapping in your report, set the Snapping Mode property to None. In this case, report controls are moved and
resized by one measurement unit defined by the ReportUnit property.
Change Measurement Units of a Report
For your report, you can choose its global Measure Units, which can be Hundredths of an Inch, Tenths of a Millimeter or
This can be specified either using the report's Smart Tag ...

... or via the Property Grid.

This defines the basic measurement unit for all the unit-related options of a report and its bands and controls (such as location,
size, border width, etc.). And, this determines the measurement unit of the report's Snap Grid.
Change Page Settings of a Report
In the Report Designer, page settings of a report can be specified in one of two ways. The first approach forces the default printer
settings to be used when the report is printed, while the other one enables you to alter page settings independently.
Using settings of the default printer
For the orientation, margins and paper size, you can specify a requirement that applies the corresponding printer settings
instead of the report's. In this instance, the page properties in the Property Grid are disabled and displayed as grayed out.
This may be useful when the report is printed in several places with different printers and printer settings.

Specify the report's page settings

While designing the report, you can specify the page settings via the Property Grid:

You can set the page orientation and modify the margins. The margin values are expressed in the report's measurement
units. You can select from the predefined paper sizes (Paper Kind property), choose Custom and create your own paper
size, or select one which is already defined for this printer (Paper Name property).
These settings affect the layout of the report's design surface. After their modification, you may notice red warning marks,
indicating that the controls go beyond the page width. These warnings can be switched off by setting the Show Printing
Warnings property of the report to No.
Modify the settings in Preview Tab
The report's Preview Tab toolbar has a corresponding button that enables you to modify the page settings. Clicking this
button invokes the Page Setup dialog, which allows you to adjust the page layout before printing or exporting, and select
the printer.

The margins can also be set visually by dragging the dashed lines in the Preview Tab as needed.
To change the measurement units shown in the margins tooltips, customize the report's Measure Units property.


Measure Units = Tenths of a Millimeter


To learn about other options available for a report, refer to Report Settings.
Binding a Report to Data
The Report Designer is primarily designed to work with data-aware reports, meaning that a report obtains its general (dynamic)
data from an external data source.
The documents in this section describe how to connect reports to various kinds of data sources.
Bind a Report to a Database
Bind a Report to an Entity Framework Data Source
Bind a Report to an Object Data Source
Bind a Report to an Excel Data Source
Bind a Report to a Database
This document describes how to bind a report to a hierarchical data source and specify a master-detail relationship between data
source queries.
To accomplish this task, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. Click the report's Smart Tag. In the invoked actions list, expand the Data Source drop-down list and click Add New

3. The first page of the invoked Data Source Wizard allows you to specify the data source type. Select Database and click
Next to proceed.

4. On the next page, specify whether you want to use an existing data connection or create a new data connection from
scratch. Select the first option to create a new connection and click Next.
5. On the next wizard page, define a custom connection string or select one of the supported data source types. Depending on
the data provider selected, it may be necessary to specify additional connection options (such as authentication type and
database name).

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page.

6. If server authentication is required for the selected database type, the next page will prompt you to specify whether or not
you want to save the user credentials along with the connection string.
Select the required option and click Next.
7. On the next page, you can choose which tables, views and/or stored procedures to add to the report.
To create a master-detail report, select two or more tables and click Manage Relations.

In the invoked editor, connect the required key fields (columns) using drag and drop.
Click OK to close the editor.

When you are required to shape data at the level of a data source, you can create custom queries by expanding the Queries
category and clicking the button.
This will invoke the Query Builder where you can create complex queries by joining multiple tables, filtering, sorting and
grouping their data, as well as calculating various aggregate functions.
Although it is also possible to join different tables within a single query, creating hierarchical data sources is preferred in
most cases to provide better performance (in general, master-detail reports are generated faster than similar-looking
reports created by grouping "flat" data sources).
Click Finish to complete the Data Source Wizard. If the selected queries or stored procedures contain any parameters, you
can go to the next wizard page and define their values.
The newly created SQL data source will be displayed in the Components node of the Report Explorer. Additionally, the hierarchy
of the data source will be reflected by the Field List. In both panels, you can right-click the data source to access its settings.
Bind a Report to an Entity Framework Data Source
This document describes the steps required to connect a report to data provided by an Entity Framework data context.
To bind a report to an Entity Framework data source, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. Click the report's Smart Tag. In the invoked actions list, expand the Data Source drop-down list and click Add New

3. The first page of the invoked Data Source Wizard allows you to specify the data source type. Select Entity Framework
and click Next to proceed.

4. On the next page, select the required data context from the list of available data contexts and click Next.
5. Select a connection string to be used to establish a data connection.

Click Next to proceed to the next page.

6. The following wizard page is available only if the current entity data model contains stored procedures. To bind to a stored
procedure, click Add. Then, in the invoked window, select a required stored procedure and click OK.
7. Configure the parameters to be passed to the selected stored procedure. Be sure to specify the correct parameter Type.
Click Finish to exit the wizard.

The newly created Entity Framework data source will be displayed in the Components node of the Report Explorer. Additionally,
the hierarchy of the data source will be reflected by the Field List.
Bind a Report to an Object Data Source
This document describes the steps required to connect a report to an object data source.
To bind a report to an object data source, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. Click the report's Smart Tag. In the invoked actions list, expand the Data Source drop-down list and click Add New

3. The first page of the invoked Data Source Wizard allows you to specify the data source type. Select Object Binding and
click Next to proceed.

4. Next, select an assembly that contains the class type definition of the data source. To exclude irrelevant assemblies from this
list, select the Show only highlighted assemblies check box.
5. On the following wizard page, select a data source type. To exclude irrelevant classes from this list, select the Show only
highlighted classes check box.

6. On the next wizard page, select whether you need to retrieve the actual data from the data source or obtain the data source
schema (enabling you to edit the report layout without having access to the actual underlying data). Select the second
option and click Next to proceed.
7. The following page allows you to select a data source constructor to be used to create an instance of the data source. To
exclude irrelevant constructors from the list, select the Show only highlighted constructors check box.

8. On this wizard page, you can specify the parameters for the selected constructor. To specify the constructor parameter's
value, use the Value column. Enable the check box in the Expression column to make it possible to specify the parameter
expression using the Expression Editor. In this case, you can pass an existing report parameter to the member or even
create a new report parameter using the in-place editor.
Click Finish to exit the wizard.
The newly created object data source will be displayed in the Components node of the Report Explorer. Additionally, the
hierarchy of the data source will be reflected by the Field List.
Bind a Report to an Excel Data Source
This document describes the steps required to connect a report to data obtained from a Microsoft Excel workbook.
To bind a report to an Excel data source, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. Click the report's Smart Tag. In the invoked actions list, expand the Data Source drop-down list and click Add New

3. The first page of the invoked Data Source Wizard allows you to specify the data source type. Select Excel File and click
Next to proceed.

4. On the next wizard page, select a required Excel workbook. To do this, click the ellipsis button and locate the source file or
enter the full path to this file. The XLS, XLSX and XLSM formats are supported.
Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page.
5. The next wizard page allows you to specify import settings.
Enable the first check box to use values of the first row as field names. If you disable this option, values of the first row will
be imported as data and field names will be generated automatically. You can also specify whether to include empty rows to
the result data source, and whether to skip hidden rows and columns.

Specify required settings and click Next.

6. On the next wizard page specify from which part of the workbook to extract data. All worksheets, tables and named regions
existing in the workbook are listed here.
7. The next wizard page allows you to select required columns and specify their settings.
To select a column, enable the corresponding Selected check box. Use Name to specify the custom column name and
Type to choose the column type.

On this page, you can also preview the resulting data by clicking the Preview... button.
Click Finish to complete the wizard.
The newly created data source will be displayed in the Components node of the Report Explorer. Additionally, the hierarchy of
the data source will be reflected by the Field List.
Report Types
The tutorials in this section provide you detailed instructions on how to create reports of different types with the Report Designer.
Static Report
Table Report
Label Report
Multi-Column Report
Master-Detail Report
Drill-Down Report
Cross-Tab Report
Parameterized Report
Chart with Static Series
Chart with Dynamic Series
Static Report
This tutorial describes the steps to create a static report, which means that the report will not be bound to a data source. In this
example, we will create a simple one-page announcement to be repeated 20 times in a report.
To create a static report, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. From the Control Toolbox, drop the Rich Text control onto the Detail band.

3. Select the created control and click its Smart Tag. In the invoked actions list, click the Load File... context link.

In the invoked dialog, define the path to an RTF or TXT file containing a text of the announcement, and click Open.

Note that you can perform additional text formatting using the Formatting Toolbar.
4. To repeat the created report 20 times, select the Detail band, expand its Report Print Options property in the Property Grid
and set the Detail Count at Design Time property to 20.
And, to make the announcement print on separate pages, set the band's Page Break property to After the Band.

The static report is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Table Report
This tutorial describes the steps to create a table report, which means that the report's data is arranged into a table-like layout.
This feature should not be confused with the master-detail report or cross-tab report.
To create a table report, follow the steps below.
1. Create a new report.
2. Bind the report to a data source.
3. To add a Page Header to the report, right-click anywhere on the report's surface, and in the invoked Context Menu, choose
Insert Band | Page Header.

4. Now, add two Table controls to the report's Page Header and Detail band.
To do this, in the Toolbox, click the Table icon. Then, in the Page Header's content area, click and hold down the left mouse
button while dragging the mouse cursor across the Detail band.

As a result, two tables are created. One will be used as a header, and the other one - for the report's detail information.
5. Type the headers into the upper table's cells, and bind the corresponding cells in the detail section to the appropriate data
fields. This can be done by simply dropping these fields from the Field List onto the cells.
6. Finally, you can customize various properties of the tables, to improve their appearance. For example, using the Property
Grid you can define their Borders, as well as Background Color. To customize the cells' text options, use the Formatting
A noteworthy feature is the capability to specify odd-even styles for the detail table.
The table report is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Label Report
This tutorial describes the steps to create a label report containing employee badges, using the Report Wizard.
To create a label report, do the following.
1. In the Main Menu, select File and click New via Wizard... (or press CTRL+W).
2. Next, the Wizard will guide you through the process of creating a label report. For detailed instructions on the wizard's
steps, refer to Label Report.
3. Bind the report to a data source containing information about employees.
4. Finally, drop the required fields from the Field List onto the available Detail band's area, and customize their layout.

Note that you can employ the mail merge, to combine multiple data fields within the same control.
The label report is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Multi-Column Report
This tutorial describes the steps to create a multi-column report, meaning that each page of the report document is laid out in a
specified number of columns.
To demonstrate the multi-column feature, we'll use a report with grouping, similar the one created in the following tutorial:
Change or Apply Data Grouping to a Report.
1. Select the Detail band, and in the Property Grid, expand the Multi-Column Options section.
First, set the required Mode. It determines whether the number of columns is manually specified, or it depends on the fixed
column width.

2. Then, if you've chosen to Use Column Count, set the Column Count to 2, and Column Spacing to 10.
The Direction determines the order in which records of the same group are processed.

3. Now, on the Detail band's surface a grey area appears, delimiting the available column's width. Adjust the controls width, so
that they fit within the effective borders.

The multi-column report is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Master-Detail Report
A report is usually called Master-Detail if it is used to display data from a hierarchical data source.

There are two main approaches for creating a master-detail report. The first approach is based on using the Detail Report band.
The second approach is to create two different reports and incorporate the detail report into the master report as a subreport.
To see a detailed step-by-step demonstration of how detail report bands and subreports are used to create a master-detail report,
refer to the following tutorials.
Master-Detail Report (Detail Report Bands)
Master-Detail Report (Subreports)
Master-Detail Report (Detail Report Bands)
This tutorial describes how to create a master-detail report with hierarchically linked data using the Detail Report band. For an
alternative approach, refer to Master-Detail Report (Subreports).
To accomplish this task, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. Bind the report to a required data source and provide it with a master-detail relationship as demonstrated in the Bind a
Report to a Database topic.
3. To display data in the master report, drop the required data fields from the Field List onto the report's Detail Band.

For the master report to be generated properly, the report's Data Member should be set to the master query. To manually
specify the data member, click the report's smart tag, and in the invoked actions list, expand the drop-down list for the Data
Member property and select the master query.
4. Then, add the Detail Report band. To do this, right-click anywhere on the report's surface, and in the invoked context menu,
select Insert Detail Report. When the report's data source contains a data relationship, it is displayed in the context menu.

5. After that, drop the required data fields from the Field List onto the detail report band. For the detail report to be generated
correctly, take fields from the master-detail relationship node.
The master-detail report is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab and view the result.
Master-Detail Report (Subreports)
This tutorial describes the steps needed to create a master-detail report using the Subreport control. For an alternative approach,
refer to Master-Detail Report (Detail Report Bands).
To create a master-detail report using the subreport controls, do the following.
Create a Master Report
Create and Customize a Detail Report
Embed the Subreport
Get the Result

Create a Master Report

1. Create a new report and bind it to a data source. This report will be used as the master report.
2. Drop the required fields from the Field List panel onto the Detail Band. In this example, the following report layout is used.

3. Drag the Subreport control from the Toolbox and drop it onto the Detail Band.

Create and Customize the Detail Report

1. Next, add one more blank report and bind it to the same data source. It will be used as a detail report.
2. Drop the required fields from the Field List panel onto the Detail Band. This tutorial uses the following layout for the detail

3. To add a parameter to the report, right-click the Parameters section and choose Add Parameter in the Field List.
4. In the invoked Add New Parameter dialog, specify the parameter's options as shown in the image below.

5. Then, click the report's Smart Tag, and in its actions list, click the ellipsis button for the Filter String property.
In the invoked FilterString Editor, construct an expression where the Category ID data field is compared to the CatID
parameter. To access the parameter, click the icon on the right until it turns into a question mark.

6. To save the detail report, select File | Save As in the Main Menu. Then, in the invoked standard Save dialog, specify the
folder and file name.
Embed the Subreport
1. Next, switch back to the master report. Click the subreport control's smart tag, then click the ellipsis button for the
ReportSource URL property and select the previously saved detail report.

2. Then, bind the subreport's CatID parameter used as a filtering criterion to the master report's CategoryID data field, which
will serve as a source of the parameter value. To do this, click the subreport's smart tag and select Edit Parameter
Bindings in the invoked actions list.

This will invoke a Parameter Binding Collection Editor. Click Add to add new binding. In the binding properties list,
specify the data field to which you want to bind a subreport parameter and the name of the parameter that you want to
Get the Result
The master-detail report is now ready to be generated. You can view the result by switching to the Preview Tab.
Drill-Down Report
This tutorial describes the steps needed to create a drill-down report. Drill-down reports display data partially - certain data is
hidden and not printed on report pages. Hidden data can be accessed in the Preview mode by clicking a designated element, such
as a label or image.
To create a drill-down report, do the following.
1. Create a new master-detail report using the Detail Report band
2. To create a link for showing/hiding the detail report, drag the Label report control from the Toolbox and drop it onto the
report's Detail Band.

3. Go to the Property Grid and change the label's Text to Show/Hide Details, and Name to lblShowHide.

4. Select the Detail Report Band, and in the Property Grid, expand the drop-down list for the band's DrillDownControl
property. The list displays all report controls available on the report band that is one level above the current band in the
report bands hierarchy. Select the lblShowHide label in the list. This will make the label expand or collapse the Detail
Report band when clicked in Preview mode.
You can also use the band's DrillDownExpanded property to specify whether or not the band is initially expanded. By
default, this property is enabled.
The drill-down report is now ready. Switch the report to the Preview mode to view the result.
Cross-Tab Report
This tutorial describes the steps needed to create a cross-tab report using a Pivot Grid control. This feature should not be confused
with the master-detail report or table report. Additionally, the document demonstrates how to visualize data displayed in the Pivot
Grid by linking it with the Chart control.

Create a Cross-Tab Report

To create a cross-tab report, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. Drop the Pivot Grid control from the Toolbox onto the report's Detail band.

3. To bind the pivot grid to a data source, click its Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, expand the Data Source drop-
down and click Add New DataSource.

The invoked Data Source Wizard will guide you through the process of assigning a data source to the grid. For detailed
instructions on the Wizard's steps, refer to Binding a Report to Data, as this process is similar.
After the data source is created, it is assigned to the grid's Data Source property. Its Data Member property defines the
table or view of your data source from which the grid obtains its data.

Since you have placed the Pivot Grid in the Detail band, the report's Data Source property should be set to None.
Otherwise, the Pivot Grid will be repeated at the preview as many times as there are records in the data source.
4. Once again, click the grid's Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, click the Run Designer... link.

5. In the invoked Property Editor, click Retrieve Fields.

6. Then, switch to the Layout section in the navigation bar on the left.
Drag-and-drop the required fields to the Row Fields, Column Fields and Data Items areas.
Click Apply and close the editor.
7. In the last step, you can set your report's Vertical Content Splitting option to Smart. This will split the grid's columns
precisely by their borders in the Print Preview.

The cross-tab report is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab and view the result.
Integrate with a Chart Control
The next step is to visualize data displayed in the Pivot Grid using a Chart control. To accomplish this, perform the following steps.
1. Drop the Chart control from the Toolbox onto the report's Detail band below the Pivot Grid.
2. After you drop the Chart, the Chart Wizard is automatically invoked. Switch to the Data tab at the right of the designer's
window, and then, choose the pivot grid in the dedicated drop-down list.

3. After this, all the Chart's binding and layout settings are automatically adjusted. Make sure that Series, Argument and
Value cells have been automatically filled with the corresponding fields. Note that values for these fields are generated
based on the Pivot Grid's columns, rows and data items, respectively.
4. To avoid the overlapping of series labels, select the auto-generated series in the chart elements tree, and in the Options tab,
disable the Labels Visibility check box.

5. If required, you can customize various settings that determine the common behavior for a bridged Chart and Pivot Grid pair.
To do this, use the Chart's Pivot Grid Data Source Options property. This property, in turn, is linked to the Options Chart
Data Source property of the associated Pivot Grid.
6. Finally, reset the report's Vertical Content Splitting option and switch to the Preview Tab to see the result.
Parameterized Report
This tutorial describes the steps needed to create a report with parameters. In this example, we will create two date-time
parameters, to filter out orders which don't fall in the specified range from the report.
First, create a report and bind it to a data source.
To add parameters and filter your report based on their values, follow the steps below.
1. In the Field List window, right-click the Parameters section and in the invoked menu, click Add Parameter.

2. In the invoked window for the created parameter, set its Name and Description. And, make sure to set its Type to an
appropriate value.


In Print Preview, the report's document is not generated until you have submitted values of all the parameters that have the
Show in the parameters panel option switched on via the Parameters UI.
3. Enabling the Supports the collection of standard values option of the parameter allows end-users to modify its value
and also activates the Dynamic values and the Static values tabs of the window:
On the Dynamic values tab, you can specify a parameter's data source, data adapter and data member. The value
member defines a data field that provides values to the parameter. The display member defines a data field that
provides display names for parameter values (how these values appear in the user interface available in a Print
On the Static values tab, you can manually fill the list of parameter values, with each value having an individual
On the Static values tab, you can manually fill the list of parameter values, with each value having an individual
description (specifying how this value appears in the Parameters panel).

Then, repeat the previous steps to create the second parameter, so that every time your report is previewed, you will
be asked to specify two dates.
The following instructions explain how to use parameters to filter your report's data.
4. Click your report's Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, click the ellipsis button for the Filter String property. Then, in
the invoked FilterString Editor, construct an expression where a data field is compared with the created parameters. To
access parameters, click the icon on the right until it turns into a question mark.

The complete filtering expression will then look like this.

The Parametrized report is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and in the Parameters section, define the required values and
click Submit.
Chart with Static Series
This document describes how to create a report with a Chart control bound to data, so that a particular series has its own data
source and other settings. To simplify the example, both series obtain their data from the same data source. However, different
data sources can be used for different series, if necessary.
This example describes how to construct a chart of products and their prices for a chosen category.

To adjust a Chart by manually creating its series, do the following.

1. Create a new report.
2. Drop the Chart control from the Toolbox onto the report's Detail band.

After you drop the Chart, the Chart Wizard is automatically invoked, if its "Display the designer every time a new chart is
added" option is enabled. At this step, click Cancel to close the window, it will be used later.
3. To bind the Chart to a data source, click its Smart Tag. In the invoked actions list, expand the Data Source drop-down, and
click Add New DataSource.
The invoked Data Source Wizard will guide you through the process of assigning a data source to the Chart. For detailed
instructions on the Wizard's steps, refer to Binding a Report to Data.
After the data source is created, it is assigned to the Chart's Data Source property. Its Data Member property defines the
table or view of your data source from which the Chart obtains its data.

Since you have placed the Chart in the Detail band, the report's Data Source property should be set to None. Otherwise,
the Chart will be repeated at the preview as many times as there are records in the data source.

4. Once again, click the Chart's Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, click the Run Designer... link.

5. In the invoked Chart Wizard, add a new series to the Chart Control. To do this, locate the Series element in the chart
elements tree and click the plus button. In the invoked list of series types, select the required type (e.g., Bar).
6. The next step is to populate the created series with points. Select the series in the tree and switch to the Data tab at the right
of the designer's window. Choose an existing data source in the dedicated drop-down list. Then, drag-and-drop the required
data fields to the Argument and Value cells to define the coordinates for series points.

7. Go to the Properties tab to see that the Argument Data Member and Value Data Members settings are automatically
assigned to the corresponding fields.
In addition, you can filter the series data. To do this, click the ellipsis button for the Data Filters property, and in the invoked
dialog, create and adjust the filtering criteria.
To save the changes and quit the dialog, click Close.
8. Create one more series with the same settings, but this time, select the Point view type.
9. Finally, to improve your Chart's appearance, you can make the following adjustments.
Remove the Chart's legend, as it shows the same data for both series. To do this, select the Legend in the chart
elements tree, and in the Options tab, disable the Visibility check box.
The point labels for Series 1 are unnecessary, so select the Label node under this series and disable the Visibility
check box.
Customize the appearance of the Series 2 markers (e.g., replace the default circle with the upside-down triangle). For
this, select the series, set its View.Point Marker Options.Kind property to Inverted Triangle and Size to 12).
Customize the chart appearance settings. For instance, in the Palette drop-down list, select Nature Colors.

If required, it is possible to customize many other properties for the Chart and its elements, which are not described
The chart is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Chart with Dynamic Series
This document describes how to create a report with a Chart control bound to data, so that all series are auto-created based on a
common template, which specifies universal options for all series. This is possible when the data for all series (their names, along
with point arguments and values) are stored in the same data table.

Note that in this scenario, the view type and certain other settings will be the same for all series.
To adjust a Chart with automatically created series, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. Drop the Chart control from the Toolbox onto the report's Detail band.

After you drop the Chart, the Chart Wizard is automatically invoked if its "Display the designer every time a new chart is
added" option is enabled. At this step, click Cancel to close the window, it will be used later.
3. To bind the Chart to a data source, click its Smart Tag. In the invoked actions list, expand the Data Source drop-down and
click Add New DataSource.
The invoked Data Source Wizard will guide you through the process of assigning a data source to the Chart. For detailed
instructions on the Wizard's steps, refer to Binding a Report to Data.
After the data source is created, it is assigned to the Chart's Data Source property. Its Data Member property defines from
which table or view of your data source the Chart obtains its data.

Since you have placed the Chart in the Detail band, the report's Data Source property should be set to None. Otherwise,
the Chart will be repeated at the preview as many times as there are records in the data source.

4. Once again, click the Chart's Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, click the Run Designer... link.

5. In the invoked Chart Wizard, go to the Data tab at the right of the designer's window. Choose an existing data source in
the dedicated drop-down list and drag-and-drop the required data fields to the corresponding cells.
The Series cell specifies the data field, which should provide data for the series names, so that a new series is created for
each record in that data field. Use the Argument and Value cells to define from where the data for point arguments and
values is obtained.
6. Switch to the Properties tab and expand the Series Template option. As you can see, the Argument Data Member and
Value Data Members properties has been automatically assigned to the corresponding data fields. Make sure that the
Argument Scale Type and Value Scale Type properties are set to appropriate values.

7. At this point, the chart's data options are completely defined, so in this step, specific additional customization capabilities are
Adjust the Series Name Template
By default, the name for every auto-created series is obtained directly from an appropriate data field in the bound data
source. However, you can add some text to the beginning or to the end of every series name using the Series Name
Template property. For instance, set the Begin Text property to "GSP in ".
Customize Axis Labels
To avoid the overlapping of series labels, expand the Chart's Series Template property and set the Labels Visibility
property to No.
Customize the Chart Appearance
Specify the color settings used to draw the chart's series. For instance, in the Palette drop-down list, select Nature
If required, it is possible to customize many other properties for the Chart, which are not described here.
The chart is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab and view the result.
Styles and Conditional Formatting in Reports
The topics of this section cover appearance-related information about the Report Designer.
This section consists of the following topics.
Understanding Style Concepts
Use Odd and Even Styles
Store and Restore Style Sheets
Conditionally Change a Control's Appearance
Conditionally Hide Bands
Conditionally Change a Label's Text
Understanding Style Concepts
This document describes how you can provide a professional look to your reports by effectively adjusting the appearance of its
This document consists of the following sections.
Appearance Properties
Visual Styles
Styles Priority

Appearance Properties
In the Report Designer, a report and each of its elements (bands and controls) has a complete set of appearance options (such as
Background Color, Borders, Font, Foreground Color, Text Alignment, etc.). By default, these properties aren't specified,
meaning that their real values are obtained from a control's (or band's) parent, which is the report itself. So, the appearance
specified for a report is distributed to all its child elements. Similarly, the appearance of a band is translated to the controls it

In turn, a control's appearance can be adjusted independently from its parent.

To reset a value assigned to a control's appearance property, you can right-click this property in the Property Grid, and in the
invoked menu, click Reset. As a result, the control will be restored to the appearance of its parent.
Visual Styles
In addition to the capability to specify appearance property values for every control and bands, you can create comprehensive
global styles (which are stored in the report's style sheet), and then assign them to individual report elements. There are two ways
to store a report's style sheets.
Save them to external files (with a REPSS extension), and then load them to a report using its Style Sheet Path property.
This approach is described in the Store and Restore Style Sheets document.
Store the styles within the report, so that they can be easily accessed using its Style Sheet property and can be modified, if
Click the ellipsis button for the Style Sheet property to invoke the Styles Editor, which allows you to manage a report's style
sheets, customize them, save to a file and load from it.


Note that if styles contained in a style sheet loaded using the Style Sheet Path property have the same names as styles already
contained in a report, the latter are overridden.
To assign a particular style to a control, invoke the drop-down list for its Style property. Then, select one of the styles stored in a
report's sheet collection or select (New) to create a new style sheet.
Note that if a style is assigned to a band, it is applied to all controls that the band contains.
You can also use the Report Explorer to access the style collection. Commands of the context menu allow you to add, edit, clone or
delete a style.

To apply style to a report element, drag it from the Report Explorer onto the required report element.

Styles Priority
A style defines the same appearance properties that are defined by a control's (or band's) appearance properties. When both
styles and individual appearance settings are assigned to an element, you can control the priority of their differing options using
an element's Style Priority property.
By default, most of the Style Priority's options (Use Background Color, Use Border Color, etc.) are set to Yes. This means that
if any style is assigned to a control, its properties will have a higher priority than the appearance properties of this element or its
parent. You can assign a higher priority to an element's appearance property by disabling the corresponding Use* property.
The following image demonstrates how the Style Priority property works.
The same principles are applied to the odd-even styles feature, which allows you to alternate the appearance of consecutive data
rows in your report. For details on this, refer to Use Odd and Even Styles.

When conditional formatting is applied to an element, its appearance definition has the highest priority.
Use Odd and Even Styles
This tutorial describes how to apply odd and even styles to report controls, e.g. to alternate the background color for each record.
To utilize odd and even styles, do the following.
1. Create a table report.
2. Select the detail table, and in the Property Grid, expand its Styles.
Invoke the drop-down list for the Even Style, and click (New).

This will create a style and assign it to the control's Even Style.
3. Now, expand the Even Style property, and adjust the required options, e.g. set the Background Color to ControlLight.

If required, perform the same steps, to create and assign an odd style, as well.
Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Store and Restore Style Sheets
This tutorial describes how you can save a report's style sheet into an external file, and then load it back to the report.
You can store a report's style sheet (containing all the report styles) in an external REPSS file. This makes it possible to easily
restore a report's appearance from this file. For general information, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
To learn how to store and restore report style sheets, do the following.
1. Create a new report and bind it to a data source.
2. Click the report's Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, click the ellipsis button for the Style Sheet property.

3. In the invoked Styles Editor, use the button to create new styles. Specify the desired options (e.g., Background Color)
for these styles, and click the Save button.

Then, in the invoked Save dialog, define a name for the style sheet file (.REPSS), and click Save.
4. Next, delete the created styles using the button, and close the dialog.
5. Select the report, and in the Property Grid, click the ellipsis button for the Style Sheet Path property. In the invoked Open
dialog, load the created REPSS file.
The loaded styles will be displayed inside the Styles node of the Report Explorer. These styles cannot be edited in a report,
so they are marked as read-only in the Report Explorer and are not displayed in the Styles Editor.

If you then reset the Style Sheet Path property, all the styles loaded from the style sheet file will be removed.
Another option for obtaining style sheets from an external file is to use the Open button in the Styles Editor. In this case,
the loaded style sheets will be stored within a report, and will thus be editable.
To learn how you can assign styles to report elements, refer to the Understanding Style Concepts and Use Odd and Even Styles

Note that the styles loaded from a style sheet file have priority over the styles that exist in a report's style sheet. So, if the styles
stored in the report have the same names as the styles loaded from a style sheet file, then the styles from the file will become
substitutes for their namesakes.
Conditionally Change a Control's Appearance
This tutorial describes the steps to conditionally change a control's appearance (e.g. make a Label's text red if its value exceeds
some threshold). Thanks to the formatting rules feature, to achieve this, no scripts are required, so you shouldn't write any code.
To conditionally change a control's appearance, do the following.
1. Create a data-aware report.
2. Click the report's Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, click the ellipsis button for the Formatting Rule Sheet option.

And, in the invoked Formatting Rule Sheet Editor, create a new formatting rule (by using the button), and click the
ellipsis button for its Condition property.

3. Then, in the invoked Condition Editor, define the required Boolean condition (which means that its result is returned as
either true or false). In this tutorial, we will format fields if the UnitPrice value is greater than 30.
To save the condition and close the dialog, click OK.
4. Now, back in the Formatting Rule Sheet Editor, define the formatting to be applied (e.g. specify the desired font color).

To save the changes and quit the dialog, click Close.

5. Finally, select the band or control to which the formatting rule must be applied (in this example it is the Detail band), and via
its Smart Tag, access its collection of Formatting Rules.
And, in the invoked Formatting Rules Editor, move the rule from left to right (using the > button), for it to come into effect
for this band.

If multiple rules are applied, it is possible to customize their precedence, by using the up and down arrow buttons at the
right of the dialog. So, the rules are applied in the same order that they appear in the list, and the last rule in the list has the
highest priority.
The result is shown in the following image.
Conditionally Hide Bands
This tutorial describes how to hide bands if a certain logical condition is met. Note that no scripts are required to accomplish this
To demonstrate this feature, we'll use a report with grouping, similar to the one created in the following tutorial: Change or Apply
Data Grouping to a Report.
To conditionally hide bands in a report, do the following.
1. Select the Group Header, and click its Smart Tag. Then, in the invoked actions list, click the ellipsis button for the
Formatting Rules option.

In the invoked Formatting Rules Editor, click the Edit Rule Sheet... button.
2. Now, in the invoked Formatting Rule Sheet Editor, click the button, to create a new rule. Then, set its Visible property
to False, and click the ellipsis button for the Condition property.
3. Construct the required logical expression (e.g. [CategoryID] < 2), and click OK.

To quit the Formatting Rule Sheet Editor, click Close.

4. Back in the Formatting Rules Editor, move the created rule to the dialog's right section (Applied Rules), to make it active.
And, do the same for the report's Detail band. That is, click the ellipsis button for its Formatting Rules property, and in the
invoked dialog, apply the same rule to this band, as well.
Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result. In our example, you can see that the first category isn't shown. So, the conditional
formatting was applied properly.
Conditionally Change a Label's Text
This tutorial demonstrates how to change a label's text if a certain condition is met, without using scripts.
To conditionally change a label's text, do the following.
1. Create a new report and bind it to a data source.
2. To create a calculated field, in the Field List, right-click any item inside the created data source, and on the invoked menu,
choose Add Calculated Field.

3. Select the calculated field, and in the Property Grid, set its Field Type to String. Then, click the ellipsis button for its
Expression property.
And, in the invoked Expression Editor, define the required logical condition for the calculated field (e.g.
Iif([UnitsOnOrder] == 0, 'None', [UnitsOnOrder]), which means that if the UnitsOnOrder data field's value is equal to
0, the control's text will be replaced with None).

To save the changes and close the dialog, click OK.

4. Finally, drop the required data fields (and the created calculated field as well) from the Field List onto the report's Detail

The report is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Report Navigation and Interactivity
The topics in this section explain how to establish navigation through a report in different ways and enable editing reports in Print
This section consists of the following tutorials.
Add Bookmarks
Create a Table of Contents
Create Hyperlinks
Add a Cross-Reference
Enable Content Editing in Print Preview
Add Bookmarks
This tutorial describes the steps to create a report with bookmarks (a so-called Document Map). This feature allows you to easily
navigate through the report during print preview.
To demonstrate the Document Map feature, we'll use a report with grouping, similar the one created in the following tutorial:
Change or Apply Data Grouping to a Report.
To create a report with bookmarks, do the following.
1. Click the Label in the Report Header band, to select it, and in the Property Grid, set its Bookmark property to the same
value as its text (i.e. Products by Categories).

2. Now, select the Label in the report's Group Header band. As this control is bound to data, we will bind its Bookmark
property to the same data field, using the (Data Bindings) property.

Note that as with other bindable properties, you also can apply value formatting to the Bookmark property (e.g. Category
3. Then, for this Label, specify its Bookmark, and set the Parent Bookmark property to the Report Header's label, to define
the document map's hierarchy.
The report with bookmarks is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Create a Table of Contents
This tutorial describes the steps to create a report with a table of contents. A table of contents is automatically created based on
the bookmarks existing in a report.
To create a table of contents in a report, do the following.
1. From the Control Toolbox, drop the Table of Contents control onto the Report Header band.

2. Double-click the title of the table of contents and specify its text.

3. To customize the title appearance, use the Level Title option's settings available in the Properties window.

4. To customize the appearance of all other levels, use the Level Default option's settings.

5. To customize a specific level individually, add a corresponding item to the Levels collection of the table of contents.
6. After adding a new level, you can access and customize its properties.

The table of contents is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Create Hyperlinks
This tutorial demonstrates how to embed a hyperlink into your report.
Note that a label will behave as a hyperlink both in a report's Print preview, HTML preview and when the report is exported to
PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, XLS and XLSX formats.
To insert a hyperlink into your report, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. Drop a Label onto the report, and in the Property Grid, change its Text to the one required for the link.

In addition, to make the Label look like a typical link, you can change its appearance appropriately (e.g. make it blue and
3. Now, set its Navigation Target to the required value (_blank, _parent, _search, _self, or _top), and define the required
Navigation URL.

The hyperlink is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab (or, HTML View Tab), and view the result.
Add a Cross-Reference
This tutorial demonstrates how to add a cross-reference to your report. A cross-reference is simply a link whose target is located
within the current document, which allows you to establish easy navigation through a report. In this example, we place a link at
the bottom of each group, leading to the beginning of the report.
To demonstrate this feature, we'll use a report with grouping, similar the one created in the following tutorial: Change or Apply
Data Grouping to a Report.
To create a report with cross-references, do the following.
1. Drop a label onto the created ReportHeader band, which will serve as the report's headline. Click the label, to type the
desired contents into it. Then, in the Property Grid, set its Name property to reportTop.

2. To accompany the existing Group Header with the corresponding Footer, in the Group and Sort Panel, check the Show
Footer option.
Then, drop a label onto it. As it will be the link, change its Text to Top of Report, and apply the desired formatting to it (e.g.
the blue color and underlined text).
Set its Navigation Target property to _self. Then, if you click the drop-down list of the Navigation URL property, you can
see the controls available in your report. Choose the one named reportTop.

The report with cross-references is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab (or, HTML View Tab), and view the result.
Enable Content Editing in Print Preview
This document describes how to enable editing the content of specific controls in Print Preview.
This topic consists of the following sections.
Text Editing
Check Box Editing

Text Editing
The Label, Table Cell or Character Comb controls can be assigned editors to customize their content in Print Preview.
To demonstrate this feature, use the report similar to one created in the following tutorial: Change or Apply Data Grouping to a
To enable content editing, do the following.
1. Select one or more controls that you want to become editable in Print Preview (to select multiple controls, click them while
holding down CTRL or SHIFT).
Switch to the Property Grid, expand the Edit Options property and set the Enabled property to Yes.

2. To provide a mask for editing decimal values of the UnitPrice field, set the Editor Name property to Fixed-Point Positive
to assign the required editor with a corresponding mask.

Switch to the Preview Tab. To highlight all editing fields available in the document, click the Editing Fields button in the Print
Preview toolbar.
Clicking a field will invoke the appropriate editor. To apply the entered values and navigate between editing fields, use the TAB
and SHIFT+TAB keys.

Check Box Editing

In addition to editing text, you can enable switching Check Box states in Print Preview. When two or more check boxes have
identical Group ID values, the corresponding editors belong to a single logical group (i.e., only one option can be selected within
a group at a time).


The changes made to a control's content in Print Preview have no effect on other parts of the document (e.g., the related summary
results, grouping, sorting, bookmarks and other settings that have already been processed before generating the document).
Miscellaneous Report Management Capabilities
The topics of this section cover the Report Designer features that don't fall into other categories.
This section consists of the following topics.
Handle Events via Scripts
Show the Current Row Index
Count the Number of Records in a Report or a Group
Add Page Numbers for Groups
Sort Groups by a Summary Function Result
Calculate an Aggregate Function
Cancel Printing If a Report Does Not Contain Any Records
Limit the Number of Records per Page
Handle Events via Scripts
This document describes the basic principles of scripting, which can be performed by handling the events of a report, and its
bands and controls.
This documents consists of the following sections.
Scripting Overview
Scripting Specifics
Example: Custom Summary

Scripting Overview
Scripts are program commands, placed within the event handlers of the required report elements. And, when the corresponding
event occurs (e.g. a mouse click), the script code runs.
You can write scripts for a report or any of its elements (bands and controls), to be executed when the report is being previewed,
printed or exported.
Although when in the Report Designer, virtually any task can be accomplished without scripting (Conditionally Change a Control's
Appearance, Conditionally Change a Label's Text and Conditionally Hide Bands), scripting is made available to extend the standard
functionality as far as may be required. And, scripting is the only way to calculate custom summaries (this is detailed in the last
section of this document).
Every report element has a set of script events, which are individual for each element's type. For example, the events of the Detail
band are shown in the following image.

After you click (New) for an event (e.g. the Before Print, which is the most used), the Scripts Tab is switched on, where you can
manage and edit all the report's scripts.

In this tab, for a selected event, a script template is auto-added, in the language specified via the Script Language property of the
You can verify that your report's scripts are valid, by clicking Validate. The validation result is then displayed in the Scripts Errors

Note that scripts are saved to a file along with the report's layout (for details on this, refer to Back Up the Current Layout Before
Modifying It).

Scripting Specifics
1. Scripting language
The report scripts may be written in one of the following languages that the .NET framework supports - C#, Visual Basic
and J#. Since J# is not installed with the framework installation, by default, make sure it is present before writing code in it.
The scripting language is specified via the Script Language property of the Report object. It is set to C#, by default.
2. Scripting scope
Script execution is performed in the following way:
The report engine generates a temporary class in memory. The names of the variables are defined by the Name properties
of the controls and objects they represent. When the script is preprocessed, its namespace directives are cut from the script
code and added to the namespace, where the temporary class is defined.
After preprocessing, all scripts are placed in the code of the temporary class. Then, the resulting class is compiled in
memory, and its methods are called when events occur.
Scripting offers many advantages: you can declare classes (they will become inner classes), variables, methods, etc. A
variable declared in one script is accessible in another script, because it is, in fact, a variable of the temporary class.
3. Reference External Assemblies
The Script References property of the Report object specifies the full paths (including the file names) to the assemblies
that are referenced in the scripts used in a report. These paths should be specified for all the assemblies that are included in
scripts via the using (C#), Imports (Visual Basic) or import (J#) directives.

Usually, you don't need include any assembles, because most standard assemblies that you may require in scripts are
already referenced by the Report Designer.

Example: Custom Summary

In this example, we will display the total number of product unit packs in a group.
To perform this, execute steps similar to the ones described in Add Totals to a Report, except that for the summary field, you
should set the Function property to Custom.
Then, the additional events are added to the label's Scripts property.

You can handle these events in the following way.


// Declare a summary and a pack.

double totalUnits = 0;
double pack = 15;

private void OnSummaryReset(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {

// Reset the result each time a group is printed.
totalUnits = 0;

private void OnSummaryRowChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {

// Calculate a summary.
totalUnits += Convert.ToDouble(GetCurrentColumnValue("UnitsOnOrder"));

private void OnSummaryGetResult(object sender,

DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.SummaryGetResultEventArgs e) {
// Round the result, so that a pack will be taken into account
// even if it contains only one unit.
e.Result = Math.Ceiling(totalUnits / pack);
e.Handled = true;

Finally, switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Show the Current Row Index
This document describes how to accompany every record in a data-bound report with its current row index.
To show the current row index in a report, use a Label control bound to a data field, and specify its Summary options in the
following way.

The result is shown in the following image.

Count the Number of Records in a Report or a Group
This tutorial describes how to count the number of records in a report or a group. To demonstrate this feature, we'll use a report
with grouping, similar the one created in the following tutorial: Change or Apply Data Grouping to a Report.
This tutorial consists of the following sections.
Count the Number of Records in a Group
Count the Number of Records in a Report
Get the Result

Count the Number of Records in a Group

To count the number of records in a group, do the following.
Select the Label in the Group Footer area, and in the Property Grid, expand its Summary category.

Set the Running option to Group and the Function to Count.

The Ignore NULL values option is useful for functions like Count or Average, because the number of elements counted
will depend on it.
If required, you can specify the Format String (e.g. as Units Count: {0}). Note that value formatting is applied to a
summary independently of the general formatting, and has a greater priority.

Count the Number of Records in a Report

To count the number of records in a report, do the following.
1. To add a Report Footer band to your report, right-click anywhere on it, and in the invoked Context Menu, choose Insert
Band | ReportFooter.
2. Then, place a Label bound to a data field onto it, and in the Property Grid, expand its Summary category.

Set the Running option to Report and Function to Count.

The Ignore NULL values option is useful for functions like Count or Average, because the number of elements counted
will depend on it.
If required, you can specify the Format String (e.g. as Total Count: {0}). Note that value formatting is applied to a
summary independently of the general formatting, and has a greater priority.

Get the Result

The report is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Add Page Numbers for Groups
This tutorial demonstrates how to display page numbers individually, for each group in your report. To demonstrate this feature,
we'll use a report, similar to the one created in the following tutorial: Change or Apply Data Grouping to a Report.
To add page numbers for groups, do the following.
1. From the Toolbox, drop the Page Info control onto the Group Footer.

2. Then, select the control, and set its Running Band to GroupHeader1.

If required, you also can specify its Format property (e.g. Page {0} of {1}).
3. Now, you should force each new group to start on a separate page. Otherwise, group page numbers will be calculated
To do this, select the Group Footer, and set its Page Break to After the Band.

4. Finally, select the Group Footer, and click its Smart Tag. In its actions list, check the Repeat Every Page option.
Then, you can do the same for the Group Header, as well.
The report is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
Sort Groups by a Summary Function Result
This tutorial demonstrates how to sort groups based on the result of a function summary specified for them. To demonstrate this
feature, we'll use a report similar to the one created in the following tutorial: Change or Apply Data Grouping to a Report.
To sort groups by a summary function result, do the following.
1. Select the Group Header band and click its Smart Tag. In the invoked actions list, click the ellipsis button for the Sorting
Summary option.

2. Then, in the invoked Group Sorting Summary Editor, check the Enabled option, and specify a field and summary function
against which the group should be sorted.

If required, you also can change the default sorting order (from descending to ascending), and choose to ignore null values.
Click OK to apply the changes, and switch to the Preview Tab to view the result.
Calculate an Aggregate Function
This tutorial describes the steps required to create a report with an aggregate function. In this example, products that are not
discontinued and have a total unit value greater than $500 will be displayed.
Create a table report with a layout similar to that appearing in the following illustration.

Create a new calculated field and set the field name to "AggregateField".
Click the ellipsis button in the Expression section. The Expression Editor dialog will appear.
In this dialog, double click the [CategoriesProducts] field, then choose Functions | Aggregate. Next, double click the
Count() function. Insert the following text into the empty square brackets.
"Not[Discontinued]And[UnitTotal] >= 500".

Click OK to close the dialog and save the expression.

Next, add three Labels to the Detail Band and customize their content, as shown in the following image.
The report is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and view the result.
You can also set formatting rules for the report. The following image shows the sample report. The data rows that are not
discontinued and have a total unit value greater than $500 are highlighted in red.
Cancel Printing If a Report Does Not Contain Any Records
To cancel printing when a report does not contain any records, simply set the report's Print when Data Source is Empty
property to No.
Limit the Number of Records per Page
This tutorial demonstrates how to define how many records should be displayed at each page in a report's Print Preview. Note
that no scripts are required to accomplish this task.
To demonstrate this feature, we'll use a report, similar to the one created in the following tutorial: Change or Apply Data Grouping
to a Report.
To limit the number of records per page, do the following.
1. To add a parameter to the report, in the Field List, right-click the Parameters section, and in the invoked menu, choose Add

2. Select the parameter, and in the Property Grid, set its Description to Rows per Page:, Parameter Type to Int32 and
(Name) to rowsNumber.

3. From the Toolbox, drop the Page Break control onto the top of the report's Detail band.

4. Select the Page Break, and set its Visible property to No. Then, click the ellipsis button for its Formatting Rules property,
and in the invoked Formatting Rules Editor, click the Edit Rule Sheet... button.
5. Now, in the invoked Formatting Rule Sheet Editor, click , to create a new formatting rule. Set its Visible property to
Yes, and click the ellipsis button for its Condition property.

6. In the invoked Condition Editor, define a logical expression for the rule, (e.g. ([DataSource.CurrentRowIndex] %
[Parameters.rowsNumber] == 0) And ([DataSource.CurrentRowIndex] != 0)).

To save the changes and close the dialog, click OK.

Then, click Close, to quit the Formatting Rule Sheet Editor, as well.
7. Now, back in the Formatting Rules Editor, move the created rule to the list of applied rules on the right, using the arrow
buttons in the middle of the dialog.

To save the changes and close the editor, click OK.

The report is now ready. Switch to the Preview Tab, and in the Parameters section, define the required value and click Submit.

Note that while in this example, the number of rows is specified each time the report is being previewed, you can make this
number secure, by setting the parameter's Value option to the desired value, and then setting the report's Request Parameters
option to No.
Report Designer Reference
A report is built from controls (text labels, images, zip codes, charts, etc) spread across report sections called bands (various
headers, footers and content sections). The main interface elements helping you manage these building blocks are Control
Toolbox, Field List and Property Grid. These elements allow you add controls to your report, bind them to data and change
their appearance and behavior settings, respectively.
To learn more about these and other elements used in the Report Designer, use the following links.
Report Designer UI
The documents in this section are dedicated to the elements of the Report Designer user interface.
Report Controls
The documents in this section describe options of each report control available in the Report Designer.
Report Bands
The documents in this section details the available kinds of report bands and their settings.
Report Settings
This document details settings that affect the entire report.
Report Designer UI
The documents in this section are dedicated to the elements of the Report Designer user interface.
The following topics describe the Report Designer interface.
Report Designer Interface
Report Designer Elements
Ribbon Designer Elements
General Elements
Control Toolbox
Design Panel
Main Menu
Quick Access Tools
Context Menu
Smart Tag
Main Toolbar
Formatting Toolbar
Layout Toolbar
Zoom Toolbar
Dock Panels
Field List
Group and Sort Panel
Property Grid
Report Explorer
Scripts Errors Panel
Designer Tab
Preview Tab
HTML View Tab
Scripts Tab
Additional Elements
Query Builder
Component Tray
Status Bar
Report Designer Elements
This document describes elements that comprise the Report Designer that is intended for creating and editing reports.
The following image illustrates a Report Designer.

The following table lists all main interface elements of the Report Designer.


Contains a set of items and subitems that allow you to perform common actions over the report currently shown in the
Design Panel. It duplicates all the toolbar buttons available on the Main, Formatting and Layout toolbars. The Window menu
Main Menu
allows for the disabling of the tabbed multi-document interface and the tiling of Design Panel windows vertically or

Main The main file management toolbar in the Designer. It contains buttons that allow you to create new reports, save and load
Toolbar report layouts, cut, copy and paste controls, and undo and redo actions in the Designer.

Layout The toolbar for positioning report elements. It contains buttons that provide the ability to change the size and location of
Toolbar groups of controls.

Toolbox Contains the available controls that you can add to your report by dragging and dropping their icons onto a report's area.

Formatting Contains buttons for text formatting. This toolbar can be also used when a control's text (or its section) is edited via the In-
Toolbar Place editor.

Provides means for zooming in and out of your report (both in design and preview modes).

Provides the multi-document interface in the Designer by containing its Design Panels.

A surface where a report is being edited and previewed. The Designer provides a multi-document interface, and can have as
many Design Panels as required, each associated with a single report instance. Each Design Panel has four tabs (Designer,
Preview, HTML View and Scripts) for report editing, previewing, and maintaining its scripts.

Component Shows components related to report data binding. You can click them to display and edit their settings using the Property
Tray Grid.

Displays the structure of a report in a visual-tree form, which makes the report navigation easier.

Field List Shows the structure of a report's data source and is used to bind report controls to data.

Used to access and modify properties of a report and all its elements (bands and controls).

Group and Allows you to quickly perform grouping and sorting operations throughout a report, and visually represents the report's
Sort Panel grouping structure.

Scripts When errors are found in a report's scripts (after clicking Validate in the Scripts Tab), it lists these errors. Clicking an error
Errors Panel opens the corresponding script section in the Scripts tab.

Provides tips and specific information about the Designer element being hovered by a cursor or an action being currently
Status Bar
Ribbon Designer Elements
This document describes elements that comprise the Ribbon Report Designer.
The following image illustrates a Ribbon Designer.

The following table lists all the main interface elements of the Ribbon Designer.


The main toolbar in the Designer that contains the Main, Formatting, Layout and Zoom toolbars, as well as the Scripts Tab

Toolbox Contains controls that you can add to your report by dragging and dropping its icons onto a report's area.

Main Tabs Allows you to switch between the Designer, Preview and HTML View tabs.

Provides the multi-document interface in the Designer by containing its Design Panels.

A surface where a report is being edited. The Designer provides a multi-document interface, and can have as many Design
Design Panel
Panels as there are reports open in it.

Component Shows components related to report data binding. You can click them to display and edit their settings using the Property
Tray Grid.

Displays the structure of a report in a visual-tree form, which makes the report navigation easier.

Field List Shows the structure of a report's data source and is used to bind report controls to data.

Property Grid Used to access and modify properties of a report and all its elements (bands and controls).

Group and Allows you to quickly perform grouping and sorting operations throughout a report, and visually represents the report's
Sort Panel grouping structure.

Scripts Errors When errors are found in a report's scripts (after clicking Validate in the Scripts Tab), it lists these errors. Clicking an error
Panel opens the corresponding script section in the Scripts tab.

Provides tips and specific information about the Designer element being hovered by a cursor or an action being currently
Status Bar
Component Tray
The Component Tray shows components (non-visual report helpers) whose primary purpose is to bind a report to data. You can
click them to display and edit their settings using the Property grid.


Component management and data binding configuration are usually performed by system administrators or your application
vendor, since these areas require advanced knowledge of database connectivity. You will rarely, if ever, need to access component
settings when modifying existing reports.
Context Menu
The Context Menu can be invoked by the right-clicking a report...

... or its elements (bands and controls). This menu provides quick access to frequently used commands (e.g. zooming, clipboard
operations, inserting bands, etc.) The available action set varies, depending on the element where you invoked the Context Menu.
Control Toolbox
The Control Toolbox lists all available controls and allows you to add them to your report.

To add a control from the Toolbox, do one of the following.

Double-click an item in the Toolbox for the appropriate control, which will be created at the Detail band's top left corner.
Drag and drop an item from the Toolbox onto the required location within a report.

Select an item in the Toolbox, and then click the required location within a report.
Select an item in the Toolbox, and then indicate the bounding rectangle by holding the left mouse button.

Select the Pointer item when you need to perform selection, re-positioning or resizing operations. It is automatically selected
after you drop a control onto a report.
If the Toolbox is hidden, you can enable it in the Main Menu, by selecting View | Toolbars | Standard Controls.
Design Panel
The Design Panel is the Report Designer's main area, where a report is being constructed and previewed.

On the Designer Tab, multiple reports can be opened at once (each in its own Design Panel).
The Design Panel provides the following tabs (switched at the bottom).
Designer Tab
Allows you to modify your report.
Preview Tab
Shows a print preview, and enables you to print out your report or export it to a file on disk.
HTML View Tab
Shows the report output in HTML format.
Scripts Tab
Allows you to manage your report's scripts.
Designer Tab
The Designer Tab allows you to customize a report, manage its bands and controls and define their properties.
Field List
The Field List is intended to display the structure of the data source to which a report is currently bound. This panel can also be
used to create new bound report controls, manage calculated fields and report paramters.
This document consists of the following sections.
Manage a Data Source
Create Bound Report Elements
Manage Calculated Fields
Manage Report Parameters

Manage a Data Source

After binding a report to data, the Field List shows the structure of the report's data source (assigned to the Data Source
property). You can right-click the data source to access and manage its settings.

Create Bound Report Elements

The Field List displays the list of all available data fields and allows you to create report elements that will show information from
these fields.

For more information on creating data-bound report controls, see Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements
to Data).
If the report's Show Designer's Hints option is enabled, a tooltip appears when pointing to an item in the Field List. This tooltip
describes the purpose of a data field and provides information about the field's type.
Manage Calculated Fields
The Field List allows you to create calculated fields by building expressions based on the values of data fields, report parameter
values, etc.
To add a calculated field to a report, right-click any item inside the data member node, and in the invoked context menu, select
Add Calculated Field.

To edit settings of the created calculated field, select it and go to the Property Grid. You can also right-click the calculated field and
use commands available in the context menu.

Manage Report Parameters

The Field List shows existing report parameters and allows you to add new ones to the report. To create a parameter, right click
the Parameters node or any of its sub-nodes, and in the context menu, select Add Parameter.

You can customize report parameters using the Property Grid or commands available in the context menu in the same way as you
can customize calculated fields.
If the Field List is hidden, you can enable it in the Main Menu by selecting View | Windows | Field List.
Formatting Toolbar
The Formatting Toolbar allows you to easily customize an element's font, color and alignment settings.

If the Formatting Toolbar is hidden, you can enable it in the Main Menu, by selecting View | Toolbars | Formatting Toolbar.
Group and Sort Panel
The Group and Sort Panel allows you to quickly apply grouping and sorting to your report data.

To create a new grouping or sorting criterion, simply click Add a Group or Add a Sort.
Then, to control whether the corresponding Group Header or Footer band should be seen, use the Show Header and Show
Footer check boxes.
The Sort Order drop-down list allows you to specify a sorting mode (ascending or descending) or disable sorting.
You can change the order in which multiple grouping and sorting criteria are to be performed, via the Move Up and Move
Down buttons.
To remove a grouping or sorting criterion, select it, and click Delete.

If the Group and Sort Panel is hidden, you can enable it in the Main Menu, by selecting View | Windows | Group and Sort.
HTML View Tab
The HTML View Tab allows you to preview the HTML output of a report.
Layout Toolbar
The Layout Toolbar allows you to easily align report elements to one another, change their size to match one another and
customize spacing and z-order.

If the Layout Toolbar is hidden, you can enable it in the Main Menu, by selecting View | Toolbars | Layout Toolbar.
Main Menu
The Main Menu contains various commands grouped in four sub-menus. These menu items duplicate various commands
available in the Report Designer's Toolbars, and allow you to switch between different Tabs, and hide or show the available
Toolbars and Panels.

To switch focus on the Main Menu, press ALT.

Main Toolbar
The Main Toolbar contains buttons which provide the capability to create new reports, save and load report layouts, cut, copy
and paste report elements, and undo-redo actions in the Report Designer.

If the Main Toolbar is hidden, you can enable it in the Main Menu, by selecting View | Toolbars | Toolbar.
Preview Tab
The Preview Tab is intended to check the print output of a report and customize its additional options.

To learn more about print preview capabilities, refer to the Print Preview topic.
Property Grid
The Property Grid allows you to change the settings of the currently selected report element.

To select an element and show its properties within the Property Grid, do one of the following.
Click the required element on the Report Designer surface.
Select an element using the Report Explorer window.
Select an element from the Property Grid's combo box.
To reset a property value, right-click this property, and in the invoked menu, click Reset.

If the Property Grid is hidden, you can enable it in the Main Menu, by selecting View | Windows | Property Grid.
Report Explorer
The Report Explorer shows a report's structure in a tree-like form providing easy access to report elements. Additionally, the
Report Explorer contains the Components node, which displays non-visual report components, such as data objects created
when binding a report to a data source.

Once a report element or component has been selected in the Report Explorer, its settings can be changed using the Property
Grid. You can also right-click elements and components to invoke their context menu.

The Report Explorer also provides quick access to all styles and formatting rules available for a report. You can manage styles
and formatting rules using commands available in context menus. To invoke a context menu, right-click the corresponding root
node or their sub-node.

To apply a style or formatting rule to a report control, drag it from the Report Explorer onto the required report control.
If the Report Explorer is hidden, you can enable it in the Main Menu by selecting View | Windows | Report Explorer.
Scripts Errors Panel
The Scripts Errors Panel displays the result of scripts validation after it's forced in the Scripts Tab.
Then, if errors are located, they are listed in this panel. To get to the corresponding line of code, click the corresponding item in
the panel's list.

Or, if all scripts are valid, the panel reports this.

For more information, refer to Handle Events via Scripts.

Scripts Tab
The Scripts Tab allows you to manage your report's scripts. It provides centralized access to all the scripts being written for a
report or any of its elements (bands and controls).

The built-in scripts validation capability is provided in this tab. After clicking Validate, the result is displayed in the Scripts Errors
For more information, refer to Handle Events via Scripts.
Smart Tag
Most report elements have Smart Tags that provide easy access to the most frequently used settings. Clicking an element's
Smart Tag invokes an actions list with action links and editors, allowing you to customize this element.
Report Smart Tag
A report's Smart Tag icon is located at the top left corner of the Design Panel.

Band Smart Tag

A band's Smart Tag icon is located on the band strip right next to its caption. For instance, the Smart Tag for the Page
Header is shown in the following image.

Control Smart Tag

A control's Smart Tag icon is located at the top right corner of the control. For instance, the Smart Tag for the Rich Text
control is shown in the following image.
And, this is the Smart Tag for the Picture Box control.
Status Bar
The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the Report Designer, and displays hints about currently selected commands in the
Main Menu or toolbars.
Query Builder
This document describes the Query Builder that provides a visual interface for constructing SQL queries and enables you to
solve a variety of tasks.


The Query Builder is not available for object, Entity Framework and Excel data sources.
The document consists of the following sections.
Run the Query Builder
Select Tables
Join Tables
Edit Parameters
Filter Data
Shape Data
Enable Custom SQL Editing
Preview Results

Run the Query Builder

You can invoke the Query Builder from the query customization page of the Report Wizard when creating a new data-bound
report or when binding an existing one to an SQL data source. On this page, click the button for the Queries category to create
a new query using the Query Builder.
If you use an older Report Wizard version, the query customization page allows you to create a single query. In this case, select
the Query option to specify that you want to construct an SQL query and then click the Run Query Builder button.

You can also use the Query Builder to add queries to an existing SQL data source, as well as to edit existing queries. To do this,
right-click the data source in the Report Explorer or Field List, and select Manage Queries in the context menu.

In the invoked Manage Queries dialog, click Add to add a new query. To edit an existing query, click the ellipsis button for it.
Finally, click the Run Query Builder button in the invoked Query Editor.

Select Tables
To add a specific data table or view to a query, drag the corresponding item from the list of available tables and drop it onto the
list of data tables to be used.

Enable check boxes for the table fields that you want to include in the query result set.

Each table provides the context menu, which allows you to rename the table or remove it from the query.
To search for a specific table or view, click the list of available tables on the left and press CTRL+F.

Join Tables
You can join multiple tables within the same query. The Query Builder automatically highlights tables related to any of the
previously added tables. Drag-and-drop a subordinate table the same way you would a principal table to include in a query and
automatically create an inner join relation based on a key column.

Another way to join tables is to click the plus button in a row corresponding to a key column.
To customize the relationship, right-click it on the diagram and select Edit Relation in the invoked context menu. Use the Join
Editor to select the join type (Left Outer or Inner), applied logical operator (Equals to, Is less than, etc.) and column key fields.
A left outer join returns all the values from an inner join along with all values in the "left" table that do not match to the "right"
table, including rows with NULL (empty) values in the key field.
When the left outer join is selected, the relationship line displays an arrow pointing to the "right" table of the join clause.

If tables don't have a relationship at the database level, you can manually join tables. In this case, when you drag-and-drop the
required table onto the list of tables to be used, the Join Editor is automatically invoked allowing you to construct a custom join
After executing the query, it will return a "flat" table composed of data records selected based on the specified join options.

Although joining different tables within a single query may be required in some scenarios, creating hierarchical data sources
generally results in better performance (in general, master-detail reports are generated faster than similar-looking reports created
by grouping "flat" data sources).

Edit Parameters
Click the Edit Parameters button to invoke the Query Parameters dialog, which allows you to add and remove query
parameters as well as specify parameter settings.
For each query parameter, the following properties are available.
Name - specifies the name used to refer a parameter.
Type - specifies the data type of the parameter's value.
Expression - determines whether the actual parameter value is static or generated dynamically.
Value - specifies the actual value of a query parameter. If the Expression option is enabled, the actual parameter value is
produced dynamically by calculating an associated expression, which is particularly useful when you need to map the query
parameter value to the value of a report parameter.
The created parameters will be then available on the Configure Query Parameters wizard page.
For general information on query parameters and ways of providing parameter values, see Use Query Parameters.

Filter Data
To specify filter criteria, click the Filter button in the Query Builder. This invokes the Filter Editor, which provides the following

Filter Tab
The editor contains the Filter tab allowing you to specify filter conditions for resulting data. Filter criteria can be assigned
query parameters or bound to report parameters.
Group Filter Tab
The Group Filter tab allows you to specify filter conditions for grouped and aggregated data. If data is not grouped, the
second tab is disabled.
Other Options
Using this editor, you can limit the number of resulting data rows. If data is sorted, you can specify how many rows to skip
before retrieving the specified number of rows.

Depending on the selected data provider, it can be impossible to take into account the skip setting in the provider-specific
SQL string.
Another option enables you to include only distinct values into the resulting set.

Shape Data
The Query Builder displays the column list under the data source editor, which provides various shaping options.

The following options are available.

Specifies the selected column.
You can choose a required column in the drop-down list or create a column expression by clicking the ellipsis button for the
corresponding column.

Specifies the table containing the selected column.
This option indicates (All Tables) if an expression is specified for the corresponding column.
Specifies a custom column name (alias).
This option is available only for columns that are included into a query.
Specifies whether or not the column is included into the query’s resulting set.
Sorting Type
Specifies whether to preserve the original order of data records within the column, or sort them (in an ascending or
descending order).

When binding to XML files, the Query Builder does not support sorting by aggregate functions, DISTINCT and SELECT ALL
statements, and custom SQL.
Sort Order
This option becomes available after applying sorting to the data column records.
It defines the priority in which sorting is applied to multiple columns (the less this number is, the higher the priority).
For example, if column A has the sort order set to 1 and column B has it set to 2, the query will be first sorted by column A
and then by the column B.
Changing this setting for one column automatically updates the sort order of other columns to avoid a conflict of priorities.
Group By
Specifies whether or not the query’s resulting set should be grouped by this column.
Specifies whether or not the column's data records should be aggregated.
The following aggregate functions are supported.
Applying any of these functions to a column will discard individual data records from the query result set, which will
only include the aggregate function result.

You should apply aggregation/grouping either to all columns or to none of them.

Enable Custom SQL Editing

If custom SQL editing is enabled by your software provider, the Query Builder contains the Allow Edit SQL check box. Selecting
this option disables the visual features of the Query Builder and allows users to specify the custom SQL string manually.
Preview Results
You can preview the result of the query execution in the form of a tabular data sample by clicking the Preview Results button.
This opens the Data Preview window displaying the query result set limited by the first 1000 data records.
Zoom Toolbar
The Zoom Toolbar allows you to zoom a report in and out, providing easier control over report's layout.

If the Zoom Toolbar is hidden, you can enable it in the Main Menu, by selecting View | Toolbars | Zoom Toolbar.
Report Controls
The documents in this section describe options of each report control available in the Report Designer.
In general, report controls allow you to represent information of different kinds (e.g. simple or formatted text, pictures, tables, etc.)
in you report both static and dynamic, and to adjust your report's layout (by organizing controls within panels, and inserting page
breaks at the required positions).
In the Report Designer, the available controls are listed in the Control Toolbox from which they are dropped onto the required
You also can extend the standard functionality of each control by writing scripts for its available events.
This document consists of the following sections.
Available Controls
Add Controls to a Report

Available Controls
The following table lists the available controls (in the same order as in the Control Toolbox). For each control's options
description, refer to the corresponding document.


The most basic Label control is intended to display text in your report. It can represent static or dynamic text,
Label or both. In addition, it can be used to calculate standard summary functions across a data field. The Label's text
can only be formatted as a whole. So, if it's required to differently format parts of text, use the Rich Text control.

Character Comb The Character Comb control displays text so that each character is printed in an individual cell.

The Check Box control is intended to display True/False or Checked/Unchecked/Indeterminate states in a

Check Box
report, by displaying (or not) a check mark, which can be accompanied by a text description.

The Rich Text control allows you to display formatted text in your report. It can represent static or dynamic
Rich Text text, or both. You can load content to the Rich Text from an external TXT or RTF file (which can also contain
images) and then format any part of it. The formatting options include font face, styles and sizes, and color.

The Picture Box control is intended to display images of numerous formats in a report. An image can be
Picture Box
loaded from an external file, from a bound data source, or from a web location using the specified URL.

The Panel control is a container that frames separate report controls to allow them to be easily moved, copied
and pasted, and visually unite them in the report's preview (with borders or a uniform color background).

The Table control is designed to arrange information in a tabular layout. It may contain any number of Rows
Table comprised of individual Cells. Both Rows and Cells can be selected and customized individually. In most aspects,
a Cell is similar to a Label, but can also contain other controls (e.g. Picture Box or Rich Text).

The Line control draws a line of a specified direction, style, width and color. It can be used for both decoration
Line and visual separation of a report's sections. The Line cannot cross bands, as opposed to the Cross-band Line

The Shape control allows you to embed simple graphic objects into your report. You can choose one of
multiple predefined shapes (e.g. rectangles, ellipses, arrows, polygons, crosses and brackets of various kinds).

The Bar Code control transforms its content into a bar code of the specified type. Multiple standard bar code
Bar Code
symbologies are supported.

The Zip Code control renders a numeric postal code that is used to identify the mail address in some
Zip Code countries. This control is not related to the Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code used by the United States Postal

The Chart is a sophisticated control used to embed graphs into your report. It graphically represents a series of
points using numerous 2D or 3D chart types. A Chart can be populated with points both manually (by
specifying arguments and values for each point) and dynamically (by connecting it to the report's data source,
or binding it to a separate one).

Gauge The Gauge control provides you with the capability to embed graphical gauges into your report.

The Sparkline control displays a compact chart that is commonly used to reflect the flow of data for every row
in a report.

The Pivot Grid control represents dynamic data (obtained from an underlying data source) in a cross-
tabulated form to create cross-tab reports, similar to Pivot Tables in Microsoft Excel®. Column headers display
Pivot Grid unique values from one data field, and row headers - from another field. Each cell displays a summary for the
corresponding row and column values. By specifying different data fields, you can see different totals. This
allows you to get a compact layout for a complex data analysis.

The Page Info control is intended to add page numbers and system information (the current date and time or
Page Info
the current user name) into your report. As with many other controls, you can format this control's content.

Page Break The Page Break control's sole purpose is to insert a page delimiter at any point within a report.

The Cross-band Line control allows you to draw a line through several bands. This can be useful if it is
Cross-band Line required to visually emphasize a section consisting of multiple band areas. In other aspects, it is similar to a
regular Line.

The Cross-band Box control allows you to draw a rectangle through several bands. This can be useful if it is
Cross-band Box
required to visually encompass a section consisting of multiple band areas.

Table of The Table of Contents control generates a table of contents based on bookmarks specified for report
Contents elements.

Subreport The Subreport control allows you to include other reports in your current report.

Add Controls to a Report

To create a control, drag it from the Toolbox panel onto the report area.
To automatically create a control bound to data, drag a field from the Field List panel, and drop it onto a report's surface. When
dropping a field onto an existing control, this control will be bound to the data field.

If you drag the field with the right mouse button, when the button is released the context menu is invoked. Use this menu to
specify which control should be created.

To learn more on data binding for report controls, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).

When controls overlap, the report may be shown incorrectly when exported to some formats. Red markers and a report tooltip
will warn of this situation. You may switch off the red warning marks via the report's Show Export Warnings property.

To learn how report controls can be relocated and resized, refer to Change the Layout of Report Elements and Controls
The most basic Label control is intended to display text in your report. It can represent static or dynamic text, or both. In addition,
it can be used to calculate standard summary functions across a data field. The Label's text can only be formatted as a whole. So, if
it's required to differently format parts of text, use the Rich Text control.

After a Label is added to a report, you can customize its text, appearance and other properties, which can be accessed in the
Property Grid. The most important properties are also available via a control's Smart Tag, which makes it easy to perform
common operations. And, the Formatting Toolbar allows you to easily adjust a Label's text formatting.
In the Property Grid, the Label control's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Specifies the font settings for the control. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting Toolbar.
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor, allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of a Label.
Style Priority
Specifies the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more information on style
inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.
Text Alignment
Specifies the alignment of the control's text. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar.
Text Trimming
Specifies the string trimming mode of the control's text.

Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of a Label, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of a Label, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both. The property setting is useful for data-bound Labels located between upper and lower controls, which are
allowed to resize depending on their contents.
Note that if the Anchor Vertically property is set to Bottom or Both, the Can Grow and Can Shrink property (see below)
values are ignored, and don't participate in calculating a final height value of this control.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text. The measurement unit is a degree, and the orientation is counter-clockwise. Since
standard HTML does not support text orientation, this parameter is ignored when a report is displayed within a web page.
Auto Width
Specifies whether or not a Label's width should be automatically determined based on its text.
Can Grow
When this property is set to Yes, a Label's height can be automatically increased, if required, to display the text. If there are
other controls below the current Label, they will be pushed down to prevent them from overlapping. Note that if a control
overlaps the growing Label by even one pixel, it will not be pushed down by the growing Label.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Can Shrink
When this property is set to Yes, and the text does not completely fill a Label, then the Label's height will be decreased to the
height of its text. If there are other controls below the current Label, they will be moved up to fill the gap. Note that if a
control overlaps the shrinking Label by even one pixel, it will not be pushed up by the shrinking Label.
Edit Options
Provides access to options that define whether and how a control's content can be edited in Print Preview. For more
information, see Enable Content Editing in Print Preview.
Keep Together
Specifies whether the contents of a Label can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if a Label occupies more
space than remains on the page, this property specifies whether this Label should be split between the current page and the
next, or whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. This property is in effect only when a Label's content does not fit
on the current page. If it does not fit on the next page either, then the Label will be split, irrespective of this property's value.
When this property is set to Yes, a Label processes newline characters found in the text to start a new line. For example,
when editing a Label's text, you can insert a new line by pressing ENTER, and in this case, the Multiline property will be
automatically set to Yes.
Process Duplicates Mode
Determines the control's behavior when its data source contains consecutive repeating records. They can be processed as is
(when the property is set to Leave), suppressed except for the first entry (Suppress) and suppressed with the blank space
printed instead of the repeated records (Suppress and Shrink).
When the MergeByValue and MergeByTag settings are selected, the control processes duplicate values by merging the
identical content into a single line of text.
Process Duplicates Target
Specifies whether to process duplicate values of the control's Text or Tag property.
Process Null Values
Determines whether to process Null (blank) values if they appear in the control's data source. They can be processed as is
(when the property is set to Leave), suppressed (Suppress) and suppressed with the blank space printed instead of the blank
records (Suppress and Shrink).
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.
Word Wrap
When this property is set to Yes, text entered into the multiline Label is wrapped to the next line if it doesn't fit the line or
comes across a newline character. If the this property is set to No, text entered into the multiline Label will be displayed on
the same line until a newline character is entered.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of the control's properties (Bookmark,
Navigation URL, Tag and Text) to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to it. For
more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
Provides access to the Text property of a Label in the Multiline mode.
Null Value Text
Specifies the text displayed by a control when the value of its bound data field is null.
Allows you to perform calculations (summary, max, min, average, etc.) over a data field. For more information on calculating
summaries, refer to Add Totals to a Report.
Summarization is possible for a single data column only. To perform calculations with several data fields, use calculated
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Tag.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field.
Allows you to define a line of static text to be displayed. To type several lines of text, click the control's Smart Tag, and in the
invoked actions list, click Edit Text, or use the Lines property. Note that when a Label is selected in the designer, you may
simply start typing the text, and it will be automatically entered into the in-place editor.

If the current report has a data source, the Text property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Text.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field. For
more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
Xlsx Format String
Specifies the native XLSX format string for the control's content, which is to be preserved when the report is being exported
to XLSX. This format string is independent from the general value formatting.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report called a document map. For an
explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks.
If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field, obtained from the data source.
To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data
Navigation URL and Navigation Target
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation, when a user clicks a Label. The web browser
displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property. Note that a URL should have an
appropriate prefix (e.g. "http://"). You can create cross-references within the report by assigning the name of the target
control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to "_self". For more information, refer to
Create Hyperlinks.
If the current report has a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Navigation URL.Binding drop-down selector, select the
required data field.

Right to Left
Specifies the direction of text within a control. Use this option to correctly render text written in right-to-left languages.
By default, all report controls have this property set to Inherit, so enabling it for a report will apply this setting to all its
The right-to-left layout is preserved when exporting a report to any of the supported formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, or RTF).
Character Comb
The Character Comb control displays text so that each character is printed in an individual cell.

When exporting this control to third-party formats, consider the following

When a report is exported to an XLS or XLSX file, the cells of the Character Comb correspond to the cells of a resulting Excel
When a report is exported to a CSV (or TXT) file, the content of individual cells is separated (or spaced) by a specified
Separator character.
In the Property Grid, the Character Comb options are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings applied to the control's cells.
When the cell spacing is set to zero, the borders of adjacent cells are merged (i.e., the actual border width is not doubled).
The following images illustrate how cell spacing affects the Border Width property behavior.


When the control's content is to be printed on multiple pages, a page break occurring at a horizontal border of a cell will
move the entire row above this border to the next page and split its upper border in two parts (one half stays on the
previous page, and the other half moves to the next). However, this is not the case if the vertical cell spacing is not zero, in
which case the same border width is maintained on both pages.
Specifies the font settings for the control. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting Toolbar.
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor, allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Style Priority
Specifies the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more information on style
inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.
Text Alignment
Specifies the alignment of the control's text. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar.


Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of a control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of a control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both. The property setting is useful for data-bound controls located between upper and lower controls, which are
allowed to resize depending on their contents.
Note that if the Anchor Vertically property is set to Bottom or Both, the Can Grow and Can Shrink property (see below)
values are ignored, and don't participate in calculating a final height value of this control.
Auto Width
Specifies whether or not a control's width should be automatically determined based on its text.

Can Grow
When this property is set to Yes, a Character Comb's height can be automatically increased, if required, to display the text. If
there are other controls below the current control, they will be pushed down to prevent them from overlapping. Note that if
a control overlaps the growing Character Comb by even one pixel, it will not be pushed down by the growing control.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Can Shrink
When this property is set to Yes, and the text does not completely fill a control's dimensions, the control's height will be
decreased to the height of its text. If there are other controls below the current control, they will be moved up to fill the gap.
Note that if a control overlaps the shrinking Character Comb by even one pixel, it will not be pushed up by the shrinking


Edit Options
Provides access to options that define whether and how a control's content can be edited in Print Preview. For more
information, see Enable Content Editing in Print Preview.
Keep Together
Specifies whether the contents of a Character Comb can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if a Character
Comb occupies more space than remains on the page, this property specifies whether this Character Comb should be split
between the current page and the next, or whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. This property is in effect only
when a Character Comb's content does not fit on the current page. If it does not fit on the next page either, then the
Character Comb will be split, irrespective of this property's value.
When this property is set to Yes, a Character Comb processes newline characters found in the text to start a new line. For
example, when editing a Character Comb's text, you can insert a new line by pressing ENTER, and in this case, the Multiline
property will be automatically set to Yes.
Process Duplicates Mode
Determines the control's behavior when its data source contains consecutive repeating records. They can be processed as is
(when the property is set to Leave), suppressed except for the first entry (Suppress) and suppressed with the blank space
printed instead of the repeated records (Suppress and Shrink).
When the MergeByValue and MergeByTag settings are selected, the control processes duplicate values by merging the
identical content into a single line of text.
Process Duplicates Target
Specifies whether to process duplicate values of the control's Text or Tag property.
Process Null Values
Determines whether to process Null (blank) values if they appear in the control's data source. They can be processed as is
(when the property is set to Leave), suppressed (Suppress) and suppressed with the blank space printed instead of the blank
records (Suppress and Shrink).
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.
Word Wrap
When this property is set to Yes, text entered into the multiline Character Comb is wrapped to the next line if it doesn't fit
the line or comes across a newline character. If the this property is set to No, text entered into the multiline Character Comb
will be displayed on the same line until a newline character is entered.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of the control's properties (Bookmark,
Navigation URL, Tag and Text) to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to it. For
more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
Provides access to the Text property of a Character Comb in the Multiline mode.
Null Value Text
Specifies the text displayed by a control when the value of its bound data field is null.
Allows you to perform calculations (summary, max, min, average, etc.) over a data field. For more information on calculating
summaries, refer to Add Totals to a Report.
Summarization is possible for a single data column only. To perform calculations with several data fields, use calculated
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Tag.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field.
Allows you to define a line of static text to be displayed. To type several lines of text, click the control's Smart Tag, and in the
invoked actions list, click Edit Text, or use the Lines property. Note that when a Character Comb is selected in the designer,
you may simply start typing the text, and it will be automatically entered into the in-place editor.

If the current report has a data source, the Text property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Text.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field. For
more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
Xlsx Format String
Specifies the native XLSX format string for the control's content, which is to be preserved when the report is being exported
to XLSX. This format string is independent from the general value formatting.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Cell Size Mode, Cell Height and Cell Width
Specifies whether or not the cell size should depend on the current font size of a control. The following cell size modes are
Auto Size
The cell size depends on the current font size of a control (the Cell Height and Cell Width properties are ignored).
With this setting, the actual cell size does not depend on the specified border width of a control.
Auto Height
Only the cell height depends on the current font size of a control (the Cell Height property is ignored), and the Cell
Width value is specified manually.
With this setting, the actual cell height does not depend on the specified border width of a control, while the effective
cell width is the difference between the specified Cell Width and Border Width values.
Auto Width
Only the cell width depends on the current font size of a control (the Cell Width property is ignored), and the Cell
Height value is specified manually.
With this setting, the actual cell width does not depend on the specified border width of a control, while the effective
cell height is the difference between the specified Cell Height and Border Width values.
The cell size is determined by the Cell Height and Cell Width property values and does not depend on the assigned
font size.
With this setting, the actual cell size is less than the specified Cell Height and Cell Width by the Border Width value.
Cell Horizontal Spacing and Cell Vertical Spacing
Specify the spacing between adjacent cells (measured in report units). These values do not depend on the specified border
width of a control.
The following image illustrates a Character Comb with Cell Vertical Spacing set to 15 and Cell Horizontal Spacing set to

The area between cells is not affected by the Background Color property of a control, which is illustrated on the following

When applying a style to a Character Comb, the style's Padding property is ignored.
Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report called a document map. For an
explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks.
If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field, obtained from the data source.
To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data
Navigation URL and Navigation Target
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation, when a user clicks a Character Comb. The
web browser displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property. Note that a URL should
have an appropriate prefix (e.g. "http://"). You can create cross-references within the report by assigning the name of the
target control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to "_self". For more information,
refer to Create Hyperlinks.
If the current report has a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Navigation URL.Binding drop-down selector, select the
required data field.

Right to Left
Specifies the direction of text within a control. Use this option to correctly render text written in right-to-left languages.
By default, all report controls have this property set to Inherit, so enabling it for a report will apply this setting to all its
The right-to-left layout is preserved when exporting a report to any of the supported formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, or RTF).
Check Box
The Check Box control is intended to display True/False or Checked/Unchecked/Indeterminate states in a report, by displaying
(or not) a check mark, which can be accompanied by a text description.

In the Property Grid, the Check Box control's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Specifies the font settings for the control. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting Toolbar.
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Glyph Alignment
Specifies the glyph alignment within the control.
When this property is set to Center, the control's text is not shown.


Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of a Check Box.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.
Text Alignment
Allows you to change the alignment of the control's text. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar.
Text Trimming
Specifies the string trimming mode of the control's text.

Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both. The property setting is useful for data-bound Check Boxes located between upper and lower controls,
which are allowed to resize depending on their contents.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Edit Options
Provides access to options that define whether and how a control's content can be edited in Print Preview. For more
information, see Enable Content Editing in Print Preview.
Keep Together
Specifies whether the contents of a Check Box can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if a Check Box occupies
more space than remains on the page, this property specifies whether this Check Box should be split between the current
page and the next, or whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. This property is in effect only when a Check Box's
content does not fit on the current page. If it does not fit on the next page either, then the Check Box will be split despite this
property's value.
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.
Word Wrap
When this property is set to Yes, text entered into a Check Box is wrapped to the next line if it doesn't fit the line.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of the control's properties (Bookmark, Check
State, Navigation URL, Tag and Text) to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to it.
For more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
Check State
This property allows you to quickly specify the Checked/Unchecked/Indeterminate state of a Check Box (the Indeterminate
state is displayed as a grayed out checked box.) Note that if you only want to use Checked and Unchecked states, you may
use the Checked property, instead.
This property allows you to define whether a Check Box is checked or not.
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Tag.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field.
Allows you to define a line of static text to be displayed. Note that when a Check Box is selected in the designer, you may
simply start typing the text, and it will be automatically entered into the in-place editor.

If the current report has a data source, the Text property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Text.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field. For
more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
Xlsx Format String
Specifies the native XLSX format string for the control's content, which is to be preserved when the report is being exported
to XLSX. This format string is independent from the general value formatting.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report called a document map. For an
explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks.
If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source.
To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data
Navigation URL and Navigation Target
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation when a user clicks a Check Box. The web
browser displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property. Note that a URL should
have an appropriate prefix (e.g. "http://"). You can create cross-references within the report by assigning the name of the
target control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to "_self". For more information,
refer to Create Hyperlinks.
If the current report has a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Navigation URL.Binding drop-down selector, select the
required data field.

Right to Left
Specifies the direction of text and check box position within the control. Use this option to correctly render text written in
right-to-left languages.
By default, all report controls have this property set to Inherit, so enabling it for a report will apply this setting to all its
The right-to-left layout is preserved when exporting a report to any of the supported formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, or RTF).
Rich Text
The Rich Text control allows you to display formatted text in your report. It can represent static or dynamic text, or both. You can
load content to the Rich Text from an external TXT or RTF file (which can also contain images) and then format any part of it. The
formatting options include font face, styles and sizes, and color.

A content from an external TXT or RTF file can be loaded to this control via its Smart Tag.

In the Property Grid, the Rich Text control's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Specifies the font settings for the control. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting Toolbar.
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of the control.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.

Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both. The property setting is useful for data-bound controls located between upper and lower controls, which are
allowed to resize depending on their contents.
Note that if the Anchor Vertically property is set to Bottom or Both, the Can Grow and Can Shrink properties (see below)
values are ignored, and don't participate in calculating a final height value of this control.
Can Grow
When this property is set to Yes, the control's height can be automatically increased, if required, to display the text. If there
are other controls below the current control, they will be pushed down to prevent them from overlapping. Note that if a
control overlaps the growing Rich Text by even one pixel, it will not be pushed down by the growing Rich Text.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Can Shrink
When this property is set to Yes, and the text does not completely fill a Rich Text, then the control's height will be decreased
to the height of its text. If there are other controls below the current one, they will be moved up to fill the gap. Note that if a
control overlaps the shrinking Rich Text by even one pixel, it will not be pushed up by the shrinking Rich Text.
Keep Together
Specifies whether the contents of the control can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if the control occupies
more space than remains on the page, this property specifies whether this control should be split between the current page
and the next, or whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. This property is in effect only when the control's content
does not fit on the current page. If it does not fit on the next page either, then the control will be split despite this property's
Process Duplicates
Determines the control's behavior when its data source contains consecutive repeating records. They can be processed as is
(when the property is set to Leave), suppressed except for the first entry (Suppress) and suppressed with the blank space
printed instead of the repeated records (Suppress and Shrink).
Process Null Values
Determines whether to process Null (blank) values if they appear in the control's data source. They can be processed as is
(when the property is set to Leave), suppressed (Suppress) and suppressed with the blank space printed instead of the blank
records (Suppress and Shrink).
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of the control's properties (Bookmark, Html,
Navigation URL, Rtf and Tag) to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to it. For
more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
Provides access to the Text property of the control, allowing you to input multiple lines of static text.
Null Value Text
Specifies the text displayed by a control when the value of its bound data field is null.
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Tag.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field.
Allows you to define a line of static text to be displayed. To type several lines of text, use the Lines property. Note that when
the control is selected in the designer, you may simply start typing the text, and it will be automatically entered into the in-
place editor.

If the current report has a data source, the Rtf property (instead of Text) can be bound to a data field obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Rtf.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data
field. For more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report, called a document map. For an
explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks.
If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source.
To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data
Navigation URL and Navigation Target
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation when a user clicks the control. The web
browser displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property. Note that a URL should
have an appropriate prefix (e.g. "http://"). You can create cross-references within the report by assigning the name of the
target control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to "_self". For more information,
refer to Create Hyperlinks.
If the current report has a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Navigation URL.Binding drop-down selector, select the
required data field.
Picture Box
The Picture Box control is intended to display images of numerous formats in a report. An image can be loaded from an external
file, from a bound data source, or from a web location using the specified URL.

The following image formats are supported: BMP, DIB, RLE, JPG, JPEG, JPE, JFIF, GIF, EMF, WMF, TIF, TIFF, PNG and ICO.
To quickly load an image from an external file, use the control's Smart Tag.

To bind the control to a data field containing images, right-click the corresponding Field List item, and then drag and drop it onto
a report. This will invoke the Context Menu, where you can choose the Picture Box, and it will be automatically created and
bound to the selected data field.

In the Property Grid, the Picture Box control's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control.
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of the control.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.

Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both. The property setting is useful for data-bound controls located between upper and lower controls, which are
allowed to resize depending on their contents.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Image Alignment
Specifies the alignment of a displayed image in relation to the control's boundaries.
Keep Together
Specifies whether the contents of the control can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if the control occupies
more space than remains on the page, this property specifies whether this control should be split between the current page
and the next, or whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. This property is in effect only when the control's content
does not fit on the current page. If it does not fit on the next page either, then the control will be split despite this property's
Process Duplicates Mode
Specifies how to process report controls with duplicate values.
Process Duplicates Target
Specifies whether to process duplicate values of the Image, or Tag property.
Process Null Values
Specifies how to process a Picture Box control receiving a null value from a connected data source.
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Defines the sizing mode of a contained image. To quickly adjust the image size and position within the control, click its
Smart Tag, and choose Sizing.

The image sizing settings are briefly described in the following table.


The image is placed in the upper-left corner of the control. The image is clipped if it is larger than the Picture Box which contains

The image within the control is stretched or shrunk to fit the size of a Picture Box.

The Picture Box size is adjusted to that of the image it contains.

The image is displayed in the center of the control. If the image is larger than the Picture Box, the outer edges are clipped.

The image is sized proportionally (without clipping) for best fit into the control.

If the dimensions of a Picture Box exceed that of the image it contains, the image is centered and shown full-size. Otherwise, the
image is resized to fit into the Picture Box's dimensions.

The original image is replicated within the Picture Box starting from the upper-left corner. The replicated image is clipped if it
doesn't fit in the Picture Box which contains it.

Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of the control's properties (Bookmark, Image,
Image URL, Navigation URL and Tag) to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to
it. For more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
Specifies an image to display in the Picture Box control.
When you click the ellipsis button, you will see the Open File dialog that enables you to specify the file to load. Then, this
image is embedded into a report and saved within this report, so it is always available. Note that this increases the size of a
saved report definition. If you want to save only the image path, and not the image itself, use the Image URL property
Image URL
Specifies the URL of the image to display in the Picture Box control. It supports both absolute and relative paths. A relative
path may be related to the Web site or to the current Web page. In the second case, the path to the image must start with
the "~" symbol. Setting a relative path makes it easier to move the entire application to another directory on the server
without having to update the code.
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Tag.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report called a document map. For an
explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks.
If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source.
To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data
Navigation URL and Navigation Target
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation when a user clicks the control. The web
browser displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property. Note that a URL should
have an appropriate prefix (e.g. "http://"). You can create cross-references within the report by assigning the name of the
target control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to "_self". For more information,
refer to Create Hyperlinks.
If the current report has a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Navigation URL.Binding drop-down selector, select the
required data field.
The Panel control is a container that frames separate report controls to allow them to be easily moved, copied and pasted, and
visually unite them in the report's preview (with borders or a uniform color background).

Currently, there are several limitations on Panel usage. One of them is that Panel cannot shrink, and therefore cannot suppress
the white space that appears when the controls inside are shrunk or collapsed. Also, the Panel cannot cross bands, as Cross-band
Line and Cross-band Box can do.

In the Property Grid, the Panel's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control.
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of controls contained in a Panel.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.

Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both.
Note that if the Anchor Vertically property is set to Bottom or Both, the Can Grow property (see below) values are ignored,
and don't participate in calculating a final height value of this control.
Can Grow
When this property is set to Yes, the control's height can be automatically increased, if required, to display the text. If there
are other controls below the current control, they will be pushed down to prevent them from overlapping. Note that if a
control overlaps the growing Panel by even one pixel, it will not be pushed down by the growing Panel.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Keep Together
Specifies whether the contents of the control can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if the control occupies
more space than remains on the page, this property specifies whether this control should be split between the current page
and the next, or whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. This property is in effect only when the control's content
does not fit on the current page. If it does not fit on the next page either, then the control will be split despite this property's
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of the control's properties (Bookmark,
Navigation URL and Tag) to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to it. For more
information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Tag.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.
Snap Line Padding
Specifies the padding (measured in report units), which is to be preserved within the control when controls it contains are
aligned using Snap Lines.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report called a document map. For an
explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks.
If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source.
To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data
Navigation URL and Navigation Target
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation when a user clicks the control. The web
browser displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property. Note that a URL should
have an appropriate prefix (e.g. "http://"). You can create cross-references within the report by assigning the name of the
target control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to "_self". For more information,
refer to Create Hyperlinks.
If the current report has a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Navigation URL.Binding drop-down selector, select the
required data field.

Right to Left
Specifies the direction of text within controls contained in a panel. Use this option to correctly render text written in right-to-
left languages.
By default, all report controls have this property set to Inherit, so enabling it for a report will apply this setting to all its
The right-to-left layout is preserved when exporting a report to any of the supported formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, or RTF).
The Table control is designed to arrange information in a tabular layout. It may contain any number of Rows comprised of
individual Cells. Both Rows and Cells can be selected and customized individually. In most aspects, a Cell is similar to a Label, but
can also contain other controls (e.g. Picture Box or Rich Text).

When a Table is dropped onto a band from the Toolbox, it has one row and three columns. If you click and drag over several
bands, the resulting table will be split by the bands into several tables. This creates a table header and the detail table with one
mouse move.

When you drag and drop an entire data table from the Field List, a Table with cells bound to the corresponding data fields is
created automatically.
A table's elements are managed by using its Context Menu.

The whole Table, or its individual Row or Cell can be selected either in the Report Designer, the Report Explorer or the drop-down
selector of the Property Grid.
In the Property Grid, the Table's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Specifies the font settings for the control. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting Toolbar.
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor, allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of a Table's cells.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.
Text Alignment
Allows you to change the alignment of a Table's text. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar.

Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of a Table, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Keep Together
Specifies whether the contents of a Table can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if a Table occupies more
space than remains on the page, this property specifies whether the Table should be split between the current page and the
next, or whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. This property is in effect only when a Table's content does not fit
on the current page. If it does not fit on the next page either, then the Table will be split despite this property's value.
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of the control's properties (Bookmark and Tag)
to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to it. For more information on this, refer
to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report called a document map. For an
explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks.
If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source.
To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data

Right to Left
Specifies the direction of text within cells contained in a table. Use this option to correctly render text written in right-to-left
By default, all report controls have this property set to Inherit, so enabling it for a report will apply this setting to all its
The right-to-left layout is preserved when exporting a report to any of the supported formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, or RTF).
Table Row
The Table Row Control represents a single row within a Table.

This control is useful for changing the layout of the entire row. Although in this document, a Row is described as a separate
control, in fact most of its properties are actually applied to the Cells contained within the selected row.
In the Property Grid, the Table Row's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Specifies the font settings for the control. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting Toolbar.
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor, allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of a Row.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.
Text Alignment
Allows you to change the alignment of the control's text. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar.

Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Keep Together
Specifies whether the contents of a Row can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if a Row occupies more space
than remains on the page, this property specifies whether this Row should be split between the current page and the next,
or whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. This property is in effect only when a Row's content does not fit on
the current page. If it does not fit on the next page either, then the Row will be split despite this property's value.
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.

This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the Row's height, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.
Table Cell
The Table Cell control represents an individual cell within a Table.

In general, the Table Cell control's properties are similar to the properties of the Label control.
In the Property Grid, the Table Cell's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Specifies the font settings for the control. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting Toolbar.
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor, allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of a Label.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.
Text Alignment
Allows you to change the alignment of the control's text. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar.
Text Trimming
Specifies the string trimming mode of the control's text.

Specifies the rotation angle of a Cell's text. The measurement unit is a degree, and the orientation is counter-clockwise.
Since standard HTML does not support text orientation, this parameter is ignored when a report is displayed within a web
Can Grow
When this property is set to Yes, a Cell's height can be automatically increased, if required, to display the text. If there are
other controls below the current Cell, they will be pushed down to prevent them from overlapping. Note that if a control
overlaps the growing Cell by even one pixel, it will not be pushed down by the growing Cell.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Can Shrink
When this property is set to Yes, and the text does not completely fill a Cell, then the Cell's height will be decreased to the
height of its text. If there are other controls below the current Cell, they will be moved up to fill the gap. Note that if a control
overlaps the shrinking Cell by even one pixel, it will not be pushed up by the shrinking Cell.
Edit Options
Provides access to options that define whether and how a control's content can be edited in Print Preview. For more
information, see Enable Content Editing in Print Preview.
Keep Together
Specifies whether the contents of a Cell can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if a Cell occupies more space
than remains on the page, this property specifies whether this Cell should be split between the current page and the next, or
whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. This property is in effect only when a Cell's content does not fit on the
current page. If it does not fit on the next page either, then the Cell will be split despite this property's value.
When this property is set to Yes, a Cell processes newline characters found in the text to start a new line. For example, when
editing a Cell's text, you can insert a new line by pressing ENTER, and in this case the Multiline property will be automatically
set to Yes.
Process Duplicates Mode
Determines the control's behavior when its data source contains consecutive repeating records. They can be processed as is
(when the property is set to Leave), suppressed except for the first entry (Suppress) and suppressed with the blank space
printed instead of the repeated records (Suppress and Shrink).
When the MergeByValue and MergeByTag settings are selected, the control processes duplicate values by merging the
identical content into a single line of text.
Process Duplicates Target
Specifies whether to process duplicate values of the control's Text or Tag property.
Process Null Values
Determines whether to process Null (blank) values if they appear in the control's data source. They can be processed as is
(when the property is set to Leave), suppressed (Suppress) and suppressed with the blank space printed instead of the blank
records (Suppress and Shrink).
Row Span
Specifies the number of table rows that the cell spans.

New controls cannot be dropped onto the merged cells.

The Can Grow and Can Shrink properties have no effect on the merged cells.
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.
Word Wrap
When this property is set to Yes, text entered into the multiline Cell is wrapped to the next line if it doesn't fit the line or
comes across a newline character. If the this property is set to No, text entered into the multiline Cell will be displayed on the
same line until a newline character is entered.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of a Cell's properties (Bookmark, Navigation
URL, Tag and Text) to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to it. For more
information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
Provides access to the Text property of a Cell in the Multiline mode.
Null Value Text
Specifies the text displayed by a control when the value of its bound data field is null.
Allows you to perform calculations (summary, max, min, average, etc.) over a data field. For more information on calculating
summaries, refer to Add Totals to a Report.

Summarization is possible for a single data column only. To perform calculations with several data fields, use calculated
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Tag.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field.
Allows you to define a line of static text to be displayed. When a Cell is selected in the designer, you may simply start typing
the text, and it will be automatically entered into the in-place editor.

To type several lines of text, use the Lines property.

If the current report has a data source, the Text property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Text.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field. For
more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
Xlsx Format String
Specifies the native XLSX format string for the control's content, which is to be preserved when the report is being exported
to XLSX. This format string is independent from the general value formatting.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.
Specifies the Cell's width, measured in report units.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report called a document map. For an
explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks.
If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source.
To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data
Navigation URL and Navigation Target
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation when a user clicks a Cell. The web browser
displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property. Note that a URL should have an
appropriate prefix (e.g. "http://"). You can create cross-references within the report by assigning the name of the target
control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to "_self". For more information, refer to
Create Hyperlinks.
If the current report has a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Navigation URL.Binding drop-down selector, select the
required data field.

Right to Left
Specifies the direction of text within a control. Use this option to correctly render text written in right-to-left languages.
By default, all report controls have this property set to Inherit, so enabling it for a report will apply this setting to all its
The right-to-left layout is preserved when exporting a report to any of the supported formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, or RTF).
The Line control draws a line of a specified direction, style, width and color. It can be used for both decoration and visual
separation of a report's sections. The Line cannot cross bands, as opposed to the Cross-band Line control.

In the Property Grid, the Line's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control.
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Foreground Color
Specifies the Line's color.
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Line Direction
The line can be drawn vertically, horizontally and from one corner of the rectangle, representing the Line control, to another,
across the rectangle. That is, Vertical, Horizontal, Slant and Back Slant types.
Line Style
You can select the solid, dashed, dotted or mixed style for the line.
Line Width
Specifies the Line's width, measured in report units.
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of the control.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.

Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Keep Together
Specifies whether the contents of the control can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if the control occupies
more space than remains on the page, this property specifies whether this control should be split between the current page
and the next, or whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. This property is in effect only when the control's content
does not fit on the current page. If it does not fit on the next page either, then the control will be split despite this property's
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind the control's Tag property.
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.
The Shape control allows you to embed simple graphic objects into your report. You can choose one of multiple predefined
shapes (e.g. rectangles, ellipses, arrows, polygons, crosses and brackets of various kinds).

In the Property Grid, the Shape's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Fill Color
Specifies the color to fill the contour of a Shape, if applicable. It is transparent by default.
Foreground Color
Determines the color of a Shape's contour. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Line Style
You can select the solid, dashed, dotted or mixed style for the line.
Line Width
Here you can set the width of a line used to draw the Shape, expressed in the measure units defined by the report's Measure
Units property. To learn more about this, refer to Change Measurement Units of a Report.
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of the control.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.

Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both.
The value in degrees specifies the rotation angle of a Shape. It indicates counterclockwise rotation.
You can hold CTRL while pressing the left mouse button to rotate a Shape within the control's borders.

Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Determines which of the various built-in shapes to use within the control.
A certain shape has its own unique set of properties. The following list is intended to give a brief overview of these special
properties specific to a certain shape.


This property specifies how much a Shape's corners are rounded. It enables display of Arrows, Polygons, Stars
rounded boxes and triangles. and Cross

Number of
This property allows you to set the number of sides. Polygons

Count of Star
This property allows you to set the number of star points. Stars

Defines the level of inward-curve for the lines connecting the vertices of a Star. It may
Concavity Stars
be an integer in the range of 0 - 100.

Tip's Length This property specifies the length of the Bracket's ends. Bracket and Brace

Tail's Length This property specifies the tail length of a Brace. Brace

If the Shape is rotated to some degree (that is, its Angle property is not zero), you may turn on the Stretch property. The
Shape image will be stretched to cover maximum space within the control's borders.
Specifies a value indicating whether the current control should be printed (when set to Yes) or hidden (No) on report

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of the control's properties (Bookmark,
Navigation URL and Tag) to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to it. For more
information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Tag.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.
Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report called a document map. For an
explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks.
If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source.
To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data
Navigation URL and Navigation Target
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation when a user clicks the control. The web
browser displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property. Note that a URL should
have an appropriate prefix (e.g. "http://"). You can create cross-references within the report by assigning the name of the
target control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to "_self". For more information,
refer to Create Hyperlinks.
If the current report has a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Navigation URL.Binding drop-down selector, select the
required data field.
Bar Code
The Bar Code control transforms its content into a bar code of the specified type. Multiple standard bar code symbologies are


The barcode quality can degrade when the report is exported to formats other than PDF. To ensure reliable barcode recognition,
print the report directly from an application using the native printing methods. The Module and Auto-Module properties of a
control should be used with care.
In the Property Grid, the Bar Code's properties are divided into the following groups.

Determines the alignment of the barcode image within the control. To define the text alignment, use the Text Alignment
Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Specifies the font settings for the control. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting Toolbar.
Foreground Color
Specifies the text and image color for the bar code. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor, allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of a Bar Code.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.
Text Alignment
Allows you to change the alignment of the control's text. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar. To define
the alignment of the barcode image, use the Alignment property.

Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of the control, so that, after page rendering, it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both.
When this property is set to Yes, the barcode image is stretched to fit the entire control's width. When this option is turned
off, this behavior is determined by the Module property.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Keep Together
Specifies whether the contents of the control can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if the control occupies
more space than remains on the page, this property specifies whether this Bar Code should be split between the current
page and the next, or whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. This property is in effect only when a Bar Code's
content does not fit on the current page. If it does not fit on the next page either, then the Bar Code will be split, despite this
property's value.
Specifies the width of the narrowest bar or space in the barcode, measured in report units. You may set this property to Yes
for automatic adjustment of its value, when the control is resized. Note that if the Module value is too low, the barcode
output may become unreadable by a barcode scanner.
When the Auto-Module property is set to No, there could be a situation when the barcode image generated with the current
setting of Module property is larger than the control itself. In this case, the control displays a warning, as illustrated below.

So, increase the dimensions of the control, to avoid this.

The barcode image within the control can be rotated. If you need this feature, use the Orientation property to specify one of
four possible orientations (Normal, Upside Down, Rotate to the Left and Rotate to the Right) for an image within the control.
Process Duplicates Mode
Determines the control's behavior when its data source contains consecutive repeating records. They can be processed as is
(when the property is set to Leave), suppressed except for the first entry (Suppress) and suppressed with the blank space
printed instead of the repeated records (Suppress and Shrink).
When the MergeByValue and MergeByTag settings are selected, the control processes duplicate values by merging the
identical content into a single line of text.
Process Duplicates Target
Specifies whether to process duplicate values of the control's Text or Tag property.
Process Null Values
Determines whether to process Null (blank) values if they appear in the control's data source. They can be processed as is
(when the property is set to Leave), suppressed (Suppress) and suppressed with the blank space printed instead of the blank
records (Suppress and Shrink).
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Show Text
Determines whether to display the numerical value, or only the barcode within the control.
The Symbology defines the mapping between barcode text and an image. The symbologies supported by the Bar Code
control are listed in the following table:


The Codabar is an old format that uses discrete, self-checking symbology, capable of encoding 16 different
Codabar characters, plus an additional 4 start/stop characters. You should also specify the Start and Stop Symbols and
Wide Narrow Ratio properties.

Code 11, also known as USD-8, was developed as a high-density numerical-only symbology. The symbology is
discrete, and is able to encode the numbers 0 through to 9, the dash symbol (-), and start/stop characters.

Code 128 has been widely implemented. It is a high-density symbology which permits encoding messages of
Code128 arbitrary lengths of any character of the ASCII character set. The symbology includes a checksum digit for
verification. You should also specify the Character Set. The recommended setting is Auto Charset.

Code 39 is also known as "3 of 9 Code" and "USD-3". It can encode uppercase letters (A through Z), digits (0
Code39 through 9) and several special characters like the $ sign. The Calculate a Checksum and Wide Narrow Ratio
(which should be in a range of 2.2 -3) properties can also be specified.

This is an extension of Code 39, also known as "Full ASCII Code 39". It is capable of encoding all 128 ASCII
Code39Extended characters. The Calculate a Checksum and Wide Narrow Ratio (which should be in a range of 2.2 -3) properties
can be specified.

Code 93 was designed to supplement and improve Code 39. It is an alphanumeric, variable length symbology,
providing higher reliability and density than Code 39. The Calculate a Checksum property can be specified.

It enables encoding of all 128 ASCII characters using Code 93's "Full ASCII Mode". This is accomplished by using the
($), (/), (%), and (+) symbols as "shift" characters. The Calculate a Checksum property can be specified.

MSI symbology, also known as Modified Plessey, is a low-density, numerical only symbology. To specify the
checksum, use the MSI Checksum property. It can be set to None, Modulo 10 and Double Modulo 10.

Data Matrix ECC200 code is a two-dimensional matrix barcode consisting of black and while "cells" arranged in a
square or a rectangular pattern. The encoded information can be text or raw data.

GS1 DataMatrix uses a special start combination to differentiate the GS1 DataMatrix symbol from the other Data
DataMatrix GS1
Matrix ECC 200 symbols. The Bar Code control now supports this symbology.

UCC/EAN-128 symbology has the newer name GS1-128. It is based on the Code128 standard, additionally
specifying the Application Identifiers for data sections within the code. It includes best before dates, batch numbers,
quantities, weights and other attributes. The Character Set property can be specified (Auto Charset is the
recommended value). The FNC1 Functional Character property defines a symbol that is not included in a bar code
when met in text, but used to generate the application identifiers. The Human-Readable Text property, when set
to Yes, inserts parentheses into the text below the bar code for better readability.

The EAN-13 barcode contains 13 digits, no letters or other characters. The first two or three digits represent the
country. The leading zero actually signifies the USA, and UPC-A coding. The last digit is the checksum digit. The
EAN13 control calculates it automatically and it should not be present in the control's text string. So, make sure that the
text for this symbology contains no more than 12 digits. If fewer digits are supplied, the string is padded with zeroes
on the left.

EAN-8 is a shortened version of the EAN-13 code. It includes a 2 or 3 digit country code, 4 of 5 data digits
(depending on the length of the country code), and a checksum digit. The control calculates the checksum digit
automatically and it should not be present in the control's text string. So, make sure that the text for this symbology
contains no more than 7 digits. If fewer digits are supplied, the string is padded with zeroes on the left.

This bar code is based on a family of symbols often used in the GS1 DataBar Coupon (coupon codes commonly
used in retail). These bar codes can encode up to 14 digits, which makes them suitable for GTIN 8, 12, 13 and 14.
GS1 Data Bar GS1 DataBar Expanded and GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked can encode up to 74 numeric or 41 alphanumeric
characters, and provide the capability to utilize all GS1 Application Identifiers (e.g., expiration date, batch and
serial number). These bar codes are often used in manufacturer coupons.

The Industrial (or non-interleaved) 2 of 5 code is a numerical, low-density symbology, based on two-out-of-five
Industrial2of5 code. The Calculate a Checksum and Wide Narrow Ratio (which should be greater than or equal to 2.5)
properties can be specified.

The Intelligent Mail (IM) code is a 65-bar code for use on mail in the United States. The Intelligent Mail barcode is a
Intelligent Mail
height-modulated barcode that encodes up to 31 decimal digits of mail-piece data into 65 vertical bars.

The Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMPB) was developed for the use on mail in the United States. Barcodes of
Intelligent Mail
this symbology are used only for packages as opposed to Intelligent Mail barcodes, which are used for postcards,
letters, and flats.

The Interleaved 2 of 5 code is a higher-density numerical symbology, based on two-out-of-five code. The Calculate
a Checksum and Wide Narrow Ratio (which should be greater than or equal to 2.5) properties can be specified.

This bar code, also known as "UPC Shipping Container Symbol", is used to mark packaging materials that contain
products labeled with a UPC or EAN product identification number. This bar code provides a GS1 implementation of
an Interleaved 2-of-5 symbology for encoding a Global Trade Item Number (an identifier for trade items
developed by GS1). This bar code always uses a total of 14 digits.

A variant of non-interleaved 2 of 5 code. It is a numerical only symbology. The Calculate a Checksum and Wide
Narrow Ratio (which should be greater than or equal to 2.5) properties can be specified.

This Portable Data File symbology is used in a variety of applications, and can also be used to generate postage
accepted by the United States Postal Service. It consists of a variable number of rows, each of which is like a small
linear bar code. Among other options, the Error Correction Level specifies the amount of redundancy, to protect a
barcode's legibility.

This symbology is used by the United States Postal Service to assist in directing mail. The code usually contains the
PostNet zip-code and delivery point number. Unlike most other barcodes, PostNet actually encodes data in the height of the

QR (Quick Response) Code is a popular two-dimensional matrix barcode that consists of black modules arranged in
QR Code
a square pattern on a white background.

The UPC-A barcode contains 12 digits, no letters or other characters. The first digit is the prefix signifying the
product type. The last digit is the "check digit". The check digit is calculated using the first eleven figures when the
barcode is constructed. So, for a correct UPC-A, make sure that the text contains no more than 11 digits. If there
are fewer than 11, the string is padded with zeroes on the left.

This symbology is a variation of UPC-A which allows for a more compact barcode by eliminating "extra" zeros. The
first digit is always zero; the last digit is a checksum digit of the original UPC-A code. Not every UPC-A code can be
transformed into UPC-E0. E.g., the control's text string "4210000526" is displayed by UPC-E0 symbology as
"04252614" and represents the "042100005264" UPC-A code (check digit included).

This symbology is a variation of UPC-A, which allows for a more compact barcode by eliminating "extra" zeros. The
first digit is always 1, and the last digit is a checksum digit of the original UPC-A code. Not every UPC-A code can be
transformed into UPC-E1. E.g., the control's text string "4210000526" is displayed by UPC-E1 symbology as
"14252611" and represents the "142100005261" UPC-A code (check digit included).

UPCSupplemental2 This is a supplemental two-digit barcode. Make sure that the control's text string contains two digits.

This is a supplemental five-digit barcode, usually used to indicate the suggested retail price of a book. Make sure
that the control's text string contains five digits.

Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of the control's properties (Bookmark,
Navigation URL, Tag and Text) to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to it. For
more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
This property allows you to add additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be accessible
via scripts.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Tag.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field.
Allows you to define a string to be encoded as a barcode. You can define whether to display this value within the control
using the Show Text property. Note that when the control is selected in the designer, you may simply start typing the text,
and it will be automatically entered into the in-place editor.

If the content does not conform to the rules of a certain symbology (determined by the Symbology property), the control
may display a warning, as in the picture below, or automatically correct the input string by padding it with zeroes or only
allowing an acceptable number of characters to be displayed.

If the current report has a data source, the Text property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Text.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field. For
more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report, called a document map. For an
explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks.
If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source.
To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data
Navigation URL and Navigation Target
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation when a user clicks a Bar Code. The web
browser displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property. Note that a URL should
have an appropriate prefix (e.g. "http://"). You can create cross-references within the report by assigning the name of the
target control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to "_self". For more information,
refer to Create Hyperlinks.
If the current report has a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Navigation URL.Binding drop-down selector, select the
required data field.
Zip Code
The Zip Code control renders a numeric postal code that is used to identify the mail address in some countries. This control is not
related to the Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code used by the United States Postal Service.

In the Property Grid, the Zip Code's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Foreground Color
Specifies the color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of the control.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.

Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Keep Together
Specifies whether the contents of the control can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if the control occupies
more space than remains on the page, this property specifies whether this Zip Code should be split between the current
page and the next, or whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. This property is in effect only when a Zip Code's
content does not fit on the current page. If it does not fit on the next page either, then the Zip Code will be split despite this
property's value.
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Segment Width
This property setting specifies the width of the lines (in pixels) used to draw the numbers in the zip boxes of the control.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of the control's properties (Bookmark,
Navigation URL, Tag and Text) to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to it. For
more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can be then
accessible via scripts.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Tag.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field.
The Text box should contain digits or dashes. Other characters are displayed as empty zip boxes.
If the current report has a data source, the Text property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Text.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field. For
more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report called a document map. For an
explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks.
If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source.
To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data
Navigation URL and Navigation Target
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation when a user clicks the control. The web
browser displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property. Note that a URL should
have an appropriate prefix (e.g. "http://"). You can create cross-references within the report by assigning the name of the
target control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to "_self". For more information,
refer to Create Hyperlinks.
If the current report has a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Navigation URL.Binding drop-down selector, select the
required data field.
The Chart is a sophisticated control used to embed graphs into your report. It graphically represents a series of points using
numerous 2D or 3D chart types. A Chart can be populated with points both manually (by specifying arguments and values for
each point) and dynamically (by connecting it to the report's data source, or binding it to a separate one).
For more information about this control, refer to Charting.

There are many available Chart types you can choose from. To name a few, these are Bar, Point, Line, Pie and Doughnut, Area,
Radar and Polar, Range Bar, Gantt, Candle Stick and Stock charts.
A Chart control contains multiple elements (diagram, series, series points, axes, legend, titles, labels, strips, constant lines, etc.).
When any of these elements is selected, the Property Grid shows only the properties which correspond to the selected item.
Visual Chart elements which can be highlighted or selected, are described in Highlighting and Selection Chart Elements.
The Chart control is data-aware in a different manner than the other report controls. Consider three common report scenarios:
1. Static data for a Chart's series is provided manually. It can be done using the Series Collection Editor invoked by the Chart's
Series property. It allows you to manually define values and arguments for each series point.
2. Chart's series are created automatically, getting their data from the Chart's Data Source and dependent on the rules defined
by the Series Template property. This approach is described in Chart with Dynamic Series.
3. Each series is created and customized manually and has a separate Data Source. This approach is described in Chart with
Static Series.
You can customize a created chart using both the Property Grid and the Chart Wizard. To invoke the Chart Wizard, click a Chart's
Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, click the Run Wizard... link.

Then, the Chart Wizard will guide you through the whole process of customizing the Chart, from defining its view type to
providing its data and customizing its appearance.
In the Property Grid, the Chart's properties are divided into the following groups.

Appearance Name
Allows you to choose one of the available appearances, to be used to draw the Chart's elements (Diagram, Axes, Legend,
Background Color
Specifies the background color for a Chart.
Background Image
Allows you to load a background image to a Chart (or define its URL), and also define whether it should be stretched to fit
the entire Chart's area, or not.
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Fill Style
Determines the fill style of a Chart's background (Empty, Solid, Gradient or Hatch) and define other fill options if required.
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Image Type
Determines whether a Chart should be internally rendered as a metafile in a report (in this case the quality of the rendered
image is always good, but in particular cases some details of the control may be lost), or as a bitmap (in this case the quality
of the rendered image is sometimes poor, but it allows a control to be drawn more precisely).
Indicators Palette Name
Specifies the palette that is used to paint all indicators that exist in a Chart.
Specifies the internal space between the Chart's content (the diagram and legend) and its edge, in pixels.
Palette Name
Allows you to choose one from the built-in palettes to be used to draw a Chart's series.
Palette's Base Color Number
Allows you to define an integer index determining the base color for the palette defined by the Chart's Palette Name
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Empty Chart Text
Specifies the text to be shown in the Chart, when it has no data to display.
This property contains events, which you can handle by the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Small Chart Text
Specifies the text to be shown in the Chart, when it's too small to fit the diagram.
Specifies whether a Chart should be visible in print preview.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of a Chart's properties (Bookmark, Navigation
URL and Tag) to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to it. For more information
on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
Data Adapter
Determines a data adapter that will populate a Chart's data source which is assigned via the Data Source property. It is
automatically set to the appropriate value, when the Data Member property is defined. To learn more on this, refer to Chart
with Static Series.
Data Member
Determines the data source member which supplies data to a Chart. To learn more on this, refer to Chart with Static Series.

Usually, it is not necessary to specify the Data Member property when binding a Chart to data. This property should only be
set directly if the dataset contains more than one table.
Data Source
Determines a Chart's data source. To learn more on this, refer to Chart with Static Series.
Pivot Grid Data Source Options
Provides access to the layout settings of a Chart that is linked with a Pivot Grid.
Series Data Member
Determines the name of the data field whose values are used to automatically generate and populate a Chart's series. To
learn more on this, refer to Chart with Dynamic Series.
When Chart binding is used to automatically generate series within a chart control based upon the data obtained from the
associated data source (defined by the Data Source property), a rule needs to be defined that helps the Chart recognize the
data records whose values are used to construct individual series objects. To do this, the Series Data Member property,
which specifies the data field whose values are taken into account when series objects are automatically created and
populated, can be used.
Each automatically generated series gets its name from the data field specified by the Series Data Member property. For
example, this name is used to identify a series within the chart control's legend. The names of all automatically generated
series can be supplemented with the same prefix and postfix defined by the settings which are available via the Series Name
Template property.
The template settings for the dynamically created series are defined by the specific properties which are available via the
SeriesTemplate property of a Chart. In particular, the Argument Data Member and Value Data Members properties specify
the data fields from which the arguments and data values of the series data points are obtained.

Note that if the Series Data Member property is not set for a Chart, the Chart control can't automatically generate series
even if the Argument Data Member and Value Data Members properties are defined.
Series Name Template
Determines the settings used to name data bound series defining the prefix and postfix texts for the names of series which
are dynamically created as a result of binding a Chart to data (using the Data Source, Series Data Member, Argument Data
Member and Value Data Members properties). The series names, to which these prefixes and postfixes are added, are taken
by each series from the data field defined by the Series Data Member property. To learn more on this, refer to Chart with
Dynamic Series.

Note that the settings available via the Series Name Template property are not applied to the data bound series which are
contained within the Series collection of a Chart.
Series Sorting
Allows you to define the sort mode of a Chart's series (None by default, Descending or Ascending).
Series Template
Allows you to customize a template for series which are created dynamically as a result of binding a Chart to data (via the
Data Source and Series Data Member properties). The settings which are available via the Series Template property are
common to all such data bound series. These settings allow you to provide centralized customization of all dynamically
created data bound series. To learn more on using this property, refer to Chart with Dynamic Series.
Note that the settings which are customized via the Series Template property don't apply to the series contained within the
Series collection of a Chart.
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Tag.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Annotation Repository
Provides centralized access to all annotations that are present in the Chart.
Provides access to the annotations collection of the Chart.
Allows you to customize a Chart's diagram elements: main and secondary axes and panes.
By default, a Chart is displayed in the Default Pane, but if necessary, you can display each Chart's series in a separate pane.
To do this, click the Pane's ellipsis button, to invoke the Pane Collection Editor, allowing you to manage and customize
panes. Then, select the required series within the Chart and set its View.Pane property to the required pane.
Note that the diagram is null until no visible series exists in the Chart's collection. So, to access the diagram's options, you
should create a series first.
Allows you to customize a Chart's legend, by defining such properties as text alignment and antialiasing, font style,
background color or image, border options, markers' size and visibility, shadow options, etc.
Invokes the Legend Collection Editor, which allows you to manage and customize a Chart's additional legends.
Invokes the Series Collection Editor, which allows you to manage and customize a Chart's series.
Note that series which are bound to data at the level of a chart control (in particular, using the Data Source, Series Data
Member and both the Argument Data Member and Value Data Members properties) are created dynamically, based upon
the data obtained from the specified data source, and they are not presented within the Series collection. To perform a
centralized customization of such series, use the settings which are available via the Series Template property.
Invokes the Chart Title Collection Editor, which allows you to manage and customize a Chart's titles.

Automatic Layout
Specifies whether the adaptive layout feature is enabled for chart elements. This feature is used to maintain a better chart
appearance and layout when the chart becomes smaller.


Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report called a document map. For an
explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks.
If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source.
To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data
Navigation URL and Navigation Target
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation when a user clicks the control. The web
browser displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property. Note that a URL should
have an appropriate prefix (e.g. "http://"). You can create cross-references within the report by assigning the name of the
target control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to "_self". For more information,
refer to Create Hyperlinks.
If the current report has a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Navigation URL.Binding drop-down selector, select the
required data field.
Pivot Grid
The Pivot Grid control represents dynamic data (obtained from an underlying data source) in a cross-tabulated form to create
cross-tab reports, similar to Pivot Tables in Microsoft Excel®. Column headers display unique values from one data field, and row
headers - from another field. Each cell displays a summary for the corresponding row and column values. By specifying different
data fields, you can see different totals. This allows you to get a compact layout for a complex data analysis.
The Pivot Grid has a designer which allows you to easily adjust its layout. It can be invoked using the control's Smart Tag.

For more information on using this control, refer to Pivot Table.

In the Property Grid, the Pivot Grid's properties are divided into the following groups.

Allows you to define the appearance properties (such as Background Color, Foreground Color, Font, etc.) for the Pivot Grid's
elements (Cell, Field Value, Filter Separator, Header Group Line, etc.).
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Allows you to invoke the Styles Editor, which is intended to manage and customize the control's styles, which then can be
assigned to the Pivot Grid's elements.

Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of the Pivot Grid, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control,
bottom control, or both.
Keep Together
Specifies whether the contents of the control can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if the control occupies
more space than remains on the page, this property specifies whether this Pivot Grid should be split between the current
page and the next, or whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. This property is in effect only when a Pivot Grid's
content does not fit on the current page. If it does not fit on the next page either, then the Pivot Grid will be split despite this
property's value.
This property contains events, which you can handle by the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.

Data Adapter
Determines a data adapter that will populate a Pivot Grid's data source which is assigned via the Data Source property. It is
automatically set to the appropriate value, when the Data Member property is defined. To learn more on this, refer to Cross-
Tab Report.
Data Member
Determines the data source member which supplies data to a Pivot Grid. To learn more on this, refer to Cross-Tab Report.

Usually, it is not necessary to specify the Data Member property when binding a Pivot Grid to data. This property should
only be set directly if the dataset contains more than one table.
Data Source
Determines a Pivot Grid's data source. To learn more on this, refer to Cross-Tab Report.
Invokes the Pivot Grid Field Collection Editor, allowing you to manage and fully customize a Pivot Grid's fields.
OLAP Connection String
Specifies a connection string to a cube in an Microsoft Analysis Services database. A sample connection string is shown
OLAPConnectionString="Provider=msolap;Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW;Cube
Name=Adventure Works;Query Timeout=100;"

A connection string can be built via the Connection String Editor. To invoke it, click the ellipsis button for the OLAP
Connection String property.
To represent information from the bound cube, create specific Pivot Grid fields, and bind them to the required fields in the
data source.
If the OLAP Connection String property is set to a valid string, the value of the Data Source property is cleared. Setting the
Data Source property to a valid object clears the OLAP Connection String property.
OLAP Data Provider
A Pivot Grid can use one of the following data providers to communicate with the Microsoft Analysis Services server.
Provides basic OLAP binding capabilities.
Offers certain performance gains when compared to OLE DB, and yet allows you to retrieve OLAP member format
strings and properties from the server.
An open XML-based standard that does not require any data access libraries or data providers to be installed on the
client system. Nevertheless, it supports all OLAP features available in OLE DB and ADOMD.NET.
The default data provider for Pivot Grid is OLE DB.
When this property is expanded in the Property Grid, you can set its Enabled property to Yes, and use the Criteria property
to invoke the Pivot Grid Prefilter dialog.
This dialog allows you to build complex filter criteria with an unlimited number of filter conditions, combined by logical
operators. It provides a set of logical operators that significantly simplify the process of creating filters for text, numeric and
date-time fields.

The Prefilter is not supported in OLAP mode.

This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report called a document map. For an
explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks.

Data Field Options
Allows you to customize the options which control the presentation of the data fields.
Data Options
Allows you to define whether a Pivot Grid's fields must be case sensitive or not.
Options Chart Data Source
Provides access to the options controlling the display of the Pivot Grid's data in a Chart.
Print Options
Allows you to customize the print options of a Pivot Grid.
View Options
Allows you to customize the Pivot Grid's display options.

Right to Left
Specifies the orientation of the content within the Pivot Grid's cells. Use this option to correctly render text written in right-
to-left languages.
By default, all report controls have this property set to Inherit, so enabling it for a report will apply this setting to all its
The right-to-left layout is preserved when exporting a report to any of the supported formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, or RTF).
Page Info
The Page Info control is intended to add page numbers and system information (the current date and time or the current user
name) into your report. As with many other controls, you can format this control's content.

In the Property Grid, the Page Info control's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Specifies the font settings for the control. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting Toolbar.
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor, allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of the control.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.
Text Alignment
Allows you to change the alignment of the control's text. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar.

Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
This property allows you to specify the format string for the text displayed in the control. When you click the ellipsis button,
you will see the Format String Editor window that will select the predefined format or customize it as needed. For more
information about this, refer to Change Value Formatting of Report Elements.
Page Information
You can select the type of information displayed in the control.


None Displays an empty control.

Page The string, specified by the Format property, is displayed. The {0} combination in the string is replaced with the current
Number page number.

"Current of The string, specified by the Format property, is displayed. The {0} combination in the string is replaced with the current
Total" Page page number, the {1} combination - with a total number of pages in the report. To display the typical "Page 1 of 11" text,
Numbers use the format string "Page {0} of {1}".

The current page number is displayed using Roman numerals in lowercase.

The current page number is displayed using Roman numerals in uppercase.

The string, specified by the Format property, is displayed. The {0:[format]} combination is replaced with the current
Current Date
system date and time formatted according to the [format] string. Use the Format String Editor of the Format property
and Time
(see below) to select or construct the proper string.

User Name The name of the current user, which was used to log into the operating system, is displayed.

Running Band
Specifies the name of the band, from which the Page Info gathers information. This allows you to implement page
numbering independently for the report and its groups. For a tutorial on this, refer to Add Page Numbers for Groups.
By default, this property is not set to any value, meaning that the entire report is being taken into account.
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Start Page Number
Here you can set the start number for page numbering.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.
Word Wrap
When this property is set to Yes, text contained in the control is wrapped to the next line if it doesn't fit the line or comes
across a newline character. If the this property is set to No, the text in this case will be displayed on the same line until a
newline character is entered.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of the control's properties (Bookmark,
Navigation URL and Tag) to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to it. For more
information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can be then
accessible via scripts.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Tag.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report called a document map. For an
explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks.
If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source.
To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data
Navigation URL and Navigation Target
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation when a user clicks the control. The web
browser displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property. Note that a URL should
have an appropriate prefix (e.g. "http://"). You can create cross-references within the report by assigning the name of the
target control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to "_self". For more information,
refer to Create Hyperlinks.
If the current report has a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Navigation URL.Binding drop-down selector, select the
required data field.

Right to Left
Specifies the direction of text within a control. Use this option to correctly render text written in right-to-left languages.
By default, all report controls have this property set to Inherit, so enabling it for a report will apply this setting to all its
The right-to-left layout is preserved when exporting a report to any of the supported formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, or RTF).
Page Break
The Page Break control's sole purpose is to insert a page delimiter at any point within a report.
This control is visually represented by a short line, attached to the report's left margin, as shown in the following image.

The Page Break control is useful when you need to insert a page break between controls within a band - for example, to divide
subreports, so that the second subreport starts printing on a new page. Another example of the Page Break's use can be found in
the following tutorial: Limit the Number of Records per Page.

Note that when you need a page break before or after printing a certain band, you may set its Page Break property to Before
the Band or After the Band, instead of using the Page Break control.
In the Property Grid, the Page Break control's properties are divided into the following groups.

Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor, allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's

This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.
Cross-band Line
The Cross-band Line control allows you to draw a line through several bands. This can be useful if it is required to visually
emphasize a section consisting of multiple band areas. In other aspects, it is similar to a regular Line.

Another cross-band control available is the Cross-band Box.

In the Property Grid, the Cross-band Line control's properties are divided into the following groups.

Foreground Color
Specifies the color of the control's line. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Line Style
You can select a solid (by default), dashed, dotted or mixed style for the line.

Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.

This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it then can be
accessible via scripts.
Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

End Band
Determines a band, in which the control finishes drawing.
End Point
Determines the end point (from a band's upper left corner) where the control finishes drawing.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.
Start Band
Determines a band, in which the control starts drawing.
Start Point
Determines the starting point (from a band's upper left corner) where the control starts drawing.
Specifies the line's width measured in report units.
Cross-band Box
The Cross-band Box control allows you to draw a rectangle through several bands. This can be useful if it is required to visually
encompass a section consisting of multiple band areas.

Another cross-band control available is the Cross-band Line.

In the Property Grid, the Cross-band Box control's properties are divided into the following groups.

Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.

Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.

This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

End Band
Determines a band, in which the control finishes drawing.
End Point
Determines the end point (from a band's upper left corner) where the control finishes drawing.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.
Start Band
Determines a band, in which the control starts drawing.
Start Point
Determines the starting point (from a band's upper left corner) where the control starts drawing.
Specifies the width of the Box, measured in report units.
The Subreport control allows you to include other reports in your current report.
There are several reasons for using subreports. The first one is to reuse reports. This can be of help if there is a particular report
structure (template) that has to be included in all reports, and the report must have consistent appearance and functionality. A
good example is a report header that contains the company information, logo, date, etc. The second reason for using subreports is
creation of master-detail reports (or, invoice reports with hierarchically linked data).
However, for master-detail reports creation, another approach is recommended: using Detail Report bands.

You can click a subreport, to open the report to which it is linked in a new Design Panel.
In the Property Grid, the Subreport's properties are divided into the following groups.

Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's

Can Shrink
Determines whether a Subreport's height should be decreased if its contents don't completely fill the control.
Use this property to specify whether the height of the Subreport control should be taken into account when generating a
report. This may be required, because usually the mutual location of report controls is considered when generating a report
document. But, as the Subreport control actually represents a report itself, the height of a Subreport normally should not be
taken into account in the generated report document.
Also, note that there is no Can Grow option for the Subreport control, as it always increases its height depending on its
This property contains events, which you can handle by the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies a value indicating whether the current control should be printed (when set to Yes) or hidden (No) on report

Parameter Bindings
Provides access to the collection of subreport parameter bindings, which allow you to bind a subreport's parameter value to
a master report's data field.
Report Source
Determines a report to be included as a subreport.
If report classes of the application that invoked the Report Designer are compiled into one assembly, then they are available
as items in this combo box.
Report Source Url
Defines an URL of a report definition file (*.REPX), to be used as a report source.

Determines a control's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location, measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size, measured in report units.
The Subreport isn't limited by the visible size of the control. The size of its actual content is taken into account when
rendering the subreport on the page. Note that depending on its contents, its width is unlimited and its height is increased.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap
Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it.
The Sparkline control displays a compact chart that is commonly used to reflect the flow of data for every row in a report.

In the Property Grid, the Sparkline control's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Width, and Border Dash Style
Specify border settings for the control.
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor, which allows you to choose which rules should be applied to a control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Image Type
Determines whether a Sparkline should be internally rendered as a metafile in a report (in this case the quality of the
rendered image is always good, but in particular cases some details of the control may be lost), or as a bitmap (in this case
the quality of the rendered image is sometimes poor, but it allows a control to be drawn more precisely).
Specifies indent values that are used to render the contents of a Label.
Style Priority
Specifies the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more information on style
inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies the type of a chart displayed by a Sparkline control. The following table lists the available Sparkline view types.


Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchor style of the control, so that after a page is rendered it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
This property contains events that you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in a print preview.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of the control's properties (Bookmark,
Navigation URL and Tag) to a data field obtained from the report's data source, and to apply a format string to it. For more
information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding Report Elements to Data).
Data Adapter
Determines the data adapter that will populate the Sparkline's data source, which is assigned via the Data Source property.
It is automatically set to the appropriate value when the Data Member property is defined.
Data Member
Determines the data source member that supplies data to a Sparkline.

Usually, it is not necessary to specify the Data Member property when binding a Sparkline to data. This property should only
be set directly if the dataset contains more than one table.
Data Source
Determines a Sparkline's data source.
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.
If the current report has a data source, the Tag property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do
this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Tag.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field.
Value Member
Specifies the data member field that provides point values for a Sparkline.
Value Range
Specifies a range of values displayed by a Sparkline.

Determines the control's name by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units) around the control when it is aligned using Snap Lines, or when other
controls are aligned next to it.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report called a document map. For more
information, refer to the Add Bookmarks topic.
If the current report is bound to a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the
required data field.
Navigation URL and Navigation Target
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation when a user clicks a Label. The web browser
displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property. Note that a URL should have an
appropriate prefix (e.g., "http://"). You can create cross-references within the report by assigning the name of the target
control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to "_self". For more information, refer to
Create Hyperlinks.
If the current report is bound to a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the
data source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Navigation URL.Binding drop-down selector, select
the required data field.
Table of Contents
The Table of Contents control generates a table of contents based on bookmarks specified for report elements.

When a Table of Contents control is dropped onto a report's body from the Toolbox, it is placed on the Report Header band of
the report. If there is no Report Header in the report, it is created automatically.
A table of contents is generated based on the hierarchy of report bookmarks. To learn how to provide a report with bookmarks,
refer to the Add Bookmarks topic.
In the Property Grid, the properties of the Table of Contents are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Width and Border Dash Style
Specify border settings for the control.
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Specifies indent values that are used to render the contents of a Label.
Style Priority
Specifies the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more information on style
inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.

Level Default
Specifies the default formatting options for the hierarchical levels of a Table of Contents.
Level Title
Specifies the formatting options for the title of a Table of Contents.
Invokes the Table of Contents Level Collection Editor, which allows you to edit and customize formatting options for
hierarchical levels of a Table of Contents.
Max Nesting Level
Specifies the maximum number of Table of Contents levels to be displayed. If set to 0, no limitation is applied.
Specifies whether the control should be visible in a print preview.

This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example, its id, by which it can then be
accessible using scripts.

Determines the control's name by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or using scripts.

Specifies the control's location measured in report units.

Right to Left
Specifies the orientation of the control's content. Use this option to correctly render text written in right-to-left languages.
By default, all report controls have this property set to Inherit, so enabling it for a report will apply this setting to all its
The right-to-left layout is preserved when exporting a report to any of the supported formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, or RTF).
The Gauge control provides you with the capability to embed graphical gauges into your report.

In the Property Grid, the Gauge control's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control.
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor, which allows you to choose which rules should be applied to a control during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Image Type
Determines whether a Gauge should be internally rendered as a metafile in a report (in this case the quality of the rendered
image is always good, but in particular cases some details of the control may be lost), or as a bitmap (in this case the quality
of the rendered image is sometimes poor, but it allows a control to be drawn more precisely).
Specifies the indent values that are used to render the contents of a Label.
Style Priority
Specifies the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more information on style
inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
Specifies odd and even styles for the control and enables you to assign an existing style to the control (or a newly created
one). To learn more, see Understanding Style Concepts.
View Style
Specifies the style of the displayed gauge.
View Theme
Specifies the color theme of the displayed gauge.
View Type
Specifies the type of the displayed gauge. The following view types are supported.


Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring style of the control, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the left control, right
control, or both. This property defines how a report control is resized to maintain the distance to the left and right edges of
its container control.
Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchor style of the control, so that after a page is rendered it stays attached to the top control, bottom
control, or both.
Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document.
This property contains events that you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether or not the control should be visible in a print preview.

(Data Bindings)
If the current report is bound to data, this property allows you to bind some of the control's properties (Actual Value,
Bookmark, Maximum, Minimum, Navigation URL, Tag and Target Value) to a data field obtained from the report's data
source, and to apply a format string to it. For more information on this, refer to Displaying Values from a Database (Binding
Report Elements to Data).
Actual Value
Specifies the value displayed by a gauge.
Specifies the gauge’s maximum value.
Specifies the gauge’s minimum value.
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control; for example, its id, by which it is then accessible
via scripts.
Target Value
Specifies the position of the target value marker.

Determines the control's name by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the control's location measured in report units.
Specifies the control's size measured in report units.
Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (measured in report units) around the control when it is aligned using Snap Lines, or when other
controls are aligned next to it.

Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchical structure within a report called a document map. For more
information, refer to the Add Bookmarks topic.
If the current report is bound to a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field, obtained from the data
source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the
required data field.
Navigation URL and Navigation Target
Use the Navigation URL property to specify a URL for web browser navigation, when a user clicks a Label. The web browser
displays a page in a window or a frame as specified by the Navigation Target property. Note that a URL should have an
appropriate prefix (e.g., "http://"). You can create cross-references within the report by assigning the name of the target
control to the Navigation URL property, and setting the Navigation Target property to "_self". For more information, refer to
Create Hyperlinks.
If the current report is bound to a data source, the Navigation URL property can be bound to a data field obtained from the
data source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property, and in the Navigation URL.Binding drop-down selector, select
the required data field.
Report Bands
The documents in this section details the available kinds of report bands and their settings.
In the Report Designer, a report is built upon bands - sections of varied type and purpose, where report controls are contained.
Bands are featured in the Designer Tab, solely to represent different sections of a report document (such as detail, report or page
header, or footer). They allow you to select exactly where a control should be printed, and how many times.

Band Types
The following band types are available.
Detail Band
Group Header and Footer
Report Header and Footer
Page Header and Footer
Page Margin Bands
Detail Report Band (for Master-Detail Reports)

Manage Bands
To manage bands in a report, click its Smart Tag, and in the invoked actions list, click the Edit and Reorder Bands... link.
Then, in the invoked Report Editor you can easily add, remove and reorder bands, and adjust their options.

Alternatively, you can invoke the Report Editor via any band's Smart Tag.

To quickly insert a band of any type (except for the Detail band, since it is required in a report), right-click anywhere on a report's
surface, and in the invoked Context Menu, point to Insert Band, and choose the band type.
Detail Band
The Detail band is the central part of a report. Unlike other bands, it cannot be deleted - the present report structure includes the
Detail band in its core. In a data-bound report, the contents of the Detail band are repeated for every data entry (e.g. if you're
building a report listing, say, products, it will be rendered for each product in the database). And, if static data is also present in the
Detail band, in the resulting report, it is repeated with each new entry.

In the Property Grid, the Detail Band's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the Formatting
Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the controls contained within the band.
Specifies the font settings for the controls contained within the band. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar (
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the band during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of the controls contained within the band.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
This property allows you to define odd and even styles for the controls contained within the band, as well as to assign an
existing style to them (or a newly created one). For more information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style
Text Alignment
Allows you to change the text alignment of the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the
Formatting Toolbar.

Drill-Down Control
Specifies a control used to expand/collapse the current report band. This property provides automatic drill-down
functionality to report bands.
Drill-Down Expanded
Specifies whether the current report band is expanded or collapsed when using the automatic drill-down feature.
Keep Together
As stated above, the detail band is printed repeatedly for every data entry. When the Keep Together option is on, the report
engine tries to keep sequential detail band entries together. This option makes sense only when data is grouped or you're
working with a master-detail report. In this case, the report engine tries to keep group contents on one page. If a group
doesn't fit and it starts somewhere in the middle of a page, the report moves this group to a new page, thus trying to reduce
the number of page breaks in continuous data.
Keep Together with Detail Reports
Specifies whether or not the current detail band band should always be printed on the same page, together with its child
Detail Report Band.
Multi-Column Options
This property allows you to arrange the printout of the band's content in several columns. For more information, refer to
Multi-Column Report.
Page Break
Use this property if the current report design requires that the detail section should be separated from previous sections or
follow-ups. Specify the Before the Band or After the Band values to insert a page break before or after the current band. In
many cases, this property may be used instead of the Page Break control.
This property contains events, which you can handle by the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the band should be visible in print preview.

Sort Fields
Invokes the Group Field Collection Editor, which enables you to specify the fields for sorting the records within the band, the
sorting order for each field and the order sequence. For more information, refer to Change or Apply Data Sorting to a
This property allows you to add some additional information to the band; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.

Determines a band's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the band's height, in report measurement units.
Snap Line Padding
Specifies the padding (in report measurement units), which is to be preserved within the band when controls it contains are
aligned using Snap Lines.

Allows you to invoke the Sub-Band Collection Editor intended to manage and customize the band's collection of sub-bands.
Grouping Bands
The Group Header and Group Footer bands are shown above and below each group. Usually, you don't need to manually
manage these bands, as they are auto-created via the Group and Sort Panel. For more information, refer to Change or Apply Data
Grouping to a Report and Change or Apply Data Sorting to a Report.
You may use the Group Header bands for grouping by multiple data fields in one of the following ways.
1. Add several Group Header bands. Specify one group field for each of these bands.

This results in nested grouping of the report's data.

2. Specify several group fields for the Group Fields property of the Group Header band. The data will be grouped by certain
combinations of field values.
The Group Footer band is unnecessary without the corresponding Group Header band, to which its properties are similar. The
Group Footer can be used to display group totals, or group page numbers.
In the Property Grid, the properties of both these bands are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the Formatting
Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the controls contained within the band.
Specifies the font settings for the controls contained within the band. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar (
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the band during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of the controls contained within the bands.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
This property allows you to define odd and even styles for the controls contained within the bands, as well as to assign an
existing style to them (or a newly created one). For more information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style
Text Alignment
Allows you to change the text alignment of the controls contained within the bands. This option is also available in the
Formatting Toolbar.

Drill-Down Control
Specifies a control used to expand/collapse the current report band. This property provides automatic drill-down
functionality to report bands.
Drill-Down Expanded
Specifies whether the current report band is expanded or collapsed when using the automatic drill-down feature.
Group Fields
This property is available for the Group Header band only. It invokes the Group Field Collection Editor, allowing you to add
and remove grouping fields, define data fields to be used as grouping criteria and the grouping order (ascending or
In most scenarios, it's quick and practical to use the Group and Sort Panel, rather than manually adjust the band's group
fields collection. However, this is the only way to assign multiple group fields to a single Group Header.
Group Union
Determines whether group rows can be printed on different pages (in this case both Group Union and Group Footer
Band.Group Union are set to None), or the entire group will be printed on a single page (if the Group Union is set to Whole
Also, if a group can be split across pages, but you don't want a Group Header to be printed on a page if there is no data row
below it (in case a group starts at the bottom of the page and there is enough room for only a Group Header), you may set
the Group Union to With First Detail. In this case, if a Group Header is alone on a page, it will be moved to the beginning of
the next page.
It is the same for the Group Footer. If you don't want it to be printed alone on a page, you may set its Group Union to With
Last Detail, and the last group row from the previous page will be moved to the next page to be printed together with a
Group Footer.
This property is quickly accessible via the band's Smart Tag.
Keep Together
When this option is on, the report tries to fit the band contents entirely on one page, not allowing it to split across several
pages. In general, if the contents are too large to fit on a single page, then the band is started on a new page, and continues
on the following page.
Specifies the nesting level of a group band. The lower the level number, the closer the group band is to the Detail band. The
numeration starts at zero. It is the parameter that identifies the Group Header / Group Footer band pairs.
This option is auto-defined when using the Group and Sort Panel.
Page Break
Use this property if the current report design requires that the band's section should be separated from previous sections or
follow-ups. Specify the Before the Band or After the Band values to insert a page break before or after the current band. In
many cases, this property may be used instead of the Page Break control.
Print at Bottom
This property is available for the Group Footer band only. It determines whether the band should be printed at the bottom
of a page, or immediately after the last group's details.
If a report contains several Group Footers with their Print at Bottom properties set to different values, then the outer Group
Footer has the highest priority.
This feature is helpful when the Page Break property of the Group Header band is set to After the Band. In this instance each
group starts a new page, and the Group Footer has two distinct places to reside - after the last row, or at the bottom of the
Repeat Every Page
This property improves the readability of reports with group contents that are several pages long. Without a repeated group
header at the top of the page, the report may be difficult to read.
This property is also accessible via the band's Smart Tag.
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Sorting Summary
This property is available for the Group Header band only. It allows you to sort groups by a summary function result.
Specifies whether the bands should be visible in print preview.

This property allows you to add some additional information to the band; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.

Determines a band's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the band's height, in report units.
Snap Line Padding
Specifies the padding (in report measurement units), which is to be preserved within the band when controls it contains are
aligned using Snap Lines.

Allows you to invoke the Sub-Band Collection Editor intended to manage and customize the band's collection of sub-bands.
Report Header and Footer
The Report Header and Report Footer are the only types of report bands rendered once per report.

The Report Header is the first band of a report on the first page (not counting margins as they are "out-of-page" zones). The
Report Header also precedes the Page Header, making it the best place to display the report's name, company logo, date of
creation and user name, etc.
And, if you plan to add a Chart that visualizes the report's data, place this control onto this band.
The Report Footer finalizes the informative part of the report. It is placed before the Page Footer and Bottom Margin on the
report's last page. Use the Report Footer for report grand totals or conclusions.
In the Property Grid, the properties of these bands are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the Formatting
Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the controls contained within the band.
Specifies the font settings for the controls contained within the band. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar (
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the band during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of the controls contained within the bands.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
This property allows you to define odd and even styles for the controls contained within the bands, as well as to assign an
existing style to them (or a newly created one). For more information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style
Text Alignment
Allows you to change the text alignment of the controls contained within the bands. This option is also available in the
Formatting Toolbar.

Keep Together
When this option is on, the report tries to fit the band contents entirely on one page, not allowing it to split across several
pages. In general, if the contents are too large to fit on a single page, then the band is started on a new page, and continues
on the following page.
Page Break
Use this property if the current report design requires that the band's section should be separated from previous sections or
follow-ups. Specify the Before the Band or After the Band values to insert a page break before or after the current band. In
many cases, this property may be used instead of the Page Break control.
Print at Bottom
This property is available for the Report Footer band only, and determines whether this band should be printed at the
bottom of the last page, or immediately after the last report's details. The Report Footer has priority over the Group Footer's
Print at Bottom property, so the Group Footer can never be placed after the Report Footer.
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the band should be visible in print preview.

This property allows you to add some additional information to the band; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.

Determines a band's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the band's height, in report units.
Snap Line Padding
Specifies the padding (in report measurement units), which is to be preserved within the band when controls it contains are
aligned using Snap Lines.

Allows you to invoke the Sub-Band Collection Editor intended to manage and customize the band's collection of sub-bands.
Page Header and Footer
The Page Header and Page Footer bands are located at the top and bottom of every page in a report.

The Page Header/Footer bands are the best place for information that should be printed on every page. For example, use them to
display the header of a table which is continued from the previous page (an example can be found at the Table Report tutorial).

If you insert page break right after the Report Header (by setting its Page Break to After the Band), the Page Footer and Page
Header bands will not be printed on the first page.
In the Property Grid, the properties of these bands are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the Formatting
Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the controls contained within the band.
Specifies the font settings for the controls contained within the band. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar (
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor, allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the band during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of the controls contained within the bands.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
This property allows you to define odd and even styles for the controls contained within the bands, as well as to assign an
existing style to them (or a newly created one). For more information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style
Text Alignment
Allows you to change the text alignment of the controls contained within the bands. This option is also available in the
Formatting Toolbar.

Print On
This property specifies whether the band should be printed on the same page with Report Header and Report Footer bands.
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the band should be visible in print preview.

This property allows you to add some additional information to the band; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.

Determines a band's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the band's height, in report units.
Snap Line Padding
Specifies the padding (in report measurement units), which is to be preserved within the band when controls it contains are
aligned using Snap Lines.

Allows you to invoke the Sub-Band Collection Editor intended to manage and customize the band's collection of sub-bands.
Page Margin Bands
The Top Margin and Bottom Margin bands represent the top and bottom page margins. Unlike other bands, they are not
accompanied by strips displaying their titles in the Design Panel.

They are intended for displaying page numbers, or some sort of supplementary information (e.g. current system time or the user
In the Property Grid, the properties of these bands are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the Formatting
Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the controls contained within the band.
Specifies the font settings for the controls contained within the band. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar (
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the band during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of the controls contained within the bands.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
This property allows you to define odd and even styles for the controls contained within the bands, as well as to assign an
existing style to them (or a newly created one). For more information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style
Text Alignment
Allows you to change the text alignment of the controls contained within the bands. This option is also available in the
Formatting Toolbar.

This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the band should be visible in print preview.

This property allows you to add some additional information to the band; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.

Determines a band's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the band's height, in report units.

Note that this property is tied to the report's Margins.Top (or Margins.Bottom) property, so that changing this property's
value will cause the appropriate Margin value to be changed, and vice versa.
Snap Line Padding
Specifies the padding (in report measurement units), which is to be preserved within the band when controls it contains are
aligned using Snap Lines.
Detail Report Band for Master-Detail Reports
The Detail Report band is a type of band used to incorporate one report into another in master-detail reports. It is quite different
from the Detail band, since it holds the whole detail report in a master-detail report layout, and therefore can contain other types
of bands within it.

There can be an unlimited number of Detail Report bands nested inside one another.

To add a Detail Report band, use the Context Menu. If the bound data source contains a data relationship, the submenu will
contain an item with its name. Otherwise, add an unbound detail report and specify its data binding options later.

In the Property Grid, the properties of this band are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the Formatting
Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the controls contained within the band.
Specifies the font settings for the controls contained within the band. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar (
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor, allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the band during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of the controls contained within the band.
Text Alignment
Allows you to change the text alignment of the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the
Formatting Toolbar.

Drill-Down Control
Specifies a control used to expand/collapse the current detail report band. This property provides automatic drill-down
functionality to report bands.
Drill-Down Expanded
Specifies whether the current detail report band is expanded or collapsed when using the automatic drill-down feature.
Specifies the order of several Detail Report Band objects in a report. It allows the reordering of different Detail Report Bands
at the same level of master-detail relationships. The lower the level number, the closer the band is to the Detail band.
Page Break
Use this property if the current report design requires that the band's section should be separated from previous sections or
follow-ups. Specify the Before the Band or After the Band values to insert a page break before or after the current band. In
many cases, this property may be used instead of the Page Break control.
This property contains events which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the band should be visible in print preview.
Data Adapter
Determines a Detail Report Band's data adapter that provides the detail data for the report. To learn more, refer to Master-
Detail Report (Detail Report Bands).
Data Member
Determines a name of the data relationship established within the bound data source. To learn more, refer to Master-Detail
Report (Detail Report Bands).
Data Source
Determines the data source that provides the detail data for the report. If this property isn't defined, the detail report gets
data from the master report's data source. To learn more, refer to Master-Detail Report (Detail Report Bands).
Filter String
Allows you to invoke the Filter String Editor, which is intended to easily define a filtering condition for a detail report's data.
For more information, refer to Change or Apply Data Filtering to a Report.
This property allows you to add some additional information to the band; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.
XML Data Path
Allows you to define a path to the data contained in an XML file. The data contained in the file will then be used as the Detail
Report Band's data source.
In this case, the Data Member property will specify the bound list in the XML data source.

Note that a detail report uses the XML Data Path property value only when the Data Source property is set to None. The
XML Data Path property has a lower priority than the Data Source property.

Determines a band's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Report Print Options
Provides the following options that define how a report is printed in various circumstances.
Blank Detail Count
Specifies how many times the empty detail band is repeated before printing the regular data.
Detail Count
Specifies the maximum number of times the detail band will be printed when a data source is defined for the report, and it
is not empty.
Detail Count at Design Time
Specifies how many times the detail band is printed when a report is being previewed.
Detail Count when Data Source is Empty
Specifies how many times the detail band should be printed when no data source is defined for the report
Print when Data Source is Empty
Specifies whether or not a report should be printed if its data source is empty.

Allows you to invoke the Report Editor intended to manage and customize the report's bands.
The sub-band is a band that provides a functional copy of the source band below which it is located.

A sub-band's behavior, as well as its position within the report band hierarchy, is dictated by the source band type. A band can
have an unlimited number of sub-bands. Adding sub-bands is provided for all types of bands except for the Page Margin Bands
and the sub-band itself.
Using sub-bands, it is possible to create multiple versions of a band within a single report (e.g., to choose an appropriate version
later based on a specific condition).
In the Property Grid, the sub-band's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color for the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the Formatting
Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for the controls contained within the band.
Specifies the font settings for the controls contained within the band. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar (
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the band during report
generation and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Appearance and Conditionally Hide Bands.
Specifies indent values used to render the contents of the controls contained within the band.
Style Priority
Allows you to define the priority of various style elements (such as background color, border color, etc.). For more
information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style Concepts.
This property allows you to define odd and even styles for the controls contained within the band, as well as to assign an
existing style to them (or a newly created one). For more information on style inheritance, refer to Understanding Style
Text Alignment
Allows you to change the text alignment of the controls contained within the band. This option is also available in the
Formatting Toolbar.

Keep Together
When this option is enabled, the report tries to fit the band contents entirely on one page without splitting across several
pages. In general, if the contents are too large to fit on a single page, then the band is started on a new page and continues
on the following page.
Page Break
Use this property if the current report design requires that the band section should be separated from previous sections or
follow-ups. Specify the Before the Band or After the Band values to insert a page break before or after the current band. In
many cases, this property may be used instead of the Page Break control.
This property contains events, which you can handle by the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Specifies whether the band should be visible in print preview.

This property allows you to add additional information to the band (for example, its id by which it can then be accessed
using scripts).

Determines a band's name by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.

Specifies the band's height in report measurement units.
Snap Line Padding
Specifies the padding (in report measurement units), which is to be preserved within the band when controls it contains are
aligned using Snap Lines.
Report Settings
This document details settings that affect the entire report.
A Report is the main object in the Report Designer, as it's the document being edited. A typical report is shown in the following
image (as it looks in the Designer Tab).

While the main report's properties can be accessed via the report's Smart Tag, the complete settings list is available in the
Property Grid, where all the report's properties are divided into the following groups.

Background Color
Specifies the background color of report elements. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Borders, Border Color, Border Dash Style and Border Width
Specify border settings for report elements.
Specifies the font settings for report elements. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting Toolbar.
Foreground Color
Specifies the text color for report elements. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar ( ).
Formatting Rule Sheet
Invokes the Formatting Rule Sheet Editor, allowing you to manage and customize formatting rules, which can then be
defined for a report's bands and controls. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's Appearance.
Formatting Rules
Invokes the Formatting Rules Editor, allowing you to choose which rules should be applied to the report during report
generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. To learn more on this, refer to Conditionally Change a Control's
Specifies indent values used to render the contents of a report's controls.
Page Color
Specifies the fill color for report pages. This color may be changed later in a report's Print Preview.
Style Sheet
Allows you to invoke the Styles Editor, which is intended to manage and customize a report's style sheets. To learn more on
this, refer to Store and Restore Style Sheets.
Style Sheet's Path
Allows you to define a path to the style sheet contained in a report style sheet file (.REPSS). To learn more on this, refer to
Store and Restore Style Sheets.
Text Alignment
Allows you to change the alignment of a report controls' text. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar.
Allows you to customize a report's watermark options. For more information about this, refer to Create or Modify
Watermarks of a Report.

Display Name
Specifies the name of the report, which is displayed in its Design Panel tab.

Export Options
Allows you to set the export options for each file type (PDF, XLS, TXT, etc.). These options vary with the file type.
Horizontal Content Splitting
Specifies whether report controls outside the bottom page margin should be split across pages, or moved in their entirety
to the next page.This option is useful for the cross-tab reports creation.
Measure Units
Allows you to choose units of measurement for a report (one hundredth of an inch or a tenth of a millimeter).
Script Language
Allows you to choose the programming language to be used in scripting (C#, Visual Basic or J#).
Script References
Allows you to manage the collection of strings that represent the paths to the assemblies used by the scripts in a report.
This property contains events which you can handle with the required scripts. For more information on scripting, refer to
Handle Events via Scripts.
Show Margin Lines in Preview
The page margin lines are dotted lines shown on the currently selected page in the report's preview. Use this property to
change the visibility of these lines.
Vertical Content Splitting
Allows you to choose whether report controls outside the right page margin should be split across pages, or moved in their
entirety to the next page. This option is useful for the cross-tab reports creation.
Specifies whether a report should be created in print preview.

Calculated Fields
Allows you to access a report's calculated fields collection.
Data Adapter
Determines a report's data adapter used to populate the report's data source.
Data Member
Determines a specific list in a report's Data Source, for which the Report Designer objects display data. To learn more about
this, refer to Binding a Report to Data.

Usually, it is not necessary to specify the Data Member property when binding a report to data. This property should only be
set directly if the dataset contains more than one table.
Data Source
Determines a report's data source. To learn more about this, refer to Binding a Report to Data.
Filter String
Allows you to invoke the Filter String Editor, which is intended to easily define a filtering condition for a report's data. For
more information about this, refer to Change or Apply Data Filtering to a Report.
This property allows you to add some additional information to a report; for example its id, by which it can then be
accessible via scripts.
XML Data Path
Allows you to define a path to data contained in an external XML file. The data contained in the file will then be used as a
report's data source.

Determines a report's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts.
Data Source's Schema
Allows you to load an XML/XSD file, containing the schema of a report's data source.
Designer Options
Contains the following options.
Show Designer's Hints
The designer hints are intended to provide tooltips, both describing the purpose of certain report elements for
inexperienced users, and describing the reasons and solutions for possible export or printing warnings. By using this
property, these hints can be turned on or off.

Show Export Warnings

The export warnings appear when report controls are overlapped, indicating that a report layout may be incorrect
when exporting to certain table-based formats (such as XLS, HTML or RTF).

Show Printing Warnings

The printing warnings are intended to notify you that some of a report's controls are placed outside the right page
margin, so that the report contains unnecessary pages.

Draw the Grid

Determines whether to draw the Snap Grid when a report is being designed.
Draw the Watermark
Determines whether to draw a watermark at design time.
Snap Grid Size
Determines the size of the Snap Grid's cells.
Snapping Mode
Specifies the mode in which report elements are snapped to each other when they are resized or being relocated.

Allows you to define how a report is named in the document map when the report bookmarks are implemented. By default,
it is synchronized with the report's Name property.
Bookmark Duplicate Suppress
Specifies whether or not to suppress duplicated bookmarks in a final document.

Page Settings
Determines whether the page orientation is Landscape (when set to Yes) or Portrait (when set to No).
Determines the width of a report's margins (measured in report units).

Note that the report's Margins.Top and Margins.Bottom properties are tied to the Height property of the Page Margin
Bands. So, changing these properties' values will cause changing the appropriate bands' Height value as well, and vice versa.
Page Height
Specifies page height, in report units. This property can only be set if the Paper Kind property is set to Custom.
Page Width
Specifies page width, in report units. This property can only be set if the Paper Kind property is set to Custom.
Paper Kind
Determines the type of paper for a report. Setting this property to any value different from Custom will prevent the Page
Height, Page Width and Paper Name properties from being customized.

If the Paper Kind property is set to Custom, then the printer paper will be selected according to the Paper Name property's
value. In this case, it's also necessary to set the Page Width and Page Height properties to the corresponding values of the
paper selected.
Paper Name
Determines the name of the custom paper used in the printer that will print the document.
The Paper Name property's value is in effect only when the Paper Kind property is set to Custom. If the printer on which a
document is printed doesn't support the paper type specified by the Paper Name property's value, then it will default to the
Letter paper size. In this case, it's also necessary to set the Page Width and Page Height properties to the corresponding
values of the selected paper.
Printer Name
Determines the name of the printer to use when printing a report. Note that the specified printer should be installed on the
Roll Paper
Specifies whether the document is supposed to be printed on roll paper (i.e., as a single uninterrupted page).
Using Settings of the Default Printer
Specifies which of the default printer's settings should be used when printing a report.

Allows you to access a report's parameters collection.
Request Parameters
Allows you to define whether it's required to request the values of a report's parameters when generating the report.

Report Print Options
Specifies options that define how a report is printed in various circumstances.
Blank Detail Count
Specifies how many times the empty Detail band is repeated before printing the regular data.
Detail Count
Specifies how many times the Detail band should be printed when a datasource is defined for the report, and it is not
Detail Count at Design Time
Specifies how many times the Detail band is printed when a report is being previewed at design time.
Detail Count when Data Source is Empty
Specifies how many times the Detail band should be printed when no datasource is defined for the report.
Print when Data Source is Empty
Specifies whether or not a report should be printed if its datasource is empty.
Rigth to Left
Specifies the content orientation of a report's controls. Use this option to correctly render text written in right-to-left
languages. Enabling this setting for a report will apply it to all report controls.
The right-to-left layout is preserved when exporting a report to any of the supported formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, or RTF).
Rigth to Left Layout
Specifies the position of controls within report bands. Enabling this property will also swap the page margins of a document
(it will become impossible to place controls outside the right page margin). This property is in effect only when the Right to
Left property is set to Yes.
Show Print Margin Warnings
Specifies whether an error message is shown when the page margins are set outside the printable area.
Show Print Status Dialog
Specifies whether a print status dialog is shown when a document is being printed.

Allows you to invoke the Report Editor, intended to manage and customize a report's bands.
Report Wizard
The Report Wizard is a tool that allows you to easily create reports based on built-in templates. Using this tool, you can do the
Create a new report from scratch
In the main toolbar, click New Report | New Report via Wizard... or press CTRL+W.
Edit an existing report
Click the report's Smart Tag and in the invoked actions list, click the Design in Report Wizard... context link.


In this case, data binding steps are omitted, since a report already has a bound data source. Note that the initial report
layout will be lost after completing the wizard.
The following is a complete list of pages that may be available in the Report Wizard.
Choose a Report Type
Empty Report
Data-bound Report
Select the Data Source Type
Connect to a Database
Select a Data Connection
Specify a Connection String
Save the Connection String
Create a Query or Select a Stored Procedure
Configure Query Parameters
Connect to an Entity Framework Data Source
Select the Data Context
Select the Connection String
Specify a Connection String
Bind to a Stored Procedure
Connect to an Object Data Source
Select an Assembly
Select a Data Source Type
Select a Data Source Member
Specify the Member Parameters
Select the Data Binding Mode
Select a Data Source Constructor
Specify the Constructor Parameters
Connect to an Excel Data Source
Select an Excel Workbook or CSV file
Specify Import Settings
Select a Worksheet, Table or Named Region
Choose Columns
Choose Columns to Display in Your Report
Add Grouping Levels
Specify Summary Options
Choose a Report Layout
Choose a Report Style
Enter the Report Title
Label Report
Select a Label Type
Customize Label Options
Choose a Report Type
On this wizard page, you can choose which report to create.

The following report types are available.

Empty Report
This option allows you to create a report that is not bound to data and does not contain any report controls.
Data-bound Report
This option allows you to easily create a banded report displaying data in a tabular format. While setting up your report, you
will be able to group data, add totals to your report, apply one of the predefined report styles, etc.
Label Report
Select this report type if you need to print out labels. In the Label Report Wizard, simply choose the required paper supplier
and label type, and the report is adjusted automatically. After completing the wizard, you get an empty report that clearly
indicates label boundaries and properly positions labels within paper sheets.
Empty Report
Select the Empty Report option on the Choose a Report Type wizard page to create a new blank report that is not bound to any
data source.

The following image illustrates the default layout of a newly added empty report.

You can then bind the report to a required data source and construct the report layout.
Data-bound Report
Select the Data-bound Report option on the Choose a Report Type wizard page to create a data-bound report.

After completing the Data-bound Report wizard, you will get a tabular banded report. Depending on how many wizard steps you
complete (you do not necessarily have to go through all the pages), you can apply data grouping, display totals, select one of the
predefined style sheets, etc.
The following image shows a sample report created using the Data-bound Report Wizard.

Use the links below to learn more about every step of the Data-bound Report wizard.

Depending on the method you used to invoke the Wizard, you may be creating an entirely new report or modifying an existing
one. Creating reports from scratch requires data source connection knowledge. In these cases, it's better if you contact your
application administrator or vendor for assistance with the first three steps of the wizard. If you're modifying an existing report,
these initial data binding steps will not appear and you will start with Choose Columns to Display in Your Report.
Select the Data Source Type
Connect to a Database
Select a Data Connection
Specify a Connection String
Save the Connection String
Create a Query or Select a Stored Procedure
Configure Query Parameters
Connect to an Entity Framework Data Source
Select the Data Context
Select the Connection String
Specify a Connection String
Bind to a Stored Procedure
Connect to an Object Data Source
Select an Assembly
Select a Data Source Type
Select a Data Source Member
Specify the Member Parameters
Select the Data Binding Mode
Select a Data Source Constructor
Specify the Constructor Parameters
Connect to an Excel Data Source
Select an Excel Workbook or CSV file
Specify Import Settings
Select a Worksheet, Table or Named Region
Choose Columns
Choose Columns to Display in Your Report
Add Grouping Levels
Specify Summary Options
Choose a Report Layout
Choose a Report Style
Enter the Report Title
Connect to a Database
The topics in this section describe the steps required to connect a report to a database using the Report Wizard.
This task includes the following steps.
Select a Data Connection
Specify a Connection String
Save the Connection String
Create a Query or Select a Stored Procedure
Configure Query Parameters
Select a Data Connection

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. In this instance, familiarity with database connections
is required, so we recommend that you contact your application administrator or vendor for assistance. If you're modifying an
existing report, you will skip this step and start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this page, you can either select one of the currently available data connections from the list or create a new one.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page, depending on the selected option.
Specify a Connection String
Create a Query or Select a Stored Procedure
Specify a Connection String

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. In this instance, familiarity with database connections
is required, so we recommend that you contact your application administrator or vendor for assistance. If you're modifying an
existing report, this step will not appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this page, define a custom connection string or select one of the supported data source types.

The following data source types are supported.

Amazon Redshift
Google BigQuery
Microsoft Access 2007
Microsoft Access 97
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition
Pervasive PSQL
SAP Sybase Advantage
SAP Sybase ASE
SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere
XML file
Depending on the data provider selected, it may be necessary to specify additional connection options (such as authentication
type and database name) on this page.
Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page, depending on whether or not the created connection uses server authentication.
Save the Connection String - if server authentication is required, this page allows you to specify whether or not you want to
save the user credentials along with the connection string.
Create a Query or Select a Stored Procedure - if server authentication is not required, the page above does not appear, and
you will proceed to constructing the query.
Save the Connection String

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. In this instance, familiarity with database connections
is required, so we recommend that you contact your application administrator or vendor for assistance. If you're modifying an
existing report, this step will not appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this page, you can specify whether or not to save the user credentials along with the connection string.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Create a Query or Select a Stored Procedure.
Create a Query or Select a Stored Procedure

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. In this instance, familiarity with database connections
is required, so we recommend that you contact your application administrator or vendor for assistance. If you're modifying an
existing report, this step will not appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
If your software vendor switched the Report Wizard to single-query mode, another version of this page is displayed.
On this wizard page, you can choose which tables, views and/or stored procedures from your data source to display in the report.

Manage Custom Queries

When you are required to shape the query data at the level of a data source, you can create custom queries by expanding the
Queries category and clicking the button. This will invoke the Query Builder where you can create complex queries by joining
multiple tables, filtering, sorting and grouping their data, as well as calculating various aggregate functions.
The Query Builder can also be used to specify custom SQL, if this functionality is enabled by your software provider.
To customize an existing query using the Query Builder, click the button.
To delete a query, click the button.
On finishing the wizard, each of the selected data items will be included into a separate query.

Specify Master-Detail Relationships

To define master-detail relationships between two or more queries, click Manage Relations.

To create a new relationship, connect the required key fields using drag and drop.
To edit an existing relationship, double-click the corresponding arrow or right-click it, and select the Edit Relation command in
the invoked context menu.
This will invoke the Edit Relation editor that provides a different UI to manage the data relationships.

On finishing the wizard, the specified data relationships will appear in the Field List.

If selected queries or stored procedures contain any parameters, you will be required to define their values on the next wizard
page: Configure Query Parameters.
Otherwise, clicking Next will open the next Report Wizard page: Choose Columns to Display in Your Report.
Create a Query or Select a Stored Procedure (Single-Query
Wizard Version)

This wizard step appears only if you are creating a new report from scratch and your software provider switched the Report
Wizard to single-query mode.
On this page, you can construct a SQL query to obtain data from the database or select a stored procedure.
Stored Procedure

To construct a SQL query, do the following.
1. Select the Query option and click the Run Query Builder... button.

2. In the invoked Query Builder window, select an item from the list of available tables on the left and drop it onto the list of
data tables to be used.
3. Enable the check box near the added table to include all of its fields in the data view.

To assign a custom name to the selected data column, specify its Alias in the column list displayed under the data source
editor. You can also apply sorting, grouping, filtering and aggregate functions to incoming data.
Click OK to exit the Query Builder

Stored Procedure
To use a stored procedure, choose the second option and select a stored procedure from the list of the available stored
If the constructed query or selected stored procedure contains any parameters, you will be required to define their values on the
next wizard page: Configure Query Parameters.
Otherwise, clicking Next will open the next Report Wizard page: Choose Columns to Display in Your Report.
Configure Query Parameters

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. In this instance, familiarity with database connections
is required, so we recommend that you contact your application administrator or vendor for assistance. If you're modifying an
existing report, this step will not appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this wizard page, you can manage parameters that are used in queries and/or stored procedures selected on the previous
wizard page, as well as specify parameter values.

Specify Parameter Values

A parameter value can specified in one of the following ways.
Parameters can be assigned static values (according to the specified parameter type), which is illustrated in the following

Alternatively, you can link a query or stored procedure parameter to a report parameter, whose value can be requested each
time before the report document is to be previewed or exported. To do this, enable the Expression check box and select an
existing report parameter of the corresponding type or create a new one.

Another option is to calculate a parameter value based on an expression. To do this, enable the Expression check box and
run the Expression Editor.

Manage Parameters
To delete a specific parameter, select it on this wizard page and click Remove.
To execute a specific query with the specified parameter values, click Preview and select a query.

When previewing a query or stored procedure result, only 1000 first data rows are displayed. If a query contains a custom SQL,
the entire result set is obtained.
To create a new query parameter, click Add and select a query.

You can stop the wizard at this step by clicking Finish.

To continue report customization, click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Choose Columns to Display in Your Report.
Connect to an Entity Framework Data Source
The topics in this section describe the steps required to connect a report to an Entity Framework data source using the Report
This task includes the following steps.
Select the Data Context
Select the Connection String
Specify a Connection String
Bind to a Stored Procedure
Select a Data Member
Select the Data Context

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this page, select the required data context from the list of available data contexts.

If the Browse button is available on this page, you can also select a data context from a custom assembly.
Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Select the Connection String.
Select the Connection String

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this page, you can specify a connection string using one of the following two options.
Using an existing connection string. To do this, select Yes, let me choose from list. Next, select the required connection
string from the list of the available connection strings.
Specify a connection string manually. To do this, select No, specify a custom connection string.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page. If you select the first option, proceed to the Specify a Connection String page. If
you choose one of the available connection strings, go to the Bind to a Stored Procedure or Select a Data Member page,
depending on whether or not the current Entity Framework model provides stored procedures.
Specify a Connection String

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this page, you can either use the default connection string or manually specify a connection sting. Additionally, this page
requires you to specify whether or not to save the connection string in the configuration file.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page. If the current Entity Framework model provides stored procedures, go to the Bind
to a Stored Procedure page; otherwise, proceed to the Select a Data Member page.
Bind to a Stored Procedure

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
This wizard page allows you to add stored procedures to the data source, configure their parameters and preview the results of a
stored procedure’s execution.
To bind to a stored procedure, do the following.
1. On the wizard page, click Add. Then, in the invoked window, select a required stored procedure and click OK.

2. Configure the parameters to be passed to the selected stored procedure. Make sure that the value of the passed parameter's
Type property corresponds to the actual type of the stored procedure parameter.
Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page. If you have added more than one stored procedures on this page or if the current
Entity Framework model additionally provides data tables, go to the Select a Data Member page. Otherwise, proceed to the
Choose Columns to Display in Your Report page.
Select a Data Member

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this page, select the required data member from the list of available data members.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Choose Columns to Display in Your Report.
Connect to an Object Data Source
The topics in this section describe the report wizard steps required to connect a report to an object data source.
This task includes the following steps.
Select an Assembly
Select a Data Source Type
Select a Data Source Member
Specify the Member Parameters
Select the Data Binding Mode
Select a Data Source Constructor
Specify the Constructor Parameters
Select an Assembly

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this page, select an assembly that contains the class type definition of the data source. To exclude irrelevant assemblies from
the list, select the Show only highlighted assemblies check box.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Select a Data Source Type.
Select a Data Source Type

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this wizard page, select a required data source type. To exclude irrelevant classes from the list, select the Show only
highlighted classes check box.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Select a Data Source Member.
Select a Data Source Member

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this wizard page, specify whether you want to bind to the entire object or to its public member (method or property). To
exclude irrelevant members from the list of available members, select the Show only highlighted members check box.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page depending on the selected option.
Specify the Member Parameters
Select the Data Binding Mode
Specify the Member Parameters

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this wizard page, specify the member parameters.
To specify the member parameter's value, use the Value column. Enable the check box in the Expression column to make it
possible to specify the parameter expression using the Expression Editor. In this case, you can pass an existing report parameter
to the member or even create a new report parameter using the in-place editor.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Select the Data Binding Mode.
Select the Data Binding Mode

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this wizard page, you can choose one of the following two binding modes.
Retrieve the data source schema - Select this option to retrieve only the data source schema from the specified object
and edit the report layout without having access to the actual underlying data.
Retrieve the actual data - Select this option to automatically create an instance of the data source type and obtain its
actual data.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page depending on the selected option.
Choose Columns to Display in Your Report
Select a Data Source Constructor
Select a Data Source Constructor

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this page, select one of the available data source constructors. To exclude irrelevant constructors from the list, select the Show
only highlighted constructors check box.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Specify the Constructor Parameters.
Specify the Constructor Parameters

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with the Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this wizard page, specify the constructor parameters.
To specify the constructor parameter's value, use the Value column. Enable the check box in the Expression column to make it
possible to specify the parameter expression using the Expression Editor. In this case, you can pass an existing report parameter
to the constructor or even create a new report parameter using the in-place editor.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Choose Columns to Display in Your Report.
Connect to an Excel Data Source
The topics in this section describe the report wizard steps required to connect a report to an Excel data source.
This task includes the following steps.
Select an Excel Workbook or CSV file
Specify Import Settings
Select a Worksheet, Table or Named Region
Choose Columns
Select an Excel Workbook or CSV file

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this wizard page, select a required Microsoft Excel Workbook (the XLS, XLSX and XLSM formats are supported) or CSV file. To
do this, click the ellipsis button and locate the source file or enter the full path to this file.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Specify Import Settings.
Specify Import Settings

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this wizard page, you can specify required import settings. This page provides access to different settings depending on
whether you have selected an Excel Workbook or CSV file.
Import Settings for an Excel Workbook
Import Settings for a CSV file

Import Settings for an Excel Workbook

The following settings are available if an Excel workbook has been selected.

Use values of the first rows as field names - Specifies whether values of the first row should be imported as field names.
If this option is disabled, values of the first row will be imported as data and field names will be generated automatically.
Skip empty rows - Specifies whether or not to include empty rows to the resulting data source.
Skip hidden rows - Specifies whether or not to include hidden rows to the resulting data source.
Skip hidden columns - Specifies whether or not to include hidden columns to the resulting data source.
Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Select a Worksheet, Table or Named Region.

Import Settings for a CSV file

The following settings are available if a CSV file has been selected.
Use values of the first rows as field names - Specifies whether or not values of the first row should be imported as field
names. If this option is disabled, values of the first row will be imported as data and field names will be generated
Skip empty rows - Specifies whether or not to include empty rows to the resulting data source.
Trim Blanks - Specifies whether or not to delete all leading and trailing empty spaces from each value in the source CSV
Encoding - Specifies the character encoding in the source CSV file. If the corresponding Detect automatically check box
is enabled, this setting's value is automatically determined.
Newline type - Specifies the line break type in the source CSV file. If the corresponding Detect automatically check box
is enabled, this setting's value is automatically determined.
Value separator - Specifies a character used to separate values in the source CSV file. If the corresponding Detect
automatically check box is enabled, this setting's value is automatically determined.
Culture - Specifies culture information used to import data from the source CSV file.
Text Qualifier - Specifies the character that encloses values in the source CSV file.
Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Choose Columns.
Select a Worksheet, Table or Named Region

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch and if you have selected a Microsoft Excel Workbook
on the previous step. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not appear and you will start with Choose Columns to
Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this wizard page, select one of the available worksheets, tables or named regions.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Choose Columns.

Choose Columns

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. If you're modifying an existing report, this step will not
appear and you will start with Choose Columns to Display in Your Report wizard page.
On this wizard page, you can select required columns and specify their settings.
To select a column, enable the corresponding Selected check box. Use Name to specify the custom column name and Type to
choose the column type.

This page also allows you to preview resulting data by clicking the Preview... button.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Choose Columns to Display in Your Report.
Select the Data Source Type

This wizard step appears only if you're creating a new report from scratch. In this instance, familiarity with data source
connections is required, so we recommend that you contact your application administrator or vendor for assistance. If you're
modifying an existing report, this step will not appear and you will start with Choose Columns to Display in Your Report.
This wizard page allows you to select the required data source type.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page, depending on the selected data source type.
Connect to a Database
Connect to an Entity Framework Data Source
Connect to an Object Data Source
Connect to an Excel Data Source
Choose Columns to Display in Your Report
Depending on whether or not a report has been assigned a data member prior to running the wizard, the following pages are
used at this step.
Data Source Wizard
If the report's DataMember property has not yet been specified, this wizard page allows you to select the queries that will
be used as the report data member and choose fields from this query to use in your report.

Report Wizard
If the report's data member is already specified before running the wizard, this page allows you to choose the data fields
from this data member to include into the report.

You can stop the wizard at this step by clicking Finish. The selected fields with corresponding captions will be automatically
added to the created report and arranged one under another (in the order they are in the data source).
To continue report customization, select at least one field and click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Add Grouping Levels.
Add Grouping Levels
This page allows you to group data in your report. If you do not need to group your data, simply click Next on this page to skip
this step.

Nested grouping and grouping against multiple fields are fully supported. The following image illustrates all basic grouping types.

The list on the left-hand side displays data fields that can be used to group data. To apply grouping, do one of the following.
Select columns and click the right arrow button.
Double-click columns.
To remove a grouping field, double-click it in the list on the right-hand side, or select it and click the left arrow button. You can
also change the order of grouping fields using the up arrow and down arrow buttons.
You can stop the wizard on this step by clicking Finish. In this case, your report will look similar to the image below.
If you want to customize your report further, click Next. If data grouping has been applied on this page, you will proceed to the
Specify Summary Options page. If you have not grouped your data, you will skip the summaries step and go to the Choose a
Report Layout page.
Specify Summary Options

This wizard step is only available if you have applied data grouping in the previous step (Add Grouping Levels). If you have not
grouped data, this step is skipped.
Use this wizard page to specify totals to be displayed for each data group and grand totals for the entire report. The specified
totals will be displayed after corresponding groups and in the report footer.

This page displays all available numerical and date-time fields that are not used to group data. You can specify which functions
should be calculated for these fields using the check box table.
There are instances when data fields contain empty values. If you do not wish to take these values into account when calculating
totals, select the Ignore null values check box. Otherwise, these values will be treated as zeros for numeric fields and the earliest
system date for date-time fields.
You can stop the wizard at this step by clicking Finish. In this case, your report will look similar to the image below.
If you want to customize your report further, click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Choose a Report Layout.
Choose a Report Layout
This wizard page allows you to specify the layout of elements in a report. If you have not applied data grouping, you can specify
how data field values are arranged - into a table, one under another, etc. If report data is grouped, you can choose one of the
available indentation styles for nested elements.
Additionally, this page allows you to specify the page orientation for your report.
The following options are available if data grouping has been applied.

If data has not been grouped, you will see the following report layout options.

If you want to customize your report further, click Next to proceed to the next page: Choose a Report Style. Otherwise, click
Finish to complete report customization.
Choose a Report Style
On this wizard page, you can choose one of the predefined visual styles for the report.

If you want to customize your report further, click Next to proceed to the next page: Enter the Report Title. Otherwise, click Finish
to complete report customization.
Enter the Report Title
On this page, specify the title for the report and click Finish to exit the wizard.
Label Report
This topic describes the steps required to create a Label Report using the Report Wizard.

Label report creation consists of the following two steps.

Select a Label Type
Customize Label Options
After completing the Label Report wizard, you will get a blank report that generates labels of a particular size. The report designer
will indicate the label boundaries and properly position labels on paper sheets. You can then populate the label area with the
required content and print out your labels.
Select a Label Type
This page is intended to select a label type from numerous predefined types.
On this page, you can choose the proper settings from the Label Products and the Product Number drop-down lists. The
selected type defines the label's size and layout, as well as the page type, which is default for this label.

If you do not need further customization, click Finish to complete the report adjustment. If manual correction of label or paper
size is required, click Next to proceed to the next page: Customize Label Options.
Customize Label Options
This page is intended to manually adjust settings that were automatically specified in the previous step based on your supplier
and product choice.
On this page, you can customize the label's layout parameters and select the Page Size. The pane on the right-hand side provides
a label dimensions preview.

Click Finish to complete report creation.

Preview, Print and Export Reports
Preview and Print a Report
To switch a report to the print preview mode, click the Preview Tab. You will see your report populated with data and broken
down into pages, as specified. When in the Print Preview mode, you can print out your report using the appropriate menu and
toolbar commands.

To learn more about the options available in the print preview mode, refer to the Print Preview for WinForms section of this

Export a Report
In the Preview Tab, you can export your report to files in different formats. The resulting files can either be saved to the hard drive
or sent by e-mail.
The following documents describe the basics of report exporting and format-specific export options.
Exporting from Print Preview
PDF-Specific Export Options
HTML-Specific Export Options
MHT-Specific Export Options
RTF-Specific Export Options
XLS-Specific Export Options
XLSX-Specific Export Options
CSV-Specific Export Options
TXT-Specific Export Options
Image-Specific Export Options
Report Designer for WPF
This guide contains information about the basic principles of creating reports with the Report Designer.
The Report Designer allows you to create new reports from scratch, bind them to data and fully customize them. In addition to
report editing capabilities, it allows you to display a report's Print Preview, send its outputs to a printer or export it to various

Different aspects of using the Report Designer are covered in the following documentation sections.
Creating Reports
The tutorials in this section provide step-by-step instructions on both basic and advanced report customization.
Report Types
The documents in this section describe how to create reports of different types with the Report Designer.
Report Elements
The topics in this section provide information about report controls and bands used in the Report Designer.
Interface Elements
The documents in this section are dedicated to the elements of the Report Designer user interface.
Report Wizard
This documentation section describes the Report Wizard, which allows you to create reports based on built-in templates.
Document Preview
The topics in this section describe the capabilities provided by the Print Preview.
Report Types
The tutorials in this section provide detailed instructions on how to create reports of different types with the Report Designer.
Static Report
Table Report
Label Report
Multi-Column Report
Master-Detail Report
Cross-Tab Report
Parametrized Report
Chart with Static Series
Chart with Dynamic Series
Static Report
This tutorial describes the steps needed to create a static report, which means that the report is not bound to a data source. This
example demonstrates how to create a report with the one-page content repeated 20 times.
To create a static report, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. Drop the Rich Text control from the Toolbox onto the Detail band.

3. Right-click the created control and select Load File... in the invoked context menu.

4. In the invoked dialog, use the drop-down list to define the file's extension (.rtf, .docx, .txt, .htm or .html), select the file, and
click Open.
5. Select the report, and in the Properties Panel, expand the Report Print Options property. Make sure that the Print when
Data Source is Empty option is enabled, i.e., the report is allowed to be printed when it has no data source. To repeat the
created report 20 times, set the Detail Count when Data Source is Empty property to 20.

6. To print the report content on separate pages, set the band's Page Break property to After the Band.
The static report is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Table Report
This tutorial describes how to create a table report, which means that the report's data is arranged into a table-like layout. This
feature should not be confused with the master-detail report or cross-tab report.
To create a table report, follow the steps below.
1. Create a new report and bind it to a data source.
2. To add a Page Header to the report, right-click on the report's surface, and in the invoked context menu, select Insert Band
and then Page Header.

3. Next, add two Table controls to the report's Page Header and Detail band.
To do this, drag the Table control from the Toolbox and drop it onto the Page Header Band. Then, add a table to the Detail
band in the same way.

One table will be used as a header, and the other one - for the report's detail information.
4. Type the headers into the upper table's cells. Then, bind the corresponding cells in the detail section to the appropriate data
fields by expanding the Data Bindings option and setting the Text property.
5. Finally, you can customize various properties of the tables to improve their appearance. For example, in the Properties
Panel, you can define the Borders property, as well as the Background Color property. To customize cell text options,
specify the Font property.
A noteworthy feature is the capability to specify odd and even styles for the detail table.
The table report is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab, and view the result.
Label Report
This tutorial describes the steps required to create a label report containing employee badges.
To accomplish this task, do the following.
1. Click the New button on the Toolbar or the plus button next to the report tab headers to create a new report.
2. The invoked Report Wizard will guide you through the process of creating a label report. For detailed instructions on wizard
steps, refer to Label Report.
3. After performing the above steps you will see that the report's Detail band is divided into three different areas. The first area
at the left-hand side indicates the actual available band area for controls to be placed within it. The gray area at the right-
hand side is intended for the columns in which labels will be displayed, so it cannot be occupied by controls. Finally, the
white area specifies an indent between the available and reserved areas.

4. Bind a report to a data source containing information about employees.

5. Then, drop the required fields from the Field List onto the available Detail band's area, and adjust the layout.

The label report is now ready. Switch your report to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Multi-Column Report
This tutorial describes the steps to create a multi-column report, meaning that each page of the report document is laid out in a
specified number of columns.
To demonstrate the multi-column feature, use a report with grouping, similar to the one created in the following tutorial:
Grouping Data.
1. Select the Detail band, and in the Properties Panel, expand the Multi-Column Options section.
Set the required Mode, which determines whether the number of columns is manually specified or if it depends on the
fixed column width.

2. Then, if you've chosen to Use Column Count, set the Column Count to 2, and Column Spacing to 10.
The Layout property determines the order in which records of the same group are processed.

3. Now, on the Detail band's surface, a gray area appears, delimiting the available column's width. Adjust the control width, so
that they fit within the effective borders.

The multi-column report is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Master-Detail Report
A report is usually called Master-Detail if it is used to display data from a hierarchical data source.

There are two main approaches for creating a master-detail report. The first approach is based on using the Detail Report band.
The second approach is to create two different reports and incorporate the detail report into the master report as a subreport.
To see a detailed step-by-step demonstration of how detail report bands and subreports are used to create a master-detail report,
refer to the following tutorials.
Master-Detail Report (Detail Report Bands)
Master-Detail Report (Subreports)
Master-Detail Report (Detail Report Bands)
This tutorial describes the steps needed to create a master-detail report with hierarchically linked data using the Detail Report
band. For an alternative approach, refer to Master-Detail Report (Subreports).
To start with this tutorial, create a new report and bind it to a data source. For this tutorial, in the Report Wizard, select the table
that will be used as the principal table in the master-detail relation.
The topic consists of the following sections.
Provide a Report Data Source with a Master-Detail Relation
Design a Master-Detail Report
View the Result

Provide a Report Data Source with a Master-Detail Relation

This section of the tutorial describes how to provide an SQL data source with a master-detail relation. If you are using an Entity
Framework data source that contains data members with master-detail relations between them, the existing relations will be used
automatically. In this case, you can skip this section of the tutorial and proceed to the next section: Design a Master-Detail Report.
To add a master-detail relation to an SQL data source, do the following.
1. Add a detail table to the report data source. To do this, right-click the data source in the Report Explorer, and select Manage
Queries... in the invoked context menu.

2. In the invoked Manage Queries dialog, click Add.

3. Then, in the invoked Data Source Wizard, click Run Query Builder....
4. Add the detail table to the query and click OK.

5. Click Finish to exit the Data Source Wizard. Then, click OK to exit the Manage Queries dialog.
6. Next, specify the relation between the data source tables. To do this, right-click the data source in the Report Explorer, and
select Manage Relations... in the invoked context menu.
7. In the invoked Master-Detail Relation Editor, click the plus button next to the master query to add a new relation. Specify
a relation condition as shown in the following image and click OK to exit the dialog.

8. The Field List will be updated to reflect the added relation.

Design a Master-Detail Report

To create the layout of a master-detail report, do the following.
1. Allocate parts of a master report on the report's Detail band.

For the master report to be generated properly, the report's Data Member should be set to the master query. If you added
the master query first, this property is set to the required value automatically. Otherwise, you should manually specify the
data member (for instance, in the Properties Panel).
2. To add a detail report band, right-click anywhere on the report's surface, and in the invoked context menu, select Insert
Detail Report. When the report's data source contains a data relationship, it is displayed in the context menu.

3. Then, drop the required data fields from the Field List onto the Detail Report band.
Note that you should drop items from the relation node (in this example it is the CategoriesProducts section) for the detail
report to be generated correctly.

View the Result

The master-detail report is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Master-Detail Report (Subreports)
This tutorial describes the steps needed to create a master-detail report with hierarchically linked data using the Subreport
control. For an alternative approach, refer to Master-Detail Report (Detail Report Bands).
To create a master-detail report using the subreport controls, do the following.
Create a Master Report
Create and Customize a Detail Report
Embed the Subreport
Get the Result

Create a Master Report

1. Create a new report and bind it to a data source. This report will be used as the master report.
2. Drop the required fields from the Field List panel onto the Detail band. In this example, the following report layout is used.

3. Drag the Subreport control from the Toolbox and drop it onto the Detail band.

Create and Customize the Detail Report

1. Next, add one more blank report and bind it to the same data source. It will be used as a detail report.
2. Drop the required fields from the Field List panel onto the Detail band. This tutorial uses the following layout for the detail

3. To add a parameter to the report, right-click the Parameters section in the Field List and choose Add Parameter in the
invoked context menu.
4. In the invoked Add New Parameter dialog, specify its options as shown in the image below.

5. Select Edit... in the report's context menu. Then, in the Edit dialog, click the ellipsis button for the Filter String property.
In the invoked Filter String Editor, construct an expression where the Category ID data field is compared to the CatID
parameter. To access the parameter, click the icon on the right until it turns into a question mark.
6. To save the detail report, click the Save As button in the Toolbar. Then, in the invoked standard Save dialog, specify the
folder and file name.

Embed the Subreport

1. Next, switch back to the master report. Right-click the subreport and select Edit... in the invoked context menu. In the Edit
dialog, click the ellipsis button for the Report Source URL property and select the previously saved detail report.

2. Then, bind the subreport's CatID parameter used as a filtering criterion to the master report's CategoryID data field, which
will serve as a source of the parameter value. To do this, select Edit Parameter Bindings... in the subreport's context menu.

This will invoke the Parameter Binding Collection Editor. Click Add to add new binding. In the binding properties list,
specify the data field to which you want to bind a subreport parameter and the name of the parameter that you want to

Get the Result

The master-detail report is now ready to be generated. You can view the result by switching to the Print Preview tab.
Cross-Tab Report
This tutorial describes the steps needed to create a cross-tab report using the Pivot Grid control. This feature should not be
confused with the master-detail report or table report. Additionally, the document demonstrates how to visualize data displayed
in the Pivot Grid by linking it with the Chart control.

Create a Cross-Tab Report

To create a cross-tab report, do the following.
1. Create a new empty report.
2. Drop the Pivot Grid control from the Toolbox onto the report's Detail band.

3. To bind the Pivot Grid to a data source, right-click it and select Edit... in the context menu. In the invoked dialog, expand the
Data Source drop-down and click the Add New button.

4. The invoked Data Source Wizard will guide you through the process of assigning a data source to the grid. For detailed
instructions on the Wizard's steps, refer to Binding a Report to Data, as this process is similar.
After the data source is created, it is assigned to the pivot grid's Data Source property. Its Data Member property defines
from which table or view of the data source the grid obtains its data.

Since you have placed a Pivot Grid in the Detail band, the report's Data Source property should not be set. Otherwise, the
Pivot Grid will be repeated at the preview as many times as there are records in the data source.

5. Once again, right-click the Pivot Grid and select Run Designer... in the invoked context menu.

6. In the invoked PivotGrid Designer, click Retrieve Fields.

7. Then, switch to the Layout section in the navigation bar on the left.
Drag and drop the required fields to the Row Fields, Column Fields and Data Items areas.
Click Apply and close the editor.
8. In the last step, you can set your report's Vertical Content Splitting option to Smart. This will split the grid's columns
precisely by their borders in the Print Preview.

The cross-tab report is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Integrate with a Chart Control
The next step is to visualize data displayed in the Pivot Grid using a Chart control. To accomplish this, perform the following steps.
1. Drop the Chart control from the Toolbox onto the report's Detail band below the Pivot Grid. After you drop the Chart, the
Chart Designer is automatically invoked.
2. In the Designer, remove an already existing series by clicking the corresponding button.

3. Then, go to the Data tab at the right of the Designer's window and choose the Pivot Grid in the dedicated drop-down list.

4. After this, all the Chart's binding and layout settings are automatically adjusted. Make sure that Series, Argument and
Value cells have been automatically filled with the corresponding fields. Note, values for these fields are generated based
on the Pivot Grid's columns, rows and data items, respectively.
5. To avoid the overlapping of series labels, select the auto-generated series in the chart elements tree, and in the Options tab,
disable the Labels Visibility check box.

6. If required, you can customize various settings that determine the common behavior for a bridged Chart and Pivot Grid pair.
To do this, use the Chart's Pivot Grid Data Source Options property. This property, in turn, is linked to the Options Chart
Data Source property of the associated Pivot Grid.
7. Finally, reset the report's Vertical Content Splitting option and switch to the Preview Tab to see the result.
Parametrized Report
This tutorial describes the steps needed to create a report with parameters. In this example, two date-time parameters are created
to filter out orders that don't fall in the specified range from the report.
To create report parameters, follow the steps below.
1. Create a new report and bind it to a data source.
2. In the Field List panel, right-click the Parameters section and in the invoked menu, click Add Parameter.

3. In the invoked Add New Parameter dialog, set the created parameter's Name and Description properties and make sure
to set its Type to an appropriate value. To display this parameter in the Print Preview, enable the Show in the parameters
panel option.

4. To assign a list of values to this report parameter, enable the Supports the collection of standard values option.
In the Dynamic values tab, you can specify a parameter's data source, data member, value member and display member.
The value member defines a data field that provides values to the parameter. The display member defines a data field that
provides display names for parameter values, i.e., how these values appear in the user interface available in a Print Preview.
In the Static values tab, you can manually fill the list of parameter values. Each parameter value has an individual
description specifying how this value appears in the Parameters Panel.
5. Then, repeat the previous steps to create the second parameter, so that every time your report is previewed, you will be
asked to specify two dates.
6. Next, use parameters to filter your report's data. Select report, and in the Properties Panel, click the ellipsis button for the
Filter String property. Then, in the invoked Filter String Editor, construct an expression where a data field is compared
with the created parameters. To access parameters, click the icon on the right until it turns into a question mark.

The Parametrized report is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab, define the required values in the Parameters panel and
click Submit.
Chart with Static Series
This document describes how to create a report with a Chart control bound to data, so that a particular series has its own data
source, and other settings. To simplify the example, both series obtain their data from the same data source. However, different
data sources can be used for different series, if necessary.
This example describes how to construct a chart of products and their prices for a chosen category.
To adjust a Chart by manually creating its series, do the following.
1. Create a new blank report.
2. Drop the Chart control from the Toolbox onto the report's Detail band.

After you drop the Chart, the Chart Designer is automatically invoked. At this step, click Cancel to close the Designer, it will
be used later.
3. To bind the Chart to a data source, right-click it and select Edit... in the context menu. Then, in the invoked dialog, expand
the Data Source drop-down and click Add New.

The invoked Data Source Wizard will guide you through the process of assigning a data source to the Chart. For detailed
instructions on the Wizard's steps, refer to Binding a Report to Data, as this process is similar.
After the data source is created, it is assigned to the Chart's Data Source property. Its Data Member property defines from
which table or view of your data source the Chart obtains its data.

Since you have placed the Chart in the Detail band, the report's Data Source property should not be set. Otherwise, the
Chart will be repeated at the preview as many times as there are records in the data source.

4. Once again, right-click the Chart and select Run Designer... in the context menu.

5. The invoked Chart Designer already contains one series of the Bar view type. To populate the series with points, select it in
the tree and switch to the Data tab at the right of the designer's window. Choose an existing data source in the dedicated
drop-down list. Then, drag-and-drop the required data fields to the Argument and Value cells to define the coordinates for
series points.
6. Go to the Properties tab to see that the Argument Data Member and Value Data Members settings are automatically
assigned to the corresponding fields.
In addition, you can filter the series data. To do this, click the ellipsis button for the Data Filters property, and in the invoked
dialog, create and adjust the filtering criteria.

To save the changes and quit the dialog, click Close.

7. Create one more series with the same settings, but select the Point view type. To do this, locate the Series element in the
chart elements tree and click the plus button. In the invoked list of series types, select the required type.
8. Finally, to improve your Chart's appearance, you can make the following adjustments.
Remove the Chart's legend as it shows the same data for both series. To do this, select the Legend in the chart
elements tree, and in the Options tab, set the Visibility property to No.
The point labels for Series 1 are unnecessary, so select the Label node under this series and disable the Labels
Visibility check box.
Rotate the X-axis labels for better readability. To do this, select the Axis X item, and in the Properties tab, adjust
settings for labels using the Label property. For instance, set the Angle property to 20 and the Antialiasing property
to Yes.
If required, it is possible to customize many other properties for the Chart, which are not described here.
The chart is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview and view the result.
Chart with Dynamic Series
This document describes how to create a report with a Chart control bound to data, so that all series are auto-created based on a
common template, which specifies universal options for all series. This is possible when data for all series (their names, along with
point arguments and values) is stored in the same data table.
Note that in this scenario, the view type and certain other settings will be the same for all series.
To adjust a Chart with automatically created series, do the following.
1. Create a new empty report.
2. Drop the Chart control from the Toolbox onto the report's Detail band.

After you drop the Chart, the Chart Designer is automatically invoked. At this step, click Cancel to close the Designer, it will
be used later.
3. To bind the Chart to a data source, right-click it and select Edit... in the context menu. Then, in the invoked dialog, expand
the Data Source drop-down and click Add New.

The invoked Data Source Wizard will guide you through the process of assigning a data source to the Chart. For detailed
instructions on the Wizard's steps, refer to Binding a Report to Data, as this process is similar.
After the data source is created, it is assigned to the Chart's Data Source property. Its Data Member property defines from
which table or view of your data source the Chart obtains its data.

Since you have placed a Chart in the Detail band, the report's Data Source property should not be set. Otherwise, the Chart
will be repeated at the preview as many times as there are records in the data source.

4. Once again, right-click the Chart and select Run Designer... in the context menu.

5. When the chart is added to the report, a new static series is created automatically. In the invoked Chart Designer, remove
this series by clicking the corresponding button.
6. Then, go to the Data tab at the right of the Designer's window. Choose an existing data source in the dedicated drop-down
list and drag-and-drop the required data fields to the corresponding cells.
The Series cell specifies the data field, which should provide data for the series names, so that a new series is created for
each record in that data field. Use the Argument and Value cells to define from where data for point arguments and values
is obtained.

7. Switch to the Properties tab and expand the Series Template option. As you can see, the Argument Data Member and
Value Data Members properties have been automatically assigned to the corresponding data fields. Make sure that the
Argument Scale Type and Value Scale Type properties are set to appropriate values.
8. At this point, the chart's data options are completely defined, so in this step, certain additional customization capabilities are
Adjust the Series Name Template
By default, the name for every auto-created series is obtained directly from an appropriate data field in the bound data
source. However, you can add some text to the beginning or to the end of every series name using the Chart's Series
Name Template property. For instance, set the Begin Text property to "GSP in ".
Customize Series Labels
To avoid the overlapping of series labels, expand the Chart's Series Template property and set the Labels Visibility
property to No.
If required, it is possible to customize many other properties for the Chart, which are not described here.
The chart is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Creating Reports
With the Report Designer, you can edit existing reports, as well as create your own reports from scratch. The following sections
contain tutorials providing step-by-step instructions on both basic and advanced report customization.
Basic Operations
The topics in this section cover the basics of working with reports in the Report Designer.
Providing Data
The documents in this section describe how to connect reports to various kinds of data sources and provide data to report
Shaping Data
The topics in this section detail various data shaping tasks that you can perform with your reports.
Appearance Customization
The topics in this section describe how to customize the appearance of a report or any of its elements using specific
appearance options, visual styles and conditional formatting.
Report Navigation and Interactivity
The tutorials in this section cover the navigation-related features of the Report Designer.
Adding Details about a Report
The documents in this section describe how to add technical information about a report to a generated document.
This topic provides basic information about scripting and contains an example of using scripts to customize a report.
Basic Operations
The topics in this section cover the basics of working with reports in the Report Designer.
This section consists of the following topics.
Create a New Report
Change Measurement Units of a Report
Create and Delete Report Elements
Adjust the Layout of Report Elements
Control Positioning
Adjust Page Layout Settings
Back Up the Report Layout
Create a New Report
This topic explains how to create a new report in the Report Designer.
To create a new report, do one of the following depending on the Report Designer's View.
In the Classic View, click the New button in the Toolbar.

In the Browser View, click the plus button located inside the tab panel next to report headers.

As a result, the Report Wizard is automatically invoked allowing you to create the required report based on built-in templates.
Change Measurement Units of a Report
For your report, you can choose its global Measure Units, which can be Hundredths of an Inch, Tenths of a Millimeter or
To specify the Measure Unit property, do one of the following.
Right-click the report and select Edit... in the context menu. In the invoked dialog, set this property to the required value.

Select the report and switch to the Properties Panel. Expand the Measure Units drop-down and select the required value.

This defines the basic measurement unit for all the unit-related options of a report and its bands and controls (such as location,
size, border width, etc.) as well as the measurement unit of the report's Snap Grid.
Create and Delete Report Elements
This document describes how to add and delete report controls and bands in the Report Designer.
The topic consists of the following sections.
Creating Report Controls
Creating Report Bands
Deleting Controls and Bands

Creating Report Controls

All available controls are listed in the Control Toolbox. To add a control to the currently opened report, you can drag and drop it
onto an appropriate report band.

Report controls of appropriate types are created automatically, after you drag items from the Field List and drop them onto the
report surface.

Creating Report Bands

To add a new band of a particular type, use the context menu of the report or bands. Right-click a report on the design surface or
in the Report Explorer, and select a band to be inserted in the report.
Deleting Controls and Bands
To delete a report control or band, select it on the design surface or Report Explorer, and then do one of the following.
Press the DELETE key.
Right-click the report element, and in the invoked context menu, select Delete.

Click the Delete button on the Toolbar.

Note that certain elements cannot be deleted (such as the Detail band).
Adjust the Layout of Report Elements
This document describes how to customize the report elements layout and consists of the following sections.
Selecting Report Elements
Moving Report Elements
Resizing Report Elements

Selecting Report Elements

To select a report control or band, click it. To select the next element in the tab order, press TAB. To select the previous element in
the tab order, click SHIFT + TAB.
To select multiple elements, do one of the following.
Click report elements while holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key.
Click on a blank space and drag the mouse to create a selection frame. When the mouse button is released, all controls
within the selection frame's boundaries will be selected. In this case, the previous selection is cleared.

Moving Report Elements

To move a report control, select it and drag to the new location. To move it using the keyboard, press the arrow keys.

You can also move multiple selected report controls in the same way as individual controls.
The report controls can be precisely aligned to each other using the Snap Gird and/or Snap Lines. For details on this, refer to
Control Positioning .

Resizing Report Elements

To resize a control using the mouse, select it and then drag a rectangle drawn on its edge or corner.

You can also select multiple controls and resize them in the same way as individual controls.
To resize a report band, drag its bottom border.
Control Positioning
This document describes how to easily construct professionally looking reports by precisely aligning their elements to each other.
These are useful when creating new reports from scratch or when fixing cluttered report layouts with dozens of randomly
scattered controls.
To select an appropriate alignment mode for report elements, use a report's Snapping Mode.

Snap Grid
When a report is being edited in the Report Designer, it is lined up by the snap grid. This helps to establish the distance between
report elements and align them to each other.

In the Snap to Grid mode, a report control that is being relocated using the mouse or the ARROW keys is automatically aligned
with the nearest grid cell. When resizing the report control, its size is discretely changed by one grid cell. You can temporarily
ignore snapping to the grid when moving and resizing controls. For this, hold down the CTRL key when using the mouse and the
ALT key when using the keyboard.
You can select whether the snap grid should be drawn over a report surface by setting the Draw the Grid option in the Properties

You also can adjust the Snap Grid Size, which is measured in the measurement units set for your report.

Snap Lines
If the Snap Lines mode is selected, report elements are aligned using snap lines. These are special guide lines, which appear
around the report control that is being moved or resized and indicate this control's bounds and the distance to other report
elements (controls and bands).
To disable snapping using snap lines for controls being relocated or resized, additionally hold down the ALT key.

Snap Lines and Snap Grid

The Snap to Grid and Snap Lines mode enables snapping to both the snap grid and snap lines.

No Snapping
To disable snapping in your report, set the Snapping Mode property to None. In this case, report controls are moved and
resized by one measurement unit defined by the Report Unit property.
Adjust Page Layout Settings
In the Report Designer, page settings of a report can be specified in one of two ways. The first approach forces the default printer
settings to be used when the report is printed, while the other one enables you to alter page settings independently.

Using Settings of the Default Printer

For the orientation, margins and paper size, you can specify a requirement that applies the corresponding printer settings instead
of the report's. This may be useful when the report is printed in several places with different printers and printer settings. To do
this, go to the Properties Panel, expand the Using Settings of the Default Printer property and enable required options.

Specify the Report's Page Settings

While designing the report, you can specify the page settings using the Properties Panel.

You can select one the predefined paper sizes or specify a custom paper size. To create your own paper size, set the Paper Kind
property to Custom, and then specify the Page Width and Page Height properties. You can also use the Paper Name property
to select a custom paper that is used in the printer that the document is going to be printed on.
To modify page margins, specify the Margins property. The margin values are expressed in the report's measurement units. In
addition, you can set the page orientation using the Landscape property and specify whether the document is supposed to be
printed on roll paper.
You can also modify the paper size, orientation and margins in the Page Setup dialog, which can be invoked by clicking the Page
Setup button on the Toolbar.
Back Up the Report Layout
To guarantee that you will be able to revert your report to its original state, you can to create a backup copy. Then, you can apply
changes without worrying that it will be hard to restore your report, in case something breaks.
To save a copy of your report, click the Save As button in the Toolbar.

Then, in the invoked standard Save dialog, specify the folder and file name.
To save the current layout of your report, click the Save button in the Toolbar, or press CTRL+S. When you click this button
for the report for the first time, it invokes the Save dialog, which allows you to specify where the report should be saved.
The subsequent clicking of this button for the same report will silently save the report to the previously specified file.

To load a previously saved report, click the Open button in the Toolbar or press CTRL+O. This invokes the standard Open
dialog, which allows you to locate and open report files.
Providing Data
The topics in this section describe the basic concepts of providing data for reports and their elements in the Report Designer.
Binding a Report to Data
Binding Report Controls to Data
Using Mail Merge
Report Parameters
Query Parameters
Calculated Fields
Binding a Report to Data
The Report Designer is primarily designed to work with data-aware reports, meaning that a report obtains its general dynamic
data from an external data source.
The documents in this section describe how to connect reports to various kinds of data sources.
Bind a Report to a Database
Bind a Report to an Entity Framework Data Source
Bind a Report to an Object Data Source
Bind a Report to an Excel Data Source
Bind a Report to a Database
This document describes the steps required to connect a report to a database.
To bind a report to a database, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. Right-click the report and select Edit... in the context menu. In the invoked dialog, expand the Data Source drop-down and
click the Add New button.

3. The first page of the invoked Data Source Wizard allows you to specify the data source type. Select Database and click
Next to proceed.

4. On the next page, specify the data connection to be used. If it is absent in the list containing existing connections, select No,
I'd like to specify the connection parameters myself and click Next.
5. On the next wizard page, define a custom connection string, or select from the supported data source types. Depending on
the data provider selected, it may be necessary to specify additional connection options (such as authentication type and
database name) on this page.

Click Next to proceed.

6. If server authentication is required for the selected database type, the next page will prompt you to specify whether or not
you want to save the user credentials along with the connection string.
Select the required option and click Next.
7. On the next page, you can construct an SQL query to obtain data from the database, or select a stored procedure.
To construct an SQL query, click Run Query Builder...

8. In the invoked Query Builder window, select an item from the list of available tables on the left and drop it onto the list of
data tables to be used.
9. Enable the check box near the added table to include all of its fields in the data view.

Click OK to exit the Query Builder. Click Finish to exit the Data Source Wizard.
The newly created SQL data source will be displayed in the Components node of the Report Explorer. Additionally, the
hierarchy of the data source will be reflected by the Field List.
Bind a Report to an Entity Framework Data Source
This document describes the steps required to connect a report to data provided by an Entity Framework data context.
To bind a report to an Entity Framework data source, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. Right-click the report and select Edit... in the context menu. In the invoked dialog, expand the Data Source drop-down and
click the Add New button.

3. The first page of the invoked Data Source Wizard allows you to specify the data source type. Select Entity Framework
and click Next to proceed.

4. On the next page, select the required data context from the list of available data contexts and click Next.
5. Select a connection string to be used to establish a data connection.

Click Next to proceed to the next page.

6. The following wizard page is available only if the current entity data model contains stored procedures. To bind to a stored
procedure, click Add. Then, in the invoked window, select a required stored procedure and click OK.
7. Configure the parameters to be passed to the selected stored procedure. Be sure to specify the correct parameter Type.
Click Finish to exit the wizard.

The newly created Entity Framework data source will be displayed in the Components node of the Report Explorer. Additionally,
the hierarchy of the data source will be reflected by the Field List.
Bind a Report to an Object Data Source
This document describes the steps required to connect a report to an object data source.
To bind a report to an object data source, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. Right-click the report and select Edit... in the context menu. In the invoked dialog, expand the Data Source drop-down and
click the Add New button.

3. The first page of the invoked Data Source Wizard allows you to specify the data source type. Select Object Binding and
click Next to proceed.

4. Next, select an assembly that contains the class type definition of the data source. To exclude irrelevant assemblies from this
list, select the Show only highlighted assemblies check box.
5. On the following wizard page, select a data source type. To exclude irrelevant classes from this list, select the Show only
highlighted types check box.

6. On the next wizard page, select whether you need to retrieve the actual data from the data source or obtain the data source
schema (enabling you to edit the report layout without having access to the actual underlying data). Select the second
option and click Next to proceed.
7. The following page allows you to select a data source constructor to be used to create an instance of the data source. To
exclude irrelevant constructors from the list, select the Show only highlighted constructors check box.

8. On this wizard page, you can specify the parameters for the selected constructor. To specify the constructor parameter's
value, use the Value column. Enable the check box in the Expression column to make it possible to specify the parameter
expression using the Expression Editor. In this case, you can pass an existing report parameter to the member or even
create a new report parameter using the in-place editor.
Click Finish to exit the wizard.
The newly created object data source will be displayed in the Components node of the Report Explorer. Additionally, the
hierarchy of the data source will be reflected by the Field List.
Bind a Report to an Excel Data Source
This document describes the steps required to connect a report to data obtained from a Microsoft Excel workbook.
To bind a report to an Excel data source, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. Right-click the report and select Edit... in the context menu. In the invoked dialog, expand the Data Source drop-down and
click the Add New button.

3. The first page of the invoked Data Source Wizard allows you to specify the data source type. Select Excel File and click
Next to proceed.

4. On the next wizard page, select a required Excel workbook. To do this, click the ellipsis button and locate the source file or
enter the full path to this file. The XLS, XLSX and XLSM formats are supported.
Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page.
5. The next wizard page allows you to specify import settings.
Enable the first check box to use values of the first row as field names. If you disable this option, values of the first row will
be imported as data and field names will be generated automatically. You can also specify whether to include empty rows to
the result data source, and whether to skip hidden rows and columns.

Specify required settings and click Next.

6. On the next wizard page specify from which part of the workbook to extract data. All worksheets, tables and named regions
existing in the workbook are listed here.
7. The next wizard page allows you to select required columns and specify their settings.
To select a column, enable the corresponding Selected check box. Use Name to specify the custom column name and
Type to choose the column type.

On this page, you can also preview the resulting data by clicking the Preview... button.
Click Finish to complete the wizard.
The newly created data source will be displayed in the Components node of the Report Explorer. Additionally, the hierarchy of
the data source will be reflected by the Field List.
Binding Report Controls to Data
Report controls can either display static information or dynamic data obtained from the bound data source.
Data-bound controls are indicated by a yellow database icon, both on the Design Surface and in the Report Explorer.

To embed dynamic information to a report, if this information is contained in the report data source, you can use one of the
following approaches.
Using the Field List
Using the Context Menu
Using the Properties Panel
After a control is bound to data, you can employ additional features that are listed in the Special Capabilities section of this

Using the Field List

The Report Designer allows you to create a data-aware element using the Field List. To do this, switch to the Field List panel, click
the desired field item and drop it onto the report band. This automatically creates a control bound to the selected data field.

Using the Context Menu

Right click an existing report control, and in the invoked context menu, click the Edit... link.
In the invoked Edit dialog, expand the Data Binding drop-down and select the required data field.

To unbind a control's property, expand the Data Binding drop-down and click the Clear button.

Using the Properties Panel

Select a control (e.g., on the Design Surface) and switch to the Properties Panel. Expand the Data Bindings option and specify a
data field for the required property (e.g., Text).
To unbind a control's property, expand the corresponding drop-down and click the Clear button.

Special Capabilities
After a control is bound, you can apply formatting to its dynamic content (e.g., for it to be treated as currency, or date-time
content). For details on this, refer to Formatting Data.
It is possible to force a control to display a result of a summary function calculated across the data field to which it is bound. For
more information, see Calculating Summaries.
Another noteworthy option is to combine both static and dynamic content within the same control (e.g., to append some text
prefix or postfix to a value obtained from a database), or even bind a control to multiple data fields at one time. This is detailed in
Using Mail Merge.
If you are required to perform pre-calculations over the data field to which a control is bound, you can do so by creating a
calculated field, and binding the control to it. This is detailed at Calculated Fields.
In turn, a calculated field may contain both dynamic and static parameters, which can be requested each time a report is being
previewed. For more information, refer to Report Parameters.
Using Mail Merge
The mail merge feature allows you to combine both static and dynamic content within the same report control. For instance, you
can append some text prefix or postfix to a value obtained from a database, or even bind a control to multiple data fields at one
Mail merge is available for the following controls.
Table Cell
Check Box
Bar Code
Zip Code
To embed dynamic data into a control's static content, type in data field names surrounded by [square brackets]. If this field is
valid in the current data context, it will be replaced with an appropriate data value when a report is previewed or exported. Since
this data field is inserted into a label's text, you may also use any prefix or postfix. Moreover, you can insert several embedded
fields into the Text of a single control, and all these embedded fields should be processed correctly.

To embed a parameter's value into a control's content, use the Parameters.ParameterName syntax.
Report Parameters
This document describes the main concepts of using parameters in the Report Designer and provides information on how to
create parameters and pass their values.
The document consists of the following sections.
Using Parameters
Creating Parameters
Passing Parameter Values

Using Parameters
Report parameters provide the capability to pass data of a certain type to a report and can be used in different ways listed below.
You can use a report parameter to filter report data according to the current parameter value by specifying the report's
Filter String. For more information, see the Filtering Data topic.

Data Binding
To show a parameter's value in a report, drag the parameter from the Field List panel and drop it onto the required band.
This creates a Label bound to the parameter, as with an ordinary data field.

For more information, see the Binding Report Controls to Data topic.
Calculated Fields and Conditional Formatting
Parameters can participate in constructing expressions for calculated fields and formatting rules, as well as standard data
fields. The only difference is that a parameter is inserted into the expression's text using the "Parameters." prefix before its
Cascading Parameters
You can filter parameter values by specifying the filtering expression that can also include other parameter values. To
construct this filtering expression, set the parameter's Look-Up Settings Type property to StaticList or DynamicList and
then specify its Filter String property.

Multi-Value Parameters
If a parameter is bound to a collection of standard values, it is possible to store more than one value in it. To do this, enable
the parameter's MultiValue property.

Multi-value parameters are useful when you need to filter report data against a list of values. The image below
demonstrates a correct filtering expression that incorporates a multi-value parameter.

The following image demonstrates an editor for a multi-value parameter in a Print Preview.

Creating Parameters
To create report parameters, follow the steps below.
1. Create a new report and bind it to a data source.
2. In the Field List panel, right-click the Parameters section and in the invoked menu, click Add Parameter.

3. In the invoked Add New Parameter dialog, set the created parameter's Name and Description properties and make sure
to set its Type to an appropriate value. To display this parameter in the Print Preview, enable the Show in the parameters
panel option.
4. To assign a list of values to this report parameter, enable the Supports the collection of standard values option.
In the Dynamic values tab, you can specify a parameter's data source, data member, value member and display member.
The value member defines a data field that provides values to the parameter. The display member defines a data field that
provides display names for parameter values, i.e., how these values appear in the user interface available in a Print Preview.
In the Static values tab, you can manually fill the list of parameter values. Each parameter value has an individual
description specifying how this value appears in the Parameters Panel.

5. Then, repeat the previous steps to create the second parameter, so that every time your report is previewed, you will be
asked to specify two dates.
6. Next, use parameters to filter your report's data. Select report, and in the Properties Panel, click the ellipsis button for the
Filter String property. Then, in the invoked Filter String Editor, construct an expression where a data field is compared
with the created parameters. To access parameters, click the icon on the right until it turns into a question mark.

Passing Parameter Values

To view the resulting report in the Report Designer, switch to the Print Preview tab. For a report containing at least one visible
parameter, the dedicated Parameters Panel is automatically created in the Preview. This panel provides appropriate editors based
on parameter types. To pass parameter values to the report, specify the required values and click Submit.
Query Parameters
A query parameter holds an external value that is inserted into an SQL statement before query execution. This value can be either
static or dynamically generated by an associated expression.
In the Report Designer, query parameters are typically used in the following scenarios.
Passed as criteria to the WHERE part of an SQL statement to perform data source level filtering. The query parameter's
value is inserted into the resulting SQL query string in the position of the corresponding placeholder, which has the
"@QueryParameterName" form.
Passed as actual parameters to a stored procedure. See the Customize the Query topic to learn more.
To create and configure query parameters to filter report data, do the following.
1. When creating a new data-bound report using the Report Wizard or binding an existing one to an SQL data source, go to
the query customization page.
To open this page to customize an existing data source, right-click this data source in the Report Explorer and select
Manage Queries in the context menu.

Then, in the invoked Manage Queries dialog, click the ellipsis button for the required query.

2. In the invoked Data Source Wizard, click the Run Query Builder... button.
3. In the Query Builder, construct the query, and then, click the Filter... button.

4. In the invoked Filter Editor, construct a filtering expression that will be used to filter resulting data at the data source level.
To access parameters, click the icon on the right until it turns into a question mark. Then, click the parameter placeholder
and select Create Query Parameter.
5. In the invoked Query Parameter Editor, specify the parameter's name and appropriate value type, and click OK.

Close the Filter Editor, and then, complete the Query Builder.
6. Now, the newly constructed SQL query appears in string form on this wizard page. The query parameter is passed to the
WHERE part of the SQL string and has the "@QueryParameterName" form.

Then, click Next to proceed to the next wizard page.

7. The next wizard page provides access to query parameters and allows you to add, configure and remove it. On this page,
specify the actual value (either static or dynamic) for a query parameter.
Specifying a static value
To specify a static value for a query parameter, select the parameter's value type, and then specify its actual value in
the Value column according to the selected type.

Specifying a dynamic value

To use a dynamically generated value, do the following.
First, activate the Expression check box for the required parameter. This allows you to use an expression to
dynamically calculate the parameter's actual value.
To map the query parameter to a new report parameter, click the plus button for the Value property, and in the
invoked dialog, specify the required report parameter settings. Be sure to specify the report parameter type according
to the type of the respective query parameter.

Then, expand the drop-down list for the Value property and select the created report parameter. This list also contains
report parameters that already exist in a report.
You can also create a complex expression for a query parameter. To do this, click the ellipsis button for the Value
property and construct the required expression in the invoked Expression Editor.
8. Click Finish to exit the wizard.
Calculated Fields
This document demonstrates how to add a calculated field to a report. The main purpose of calculated fields is to perform pre-
calculations of virtually any level of complexity over data fields based on a specific expression.
In the Report Designer, a calculated field is similar to an ordinary data field (e.g., you can bind controls to it, and group, sort and
filter your report against it).
To add a calculated field to your report, follow the instructions below.
1. To create a calculated field, in the Field List, right-click any item inside the data source, and in the invoked menu, select Add
Calculated Field.

2. In the Field List, select the created field and switch to the Properties Panel. Make sure to change the Field Type property to
an appropriate value.

3. Then, create an expression for the calculated field.

Click the ellipsis button for the Expression property to invoke the Expression Editor. You can also invoke this dialog by
right-clicking the calculated field within the Field List and selecting Edit Expression...
Click Fields to see the field list. To add a data field or report parameter to this expression, double-click the required name. A
data field is inserted into the expression's text using its name in [square brackets], and parameters are inserted using the
"Parameters." prefix before their names. Use the toolbar to add operators between field names.
To close the dialog and save the expression, click OK.
4. Finally, drag the calculated field from the Field List onto the required band like an ordinary data field.

The report with a calculated field is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Shaping Data
The topics in this section illustrate how to shape data in reports in various ways using the Report Designer.
Grouping Data
Sorting Data
Filtering Data
Calculating Summaries
Formatting Data
Grouping Data
This document demonstrates how to group report data. Grouping allows you to split data into groups based on identical values in
a field or fields. Note that data grouping can be performed only if a report is bound to a data source.
To group records in a report, do the following.
1. Create a new report and bind it to a data source. This tutorial starts with the following report.

2. Next, switch to the Group and Sort Panel, and click Add a Group. In the invoked drop-down list, select a data member
across which the report is to be grouped.

3. After this, the Group Header band is added to the report with the specified data member set as its grouping criterion.
Drop the data field, which is specified as the grouping criterion, from the Field List panel onto the Group Header band. This
data field will be displayed as a header for each group.

4. In addition, you can enable the corresponding Group Footer band by enabling the Show Footer option in the Group and
Sort Panel.
Use the Sort Order drop-down list to manage the sorting order of the group's items (ascending or descending) or to
disable sorting in grouped data. If multiple groups are created, you can specify the priority for each group by selecting it in
the Group and Sort Panel and using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
5. Then, you can calculate a total across the group by placing a Label onto the Group Footer band and specifying its Summary
properties in the following way.

Note also that value formatting is applied to a summary independently of the general formatting, and has a greater priority.
The report is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Sorting Data
This document demonstrates how to sort report data. Note that as with data grouping, sorting can be performed only if a report is
bound to a data source. This example uses the report created in the following tutorial: Grouping Data.
To sort records in a data-aware report, do the following.
1. Switch to the Group and Sort Panel, and click Add a Sort. In the invoked drop-down list, choose a data field across which
the report is to be sorted.

2. To manage the sorting order, use the Sort Order drop-down list.
If multiple sorting criteria are specified, you can define the priority for each one by selecting it in the Group and Sort Panel
and using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
The report is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Filtering Data
If a report is bound to a data source that contains far more data rows than are necessary for processing report creation, you can
exclude excessive or undesired data. To accomplish this, construct a filtering expression using single or multiple data fields.
This document describes two approaches to filtering data in the Report Designer.
Filter Data at the Report Level
Filter Data at the Data Source Level

Filter Data at the Report Level

To filter a report's data, do the following.
1. Right-click the report and select Edit... in the context menu. In the invoked dialog, click the ellipsis button for the Filter
String property.

2. Then, in the invoked Filter String Editor, specify the filtering expression.

When creating a filter criteria, you can create and edit logical expressions, and also join the expression groups with And, Or,
NotAnd, and NotOr operators. In every filter condition, the left part contains either the data field name, or the name of the
calculated field, which exists in this data source at the same level. The right part of the condition contains either a certain
numerical or string value, or the name of the report parameter.
To access parameters, click the icon on the right, until it turns into a question mark.
To quit the dialog and save the changes, click OK.

Filter Data at the Data Source Level

To filter data before it has been supplied to a report, you can modify a query of an SqlDataSource assigned to the report's Data
Source property. To do this, perform the following steps.
1. Invoke the Manage Queries dialog using one of the following ways.
Switch to the Report Explorer and right-click the data source item under the Components node. In the invoked
context menu, select the Manage Queries... command.

Select a data source, and in the Properties Panel, click the ellipsis button for the Queries property.

2. In the invoked dialog, click the ellipsis button corresponding to the required query.
3. Next, in the invoked Data Source Wizard, click the Run Query Builder... button.

4. In the Query Builder, click the Filter... button.

5. In the invoked Filter Editor, construct a filtering expression that will be used to filter resulting data at the data source level.
Note that it is possible to embed query parameters into the expression.
Calculating Summaries
With the Report Designer, you can force a data-bound control to calculate one of the standard summary functions (Average,
Sum, Count, Max, Min, etc.).
To calculate summaries (totals) within a report, follow the instructions below.
1. Create a new report and bind it to a data source. This tutorial starts with the following report layout.

2. To display a summary at the bottom of the report, add the Report Footer band. To do this, right-click the report's area and in
the invoked context menu, select Insert Band, and then Report Footer.

3. Switch to the Field List panel, select the field for which a summary will be calculated and drop it onto the created Report
Footer band.

4. Right-click the newly created Label and select Edit... in the context menu. In the invoked dialog, click the ellipsis button for
the Summary property.
5. In the invoked Summary Editor, specify the summary options. In the Summary function drop-down, select Sum. Note
that in addition to a simple summary, you can choose among numerous built-in functions (such as Count and Average).
The Summary Running option is set to Report to ensure that all values from the specified data field are taken into
account. You can also define a summary function's Format string. Note that value formatting is applied to a summary
independent of general formatting and has a greater priority.
The Ignore NULL values option would not affect the result in this example, since NULL values are treated like zeros by
default. This option makes sense for functions like Count or Average, because the number of elements counted will
depend on this option.

To save the settings and close the dialog, click OK.

Switch your report to the Print Preview tab to view the result.
Formatting Data
This topic describes how to change value formatting of report elements in the Report Designer. For instance, you can format a
numeric value as a currency, display a date/time value in one of the standard forms depending on the culture, etc.
To apply value formatting for a data-bound control's content, do the following.
1. Right-click the control, and select Edit... in the context menu. In the invoked dialog, click the ellipsis button for the Format
String property.

2. In the invoked Format String Editor, select one of the predefined standard formats or specify a custom one.

To quit the dialog and apply the changes, click OK.

In a similar way, you can apply formatting to a control's Bookmark, Navigation URL and Tag properties using the Properties
Panel. Note that the set of bindable properties depends on the control type.
When a summary function is applied to a control's dynamic content, value formatting is specified separately as described in the
Calculating Summaries document.
Independently from general and summary value formatting, you can specify a native XSLX format string, which is preserved when
the report is exported to XLSX. You can do this using a control's Xlsx Format String property.
Appearance Customization
The topics in this section describe how to customize the appearance of a report or any of its elements using specific appearance
options, visual styles and conditional formatting.
This section consists of the following topics.
Understanding Style Concepts
Use Odd and Even Styles
Conditionally Change a Control's Appearance
Conditionally Hide Bands
Conditionally Change a Label's Text
Understanding Style Concepts
This document describes how you can provide a professional look to your reports by effectively adjusting the appearance of its
This document consists of the following sections.
Appearance Properties
Visual Styles
Styles Priority

Appearance Properties
In the Report Designer, a report and each of its elements (bands and controls) has a complete set of appearance options (such as
Background Color, Borders, Font, Foreground Color, Text Alignment, etc.). By default, these properties are not specified,
meaning that their real values are obtained from a control's (or band's) parent, which is the report itself. So, the appearance
specified for a report is distributed to all its child elements. Similarly, the appearance of a band is translated to the controls it

In turn, a control's appearance can be adjusted independently from its parent.

Visual Styles
In addition to the capability to specify appearance property values for every control and band, you can create comprehensive
global styles (which are stored in the report's style sheet), and then assign them to individual report elements.
Click the ellipsis button for the report's Style Sheet property to invoke the Styles Editor, which allows you to manage a report's
style sheets, customize them, save them to a file and load from it.
You can also invoke the Styles Editor by right-clicking the report and selecting Edit Style Sheet... in the context menu.

To assign a particular style to a control, invoke the drop-down list for its Style property. Then, select one of the styles stored in a
report's sheet collection or click the plus button to create a new style sheet.

Note that if a style is assigned to a band, it is applied to all controls that the band contains.
You can also use the Report Explorer to access the style collection. Commands of the context menu allow you to add, edit, clone or
delete a style.
Styles Priority
A style defines the same appearance properties that are defined by a control's (or band's) appearance properties. When both
styles and individual appearance settings are assigned to an element, you can control the priority of their options using an
element's Style Priority property.
By default, most of the Style Priority's options (Use Background Color, Use Border Color, etc.) are set to Yes. This means that
if any style is assigned to a control, its properties will have a higher priority than the appearance properties of this element or its
parent. You can assign a higher priority to an element's appearance property by disabling the corresponding Use* property.
The following image demonstrates how the Style Priority property works.

The same principles are applied to the odd-even styles feature, which allows you to alternate the appearance of consecutive data
rows in your report. For details on this, refer to Use Odd and Even Styles.

When conditional formatting is applied to an element, its appearance definition has the highest priority.
Use Odd and Even Styles
This tutorial describes how to apply odd and even styles to report controls, e.g., to alternate the background color for each record.
To utilize odd and even styles, do the following.
1. Create a table report.
2. In the Properties Panel, click the ellipsis button for the report's Style Sheet property.

3. In the invoked Styles Editor, click the plus button to add a new style. Then, adjust the required options, e.g., set the
Background Color.

Click OK to apply changes and quit the dialog.

4. Select the detail table, and in the Properties Panel, expand its Styles option. Invoke the drop-down list for the Even Style
property and select the created style.

If required, perform the same steps to create and assign an odd style.
Switch to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Conditionally Change a Control's Appearance
This tutorial describes how to conditionally change a control's appearance (e.g., make a Label's text red if its value exceeds a
certain threshold). Thanks to the formatting rules feature, no scripts are required to complete this task, so you should not have to
write any code.
To conditionally change a control's appearance, do the following.
1. Create a new report and bind it to a data source.
2. Right-click the report and select Edit Formatting Rule Sheet... in the invoked context menu.

3. In the invoked Formatting Rule Sheet Editor, create a new formatting rule using the plus button, and then, click the
ellipsis button for its Condition property.

4. In the invoked Expression Editor, define the required Boolean condition (which means that its result is returned as either
true or false). This tutorial demonstrates how to format fields if the UnitPrice value is greater than 30.
To save the condition and close the dialog, click OK.
5. Return to the Formatting Rule Sheet Editor and define the formatting to be applied, e.g., specify the desired foreground

To save the changes and quit the dialog, click OK.

6. Finally, select the band or control to which the formatting rule should be applied (in this example, it is the Detail band), and
select Edit Formatting Rules... in the context menu.
7. In the invoked Formatting Rules Editor, move the rule from left to right using the right arrow button so that you can apply
the rule for this band.

If multiple rules are applied, it is possible to customize their precedence using the up and down arrow buttons. So, the rules
are applied in the same order that they appear in the list, and the last rule in the list has the highest priority.
Switch your report to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Conditionally Hide Bands
This tutorial describes how to hide bands if a certain logical condition is met. Note that no scripts are required to accomplish this
To demonstrate this feature, use a report with grouping similar to the one created in the following tutorial: Grouping Data.
To conditionally hide bands in a report, do the following.
1. Right-click the Group Header and select Edit Formatting Rules... in its context menu.

2. In the invoked Formatting Rules Editor, click the Edit Rule Sheet... button.

3. Then, in the invoked Formatting Rule Sheet Editor, click the plus button to create a new rule. Set its Visible property to
No, and click the ellipsis button for the Condition property.
4. Construct the required logical expression (e.g., [CategoryID] < 2), and click OK.

To quit the Formatting Rule Sheet Editor and save changes, click OK.
5. Return to the Formatting Rules Editor and move the created rule to the dialog's right section using the right arrow button
to make it active.
6. Apply the same formatting rule to the report's Detail band.
Switch to the Print Preview and view the result. In this example, you can see that the first category is not shown. So, the
conditional formatting was applied properly.
Conditionally Change a Label's Text
This tutorial demonstrates how to change a label's text if a certain condition is met. No scripts are required to accomplish this
To conditionally change a label's text, do the following.
1. Create a new report and bind it to a data source.
2. Next, add a calculated field. To do this, in the Field List, right-click any item inside the created data source, and in the invoked
context menu, select Add Calculated Field.

3. Select the calculated field, and in the Properties Panel, set its Field Type to String. Then, click the ellipsis button for the
Expression property.
In the invoked Expression Editor, specify the required logical condition for the calculated field (e.g., Iif([UnitsOnOrder]
== 0, 'None', [UnitsOnOrder]), which means that if the UnitsOnOrder data field's value is equal to 0, the control's text
will be replaced with None).

To save the changes and close the dialog, click OK.

4. Finally, drop the required data fields and the created calculated field from the Field List onto the report's Detail band.
The report is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Report Navigation and Interactivity
The topics in this section explain how to establish navigation through a report in different ways and enable editing reports in Print
This section consists of the following topics.
Add Bookmarks
Create a Table of Contents
Create Hyperlinks
Add a Cross-Reference
Enable Content Editing in Print Preview
Add Bookmarks
This tutorial describes the steps to create a report with bookmarks (a so-called Document Map). This feature allows you to easily
navigate through the report during print preview.
To demonstrate the Document Map feature, use a report with grouping, similar to the one created in the following tutorial:
Grouping Data.
To create a report with bookmarks, do the following.
1. Select the label placed in the Group Header band, and in the Properties Panel, expand the Data Bindings property. As this
control is bound to data, bind its Bookmark property to the same data field (in this example, CategoryID).

Note that as with other bindable properties, you can also apply value formatting to the Bookmark property (e.g., Category:
2. In the same way, select the label in the Detail band and set its Bookmark property to the ProductName data field.

3. Then, for the same label, set the Parent Bookmark property to the Group Header's label to define the Document Map's
4. Finally, select the report itself and assign text to its Bookmark property, which determines the caption of the root node of
the Document Map.

The report with bookmarks is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab and use the Document Map Panel to navigate through
the report.
Create a Table of Contents
This tutorial describes how to create a report with a table of contents, which is automatically created based on the bookmarks
existing in a report.
To insert a table of contents into a report, do the following.
1. Drop the Table Of Contents control from the Toolbox onto the Report Header Band.

Alternatively, you can double-click the control in the Toolbox. In this case, if the report does not contain a Report Header, it
will be created automatically, so that the table of contents can be added to it.
2. Double-click the title of the table of contents and specify its text.

3. To customize the title's appearance, use the Level Title option's settings available in the Properties Panel.

4. To customize the appearance of all other levels, use the Level Default option's settings.
5. To customize a specific level individually, add a corresponding item to the Levels collection of the table of contents.

After adding a new level, you can access and customize its properties.
The table of contents are now ready. Switch to the Print Preview and view the result.
Create Hyperlinks
This tutorial demonstrates how to embed a hyperlink into your report. In this case, a label behaves as a hyperlink in a report's
Print Preview, and when the report is exported to PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, XLS and XLSX formats.
To insert a hyperlink into your report, do the following.
1. Create a new report.
2. Drop a Label onto the report, and in the Properties Panel, change its Text to the one required for the link.

3. Then, set the Navigation Target to the required value (_blank, _parent, _search, _self, or _top), and define the required
Navigation URL.

4. In addition, to make the label look like a typical link, you can change its appearance appropriately (e.g., make it blue and
The hyperlink is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Add a Cross-Reference
This tutorial demonstrates how to add a cross-reference to your report. A cross-reference is a link whose target is located within
the current document and which allows you to establish easy navigation through a report. In this example, a link is placed at the
bottom of each group, leading to the beginning of the report.
To demonstrate this feature, use a report with grouping similar to the one created in the following tutorial: Grouping Data.
To create a report with cross-references, do the following.
1. Drop a label onto the created Report Header band, which will serve as the report's headline. Click the label to type the
desired contents into it. Then, in the Properties Panel, set its Name property to reportTop.

2. To accompany the existing Group Header with the corresponding Footer, in the Group and Sort Panel, enable the Show
Footer option.

3. Then, drop a label onto the Group Footer band. Change the label's Text to Top of Report and apply the desired formatting
to it (e.g., the blue color and underlined text).
Set its Navigation Target property to _self. Then, if you click the drop-down list of the Navigation URL property, you can
see the controls available in your report. Choose the one named reportTop.

The report with cross-references is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Enable Content Editing in Print Preview
This document describes how to enable editing the content of specific controls in Print Preview.
This topic consists of the following sections.
Text Editing
Check Box Editing

Text Editing
The Label, Table Cell and Character Comb report controls can be assigned editors to customize their content in Print Preview.
To demonstrate this feature, use the report similar to one created in the following tutorial: Grouping Data.
To enable content editing, do the following.
1. Select one or more controls that you want to become editable in Print Preview (to select multiple controls, click them while
holding down CTRL or SHIFT).
Switch to the Properties Panel, expand the Edit Options property and select the check box for the Enabled property.

2. To provide a mask for editing decimal values of the UnitPrice field, set the Editor Name property to Fixed-Point Positive
to assign the required editor with a corresponding mask.

Switch to the Print Preview tab. To highlight all editing fields available in the document, click the Editing Fields button in the
Print Preview toolbar.
Clicking a field will invoke the appropriate editor. To apply the entered values and navigate between editing fields, use the TAB
and SHIFT+TAB keys.

Check Box Editing

In addition to editing text, you can enable switching Check Box states in Print Preview. When two or more check boxes have
identical Group ID values, the corresponding editors belong to a single logical group (i.e., only one option can be selected within
a group at a time).


The changes made to a control's content in Print Preview have no effect on other parts of the document (e.g., the related summary
results, grouping, sorting, bookmarks and other settings that have already been processed before generating the document).
Adding Details about a Report
This document lists topics that describe how to add technical information about a report to a generated document. This
information includes the report's creation date, the author's name, as well as text and/or image watermarks.
This section consists of the following examples.
Add Page Numbers and System Information to a Report
Create or Modify Watermarks of a Report
Add Page Numbers and System Information to a Report
This document describes how to insert page numbers or other system information (e.g., current date and time, user name, etc.)
into a report.
Generally, this information is displayed within the Page Header and Footer or Page Margin bands. To add page numbers or
system information to a report, drop the Page Info control from the Control Toolbox onto a band.

Then, follow the instructions below for your specific task.

Add Page Numbers
Add System Date and Time
Add the User Name

Add Page Numbers

To insert page numbers in a report, do the following.
1. Right-click the Page Info control, and in the context menu, click the Edit... link. Then, in the invoked dialog, specify the
Page Information property.

You can choose one of the following formats for displaying page numbers.
Number - displays the current page number only.
Number of Total - displays the current page number with total pages.
Rom Low Number - the current page number is written in lowercase Roman letters.
Rom Hi Number - the current page number is written in uppercase Roman letters.
Total - displays the total number of pages.
2. To format the control's text, in the Edit dialog, specify the required format (e.g., Page {0} of {1}).
3. You can also specify the Start Page Number and Running Band properties. For instance, the latter is available when there
are groups in a report, and you are required to apply independent page numbering for them.
The result is shown below.

Add System Date and Time

To insert the current system date and time into a report, perform the steps below.
1. Right-click the Page Info control and select Edit... in the context menu. In the invoked dialog, expand the Page
Information drop-down and select Date Time.

2. To format the control's text, you can either type it in the Format property, or click its ellipsis button and use the Format
String Editor.
The result is shown below.

Add the User Name

To display the current user name in a report, do the following.
1. Right-click the Page Info control and select Edit... in the context menu. In the invoked dialog, expand the Page
Information drop-down and select User Name.
2. To format the control's text, in the Edit dialog, specify the required format (e.g., Current User: {0}).

The following image demonstrates the result.

Create or Modify Watermarks of a Report
This document describes how to add a text watermark in a report, or turn a picture into a report's background. Note that
watermarks are visible only in the Preview mode.
To create a new watermark in a report (or to modify the existing one), do the following.
1. Right-click the report, and in the invoked context menu, click the Watermark... link.

2. In the Text Watermark tab of the invoked Watermark dialog, enter the watermark's text and specify the required
properties such as the Direction, Transparency, Color, etc.

3. Then, switch to the Picture Watermark tab to load the image to be used as a watermark. To do this, click the ellipsis button
for the Image property. In the invoked dialog, select the file containing the image that you wish to load and click Open.
4. Next, define the picture's properties, such as the Size mode, Alignment , Transparency, etc.

5. In addition, you can select a watermark position behind or in front of the document, and specify the page range in which the
watermark will be printed.
As you can see, it is possible to use both textual and image watermarks simultaneously.
The report with watermark is now ready. Switch to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
This document describes the basic principles of scripting, which can be performed by handling the events of a report, and its
bands and controls.
This documents consists of the following sections.
Scripting Overview
Maintaining Scripts
Example: Custom Summary

Scripting Overview
Scripts are program commands, placed within the event handlers of the required report elements. And when the corresponding
event occurs (e.g., a mouse click), the script code runs. Scripting is made available to extend the standard functionality as far as
may be required.
You can write scripts for a report or any of its elements (bands and controls) to be executed when the report is being previewed,
printed or exported.
The Report Designer allows you to write scripts using the Script Editor. This editor supports C# and Visual Basic .NET scripting
languages. This means that the scripting language is independent from the language used to create the report. The language is
specified by the Script Language property of a report. The selected scripting language must be the same for all scripts used in a

Maintaining Scripts
Each report element has its own set of events, which are individual for each element type. To handle an event of a report element,
do one of the following.
Select the required report element (e.g., on the Design Surface). In the Properties Panel, expand the Scripts property and
click the plus button for the event.
Click the Scripts button ( ) in the Toolbar to display the Script Editor. Choose the required report element in the
dedicated drop-down list at the left top of the Script Editor. Then, select one of the available events in another list at the right

After the event is specified, a code template is automatically generated in the current scripting language and added in the Script

To check for errors in the report's script, click the Validate button. The validation result is displayed in the errors panel at the
bottom of the Script Editor. Double-click the error item in the panel's list to go to the corresponding line of code. If all scripts are
valid, the errors panel is empty.

Example: Custom Summary

This example demonstrates how to display the total number of product unit packs in a group.
To perform this, execute steps similar to the ones described in Calculating Summaries, except that for the summary field, you
should set the Function property to Custom.
Then, the additional events are added to the label's Scripts property.

You can handle these events in the following way.


// Declare a summary and a pack.

double totalUnits = 0;
double pack = 15;

private void label1_SummaryReset(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {

// Reset the result each time a group is printed.
totalUnits = 0;

private void label1_SummaryRowChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {

// Calculate a summary.
totalUnits += Convert.ToDouble(GetCurrentColumnValue("UnitsOnOrder"));

private void label1_SummaryGetResult(object sender,

DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.SummaryGetResultEventArgs e) {
// Round the result, so that a pack will be taken into account
// even if it contains only one unit.
e.Result = Math.Ceiling(totalUnits / pack);
e.Handled = true;

Finally, switch to the Print Preview tab and view the result.
Report Elements
In the Report Designer, a report is built from controls (text labels, images, zip codes, charts, etc.) spread across report sections
called bands (various headers, footers, and content sections).
To learn more about these report elements, see the following documents.
Report Controls
Report Bands
Report Controls
In general, report controls allow you to present information of different kinds (e.g., simple or formatted text, pictures, tables, etc.)
in your static and dynamic reports, and to adjust your report's layout (by organizing controls within panels, and inserting page
breaks at the required positions).
The following table lists the available controls (in the same order as in the Toolbox).


The most basic Label control is intended to display static or dynamic text or both in your report. In addition, it can be used to
calculate standard summary functions across a data field.

The Check Box control is intended to display True/False or Checked/Unchecked/Indeterminate states in a report by displaying (or
not) a check mark, which can be accompanied by a text description.

The Rich Text control allows you to display formatted text in your report. It can display static or dynamic text or both. You can also
load content to the Rich Text from an external TXT or RTF file (which can contain images).

The Picture Box control is intended to display images of numerous formats in a report. An image can be loaded from an external
file, from a bound data source, or from a web location using the specified URL.

The Panel control is a container that frames separate report controls to allow them to be easily moved, copied and pasted, and
visually unite them in the report's preview (with borders or a uniform color background).

The Table control is designed to arrange information in a tabular layout. It may contain any number of rows comprised of
individual cells. Both rows and cells can be selected and customized individually. In most aspects, a cell is similar to a Label, but can
also contain other controls (e.g., Picture Box or Rich Text).

The Character Comb control displays text so that each character is printed in an individual cell.

The Line control draws a line of a specified direction, style, width and color. It can be used for both decoration and visual separation
of report sections. The Line cannot cross report bands, as opposed to the Cross-band Line control.

The Shape control allows you to embed simple graphic objects into your report. You can choose one of the multiple predefined
shapes (e.g., rectangles, ellipses, arrows, polygons, crosses and brackets of various kinds).

The Bar Code control transforms its content into a bar code of the specified type. Multiple standard bar code types are supported.

The Zip Code control renders a numeric postal code that is used to identify the mail address in some countries. This control is not
related to the Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code used by the United States Postal Service.

The Chart is a sophisticated control used to embed graphs into your report. It graphically represents a series of points using
numerous 2D or 3D chart types. A Chart can be populated with points both manually (by specifying arguments and values for each
point) and dynamically (by connecting it to the report's data source or binding it to a separate one). See Chart with Static Series and
Chart with Dynamic Series for more information.

The Gauge control provides you with the capability to embed graphic gauges into your report.

The Sparkline control displays a compact chart that is commonly used to reflect the flow of data for every row in a report.

The Pivot Grid control represents dynamic data (obtained from an underlying data source) in a cross-tabulated form to create
cross-tab reports, similar to Pivot Tables in Microsoft Excel®. Column headers display unique values from one data field, and row
headers - from another field. Each cell displays a summary for the corresponding row and column values. By specifying different data
fields, you can see different totals. This allows you to get a compact layout for a complex data analysis.

The Subreport control allows you to include other reports in your current report. To learn more, see Master-Detail Report

The Table Of Contents control generates a table of contents based on bookmarks specified for report elements.

The Page Info control is intended to add page numbers and system information to a report (the current date and time or the
current user name) into your report. As with many other controls, you can format this control's content.

The Page Break control's sole purpose is to insert a page delimiter at any point within a report.

The Cross-band Line control allows you to draw a line through several report bands. This can be useful if you need to visually
emphasize a section consisting of multiple band areas. In other aspects, it is similar to a regular Line.

The Cross-band Box control allows you to draw a rectangle through several report bands. This can be useful if you need to visually
encompass a section consisting of multiple band areas.

To learn how to create report controls and change their layout, refer to Create and Delete Report Elements and Adjust the Layout
of Report Elements.
Report Bands
A Report Band is a specific area on a report page, used to define how to render report controls that belong to it, their rendering
order and how many times they are rendered. In the Report Designer, every report consists of a number of bands, each of a
different type.
This document consists of the following sections.
Available Bands
Band Positions
Editing Bands

Available Bands
The following table lists all available band types.


Located on the top margin of every page, above the Page Header and Report Header. This band is intended for displaying
page numbers or certain supplementary information (e.g., current system time or the user name).

Located at the beginning of a report. This band is intended to display some introductory information, e.g., the report's name,
company logo, date of creation and user name, etc.

Located at the top of every page, below the Top Margin and Report Header. This band is the best place for information that
should be printed on every page. For example, use it to display the header of a table which is continued from the previous page.

Located at the beginning of every group or at the top of the page in case it is split across pages. This band specifies grouping
criteria and is used to display information at the beginning of a group of records. To learn more, refer to Grouping Data.

Located in the central part of a report between all other bands. This band cannot be deleted since the present report structure
includes the Detail band in its core. This band displays a single record at a time from the bound data source, or simply holds
unbound controls if there is no data source assigned to a report. For more information on data binding, refer to Providing Data.

Detail Located below the Detail band and used to incorporate one report into another in master-detail reports. It is quite different
Report from the Detail band, since it holds the whole detail report in a master-detail report layout, and therefore can contain other
Band types of bands within it. To learn more about detail reports, refer to Master-Detail Report (Detail Report Bands).

Located at the end of every group or at the bottom of the page if its group is split across pages. This band is primarily intended
to show summary information for a group. To learn more, refer to Grouping Data.

Located at the end of the report, before the Page Footer and Bottom Margin on the report's last page. This band is intended
to display some final information, e.g., report totals.

Located at the bottom of every page, below the Report Footer and above the Bottom Margin. This band is intended to display
page numbers or a table footer, which is continued on the following page.

Located on the bottom margin of every page, below the Page Footer. This band is intended for displaying page numbers or
certain supplementary information (e.g., current system time or the user name).

This band provides a functional copy of the source band below which it is located. A sub-band's behavior, as well as its position
Sub- within the report band hierarchy, is dictated by the source band type. Any number of sub-bands can be added to the report
Band band of any type except for the Top Margin and Bottom Margin bands and the sub-band itself. Using sub-bands, it is possible
to create multiple versions of a band within a single report and choose an appropriate version later based on a specific condition.

Band Positions
The following image illustrates the relative positions of different band types, and how many times they are rendered in a report.

The Page Header, Page Footer, Top Margin and Bottom Margin bands are rendered in the report preview on every page.
The Report Header and Report Footer bands are rendered in the report preview only once.
The Group Header and Group Footer bands are rendered for every group of records in a report.
The number of times the Detail band is rendered in a report depends upon the number of records returned from the bound data
source - one band per record.

Editing Bands
The following image shows the default report layout. It is divided into three basic bands (Top Margin, Detail and Bottom
Margin bands) that provide space for placing different report controls on them.
To add a new band of a particular type, use the context menu of the report or bands. Right-click a report on the design surface or
in the Report Explorer, and select a band to be inserted in the report.

For more information on adding and removing bands in the Report Designer, refer to the Create and Delete Report Elements
document. To learn how to change the band layout, see Adjust the Layout of Report Elements.
Interface Elements
The topics in this section describe the main elements that make up the user interface of the Report Designer.
This section consists of the following topics.
Control Toolbox
Field List
Report Explorer
Group and Sort Panel
Properties Panel
Design Surface
Script Editor
Query Builder
The Toolbar allows you to easily perform various report commands, which are divided into the following sections.
Report Commands
Edit Commands
Font Commands
Arrange Commands
Editors Commands

Report Commands
Use these commands to save and load report layouts.


New Creates a new report using the Report Wizard.

Open Invokes the Open dialog that allows you to select the report layout to be opened.

Save Saves the current report to the default file.

Save as Invokes the Save dialog that allows you to select a file to which the current report layout should be saved.

Edit Commands
Use the following commands to delete the selected report elements, place them to the clipboard, paste them onto report bands
and cancel previous actions.


Delete Deletes the selected report elements.

Cut Cuts the selected report elements to the clipboard.

Copy Copies the selected report elements to the clipboard.

Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the selected report band.

Undo Cancels the last change made to the report.

Redo Reverses the results of the last undo action.

Font Commands
Use these commands to easily customize font, color, formatting and alignment settings.


Font Name Specifies the font name of the selected elements.

Font Size Specifies the font size of the selected elements.

Foreground Color Specifies the foreground color of the selected elements.

Background Color Specifies the background color of the selected elements.

Bold, Italic, Underline, Applies/removes bold formatting, italic formatting, underlining and strike through
Strikeout to/from the selected elements.

Left, Center, Right,

Specifies the horizontal text alignment of the selected elements.

Top, Center, Bottom Specifies the vertical text alignment of the selected elements.

Arrange Commands
These commands allow you to change the order of stacked elements.


Bring to Brings the selected elements to the front of a group of stacked elements or moves the selected elements one step
Front closer to the front.

Send to Sends the selected elements to the back of a group of stacked elements or moves the selected elements one step
Back toward the back.

Editors Commands
Use the following commands to invoke the Watermak dialog, Page Setup dialog or Script Editor.


Invokes the Watermark dialog that allows you to add a text watermark to a report or turn a picture into a report's

Invokes the Page Setup dialog that allows you to modify the paper size, orientation and margins.

Scripts Shows or hides the Script Editor that allows you to write code for specific event handlers.
Control Toolbox
The Control Toolbox contains all available report controls and allows end-users to add them to the report being edited. Report
controls can display both static and dynamic information of different kinds (simple or formatted text, pictures, tables, etc.) and
adjust a report layout (organize controls within panels, insert page brakes, etc.)
The available report controls can be divided into the following categories.
General Content
Report Layout
Document Statistics
To learn how to add a control from the Toolbox to a report, see the Adding Controls to a Report section.

General Content
The following controls are most commonly used to display data in a report.



Check Box

Rich Text

Picture Box


Character Comb

Bar Code

Zip Code


Extended Data
The following controls are connected to data individually, without accessing a report's data source.




Pivot Grid


Report Layout
The following controls allow you to draw shapes in a report and customize the report layout.




Page Break

Cross-Band Line

Cross-Band Box



Document Statistics
The dynamic content of the following controls is not obtained from a data source.


Page Info

Table Of Contents

Adding Controls to a Report

To add a control from the Toolbox to a report, do one of the following.
Double-click an item in the Toolbox to create the corresponding control at the default position.
Drag-and-drop an item from the Toolbox onto the required position within a report.

Select an item in the Toolbox, and then indicate the bounding rectangle by holding down the left mouse button.

If you need to perform selection, re-arranging or resizing operations, select the Pointer item ( ).
Field List
The Field List panel is intended to display the structure of the data source to which a report is currently bound. This panel can
also be used to create new bound report controls, manage calculated fields and parameters.

This document consists of the following sections.

Creating Bound Report Elements
Managing Calculated Fields
Managing Report Parameters

Creating Bound Report Elements

After binding a report to data, the Field List shows the structure of the report's data source assigned to the Data Source property.
Then, the Field List can be used to add new bound controls.
To add a new bound report element, click a desired field item in the Field List, and then drag-and-drop it onto the report band.
This creates an appropriate control bound to the selected data field.

Managing Calculated Fields

The Field List allows you to create calculated fields by building expressions based on the values of data fields, report parameter
values, etc.
To add a calculated field to a report, right-click any item inside the data member node, and in the invoked context menu, select
Add Calculated Field.
To edit settings of the created calculated field, select them and go to the Properties Panel. You can also right-click the calculated
field and use commands available in the context menu.

Manging Report Parameters

The Field List shows existing report parameters and allows you to add new ones to the report.
To create a parameter, right click the Parameters node or any of its sub-nodes, and in the context menu, select Add Parameter.

You can customize report parameters using the Properties Panel or commands available in the context menu in the same way as
you customize calculated fields.
Report Explorer
The Report Explorer reflects a report's structure in a tree-like form providing easy access to report elements. Additionally, the
Report Explorer contains the Components node, which displays non-visual report components such as data objects created
when binding a report to a data source. You can also use the Report Explorer to manage styles and formatting rules available for a

To access and edit settings of a report element or component, select it in the Report Explorer and switch to the Properties Panel.
You can also right-click elements and components to invoke their context menu.

In the Report Explorer, data-aware controls are marked with a special database icon.

You can manage styles and formatting rules using commands available in context menus. To invoke a context menu, right-click
the corresponding root node or its sub-node.
Group and Sort Panel
The Group and Sort Panel allows you to quickly apply grouping and sorting to report data.


If a report is not bound to a data source, the Group and Sort Panel is inactive.
To create a new sorting or grouping criterion, click the Add a Sort or Add a Group buttons, respectively. Then, select the desired
data source field in the invoked drop-down list.

After adding the grouping criterion, the Group Header band is automatically created. You can manually specify whether to display
the corresponding Group Header and Group Footer using the Show Header and Show Footer check boxes.
You can choose the sorting mode (ascending or descending) or disable sorting in the Sort Order drop-down list.
The Group and Sort Panel also allows you to change the precedence of multiple grouping and sorting criteria using the Move
Up and Move Down buttons.
To remove a grouping or sorting criterion, select it and click the Remove button.
Properties Panel
The Properties panel allows you to access and customize settings of a report and its elements.

This document describes different aspects of using the Properties panel and consists of the following sections.
Selecting a Report Element
Display Modes
Changing Property Values
Searching for Properties

Selecting a Report Element

To select an element and show its properties in the Properties panel, do one of the following.
Select a required element in the drop-down list at the top of the Properties panel.

Click a required element in the Report Design Surface.

Select a required element in the Report Explorer.

Display Modes
The Properties panel can display element properties in alphabetical flat order or combine them into categories depending on their
purposes. To switch between these display modes, use the dedicated buttons.
Changing Property Values
In the Properties panel, each row consists of two cells: the header cell showing the property caption and the value cell. To set a
property value, locate the property and specify its value using the corresponding cell editor. Specific properties contain nested
properties, which can be accessed by clicking the expand button for the property captions.

Searching for Properties

The Properties panel includes the search box that allows you to search for a required property. When you type within the search
box, the Properties panel automatically creates a search criteria based on the entered text and filters the list of available

If you type two substrings separated by the space character, these substrings are considered as individual conditions combined by
the OR logical operator. To find properties that contain both substrings (i.e., to use the AND logical operator), type "+" before the
second substring. Similarly, type "-" to exclude properties that contain a specific substring. To search for a property that contains a
space character, enclose the entered string in quotation marks. You can also combine several logical operators and quotation
Design Surface
The Design Surface displays a report that is currently being edited in the Report Designer.

The Design Surface includes the following principal elements.

Band Captions
Context Menus
In-place Editors

The horizontal and vertical rulers display tickmarks in the measurement units specified for a report. Click an element to evaluate
its size and location using the rulers.
The vertical ruler also allows you to change the band height by moving its top and bottom sliders.

Band Captions
In the Report Designer, each report band carries a caption, tab title and color, which depend on the band kind. These captions are
not printed in the resulting report document and are only visible at design time.
To access band properties, select the band by clicking its caption, and then switch to the Properties Panel.

Context Menus
The context menu provides quick access to the most commonly used actions that depend on the element for which it is invoked.
For example, it allows you to insert new bands, cut/copy/paste/delete report controls, etc. For certain report controls, the context
menu also includes the Edit... option, which invokes the dialog with complex settings (such as data binding settings, formatting,
etc.) To invoke this menu, right-click a report element or the report editing surface.

In-place Editors
An in-place editor allows you to edit the content of a text-oriented control (Bar Code, Check Box, Label, Table Cell or Zip Code) by
double-clicking it.

To learn how to use the in-place editor to supply dynamic data to a control, see Using Mail Merge.
Script Editor
The Script Editor allows you to write code for specific event handlers in the Report Designer to adjust the behavior of report
controls, bands or the report itself.

This topic describes the basics of using scripts, the Script Editor interface and shows how to use scripting in a report. The
document consists of the following sections.
Scripting Overview
Maintaining Scripts

Scripting Overview
The Script Editor provides you with the capability to write and execute scripts at runtime when a report is generated. Scripting is
made available to extend the standard functionality as far as may be required.
The Script Editor supports C# and Visual Basic .NET scripting languages. This means that the scripting language is independent
from the language used to create the report. You can specify the language using the Script Language property. The selected
scripting language should be the same for all scripts used in a report.

Maintaining Scripts
Each report element has its own set of events, which are individual for each element type. To handle an event of a report element,
do one of the following.
Select the required report element (e.g., on the Design Surface). In the Properties Panel, expand the Scripts property and
click the plus button for the event.
Click the Scripts button ( ) in the Toolbar to display the Script Editor. Choose the required report element in the
dedicated drop-down list at the left top of the Script Editor. Then, select one of the available events in another list at the right

After the event is specified, a code template is automatically generated in the current scripting language and added in the Script

To check for errors in the report's script, click the Validate button. The validation result is displayed in the errors panel at the
bottom of the Script Editor. Double-click the error item in the panel's list to go to the corresponding line of code. If all scripts are
valid, the errors panel is empty.
Query Builder
The Query Builder provides a visual interface for constructing SQL queries and enables you to solve a variety of tasks.


The Query Builder is not available for object, Entity Framework and Excel data sources.
The document consists of the following sections.
Run the Query Builder
Select Tables
Join Tables
Edit Parameters
Filter Data
Shape Data
Enable Custom SQL Editing
Preview Results

Run the Query Builder

You can invoke the Query Builder from the query customization page of the Report Wizard when creating a new data-bound
report or when binding an existing one to a database. To do this, select the Query item and click the Run Query Builder button.
You can also use the Query Builder to add queries to an existing SQL data source, as well as to edit existing queries. To do this,
right-click the data source in the Report Explorer and select Manage Queries in the context menu.

In the invoked Manage Queries dialog, click Add to add a new query. To edit an existing query, click the ellipsis button.

Finally, click the Run Query Builder button in the invoked Data Source Wizard.

Select Tables
To add a specific data table or view to a query, drag the corresponding item from the list of available tables and drop it onto the
list of data tables to be used.
Enable check boxes for the table fields that you want to include in the query result set.

Each table provides the context menu, which allows you to rename the table or remove it from the query.

To search for a specific table or view, click the list of available tables on the left and start typing the search name.
Join Tables
You can join multiple tables within the same query. The Query Builder automatically highlights tables related to any of the
previously added tables. Drag-and-drop a subordinate table in the same way as a principal table to include it in a query and
automatically create an inner join relation based on a key column.

Another way to join tables is to click the button in a row corresponding to a key column.
To customize the relationship, click the corresponding ellipsis button. Use the Join Editor to select the join type (Left Outer or
Inner), applied logical operator (Equals to, Is less than, etc.) and column key fields.

A left outer join returns all the values from an inner join along with all values in the "left" table that do not match to the "right"
table, including rows with NULL (empty) values in the key field.
If tables do not have a relationship at the database level, you can manually join tables. In this case, when you drag-and-drop the
required table onto the list of tables to be used, the Join Editor is automatically invoked allowing you to construct a custom join
After executing the query, it will return a "flat" table composed of data records selected based on the specified join options.
Although joining different tables within a single query may be required in some scenarios, creating hierarchical data sources
generally results in better performance (in general, master-detail reports are generated faster than similar-looking reports created
by grouping "flat" data sources).

Edit Parameters
Click the Edit Parameters button to invoke the Query Parameters dialog, which allows you to add and remove query
parameters as well as specify parameter settings.

For each query parameter, the following properties are available.

Name - specifies the name used to refer a parameter.
Type - specifies the data type of the parameter's value.
Expression - determines whether the actual parameter value is static or generated dynamically.
Value - specifies the actual value of a query parameter. If the Expression option is enabled, the actual parameter value is
produced dynamically by calculating an associated expression, which is particularly useful when you need to map the query
parameter value to the value of a report parameter.
The created parameters will be then available on the Configure Query Parameters wizard page.
For general information on query parameters, see Query Parameters.

Filter Data
To specify filter criteria, click the Filter... button in the Query Builder. This invokes the Filter Editor, which provides the following

Filter Tab
The editor contains the Filter tab allowing you to specify filter conditions for resulting data. Filter criteria can be assigned
query parameters or bound to report parameters.
Group Filter Tab
The Group Filter tab allows you to specify filter conditions for grouped and aggregated data. If data is not grouped, the
second tab is disabled.
Other Options
Using this editor, you can limit the number of resulting data rows. If data is sorted, you can specify how many rows to skip
before retrieving the specified number of rows.

Depending on the selected data provider, it can be impossible to take into account the skip setting in the provider-specific
SQL string.
Another option enables you to include only distinct values into the resulting set.

Shape Data
The Query Builder displays the column list under the data source editor, which provides various shaping options.

The following options are available.

Specifies the selected column.
You can choose a required column in the drop-down list or create a column expression by clicking the ellipsis button for the
corresponding column.

Specifies the table containing the selected column.
This option indicates (All Tables) if an expression is specified for the corresponding column.
Specifies a custom column name (alias).
This option is available only for columns that are included in a query.
Specifies whether or not the column is included into the query’s resulting set.
Sorting Type
Specifies whether to preserve the original order of data records within the column, or sort them (in ascending or
descending order).

When binding to XML files, the Query Builder does not support sorting by aggregate functions, DISTINCT and SELECT ALL
statements, and custom SQL.
Sort Order
This option becomes available after applying sorting to the data column records.
It defines the priority in which sorting is applied to multiple columns (the less this number is, the higher the priority).
For example, if column A has the sort order set to 1 and column B has it set to 2, the query will be first sorted by column A
and then by the column B.
Changing this setting for one column automatically updates the sort order of other columns to avoid a conflict of priorities.
Group By
Specifies whether or not the query’s result set should be grouped by this column.
Specifies whether or not the column's data records should be aggregated.
The following aggregate functions are supported.
Count Distinct
Avg Distinct
Sum Distinct
Applying any of these functions to a column will discard individual data records from the query result set, which will
only include the aggregate function result.

You should apply aggregation/grouping to either all columns or to none of them.

Enable Custom SQL Editing
If custom SQL editing is enabled by your software provider, the Query Builder contains the Allow Edit SQL check box. Selecting
this option disables the visual features of the Query Builder and allows users to specify the custom SQL string manually.

Preview Results
You can preview the result of the query execution in the form of a tabular data sample by clicking the Preview Results button.
This opens the Data Preview window displaying the query result set limited by the first 1000 data records.
Report Wizard
The Report Wizard is a powerful tool that allows you to easily create reports based on built-in templates. It is automatically
invoked when adding a new report in the Report Designer.

The Report Wizard provides three different ways to setup your report.
Empty Report
Choose this option to create a new blank report that is not bound to data and doesn't contain any report controls.
Data-bound Report
This option allows you to easily create a report bound to a desired data source (database, Entity Framework, object data
source or excel data source) and generate its layout from scratch. While setting up the report, you can group and sort data,
add totals, apply one of the predefined report style, etc.
Label Report
Select this report type if you need to print out labels. In the Label Report Wizard, choose a required paper supplier and label
type, and the report will be adjusted automatically. After completing the wizard, you get an empty report that clearly
indicates label boundaries and properly positions labels within paper sheets.
Empty Report
The Report Wizard allows you to create reports of three kinds: empty reports, data-bound reports and label reports. To create a
new blank report, select Empty Report and click Finish.

The created report is not bound to a data source and doesn't contain any report controls. The following image demonstrates the
default layout of this report.

You can then bind the report to a required data source and construct the report layout.
Data-bound Report
The Report Wizard allows you to create three kinds of reports : empty reports, data-bound reports and label reports. To create
a data-bound report and generate its layout, select Databound Report.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Select the Data Source Type.
After completing the Data-bound Report Wizard, you get a tabular banded report. Depending on how many wizard steps you
complete, you can apply data grouping, display totals, select one of the predefined style sheets, etc.
Connect to a Database
The topics in this section describe the steps required to connect a report to a database using the Report Wizard.
This task includes the following steps.
Select a Data Connection
Specify a Connection String
Save the Connection String
Customize the Query
Configure Query Parameters
Select a Data Connection
On this page, you can choose whether to use one of the existing data connections or create a new one.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page. If you select one of the available connections from the list, go to the Customize the
Query page. Otherwise, proceed to the Specify a Connection String page to create a custom connection string and manually
specify its parameters.
Specify a Connection String
On this page, define a custom connection string or select one of the supported data providers.
Select the provider type in the Provider drop-down list. Next, specify the connection options required for the selected provider
type (e.g., authentication type and database name).

The following data source types are supported.

Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Access 97
Microsoft Access 2007
Microsoft SQL Server CE
Amazon Redshift
Google BigQuery
Pervasive PSQL
SAP Sybase Advantage
SAP Sybase ASE
XML file
Click Next to proceed to one of the next wizard pages, depending on whether or not the created connection uses server
Save the Connection String - if server authentication is required, this page allows you to specify whether or not to save user
credentials along with the connection string.
Customize the Query - if server authentication is not required, proceed to constructing the query.
Save the Connection String
If the data connection uses server authentication, this wizard page allows you to choose whether to save the user credentials
along with the connection string.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Customize the Query.
Customize the Query
On this page, you can construct an SQL query to obtain data from the database or select a stored procedure.
Construct a Query
Select a Stored Procedure

Construct a Query
To construct an SQL query, do the following.
1. Select the Query option and click the Run Query Builder button.

2. In the invoked Query Builder window, select an item from the list of available tables on the left and drop it onto the list of
data tables to be used.

3. Enable the check box near the added table to include all of its fields in the data view.
Click OK to exit the Query Builder.
For more information on the Query Builder, refer to the Query Builder document.

Select a Stored Procedure

To use a stored procedure, choose the Stored Procedure option and then select the required stored procedure from the list.

If the selected query or stored procedure contains any parameters, you will be required to define their values on the next wizard
page: Configure Query Parameters.
Otherwise, clicking Next will open the next Report Wizard page: Choose Columns to Display in a Report.
Configure Query Parameters
On this wizard page, you can manage parameters that are used in queries and/or stored procedures selected on the previous
wizard page, as well as specify parameter values.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Choose Columns to Display in a Report.
Connect to an Entity Framework Data Source
The topics in this section describe the wizard steps required to connect a report to data provided by an Entity Framework data
This task includes the following steps.
Select the Data Context
Select the Connection String
Specify a Connection String
Bind to a Stored Procedure
Select a Data Member
Select the Data Context
This page allows you to select a required Entity Framework data context that will provide data to a report.
On this page, select a data context from the list of existing data contexts. You can also populate this list with data contexts from a
separate assembly. To do this, click Browse..., and in the invoked Open dialog, select the required assembly.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Select the Connection String.
Select the Connection String
This page allows you to specify a connection string to be used to establish a data connection.
The following two options are available.
No, specify a custom connection string - Select this option to specify a connection string manually.
Yes, let me choose from the list - Select this option to use one of the existing connection strings from the list.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page. If you select the first option, proceed to the Specify a Connection String page. If
you choose one of the available connection strings, go to the Bind to a Stored Procedure or Select a Data Member page,
depending on whether or not the current Entity Framework model provides stored procedures.
Specify a Connection String
On this wizard page, specify a connection string. Additionally, this page requires you to specify whether or not to store the
connection string in the application configuration file.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page. If the current Entity Framework model provides stored procedures, go to the Bind
to a Stored Procedure page; otherwise, proceed to the Select a Data Member page.
Bind to a Stored Procedure
This wizard page allows you to add stored procedures to the data source and configure their parameters. Note that this page is
available only if the current Entity Framework model provides at least one stored procedure.
To add a stored procedure, click Add and in the invoked dialog, select the required stored procedure from the list of available

Next, specify stored procedure parameter values, which can be either static or generated by appropriate expressions.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page. If you have added more than one stored procedures on this page or if the current
Entity Framework model additionally provides data tables, go to the Select a Data Member page. Otherwise, proceed to the
Choose Columns to Display in a Report page.
Select a Data Member
This wizard page allows you to select one of the available data members that will provide data to your report.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Choose Columns to Display in a Report.
Connect to an Object Data Source
The topics in this section describe the wizard steps required to connect a report to an object data source.
This task includes the following steps.
Select an Assembly
Select a Data Source Type
Select a Data Source Member
Specify the Member Parameters
Select the Data Binding Mode
Select a Data Source Constructor
Specify the Constructor Parameters
Select an Assembly
On this wizard page, select an assembly that contains the class type definition of the data source.

To exclude irrelevant assemblies from the list, select the Show only highlighted assemblies check box. If you disable the check
box, all available data source types will be shown.
Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Select a Data Source Type.
Select a Data Source Type
On this wizard page, select a required data source type.

To exclude irrelevant classes from the list, select the Show only highlighted types check box. If you disable this check box, all
available data source types will be shown.
Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Select a Data Source Member.
Select a Data Source Member
This wizard page allows you to select whether you want bind to the entire object or to its public member (method or property).

Select the Show only highlighted members check box to exclude irrelevant members from the list. Otherwise, all available
members will be shown.
Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page. If you select binding to the entire object, proceed to the Select the Data Binding
Mode page. If you choose one of the available public members, go to the Specify the Member Parameters page.
Specify the Member Parameters
On this wizard page, you can specify the member parameters.
To specify the member parameter's value, use the Value column. Enable the check box in the Expression column to make it
possible to specify the parameter expression using the Expression Editor. In this case, you can pass an existing report parameter
to the member or create a new one using the in-place editor.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Select the Data Binding Mode.
Select the Data Binding Mode
On this wizard page, you can choose one of the following data binding modes.
Retrieve the data source schema - Select this option to retrieve only the data source schema from the specified object
and edit the report layout without having access to the actual underlying data.
Retrieve the actual data - Select this option to automatically create an instance of the data source type and obtain its
actual data.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard once you select the data binding mode.
Choose Columns to Display in a Report - if you select the first option, go to choosing columns to display in a report.
Select a Data Source Constructor - this page allows you to choose a required constructor to create an instance of the data
Select a Data Source Constructor
On this wizard page, select a data source constructor to be used to create an instance of the data source.

Enable the Show only highlighted constructors check box to exclude irrelevant constructors from the list. Otherwise, all
available constructors will be shown.
Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Specify the Constructor Parameters.
Specify the Constructor Parameters
On this wizard page, you can specify the constructor parameters.
To specify the constructor parameter's value, use the Value column. Enable the check box in the Expression column to make it
possible to specify the parameter expression using the Expression Editor. In this case, you can pass an existing report parameter
to the constructor or create a new one using the in-place editor.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Choose Columns to Display in a Report.
Connect to an Excel Data Source
The topics in this section describe the wizard steps required to connect a report to an Excel data source.
This task includes the following steps.
Select an Excel Workbook or CSV file
Specify Import Settings
Select a Worksheet, Table or Named Region
Choose columns
Select an Excel Workbook or CSV file
On this wizard page, select a required Microsoft Excel workbook (the XLS, XLSX and XLSM formats are supported) or CSV file. To
do this, click the ellipsis button and locate the source file, or enter the full path to this file.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Specify Import Settings.
Specify Import Settings
On this wizard page, you can specify required import settings. This page provides access to different settings depending on
whether you have selected an Excel Workbook or CSV file.

Import Settings for an Excel Workbook

The following settings are available if an Excel workbook has been selected.

Use values of the first rows as field names - Specifies whether values of the first row should be imported as field names.
If this option is disabled, values of the first row will be imported as data and field names will be generated automatically.
Skip empty rows - Specifies whether or not to include empty rows to the resulting data source.
Skip hidden rows - Specifies whether or not to include hidden rows to the resulting data source.
Skip hidden columns - Specifies whether or not to include hidden columns to the resulting data source.
Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Select a Worksheet, Table or Named Region.

Import Settings for a CSV file

The following settings are available if a CSV file has been selected.
Use values of the first rows as field names - Specifies whether or not values of the first row should be imported as field
names. If this option is disabled, values of the first row will be imported as data and field names will be generated
Skip empty rows - Specifies whether or not to include empty rows to the resulting data source.
Trim Blanks - Specifies whether to delete all leading and trailing empty spaces from each value in the source CSV file.
Encoding - Specifies the character encoding in the source CSV file. If the corresponding Detect automatically check box
is enabled, this setting's value is automatically determined.
Newline type - Specifies the line break type in the source CSV file. If the corresponding Detect automatically check box
is enabled, this setting's value is automatically determined.
Value separator - Specifies a character used to separate values in the source CSV file. If the corresponding Detect
automatically check box is enabled, this setting's value is automatically determined.
Culture - Specifies culture information used to import data from the source CSV file.
Text Qualifier - Specifies the character that encloses values in the source CSV file.
Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Choose columns.
Select a Worksheet, Table or Named Region

This wizard page appears only if you selected a Microsoft Excel Workbook on the previous page.
This wizard page allows you to select one of the available worksheets, tables or named regions that will provide data for a report.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Choose columns.

Choose columns
On this wizard page, you can select required columns and specify their settings.
To select a column, enable the corresponding Selected check box. Use Name to specify the custom column name and Type to
choose the column type.

This page also allows you to preview the resulting data by clicking the Preview... button.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Choose Columns to Display in a Report.
Select the Data Source Type
This wizard page allows you to select the required data source type.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page once you select the data source type.
Connect to a Database
Connect to an Entity Framework Data Source
Connect to an Object Data Source
Connect to an Excel Data Source
Choose Columns to Display in a Report
This wizard page allows you to select fields (attributes) whose data will be displayed in a report.
The list on the left-hand side shows all available fields (attributes). To select the required fields to be displayed in the report, move
them to the right-hand side. Use the dedicated arrow buttons to move fields back and forth.

The selected fields and corresponding captions will be automatically added to your report and arranged one under another.
You can stop the wizard at this step by clicking Finish. In this case, the report will look similar to the image below.

If you want to customize your report further, click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Add Groping Levels. Note that you
should select at least one field to continue creating the report.
Add Groping Levels
This wizard page allows you to group data in a report. If you don't need to group your data, click Next to skip this step.

Nested grouping and grouping against multiple fields are fully supported. The following image illustrates all basic grouping types.

The list on the left-hand side displays data fields that can be used to group data. To apply grouping, select the required field and
click the right arrow button. To group data against multiple columns, use the button.
To remove a grouping field, select it in the list on the right-hand side and click the left arrow button. You can also change the
order of grouping fields using the up and down arrow buttons.
You can stop the wizard on this step by clicking Finish. In this case, the report will look similar to the one in the image below.
If you want to customize your report further, click Next. If data grouping has been applied on this page, proceed to the Specify
Summary Options page. If you haven't grouped your data, skip the Summaries step and go to the Choose a Report Layout page.
Specify Summary Options
This wizard page allows you to specify totals for each data group or for the entire report. The specified totals will be displayed
after corresponding groups and in the report footer.
The page displays all available numerical and date-time fields that are not used to group data. You can select desired functions
using the check box table.

There are instances when data fields contain empty values. If you don't want to take these values into account when calculating
totals, select the Ignore NULL values check box. Otherwise, these values will be treated as zeros for numeric fields and the
earliest system date for date-time fields.
You can stop the wizard at this step by clicking Finish. If you do so, your report will look similar to the one in the image below.
If you want to further customize your report, click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Choose a Report Layout.
Choose a Report Layout
This page allows you to specify the layout of elements in your report. If you haven't applied data grouping, you can specify how
data field values are arranged - into a table, one under another, etc. If report data is grouped, you can choose one of the available
indentation styles for nested elements.
Additionally, this page allows you to specify the page orientation for your report.
The following options are available if data grouping has been applied.

If data hasn't been grouped, you will see the following report layout options.

You can stop the wizard at this step by clicking Finish. If you want to customize your report further, click Next to proceed to the
next wizard page: Choose a Report Style.
Choose a Report Style
On this wizard page, you can specify one of the predefined visual styles for the report.

You can stop the wizard at this step by clicking Finish. If you want to customize your report further, click Next to proceed to the
next wizard page: Enter the Report Title.
Enter the Report Title
On this page, specify the title for the report and click Finish to exit the wizard.
Label Report
The Report Wizard allows you to create reports of three kinds: empty reports, data-bound reports and label reports. To
generate a label report, select Label Report and click Next.

After completing the Label Report Wizard, you will get a blank report that generates labels of a specifc size. The report designer
will indicate the label boundaries and properly position labels within paper sheets. You can then populate the label area with the
required content and print out your labels.
Label creation consists of the following two steps.
Select the Label Type
Customize the Label Options
Select the Label Type
This wizard page is intended to select one of the numerous predefined label types.
On this page, you can choose the proper supplier from the Label product combo box and a particular product from the Product
number list. The selected type defines the label's size and layout, as well as the default page type for this label.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page: Customize the Label Options.
Customize the Label Options
This wizard page is intended to manually adjust label settings that were automatically specified in the previous step based on the
selected supplier and product.
Editors on this page allow you to choose the Page Size and freely customize label parameters. The pane on the right-hand side
provides a label dimensions preview.

Click Finish to complete report creation.

Document Preview
To display a preview for the report currently being opened in the Report Designer, switch to the Print Preview tab. You will see
the report populated with data and divided into pages.

The document preview allows you to check the print output of a report and customize its additional options using the Preview
Toolbar. The report can be then exported to different third-party formats, sent using e-mail or printed.
Different elements of the Report Designer's preview are covered in the following documents.
Preview Toolbar
Export Document Dialog
Parameters Panel
Search Panel
Document Map Panel

To learn more about the options available in the preview mode, refer to the Print Preview for WPF section of this documentation.
Preview Toolbar
The Preview Toolbar provides quick access to commands related to report viewing, editing and publishing.

All available commands can be divided into the following sections.

File Command
Print Commands
Navigation Commands
Zoom Commands
Export Commands
Document Commands

File Command
Use the following command to save a report to the file.


Save Invokes the Save As dialog allowing you to save a report document to a file.

Print Commands
The following commands allow you to change a report page's settings and print a report document.


Print Invokes the Print dialog allowing you to specify the necessary settings and print a report document.

Prints a report document using the default settings.

Invokes the Page Setup dialog allowing you to adjust report page settings.

Invokes the Scale dialog allowing you to stretch or shrink report content to a percentage of its normal size or the
number of pages.

Navigation Commands
Use these commands to navigate through a report document.


First Page Switches to the first report page.


Previous Page Switches to the previous report page.

Next Page Switches to the next report page.

Last Page Switches to the last report page.

Zoom Commands
Use these commands to zoom a report document.


Zoom Out Decreases a report document's current zoom factor.

Zoom In Increases a report document's current zoom factor.

Zoom Zooms a report document to a specific zoom factor from the drop-down list.

Export Commands
Use these commands to export a report document to one of the supported third-party formats.


Invokes the Export Document dialog allowing you to export a report document into one of the supported third-party
formats and save the resulting file on a hard drive.

Invokes the Send via E-Mail dialog allowing you to export a report document into one of the supported third-party
Send formats, save the resulting file on a hard drive and attach this file to a new empty message in the default mail

Document Commands
Use these commands to change the visibility state of the Designer's panels and dialogs.


Shows/hides the Parameters Panel where you can specify report parameters before report preview generation is

Shows/hides the Document Map Panel, which reflects a report document's structure in a tree-like form.

Thumbnails Shows/hides report thumbnails used to quickly navigate between document pages.

Editing Fields Highlights all editing fields to quickly discover which of the document elements are editable.

Search Shows the Search Panel, which allows you to find a specified text throughout a report document.

Invokes the Watermark dialog that allows you to add a text watermark to a report or turn a picture into a
report's background.
Export Document Dialog
The Print Preview allows you to view and edit various format-specific options, and then export a report to one of the supported
third-party formats. There are two options for exporting a document. The first way is to export a document to a file on disk using
the Export Document dialog.

Another approach is to utilize the Send via E-Mail dialog to export a document and send the resulting file via e-mail.

To invoke these dialogs, click the arrow for the Export... or Send... button, respectively, and choose the required format
from the drop-down list. If you simply click one of these buttons, the dialogs will provide settings for the PDF format. Then, you
can always change the export format directly in the dialogs using the dedicated Export Format drop-down lists.
The following third-party export formats are supported.
PDF (Portable Document Format)
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
MHT (Web archive, single file)
RTF (Rich Text Format)
XLS (Microsoft® Word® 97 - 2003 document)
XLSX (Office® Open XML document)
CSV (Comma-Separated Values file format)
TXT (Plain text)
Image (BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, EMF or WMF format)
In the dialogs, you need to specify the path where the resulting file should be saved. The Export Document dialog additionally
prompts you to choose whether or not to open the file after exporting.
The dialogs also allow you to specify advanced export options for the selected format. To access and customize these format-
specific options, click the More Options link.
Specify the required options and click OK to initiate the export of a report and save the resulting file. After closing the Send via E-
Mail dialog, the saved file will be attached to a new empty message in the default mail program.
Parameters Panel
The Parameters panel allows you to specify report parameters before generating a report preview.

Specify values of the required report parameters using the corresponding parameter editors and click Submit to view the
resulting report preview. After changing the current values, you can revert back the previously selected values by clicking Reset.
If a report contains at least one visible parameter, this panel is displayed by default. To manually change the panel's visibility state,
click the Parameters button in the Toolbar. If a report doesn't contain any visible parameters, the Parameters panel cannot
be shown.
Search Panel
The Search panel allows you to find specific text throughout a report document.

To invoke the Search panel, click the Search button in the Toolbar or press CTRL+F.
In the search box on the left, input the text to find. Click the Settings button to invoke the dedicated submenu allowing you to
specify whether or not to use case-sensitive search, and whether you are required to match the whole word during the search.

To start searching, or search down again, click Next, or press ENTER or CTRL+G. To search backward, click Previous or press
Document Map Panel
The Document Map panel is an interactive table of contents, which reflects a report's structure in a tree-like form and provides
quick navigation through its bookmarks.

If a report contains at least one control with a specified bookmark, the Document Map is displayed by default. You can then
toggle this panel's visibility state using the Document Map button in the Toolbar. If a report does not contain bookmarks,
this panel cannot be shown.
Click a bookmark in the Document Map to navigate the Print Preview to the corresponding element in a report document.
Note that after exporting a report to the PDF format, the Document Map is exported as well.
The Ribbon organizes commands into a tabbed interface, providing quick and intuitive access to these commands.

Topics in this section:

Frequently Used Ribbon Commands
Minimize Ribbon
Invoke Ribbon Commands
Frequently Used Ribbon Commands
Frequently used commands are typically displayed within the Quick Access Toolbar, at the top of the Ribbon:

To add any command to the Quick Access Toolbar, right-click the command and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar:

To add a group of commands to the Quick Access Toolbar, right-click the group's caption and select Add to Quick Access

To remove any command from the Quick Access Toolbar, right-click the command and select Remove from Quick Access
Minimize Ribbon
To minimize the Ribbon, right-click any command and select Minimize the Ribbon:

To restore the Ribbon, right-click any command or page and uncheck the Minimize the Ribbon option:

You can also minimize and restore the Ribbon by double-clicking any tab page header.
Invoke Ribbon Commands
To select a specific command, you can click it with the mouse or invoke it via its shortcut. See below for more information.
Shortcuts are associated with each page and command in the Ribbon. To see the shortcuts, press ALT or F10. Shortcuts will
appear next to the corresponding tab pages and commands:

Shortcuts can be composed of one, two or three symbols. If a shortcut is represented by one symbol, you can invoke the
command by pressing this symbol. If a shortcut is represented by two or three symbols, to invoke the command, press the
symbols one after another.
Initially, when pressing ALT or F10, shortcuts are displayed for commands within the Quick Access Toolbar (at the top of the
Ribbon) and for tab pages. To access shortcuts for commands within a specific tab page, you need to press the shortcut associated
with this page.
For example, to display shortcuts for commands within the Home page (see the image above), press H:
Rich Text Editor
This section describes the capabilities provided by the Rich Text Editor.

Text Editor UI
Editor Elements
Ribbon Interface

File Operations
Create a New Document
Load a Document
Save a Document
Print a Document

Document Layout and Page Setup

Divide a Documents into Sections
Adjust Page Settings
Lay Out Text in Columns
Add Line Numbers
Change Page Background Color

Viewing and Navigating

Navigate through a Document
Switch Document Views
Zoom a Document
Text Editing
Select Text
Delete Text
Find and Replace Text
Use a Clipboard
Check Text Spelling
Undo and Redo Last Operations

Format Text
Format Paragraphs
Apply and Modify Styles

Pictures and Text Boxes

Insert a Picture
Insert, Select, Copy or Delete a Text Box
Add, Change or Delete a Border for a Picture or Text Box
Add, Change or Delete a Text Box Fill
Rotate a Picture or Text Box
Move a Picture or Text Box
Wrap Text around a Picture or Text Box
Resize a Picture or Text Box

Numbered Lists
Bulleted Lists
Multilevel Lists

Insert a Table
Add and Remove Table Borders
Customize a Style of Cell Borders
Select a Cell, Row or Column
Insert a Cell, Row or Column
Delete a Cell, Row or Column
Merge or Split Cells
Align Text in Table Cells
Set Background Color of Cells

Header and Footer

Header and Footer

Embedding Fields (Mail Merge)

Mail Merge

Table of Contents
Create a Table of Contents
Create Table of Contents for Special Cases
Update Table of Contents

Document Protection
Protect and Unprotect a Document
Edit a Protected Document

Insert a Bookmark
Insert a Hyperlink
Insert a Comment
Insert a Page Break
Insert Page Numbers
Insert a Symbol
Set Document Properties
Editor Elements
The Rich Text Editor consists of visual elements that provide you with the capability to edit and view documents.

Main Elements
The main area of the Rich Text Editor control is the Text Editing Surface that displays a document to be edited. Here, a
document can look as it will appear when you print it (Print Layout View) or with reduced formatting and pagination (Simple
View or Draft View). For more information, see Switch Document Views.
To the top and to the left of the Text Editing Surface, the Rich Text Editor displays horizontal and vertical rulers, which you can
use to align text, graphics, and other elements in a document.
The horizontal ruler controls the width of table columns and the horizontal spacing of paragraph margins, columns and tabs.

The vertical ruler allows you to set the top and bottom margins of a document, and change the height of table rows.

If the ruler is hidden, switch the current view to either the Draft View or Print Layout View.
At the bottom and at the right of the Text Editing Surface there are horizontal and vertical scrollbars, which allow you to
navigate through a document.

Context Menu
The Rich Text Editor supports the Context Menu that appears when you right-click within the Text Editing Surface. The
context menu provides common commands and displays suggested corrections if you right-click a misspelled word.
The Rich Text control can be accompanied by a set of toolbars that provide a comprehensive functionality for the Rich Editor.


Create a New Document

Load a Document
Save a Document
Print a Document
Undo and Redo Last Operations


Set Document Properties


Use a Clipboard


Format Text


Format Paragraphs

Find and Replace Text


Apply and Modify Styles


Insert a Page Break


Insert a Table


Insert a Picture


Insert, Select, Copy or Delete a Text Box

Insert a Bookmark
Insert a Hyperlink

Header & Footer

Header and Footer

Insert Page Numbers


Insert a Symbol

Page Setup

Adjust Page Settings

Lay Out Text in Columns
Insert a Page Break
Divide a Documents into Sections
Add Line Numbers


Change Page Background Color

Mail Merge
Mail Merge

Document Views

Switch Document Views


Show Rulers


Zoom a Document


Header and Footer


Header and Footer


Header and Footer

Table Styles

Add and Remove Table Borders

Table Style Options

Add and Remove Table Borders


Customize a Style of Cell Borders

Set Background Color of Cells


Select a Cell, Row or Column

Set Table Properties

Rows & Columns

Insert a Cell, Row or Column

Delete a Cell, Row or Column


Merge or Split Cells

Cell Size

Adjust Column Width


Align Text in Table Cells


Protect and Unprotect a Document


Check Text Spelling

Table of Contents

Create a Table of Contents

Create Table of Contents for Special Cases
Update Table of Contents


Create Table of Contents for Special Cases

Shape Styles

Add, Change or Delete a Border for a Picture or Text Box

Add, Change or Delete a Text Box Fill


Wrap Text around a Picture or Text Box

Move a Picture or Text Box


Insert a Comment


Insert a Comment
Ribbon Interface
The comprehensive functionality for the Rich Text control can be provided via set of Ribbon tabbed pages. Ribbon pages are
structurally and visually split into logical groups. Each of these groups includes commands that have some common features.


Create a New Document

Load a Document
Save a Document
Print a Document
Undo and Redo Last Operations
Set Document Properties


Use a Clipboard
Format Text
Format Paragraphs
Apply and Modify Styles
Find and Replace Text


Insert a Page Break

Insert a Table
Insert a Picture
Insert a Bookmark
Insert a Hyperlink
Header and Footer
Insert Page Numbers
Insert, Select, Copy or Delete a Text Box
Insert a Symbol
Page Layout

Adjust Page Settings

Lay Out Text in Columns
Insert a Page Break
Divide a Documents into Sections
Add Line Numbers
Change Page Background Color


Create a Table of Contents

Create Table of Contents for Special Cases
Update Table of Contents

Mail Merge

Mail Merge


Check Text Spelling

Protect and Unprotect a Document
Insert a Comment

Switch Document Views
Show Rulers
Zoom a Document

Header & Footer Tools / Design

Header and Footer

Table Tools / Design

Select a Cell, Row or Column

Set Table Properties
Insert a Cell, Row or Column
Delete a Cell, Row or Column
Merge or Split Cells
Adjust Column Width
Align Text in Table Cells

Table Tools / Layout

Add and Remove Table Borders

Customize a Style of Cell Borders
Set Background Color of Cells
Picture Tools / Format

Add, Change or Delete a Border for a Picture or Text Box

Add, Change or Delete a Text Box Fill
Wrap Text around a Picture or Text Box
Move a Picture or Text Box
Create a New Document
To create a new empty document, on the File tab, in the Common group, use the New button, or the CTRL+N keyboard shortcut.
Load a Document
To load a document, on the File tab, in the Common group, click the Open button, or use the CTRL+O keyboard shortcut.

The Open dialog appears, allowing you to select a file.

The Rich Editor enables you to open documents of the following types:
Rich Text Format (*.rtf)
Text Files format (*.txt)
Hyper Text Markup Language format (*.htm, *.html)
web page archive format (*.mht)
Microsoft Word 97-2003 format (*.doc)
WordML (*.xml)
Open Office XML format (aka Office 2007 or *.docx)
Open Document Format (*.odt)
Electronic Publication (*.epub)
Save a Document
To save a document, on the File tab, in the Common group, click the Save button or use the CTRL+S keyboard shortcut. This
allows you to save a document using the save parameters that were previously set.
If you want to save a document using another file name or to modify other parameters (e.g. file format or location), on the File
tab, in the Common group, click the Save As button or press the F12 key.

After that, the Save As dialog will appear. Note that the same dialog appears if you click the Save button to save a document,
which has been never saved before.

In this dialog you can specify document name, document format and the location to which the document should be saved. The
Rich Text Editor allows you to save documents in the following formats:
Rich Text Format (*.rtf)
Text Files format (*.txt)
Hyper Text Markup Language format (*.htm, *.html)
web page archive format (*.mht)
Microsoft Word 97-2003 format (*.doc)
WordML (*.xml)
Open Office XML format (aka Office 2007 or *.docx)
Open Document Format (*.odt)
Electronic Publication (*.epub)

When saving a document in HTML format, in-line pictures are saved in the %FileName%_files folder, where %FileName% is the
name of the document file. Image files are named "imageN.png", where N is the picture index starting from the beginning of the
Print a Document
Preview a Document Before Printing
To display the document as it will look when printed, on the File tab, in the Common group, click the Print Preview button.

Print a Document
1. On the File tab, in the Common group, click the Print button...

...or press CTRL+P.

The Print dialog will be invoked.
2. In the Print dialog, specify all required settings and click Print.

Print a Document Using Default Settings

To send a document directly to the default printer without customizing print settings, on the File tab, in the Common group, click
the Quick Print button.
Divide a Documents into Sections
You can divide your document into sections to specify parts of a document that have different page settings (page margins, page
orientation, paper size), column layouts, line numbering and headers and footers.

Insert Section Breaks

To divide a document into sections, insert section breaks.
1. Click where you want to inset a section break within a document.
2. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Breaks button and select one of the following types of section

Next Page - inserts a section break and starts a new section on the next page.
Even Page - inserts a section break and starts a new section on the next even-numbered page.
Odd Page - inserts a section break and starts a new section on the next odd-numbered page.
To show the section break mark, press CTRL+SHIFT+8 or on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Show/Hide
Parapragh button.

In a document, section breaks are marked as illustrated below.

Change Section Break Type
You can change the type of the section break that has been inserted to start a section. To do this, follow the instructions below.
1. Click the section following the section break that you wish to change.
2. Invoke the Page Setup dialog by clicking the dialog box launcher.

3. Сhange the Section start property on the Layout tab as required.

Adjust Page Settings
When changing page layout settings (such as page margins, page orientation, paper size), you can apply them to the whole
document or set specific page layout settings for each individual section if your document is divided into sections.

Change Page Margins

1. Click within a section whose page margins you wish to set.
2. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Margins button and select the margin sizes to be set for the
current section from the invoked list...

... or specify page margins for the current section or the whole document via the Page Setup dialog. To invoke the dialog,
click the Page Setup dialog box launcher.

Change Page Orientation

1. Click within a section for which you wish to specify page orientation.
2. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Orientation button and select Portrait or Landscape from
the invoked list...
... or set the page orientation for the current section or the whole document on the Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog.

Change Paper Size

1. Click within a section for which you wish to set the paper size.
2. Click the Size button on the Page Layout tab and select one of the standard paper sizes from the invoked list...

... or specify the paper size for the current section or the entire document on the Paper tab of the Page Setup dialog.
Lay Out Text in Columns
To split a text into columns, follow the steps below.
1. Click within a section which you wish to lay out in several columns.
2. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Columns button and select the number of columns into which
the text should be split...

... or click More Columns to invoke the Columns dialog where you can adjust columns layout of the text in a more flexible
way for the current section or the whole document.

To move the text to the next column (if the text in the current section is laid out into multiple columns), insert a column break.
1. Click within a document where you wish to insert a column break.
2. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Breaks button and select Column from the invoked list...
... or press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
To show the column break mark, press CTRL+SHIFT+8 or click the Show/Hide Paragraph button on the File tab.

In a document, column breaks are marked as illustrated below.

Add Line Numbers
1. To add line numbers to a whole document, select the entire document if your document is divided into multiple sections. If
your document consists of one section only, simply click anywhere within a document.
To add line numbers to a particular section or multiple sections, click a section or select multiple sections.
2. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Line Numbers and select one of the available line numbering
types from the invoked list...

...or click Line Numbering Options to invoke the Line Numbers dialog that you can use to adjust line numbering options
in a more flexible way (specify the value to be used for the first line - Start at, increment value for line numbering - Count
by, distance between line number and the start of the text line - From text).
Change Page Background Color
On the Page Layout tab, in the Background group, click Page Color and select the required color for the background of the
document pages.
Navigate through a Document
You can navigate through a document in the following ways:
Use the mouse device to click anywhere in the document;
Use the mouse device to drag the scroll box to move through the document;
Rotate the wheel button to scroll up and down the document;
Use keyboard shortcuts.
The following table lists the default keyboard shortcuts to navigate through a document.


LEFT ARROW Moves the cursor to the previous character.

RIGHT ARROW Moves the cursor to the next character.

UP ARROW Moves the cursor to the previous line.

DOWN ARROW Moves the cursor to the next line.

HOME Moves the cursor to the start of the current line.

END Moves the cursor to the end of line.

PAGE UP Moves the cursor backward by the number of lines in the current control's window, minus one.

PAGE DOWN Moves the cursor forward by the number of lines in the current control's window, minus one.

CTRL+LEFT ARROW Moves the cursor to the previous word.

CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Moves the cursor to the next word.

CTRL+UP ARROW Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph.

CTRL+DOWN ARROW Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.

CTRL+HOME Moves the cursor to the start of the document, and scrolls the document to show the cursor position.

CTRL+END Moves the cursor to the end of the document, and scrolls the document to show the cursor position.

CTRL+PAGE UP Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous page.

CTRL+PAGE DOWN Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next page.
Switch Document Views
The Rich Edit control provides a number of document views that you can switch depending on what you want to do.

Simple View
A simple view shows a document without a page layout. This view can be useful when you want to concentrate on text editing.
To enable this view, on the View tab, in the Document Views group, click the Simple View button.

Draft View
The draft view is a view without pagination. It does not display complex formatting features that are most appropriate to the page
layout. You can use it for the simplest representation of the document, as well as quick text editing.
To enable this view, on the View tab, in the Document Views group, click the Draft View button.
In draft view the horizontal ruler is available. To show or hide it, click Horizontal Ruler on the View ribbon tab.

Print Layout View

The print layout view is intended to display all formatting in the document, including complex formatting, and can be used to
preview the document printout.
To enable this view, on the View tab, in the Document Views group, click the Print Layout button.
When the print layout view is active, the horizontal and vertical rulers are available. To show or hide horizontal and vertical rulers,
on the View tab, in the Show group, click the Horizontal Ruler and Vertical Ruler buttons, respectively.
Zoom a Document
You can zoom in and out of a document in the following ways:
On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons.

Hold the CTRL button and rotate your mouse wheel.

Select Text
To select text in the Rich Editor, use the following mouse actions and keyboard shortcuts.
Selecting one character
To select only one character, click before the character, hold down the Shift key and click the Right Arrow once.
Selecting one word
To select one word in a document, place the cursor anywhere in the word (or just before it) and double-click with the left
mouse button. Another method is to place your cursor at the beginning of the word, hold down the Shift and Ctrl keys, and
click the Right Arrow.
Selecting one paragraph
Selecting one paragraph is similar to selecting one word. Place the cursor in the paragraph and click three times with the
left mouse button. Another method is to place the cursor in the left margin and click twice to highlight the whole
Selecting entire document
Click three times on the left side of the page in the margin area, and the entire document will be highlighted. Also, the
CTRL+A keyboard shortcut can be used to highlight the entire document.
Selecting one line
The cursor in the margin will highlight one line with one click. Another method is to place the cursor at the beginning of the
line, and use the SHIFT+END keyboard shortcut to extend selection to the end of the line. Similarly, at the end of the line
the SHIFT+HOME keyboard shortcut can be used.
The following table lists the default keyboard shortcuts used for selecting text in the Rich Editor.

SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Extends the selection to the previous character.

SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Extends the selection to the next character.

SHIFT+UP ARROW Extends the selection to the previous line.

SHIFT+DOWN ARROW Extends the selection one line down.

SHIFT+HOME Extends the selection to the beginning of the line.

SHIFT+END Extends the selection to the end of the current line.

SHIFT+PAGE UP Extends selection to the previous screen.

SHIFT+PAGE DOWN Extends the selection to the next screen.

CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Extends the selection to the previous word.

CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Extends the selection to the next word.

CTRL+SHIFT+UP ARROW Extends the selection to the previous paragraph.

CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW Extends the selection to the next paragraph.

CTRL+SHIFT+HOME Extends the selection to the beginning of the document.

CTRL+SHIFT+END Extends the selection to the end of the document.

CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE UP Extends the selection to the previous page.

CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE DOWN Extends the selection to the next page.

CTRL+A Selects the entire document.

CTRL+NUM 5 Selects the entire document.

Delete Text
The Backspace key deletes one character to the left of the caret. The Delete key deletes one character to the right of the caret.
To delete more than just a few characters, select text and press the Delete key.
The following table lists the default keyboard shortcuts used for deleting text.

BACKSPACE Moves the cursor backwards and erases the character in that space.

CTRL+BACKSPACE Deletes the previous word in the text.

DELETE Deletes the selected text.

CTRL+DELETE Deletes the next word in the text.

SHIFT+DELETE Cuts the selected text and places it on the clipboard.

CTRL+X Cuts the selected text and places it on the clipboard.

Find and Replace Text
Find Text
To search for every occurrence of a specific word or phrase:
1. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the Find button...

... or press CTRL+F.

The Find and Replace dialog will be invoked.

2. In the Find what box, type the text to search for.

3. Select other search options that you want and click Find Next.
4. To cancel a search, click Cancel or press ESC.

Find and Replace Text

To automatically replace text:
1. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the Replace button...

... or press CTRL+H.

The Find and Replace dialog will be invoked.
2. In the Find what box, type the text to replace.
3. In the Replace with box, type the replacement text.
4. Select other search options that you want and click Find Next, Replace or Replace All.

Use Regular Expressions to Find and Replace Text

You can use regular expressions to search for specific text containing a particular pattern:
1. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Find or Replace...

... or press CTRL+F or CTRL+H.

The Find and Replace dialog will be invoked.

2. Select the Regular expression check box.

3. In the Find what box, enter the regular expression pattern using a list of specific characters:
4. If you want to replace the found text, click the Replace tab and enter the replacement text in the Replace with box.

You can tag various parts of a regular expression to use them in replacement expression (for example, to rearrange the
parts of the expression). A regular expression may have up to 9 tagged expressions, numbered according to their order in
the regular expression. To enter a tagged expression in the Replace with box, enter its index after the symbol $ or select it
from the list of tagged expressions:

5. Click Find Next, Replace or Replace All.

Use a Clipboard
The Rich Text Editor allows you to move and copy text and images using the Clipboard.
To move or copy a text or image, follow the steps below.
1. Select the text or image you wish to move or copy.
2. Depending on what you want, do one of the following.
To move the selection, on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Cut button , or press CTRL+X, or press
SHIFT+DELETE. This cuts the selection from the document and places it on the Clipboard.

To copy the selection, on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Copy, or press CTRL+C, or press
CTRL+INSERT. This copies the selection and places it on the Clipboard.

3. Point to the position where you want to insert the contents from the Clipboard.

4. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Paste button, or press CTRL+V, or press SHIFT+INSERT. This
pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the document.

You can also choose the format for data contained in the Clipboard and paste it into the document as if that data is
imported from the specified format. To do this, on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Paste Special, or press

... and select the required data format from the invoked Paste Special dialog.
Check Text Spelling
The Rich Text Editor supports spell-check. All misspelled words in your document (words that are not found within the available
dictionaries in the Spell Checker) are underlined. You can work with misspelled words via the context menu, invoked when right-
clicking the underlined word.

In the context menu, you can do one of the following:

Select one of the suggested corrections for the misspelled word to correct it;
Ignore the current occurrence of the word;
Ignore all occurrences of the word;
Add the word to the dictionary in the Spell Checker.
To perform spell check word-by-word, select the Check Spelling item from the context menu, or on the Review tab, in the
Proofing group, click the Spelling button ...

... or press F7.

The Spelling dialog will be invoked.
In this dialog, select what to do with the misspelled word, click corresponding button, and you will jump to the next misspelled
Undo and Redo Last Operations
The Rich Editor allows you to undo and redo the last operation using the special buttons (Undo and Redo) on the File tab.
The Undo command reverses the most recent action you have performed. To undo an action, on the File tab, in the Common
group, click the Undo button, or press CTRL+Z, or press ALT+BACKSPACE.

You can execute multiple Undo operations. To return the document to its previous state, just keep performing Undo.
The Redo command enables you to take back the last action you've undone. To redo an action, click the Redo button, or press
Format Text
To format text, first select it and then use the Font page group on the Home tab to change the font family, size, color, etc.

Also, you can modify the font using the Font dialog. Select the text that you want to format, right-click it and choose the Font
item from the context menu.

The Font dialog appears as illustrated below.

In this dialog, you can specify all required font parameters, and apply them to the selected text.
In addition, the Rich Editor provides a list of default keyboard shortcuts for text formatting:

CTRL+B Toggles the bold style on the selection.

CTRL+I Toggles the italic style on the selection.

CTRL+U Toggles the underline style on the selection.

CTRL+D Invokes the Font dialog that allows you to change the font, size and style of the selected text.

CTRL+PLUS Toggles the subscript style on the selection.

Increases the font size of the selected text by one point.

Decreases the font size of the selection by one point.

CTRL+SHIFT+PERIOD Increases the font size of the selection to the closest larger predefined value.

CTRL+SHIFT+COMMA Decreases the font size of the selection to the closest smaller predefined value.

CTRL+SHIFT+D Toggles the double underline style on the selection.

CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS Toggles the superscript style on the selection.

Toggles between the normal and hidden text mode for the selection. To view the hidden text, press

CTRL+SPACE Clears formatting of selected text - resets it to default.

Format Paragraphs
To format a paragraph, first click anywhere within it or select the paragraph, and then use the Paragraph page group on the
Home tab to change line spacing, indentation, alignment and styles.

Also, you can use the Paragraph dialog to format the paragraph. To invoke this dialog, right-click the paragraph and select the
Paragraph item from the context menu.

The Paragraph dialog appears, as illustrated below.

In this dialog, you can change different parameters for the paragraph (Indents and Spacing tab) and pagination (Line and Page
Breaks tab).
The Rich Editor provides a list of the default keyboard shortcuts to format paragraphs.
CTRL+1 Formats a current paragraph with single line spacing.

CTRL+2 Formats a current paragraph with double line spacing.

CTRL+5 Formats a current paragraph with one and a half line spacing.

CTRL+E Toggles centered paragraph alignment on and off.

CTRL+J Toggles justified paragraph alignment on and off.

CTRL+L Toggles left paragraph alignment on and off.

CTRL+R Toggles right paragraph alignment on and off.

Apply and Modify Styles
To format a text or a paragraph you can apply styles. A style is a group of formatting characteristics. All these characteristics are
applied to a text or a paragraph at once when you apply a style. Thus, styles allow you to change text and paragraph appearance
quicker than setting all formatting characteristics separately (Format Text, Format Paragraphs).
A character based style includes characteristics to format text within a paragraph (e.g., font type and size, bold and italic formats,
A paragraph based style affects paragraph formatting characteristics such as text alignment, line spacing, etc. It can also include
character formatting characteristics.

Apply a Style
To apply a style, do the following.
1. Select text or a paragraph that you want to format.
2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click or type a required style name in the Quick Styles box .

Modify a Style
You can modify an existing style via the Modify Style dialog.
To invoke the dialog, do the following:
1. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the Modify Style button:

2. The Modify Style dialog enables you to change the base style for the current style (to specify how the styles cascade), the
style which should be used for the following paragraph, and basic characteristics of the style, such as Font, Paragraph and
Tab Stops.
Insert, Select, Copy or Delete a Text Box
Insert a Text Box
To insert a text box into your document, position the caret to the desired location and on the Insert tab, in the Text group, click
the Text Box button.

A floating text box enables you to specify fill color, outline width and color and apply formatting to the box content.

Select a Text Box

To select a text box, click a border of the text box.

If the caret is placed inside the text box, you can modify the text box content, but it is impossible to move, copy, delete the text box
or specify such attributes as fill color, outline color and weight, text wrapping, position, etc. In this case, the text box is not
considered as selected, the Picture Tools / Format tab and corresponding items of the text box's context menu are unavailable.
Copy a Text Box
1. Select a text box to be copied.
2. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, or select it from the context menu, or press CTRL+C, or press
3. Position the caret to the location where you want to insert the copy of the selected text box.
4. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Paste, or select it from the context menu, or press CTRL+V, or press

Delete a Text Box

1. Select a text box that you wish to remove.
2. Press DELETE.
Insert a Picture
You can insert either inline or floating graphics in the document. Currently it is not possible to convert inline to floating and vice
versa, so you have to choose beforehand how to anchor your picture.
The Rich Text Editor enables you to insert graphics of the following types:
Bitmap (*.bmp, *.dib)
JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpg, *.jpeg)
Portable Network Graphics (*.png)
Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif)
Tagged Image Format (*.tif, *.tiff)
Microsoft Enhanced Metafile (*.emf)
Windows Metafile (*.wmf)

Inline Picture
To insert inline picture into your document, position the caret to the desired location and on the Insert tab, in the Illustrations
group, click the Inline Picture button.

The Open dialog appears, allowing you to locate a file with graphics.
Floating Picture
To insert floating picture into your document, position the caret in the paragraph to which the picture should be anchored, and on
the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click the Picture button.

The Open dialog appears, allowing you to locate a file with graphics.
The inserted floating picture is centered horizontally and has an In Front of Text wrapping style which you can change later.
Add, Change or Delete a Border for a Picture or Text Box
You can specify the color and weight of the outside border of a floating picture or text box, or fully delete the border.

Set the Color of a Picture or Text Box Border

1. Select the floating picture or text box whose outline border color you wish to specify.
2. On the Picture Tools / Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click Shape Outline and select the required color.


By default, a floating picture is inserted with no border. To specify a colored outline border for a picture, a border weight must be

Set the Weight of a Picture or Text Box Border

1. Select a floating picture or text box whose outline border weight you wish to specify.
2. Select the required border weight from the Shape Outline Weight list accessed on the Picture Tools / Format tab, in the
Shape Styles group.

Remove a Picture or Text Box Border

1. Select a floating picture or text box whose outline border you wish to remove.
2. On the Picture Tools / Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click Shape Outline button and select No Outline.
Add, Change or Delete a Text Box Fill
Specify a Text Box Fill
1. Select a text box whose background you wish to color.
2. On the Picture Tools / Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click Shape Fill button and select the required color.

Delete a Text Box Fill

1. Select a text box whose fill you wish to remove.
2. On the Picture Tools / Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click Shape Fill button and select No Fill.
Rotate a Picture or Text Box
1. Click the floating picture or text box that you wish to rotate.
2. Do one of the following.
Click the round arrow that appears over the selected floating picture or text box and drag it in the direction to which
you wish to rotate the object.

To rotate an object by 15 degree angles, drag the round arrow at the top of the object while holding down the SHIFT
Right-click a picture or text box to be rotated and select the More Layout Options... item from the context menu.
Switch to the Size tab in the invoked Layout dialog and set the required value of the angle to rotate the object in the
Rotation box.
Move a Picture or Text Box
Move a Picture or Text Box
1. Select the floating picture or text box that you wish to move.
2. Drag the object to the new location.

Move a Picture or Text Box Forward or Backward

When you add floating objects into a document, they are automatically inserted in particular layers. Objects can overlap. In this
case the top object covers lower objects (in full or in part). You can move particular objects up and down in a stack one layer at a
time, or move them to the top or bottom of a stack in one click.
1. Select the floating picture or text box that you wish to move up or down in the stack.
2. Select the required item from the floating object's context menu ...

... or Picture Tools / Format tab.

To move the selected floating object one layer forward to the front, click Bring to Front -> Bring Forward.
To move the selected floating object in front of the text layer and any other floating objects, Bring to Front -> Bring
to Front.
To move the selected floating object in front of the text layer, click Bring to Front -> Bring in Front of Text.
To move the selected floating object one layer forward to the back, click Send to Back -> Send Backward.
To move the selected floating object behind the text or any other floating object, click Send to Back -> Send to Back.
To move the selected floating object behind the text layer, click Send to Back -> Send Behind Text.
Wrap Text around a Picture or Text Box
Position a Picture or Text Box within a Document
1. Select a floating picture or text box whose location you want to specify.
2. Specify an object location in one of the following ways.
On the Picture Tools / Format tab, in the Arrange group, click the Position button and select the required position
of the object from the invoked list.

Right-click the object to be positioned and select the More Layout Options... item from the context menu. On the
Position tab of the invoked Layout dialog, specify the required position for the floating object.

Wrap Text around Picture or Text Box

1. Select a floating picture or a text box.
2. To specify a way text wraps around the selected object, do one of the following.
On the Picture Tools / Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Wrap Text and select the required type of text
wrapping around the selected object from the invoked list.

Rght-click the selected floating object, and select the required type of the text wrapping from the Wrap Text sub-
menu of the invoked context menu.

Right-click the selected floating object, and select the More Layout Options... item from the context menu. Switch to
the Text Wrapping tab of the invoked Layout dialog and specify the required text wrapping settings for the floating
Resize a Picture or Text Box
To resize a picture or text box, shrink or stretch an object in the following way.
1. Click a floating picture or text box to be resized.
2. Drag a sizing handle towards or away from the object center until a required size is reached.

To keep object proportions when resizing it, check the Lock aspect ratio option (it is accessed via the Layout dialog that is
invoked when selecting the More Layout Options... item from the context menu of the floating object). In this case when you
change a width of the object by dragging a corner sizing handle, the object's height will be automatically changed to maintain
exact proportions of the object and vice-versa.
To specify an exact height and width of the object, clear the Lock aspect ratio check box.
Numbered Lists
Create a Numbered List as You Type
1. Point to the position within a document from which you want to begin your list.

2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Numbering button.

3. Type the text.

4. Press ENTER to create the next item of the list.
5. To finish the list, press ENTER twice.

Make a Numbered List from the Selected Text

You can add numbers to existing lines of text in two ways. The first one is to use the Paragraph toolbar:
1. Select the text lines that you want to transform into a list.
2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Numbering button.
Another way to do the same thing is to use the context menu:
1. Select the text to be transformed into a list.
2. Right-click within the document and select the Bullets and Numbering item from the appeared context menu.

3. In the invoked Bullets and Numbering dialog, click the Numbered tab and choose the list style that you want to apply.
Create Your Own List Style
You can create your own style for a numbered list on the basis of one of the existing list styles, by changing different list
1. Select the numbered list (or text to be transformed into the numbered list) to which you want to apply your own style.
2. Right-click within the document and select the Bullets and Numbering item from the resulting context menu. The Bullets
and Numbering dialog will be displayed.

3. Click the Numbered tab, choose one of the existing styles and click Customize.... The Customize Numbered List dialog
will be invoked.

The Customize... button is disabled if the None item of the Bullets and Numbering dialog is selected.
4. In this dialog, change different list parameters to create your own list style.
For instance, if you specify list parameters in the following way,... will get the list style as illustrated below.

Bulleted Lists
Create a Bulleted List as You Type
1. Point to the position in a document from where you want to begin your list.
2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Bullets button .

3. Type the text.

4. Press ENTER to create the next item of the list.
5. To finish the list, press ENTER twice.

Make a Bulleted List from the Selected Text

You can add bullets to existing lines of text in two ways. The first method is to use the Home ribbon tab:
1. Select the text lines that you want to transform into a list.
2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Bullets button.
Another way to do the same thing is to use the context menu:
1. Select the text to be transformed into a list.
2. Right-click within the document and select the Bullets and Numbering item from the invoked context menu.

3. In the invoked Bullets and Numbering dialog, click the Bulleted tab and choose the list style that you want to apply.
Create Your Own List Style
You can create your own style for a bulleted list on the basis of one of the existing list styles, by changing various list parameters.
1. Select the bulleted list (or text to be transformed into the bulleted list) to which you want to apply your own style.
2. Right-click within the document and select the Bullets and Numbering item from the resulting context menu. The Bullets
and Numbering dialog will be displayed.

3. Click the Bulleted tab, choose one of the existing styles and click Customize.... The Customize Bulleted List dialog will be

The Customize... button is disabled if the None item of the Bullets and Numbering dialog is selected.
4. In this dialog, change different list parameters to create your own list style.
For instance, if you specify list parameters in the following way,... will get the list style as illustrated below.

Multilevel Lists
Create a Multilevel List as You Type
1. Point to the position within a document from which you want to begin your list.

2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Multilevel list button.

3. Type the text.

4. To change levels of the list, press TAB and SHIFT+TAB, or, on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group click the Increase
Indent and Decrease Indent buttons. Press ENTER to create the next item on the current level.
5. To finish the list, press ENTER twice.

Make a Multilevel List from the Selected Text

You can make multilevel list from existing lines of text in two ways. The first one is to use the Paragraph toolbar:
1. Select the text lines that you want to transform into a list.
2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Multilevel list button.
3. Use TAB and SHIFT+TAB, or the Increase Indent and Decrease Indent buttons to change levels.
Another way to do the same thing is to use the context menu:
1. Select the text to be transformed into a list.
2. Right-click within the document and select the Bullets and Numbering item from the invoked context menu.
3. In the invoked Bullets and Numbering dialog, click the Outline Numbered tab and choose the list style that you want to

4. Use TAB and SHIFT+TAB, or the Increase Indent and Decrease Indent buttons of the Paragraph toolbar to
change levels.

Create Your Own List Style

You can create your own style for a multilevel list on the basis of one of the existing list styles, by changing different list
1. Select the multilevel list (or text to be transformed into the multilevel list) to which you want to apply your own style.
2. Right-click within the document and select the Bullets and Numbering item from the resulting context menu. The Bullets
2. Right-click within the document and select the Bullets and Numbering item from the resulting context menu. The Bullets
and Numbering dialog will be displayed.

3. Click the Outline Numbered tab, choose one of the existing styles and click Customize.... The Customize Outline
Numbered List dialog will be invoked.


The Customize... button is disabled if the None item of the Bullets and Numbering dialog is selected.
4. In this dialog, change different list parameters to create your own list style.
For instance, if you specify list parameters in the following way,... will get the list style as illustrated below.

5. Use TAB and SHIFT+TAB, or the Increase Indent and Decrease Indent buttons of the Paragraph toolbar, to
change levels.
Insert a Table
Insert a Table
1. Click the position within a document where you want to insert a table.
2. Click the Table button on the Insert tab.

3. In the invoked Insert Table dialog, select the required number of table rows and columns.

4. Alternatively, you can select the required table size in the drop-down control box:

Insert a Table inside Another Table

Tables that are located inside other tables are called nested tables.
To insert a nested table:
1. Point to the position within a table cell where you want to insert a table.
2. Insert a table.
Add and Remove Table Borders
Add Borders
Add Borders to the Whole Table
1. Select a table.
2. On the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Borders&Shadings group, click the Borders button and select one of the
available border sets.

Add Borders to Specified Cells Only

1. Display gridlines to view boundaries of the table cells and select cells to be provided with borders.

2. On the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Borders&Shadings group, click the Borders button and select the border
that you want to apply to cells.

Remove Table Borders

Remove Borders from the Whole Table
1. Select a table.
2. On the Table Tools/Layout ribbon tab in the Borders&Shading group, click the Borders button and select No
Borders from the invoked list.
Remove Borders from Specified Cells Only
1. Display gridlines to view boundaries of the table cells and select cells from which you want to remove borders.

2. On the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Borders&Shading group, click the Borders button and select No Borders
from the invoked list.

Show or Hide Gridlines

Gridlines show boundaries of a table cells when no borders are applied. Unlike borders, gridlines are shown on screen only and
never printed.

To show or hide table gridlines, on the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Borders&Shading group, click the View Gridlines
Customize a Style of Cell Borders
Before you add borders to table cells, you can specify a style to be applied to borders.
To set a style for cell borders, do the following:
1. Select a table or specific cells whose borders you want to customize.
2. On the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Borders&Shading group, change required options (Line Style, Line Weight, Pen

3. Add borders using the Table Styles group of the Table Tools / Design tab.
Select a Cell, Row or Column
Select a Cell
You can select a table cell in one of the following ways.
Double-click a cell.
Click the left edge of a cell.

Click a cell to be selected. Then on the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Table group, click the Select button and choose
Select Cell from the invoked list.


To select multiple cells, click the left edge of a cell and then drag it across other cells.

Select a Row
To select a table row you can do one of the following.
Click to the left of a row.

Click a cell included into a row to be selected. Then on the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Table group, click the Select
button and choose Select Row from the invoked list.

Select a Column
To select a table column you can do one of the following.
Click the top edge of a column.
Click a cell included into a column to be selected. Then on the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Table group, click the Select
button and choose Select Column from the invoked list.

Select a Table
Click any cell of a table. Then on the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Table group, click the Select button and choose the Select
Table item from the invoked list.
Insert a Cell, Row or Column
Insert a Cell
1. Click a cell located directly to the right or below where you want to insert a cell, and then on the Table Tools\Layout tab, in
the Rows & Columns group, click the Insert Cells button...

2. ...or right-click a cell relative to which you want to add a new cell, select the Insert item from the context menu and click
Insert Cells.

3. In the invoked Insert Cells dialog choose one of the available options:

Insert a new cell just to the left of the selected cell and move the selected cell and all other cells
following this cell in that row to the right.

Shift Insert a new cell in the selected cell's place and move other cells in that column down one row each.
cells A new row will be added at the bottom of the table to include the last existing cell. Remaining cells
down in this new row will be empty.

entire Insert a new row just above the row containing the selected cell.

entire Insert a new column just to the left of the column containing the selected cell.

Insert a Row
1. Click a cell located directly below or above where you want to insert a new row.
2. Do one of the following:
To add a new row just above the row containing the selected cell, on the Table Tools\Layout tab, in the Rows &
Columns group, click the Insert Rows Above button.

To add a new row just below the row containing the selected cell,on the Table Tools\Layout tab, in the Rows &
Columns group, click the Insert Rows Below button.

...or right-click a cell relative to which you want to insert a row, click the Insert item in the context menu and select
Insert Rows Above or Insert Rows Below.
Insert a Column
1. Click a cell located directly to the right or left of where you want to insert a new column.
2. Do one of the following:
To add a new column just to the left of the column containing the selected cell, on the Table Tools\Layout tab, in the
Rows & Columns group, click the Insert Columns to the Left button.

To add a new column just to the right of the column containing the selected cell,on the Table Tools\Layout tab, in
the Rows &Columns group, click the Insert Columns to the Right button...

... or right-click a cell relative to which you want to insert a column, click the Insert item in the context menu and select
Insert Columns to the Left or Insert Columns to the Right.
Delete a Cell, Row or Column
Delete a Cell
1. Click a cell to be deleted and then on the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Rows & Columns group, click the Delete button
and select Delete Cells from the invoked list...

2. ...or right-click a cell to be deleted and select Delete Cells... from the context menu.

3. In the invoked Delete Cells dialog choose one of the available options:



Delete the selected cell and move all other cells in the row
Shift cells left
to the left.

Delete the selected cell and move all other cells in the
Shift cells up
column up.

Delete entire row Delete a row containing the selected cell.

Delete entire
Delete a column containing the selected cell.

Delete a Row
1. Select a row to be deleted or click on one cell included into that row.
2. On the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Rows & Columns group, click the Delete button and select Delete Rows from the
invoked list...

3. ...or select a row to be deleted, right-click it and select Delete Rows from the invoked context menu.
Delete a Column
1. Select a column to be deleted or click on one cell included into that column.
2. On the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Rows & Columns group, click the Delete button and select Delete Columns from
the invoked list...

3. ...or select a column to be deleted, right-click it, and select Delete Columns from the invoked context menu.
Merge or Split Cells
Merge Cells
1. Select cells that you wish to merge. For example, you can select multiple cells, a whole row or column.
2. On the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Merge group, click the Merge Cells button.

–You can also:

Right-click cells to be merged and select Merge Cells from the context menu.


The Merge Cells button becomes available, after you have selected the table cells to be merged.

Split Cells
1. Click a cell or select multiple cells that you wish to split.
2. On the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Merge group, click the Split Cells button.
2. On the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Merge group, click the Split Cells button.

–You can also:

If you wish to split a single cell, right-click this cell and select Split Cells from the context menu.


The Split Cells... item of the context menu is available, if you right-click one cell of a table only.
3. In the invoked Split Cells dialog, set the number of columns and rows into which the selected cells should be split.
If multiple cells are selected, you can first merge these cells and then spit the newly created cell into the specified number of
columns and rows (select the Merge cells before split check box in the dialog) ...
... or each of the selected cells can be split (clear the Merge cells before split check box).

Split Table
1. Click any cell included into a row relative to which you wish to split a table. This row will be the first row of the second table.
2. On the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Merge group, click the Split Table button.
Align Text in Table Cells
By default, text is aligned to the top left corner of a table cell. You can change both the vertical and horizontal alignment of text in
a table cells.
1. Click a cell or select multiple cells containing text that you want to align.
2. Click one of the available buttons on the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Alignment group.

3. Right-click the cells, point to the Cell Alignment item and select the desired options from the invoked list.
Adjust Column Width
Automatically Change Column Width to Fit Entered Data
1. Click within a table.
2. On the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Cell Size group, click the AutoFit button and select AutoFit Contents.

Automatically Change Table Width to Fit Page Margins

1. Click within a table.
2. On the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Cell Size group, click the AutoFit button and select AutoFit Window.

Fix a Specific Width for Each Column in a Table

1. Specify a width for each column in a table (for example, by using the mouse or via the Table Properties dialog).
2. On the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Cell Size group, click the AutoFit button and select Fixed Column Width.
Set Background Color of Cells
1. Select a table or specific cells whose background color you want to set.
2. Click the Shading arrow and select a color to fill-in the background of the selected cells.
Set Table Properties
To change settings of table rows, columns, particular cells or whole tables, use the Table Properties dialog. To invoke this dialog,
click within a table whose properties you wish to specify, and on the Table Tools/Layout tab, in the Table group, click the
Properties button.

–You can also:

Right-click within a table to be modified and select Table Properties... form the context menu.

The Table Properties dialog includes several tabs.

On the Table tab you can set table properties, such as the preferred width for an entire table and table alignment (position
of the table relative to the margins of the page).
The Options... button invokes the Table Options dialog that allows you to set default cell margins (spacing between cell
borders and text within each cell), specify whether the additional space should be between cells, set the amount of this
space, and set whether or not table columns should be automatically expanded to accommodate cell content.

The Row tab allows you to set the height of the table row, enable or disable the row to break across pages, and specify
whether or not the row should be the first row on each page in case the table is more than one page.

On the Column tab, you can set the preferred width for the table column.
Options on the Cell tab allow you to set the preferred width of the table cell and select a vertical alignment of the text within
the cell.

The Options... button invokes the Cell Options dialog allowing you to customize cell margins (space between cell borders
and cell content) and specify whether or not the text within the cell should be wrapped and fitted.
Header and Footer
Headers and footers are the areas at the bottom or the top of each page in a document. You can insert text or graphics into
headers and footers (for example, page numbers, a company logo, the document title or file name, the author's name).

Insert a Header or Footer

1. On the Insert tab, in the Header&Footer group, click the Header or Footer button.

2. Type text or insert graphics in the header or footer area.

3. To switch between the header and footer areas, use the Go to Header and Go to Footer buttons of the Header & Footer
Tools / Design ribbon tab.

4. If necessary, you can align and format text in the header and footer areas, as required.
5. To finish, double-click anywhere in the document, or on the Header & Footer Tools / Design tab, in the Header&Footer
group, click Close Header and Footer.

Create a Different Header or Footer for the First Page

You can skip the header or footer on the first page, or create a unique header or footer for the first page of the document.
1. Double-click the header or footer area on the first page of the document.
2. On the Header & Footer Tools / Design tab, in the Options group, click the Different First Page button.
3. If necessary, click the Show Next and Show Previous buttons on the Header & Footer Tools / Design tab to activate the
First Page Header and First Page Footer areas.

4. Change the contents of the header or footer on the first page (or delete the contents of the header or footer to use no
header or footer on the first page of the document).

Create a Different Header or Footer for Odd and Even Pages

1. On the Insert tab, in the Header&Footer group, click the Header or Footer button.

2. On the Header & Footer Tools / Design tab, in the Options group, click the Different Odd & Even Pages button.

3. If necessary, click the Show Next and Show Previous buttons on the Header & Footer Tools / Design tab to move into
the header or footer areas of odd or even pages.

4. Create the header or footer for odd pages in the Odd Page Header or Odd Page Footer areas and create the header or
footer for even pages in the Even Page Header or Even Page Footer areas.

Use Specific Headers and Footers for Each Section

If your document is divided into sections, you can specify different headers and footers for each section.
1. Click the first section from the document beginning whose headers and footers you wish to change.
2. Click the Header or Footer button on the Insert tab.

3. On the Header & Footer Tools / Design tab, in the Navigation, click Link to Previous group to break the connection
between the current section and the previous section.

4. Modify the existing header or footer as required, or create a new header or footer for the current section.
5. Repeat the previous two steps for the next sections for which you want to set specific headers and footers. Use the Show
Next button on the Header & Footer Tools / Design ribbon tab to navigate to header or footer areas of the next sections.
Mail Merge
The Mail Merge feature enables you to use the text retrieved from a data source for filling in the fields in a document template.
This feature is useful for letters, catalogs, mailing labels, and for personalizing any kind of a document.

If the data source provides formatted text to insert in the merge field, its formatting will not be recognized and properly
To merge data fields in a Rich Text Editor document, perform the following steps.
Prepare a Data Source
To perform a mail merge, you need a template and a data source. The template is a document containing fields
(placeholders for the information that will be merged). The data source contains data that will be merged into the fields in
the document template to create merged documents.

Create a Template for Mail Merge (Insert Fields)

When an application runs with the mail merge data source attached to the Rich Text Editor, you can create a template for
mail merge. To do this, create a new document, type the mail content and insert merge fields into this document. To insert
fields, on the Mail Merge tab, in the Mail Merge group, click the Insert Merge Field button.

The drop-down list or a dialog window containing field names will be shown.

Choose the required field and click Insert. The field is inserted at the cursor position.

Preview Field Values

The Show All Field Codes button on the Mail Merge tab displays field codes for all fields in the document.
The Show All Field Results button on the Mail Merge ribbon tab displays field placeholders if the View Merged Data
button is switched off. If this button is switched on, then the current record of the data source is displayed in place of the

The merge field code looks like the following:

The optional * MERGEFORMAT switch, which you can add manually, retains formatting applied to the field.
Create a Table of Contents
Create a TOC Using Built-In Heading Styles
The easiest way to create a TOC is to use built-in heading styles.
Mark TOC Entries
1. Select the text (heading) that you want to appear in a TOC.
2. Click the Add Text button on the References tab and then select the required level (for example, if you want the
selected text to be displayed as the main heading in the TOC, click Level 1, etc.). If you change your mind and decide
not to include the selected text in the TOC, click Do Not Show in Table of Contents.

After you have applied levels in a newly created document once or if you have opened a document with specified TOC
entires by using heading styles, the corresponding heading styles (Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.) are automatically added
to the list of available styles accessed via the Styles page group. In this case you can mark TOC entries by choosing
these heading styles.

Build a TOC
After you have specified all required TOC entries, everything is ready to generate a TOC.
1. Click within the document where you want to insert a TOC.
2. In the Table of Contents group, click Table of Contents.
This will automatically generate a TOC that consists of entries marked by using heading styles.
If you click the Show All Field Codes button on the Mail Merge toolbar, you will see the TOC field code. By default, it
is { TOC \h }. The \h switch inserts all TOC entires as hyperlinks.

Create a TOC Using Paragraph Outline Levels

If you wish to include some text in a TOC without changing the text appearance, you can use outline levels. Unlike heading styles,
outline levels applied to text do not affect text formatting characteristics.
Mark TOC Entries
1. Select the text that you wish to appear in the TOC.
2. Right-click the selected text and choose Paragraph from the context menu. The Paragraph dialog will invoked.
3. In this dialog, use the Outline level combo box to specify the outline level for the selected text. If you change your
mind and decide not to include the selected text to the TOC, click Body Text.

Build a TOC
After you have specified all required TOC entries, everything is ready to generate a TOC.
1. Click within the document where you want to insert a TOC.
2. Press CTRL+F9 to create an empty field wherein you can manually enter a field code to insert a TOC.
3. In this field, write the { TOC \u } field code. Use the \u switch to include text marked with outline levels in the TOC.
4. To show the result TOC, place the cursor in the TOC field, right-click it and select the Update Field item from the
context menu, or click the Update Table button on the References tab.
Create a TOC Using Fields
Along with built-in heading styles and outline levels, there is another way to label text to include it in a TOC - via TC fields.
Sometimes it can be quicker and easier to add TC fields to mark TOC entries, rather than format the document using heading
styles or outline levels. TC fields can be also helpful if you want to capture a portion of a long heading that should not be entirely
included in the TOC and include only that portion in the TOC. In addition, if your document needs two or more TOCs showing
different entries, you can mark entries for a particular TOC using TC fields with an identifier, which is specific for each TOC.
Mark TOC Entries
1. Click within a document where you want to add a TC field (for example, right below an abstract heading).
2. Press CTRL+F9 to create an empty field wherein you can manually enter a field code (TC in this case) and set required
3. Write the following.
{TC "Entry Text" \f A \l 1 }
This will add the "Entry Text" first-level item (the \l switch sets the level of the TC entry) to the TOC with an \f switch
and the A identifier. The \f switch of the TC field is used to include the TC field in the corresponding TOC. A TC field
identifier (A in this case) must exactly match the text in the argument of the TOC field's \f switch. For example, the
{TOC \f A} table of contents will be created from TC fields like {TC "Entry Text" \f A}.

TC fields display no result in the document. To view field codes, click Show All Field Codes on the Mail Merge tab.

Build a TOC
1. Click within the document where you want to insert a TOC.
2. Press CTRL+F9 to create an empty field wherein you can manually enter a field code to insert a TOC.
3. Write the following:
{TOC \f A}
The \f switch collects the TC field entries in the TOC. This switch's field-argument (A in this case) specifies which TC
fields should be included in the TOC (TC fields with the same identifier - A).
4. To show the resulting TOC, place the cursor in the TOC field, right-click it and select the Update Field item from the
context menu, or click the Update Table button on the References ribbon tab.
Create Table of Contents for Special Cases
A table of contents (TOC) in a document is represented by a special TOC field. There is set of TOC field switches that you can
combine to create TOCs of different types. This document describes how to create the following TOCs.
TOC for the Specified Portion of a Document
TOC Including Paragraphs with Specified Outline Levels
Table of Figures (Tables, Equations)

TOC for the Specified Portion of a Document

To build a TOC consisting of titles (marked with built-in heading styles) from a specified portion of a document only, follow the
steps below.
1. Mark entries to be included in the TOC by using built-in heading styles (Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.).
2. Mark a portion of a document whose headings you want to include in the TOC with the "Chapter1" bookmark.
3. Insert an empty field (CTRL+F9) and enter a TOC field code with the \b switch and bookmark name: {TOC \b Chapter1}.

TOC Including Paragraphs with Specified Outline Levels Only

To generate a TOC from Heading 1, Heading 2 and Heading 3 entries only (or paragraphs with outline levels 1 through 3), use the
\o switch in the TOC field code.

{TOC} {TOC \O "1-3"}

Table of Figures (Tables, Equations)

The following step-by-step instructions describe how to create a TOC from items numbered by a SEQ field (for example, table of
figures), add sequence numbers (figure numbers) before page numbers in the table of contents, and specify the separator
between sequence and page numbers.
1. Specify captions for figures that you want to include in the table of figures. To do this, click the Insert Caption button on
the References tab and select Figures Caption...
... or add the {SEQ Figure} field code (via CTRL+F9).
2. Click within a document where you wish to insert the table of figures.
3. Click Insert Table of Figures on the References ribbon tab and select Table of Figures.

If you click the Show All Field Codes button on the Mail Merge ribbon tab, you will see the TOC field code - { TOC \h \c
"Figure" }. The \c switch is used to build a TOC from items that are numbered by a SEQ field.
4. To add figure numbers before page numbers in the table of figures and insert the => separator between figure and page
numbers, use the \s and \d switches of the TOC field - { TOC \h \c "Figure" \s Figure \d => }.
5. Resulting table of figures will look like the following.

In the same way you can sequentially number tables and equations in a document, and built a table of tables or equations.
If you add, remove or modify captions, you can quickly update the table of figures by using the References button on the
Captions ribbon tab or by selecting the Update Field item from the context menu.
Update Table of Contents
If you have added, removed or modified TOC entries in your document, you can quickly update the TOC in one of the following
Place the cursor in the TOC and press F9.
Place the cursor in the TOC and click the Update Table button on the Table of Contents toolbar.
Select Update Field from the context menu.

Note that if the Table of Contents contains hyperlinks (TOC is created using the {TOC \h} field code), you should position mouse
pointer at the upper left corner of the table to have an effect on entire TOC rather than on a particular hyperlink.
Protect and Unprotect a Document
Add Protection to a Document
To protect a document by specifying a password, follow the steps below.
1. On the Review tab, in the Protect group, click the Protect Document button .

2. In the invoked Start Enforcing Protection dialog, specify a password to restrict people from editing a document. To do
this, type a password in the Enter new password (optional) box and confirm it in the Reenter password to confirm box.

You can also allow particular users to change certain parts of a document.

Give Users Permission to Edit Certain Parts of a Document

Before adding protection to a document, you can specify certain parts of the document where you want to remove the restriction
and allow a particular user or group of users to modify these parts.
1. Select a part of a document to be unrestricted.
2. On the Review tab, in the Protect group, click the Range Editing Permissions button.

3. In the invoked Editing Permissions dialog, select a user or group of users to be allowed to edit the selected part of a
4. Editable ranges will be highlighted and enclosed in brackets.

5. Continue to select the document regions and give users permission to edit them.
6. After specifying all required unrestricted parts of a document, add protection.

Remove Protection from a Document

You can unprotect a document, if you know the password for removing document protection.
1. On the Review tab, in the Protect group, click the Unprotect Document button.

2. In the invoked Unprotect Document dialog, type the password.

Edit a Protected Document
When a document is protected, it is read-only except for specific unrestricted parts. You can modify a document part if you have
been given permission to make changes to this part. Editable document regions can be easily recognized - they are highlighted
and enclosed in brackets.
Insert a Bookmark
A Bookmark exposes a document range with a name. The range can have a zero length. The name should start with a letter and
can include numbers.
To create a new bookmark, place the caret at the chosen location, or select the text to mark, and on the Insert tab, in the Links
group, click the Bookmark button...

...or choose the Bookmark... item from the context menu.

In the invoked Bookmark dialog, specify the bookmark name and click Add.

After you insert a bookmark in a document, you can insert a hyperlink to make a cross-reference to this bookmark.
Insert a Hyperlink
The Hyperlink marks the document range as a hot spot in the document. It can be activated by clicking or pressing ENTER, to
navigate the specified external URL, file or bookmark within the same document.
To create a new hyperlink, select a range to mark and on the Insert tab, in the Links group, click the Hyperlink button...

...or select the Hyperlink... item from the context menu ...

... or use the CTRL+K keyboard shortcut.

The Edit hyperlink dialog will appear.
Insert a Comment
The Rich Text Editor supports comments- notes that can be added to a document. They make a document more understandable
by providing additional context for the data it contains. Comments are displayed in the Reviewing Pane or in a balloon that
appears in the document margins.

You can add,edit, filter and delete comments.

Add a New Comment

1. To add a comment to the document, select the text to which you wish to add a note, and in the Comment group, click the
New Comment button.

To edit a comment, click within the comment's body and start editing.
2. You can also reply to the existing comment. To do this, place the cursor within the comment text and click the New
Comment button. The new comment will appear under the main one.
View Comments
1. To display comments in a document, on the Review tab in the Tracking group, click the View Comments button . The
comment balloons will appear.

2. Document comments can also be displayed in the Reviewing Pane. To display them, on the Review tab in the Tracking
group, click the Reviewing Pane button.
3. To switch between comments, use the Next and Previous buttons in the Comment group.

Filter Comments
To highlight the comments of a specific reviewer only, on the Review tab in the Tracking group, click the Reviewers
button. Select the user whose comments you wish to display from the drop-down list...
...or select All Authors to see all the added comments.

Delete Comments
To delete a selected comment, comments of particular reviewers or all comments, click the Delete button in the Comment
group and select the appropriate command from the drop-down list.
Insert a Page Break
Insert Page Break
You can insert a page break in your document anywhere you want. To do this, follow the steps below.
1. Point to the position within a document where you want to insert a page break.
2. On the Insert tab, in the Pages group, click the Page break button ...

... or on the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Breaks button and select Page from the invoked list...

... or press CTRL+ENTER.

To show the page break mark, press CTRL+SHIFT+8 or on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Show/Hide button.

In a document, page breaks are marked as illustrated below.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Insert Breaks
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to insert breaks of different types:


CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER Inserts a column break in a document.

CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE Inserts a non-breaking space.

CTRL+ENTER Inserts a page break.

ENTER Inserts a paragraph break.

SHIFT+ENTER Inserts a line break.

TAB Inserts a tab

Insert Page Numbers
Insert a Page Number
1. On the Insert tab, in the Header&Footer group, click the Header or Footer button . For more information, see Header and

2. Point to anywhere in the header or footer area where you want to insert the page number.
3. To add page numbers, on the Insert tab, in the Header&Footer group, click the Page Number button.

Insert a Page Count

1. On the Insert tab, in the Header&Footer group, click the Header or Footer button. For more information, see Header and

2. Point to anywhere in the header or footer area where you want to insert the number of pages.
3. To add the number of pages, on the Insert tab, in the Header&Footer group, click the Page Count button.
Insert a Symbol
The Rich Text Editor allows you to insert symbols that are not on your keyboard, such as copyright symbols, trademark symbols,
paragraph marks.
To insert a symbol, do the following:
1. Point to the position within the document where you want to insert a symbol.
2. On the Insert tab, in the Symbol group, click the Symbol button.

The Symbol dialog will be invoked.

3. Select the symbol to be inserted and click OK, or double-click the symbol.
In addition, some symbols can be inserted in the document using default keyboard shortcuts:


CTRL+ALT+C Inserts the copyright (©) symbol.

CTRL+ALT+OEMPERIOD Inserts the ellipsis (…) symbol.

CTRL+ALT+R Inserts the registered trademark (®) symbol.

CTRL+ALT+- Inserts the em dash (—) symbol.

CTRL+ALT+T Inserts the trademark sign (™) symbol.

CTRL+- Inserts the en dash (-) symbol.

Set Document Properties
You can add details about your document (title, author name, keywords, etc.) by setting the document properties. You can set the
default properties, as well as create and specify custom ones.

Change Default Properties

1. On the File tab, in the Info group, click the Document Properties button to invoke the Document Properties Dialog.

2. To change the default document properties, such as Title, Subject, Author, Category, Keywords and Comments, switch to the
Summary tab. Enter the required document information and click OK to save changes.

Create and Set Custom Properties

1. On the File tab, in the Info group, click the Document Properties button to invoke the Document Properties Dialog.

2. Switch to the Custom tab to create a new document property.

3. Enter the property's name in the Name box or select one of the presets from the list. Set the property type by selecting the
required item from the Type list and enter the value in the field below.
If you selected the "Yes or no" type, click the required radio button to set the value. Click Add to finish creating the property.

4. The newly created item will appear in the Properties list. You can select the property in there and change its value, type or
name the same way. Click the Modify button to save changes. To remove the property, click Delete.
This section describes the capabilities provided by the Scheduler, which is used for scheduling/calendar activities.

Scheduler UI
Ribbon Interface
Appointment Management
Create Appointments
Edit Appointments
Manage Reminders
Delete Appointments
Restrictions for Operations with Appointments
Layout Customization
Switch Scheduler Views
Scheduler Grouping
Zoom the Scheduling Area
Selection and Navigation
Navigate Dates in the Scheduler
Navigate Scheduler Resources
Navigate Scheduler Time Cells
Scheduler Navigation Buttons
Scheduler 'More' Buttons
Scheduler UI
This section describes the command interface of the Scheduler.
Topics in this section:
Ribbon Interface
A scheduler can be accompanied by a set of toolbars that provide you with a comprehensive functionality to perform basic
operations in a scheduler (navigate through dates, change active view, create, edit and delete appointments, select a type for
grouping scheduler data, etc.) via a Bar interface.


Import and export data in the iCalendar format.


Print scheduler data


Create Appointments


Navigate Dates in the Scheduler

Zoom the Scheduling Area

Switch Scheduler Views

Group By

Scheduler Grouping

Active View

Switch Scheduler Views

Time Scale

Specify time scales.


Customize the active view layout.

Edit Appointments
Delete Appointments


Edit Appointments
Manage Reminders
Ribbon Interface
A scheduler can be accompanied by a set of of Ribbon tabbed pages that provide you with a comprehensive functionality to
perform basic operations in a scheduler (navigate through dates, change active view, create, edit and delete appointments, select a
type for grouping scheduler data, etc.) via a Ribbon interface. Ribbon pages are structurally and visually split into logical groups.
Each of these groups includes commands that have certain common features.


Import and export data in the iCalendar format.

Print scheduler data


Create Appointments
Navigate Dates in the Scheduler
Switch Scheduler Views
Scheduler Grouping


Switch Scheduler Views

Customize the active view layout.

Edit Appointments
Manage Reminders
Appointment Management
This section describes how to modify appointments.
Topics in this section:
Create Appointments
Edit Appointments
Manage Reminders
Delete Appointments
Restrictions for Operations with Appointments
Create Appointments
Context Menu
The following items are available in the context menu, invoked when you right-click any region of the Scheduler (except for areas
covered by appointments).

1. New Appointment
Invokes the Edit Appointment dialog.
The Start time and End time values are initially set to the lower and upper boundaries of the current date and time

Fill in other fields, if necessary. For example, use the large text box at the bottom of the dialog to enter text, which will be
shown as an appointment's description in a Day or a Work Week views.
You can also select the Reminder check box to enable appointment notifications (see Manage Reminders).
2. New All Day Event
Invokes the Edit Event dialog, which is used to create a new all-day appointment (also called 'all-day event'). The dialog is
identical to Edit Appointment (shown above), except that in this case, the All day event option is checked, its time range
is measured in days (not hours) and marked as Free. The appointment can be transformed into an all-day event and vice-
versa by checking this box.
3. New Recurring Appointment
All appointments maintained by the scheduler can either be simple (non-recurring - i.e., they happen only once), or
recurring - occurring multiple times within a specified time interval.
Selecting this menu item invokes the Edit Appointment dialog, used to create a new appointment, and also invokes the
Appointment Recurrence dialog, which allows the recurrence pattern to be specified for the new appointment.

4. New Recurring Event

Selecting this menu item invokes the Event editor dialog used to create a new all-day appointment, and also invokes the
Appointment Recurrence dialog, which allows the recurrence pattern to be specified for the new event.

Bar or Ribbon Interface

If a scheduler is provided with the Bar or Ribbon interface, you can create new appointments (simple and recurring) using the
New Appointment and New Recurring Appointment buttons on the Appointment toolbar or Ribbon page group. These
buttons invoke the Edit Appointment and Appointment Recurrence dialogs respectively.


Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Operations


Pressing an alphanumeric key or ENTER invokes an in-place editor where you can type the subject of a new appointment
occupying the currently selected area. Once you have typed your appointment's subject, you can either create and save the
appointment by pressing ENTER or changing the focus, or cancel the operation by pressing ESC. The type of the created
appointment depends on the selected time cell(s). When typing is done in Day or Work-Week view, the appointment is
created with the time interval starting with the earliest time of the selected cells and ending with the latest, and the time is
key or ENTER
marked as Busy. If an all-day area is selected, then an all-day appointment is created with the time marked as Free. When
the scheduler display mode is Week or Month view, the appointment is created with the start time set to 12 AM of the
first selected day, and the end time is set to 12 AM of the day following the last selected day.

Double-clicking within a scheduler view's time cell that does not contain any appointments invokes the Edit Appointment
dialog described above.

CTRL+N Pressing CTRL+N invokes the Edit Appointment dialog. Then this dialog can be used to create a new appointment.

Dragging an
This action creates a copy of the selected appointment and moves it, leaving the original appointment intact.
while holding
Edit Appointments
You can modify existing appointments in the following ways:
using the appointment context menu
using the built-in dialogs
using the in-place editor
via the Bar or Ribbon interface
via keyboard shortcuts and mouse operations

Access to some operations may be restricted.

Context Menu
After an appointment has been right-clicked, the appointment context menu is invoked. The Show Time As and Label As items
are used to alter an appointment. They allow for the changing of basic visual characteristics of an appointment - status and label.


Edit Appointment and Appointment Recurrence Dialogs

Edit a Simple Appointment
You can edit properties of a simple (non-recurring) appointment via the Edit Appointment dialog that can be invoked via
the appointment context menu, Bar or Ribbon interface, keyboard shortcuts and mouse operations.



Double-click the appointment to be

edited or select an appointment,
and then press ENTER or CTRL-O.
Edit a Particular Occurrence in a Series
The same dialog is used to edit a particular occurrence in the series of recurring appointments (recurring appointments are
marked with a sign). If you select a recurring appointment, and click Open in the appointment context menu or the
Open Occurrence button on the Action toolbar or Ribbon page group, the Edit Appointment dialog is invoked to allow
for the editing of the current appointment only, but not its entire series.



Double-click an appointment to be
edited or select an appointment, and
then press ENTER or CTRL-O.

The appointment with changed properties still belongs to the series, but is marked with an "exception". The visual indicator
of an exception is the crossed recurrence sign . To replace an exceptional appointment with the regular occurrence in the
chain of recurring appointments, click the Restore Default State item in the appointment's context menu.
Edit a Series of Recurring Appointments
To edit an entire series of recurring appointments (a pattern appointment), it is necessary to select a recurring appointment,
and click Edit Series in the appointment context menu or select the Open Series item from the Open drop-down list on
the Actions toolbar or Ribbon page group. In this instance, the Edit Appointment dialog is shown with a different window
icon. Time fields are inaccessible.


The recurrence pattern can be edited via the Appointment Recurrence dialog. You can invoke it by clicking the
Recurrence button of the Edit Appointment dialog, or using the Recurrence button on the Options toolbar or Ribbon
page group.

In-place Editing
A single mouse click within an appointment, or pressing F2, invokes the in-place editor, which you can use to edit the selected
appointment's Subject. It is illustrated in the following picture.

By default, you can close the editor by pressing Enter (to save modifications) or Escape (to cancel modifications).

Bar or Ribbon Interface

If a scheduler is provided with the Bar or Ribbon interface, you can modify appointment properties (status, label, recurrence and
reminder) using the Options toolbar or Ribbon page group, which is active when an appointment is selected.


Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Operations


Click an appointment Selects an appointment.

Selects an appointment and invokes the context menu for the selected
Right-click an appointment

Click appointments while holding the CTRL key pressed Enables you to select multiple appointments.

ENTER or CTRL+O Invokes the Edit Appointment dialog for the selected appointment.

Double-click an appointment Invokes the Edit Appointment dialog.

F2 Invokes the in-place editor to modify the selected appointment.

Resizes the rectangle representing an appointment. Results in changing its

Drag appointment edges
start/end times.

Click and drag an appointment with the left mouse Moves the appointment across time cells, changing its Start time and End
button time properties.

Click and drag an appointment with the right mouse Invokes the context menu allowing you to select between moving the
button appointment, copying it or canceling the operation.

Press and hold the CTRL key, click and drag an Creates a copy of the selected appointment(s) when the mouse button is
appointment(s) with the left mouse button released.
Manage Reminders
What is a Reminder?
An appointment can have one or more reminders. They are responsible for sending alerts at specified time periods before an
appointment's start time. If an appointment has a reminder, the bell image is displayed.

Specifying Reminders
A reminder can be created for a particular appointment with the help of the appointment's editing form, demonstrated below.
Select the Reminder check box and enter the amount of time before the appointment when you want the reminder to occur. You
can select a predefined value in a drop-down list, or just type it in. The duration editor recognizes digits as the number of minutes
if an "h" postfix is added - as hours, "d" - days.

If a scheduler is provided with the Bar or Ribbon interface, you can specify reminders by selecting the required value from the
Reminder drop-down list on the Options toolbar or Ribbon page group, which is active when an appointment is selected.

How Does It Work?

When the time has come for the reminder alert, it invokes the notification dialog, as illustrated below.

You can switch the reminders off by clicking the Dismiss or Dismiss All buttons.
Another option is to shift the alert time by selecting the time interval in the combo box and clicking the Snooze button. Then, the
notification will be postponed for a specified time frame.
Delete Appointments
Context Menu
You can delete the selected appointment using the Delete item of the context menu, which is invoked when an appointment is

Selecting this item removes the current appointment. If the current appointment is recurring, then the Confirm Delete dialog is

Edit Appointment Dialog

When the appointment is being edited via the Edit Appointment dialog, in order to delete the corresponding appointment (or
series of recurring appointments) click the Delete button of this dialog.

Bar or Ribbon Interface

If a scheduler is provided with the Bar or Ribbon interface, you can delete appointments (simple and recurring) using the Delete
button on the Actions toolbar or Ribbon page group. If the appointment to be deleted is recurring, clicking this button invokes
the drop-down list allowing you to decide whether the whole series of recurring appointments should be deleted or just a
particular occurrence.


Keyboard Shortcuts
The DELETE key or the CTRL+D keyboard shortcut can be used to delete the selected appointment(s).
Restrictions for Operations with Appointments
Access to several operations may be restricted. You may find that you're not able to perform the following operations due to
restrictions applied by your application vendor or administrator.
Create new appointments.
Edit appointments.
Invoke the appointment editing form.
Activate an in-place editor for an appointment.
Change the time boundaries of appointments.
Drag and drop appointments to another time slot or date.
Drag and drop appointments between resources.
Copy appointments.
Delete appointments.
Select more than one appointment simultaneously.
Share the scheduled time between two or more appointments.
When you drag an appointment to relocate it, it may conflict with another. This situation is visually indicated as illustrated
Layout Customization
This section describes how to change the scheduler layout.
Topics in this section:
Switch Scheduler Views
Scheduler Grouping
Zoom the Scheduling Area
Switch Scheduler Views
Change Active View
The scheduler is intended to display appointment data using one of the standard Views. The currently active view used by the
scheduler can be either selected intentionally or changed according to the scheduler's internal logic.
To change the active view, use the corresponding item of the scheduler's context menu. This menu is invoked when you
right-click any region of the scheduler (not occupied with an appointment).


Depending on the application vendor, some options may be unavailable in your application.
While navigating through dates via the Go To Date dialog, you can specify a view type to display a new time interval.

The scheduler selects a view mode automatically, according to the date range selected in the date navigator, combined with
a scheduler.
If a scheduler is provided with the Bar or Ribbon interface, you can use the Active View and Arrange toolbars or Ribbon
page groups.


Available View Types

Day View
This view provides the most detailed view of appointments for a certain day(s).
Work-Week View
This view displays appointments for the working days in a particular week.
Week View
This view displays appointments for any given week.
Month (also called Multi-Week) View
The month view is the least detailed of the views, and is designed to allow browsing and long-term plan analysis. This view
positions the days one after another horizontally, so that they form weeks, while weeks are placed one under the other.
Timeline View
This view plots appointments as horizontal bars along the timescales, and provides a clearer overview for scheduling
Gantt View
This view displays appointments as horizontal bars along the timescales, shows the current schedule status using percent-
complete shadings and displays dependency relationships between appointments.
Agenda View
This view displays appointment as a chronological list grouped by day.
Scheduler Grouping
The appointment data displayed within the scheduler can be grouped either by resources or by dates to enhance visual
representation. The following pictures illustrate the appearance of the scheduler in different grouping modes.


If a scheduler is provided with the Bar or Ribbon interface, you can specify the type of grouping appointments using the Group
By toolbar or Ribbon page group.


See also the Navigate Scheduler Resources topic.

Zoom the Scheduling Area
You can zoom in the scheduler view to display its content in greater detail, or zoom out for a more general view. Zooming is
implemented by adjusting the time scales (in the Day, Work-Week or Timeline views) or changing the number of visible weeks (in
the Month view).


Zooming operations are available for you via the CTRL+PLUS SIGN, CTRL+MINUS SIGN or CTRL+MOUSE WHEEL key
If a scheduler is provided with the Bar or Ribbon interface, you can zoom in and zoom out the scheduler area using the
corresponding buttons on the Navigate toolbar or Ribbon page group.

Selection and Navigation
This section describes how to navigate the schedule.
Topics in this section:
Navigate Dates in the Scheduler
Navigate Scheduler Time Cells
Zoom the Scheduling Area
Scheduler Navigation Buttons
Scheduler 'More' Buttons
Navigate Dates in the Scheduler
Context Menu
Right-clicking within the main area of the scheduler opens the context menu, which contains items for navigating through dates.


Go to This Day
Only available in the Month View. This item is active when only one day is selected, and when activated, displays the target
day in the Day View mode.
Go to Today
Moves focus to the current date, preserving the existing view mode.
Go to Date...
Invokes the Go To Date dialog to select the date and view type. The date can be selected either by using the calendar or by
entering a string with the placeholders. To select the desired view type, use the Show In drop-down box.
Date Navigation Bar
You can navigate through dates using Date Navigation Bar. Clicking its navigation arrows moves backward and forward by the
time frame. The current time interval is indicated near the arrows.

Date Navigator
If the scheduler is accompanied by the date navigator, you can use it to navigate through dates. The common look of the date
navigator is illustrated in the following picture.

You can select either a particular date, or a range of dates in the date navigator, and the scheduler will display your selection using
a Day View. The table below details how you can select dates in different ways.


A single date is selected and the scheduler displays it using the Day View. If the
Click a date
currently active view is of another type, it is automatically changed to Day View.

Click and drag across multiple dates, or click a start The continuous range of dates is selected. The scheduler displays it using the Day
date, hold down the SHIFT key and click an end date View, irrespective of the size of the selected range.

A set of dates is selected. The scheduler displays it using the Day View, irrespective
Hold down the CTRL key and click several dates
of the size of the selected range.

A corresponding week-long range is selected. The scheduler displays it using the

Click a week number
Day View.

Bar or Ribbon Interface

If a scheduler is provided with the Bar or Ribbon interface, you can navigate through dates within a scheduler using the
Backward, Forward and Go to Today buttons of the Navigate toolbar or Ribbon page group.

Navigate Scheduler Resources
When appointment data is grouped (either by resources or by dates), the number of resources shown on the screen within the
Scheduler at once can make it difficult to see all the scheduled data. To make the Scheduler's layout more readable, it is possible
to limit the number of visible resources, and then scroll between them. There is an embedded Resource Navigator control,
which allows you to scroll between resources.
The Resource Navigator control is composed of a scrollbar and a set of buttons. It may be shown horizontally (on the bottom
line of the Scheduler control, with buttons in the right corner) or vertically (on the right side, buttons at the bottom). The position
of the control is chosen automatically. It is vertical in Day and Week views, if appointments are grouped by dates, and horizontal
in other view modes.
The mode of operation is rather straightforward - you can click the buttons to move back and forth through the list of resources;
one by one, or straight to the first or last one on the list. The buttons with plus and minus signs increase or decrease the number
of displayed resources by one.
Navigate Scheduler Time Cells
The following table contains the typical navigation operations:


Clicking a cell Moves focus to the clicked cell, selects it.

Day View, Work Week View - Moves focus to the previous or next time cell within the current day. Week View -
Moves focus to the previous or next day. Month View - Moves focus to the same day of the week for the previous
or next week.

Day View, Work Week View - Moves focus to the corresponding time cell of the previous or next day. Week
View - Moves focus to the left or right of the corresponding cell of a column. The view is scrolled to the previous or
next week if necessary. Month View - Moves focus to the previous or next day.

PAGE DOWN Moves the row focus one page down, preserving the column focus.

PAGE UP Moves the row focus one page up, preserving the column focus.

Day View, Work-Week View - Moves focus to the start of Work Time within the current day. Week View, Month
View - Moves focus to the first day shown in the current week.

Day View, Work-Week View - Moves focus to the end of Work Time within the current day. Week View, Month
View - Moves focus to the last day shown in the current week.

Day View, Work-Week View - Moves focus to the first cell of the day's visible time span. Week View, Month
View - Moves focus to the first day shown in the current week.

Day View, Work-Week View - Moves focus to the last cell of the day's visible time span. Week View, Month
View - Moves focus to the last day shown in the current week.

Switches to appointments navigation. Focus shifts to the next time appointment within the time span shown.
TAB Pressing the key repeatedly iterates through the appointments in the following way - appointments with a definite
duration are followed by all-day appointments.

Switches to appointments navigation. Focus shifts to the previous time appointment within the time span shown.
SHIFT+TAB Pressing the key repeatedly iterates through the appointments in the following way - appointments with a definite
duration are followed by all-day appointments.

ALT+UP ARROW; Day View, Work-Week View, Month View - Moves focus one week before or after. Week View - acts like the

Day View, Week View, Month View - Moves focus to the start or end of a current month.

ALT+HOME Day View, Work-Week View - Moves focus to the beginning of a current week.

ALT+END Day View, Work-Week View - Moves focus to the end of a current week.


When appointments are grouped, only ARROW keys can move focus to another resource group.
Scheduler Navigation Buttons
The Navigation Buttons are used to scroll to the previous or next appointment. This is helpful when there is a significant time
interval between scheduled appointments.

Navigation buttons are displayed if there are no currently visible appointments within the Scheduler control area. If there are
appointments that refer to a previous or successive date, the Previous Appointment and Next Appointment navigation
buttons provide the capability to navigate to the corresponding date. If there are no appointments in a specific direction, the
corresponding navigation button is disabled.
Note that if the Scheduler control currently displays appointments for multiple resources, navigation buttons are displayed
independently for each resource.
Scheduler 'More' Buttons
The "More" buttons indicate that more appointments exist on a particular date. Click these buttons to see all appointments in a
more detailed view, or to simply scroll to the next appointment.


If a scheduler includes a Bar or Ribbon interface, you can use the Print toolbar or Ribbon page group.


Page Setup
Click the Page Setup command button to invoke the Page Setup dialog. The Page Setup dialog consists of the Format, Paper
and Resources tab pages, as illustrated in the images below.
Print Preview
Click the Print Preview button to invoke the Print Preview dialog, which provides a preview of the page to be printed.
This dialog allows you to print the page, or save it to a file as a PDF or an image (e.g., BMP, EMF, WMF, GIF, JPEG, PNG or TIFF).

Click the Quick Print command button to send the scheduler content to the default printer using the current page and printer
Snap Reporting Engine
This guide provides information on the basic principles of creating reports with Snap.
Snap is a WYSIWYG reporting engine that provides a user interface that allows for a quick creation of standard reports with the
capabilities of data shaping (grouping, sorting and filtering), hierarchical data representation (master-detail reports), mail merge
and much more.

The following sections are available in this guide.

Graphical User Interface
Connect to Data
Create a Report Layout
Manage Documents and Files
Graphical User Interface
The topics in this section describe various aspects of the Snap graphical user interface (GUI).
Snap Application Elements
Main Toolbar
Main Toolbar
The topics in this section describe all ribbon tab and bar commands available in the toolbar of a Snap application.
After executing a command in a Snap application, the corresponding field codes are automatically added to the document

Main Reporting Commands

Data Tools: Field
Data Tools: Group
Data Tools: List
Data Tools: Mail Merge
Data Tools: Appearance

Additional Reporting Commands

General Tools: File
General Tools: Insert
General Tools: View
General Tools: References
Table Tools: Design
Table Tools: Layout

Word-Processing Commands
General Tools: Home
General Tools: Page Layout
General Tools: Review
Chart Tools: Design
Header and Footer Tools: Design
Picture Tools: Format
Data Tools: Field
This toolbar is context sensitive, and becomes active after selecting a Snap field in the document.
The commands available in the Field toolbar of the Data Tools category are divided into the following sections.
Data Shaping

Data Shaping

Groups a Snap list by the selected field. All groupings added to a Snap report are
displayed as nodes in the Report Explorer. Using this command, you can apply multiple
Group By Field
grouping criteria. Every group can have a header and/or footer. To customize report
groups, use the tools provided by the Data Tools: Group toolbar.

Sorts a Snap list by the selected column in ascending order. To manage the sort levels in
Sort Ascending
a mail merge document, use the Sort command of the Data Tools: Mail Merge toolbar.

Sorts a Snap list by the selected column in descending order. To manage the sort levels
Sort Descending in a mail merge document, use the Sort command of the Data Tools: Mail Merge

Calculates a summary for a selected field. Summary results are shown in the list footer.
The following summary functions are available: Count; Sum; Average; Max; Min.

Allows you to select which values of a selected field to show.This command is not
applicable to nested lists of a master-detail report. To apply complex filtering criteria to a
Quick Filter
Snap list, use the Filter command of the Data Tools: List or Data Tools: Mail Merge


Shows the list of properties for a selected field. The set of available properties depends on the
element type.
Data Tools: Group
This toolbar is context sensitive, and becomes active after placing the text cursor in a group header or footer.
To create a new group, use the Group By Field command of the Data Tools: Field toolbar.
The following commands are available in the Layout section of the Group toolbar.


Adds or removes a group header. Removing both the group header and group footer
removes grouping from the Snap List.

Adds or removes the group footer. Removing both the group header and group footer
removes grouping from the Snap List.

Invokes a dialog allowing you to add or remove grouping criteria for the selected group.

Arrange Invokes the Groups Order Editor, which allows you to set the order in which groupings are
Groups applied to a Snap list.

Inserts the selected separator between groups in a Snap list. The following separators are
Separator available: Page Break; Section (Next Page); Section (Even Page); Section (Odd
Page);Empty Paragraph; Empty Row; None.
Data Tools: List
This toolbar is context sensitive, and becomes active after selecting a Snap list in the document.
The commands available in the List toolbar of the Data Tools category are divided into the following sections.
Editor Row Limit


Header Adds or removes the header of a selected Snap list.

Footer Adds or removes the footer of a selected Snap list.

Separator Inserts the selected separator between the rows of a Snap list.


Invokes the FilterString Editor, which allows you to define complex filtering criteria for a
Filter selected Snap list. To select which data records to display for a specific field, use the Quick
Filter command from the Data Tools: Field toolbar.

Removes the table layout of a Snap list. The content of the removed table columns is
Convert to
presented as separate paragraphs. There is no reverse action to convert paragraphs back to a
tabular representation.

Delete List Removes the selected list from a document.

Editor Row Limit


Allows you to define the maximum number of rows to be shown in a selected Snap list. The
Editor Editor Row Limit setting does not affect the number of records shown in the Print Preview,
none none
Row Limit which shows the final presentation of the document with all Snap fields replaced with actual
Data Tools: Mail Merge
The commands available in the Mail Merge section of the Data Tools toolbar are divided into the following categories.
Current Record


Enables mail merge for a connected data source. After enabling this mode, the data source
icon is displayed in green in the Data Explorer. There is no functionality for disabling mail
merge once it has been implemented.

Filter Invokes the FilterString Editor to filter data in a mail merge document.

Sort Invokes the Sort dialog to sort data in a mail merge document.

Current Record

Current Allows you to navigate through records in a mail merge document. You can navigate to the Next Page, the
Record Previous Page, the First Page or the Last Page.


Finalizes a mail merge document by supplying actual values to data elements added to a
document template. This command invokes a drop-down menu to select the publishing
format of a document. The following options are available:Export - exports the created
Finish & Merge document to a selected third-party format; Print - invokes the print dialog to adjust the
page options of the document before sending it to a printer; Print Preview - displays
the created document in a print preview window that provides options to navigate, print
and/or export the document.

After selecting the document's output format, the Export Range dialog is invoked to specify the range of data records that the
document should include.
In this dialog, you can choose from the following separators to isolate different data records:
Page Break;
Section (Next Page);
Section (Even Page);
Section (Odd Page);
Data Tools: Appearance
This Appearance toolbar contains predefined report styles. After selecting a style, it is applied to all Snap Lists throughout the
The following command is available in the Report Themes section of this toolbar.


Sets the style to be applied to all Snap lists throughout the document. The style's icon indicates the colors that will be applied
to the following report elements (the colors are described from up to down): 1 - First-level report headers and footers; 2 -
First-level group headers and footers; 3 - Second-level report headers and footers; 4 - Second-level group headers and
footers. Apart from colors, a visual theme applied to a report may affect the alignment of report elements, their padding and
font settings, as well as other appearance properties. A visual theme does not affect elements for which the appearance is
defined manually, and only changes their default property values. For example, a theme will not change the background color
of a table cell for which the background color has already been specified. Clicking the arrow button invokes the drop-down
menu, containing the following commands for managing report theme: Save the Current Theme to a File...; Load a Theme
from a File...; Restore the Default Document Styles.
General Tools: File
The File toolbar contains the basic file management and printing commands.
These commands are divided into the following categories.


New Creates a new Snap document.

Open Opens an existing document.

Saves a document template to an SNX file. When saving a document for the first time, the Save As
dialog will appear.

Saves a document template to a new SNX file. This command invokes the Save As dialog, allowing you
Save As
to specify a name and location for the new file.

Exports a document into one of the supported third-party formats (DOC, DOCX, HTML, PDF, RTF,
Image, etc.).

Sends a document to the default printer with default printing options.

Print Invokes the Print dialog, allowing you to select a printer and specify the printing options.

Retrieves all data required to populate the report fields to assemble and preview a document before
Print publishing, ignoring the current Editor Row Limit setting. Calling this command for a mail-merge
Preview document renders only one page of the document. To render a mail-merge document for a specified
range of data records, use the Finish & Merge option in the Data Tools: Mail Merge tab.

Undo Cancels the last change made to the document.

Redo Reverses the results of the last undo.


Invokes the Create Data Source wizard, allowing you to connect the document to a new
Add New
data source and specify its data connection options (e.g., data provider, login information and
connection name). A data table selected with the wizard is included in the data source. To add
more tables and specify their data relations, use the Query Designer.
General Tools: Insert
The Insert toolbar contains elements that can be inserted into a document.
These elements are divided into the following categories.
Header & Footer


Page Inserts a page break at the carriage position. A page break cannot occur within tables, lists, or
Break document headers and footers.


Inserts a table with a specified number of rows and columns at the carriage position. To customize the
table layout, use the commands available in the Table Tools: Design and Table Tools: Layout tabs.


Inline Inserts an inline picture at the carriage position. In a document, the inline picture behaves like an
Picture ordinary text symbol.

Inserts a picture into a document. You can adjust the picture's outline, wrap text, position, and order
using commands from the Picture Tools: Format tab.


Inserts a bar code at the carriage position. After adding a bar code, specify its symbology, data binding
Bar Code
and other options using the Properties command in the Data Tools: Field tab.

Inserts a check box at the carriage position (e.g., to display Boolean values from a data source). To
Check Box customize the check box state or bind it to external data, use the Properties command in the Data
Tools: Field tab.

Chart Inserts a chart at the carriage position.

Sparkline Inserts a sparkline at the carriage position.

Row Index Inserts a row index at the carriage position.


Invokes the Bookmark dialog to add a new bookmark at the carriage position, or navigate to an
existing bookmark.

Invokes the Insert Hyperlink dialog to create a hyperlink and specify its text, screen tip and destination.
A hyperlink's destination may be a web page, file, or specific position within a document.

Header & Footer


Allows editing the page header. In a published document, the content added to the header will appear at
the top of each page. To quickly switch to this mode, double-click the page header area. To quit page
header editing, press ESC, double click the document area, or click Close Header and Footer on the
Header & Footer tab. To make the first page header display unique content, or make odd- and even-
numbered pages carry different headers, use the options available on the Header and Footer Tools:
Design tab.

Activates the page footer edit mode. In a published document, the content added to the footer will
appear at the bottom of each page. To quickly switch to this mode, double-click the page footer area. To
quit page footer editing, press ESC, double click the document area, or click Close Header and Footer
on the Header & Footer tab. To make the first page footer display unique content, or make odd- and
even-numbered pages carry different footers, use the options available on the Header and Footer Tools:
Design tab.

Page Inserts the number of the current page at the carriage position. The page statistics can only be added to
Number a page header or footer.

Page Inserts the total page count at the carriage position. The page statistics can only be added to a page
Count header or footer.


Inserts a text box into a document. A text box is a floating container that is capable of displaying virtually
Text Box any kind of content (including the most elaborate lists), posing no restrictions on its size and location
within a document.


Symbol Invokes the Symbol dialog, to insert characters that are not available on the keyboard.
General Tools: View
The View toolbar contains commands that control the presentation of document elements on the Design Surface.
These commands are divided into the following categories.
Document Views

Document Views

Shows a document without the page layout.

Shows a document in a draft view that ignores certain document elements such as page breaks, and
Draft View
headers and footers.

Shows a document as it will appear on the printed page.


Horizontal Ruler Shows or hides the horizontal ruler at the top of the Design Surface.

Vertical Ruler Shows or hides the vertical ruler to the left of the Design Surface.


Zoom Out Zooms the document out.

Zoom In Zooms the document in.


Windows Shows or hides the Snap application windows (i.e., Data Explorer and Report Explorer).

Highlights the boundaries of a list element after it receives input focus. The invoked frame displays
the type of element that is highlighted.


Show All
Field Toggles to show the field codes of all elements that provide dynamic content in a document.

Switches back to the default mode, which displays the actual values fetched by Snap fields supplying
dynamic content to a document. To effectively handle incoming data, only a portion of data is shown
Show All
during real-time editing of a document. This restriction does not apply to a document created for print
preview, and the report requests all data after it is set for publishing. When a document is being edited,
only the first 20 rows from each data column are shown by default. To modify or disable this limit, use
the Editor Row Limit option in the Data Tools: List tab.

Highlight Highlights the data fields that have been added to a document from an external data source to
Fields distinguish these fields from the rest of the document content.
General Tools: References
The References toolbar contains commands that provide different kinds of references to a document, such as a table of contents
and table captions.
These commands are divided into the following sections.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Table of
Inserts a table of contents at the carriage position.

Updates the table of contents to ensure that all entries in it refer to the correct page numbers.

Adds the current paragraph as an entry to the specified level of the table of contents. If a data field is
Add Text added to the table of contents, a separate table of contents entry is created for each data row in the
Snap list.


Inserts sequentially numbered captions for different types of objects at the carriage position. The
Insert following caption types are available: Figures Caption (automatically referenced by the table of figures);
Caption Tables Caption (automatically referenced by the table of captions); Equations Caption (automatically
referenced by the table of equations).

Creates a table of figures, table of tables, or table of equations, containing page numbers for objects of
Table of
the corresponding types.

Updates the table of figures so that all entries refer to the correct page numbers.
Table Tools: Design
This toolbar is context sensitive, and becomes active after placing the text cursor in a document table.
The commands available in the Design toolbar of the Table Tools category are divided into the following sections.
Table Style Options
Table Styles
Cell Styles
Borders & Shadings

Table Style Options

Commands from this category allow you to activate special formatting options for different table parts.
Special formatting options available for a table are defined in its table style. To create a new table style or modify an existing one,
use the tools provided by the Table Styles section of this category.
The following commands are available in the Table Style Options category.


Header Row Enables formatting of the first row in a table.

First Column Enables special formatting for the first column in a table.

Total Row Enables special formatting for the last row in a table.

Last Column Enables special formatting for the last column in a table.

Banded Rows Enables special formatting for odd and even rows in a table.

Banded Columns Enables special formatting for odd and even columns in a table.

Table Styles

Sets a table style for the selected table. Creating a new table style or modifying an existing one invokes the Modify
Table Style dialog, allowing you to specify a style name and adjust table formatting options (including special formatting
Styles options for different table parts). You can enable special formatting using commands from the Table Style Options
section within this toolbar category.

Cell Styles

Sets a cell style for the selected table cell. Creating a new table cell style or modifying an existing one invokes the
Cell Styles
Modify Style dialog, allowing you to specify a style name and adjust cell formatting options.

Borders & Shadings


Line Style none none Sets the style of a line that is used to draw borders.

Line Weight none none Sets the width of the line that is used to draw borders.

Pen Color Sets the color that is used to draw borders.

Borders Draws the specified borders for selected cells.

Shading Specifies the background color for the selected cells.

Table Tools: Layout
This toolbar is context sensitive, and becomes active after placing the text cursor in a document table.
The commands available in the Layout toolbar of the Table Tools category are divided into the following sections.
Rows & Columns
Cell Size


Select Allows you to select a cell, row, column or table.

Shows or hides table gridlines. This command is useful when working with tables that contain invisible
borders. These lines are only displayed in the Design Surface - they do not appear in a published

Invokes the Table Properties dialog for the selected table. This dialog allows you to adjust the size and
alignment properties of the current table cell, row, column or table.

Rows & Columns


Deletes the specified cells or the currently selected row, column or table. To delete a single table cell, the
Delete Delete Cells dialog is invoked that allows you to select the "shift" mode for replacing the deleted cell. To
remove individual rows from a Snap List, use the Quick Filter command of the Data Tools: Field toolbar.

Inserts a new row above the selected row.

Inserts a new row below the selected row.

Insert Left Inserts a new column to the left of the selected column.

Inserts a new column to the right of the selected column.


Merges selected cells. The content of merged cells is converted to paragraphs of an output cell.

Splits the selected cell into a specified number of rows and columns. The content of the source cell is
Split Cells
placed in the top-left output cell.

Split Table Splits the table into two tables. The selected row becomes the first row of the new table.

Cell Size

Sets the auto fit mode of the selected table. The following auto fit modes are available: AutoFit Contents
(table cells occupy the minimum width possible to fit content), AutoFit Window (the table occupies the
entire width of the page), and Fixed Column Width (column width is fixed and can only be changed


Alignment none none Sets the text alignment for selected cells.

Cell Invokes the Table Options dialog, allowing you to set the default cell margins for the selected
Margins table cells.
General Tools: Home
The Home toolbar contains text formatting and alignment commands.
These commands are divided into the following categories.


Paste Pastes the content of the clipboard into a carriage position.

Cut Cuts the selected content and places it in the clipboard.

Copy Copies the selected content and places it in the clipboard.

Invokes the Paste Special dialog, allowing you to paste the content of the clipboard with a
Paste Special
specified formatting.


Font none none Specifies a font for the selected text.

Font Size none none Specifies a font size for the selected text.

Grow Font Increases the font size of the selected text.

Shrink Font Decreases the font size of the selected text.

Change Case Changes the case of the selected text to uppercase or lowercase.

Bold Makes the selected text bold.

Italic Italicizes the selected text.

Underline Draws a line under the selected text.


Double Underline Draws a double line under the selected text.

Strikethrough Draws a line through the middle of the selected text.

Draws a double line through the middle of the selected text.

Superscript Makes the selected text smaller and places it above the line of the text.

Subscript Makes the selected text smaller and places it below the line of the text.

Font Color Specifies a color for the selected text.

Text Highlight Color Specifies a highlight color for the selected text.

Clear Formatting Removes all formatting from the selection, leaving only plain text.

Invokes the Font dialog, allowing you to adjust different font options for the
Font none none
selected text.


Converts the selected paragraphs into a bulleted list, or inserts a new bulleted list at the
carriage position.

Converts the selected paragraphs into a numbered list, or inserts a new numbered list at
the carriage position.

Converts the selected paragraphs into a multilevel list, or inserts a new multilevel list at
Multilevel List
the carriage position.

Decreases the indent level of the paragraph or the hierarchical level of the multilevel list's
Decrease Indent

Increases the indent level of the paragraph or the hierarchical level of the multilevel list's
Increase Indent

Show/Hide ¶ Shows or hides paragraph marks and other non-printable characters.

Align Text Left Aligns the current paragraph to the left.

Center Centers the selected paragraphs.


Align Text Right Aligns the selected paragraphs to the right.

Aligns the text of the selected paragraphs to both the left and right margins, adding
extra space between words as necessary.

Changes the spacing between the lines of the selected paragraphs. The amount of space
Line Spacing
added before and after the paragraphs can also be specified.

Shading Specifies a background color for the selected paragraphs.

Invokes the Paragraph dialog, allowing you to adjust different layout options for the
Paragraph none none
selected paragraphs.


Applies a style to the selected text. A style is a group of formatting options. All options are applied to text or a paragraph at
once when you apply a style. Styles allow you to change text and paragraph appearance quicker than setting each formatting
option individually.

Invokes the Modify Style dialog, allowing you to change the formatting options of the selected style.


Find ' Invokes the Find and Replace dialog that allows you to find the specified text in a document.

Invokes the Find and Replace dialog that allows you to find the specified text in a document
and replace it with other text.
General Tools: Page Layout
The Page Layout toolbar contains page layout options that include paper kind, margins and orientation.
These options are divided into the following categories.
Page Setup

Page Setup

Sets the size of page margins for the current document section.You can select from a list of
predefined margins, or invoke the Page Setup dialog and adjust the margin size manually.

Orientation Sets the page orientation for the current document section.

Sets the page size for the current document section. You can select one of the predefined
page sizes from the list, or specify a custom page size in the Page Setup dialog.

Sets the number of columns for all pages in the current document section.You can also
invoke the Columns dialog for more customization options.

Inserts one of the available breaks (e.g., page break, column break or section break) at the
carriage position.

Displays line numbers in the current document section.You can select one of the
Line Numbers predefined line numbering types from the list, or invoke the Line Numbers dialog to
define custom line numbering.


Page Color Sets a page color for the entire document.

General Tools: Review
The Review toolbar contains tools related to proofreading.
The following command is available in the Proofing section of this toolbar.


Checks the spelling of the document text. On detecting misspelled words, the spell checker
Spelling invokes the Spelling dialog to type in the correct version, or select the correctly spelled word
from the list of suggestions.
Chart Tools: Design
This toolbar is context sensitive, and becomes active after selecting a chart in the document.
The commands available in the Design toolbar of the Chart Tools category are divided into the following sections.
Chart Type

Chart Type

Changes the type of the selected chart to one of the available column chart types. Column
charts are used to compare values across categories.

Changes the type of the selected chart to one of the available line chart types. Line charts
are used to display trends over time.

Changes the type of the selected chart to one of the available pie chart types. Pie charts
display the contribution of each value to a total.

Changes the type of the selected chart to one of the available bar chart types. Bar charts
Bar summarize and display categories of data, allowing you to compare the contribution of each
value to the total across categories.

Changes the type of the selected chart to one of the available area chart types. Area charts
are used to display trends over time.

Changes the type of the selected chart to a point, funnel, financial, radar, polar, range, or
Other Charts
Gantt chart.


Palette Specifies the color palette for the selected chart.

Applies a specified appearance to the selected chart. The collection of style presets available
Appearance none none
for a chart depends on the chart's palette.


Invokes the Chart wizard, which allows you to adjust the main chart settings in a
Run Chart Wizard...
single user interface.
Header and Footer Tools: Design
This toolbar is context sensitive, and becomes active after double-clicking the page header or footer in a document.
To add a page header or footer, use the appropriate commands of the General Tools: Insert toolbar.
The commands available in the Design toolbar of the Header & Footer Tools category are divided into the following sections.


Allows you to switch to the page header of the current document section when editing a
Go to Header
page footer.

Allows you to switch to the page footer of the current document section when editing a
Go to Footer
page header.

Show Next Allows you to navigate to the header or footer of the next document section.

Show Previous Allows you to navigate to the header or footer of the previous document section.

Makes the header or footer display the content of the header or footer of the previous
Link to Previous
document section.


Different First Page Creates a unique header and footer for the first page.

Allows you to specify different headers and footers for odd-numbered and
Different Odd & Even Pages
even-numbered pages.


Close Header and Exits the header and footer edit mode. You can also do this by double-clicking the
Footer document area, or by pressing ESC.
Picture Tools: Format
This toolbar is context sensitive, and becomes active after selecting a picture in a document.
The commands available in the Format toolbar of the Picture Tools category are divided into the following sections.
Shape Styles

Shape Styles

Shape Fill Fills the selected shape with a specified color.

Shape Outline Applies the specified color to the outline of the selected shape.

Shape Outline Weight none none Specifies a width for the outline of the selected shape.


Specifies the way in which text wraps around a selected object. The text wrap modes are as
Wrap Text
follows: Square; Tight; Through; Top and Bottom; Behind Text; In Front of Text.

Position Specifies the position of the selected object on a page.

Moves the selected object forward. This command invokes a drop-down menu that contains
Bring to the following actions: Bring Forward (moves the selected object one layer forward); Bring to
Front Front (moves the selected object to the front of all other objects in a document); Bring in
Front of Text (places the selected object in front of the text).

Moves the selected object backward. This command invokes a drop-down menu that contains
Send to the following actions: Send Backward (moves the selected object one layer backward); Send
Back to Back (moves the selected object behind all other objects in a document); Send Behind
Text (moves the selected object behind the text).
Snap Application Elements
The topics in this section describe the main elements that make up the user interface of a Snap application.
This section consists of the following topics.
Snap User Interface Overview
Main Toolbar
Design Surface
Data Explorer
Report Explorer
Print Preview
Snap User Interface Overview
This document lists the essential elements of the Snap user interface, and provides links to specific topics that describe these
elements in more detail.
The main elements of the Snap user interface are as follows.
Main Toolbar
The Main Toolbar in a Snap application provides quick access to the available document editing tools. The following
toolbar styles are available:.
1. Ribbon
Tools are organized in various sections, contained in different tabs.

2. Bars
Tools are organized in separate toolbars.

Design Surface
The body of a report in the designer. In this region, you can design your report layout and immediately view the result.

Data Explorer
Reflects the structure of available data, allowing you to manage a report's data sources. You can add the data shown in this
pane to your report via drag-and-drop.
Report Explorer
Reflects the hierarchy of the elements of a Snap document.
Main Toolbar
The Main Toolbar in a Snap application provides quick access to the available document editing tools. The following toolbar
styles are available:
1. Ribbon
Tools are organized in various sections, contained in different tabs.

2. Bars
Tools are organized in separate toolbars.
Design Surface
This document describes the design surface of a Snap application.
The design surface is the primary working area of a Snap application, which contains the document and allows you to modify its
It can display rulers that define the horizontal and vertical alignment of a report's elements, as well as a scroll bar that allows you
to browse different pages of a document.

Right-clicking the design surface invokes the context menu, which displays a specific set of commands based on the element that
is clicked.

The WYSIWYG nature of Snap allows you to view document content on the design surface in the same way it will appear on
paper. However, the complete document (as it appears in a Print Preview) may differ from the document layout shown in the
design surface. For example, setting the List | Editor Row Limit toolbar option limits the total number of processed data records
while the document layout is being designed.
The View toolbar contains the commands that allow you to switch the document presentation mode (Simple View, Draft View,
Print Layout), as well as maintain the visibility of rulers and the document zoom factor.
Data Explorer
This topic describes how to use the Data Explorer in Snap.
This topic consists of the following sections.
Data Type Reference

The Data Explorer is essential for managing data in Snap applications. It allows you to add new data sources to a Snap
document, access their structure and run the Query Builder to customize a data source.

Using the Data Explorer, you can also manage a report's parameters, as well as the calculated fields supplied to the data source
You can create a Snap report layout by dropping the data members from the Data Explorer onto a document's design surface. The
data members correspond to the columns created on the design surface, and the data member names are displayed in the
column headers.
To display data in a chart, drop data fields from the Data Explorer onto the corresponding chart areas.

When a data field is added to your document, its data type determines what element is created (e.g., text, chart, or bar code).

Data Type Reference

In the Data Explorer, different icons are assigned to various data objects. These icons are explained in the following table.

Designates an individual data source. When expanded, shows the hierarchy of its tables and/or views.

Designates a data table or view within a data source. When expanded, shows the hierarchy of its data fields. You
can drag a data table and drop it onto the document surface, after which the entire table structure will be
presented in the report in a tabular form.

Parameters. Lists the report parameters. You can include parameters in a document's filtering expression or
calculated fields, or you can use them directly in your reports, (e.g., by dropping them onto the document surface).

For every table or view, the Data Explorer lists the available data fields. Depending on the data type, it will automatically assign
one of the following icons.


Boolean Check Box, plain text

Byte Bar Code, Picture

Date-time Plain text

Numeric Plain text, Bar Code

String Plain text, Bar Code

Calculated field Determined by the result of the calculation.

Report Explorer
Report Explorer reflects the hierarchy of fields in a Snap document, to quickly navigate through its data levels. It displays the
order of document lists, and lists their active groups in a tree format.

Clicking a node in the Report Explorer activates the corresponding document element that is closest to the currently displayed
Print Preview
This document describes the Print Preview window, which displays published documents in a Snap application.
Print Preview Elements
Invoke a Print Preview

Print Preview Elements

The Print Preview displays a report document as it will appear on paper.

The user interface of the Print Preview window consists of the following elements.
Ribbon - contains the document management and navigation commands divided into logical groups;

Document Pages Area - displays a report document and provides vertical and horizontal scroll bars to navigate through
the report.
Status Bar - displays the page number of the currently selected page (out of a total number of pages), shows the progress
bar while a document is being loaded, and enables document zooming.

Invoke a Print Preview

To assemble and preview a tabular report, click Print Preview in the General Tools: File toolbar.

Using the option above to preview a mail merge report will only display the document obtained from the first data source
To assemble and preview a mail merge report, click Finish & Merge in the Data Tools: Mail Merge toolbar and select Print
Preview in the invoked drop-down menu.
In the invoked Export Range dialog, specify the required range of data records and click OK.
Connect to Data
The topics in this section describe the various aspects of providing data to a Snap document.
Connect a Document to a Data Source
Create a Master-Detail Data Source
Filter Data
Format Data
Group Data
Sort Data
Pass Parameter Values
Use Calculated Fields
Use the Query Builder
Connect a Document to a Data Source
This tutorial describes the steps required to connect a Snap document to data by using the Data Source Wizard and Query
1. Click Data | Add New Data Source on the Snap application's ribbon toolbar.

Alternatively, right-click anywhere in the Data Explorer and click Add Data Source in the invoked menu.

The Data Source Wizard is invoked. Proceed with the following steps in the wizard.
1. On the first page of the invoked Data Source wizard, specify a name for the new data source and click Next.

2. On the next page, select a data source type (Database) and click Next.
3. If a data connection has already been specified in the application, the next wizard page allows you to select whether to
use one of the existing connections, or create a new one.

4. On the next page, select a data provider, specify the required connection settings and click Next.
On this page, you can define a custom connection string, or select from the following supported data source types.
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Access 97
Microsoft Access 2007
Microsoft SQL Server CE
Amazon Redshift
Google BigQuery
Pervasive PSQL
SAP Sybase Advantage
SAP Sybase ASE
XML File
Depending on the selected data provider, it may be necessary to specify additional connection options (such as
authentication type and database name) on this page.
To proceed to the next wizard page, click Next.
5. On the next page you are prompted to save the connection string including or excluding the user name and a
password. Choose any option and click Next.
6. This page allows you to select a query or a stored procedure.
Click Run Query Builder... to invoke the Query Builder window.
7. In the invoked Query Builder window, double-click the Categories item in the list of available tables on the left to
add it to the tables included into the query.
Enable the check box for the Categories table, to include all of its fields in the view.

Click OK to close the Query Builder and return to the Data Source Wizard.
8. When the query is ready, click Finish to save it.
2. After the data source has been added to the report, the hierarchy of its data members is reflected in the Data Explorer.

The Snap report is now connected to data. Drag-and-drop the CategoryName and Description data fields from the Data
Explorer onto the document's body to create a simple data-aware report.
Create a Master-Detail Data Source
This tutorial describes how to add a master-detail relation to the document's data source.
Prior to the following steps, connect a Snap document to data as shown in the Connect a Document to a Data Source tutorial.
1. Right-click the NWind Data Source node in the Data Explorer window and select Manage Queries... in the invoked
context menu.

2. The Manage Queries dialog is displayed. It lists the available queries and allows you to edit them, delete or add a new
query. Click the ellipsis to the right of the query name to invoke the Query Editor dialog for the selected query.

3. Click Run Query Builder.. to invoke the Query Builder window.

4. Double-click the Products item in the list of available tables on the left to include it in the list of data tables to be used.

Enable the check box for the Products table, to include all of its fields in the view.
Click OK to close the Query Builder. Click Finish to close the Query Editor. Click OK to close the Manage Queries window
which contains now two queries.
5. Right-click the NWind Data Source node in the Data Explorer window and select Manage Relations... in the invoked
context menu.
6. In the invoked Master-Detail Relation Editor window select the CategoryID item in the Categories table and drag it to
item of the same name in the Products table.

7. The relation is created as illustrated in the following image.

Next, click OK to apply changes to the data source and exit.
8. The content of the Data Explorer will be updated to reflect the new structure of the document data source.
Filter Data
This document describes how to filter dynamic data within a Snap document.
The document consists of the following sections.
Filter Data on the Design Surface
Filter Data at the Data Source Level
Filter Snap List Data
Filter Mail Merge Document Data

Filter Data on the Design Surface

To improve performance, the Snap Design Surface displays only the first 20 data rows while the document layout is being
designed. To change the number of data rows displayed, specify the Editor Row Limit option, which is located in the List tab of
the main toolbar.

This setting does not affect the final document.

Filter Data at the Data Source Level

Filtering data at the data source level is useful when dealing with large data sources because it reduces data retrieval time, and
thus speeds up document generation.
To filter data at the data source level, use the Query Builder.

Filter Snap List Data

To select which data records to include in the document, click the Quick Filter command in the Field tab of the contextual Data
Tools toolbar category. In the invoked drop-down menu, select the required records and click OK to apply the filtering.
To specify the filtering criteria for Snap list data, do the following.
1. Place the text cursor inside the Snap list that you wish to filter and click the Filter command in the List tab of the contextual
Data Tools toolbar category.

2. In the invoked FilterString Editor, construct the required filter expression and click OK to apply the filtering.

Filter Mail Merge Document Data

Filtering a mail merge document defines which data entries will appear as pages of the final document.
To filter a mail merge document, do the following.
1. Switch to the Mail Merge tab of the contextual Data Tools toolbar category, and click the Filter command.

2. In the invoked FilterString Editor, construct the required expression and click OK to apply the filtering.

3. To view the result, click the Finish & Merge button in the Mail Merge tab of the contextual Data Tools toolbar category,
and select Print Preview... in the drop-down menu. In the invoked Export Range dialog, select All records and click OK.

The following image illustrates a print preview for a filtered mail merge document.
Format Data
This document describes how to format dynamic textual data in a Snap document.
To format report data, do the following.
1. Select the Snap field that you wish to format. It must be a field displaying textual information (e.g., a Text field or a Row
Index field). This will activate the Field tab in the contextual Data Tools toolbar category.
2. In the Field tab, click the Properties button.
3. In the invoked drop-down menu, click the ellipsis button for the Format String property.
4. Specify the required formatting in the invoked FormatString Editor, and click OK to exit the dialog.

Snap supports both standard and custom .NET format strings.

Group Data
This document describes how to group data in a Snap document.
To group dynamic data within a Snap list, select the field that you wish to group. This automatically activates the contextual Data
Tools: Field tab in the main toolbar. In this tab, click the Group By Field button.

The Snap list will be updated to reflect the applied grouping.

A group header and a group footer are automatically created for the new grouping. By default, the group header displays the
value of the field by which to group, and the group footer displays the total count of entries in the group (evaluated by the Count
summary function).
To add or remove group headers and footers, use the corresponding commands in the Group tab of the main toolbar.

The following image illustrates a Snap list with grouping applied.

All groupings added to a report are displayed in the Report Explorer as child nodes of the Snap list to which they are applied.
Sort Data
This document describes how to sort dynamic data within a Snap document.
The document consists of the following sections.
Sort Snap List Data
Sort Mail Merge Document Data

Sort Snap List Data

To apply sorting to a Snap list, do the following.
1. Select the Snap field that you wish to use as filter criteria. The field must be located inside a Snap list. This automatically
activates the contextual Field tab in the main toolbar.
2. In the Field tab, click the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending button, depending on the required sort order. The Snap list
will automatically be updated to reflect the sorting applied.

Sort commands are also available in the context menu.

You can specify multiple sort criteria for a Snap list. In this case, sort levels are applied in the order that they are added.

Sort Mail Merge Document Data

Sorting a mail merge document defines the order in which data entries will appear as pages of the final document.
To sort a mail merge document, do the following.
1. Switch to the Mail Merge tab of the main toolbar and click the Sort command.
2. Click the Add Level button in the invoked Sort dialog. Specify the sort criteria and sort order for the additional sort level.

To change the order in which sort levels are applied to the document, use the arrow buttons.

Click OK to exit the dialog.

3. To view the result, click the Finish & Merge button in the Mail Merge tab of the main toolbar, and select Print Preview...
in the invoked drop-down menu. In the invoked Export Range dialog, select All records and click OK.
The following image demonstrates a print preview for a sorted mail merge document.
Pass Parameter Values
This document describes the main concepts for using parameters in Snap, and provides examples of their use in various tasks.
The document consists of the following sections.
Create Parameters
Pass Parameter Values

Create Parameters
You can manage the report parameters available for a Snap document using the Parameters dialog.
To invoke the Parameters dialog, right-click the Parameters node (or any of its sub-nodes) in the Data Explorer and select Edit
Parameters... in the invoked drop-down menu.

The Parameters dialog allows you to add and remove parameters using the corresponding buttons. Alternatively, you can add or
remove a parameter by right-clicking the parameter in the Data Explorer and selecting the required action in the invoked drop-
down menu.
Select the newly added parameter and specify its properties in the properties grid. Be sure to specify the proper parameter type
based on the parameter's intended use.

Pass Parameter Values

After a parameter is created, it can be used in different ways during report generation. Below is a list of tasks that can be
accomplished using parameters.
Data Binding
To display a parameter's value in a report, drag the parameter from the Field List and drop it onto the Design Surface.
You can use a report parameter as part of a filtering expression to filter the Snap document data at either the report level or
the data source level.
To filter the Snap document data at the data source level, do the following.
1. Invoke the Query Builder for the data source that you wish to filter.
2. In the Query Builder, click the Filter button to invoke the Filter Editor.

3. In the Filter Editor, construct an expression where the parameter's value is used as a filtering criterion. To access the
parameter, click the icon on the right. It will turn into a question mark.
Click OK to exit the dialog.
The SQL query generated by the query designer will be updated to reflect the specified filtering.

In a similar way, you can use the Filter Editor to filter the Snap document data at the report level. In this case, to
invoke the Filter Editor, click the Filter button that resides on the List tab of the contextual Data Tools toolbar

Calculated Fields
In addition to standard data fields, parameters can be used in expressions for calculated fields. The only difference is that the
data field is inserted into the expression's text using its name in [square brackets], while a parameter is inserted using the
"Parameters." prefix before its name.
Use Calculated Fields
This document describes how to use calculated fields to evaluate custom expressions based on external data, and embed the
results into a Snap document.
Use calculated fields to perform additional calculations on dynamic data and embed the results into a published document.
To create a calculated field and access its collection, invoke the context menu in the Data Explorer.

A calculated field's expression can include conditional, date-time, mathematical and other formulas. It can also evaluate the values
of other calculated fields, data source fields and parameters.

The Expression Editor is invoked by right-clicking a calculated field and choosing the Edit Expression… item in the invoked
popup menu.
After a calculated field is inserted into a document, its value is evaluated each time the document is set to be published.
Use the Query Builder
This topic describes how to use the Query Builder to manage data tables and their relations in a Snap data model (e.g., to create
master-detail data sources), filter incoming data and specify a custom SQL string.
The Query Builder displays the structure of a connected data source along with its associated Snap data model. When designing a
report, this data model is reflected in the Data Explorer.
This topic includes the following sections.
Run the Query Builder
Manage Data Tables and their Relations
Shape Data

Run the Query Builder

An option to invoke the Query Builder is provided on the last page of the Data Source Wizard. The Data Source Wizard is
invoked at connecting a Snap document to a Data Source. Click the Run Query Builder... button to invoke the Query Builder

Alternatively, you can run the Query Builder by right-clicking a data source in the Data Explorer and selecting the Manage
Queries... item in the invoked menu.
Manage Data Tables
Double-click table names in the rightmost column to add them to the query being edited. To include a particular field in the query,
enable the corresponding check box.
The Query Builder automatically highlights the tables of an external data source that are related to the tables of a Snap data
model by one or more primary keys.
When the related table is added to the query being edited, the corresponding primary keys are automatically connected.

Shape Data
To assign a custom name to the selected data column, specify its Alias in the column list displayed in the lower part of the

To specify the filter criteria applied to source data, click the Filter button, which invokes the Filter Editor.
Create a Report Layout
Topics in this section provide information on creating reports with different layouts in Snap.
Create a Mail-Merge Report
Create a Master-Detail Report
Create a Table Report
Create a Multi-Column Report
Create a Side-by-Side Report
Create a Parameterized Report
Create a Chart-Based Report
Create a Combined Report Layout
Create a Mail-Merge Report
This tutorial illustrates the steps required to create and publish a mail merge report with Snap.
The tutorial contains following sections.
Add Dynamic Content
Preview and Publish the Document

Add Dynamic Content

To create a Snap report using a document template, do the following.
1. Add a new Snap document and provide it with a master-detail data connection.
2. Next, specify which data source will be used for mail merge. To do this, click the Data Source button on the Data Tools: Mail
Merge tab and select the required data source in the invoked drop-down list.

Alternatively, right-click the required data source in the Data Explorer and select Use For Mail Merge in the invoked drop-
down menu.

3. To insert data bound fields into the document, drag-and-drop data fields from the Data Explorer onto the Design Surface.
Activate the Highlight Fields option from the View tab of the main toolbar to highlight all mail merge fields in a document.
This allows you to easily distinguish between dynamic and static content.

4. To insert a detail report section, drag-and-drop fields from a subordinate node of the data source. Fields of a nested level of
a mail-merge data source are inserted into a template as columns of a table.
Preview and Publish the Document
The Snap mail merge document is now ready. To view the result, click the Finish & Merge button in the Mail Merge tab, and
select Print Preview... in the invoked drop-down menu. In the invoked Export Range dialog, select All records and click OK.

The following image illustrates a print preview for the final document.
Create a Master-Detail Report
This document will guide you through the process of creating a master-detail report. Reports of this type are built upon
hierarchical data sources, so to be able to create a master-detail report, you need to provide a report data source with a master-
detail relation.
To get started with this tutorial, create a new Snap document and add a master-detail relation to it.
Perform the following steps to create a master-detail report.
1. Create a master report. To do this, drag-and-drop data fields of the master data table from the Data Explorer to the design
surface. You can use any type of layout.

2. To create a detail report, drag-and-drop data fields of the detail data table from the Data Explorer onto the lower border of
the master report's data row, as shown in the image below.

3. The master-detail report is now ready. Click the Print Preview button in the General Tools: File tab of the main toolbar to
view the preview.
Create a Table Report
This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a Table Report, and printing and saving it to your hard drive. The
table report is a data-aware Snap report with a tabular master-detail layout.
To get started with this tutorial, create a new Snap document and provide a hierarchical data source for it, as described in the
Create a Master-Detail Data Source topic.
To create a master-detail Snap document layout, do the following.
1. Create a simple tabular report by selecting the data fields that you wish to include in the report in the Data Explorer and
dragging them to the Design Surface. When you drop data fields onto the empty space in the document body, they are
added as columns of a table. You can select multiple data fields by pressing CTRL or SHIFT.

To improve performance, Snap shows only the first 20 data rows of a Snap list by default. To change this setting, use the
Editor Row Limit option, which is located on the List tab of the main toolbar.

2. To convert the layout of a Snap list to a paragraph presentation, select the Snap list you wish to convert and click the
Convert to Paragraphs command in the List tab of the contextual Data Tools toolbar category. Note that there is no
reverse action allowing you to convert a Snap list back to the tabbed form.

The report should now appear as shown in the following image.

To remove a list header, select the Snap list, click the Header command in the List tab of the main toolbar, and select
Remove Header in the invoked drop-down menu.

3. To create a detail report, drag data fields from the child data table in the Data Explorer onto the lower border of the master
report's data row, as shown in the image below.

The added detail part will have a tabular form by default.

4. To preview your Snap document click the Print Preview button in the General Tools: File tab of the main toolbar.
Create a Multi-Column Report
This tutorial guides you through the creation of a Multi-Column Report. A multi-column report is a report which represents its
data in multiple columns or rows (depending upon the current multi-column settings).
To create a multi-column report, do the following.
1. In a new Snap document, create a simple table report, as described in the Create a Table Report topic.
2. In the main toolbar, switch to the General Tools: Page Layout tab, click Columns, and select the required number of
columns in the drop-down menu.

To define more than three columns, click More Columns. In the invoked Columns dialog, customize the report layout to
meet your requirements.

The following image illustrates the result.

Create a Side-by-Side Report
This tutorial describes the steps used to create a side-by-side report to compare different items within the report.
Follow these steps to create a side-by-side report.
1. Create a new Snap document and bind it to the required table as described in the Connect a Document to a Data Source
2. To add a new table to the report, switch to the Insert tab in the main toolbar and click Table. Then, move the cursor over the
grid to select the required number of rows and columns.

You can set table borders by clicking the Borders button on the Design tab.

3. Then, drop the fields that will be compared from the Data Explorer on the table's corresponding columns.
4. To filter each table column so that it shows only a single record, select a field on the left column and in the activated Field
tab in the main toolbar, click Quick Filter. In the invoked menu, select the required field and click OK.

Finally, repeat the same procedure for the right column, so that it displays a different field to compare it with.
Create a Parameterized Report
This tutorial illustrates the steps required to create a parameterized report. In this tutorial, we will create a parameter and pass it
to the report's filtering expression. You are not limited by the number of parameters you can create, or the data type (e.g., string,
date-time, Boolean, integer and double). Parameters can be used in other ways such as data binding and calculated fields.
Tasks that can be solved using parameters are described in the Pass Parameter Values topic.
Follow these steps to create a report with parameters.
1. Create a new Snap document and bind it to the required table.
2. To create a layout for your report, drop the required data fields from the Data Explorer to the Design Surface.

3. To create a parameter, switch to the Data Explorer window, right-click the Parameters section and choose Add Parameter.

4. Right-click the created parameter and select the Edit Parameters... action in the invoked popup menu.
5. In the invoked editor, define the parameter name and assign an appropriate type to it. This type corresponds to the value
that a parameter can receive (e.g., you cannot assign a string value to a numeric parameter).
Next, assign a default static value to the parameter.

If required, you can easily modify the parameter value in the same way described in steps 4 and 5.
6. Now, switch to the List tab in the main toolbar and click the Filter button.
In the invoked FilterString editor, define a filtering expression (e.g., UnitPrice data field is greater than or equal to the
Starting Price parameter).
To access the parameter, click the icon on the right until it turns into a question mark, and then select your parameter from
the drop-down list.

The parameterized report is now ready, and its data is filtered based on the specified expression that uses the parameter value to
shape the report's data.
To view how your report will look on paper, switch to the File tab in the main toolbar and click the Print Preview button.
Create a Chart-Based Report
This tutorial describes the steps used to add a chart to your Snap report. Snap supports many chart types, as well as multiple
visual appearance settings and chart palettes.
Snap also provides the Chart Wizard, which allows you to quickly create and customize complex charts. However, when advanced
charting functionality is not required, Snap provides an even easier way to create and customize your charts.
Do the following steps to create a chart-based report.
1. Create a new Snap document and bind it to the required table.
2. Click the Chart command in the Insert tab of the main toolbar.

3. In the created chart, the blue circles correspond to the values and arguments of the chart. Drop one field from the Data
Explorer onto the "arguments" region in the chart...

...and the other onto the "values" region.

4. You can change the default chart type to one that best meets your requirements by selecting the chart and switching to the
Design tab of the main toolbar.

In the same tab, you can also run Chart Wizard and select the chart's palette and visual appearance.
5. The Snap report with a chart is now ready. To view the result, switch to the File menu of the main toolbar and click the Print
Preview button.
Create a Combined Report Layout
Snap allows you to create a single combined report, incorporating features of different report layout types. There is no limits on
how many reports you can combine.
In this tutorial, we will create a combined report that uses the features of mail-merge and chart-based reports.
The tutorial consists of the following sections.
Add Mail-Merge Report Functionality
Add Chart-Based Report Functionality
View the Result

Add Mail-Merge Report Functionality

In this section, we will create a simple Mail-Merge Report.
1. Create a new Snap document and provide it with a master-detail data connection.
2. Specify which data source will be used for mail merge by right-clicking the required data source in the Data Explorer and
select Use For Mail Merge in the invoked drop-down menu.

3. Insert a master report part. To do this, drag-and-drop data fields from the Data Explorer onto the Design Surface.

4. To insert a detail report part, drag-and-drop fields from a subordinate node of the data source.
The added detail part will have a tabular form by default.

For more information on the creation mail-merge report, see the tutorial Create a Mail-Merge Report.

Add Chart-Based Report Functionality

In this section we will add a Chart to the Snap document.
1. Click the Chart command in the Insert tab of the main toolbar.

2. In the created chart, the blue circles correspond to the values and arguments of the chart. Drop one field from a subordinate
node of the data source onto the "values" region in the chart...
...and the other onto the "arguments" region.

For more information on the creation of a chart-based report, see the tutorial Create a Chart-Based Report.

View the Result

The Snap mail merge document is now ready. To view the result, click the Finish & Merge button in the Mail Merge tab,
and select Print Preview... in the invoked drop-down menu. In the invoked Export Range dialog, select All records and
click OK.
The following image illustrates a print preview for the final document.
Manage Documents and Files
The tutorials in this section will assist you in solving the most elementary and essential tasks that relate to managing and storing
Snap documents.
This section includes the following tutorials.
Create a New Report
Storing Reports
Save a Report
Open an Existing Report
Export a Report
Create a New Report
To create a new Snap report, click the New button on the File tab of the Snap application's ribbon toolbar.

A new Snap report will be created and opened in the editor.

Storing Reports
Snap provides the capability to store a report to a file and restore it. To retain all Snap-specific features, save your report in the
Snap native document format (.SNX). You can also export your report to one of file formats listed below, but in this case, Snap
fields will be replaced with their values and data connection information will be removed.
Supported document formats for export:
DOC (Microsoft® Word® 97 - 2003 document);
DOCX (Office® Open XML document);
HTML (HyperText Markup Language);
MHTML / MHT (Web archive, single file);
PDF (Portable Document Format);
RTF (Rich Text Format);
TXT (Plain text);
ODT (OpenDocument text format);
XML (Microsoft® Word® XML document);
Image (BMP, EMF, WMF, GIF, JPEG, PNG or TIFF format).
Save a Report
To save a report to a file, click the Save button on the File tab of the Snap application's ribbon toolbar.

If you are saving a new report, the Save As dialog will be invoked. In the invoked dialog, specify the name and directory for the
new report file and click Save.

To save a changed copy of an existing report to a separate file, click the Save As button in the File tab of the ribbon toolbar.
Open an Existing Report
To open an existing report, click the Open button on the File tab of the Snap application's ribbon toolbar.

In the invoked Open dialog, select a file and click Open.

Export a Report
In addition to native .snx file format, Snap allows you to export reports into the one of the wide variety of third-party formats, (e.g.,
To export a Snap report in a third-party format, do the following.
1. Click the Export Document button on the File tab of the Snap application's ribbon toolbar.

2. In the invoked Save As dialog, select a directory in which you want to save, specify the name and format of the exported file,
and click Save to export the report and exit the dialog.
This section describes the capabilities provided by the Spreadsheet.

Spreadsheet UI
Ribbon Interface
Spreadsheet Elements
File Operations
Create a Workbook
Load a Workbook
Create a Worksheet
Rename a Worksheet
Delete a Worksheet
Save a Workbook
Import and Export Text Files
Print a Workbook
Adjust Page Settings
Undo and Redo Last Actions
Viewing and Navigating
Hide and Display Worksheets
Zoom a Worksheet
Hide Gridlines and Headings
Freeze Columns and Rows
Editing Cells
Select Cells or Cell Content
Copy and Paste Cell Content
Fill Data Automatically
Find and Replace
Insert a Comment
Insert a Symbol
Cell Formatting
Format Cells
Format Cell Content
Wrap Text and Merge Cells
Number Formatting
Conditional Formatting
Clear Cell Formatting
Columns and Rows
Insert and Delete Columns and Rows
Show and Hide Columns and Rows
Specify Column Width and Row Height
Create a Table
Pivot Tables
Create a Pivot Table
Modify a Pivot Table
Refresh the PivotTable Data
Change the PivotTable Layout
Apply a Predefined Style to a Pivot Table
Change the PivotTable Layout
Subtotal and Total Fields in a Pivot Table
Group Items in a Pivot Table
Sort Items in a Pivot Table
Filter a Pivot Table
Insert a Calculated Field and Calculated Item
Data Analysis and Presentation
Outline Data
Subtotal Data
Sort Data
Filter Data
Protect a Workbook
Protect a Worksheet
Protect Worksheet Ranges
Encrypt a Workbook with the Password
Data Validation
Validate Data in Cells
Create a Simple Formula
Cell References
Defined Names
Using Functions in Formulas
Supported Functions
Create an Array Formula
Error Types in Formulas
Charting Overview
Creating a Chart
Changing a Chart Type
Applying a Predefined Chart Layout and Style
Modifying a Chart Manually
Creating a Chart Sheet
Mail Merge
Mail Merge Overview
Data Source Wizard
Query Builder
Parameters Panel
Pictures and Hyperlinks
Insert a Picture
Move, Rotate and Resize a Picture
Insert and Delete Hyperlinks
Shortcuts to Work with Pictures
Keyboard Shortcuts
File Operations
Navigation inside Worksheets
Work with Selections
Copy, Paste and Edit the Cell Content
Cell Formatting
Work with Columns and Rows
Sort and Filter
Work with Formulas
Ribbon Interface
The comprehensive functionality of the Spreadsheet is provided by a set of Ribbon pages. Ribbon pages are divided into logical
groups that include commands with common features. Use the Ribbon interface to perform basic operations in the Spreadsheet
(load, create and save workbooks, add or remove worksheets, format cells, insert rows and columns, etc.).

File Tab

Create a Workbook
Load a Workbook
Save a Workbook
Print a Workbook
Undo and Redo Last Actions
Encrypt a Workbook with the Password

Home Tab

Copy and Paste Cell Content

Format Cells
Format Cell Content
Wrap Text and Merge Cells
Number Formatting
Conditional Formatting
Clear Cell Formatting
Insert and Delete Columns and Rows
Show and Hide Columns and Rows
Specify Column Width and Row Height
Fill Data Automatically
Find and Replace

Insert Tab
Create a Pivot Table
Create a Table
Insert a Picture
Move, Rotate and Resize a Picture
Insert and Delete Hyperlinks
Charting Overview
Creating a Chart
Changing a Chart Type
Applying a Predefined Chart Layout and Style
Modifying a Chart Manually
Insert a Symbol

Page Layout Tab

Adjust Page Settings

Formulas Tab

Create a Simple Formula

Cell References
Defined Names
Using Functions in Formulas
Supported Functions
Create an Array Formula
Error Types in Formulas

Data Tab
Sort Data
Filter Data
Validate Data in Cells
Outline Data
Subtotal Data

Review Tab

Insert a Comment
Protect a Workbook
Protect a Worksheet
Protect Worksheet Ranges

View Tab

Zoom a Worksheet
Hide Gridlines and Headings
Freeze Columns and Rows

Mail Merge Tab

Mail Merge Overview

Data Source Wizard
Query Builder
Parameters Panel
Spreadsheet Elements
The Spreadsheet consists of visual elements that provide the capability to create, edit and view spreadsheet documents, which
are called workbooks. A workbook includes one or more worksheets used to store data. You can add, delete and rename
worksheets in a workbook. All existing worksheets are displayed on the Sheet tab bar at the bottom of the control. Click one of
the sheet tabs to switch between existing worksheets. To navigate through the current worksheet, use the horizontal and vertical
A worksheet consists of cells that are organized into 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns. Each row is numbered (1, 2, 3, ...) and
each column is lettered (A, B, C, ...) if the A1 reference style is used, or numbered (1, 2, 3, ...) if the R1C1 reference style is specified.
Row and column headings are displayed at the left and at the top of a worksheet, respectively.
An individual cell is a box at the intersection of a column and a row. Each cell is indicated by a cell reference, (the column letter
and row number where the column and row intersect). For example, B2 refers to a cell at the intersection of column B and row 2.
The cell reference is displayed in the Name Box, located at the top-left corner of a worksheet. The current cell that is selected and
used to enter data is called the active cell. The active cell is identified by a blue border around the cell.
Each cell contains a single piece of data, the cell value. You can enter different types of values such as text, numbers or dates. The
Spreadsheet also provides the capability to create and edit formulas that perform calculations on the data on a worksheet. To
enter a formula, you can use the Formula Bar at the top of a worksheet. If a cell does not contain a formula, the cell content is
displayed in the Formula Bar.

Context Menu
The Spreadsheet supports a Context Menu, which appears when you right-click anywhere on a worksheet (e.g., an individual
cell, or row and column headers). The context menu provides common commands for working with a document.
Create a Workbook
To create a blank workbook, select the File tab, and click the New button in the Common group (or press CTRL+N).
Load a Workbook
To load a workbook, select the File tab, and click the Open button in the Common group (or press CTRL+O).

In the invoked Open dialog box, select the file you wish to open.

The Spreadsheet supports the following file formats.

Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)
Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)
Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)
Excel Template (*.xltx)
Excel Macro-Enabled Template (*.xltm)
Excel 97-2003 Template (*.xlt)
Tab-delimited Text File format (*.txt)
Comma-separated Values File format (*.csv)
Create a Worksheet
To create a new worksheet within the current workbook, do one of the following.
Click the New Sheet button (which looks like a plus sign) at the right edge of the Sheet tab bar.

To insert a worksheet in front of the existing worksheet, go to the Home tab, and then in the Cells group, click the Insert
button and select the Insert Sheet item from the drop-down list or press SHIFT+F11.

On the Sheet tab bar, right-click the sheet tab of the existing worksheet and select the Insert item from the invoked menu.
Rename a Worksheet
When a new worksheet is created, the Spreadsheet assigns it a generic name, such as Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.
To rename a worksheet, double-click its sheet tab on the Sheet tab bar to invoke the Rename Sheet dialog box, or ...

... right-click the sheet tab of the worksheet and select the Rename item from the invoked menu. Rename the worksheet and click
The Spreadsheet sets the following rules for a valid worksheet name.
The maximum length of a worksheet name is 31 characters.
A worksheet name must not be an empty string.
A worksheet name must not include the following characters: \, /, ?, :, **, *[, ].
A worksheet name must not start or end with a single quote.
A worksheet name must not be equal to a name of another existing worksheet.
Delete a Worksheet
To delete an existing worksheet, follow the instructions below.
1. Switch to the worksheet you want to delete.
2. Do one of the following.
On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Delete button and select the Delete Sheet item from the drop-down

Right-click the sheet tab of the worksheet, and then click the Delete item from the context menu.
Save a Workbook
To save a workbook, go to the File tab, and then click the Save as button in the Common group, or press F12 instead of these

After that, the Save as dialog box is invoked.

Specify the location and the file format in which to save the workbook.

The available file formats in the Save as dialog box are the following.
Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)
Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)
Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)
Excel Template (*.xltx)
Excel Macro-Enabled Template (*.xltm)
Excel 97-2003 Template (*.xlt)
Tab-delimited Text File format (*.txt)
Comma-separated Values File format (*.csv)
To save the active workbook with its current file format and location, go to the File tab, and then click the Save button in the
Common group, or press CTRL+S instead. If you click the Save button to save a newly created workbook, the Save as dialog is
Import and Export Text Files
The Spreadsheet provides the capability to save a workbook as a text file (.txt or .csv) or load data from text files.

Save a Workbook as a Text File

1. To save a workbook as a text file, go to the File tab, and in the Common group, click the Save As button.

2. In the Save As dialog box that is invoked, select the Text (Tab-delimited) or CSV (Comma-delimited) item from the
Save as type drop-down list.

The main features of the tab-delimited and comma-delimited file formats are described below.
Tab-delimited text files
This file format uses the TAB character to separate each field of text. Note that the Spreadsheet only saves the active
worksheet as a text (.txt) file. The columns are separated by the tab characters and each row ends with a carriage return
character. The values and text in cells are saved as they are displayed in a worksheet. If a cell contains a comma, the cell
contents are enclosed in double quotation marks. All formatting options applied to the cell, pictures and objects (such as
hyperlinks) are lost.
Comma-delimited text files
This file format uses the comma character to separate each field of text. Note that the Spreadsheet only saves the active
worksheet as a CSV (.csv) file. Columns are separated by commas, and each row ends with a carriage return character. Cell
text and values are saved as they are displayed in a worksheet. If a cell contains a comma, cell contents are enclosed in
double quotation marks. All formatting options applied to the cell, pictures and objects (such as hyperlinks) are lost.

Load Data from Text Files

1. To load data from text files (.txt or .csv), go to the File tab, and in the Common group, click the Open button.
2. In the Open dialog box that is invoked, locate the text file you wish to open and click Open.
Print a Workbook
This document includes the following sections:
Preview a Workbook before Printing
Print a Workbook
Print a Workbook Using the Default Settings
Print Gridlines and Headings
Print Comments
Change Print Resolution and Quality
Set a Print Area
Set Print Titles
Add Headers and Footers to a Worksheet Printout

Preview a Workbook Before Printing

To view your workbook as it will be printed, select the File tab and click the Print Preview button in the Common group.

At the bottom of the Preview window, the Spreadsheet indicates how many pages the workbook will require when printed, and
the number of the page you are currently viewing.

Print a Workbook
To print a document, click the Print button in the Common group or press CTRL+P.
In the invoked Print dialog box, specify the required settings and click Print.

Print a Workbook Using the Default Settings

To send a workbook directly to the default printer without setting print options, click the Quick Print button in the Common

Print Gridlines and Headings

To print worksheet gridlines or row/column headings, on the Page Layout tab, in the Print group, check the Gridlines and
Headings boxes...
...or click the Dialog Box Launcher. In the invoked Sheet tab of the Page Layout dialog, check the Gridlines and Row and
column headings boxes.

Print Comments
The SpreadsheetControl doesn't print comments by default. To enable printing comments, do the following.
On the Page Layout tab, in the Print group, click the Dialog Box Launcher.
In the invoked Sheet tab of the Page Setup dialog, click the Comments drop-down menu and select As displayed on
sheet. To print the comments on a separate sheet of paper, select At end of sheet.
Change Print Resolution and Quality
Depending on the used printer, you can change the resolution settings to a lower or higher dpi (dots-per-inches) setting. Invoke
the Page Setup dialog by clicking the Dialog Box Launcher in the Page Setup group.

On the Page tab, select the desired resolution from the Print Quality box.
Additionally, you can print your worksheet without graphics (this is useful when it is necessary to accelerate printing and save
toner). To do that, switch to the Sheet tab and check Draft quality box.

Set a Print Area

If you need to print only a specific part of the worksheet, you can define the target cell range as a print area. To do that, do the
1. Select the cells you wish to print.
2. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Print Area button and select Set Print Area in the invoked
drop-down menu.
3. ... or click the Page Setup box launcher to invoke the Page Setup dialog, switch to the Sheet tab and specify the print area
in the Print area box. You can type the cell reference or define the range directly in a worksheet by clicking the Collapse
Dialog button.

4. When you specify the print area, the cell range that it comprises gets a thin dashed outline and the _xlnm.Print_Area name
is added to the collection of the defined names contained in the workbook.

5. To extend the print area, select the select the cell range you wish to add and click Print Area | Add to Print Area in the
Page Setup group. Note that if the print area consists of non-adjacent cell ranges, each range will be printed as a separate

6. To clear the print area and print the entire worksheet, on the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Print Area |
Clear Print Area.

Set Print Titles

If a worksheet occupies more than one page, you can repeat specific row or column (print titles) on every printed page to make
the document easier to read. To define print titles, follow the steps below.
1. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Print Titles button...

2. ... or to invoke the Page Setup dialog and switch to the Sheet tab.

3. Specify the reference to the row/column containing labels that should be repeated in the Rows to repeat at top and/or
Columns to repeat at left boxes of the Print titles section. You can select the target row or column directly in a worksheet
by clicking the collapse dialog button.
Add Headers and Footers to a Worksheet Printout
You can set a header and footer for a worksheet printout by doing the following.
1. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Page Setup box launcher.

2. In the invoked Page Setup dialog, switch to the Header/Footer tab.

3. Select one of the predefined options in the Header or Footer drop-down list.
4. To specify custom header and/or footer, click the Custom Header/Footer... button to invoke the Header and Footer

5. Click in the Left, Center or Right section box and type the desired text. Use the buttons located between the header and
footer sections to insert specific codes that enable including dynamic information into a header or footer, such as a page
number, current date and time, filename, worksheet name, etc.

To insert a picture to the worksheet header or footer, click the Insert Picture button and select the desired file in the

invoked Open dialog. To format the image so it fits the header/footer area, click the Format Picture button.
Adjust Page Settings
Before you print a worksheet, you can change page layout settings such as page margins, page orientation, paper size and scaling.

Set Page Margins

1. Click the worksheet for which you wish to set the page margins.
2. In the Page Setup group within the Page Layout tab, click the Margins button and select the margin sizes to be set for the
current worksheet.

3. To specify custom margins, select Custom Margins... in the drop-down list...

4. ... or click the Page Setup Dialog Box Launcher and switch to the Margins tab in the invoked dialog.

5. Specify desired margin sizes in the corresponding dialog boxes. To center worksheet data on a printed page, check the
corresponding Center on page section boxes.
Set Page Orientation
1. Click the worksheet for which you wish to specify page orientation.
2. In the Page Setup group within the Page Layout tab, click the Orientation button and select Portrait or Landscape from
the invoked drop-down list...

3. ... or invoke the Page Setup dialog by clicking the Page Setup box launcher and select the desired page orientation.
Change Paper Size
1. Click the worksheet for which you wish to set the paper size.
2. In the Page Setup group within the Page Layout tab, click the Size button and select one of the predefined paper sizes
from the invoked drop-down list.

3. Click More Paper Sizes... to set more advanced paper size settings.
Scale a Worksheet
If your worksheet has a lot of columns, you can scale it to reduce the size of the worksheet to better fit the printed page.
On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Dialog Box Launcher.

In the invoked dialog, in the Scaling section, click Adjust to and specify the percentage of the original size that you wish to use.
To accommodate the worksheet to a specific number of pages, select Fit to: and specify the number or pages wide and tall.
Undo and Redo Last Actions
The Spreadsheet allows you to undo or redo your last performed action.
To undo an action, select the File tab, and click the Undo button in the Common group (or press CTRL+Z or ALT+BACKSPACE).

To redo an action that you undid, click the Redo button in the Common group (or press CTRL+Y or ALT+SHIFT+BACKSPACE).
Hide and Display Worksheets
The Spreadsheet provides the capability to hide worksheets in a workbook. It can be useful if you want to remove a worksheet
from the Sheet tab bar without deleting it. By default, all worksheets are displayed on the Sheet tab bar.

Hide Worksheets
1. Switch to a worksheet you want to hide. To hide multiple worksheets, hold down CTRL and then click the sheet tabs of the
worksheets you wish to hide on the Sheet tab bar.
2. Do one of the following:
On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button and select Hide & Unhide | Hide Sheet. Note that this
command is disabled when a workbook includes only one worksheet.

Right-click the selected sheet tabs and select the Hide item from the context menu.

Display Hidden Worksheets

1. Do one of the following:
On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button and select Hide & Unhide | Unhide Sheet...;
Right-click any visible sheet tab, and select the Unhide item from the context menu.
2. In the Unhide dialog box that is invoked, select the name of the worksheet you want to display and click OK. Note that you
can hide multiple worksheets at once, but you can display only one worksheet at a time.
Zoom a Worksheet
To zoom in or out of a worksheet, do one of the following:
In the Zoom group within the View tab, click the Zoom In or the Zoom Out button. Click the Zoom 100% button to
restore the worksheet to normal size.

Hold the CTRL button and rotate your mouse wheel.

Hide Gridlines and Headings
The Spreadsheet allows you to hide gridlines and headings that are displayed on a worksheet by default.
In the Show group within the View tab, uncheck the Gridlines check box to hide gridlines on a worksheet.
To hide the column and row headers, uncheck the Headings check box.

To display gridlines and headers, select the Gridlines and Headings check boxes, respectively.
Freeze Columns and Rows
To keep specific columns and rows of the worksheet visible while scrolling through the rest of the worksheet, lock them in place
using the Freeze Panes options of the Spreadsheet.
To freeze specific row(s) or column(s), follow the instructions below.
1. Depending on what you wish to freeze, do one of the following.
To lock a row(s), select the row below the row(s) you wish to freeze.
To lock a column(s), select the column to the right of the column(s) you wish to freeze.
To lock a row(s) and column(s) simultaneously, click the cell below the row(s) and to the right of the column(s) you
wish to freeze.
2. In the Window group within the View tab, click the Freeze Panes button's drop-down.

Select one of the following.

Freeze Panes - lock multiple columns and/or multiple rows simultaneously.
Freeze Top Row - lock the first row only.
Freeze First Column - lock the left column only.
A black border appears beneath the frozen row(s) and to the right of the frozen column(s).
3. To unfreeze a row(s) or column(s), click the Unfreeze Panes item from the Freeze Panes button's drop-down list. This
unlocks all frozen rows and columns in the worksheet.
Select Cells or Cell Content
Selecting Cells
To select cells in the Spreadsheet, use the following mouse actions and keyboard shortcuts.
1. To select a single cell, click the cell or press the arrow keys to move to the required cell.
2. To select a range of cells, do one of the following.
Click the first cell in the range and drag it to the last cell.
Hold down the SHIFT key, and then press the arrow keys to extend the selection.
Click the first cell in the range, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the last cell in the range.
3. To select the entire worksheet, click the Select All button at the intersection of the column and row headings, or press

4. To select nonadjacent cells, hold down the CTRL key, and then select other cells.
5. To select an entire row or column, click the row or column heading.

6. To select multiple columns or rows, drag across the row or column headings.

7. To select several nonadjacent rows or columns, click the heading of the first row or column in the selection, hold down
CTRL, and then click the headings of other rows or columns you wish to select.
The following table lists the default keyboard shortcuts used for selecting cells in the Spreadsheet.

CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Selects the last cell in a row.

CTRL+LEFT ARROW Selects the first cell in a row.

CTRL+DOWN ARROW Selects the last cell in a column.

CTRL+UP ARROW Selects the first cell in a column.

CTRL+HOME Selects the first cell on a worksheet.

CTRL+END Selects the last cell that contains data or formatting on a worksheet.

CTRL+A Selects the entire worksheet.

CTRL+SHIFT+END Extends the selection to the last used cell on a worksheet.

CTRL+SHIFT+HOME Extends the selection to the beginning of the document.

Selecting Cell Content

To select the cell content, do one of the following:
Double-click the cell, and then drag across the cell content you wish to select.
Press F2, and then drag across the contents of the cell you wish to select, or press SHIFT+LEFT ARROW to select the cell
Click the cell, and then drag across the cell content you wish to select in the Formula Bar.
Copy and Paste Cell Content
The Spreadsheet allows you to copy and paste entire cells, or only their contents, using the Clipboard.
To move or copy cell content, follow the steps below.
1. Select the cells that you wish to move or copy.
2. In the Clipboard group within the Home tab, do one of the following.
To move the selected cells, click the Cut button (or press CTRL+X or SHIFT+DELETE).

To copy the selected cells, click the Copy button (or press CTRL+C or CTRL+INSERT).

3. Click the upper-left cell in the area where you wish to paste the copied cells.
4. In the Clipboard group within the Home tab , click the Paste button (or press CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERT).

To choose special options when you paste cells, in the Clipboard group within the Home tab, click the Paste Special
button (or press CTRL+ALT+V).

In the invoked Paste Special dialog box, select one of the following options.
All - paste all cell content and formatting.
Formulas - only paste formulas, as entered in the Formula Bar.
Values - only paste cell values.
Formats - only paste cell formatting.
Comments - only paste the comments added to the cells.
All except borders - paste cell content and formatting without cell borders.
Column widths - paste the column widths of the copied cells to another range of columns.
Formulas and number formats - only paste formulas and number formatting options from the copied cells.
Values and number formats - only paste values and number formatting options from the copied cells.
Skip blanks - avoid replacing values in the paste area when the copy area includes blank cells.
Fill Data Automatically
The Spreadsheet provides the capability to fill adjacent cells with data automatically.
To fill a selected cell or a range of cells with the data contained in adjacent cells, do the following.
1. Select the cell (or range of cells) adjacent to the cell (or range of cells) of the data you wish to repeat.
2. In the Editing group within the Home tab, click the Fill button and select one of the following items from the drop-down

Fill Down (or press CTRL+D) - pastes the contents of the cell that is above the selected cell, or pastes the contents of
the topmost cell in the selected range to the cells below.
Fill Up - pastes the contents of the cell below the selected cell, or pastes the contents of the lowermost cell in the
selected range to the cells above.
Fill Right (or press CTRL+R) - pastes the contents of the cell or cell range to the left of the selected cell(s).
Fill Left - pastes the contents of the cell or cell range to the right of the selected cell(s).
Find and Replace
The Spreadsheet allows you to search for specific data in the current worksheet. To perform a search, on the Home tab, in the
Editing group, click the Find & Select button. The button's drop-down menu will be displayed.

Next, do one of the following.

Click Find in the Find & Select drop-down menu (or press CTRL+F) to perform a search in the active worksheet. The Find
and Replace dialog (with the Find tab activated) will be invoked.

In the Find what field, enter the text or number you wish to find, and click the Find Next button to start the search. To
define the direction of the search, in the Search field, select the By Rows or By Columns drop-down item. In the Look in
field, select Values (to search cell values only) or Formulas (to search cell values and formula expressions, excluding the
calculated results). To perform a case-sensitive search, select the Match Case check box. To restrict the search to the entire
cell content, select the Match entire cell contents check box.
Click Replace in the Find & Select drop-down menu (or press CTRL+H) to search for a text string and optionally replace it
with another value. The Find and Replace dialog (with the Replace tab activated) will be invoked.
To replace a value, enter the search term in the Find what field and the replacement text for this search term in the Replace
with field, and then click the Find Next button to find the first occurrence of the search term. Next, click the Replace button
to replace only the value of the selected matching cell, or Replace All to replace all occurrences of the search term. Note
that the Replace tab provides the same search options as the Find tab, with one exception: you can only select the
Formulas drop-down item in the Look in box, so only the underlying formulas (not the calculated results) will be examined
when searching for matches to your search term.
Insert a Comment
The Spreadsheet allows you to attach notes to individual cells by using comments. Comments are extremely useful when you
need to provide additional information, such as reminders, notifications, or feedback in a document without modifying cell
Comments are displayed in a yellow box anchored to a cell. A cell containing a comment has a red triangular indicator in the

You can add new comments, edit existing comments, copy comments to other cells, move and resize the comment box, hide or
delete comments if they are no longer needed.

Add a Comment
To insert a new comment, select the cell where you wish to place the comment, and do one of the following.
On the Review tab, in the Comments group, click the New Comment button.

Right-click the cell and select the Insert Comment item in the context menu.

Press SHIFT+F2.
The new comment will be anchored to the cell. Type the desired text within the comment box. By default, the comment is
accompanied by the user name of the person who created the comment. If you wish to change the default name, delete it and
type a new name.

Edit a Comment
1. Select the cell that contains the comment you wish to edit.
2. Do one of the following.
On the Review tab, in the Comments group, click the Edit Comment button...

... or right-click the cell and select the Edit Comment item in the context menu.
The comment will be activated and the cursor will be positioned within the comment box. Change the comment text as
Click inside the comment box, and start editing the comment text.
 Tip

If the comment is hidden, click the Show/Hide Comment button to display the comment.

Copy Comments Only

1. Select the cell(s) containing the comment(s) you wish to copy.
2. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, or press CTRL+C.
3. Select the top-left cell of the destination area where you wish to insert the copied comment(s).
4. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Paste Special button, or press CTRL+ALT+V.

5. In the invoked Paste Special dialog, click Comments, and then click OK.

Move and Resize a Comment

1. Select the cell that contains the comment you wish to move or resize.
 Tip

If the comment is hidden, click the Show/Hide Comment button to display the comment.
2. Click the comment box border to display the sizing handles (small rectangles at the corners and sides of the comment
3. Do one of the following.
To move a comment, hover the mouse over the comment border so that the four-way resize arrow appears, and drag
the comment to a new location.

To resize a comment, click one of the sizing handles and drag the edge of the comment box.

Display or Hide a Comment

1. Select the cell that contains the comment you wish to display or hide.
2. Do one of the following.
On the Review tab, in the Comments group, click the Show/Hide Comment button.

Right-click the cell and select the Show/Hide Comment item in the context menu.

Remove a Comment
To delete the existing comment, do the following.
1. Select the cell that contains the comment you wish to delete.
2. Do one of the following.
On the Review tab, in the Comments group, click the Delete button.
Right-click the cell and select the Delete Comment item in the context menu.
Insert a Symbol
The Spreadsheet allows you to insert symbols and special characters that are not on your keyboard, such as ASCII or Unicode
characters, fractions (¼), copyright symbol (©), trademark symbols (®, ™), paragraph mark (¶), etc.
To insert a symbol, follow the instructions below.
1. Move to the cell where you wish to insert a symbol.
2. On the Insert tab, in the Symbols group, click the Symbol button.

The Symbol dialog will be invoked.

3. Select the symbol you wish to insert and click Insert, or double-click the symbol.
Format Cells
The Spreadsheet provides the capability to format cells and the data they contain. It includes many predefined styles that you can
To format a cell or a range of cells, follow the instructions below.

Using Predefined Styles

1. Select the cells you wish to format.
2. In the Styles group within the Home tab, select the style that you wish to apply to the selected cells.

Applying Specific Formatting

If you are not satisfied with the predefined styles, specify your own formatting options.
1. Select the cells you wish to format.
2. To add borders to the selected cells, do one of the following.
In the Font group within the Home tab, click the Borders button's drop-down menu and select the border type. This
menu also allows you to select the line style and line color of borders.
Click the Font dialog box launcher to invoke the Format Cells dialog box. Click the Border tab and specify all
required parameters. Then click OK.

3. To set the background color of the selected cells, do one of the following.
In the Font group within the Home tab, click the Fill Color button's drop-down menu and select the desired color.
Click the Font dialog box launcher, and in the invoked Format Cells dialog box, open the Fill tab. Specify all required
parameters and click OK.
Format Cell Content
The Spreadsheet provides the capability to set font style, size, color and text alignment in a cell.
To format cell content, follow the steps below.
1. Select a cell or a cell range that you wish to format.
2. To change the font, use the Font group within the Home tab to specify the font family, size, style, color, etc.

You can also modify cell font using the Font tab of the Format Cells dialog box. To invoke this dialog, click the arrow in the
bottom right corner of the Font group. In the Font tab, you can specify the required font characteristics and apply them to
the selected cells.

3. To position text within a cell so that it is centered, aligned to the left or aligned to the right, select the appropriate alignment
options in the Alignment group within the Home tab.

To specify additional alignment options, click the arrow in the bottom right corner of the Alignment group. The dialog box
launcher invokes the Format Cells dialog. In the Alignment tab, specify all required parameters and click OK to apply them
to the selected cells.
4. To undo the formatting options you applied before, select the text. In the Editing group within the Home tab, click the
Clear drop-down and select the Clear Formats item.
Wrap Text and Merge Cells
If text is too long to be displayed in a single cell, the Spreadsheet allows you to wrap the text to make it display on multiple lines
in the cell, or merge cells to combine two or more adjacent cells into a single larger/longer cell.

Merging Cells
To merge cells, follow the instructions below.
1. Select the cells that you wish to merge.

Make sure that the data you wish to display in the merged cell is contained in the upper-left cell of the selected range,
because only the contents of this cell will remain in the merged cell. The data in the other cells will be deleted.
2. In the Alignment group within the Home tab, click the Merge Cells button's drop-down arrow and select one of the
following items.
Merge & Center - merge the selected cells and center the text in a merged cell.
Merge Across - merge each row of the selected cell range into larger cells.
Merge Cells - merge the selected cells into a single cell.

3. If you change your mind and wish to split a merged cell, select this cell and click the Unmerge Cells item in the Merge
Cells button's drop-down menu. The data of the merged cell appears in the upper-left cell of the range of split cells.

Wrapping Text in a Cell

To wrap text in a cell, do the following.
1. Select a cell or a range of cells containing the text you wish to wrap.
2. In the Alignment group within the Home tab, click the Wrap Text button. The text is displayed on multiple lines within the
3. To unwrap the text, click the Wrap Text button again. The text is displayed in the same way as it was before the wrap option
was applied.
Number Formatting
The Spreadsheet allows you to format numbers in cells to make them easier to read and understand. For example, you can
display numbers as monetary values or dates. The default format for cell content is the General style. Notice that number
formatting does not change the value you enter, it only influences the way the number is displayed in a cell. Number formatting
options are available in the Number group within the Home tab.

To apply the number format to a cell value, select the required format in the number format list at the top of the Number group,
or use buttons at the bottom of the group, such as Accounting Number Format, Percent Style or Comma Style.
If you wish to set more formatting parameters, click the Number dialog box launcher to invoke the Format Cells dialog box.
Select the desired number format, and then specify formatting options in the right pane of the dialog box.

You can use the following shortcuts to quickly apply the specified number format.

CTRL+SHIFT+1 Applies the Number format with two decimal places.

CTRL+SHIFT+2 Applies the Time number format.

CTRL+SHIFT+3 Applies the Date format.

CTRL+SHIFT+4 Applies the Currency format.

CTRL+SHIFT+5 Applies the Percentage format.

CTRL+SHIFT+6 Applies the Scientific number format.

Conditional Formatting
The Spreadsheet allows you to apply conditional formatting to a range of cells. Conditional formatting changes the
appearance of individual cells based on specific conditions. It helps to highlight critical information, or describe trends within cells
by using data bars, color scales and built-in icon sets. To create a conditional format, select the cell range to which you wish to
apply a conditional formatting rule. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the Conditional Formatting button to display a
drop-down list of available conditional formats. You can do one of the following.
Format Cells that are Less than, Greater than or Equal to a Value
Format Cells that Contain Text or a Date
Format Unique or Duplicate Cells
Format Top or Bottom Ranked Values
Format Cells whose Values are Above or Below the Average
Format Cells Using Data Bars
Format Cells using Color Scales
Format Cells using Icon Sets
Edit Conditional Formatting Rules
Clear Conditional Formatting Rules

Format Cells that are Less than, Greater than or Equal to a Value
To highlight cells whose values meet the criterion represented by a relational operator (=, <, >), do the following.
Select the cell range to which you wish to apply a conditional format.
On the Home tab, in the Styles group, select Conditional Formatting | Highlight Cells Rules, and then select one of the
following items: Greater Than..., Less Than..., Between... or Equal To...

In the invoked dialog, specify the threshold value, and select formatting options to be applied to cells that meet the
condition. Note that you can also use a formula to specify the threshold value. If you enter a formula, start it with an equal
sign (=). If a formula returns an error, formatting options will not be applied.
If none of the built-in formatting options meet your requirements, you can create a custom formatting rule. On the Home
tab, in the Styles group, select Conditional Formatting | New Rule...

...or select Conditional Formatting | Manage Rules... and click the New Rule... button in the invoked Conditional
Formatting Rules Manager.

In the invoked New Formatting Rule dialog, select Format only cells that contain from the Select a Rule Type list.
In the Edit Rule Description section, select the target relational operator from the drop-down menu and specify the
threshold values.
To set the formatting options to be applied to cells that meet the condition, click the Format button to invoke the Format
Cells dialog. When the formatting options are defined, the resulting cell appearance is displayed in the Preview box.
Format Cells that Contain Text or a Date
To highlight cells that contain the specified text string or time period, do the following:
Select the cell range to which you wish to apply a conditional format.
On the Home tab, in the Styles group, select Conditional Formatting | Highlight Cells Rules, and then click Text that
Contains... or A Date Occurring....

In the invoked dialog, specify the text string (if you selected Text that Contains...) or time period (if you selected A Date
Occurring...) to be highlighted, and select the formatting options to be applied to cells that meet the condition.

Note that for the Text that Contains... rule, you can also specify a formula that returns text. If you enter a formula, start it
with an equal sign (=). If a formula returns an error, formatting options will not be applied.
If none of the built-in formatting options meet your requirements, you can create a custom formatting rule. On the Home
tab, in the Styles group, select Conditional Formatting | New Rule...

...or select Conditional Formatting | Manage Rules... and click the New Rule... button in the invoked Conditional
Formatting Rules Manager.

In the invoked New Formatting Rule dialog, select Format only cells that contain from the Select a Rule Type list.
In the Edit Rule Description section, select the target cell content, set the format operator and the text string (if you
selected Specific Text) or specify the time period (if you selected Dates Occurring).
To set the formatting options to be applied to cells that meet the condition, click the Format button to invoke the Format
Cells dialog. When the formatting options are defined, the resulting cell appearance is displayed in the Preview box.
Format Unique or Duplicate Cells
To find unique or duplicate values in a range of cells, do the following:
Select the cell range to which you wish to apply a conditional format.
On the Home tab, in the Styles group, select Conditional Formatting | Highlight Cells Rules | Duplicate Values...

In the invoked dialog, specify whether you wish to highlight unique or duplicate values, and select the formatting options to
be applied to cells that meet the condition.

If none of the built-in formatting options meet your requirements, you can create a custom formatting rule. On the Home
tab, in the Styles group, select Conditional Formatting | New Rule...

...or select Conditional Formatting | Manage Rules... and click the New Rule... button in the invoked Conditional
Formatting Rules Manager.
In the invoked New Formatting Rule dialog, select Format only unique or duplicate values from the Select a Rule
Type list.
In the Edit Rule Description section, specify whether you wish to highlight unique or duplicate values. To set the
formatting options to be applied to cells that meet the condition, click the Format button to invoke the Format Cells dialog.
When the formatting options are defined, the resulting cell appearance is displayed in the Preview box.

Format Top or Bottom Ranked Values

To highlight only the top or bottom ranked values in a range of cells, do the following:
Select the cell range to which you wish to apply a conditional format.
On the Home tab, in the Styles group, select Conditional Formatting | Top/Bottom Rules, and then select one of the
following items: Top 10 Items..., Top 10%..., Bottom 10 Items... or Bottom 10%...
In the invoked dialog, specify the number or percentage of the rank value (depending on the selected rule), and select the
formatting options to be applied to cells that meet the condition.

If none of the built-in formatting options meet your requirements, you can create a custom formatting rule. On the Home
tab, in the Styles group, select Conditional Formatting | New Rule...

...or select Conditional Formatting | Manage Rules... and click the New Rule... button in the invoked Conditional
Formatting Rules Manager.
In the invoked New Formatting Rule dialog, select Format only top or bottom ranked values from the Select a Rule
Type list.
In the Edit Rule Description section, specify whether you wish to highlight top or bottom values and enter the rank value
number. To convert the number to percentage, check the % of the selected range box.
To set the formatting options to be applied to cells that meet the condition, click the Format button to invoke the Format
Cells dialog. When the formatting options are defined, the resulting cell appearance is displayed in the Preview box.

Format the Cells whose Values are Above or Below the Average
To highlight values that are above or below the average in a range of cells, do the following:
Select the cell range to which you wish to apply a conditional format.
On the Home tab, in the Styles group, select Conditional Formatting | Top/Bottom Rules, and then click Above
Average... or Below Average...
In the invoked dialog, select the formatting options to be applied to cells that meet the condition.

If none of the built-in formatting options meet your requirements, you can create a custom formatting rule. On the Home
tab, in the Styles group, select Conditional Formatting | New Rule...

...or select Conditional Formatting | Manage Rules... and click the New Rule... button in the invoked Conditional
Formatting Rules Manager.
In the invoked New Formatting Rule dialog, select the Format only values that are above or below average type for
the new rule from the Select a Rule Type list.
In the Edit Rule Description section, select the format operator from the Show values that are: list.
To set the formatting options to be applied to cells that meet the condition, click the Format button to invoke the Format
Cells dialog. When the formatting options are defined, the resulting cell appearance is displayed in the Preview box.

Format Cells using Data Bars

The data bar conditional formatting rule draws a shaded bar in the background of each cell in the range to which the rule is
applied. The length of the data bar represents the cell value. A longer bar represents a higher value, and a shorter bar represents a
lower value. For example, the image below shows the markup magnitude using solid light-green data bars.

To apply a data bar conditional formatting rule, do the following:

On the Home tab, in the Styles group, choose Conditional Formatting | Data Bars, and then select the desired color for a
gradient or solid data bar.

If none of the built-in formatting options meet your requirements, you can create a custom formatting rule. On the Home
tab, in the Styles group, select Conditional Formatting | New Rule...

...or select Conditional Formatting | Manage Rules... and click the New Rule... button in the invoked Conditional
Formatting Rules Manager.

In the invoked New Formatting Rule dialog, select the Format cells based on their values type from the Select a Rule
Type list.
In the Edit Rule Description section, select Data Bar from the Format style: list.
Specify the minimum and maximum thresholds type and value (if necessary). To disable showing values in the cells to
which the formatting rule is applied, check the Show bar only box.
Customize the bar appearance by setting the fill type, fill color, border type and color in the Bar Appearance: section. The
resulting data bar appearance is displayed in the Preview box.

To specify the negative bar and axis appearance settings, click the Negative Value and Axis... button. The invoked
Negative Value and Axis Settings dialog allows you to set the negative bar fill and border color, specify axis color and
position within the cell.
Format Cells using Color Scales
Color scales compare values using a gradation of two or three colors. The shade of the color represents higher, middle and lower
values in the cell range to which the rule is applied. For example, the image below shows a price distribution using a gradation of
three colors. Red represents the lower values, yellow represents the medium values and sky blue represents the higher values.

To create a color scale, do the following:

On the Home tab, in the Styles group, choose Conditional Formatting | Color Scales, and then select one of the
predefined color combinations.
If none of the built-in formatting options meet your requirements, you can create a custom formatting rule. On the Home
tab, in the Styles group, select Conditional Formatting | New Rule...

...or select Conditional Formatting | Manage Rules... and click the New Rule... button in the invoked Conditional
Formatting Rules Manager.

In the invoked New Formatting Rule dialog, select the Format cells based on their values type from the Select a Rule
Type list.
In the Edit Rule Description section, select 2- or 3-Color Scale from the Format style: list.
Specify the type of the minimum, midpoint (if the 3-color scale style is selected) and the maximum threshold, enter their
values (if necessary) and select the corresponding colors. The resulting cell appearance is displayed in the Preview box.

Format Cells using Icon Sets

An icon set conditional format classifies data in a range into three to five categories. The Spreadsheet divides the range into
equal parts based on the number of icons in the selected set and applies an icon to each cell depending on its value. For example,
the image below shows the value ranking. A filled star represents values that are greater than or equal to 67 percent, a half-filled
star represents values that are less than 67 percent and greater than or equal to 33 percent, and an empty star shows values that
are less than 33 percent.

To apply an icon set conditional formatting rule, do the following:

On the Home tab, in the Styles group, choose Conditional Formatting | Icon Sets, and then select the desired icon set
from the gallery.
If none of the built-in formatting options meet your requirements, you can create a custom formatting rule. On the Home
tab, in the Styles group, select Conditional Formatting | New Rule...

...or select Conditional Formatting | Manage Rules... and click the New Rule... button in the invoked Conditional
Formatting Rules Manager.

In the invoked New Formatting Rule dialog, select the Format cells based on their values type from the Select a Rule
Type list.
In the Edit Rule Description section, select Icon Sets from the Format style: list.
You can select the whole icon set in the Icon Style list or select each icon individually in the Icon section. Check Show Icon
Only box to disable showing cell values. To show icons in the reverse order, click Reverse Icon Order button.
Select the minimum and maximum threshold type and change values if necessary in the corresponding Value boxes. The
resulting rule is shown in the Display each icon according to these rules: section.

Edit the Conditional Formatting Rule

You can modify existing conditional formatting rules by doing the following:
On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Conditional Formatting | Manage Rules...

In the invoked Conditional Formatting Rules Manager, select the part of the document whose formatting rules should
be displayed by selecting one of the available areas from the Show formatting rules for: drop-down list.
To edit the desired rule, select it within the list and click Edit Rule... button.
To apply the selected formatting rule to another cell range, type the cell reference in the Applies to column cell or select the
cell range directly in the worksheet by clicking the Collapse Dialog

The formatting rules are shown in order of precedence. A new formatting rule is automatically added to the top of the list
and has the highest precedence. To change the precedence of a desired formatting rule, use Up and Down buttons.
You can disable applying the formatting rules lower in precedence if the current rule condition is true. To do that, check the
Stop if True box. Note that this options is unavailable for the rules that format cells using data bars, color scales or icon

Clear Conditional Formatting Rules

To delete a conditional formatting rule, do one of the following:
Select the range that contains the conditional formatting rules you wish to clear. On the Home tab, in the Styles group,
select Conditional Formatting | Clear Rules | Clear Rules from Selected Cells to delete the rules applied to the selected
Invoke the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager, select the rule you wish to clear and click Delete Rule button.
To clear all conditional formatting rules on a worksheet, select Conditional Formatting | Clear Rules | Clear Rules from
Entire Sheet.
Clear Cell Formatting
To remove all formatting from cells, do one of the following.
1. In the Editing group within the Home tab, click the Clear button, and select Clear Formats from the drop-down menu.

2. In the Styles group within the Home tab, select the Normal style, to restore the default settings.
Insert and Delete Columns and Rows
The Spreadsheet provides the capability to insert and delete columns and rows in a worksheet.

Insert Rows
1. To insert a single row, select the entire row by clicking the row heading, or click a cell in the row above the position in which
you wish to insert a new row. To insert multiple rows, select the number of rows you wish to insert. For example, if you wish
to insert three rows, select three rows by clicking the row headings.
2. Do one of the following.
In the Cells group within the Home tab, click the Insert button and select the Insert Sheet Rows item from the drop-
down list.

Right-click a cell within the selected row(s) and click the Insert item in the invoked menu. The new row(s) will be
inserted above the selected row(s).

Insert Columns
1. To insert a single column, select the entire column by clicking the column heading, or by clicking a cell in the column to the
left of where the new column will be inserted. To insert multiple columns, select the number of columns you wish to insert.
For example, to insert three columns, select three columns by clicking column headings.
2. Do one of the following:
In the Cells group within the Home tab, click the Insert button and select the Insert Sheet Columns item from the
drop-down list.
Right-click a cell within the selected column(s) and click the Insert item in the invoked menu. The new column(s) will
be inserted to the left of the selected column(s).

Delete Rows and Columns

1. Select the column(s) or row(s) you wish to delete by clicking its heading.
2. Do one of the following.
In the Cells group within the Home tab, click the Delete button and select the Delete Sheet Rows or Delete Sheet
Columns item from the drop-down list.

Right-click a cell within the selected column(s) or row(s), and then click the Delete item in the invoked menu. The
specified column(s) or row(s) will be deleted.
Show and Hide Columns and Rows
The Spreadsheet provides the capability to display and hide columns and rows in a worksheet.

Hide and Unhide Columns

1. Select the column to be hidden.
2. Do one of the following:
Set the column width to zero. To do this, drag the boundary of the column heading until the column is hidden;
On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button and select Hide & Unhide | Hide Columns;

Right-click the selected column and select the Hide item from the context menu.
3. To show the column you hid, select the columns adjoining to either side of the hidden column, and then do one of the
On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button, and then select Hide & Unhide | Unhide Columns;
Right-click the selected columns and select the Unhide item from the context menu.

Hide and Unhide Rows

1. Select the row to be hidden.
2. Do one of the following:
Set the row height to zero. To do this, drag the boundary of the row heading until the row is not displayed;
On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button and select Hide & Unhide | Hide Rows;

Right-click the selected row and select the Hide item from the context menu.
3. To display the row you hid, select the rows that are above and below the hidden row, and then do one of the following:
On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button, and then select Hide & Unhide | Unhide Rows;
Right-click the selected rows and select the Unhide item from the context menu;

Display all hidden columns and rows

1. Click the Select all button at the intersection of the column and row headings, or press CTRL+A.
2. Do one of the following:
On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button, and then select Hide & Unhide | Unhide Rows or
Unhide Columns;
Right-click the selection and select the Unhide item from the context menu.
Specify Column Width and Row Height
Setting the column width
In the Spreadsheet, the column width can vary from 0 to 255 characters of the default font specified by the predefined Normal
style. The default column width is 8.43 characters. If you set the column width to 0, the column will be hidden.
To change the column width, do one of the following.
1. Drag the right boundary of the column header to resize a column’s width. To set the width of multiple columns, select these
columns, and then drag the right boundary of one of the selected columns.
2. To set the column width to a specific value, select the column whose width you wish to change, and on the Home tab, in the
Cells group, click Format | Column Width...
Type the required width value in the invoked Column Width dialog.

3. To change the column width to automatically fit the contents, select the column and do one of the following.
On the Home tab in the Cells group, click the Format button and select the AutoFit Column Width item from the
drop-down list.

Double-click the right boundary of the selected column.

4. To match one column’s width to another column, do the following.
Select the column whose width you want to copy.
On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Copy button or press CTRL+C.
Click the cell in the column that is to be resized, and then click the Paste Special button in the Clipboard group. In
the Paste Special dialog box that is invoked, select the Column widths item.
5. To change the default width for all columns in a worksheet, on the Home tab in the Cells group, click the Format button
and select the Default Width... item from the drop-down list.
In the invoked Standard Width dialog, type a new number for the default column width.

Set the row height

In the Spreadsheet, the row height should be between 0 and 409 points. The default row height is 12.75 points. If you set the row
height to 0, the row is hidden.
To change the row height, do one of the following.
1. Drag the lower boundary of the row header until the row reaches your desired height. To set the height of multiple rows,
select them, and then drag the lower boundary of any selected row.
2. To set the row height to a specific value, select the row whose height you wish to change, and on the Home tab in the Cells
group, click Format | Row Height...
Type the required height value in the invoked Row Height dialog.

3. To change the row height to automatically fit the contents, select the row and do one of the following.
On the Home tab in the Cells group, click the Format button and select the AutoFit Row Height item from the
drop-down list.
Double-click the lower boundary of the selected row.
Create a Table
The Spreadsheet allows you to insert a new table in a worksheet, or convert an existing range to a table.
Create a Table
Convert a Table to a Data Range
Delete a Table

Create a Table
To insert a table, select the cell range to be included in the table.
Then, do one of the following.
To create a table with the default style, on the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click the Insert Table button.

To create a table with one of the predefined styles, on the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the Format As Table button
and select the desired style from the gallery.

In the invoked Create Table dialog, verify that the range in the Where is the data for your table? field reflects your selection,
and then specify whether or not the table has headers.
Note that after you create a table, the Table Tools contextual tab becomes available. Use this tab to provide some extra settings
for the created table.

Convert a Table to a Data Range

To convert an existing table to a normal range of cells, do the following.
Click the table to display the Table Tools contextual tab.
On the Design tab, in the Tools group, click the Convert To Range button.

Note that after you delete a table, the table formatting persists. However, the Table Tools contextual tab is no longer available,
and table features are lost. For example, you cannot use structured references (references that use table names) in formulas.

Delete a Table
To delete an existing table, select it and do one of the following.
On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Clear | Clear All.

Create a Pivot Table
A pivot table represents a summary table used to explore, analyze and aggregate large amounts of data in a worksheet. It helps
divide your data into categories and subcategories, and automatically calculates subtotals and grand totals using the most
suitable summary function from a predefined list.
To create a PivotTable report, follow the steps below.
1. On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click the PivotTable button.

2. In the invoked Create PivotTable dialog, specify the source data and the location of the new pivot table, and click OK.
Impor tant

Before creating a pivot table, make sure that the source data is organized in a tabular format, has column headings in the
first row and does not include blank rows or columns.

3. An empty report is created and the Field List pane is invoked.

4. To fill the pivot table with data, select the desired field in the Field List pane and drop it to the one of the following areas at
the pane bottom.
Rows Area - contains fields used to group report data by rows.
Columns Area - contains fields used to break report data into categories by columns.
Values Area - contains fields against which summaries are calculated. As a rule, value fields contain numeric values,
which are summarized with the Sum function, but you can change the calculation type by selecting one of the
predefined functions (Count, Average, Min, Max, Product, Count Numbers, StdDev, StdDevp, Var, or Varp).
Filters Area - contains fields used to filter the entire PivotTable report to display data for the selected items.
All the changes are automatically reflected in the report.

5. To postpone the report update, select the Defer Layout Update check box at the bottom of the pane. The table will be
updated only after clicking the Update button.

6. To clear the PivotTable report, on the PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the Actions group, click the Clear PivotTable
button and select the Clear All item from the drop-down list.

7. To remove the pivot table completely, select the entire PivotTable range and press DELETE.
Modify a Pivot Table
The following topic describes how to modify the existing pivot table. Select the task you wish to perform.
Rearrange the PivotTable Fields
Change the PivotTable Data Source
Move the Pivot Table

Rearrange the PivotTable Fields

To reorganize the pivot table structure, use the Field List pane. It invokes automatically when you select any cell in the report.
If you closed the pane, you can re-invoke it from the ribbon menu. To do that, on the PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the
Show group, click the Field List button.

In the Field List pane, you can rearrange fields within the report by dragging them between the area sections at the bottom of the
pane. To remove the field from the report, drag it outside the pane. All changes will be applied immediately.

Additionally, you can reorder fields or specific field items within the area. To do that, right-click the required cell in the report and
select the appropriate Move command from the context menu.
Change the PivotTable Data Source
To change the data source of the pivot table report, on the PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the Data group, click the Change
Data Source button.
The invoked dialog allows you to select the new source range for the pivot table.

Move the PivotTable

To move the entire report, on the PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the Actions group, click the Move PivotTable button. The
invoked dialog allows you to move the report to another cell range within the existing worksheet or to a new worksheet.
Refresh the PivotTable Data
You can update (refresh) the PivotTable data manually (while generating the report) or automatically (when you open the
workbook with the pivot table). The steps below provide more detailed information about how to accomplish these tasks.
1. To update the pivot table manually, on the PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the Data group, click Refresh and select the
Refresh item from the invoked drop-down menu. To update all pivot tables of the current workbook, select Refresh All.

2. To refresh the pivot table when opening the file, use the PivotTable Options dialog. To invoke it, on the PivotTable Tools
| Analyze tab, in the PivotTable group, click PivotTable Options.

3. Switch to the Data tab. In the PivotTable Data section, select the Refresh data when opening the file check box.

4. To preserve the PivotTable display and formatting settings during the update operation, switch to the dialog's Layout &
Format tab. Here you can specify whether to auto-fit the column widths or preserve cell formatting when updating the
report. To do that, select the required options in the last section of the dialog.
Change the Value Field Settings
By default, when you add a numeric field to the Values area, its data is summarized by the Sum function. For a text field or field
containing blank cells, the Count function is used as the default summary function.
However, you can change how summary values are calculated and displayed within the PivotTable report. To do this, follow the
steps below.
1. Select any cell in the value field you wish to modify. On the PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the Active Field group,
click the Field Settings button.

2. The invoked Value Field Settings dialog allows you to provide the custom name for the value field and change the
aggregate function used to summarize its values. On the Show Values As tab, you can configure how calculation results
should be displayed in cells.

3. To change the default number format applied to the value field, click the Number Format button. In the invoked Format
Cells dialog, select the desired format type, specify the corresponding settings and click OK.
4. The result is shown in the image below.
Apply a Predefined Style to a Pivot Table
You can change the appearance of a pivot table using one of the predefined pivot table styles. Select the desired style from the
PivotTable Styles gallery on the PivotTable Tools | Design tab and it will be automatically applied to the report.

Additionally, you can specify whether to apply style formatting to the row and column headers or to show the banded rows and
columns. To do that, on the PivotTable Tools | Design tab, in the PivotTable Style Options group, select or clear the
corresponding check box.
Change the PivotTable Layout
This topic describes how to specify the layout options for the entire PivotTable report or a specific row field only.

Change the PivotTable Layout

1. To change the PivotTable layout, on the PivotTable Tools | Layout tab, in the Layout group, click the Report Layout

2. The invoked drop-down menu allows you to apply one of the following layout forms.
Compact Form - the default layout. The report is compressed to prevent data from spreading horizontally off the

Outline Form - the report data is outlined.

Tabular Form - the pivot table is shown in the table format.

3. For the outline and tabular forms, you can enable repeating item labels in the outer row fields. To do that, select the Repeat
All Item Labels item in the Report Layout drop-down menu. To disable repeating, select Do Not Repeat Item Labels.
4. You can also specify whether to show/hide subtotals and grand totals in the PivotTable report, or insert the blank line after
each item in the outer row fields. To do that, on the PivotTable Tools | Layout tab, in the Layout group, click the
Subtotals, Grand Totals or Blank Rows button, respectively, and select the desired action from the drop-down menu.

5. The advanced layout options can be specified using the Layout & Format tab of the PivotTable Options dialog. To invoke
it, click the PivotTable Options button in the PivotTable group.
Change the Field Layout
You can change the layout options for the specific row fields only. To do that, select a row field and on the PivotTable
Tools | Analyze tab, in the Active Field group, click the Field Settings button.

In the invoked Field Settings dialog, switch to the Layout & Print tab.
To show field items in tabular or outline form, select the corresponding option in the Layout section. To display field items
in compact form, select Show item labels in outline form and then click the Display labels from the next field in the
same column (compact form) check box.
The Field Settings dialog also allows you to specify whether to repeat item labels for an outer field, insert the blank line after
each field item, or show items with no data. To do that, select the corresponding check boxes in the Layout section.
Subtotal and Total Fields in a Pivot Table
The following topic describes how to manage the subtotals and grand totals in a pivot table.

Subtotal Row and Column Fields

1. Click the target row or column field within the report and on the PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the Active Field
group, click the Field Settings button.

2. On the Subtotals & Filters tab of the invoked Field Settings dialog, select one of the following options and click OK to
apply changes.
Automatic - to calculate the subtotals using the default summary function.
Custom - to use one or multiple custom functions for subtotal calculation. Note that if the target row or column field
contains calculated items, the custom function(s) cannot be used.
None - to remove subtotals.
3. To specify the subtotal display settings, on the PivotTable Tools | Design tab, in the Layout group, click the Subtotals
button. The invoked drop-down menu allows you to display the subtotals at the top or bottom of each item in the outer row
fields in compact or outline form, or hide subtotals.

4. As a result, the pivot table will appear as follows.

Show or Hide Grand Totals
1. To show or hide the grand totals for a pivot table, on the PivotTable Tools | Design tab, in the Layout group, click Grand
Totals. In the invoked drop-down menu, select one of the available options. You can hide/show the grand totals for the
entire report or for the rows or columns only.

2. To specify the default settings for displaying grand totals, use the PivotTable Options dialog. To invoke it, on the
PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the PivotTable group, click the PivotTable Options button.

3. Switch to the Totals & Filters tab. To show or hide the grand totals for rows, columns or the entire PivotTable report, select
or clear the corresponding check box(es) in the Grand Totals section.
Group Items in a Pivot Table
Grouping can help you get a clearer view of data and show only data you want to analyze. The following topic describes how to
group dates, numbers or selected items in a pivot table.

Group a Pivot Table by Date

1. Right-click a cell within a row or column field containing dates and select Group...

...or on the PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the Group group, click the Group Field button.

2. The Grouping dialog is invoked. Type the first and last date or time you want to group by, select one or more date or time
intervals for grouping and click OK.
3. As a result, the date field will be grouped as shown in the image below.

Group a Pivot Table by Numbers

1. Right-click a cell within a row or column field containing numeric values and select Group...

...or on the PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the Group group, click the Group Field button.
2. The Grouping dialog is invoked. Type in start value, end value, interval and click OK.

3. The result is shown in the image below.

Group Selected Items

1. Select the items that you want to group.
2. Right-click the selected range and select the Group item from the context menu...
...or on the PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the Group group, click the Group Selection button.

3. As a result, the selected range will be combined into a single group. To rename the group, select the group header, press F2
and type the required name.

4. You can also enable or disable displaying the subtotal for the created group. To do that, right-click the group header and
select the Subtotal 'Field Name' item.
5. The resulting report is shown in the image below.

Ungroup Data
To ungroup data in a pivot table, do one of the following.
Right-click the grouped field and select Ungroup... from the context menu.
Select any cell in the grouped field and on the Pivot Table Tools | Analyze tab, in the Group group, click the Ungroup

Note that ungrouping a numeric or date and time field will remove all groups for that field. If you ungroup a group of selected
items, only the selected items will be ungrouped.
Sort Items in a Pivot Table
The following topic describes how to sort items in the PivotTable fields by labels and summary values.

Sort Item Labels

Item labels in a PivotTable field can be sorted by text (A to Z or Z to A), numbers (smallest to largest or largest to smallest), or
dates and times (oldest to newest or newest to oldest). To apply sorting, do the following.
1. Click the arrow in the Row Labels or Column Labels cell. If there are multiple fields in the area, select the row or
column field you wish to sort.
2. In the invoked drop-down list, select the Sort A to Z item to use ascending order, or click Sort Z to A to sort in descending
order. As a result, items in the filtered field will be reordered correspondingly. The tiny arrow appears in the row or
column label to indicate that data in the report is sorted.

Sort Items By Summary Values

Besides sorting item labels, you can also sort items in a row or column field based on data in the Values area of the PivotTable
report. To do this, follow the steps below.
1. Click the arrow in the Row Labels or Column Labels cell. In the invoked drop-down list, select the row or column field
you wish to sort (if there are multiple fields in the area), and then click the More Sort Options... item.
2. In the invoked dialog box, select the desired sort order and the value field to sort by. Click the More Options... button.

3. In the More Sort Options dialog, click Grand Total or select a row/column in the Values area to sort by and click OK.

4. The result is shown in the image below. The tiny arrow appears in the row or column label to indicate that data in the
corresponding field is sorted.
Filter a Pivot Table
The Spreadsheet provides numerous ways to apply filtering to the PivotTable fields to display only data that meets specific
criteria. Select the task you wish to perform.
Use a Report Filter
Filter Row or Column Items
Use a Label Filter
Use a Date Filter
Use a Value Filter
Use Multiple Filters per Field
Remove a Filter

Use a Report Filter

A report filter allows you to filter the entire PivotTable report to show data for specific items. To use a report filter, follow the steps
1. Click the arrow in the report filter field.

2. In the invoked dialog, click the Uncheck All button to deselect the values. Then, select the check box for the item you wish
to display. To select multiple items, select the Select Multiple Items check box at the pane bottom. Click OK to apply
3. The resulting report is shown in the image below. The Filter button appears in the report filter field to indicate that the
filter is applied.

Filter Row or Column Items

1. Click the arrow in the Row Labels or Column Labels cell. If there are multiple fields in the area, select the row or
column field you wish to filter.
2. In the drop-down menu, select Item Filter...
3. In the invoked dialog, click the Uncheck All button to deselect the values. Then, select the item(s) you wish to display and
click OK.

4. The resulting report is shown in the image below. The Filter button appears in the row or column label to indicate that
the filter is applied.

Use a Label Filter

1. Click the arrow in the Row Labels or Column Labels cell. If there are multiple fields in the area, select the row or
column field you wish to filter.
2. Point to the Label Filters item and select one of the built-in comparison operators.
3. In the invoked dialog, specify the filter criteria and click OK.

4. The resulting report is shown in the image below. The Filter button appears in the row or column label to indicate that
the filter is applied.

Use a Date Filter

1. Click the arrow in the header of the row or column field containing dates.
2. Point to the Date Filters item and select one of the built-in dynamic filter types to display dates that fall within a specified
time period (next, this or last week, month, year, etc.) or select the Before, After, Equals or Between item to find dates that
are before, after or equal to the specified date, or between two dates.

3. In the invoked Date Filter dialog, specify the date(s) to filter by and click OK.

4. The resulting report is shown in the image below. The Filter button appears in the row or column label to indicate that
the filter is applied.
Use a Value Filter
A value filter allows you to filter items in a row or column field based on summary values. To use a value filter, follow the steps
1. Click the arrow in the Row Labels or Column Labels cell. If there are multiple fields in the area, select the row or
column field to which a filter should be applied.
2. Point to the Value Filters item and select one of the built-in comparison operators.

3. In the invoked dialog, specify the filter criteria and click OK. Note that the filtering will be applied to the filtered field's Grand
Total values.

4. The resulting report is shown in the image below. The Filter button appears in the row or column label to indicate that
the filter is applied.
Use Multiple Filters per Field
To enable the capability to apply multiple filters to a single row or column field, do the following.
On the PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the PivotTable group, click the PivotTable Options button.

In the invoked PivotTable Options dialog, switch to the Totals & Filters tab and check the Allow multiple filters per
field box.

Remove a Filter
To remove a filter, do the following.
To remove a filter from a specific field, click the Filter button and select the Clear Filter From 'Field Name' item in the
drop-down menu.
To clear all filters applied to the PivotTable fields at once, on the PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the Actions group,
click Clear PivotTable | Clear Filters.
Insert a Calculated Field and Calculated Item
If the predefined aggregation functions or the Show Values As calculation options do not meet your requirements, you can
create your own formulas to calculate values in a PivotTable report by inserting calculated fields and calculated items.

Insert a Calculated Field

Calculated fields can perform calculations using the contents of other fields in the report. A calculated field's formula should
conform to the common syntax rules and contain only supported elements.
In the formula, you can use constants and refer to other fields in the pivot table. The calculation will be performed on the
sum of the underlying data for any fields in the formula. When you reference a field in your formula, you can enclose its
name in apostrophes or omit them.
You cannot create formulas that use a cell reference, defined name, circular references and arrays.
The formula cannot refer to the PivotTable’s subtotals, totals and Grand Total value.
To insert a calculated field, do the following.
1. Select a cell within the PivotTable report and on PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the Calculation group, click the Fields,
Items, & Sets button. In the drop-down menu, select the Calculated Field... item to invoke the Insert Calculated Field

2. In the dialog window, specify the name and formula for the calculated field. To use data from another field in the formula,
click the required field in the Fields box, and then click Insert Field.

3. Click Add, and then click OK. As a result, the new field will be automatically added to the Values area of the PivotTable
4. To delete a calculated field, invoke the Insert Calculated Field dialog, select the required field from the Name drop-down
list and click Delete.

Insert a Calculated Item

A calculated item is a custom item in a PivotTable field whose value is produced based on values of other items in the same
field. Before inserting a calculated item, take into account the following restrictions.
You cannot add a calculated item to a page field. Also, you cannot move a row or column field containing calculated items to
the page area of the PivotTable report.
You cannot add a calculated item to a grouped field. Ungroup the field before inserting the calculated item.
You cannot add multiple copies of a field containing calculated items to the data area.
You cannot add a calculated item to a PivotTable report that uses the Average, StdDev, StdDevp, Var or Varp aggregation
function in the data area.
To insert a calculated item, follow the steps below.
1. Select a cell in the field to which the calculated item should be added. On the PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the
Calculations group, click the Fields, Items, & Sets item and select the Calculated Item... item from the drop-down menu.
2. In the invoked Insert Calculated Item dialog, specify the name and formula for the calculated item. To use a value of
another item in the formula, click the required item in the Items list, and then click Insert Item. Note that you can use only
items from the same field as the calculated item.

3. Click Add, and then click OK. As a result, the new item will be added to the field.

4. To delete a calculated item, invoke the Insert Calculated Item dialog, select the required item from the Name drop-down
list and click Delete.
Create a List of the PivotTable Formulas
You can automatically create a list of all the calculated fields and items used in the current pivot table. To do that, on the
PivotTable Tools | Analyze tab, in the Calculations group, click the Fields, Items, & Sets item and select the List Formulas
item from the drop-down menu. As a result, the list will be created on a new worksheet and will appear as in the image below.
Outline Data
The Spreadsheet provides you with the capability to split a large amount of data into separate groups and display summary
rows and columns for each group. Data grouping is useful when you wish to temporally hide unnecessary rows or columns to
display only significant information.
Select the action you wish to perform.
Group Rows and Columns
Outline Data Automatically
Expand or Collapse Groups
Specify Group Settings

Group Rows and Columns

To group data in a worksheet, do the following.
1. Select the rows or columns you wish to group.
2. On the Data tab, in the Outline group, click the Group button, and select the Group item in the button's drop-down

You can also place one group of rows or columns inside another. To do this, repeat the steps above until you create
the required number of groups. Note that the number of nested groups is limited: you can create a maximum of
seven levels of grouping.
To ungroup data in a worksheet, do the following.
1. Select the rows or columns you wish to ungroup.
2. On the Data tab, in the Outline group, click the Ungroup button, and select the Ungroup item in the button's drop-
down menu...

Outline Data Automatically

The Spreadsheet allows you to create an automatic outline of rows and columns based on subtotal and summary formulas
contained in a worksheet.
To create an automatic outline, do the following.
1. Specify the summary rows or columns containing formulas that reference cells to be outlined. If you do not specify
any summary formulas, the data will not be grouped.
2. On the Data tab, in the Outline group, click the Group button, and select the Auto Outline item in the button's drop-
down menu.

To remove an automatic outline, do the following.

On the Data tab, in the Outline group, click the Ungroup button, and select the Clear Outline item in the button's drop-
down menu.

Expand or Collapse Groups

Using the outline symbols
Since the group is created, it is marked by the grouping bar displayed along the grouped rows to the left side of a
worksheet and along the grouped columns at the top of a worksheet. Each grouping bar is accompanied by a plus or
minus outline symbol (depending on the group state). To collapse the required group, click the minus sign, which
automatically changes into a plus sign after the group is collapsed, or just click the grouping bar itself. To expand the
collapsed group, click the plus sign.
You can also use the Hide Detail and Show Detail buttons in the Outline group to hide or display the detail rows and
columns for a specific group.

Using the outline buttons

If your data is divided into different grouping levels , you can collapse or expand multiple groups at once using the outline
buttons . The outline buttons for row grouping are displayed above the row headers, while the outline buttons for
column grouping are shown to the left of the column headers. Each outline button has a number that indicates a grouping
level. For example, if you have two levels of grouping, the Spreadsheet displays three outline buttons. Clicking outline
button 1 collapses all the specified groups of rows or columns. Clicking number 2 collapses all the groups in the second
grouping level and lower, except the first level. Clicking the last outline button displays the entire worksheet by expanding
all the specified groups.
Thus, to hide all detail data, click outline button 1. To display all detail data, click the outline button with the largest number.
The number of outline buttons changes depending on the levels of grouping created in a worksheet. The largest number is
8, because you can create a maximum of seven levels of grouping.

Specify Group Settings

You can specify the grouping direction using the Settings dialog. To invoke this dialog, on the Data tab, click the Outline dialog
box launcher.
Select the required check boxes depending on where your summary rows or columns are located. For example, if you inserted
summary rows above detail rows in each group, clear the Summary rows below detail check box.
In this case, the grouping bar changes direction, so that the minus outline symbol is displayed opposite the summary row at the
top of the group.


Subtotal Data
The Spreadsheet allows you to automatically group related data in a worksheet and add summary rows to each group using the
SUBTOTAL function.
Impor tant

Before subtotaling, it is necessary to ensure that the range to be subtotaled contains similar data in each column, has column
headings in the first row and does not include blank rows or columns.
To insert subtotals for the selected range, follow the steps below.
On the Data tab, in the Outline group, click the Subtotal button.

In the invoked Subtotal dialog, specify the required subtotal options.

In the At each change in drop-down list, select the heading of the column by which the data should be grouped.
Each time a value in this column changes, a new subtotal row is inserted. So sorting your data by this column is
recommended to ensure that the same column values will be in one group.
In the Use function drop-down list, select one of the eleven functions available for calculating subtotals: Sum, Count,
Average, Max, Min, etc.
In the Add subtotals to box, select the check boxes corresponding to the columns for which the SUBTOTAL function
should be calculated.
Select the Replace current subtotals check box to replace the existing subtotals with the recently specified subtotals.
If you wish to create more than one level of subtotals (for example, to insert subtotals for the inner groups using
different summary functions), clear this check box.
Select the Page break between groups check box to locate each group on a new page. It can be useful if your
groups contain many detail rows and you wish to separate them while printing.
Select the Summary below data check box to display a summary row below detail rows in each group. Otherwise,
the summary row will be displayed at the top of the group.
Since subtotals are specified, you can change the SUBTOTAL function directly in the cell or formula bar to ignore values in the
collapsed groups. To do this, add 100 to the first numeric function's argument, which specifies the code of the function used in
calculating subtotals. In this case, the hidden values in the collapsed group will not be taken into account during calculations.

To remove subtotals, select a cell in the subtotaled range, invoke the Subtotal dialog and click the Remove All button.
Sort Data
The Spreadsheet provides the capability to sort data by text (A to Z or Z to A), numbers (smallest to largest or largest to
smallest), dates and times (oldest to newest or newest to oldest) in one column.
To perform sorting, do the following.
1. Select a range in the column you wish to sort.

If multiple columns are selected, the range will be sorted by the first column.
2. On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Sort A to Z to select ascending order, or click Sort Z to A for descending

Sort a Table
To sort data in a table, follow the steps below.
1. Click the arrow in the header of the column by which data will be sorted.
2. In the drop-down menu, select the Sort A to Z item to select ascending order, or select the Sort Z to A item to select
descending order.

All the records in the table will be reordered accordingly. The tiny arrow appears in the column header to indicate that data in
the table are sorted by this column.

You cannot sort a table by more than one column at a time. When you apply a new sort order, it replaces the previous one.
Filter Data
The Spreadsheet allows you to use the AutoFilter to arrange large amounts of data by displaying only rows that meet the
filtering criteria.
To enable the filtering functionality, select the required data, and on the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click the Filter

Once filtering is activated, a drop-down arrow appears on the right side of each column header in the range. Depending on the
data in the column you wish to filter, you can apply one of the following filters: Filter by Values, Text Filter, Number Filter or Date

You can filter your data by multiple columns. Filters are additive: each new filter is applied in addition to the existing filters and
further reduces your data.
Filter by Values
Text Filter
Number Filter
Date and Time Filter
Reapply a Filter
Clear a Filter

Filter by Values
To filter your data by a list of values, do the following.
1. Click the arrow in the header of the column containing the values you wish to filter.
2. In the drop-down menu, select the Filter by Values item to invoke the AutoFilter dialog.

3. The AutoFilter dialog displays a list of all values in the selected column. Click the Uncheck All button to deselect the
values. Then, select the check boxes for the items you wish to display, and click OK.
Text Filter
To apply the text filter, do the following.
1. Click the arrow in the header of the column containing text values you wish to filter.
2. Point to Text Filters and select one of the built-in comparison operators, or select Custom Filter to construct your own
filter expression.

3. In the invoked Custom AutoFilter dialog specify the filter criterion.

You can also specify the additional filter criterion using the AND or OR logical operator to combine the conditions.
To make your filter criterion more flexible, use the wildcard characters. The asterisk * matches any number of characters,
while the question mark ? represents a single character. For example, to display all the values that start with the letter "C",
you can either use the Begins With operator as shown in the image above, or select the Equals operator and type "C*" in
the box on the right.
 Tip

To filter values containing a specific character, such as the asterisk, question mark or tilde, put the tilde (~) before it.

Number Filter
To apply the number filter, do the following.
1. Click the arrow in the header of the column containing numeric values you wish to filter.
2. Point to Number Filters and select one of the built-in comparison operators (Equals, Greater Than, Less Than, Between,
Top 10, Above or Below Average, etc.), or select Custom Filter to construct your own filter expression.

3. In the invoked Custom AutoFilter dialog specify the filter criterion.

You can also specify the additional filter criterion using the AND or OR logical operator to combine the conditions.

Date and Time Filter

To apply the date filter, do the following.
1. Click the arrow in the header of the column containing dates you wish to filter.
2. Point to Date Filters and select one of the built-in dynamic filter types to display dates that fall within a specified time
period (next, this or last week, month, year, etc.)...

... or select the Before, After, Equals or Between item to invoke the Custom AutoFilter dialog and find dates that are
before, after or equal to the specified date, or between two dates.

Reapply a Filter
To reapply a filter after you change your data, click a cell in the range or table to which the filter is applied, and then on the Data
tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click the Reapply button.
Clear a Filter
To remove a filter, do the following.
To remove a filter from a specific column, click the Filter button in the column header, and then select the Clear Filter
From 'Column Name' item in the drop-down menu.

To clear all the specified filters and display the hidden rows, on the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click the Clear

To disable the filtering functionality, click a cell in the range or table, and then on the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click
the Filter button. The drop-down arrows will disappear from the column headers and all the specified filters will be removed.
Validate Data in Cells
The Spreadsheet allows you to use data validation to impose restrictions on cells to prevent other users from entering incorrect
values in validated cells. For example, you can create a drop-down list of allowed values, restrict the number of characters entered
into a cell, validate data using spreadsheet formulas, display an error message, provide an input message explaining what values
can be entered into cells, etc.
Data validation settings are located on the Data tab in the Data Tools group.

To configure data validation settings, use the Data Validation dialog, which can be invoked by clicking the Data Validation
button and selecting the Data Validation item in the drop-down menu.

Select the action you wish to perform.

Restrict data entry to predefined items from a drop-down list
Restrict data entry to a whole or decimal number within a specified range
Restrict dates and times to values within a certain time interval
Limit the number of text characters
Validate data based on formulas or values in other cells
Create an input message
Create an error message
Circle invalid data
Remove data validation

Restrict Data Entry to Predefined Items from a Drop-Down List

1. Select the cell or cell range you wish to validate.
2. Invoke the Data Validation dialog.
3. On the Settings tab, in the Allow list, select the List item.
4. Enter a reference to the list of valid entries in the Source box. You can use a list of comma-separated values, define a name
for the cell range of valid entries, or select this cell range directly in the worksheet by using the Collapse Dialog button .
If you use a defined name or cell reference, precede it with an equal sign (=).

5. Verify that the In-cell dropdown check box is selected to display the drop-down menu in validated cells.
6. Select or clear the Ignore blank check box to specify whether or not to validate cells with empty values.
7. Click OK to close the dialog and apply the specified validation criterion.
As a result, the drop-down arrow appears to the right of a validated cell. Click the arrow to display the cell's drop-down list and
select the required value.

Restrict Data Entry to a Whole or Decimal Number within a Specified

1. Select the cell or cell range you wish to validate.
2. Invoke the Data Validation dialog.
3. On the Settings tab, in the Allow list, select the Whole number or Decimal item.
4. Select the desired comparison operator in the Data list.
5. Depending on the selected operator, enter the required threshold values in the Minimum, Maximum or Value boxes.
Note that you can also use a formula that returns a numeric value to calculate the threshold value. If you enter a formula,
start it with an equal sign (=).
6. Click OK to close the dialog and apply the specified validation criterion.

Restrict Dates and Times to Values within a Certain Time Interval

1. Select the cell or cell range you wish to validate.
2. Invoke the Data Validation dialog.
3. On the Settings tab, in the Allow list, select the Date or Time item.
4. Select the desired comparison operator in the Data list.
5. Depending on the selected operator, provide the required values for the Start date, End date or Date boxes, if the Date
option is selected (or for the Start time, End time or Time boxes in case of the Time option). Note that you can also use a
formula that returns a date or time value to calculate the threshold value. If you enter a formula, start it with an equal sign

6. Click OK to close the dialog and apply the specified validation criterion.

Limit the Number of Text Characters

1. Select the cell or cell range you wish to validate.
2. Invoke the Data Validation dialog.
3. On the Settings tab, in the Allow list, select the Text length item.
4. Select the desired comparison operator in the Data list.
5. Depending on the selected operator, enter the minimum, maximum, or particular text length in the Minimum, Maximum
or Length boxes, respectively. Note that you can also use a formula that returns a numeric value to specify the allowable
text length. If you enter a formula, start it with an equal sign (=).

6. Click OK to close the dialog and apply the specified validation criterion.

Validate Data Based on Formulas or Values in Other Cells

1. Select the cell or cell range you wish to validate.
2. Invoke the Data Validation dialog.
3. On the Settings tab, in the Allow list, select the Custom item.
4. In the Formula box, enter a formula you wish to use as a validation criterion. Note that this formula should return a logical
value: TRUE for valid values and FALSE for incorrect values. Your formula may also contain cell references, so that you can
calculate the allowable values based on the content of other cells.
For example, to restrict data entry for an Employee ID to a five-digit number, use the following formula:

5. Click OK to close the dialog and apply the specified validation criterion.

Create an Input Message

Once you apply data validation to cells, you can create an input message, which represents a descriptive message explaining what
values can be entered into validated cells. Each time a validated cell is selected, a yellow text box appears near the cell displaying
the input message.

To create an input message, do the following.

1. Invoke the Data Validation dialog.
2. Switch to the Input Message tab.
3. Verify that the Show input message when cell is selected check box is selected.
4. Specify the message title in the Title box, and enter the detailed message text in the Input Message box.

5. Click OK to close the dialog and add the specified input message to validated cells.

Create an Error Message

In addition to an input message, you can also specify an error message that will be displayed when a user enters an incorrect
value into a validated cell.

There are three types of error messages.

Stop - specifies that users are not allowed to enter invalid data in a validated cell. The Stop message contains two buttons:
the Retry button enables users to edit the invalid entry, while the Cancel button rejects it and rolls back to the previous cell
Warning - allows users to enter an incorrect value in a validated cell, but warns them that the specified value is invalid. The
Warning message contains three buttons: clicking Yes allows users to accept the invalid value, No enables them to edit the
invalid entry, and Cancel rolls back to the previous cell value.
Information - informs users that they entered an incorrect value and allows them to accept this value by clicking OK, or
reject it by clicking Cancel.
Unless you specify the error message, the Spreadsheet will use the Stop error alert with the default text. To customize the error
text and provide other users with a more informative message, do the following.
1. Invoke the Data Validation dialog.
2. Switch to the Error Alert tab.
3. Verify that the Show error alert after invalid data is entered check box is selected.
4. Select the type of the error message in the Style list.
5. Specify the caption for the error alert window in the Title box, and enter the error description in the Error Message box.

6. Click OK to close the dialog.

Note that if you use error messages that do not prevent the entry of incorrect values (Warning or Information), you can identify
invalid data in your document by displaying validation circles.

Circle Invalid Data

The Spreadsheet allows you to highlight invalid values entered into validated cells. To do this, on the Data tab, in the Data Tools
group, click Data Validation | Circle Invalid Data.

As a result, red circles will appear around cells containing incorrect values.
Once you identified invalid values, you can hide validation circles again. Do one of the following.
Enter a value that meets the validation criterion in the cell. In this case, the validation circle will disappear automatically.
On the Data tab, in the Data Tools group, click Data Validation | Clear Validation Circles.

Remove Data Validation

To remove data validation criteria, perform the steps below.
1. Select the cells which you wish to stop validating.
 Tip

To quickly select all cells to which data validation is applied, on the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Find & Select |
Data Validation.
2. Invoke the Data Validation dialog.
3. Do one of the following.
If you are prompted to erase current validation settings and continue, click OK, and then click OK in the invoked Data
Validation dialog.

In the invoked Data Validation dialog, on the Settings tab, click the Clear All button.
Create a Simple Formula
The Spreadsheet allows you to perform calculations on data in cells using formulas. A formula is a string expression that starts
with the equal sign ("="). Formulas can contain constants, math operators, functions, cell references, etc.
The Spreadsheet provides the capability to use the Formula Bar, which is the bar at the top of a worksheet, to enter and edit

For example, if you wish to add 1 to the product of 2 and 5, type the following formula in the cell in which you wish to insert the
formula or in the Formula Bar.
Press ENTER. The result appears in the cell in which you inserted the formula.
Cell References
The A1 Reference Style
If you want to change data in a worksheet without changing formulas that use this data for evaluation, you can use cell
references. A cell reference defines cell location in a worksheet. It is a combination of column letters (A, B, C, etc.) and row
numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). For example, A1 refers to a cell at the intersection of column A and row 1.
To add values in cells A1 and A2, and divide the result by the value in cell A3, type the following formula (use parentheses to
determine the order of operations):
= ( A1+A2 ) /A3
You can also use a reference to a cell located in another worksheet. For example, to multiply a value in cell B1 by the value in cell
B1 in Sheet 2, enter the following formula:
=B 1*Sheet2!B 1
To prevent data from changing when the formula is copied, use the absolute reference. Absolute references have a dollar sign
($) before column and/or row references.
The following example demonstrates how to use a constant value in cell B1 in calculations:
=A1*$B $1

The R1C1 Reference Style

The Spreadsheet supports the R1C1 reference style where both rows and columns are labeled with numbers. Cell location is
indicated by an "R" letter followed by a row number and a "C" letter followed by a column number.
You can use absolute and relative R1C1 references. An absolute R1C1 reference always refers to a cell in a specific location.

The example below demonstrates how to create a formula that adds values in cells A1 through A5 using the absolute R1C1
reference style:
=S UM ( R1C1:R5C1 )
A relative R1C1 reference refers to a cell location in relation to an active cell.
The image below illustrates a relative reference to a cell one row above and one column to the left of the active cell.

The following example demonstrates how to create a formula that adds values in cell range A1:A5 using the relative R1C1
reference style in cell B1:
=S UM ( R C [- 1 ] :R [ 4 ] C [- 1 ])
Defined Names
The Spreadsheet allows you to define a descriptive name for an individual cell, cell range, function, or constant value to make it
easier to understand the information contained in worksheet formulas.
Defined Name Overview
Defined Name Scope
Syntax Rules for Names
Create a Name Using the Name Box
Create a Name Using the New Name Dialog
Create Names from Selection
Mange Names Using the Name Manager Dialog
Use Names in Formulas
Delete Names

Defined Name Overview

A defined name is a meaningful shorthand name that describes the meaning of an individual cell, cell range, function, or constant
value. Each defined name contains the following information.
Indicates an individual cell, range of cells, formula or constant. Usually, a name explains the purpose of an object to which
this name refers, making it easier to find and use this object.
When specifying a name, you must take into account special syntax rules.
Refers To
A string specifying a reference to a cell or cell range, formula or constant associated with the defined name. For example:
"=Sheet1!$D$20" - refers to the D20 cell located on the Sheet1 worksheet;
"=Sheet1!$A$1:$C$10" - refers to the A1:C10 range of cells located on the Sheet1 worksheet;
"=SUM(Sheet1!$B$1:$B$10)" - refers to the formula that calculates the sum of values contained in the B1:B10 range of cells
located on the Sheet1 worksheet;
"=10.5" - refers to a constant value.
By default, defined names use absolute cell references, including worksheet names.
An explanation or additional information accompanying the defined name. The comment length cannot exceed 255

Defined Name Scope

Each defined name has a scope - an area (individual worksheet or entire workbook) where the name is recognized and can be
used without qualification. For example, a defined name (cellName) whose scope is the first worksheet of a workbook (Sheet1) is
recognized without qualification in this worksheet only (e.g., =5+cellName). To use this defined name in other worksheets,
precede it with the name of the worksheet to which the defined name belongs (e.g., "=5+Sheet1!cellName"). If the scope of a
defined name (cellName_global) is an entire workbook, this name is recognized in any worksheet of this workbook (e.g.,
Each name must be unique in its scope.
If the defined name is not found, the cell that uses this name displays the #NAME? error.

Syntax Rules for Names

When you create or modify a defined name, follow these rules.
Start a name with a letter, an underscore symbol ("_") or a backslash (""). Other characters in the name can be letters,
numbers, periods and underscore symbols.
Note that the single letters "C", "c", "R", or "r" cannot be used as defined names.
A name cannot contain a cell reference (for example, "A1", "$M$15", etc.).
A name cannot contain spaces (use underscore symbols and periods to separate individual words in a name).
A name cannot be an empty string.
The length of a name cannot exceed 255 characters.
Names are case-insensitive, so that you are not allowed to create the Products and PRODUCTS names in one scope.

Create a Name Using the Name Box

1. Select a cell or a range of cells for which you wish to define a name.
2. Type the name you want to use to refer to the selection in the Name Box located to the left of the Formula Bar. Press

Now you can quickly select the defined cell range by its name. To do this, click the drop-down arrow to the right side of the
Name Box, and select the required name from the drop-down list.

Create a Name Using the New Name Dialog

The New Name dialog gives you more flexibility for naming parts of your document. Using this dialog, you can name cell ranges,
formulas and constants, and provide additional information for created names.
1. To invoke the New Name dialog, on the Formulas tab in the Defined Names group, click the Define Name button.
2. In the invoked dialog in the Name box, type a name to be associated with a cell or cell range, formula or constant.

3. In the Scope drop-down list, select the scope of the defined name: specify whether a name should be accessible within an
entire workbook or an individual worksheet only.
4. In the Comment box, enter a descriptive text for your defined name (optionally).
5. In the Refers to box, type a cell reference, formula or constant for which you wish to define a name.
By default, when you invoke the New Name dialog, the current selection is displayed in the Refers to box. However, you
can enter another cell range by selecting it directly in the worksheet. To do this, click the Collapse Dialog button ( ) to
minimize the dialog and access the worksheet, select the appropriate cell range, and then click the Expand Dialog button (
) to restore the dialog's initial state.

6. Click OK to finish creating the name.

Create Names from Selection

The Create Names from Selection dialog allows you to automatically generate names for rows and columns in the selected
range using the row and column labels.
To create a name from a selection, do the following.
1. Select a cell range to be named, including the row or column labels to be used for generating names.
2. On the Formulas tab in the Defined Names group, click the Create from Selection button, or press CTRL+SHIFT+F3.
3. In the invoked Create Names from Selection dialog, specify which row (top or bottom) or column (left or right) contains
labels that should be used for generating names, and click OK.


Names generated using this approach do not include the row and column labels and refer only to the cells containing values.

Mange Names Using the Name Manager Dialog

The Name Manager dialog lists all the defined names specified in a workbook and allows you to create new names, edit and
delete existing names.

To invoke the Name Manager dialog, on the Formulas tab in the Defined Names group, click the Name Manager button.
Create a name
To define a new name, at the top of the Name Manager dialog, click the New... button. In the invoked New Name dialog,
specify all necessary parameters for a new defined name.
Edit a name
To modify the existing name, select this name in the Name list, and at the top of the Name Manager dialog click the Edit...
button, or double-click the name. In the invoked Edit Name dialog, modify the name itself, change the cell reference,
formula or constant to which the name refers, or enter a new comment. Only the scope of the defined name cannot be

If you wish to modify only the current reference for a name, you can do it directly in the Name Manager dialog. To do this,
select the desired name in the Name list and type a new value in the Refers to box, or...

... click the Collapse Dialog button ( ) and select the desired range directly in the worksheet.

Use Names in Formulas

To insert an existing defined name into a formula, type the required name directly in the formula or select it from the Use in
Formula list on the Formulas tab in the Defined Names group.
Delete Names
To remove a defined name, do the following.
1. On the Formulas tab, in the Defined Names group, click the Name Manager button.

2. In the invoked Name Manager dialog, select the name you wish to delete.
3. Click the Delete button, or press DELETE.
Using Functions in Formulas
The Spreadsheet provides the capability to use a set of predefined functions in formulas to perform simple or complex
To create a formula containing functions, follow the instructions below.
1. Click the cell in which you want to insert the formula.
2. Type the equal sign "=". This is required to interpret the cell content as a formula. Skip this action if you insert the function
in a cell which already contains a formula.
3. Type the function's name, or insert the required function from the Function Library.
4. Enter the arguments between the function's parentheses.
5. Press ENTER. The result appears in the cell in which you inserted the formula.

Insert a Function
If you do not remember the name of the function you want to use, you can insert the desired function quickly using one of the
following approaches.
Using the Function Library group
On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the button corresponding to the category to which your function
belongs, and select this function from the button's drop-down list.
 Tip

Frequently used functions such as Sum, Average, Count Numbers, Max and Min are also listed under the AutoSum
button on the Home tab in the Editing group.
For example, if you wish to add all numbers in the range E4:E8, in the Function Library group, select the SUM function
from the AutoSum (or Math & Trig) button's drop-down list. Type "E4:E8" in the function's parentheses, or select the cell
range directly in the worksheet, and press ENTER.

Using the **Insert Function dialog**

1. To invoke the Insert Function dialog, click the Insert Function button on the Formula Bar, or press SHIFT+F3.
2. At the top of the dialog, select a category to which the desired function belongs, and then select this function in the
sorted list below. Note that at the bottom of the dialog, the selected function's syntax and description are shown. Click

3. In the invoked Function Arguments dialog, enter the required function's arguments (that are marked in bold font) in
the corresponding editors. A function argument can be a data value, cell reference, defined name, another function,
If your function uses a cell reference as an argument, you can select the desired cell range directly in the worksheet. To
do this, click the Collapse Dialog button ( ) to the right of the argument editor (to minimize the dialog and access
the worksheet), select the appropriate cell range, and then click the Expand Dialog button ( ) to restore the dialog's
initial state and continue specifying other function arguments.

After all the function's arguments are specified, click OK to finish building your formula and see the calculated result
in the cell.
If you start the formula with a function, the Spreadsheet automatically adds the equal sign to your formula.

Nested functions
You can create a formula with a function that uses another function as one of the arguments. A function that is used as an
argument is called a nested function. A formula can contain up to 64 levels of nesting.
Examples of formulas with nested functions are detailed in the table below.


=ROUND(SUM(A1:A5),2) Round the sum of the values contained in the cell range A1:A5 to two decimal places.

=SQRT(AVERAGE(A1:A5)) Returns the square root of the average value of the numbers in the cell range A1:A5.

=IF(A5<1000, POWER(A5,2)) Square the value in cell A5 if it is less than 1000.

Supported Functions
The Spreadsheet supports the following functions to be used in formulas.
Mathematical Functions - used to perform common mathematical operations: addition (SUM), multiplication (PRODUCT),
exponentiation (POWER), extraction of the square root (SQRT), evaluation of trigonometric functions (e.g., SIN, COS or TAN),
Financial Functions - used to perform various types of financial operations: calculation of interest rates (RATE), calculation
of interest payments (IPMT), etc.
Logical Functions - used to perform logical operations such as AND, OR, NOT, etc.
Text Functions - used to provide operations with text data in cells, such as string concatenation (CONCATENATE),
replacement of part of a string with another string (REPLACE), etc.
Date and Time Functions - used to work with dates: to calculate the number of days, months, or years between two dates
(e.g., DATEIF or DAYS360), or to add various components of a specified time to a worksheet (e.g., SECOND, MINUTE or
Lookup and Reference Functions - used for searching specific data in a worksheet: to look up values in vectors, arrays or
references (e.g., LOOKUP or MATCH)
Statistical Functions - used for data analysis: to find the average of a list of values (AVERAGE), to evaluate the covariance
between two data sets (COVAR), to find the smallest or the largest value in a list of arguments (MAX, MIN), etc.
Engineering Functions - used to work with special functions (e.g., BESSELI or BESSELJ), complex numbers (e.g., COMPLEX
or IMAGINARY) and various numeral systems (e.g., DEC2BIN or BIN2DEC).
Information Functions - used to provide information about the formatting, location or content of cells (e.g., CELL, INFO or
Compatibility Functions - replaced by new functions in Microsoft® Excel® versions 2010 and higher. These functions can
be used to provide compatibility with earlier versions of Microsoft® Excel®.
Web Functions - used to return a URL-encoded string (ENCODEURL).
All of the functions described above are available in the Function Library group within the Formulas tab.
Create an Array Formula
An array formula is a formula that performs calculations on sets of cell ranges, so that you do not need to re-enter formulas for
each calculation. Create an array formula and specify the columns or rows that the array formula must fill. Array formulas are
used to perform actions on two or more sets of values, which are called arguments. Each array argument must have the same
number of rows and columns. The result of an array formula can either be a single value or multiple values.
To create an array formula, do the following.
1. Select the cell in which you wish to insert the array formula. If the formula calculates multiple results, select the cell range
for which you wish to create the array formula.
2. Enter the array formula in the Formula Bar.
3. Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. The Spreadsheet automatically adds a pair of curly braces to the formula to indicate that it is
an array formula.


Any time you edit the array formula, you must press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to save changes and convert the formula into an array
The example below demonstrates how to create a formula that multiplies three arrays of values (quantity, price and discount) to
get an array of amount values for each product item without entering a separate formula for each row.
Error Types in Formulas
If a formula in a cell cannot be calculated correctly, it means that the cell contains an error. The error appears because the
formula's syntax is incorrect, or the formula uses unexpected arguments or data types.
Errors that occur in formulas are detailed in the following table:


##### The column is not wide enough to display the cell content.

=A1/B1 (where the value in cell B1 is equal to zero, or

#DIV/0! Division by zero.
cell B1 is blank).

The formula refers to a name that doesn't exist or is spelled =SUM(Values) (the cell range named "Values" does not
incorrectly. exist).

=SUM(A1:A5*B1:B3) (the array formula has

#N/A The referenced value is not available to the formula.
arguments consisting of different numbers of elements).

An incorrect range operator is used in the formula, or the specified =SUM(A1 A3) (a colon is missing in the cell range
intersection includes two ranges that do not intersect. reference).

=SQRT(-4) (the square root of a negative number

#NUM! There are invalid numeric values in the formula.
cannot be calculated).

#REF! The cell reference is not valid. =SUM(A1, B1) (column B has been deleted).

=SUM(5, "Text") (the SUM function requires numeric

#VALUE! The formula uses values of the wrong data type.
Charting Overview
The Spreadsheet provides the capability to summarize worksheet data visually using a variety of charts. Charts display data
series visually to make data interpretation easier, and show the relationship between different data series. To create a chart, click
the chart type you wish to insert in the Charts group within the Insert tab.

The following chart types are currently available in the Spreadsheet:

Column Charts
Column charts are used to display series as sets of vertical bars (or columns) that are grouped by category. The bar lengths
are proportional to the values that they represent. Column charts are typically used to compare values in different
categories. Some column graphs display series as individual columns, grouped by category, and others show columns
divided into subparts to show a cumulative effect (stacked column graphs). You can select column charts of different shapes,
such as cylinder, cone or pyramid.

Line Charts
Line charts display information as a series of data points connected by line segments. This chart type is useful when you
need to show trends for several series on the same diagram, and to compare values of several series for the same point
Pie Charts
Pie and doughnut charts are used to compare the percentage values of different point arguments in the same series. These
charts may be useful to determine which point value is the most significant, or which values in the point series are the most
significant. A doughnut chart is functionally identical to a pie chart. The main difference is the shape of the doughnut chart,
and that it can contain more than one data series.

Bar Charts
Bar charts are identical to column charts with one exception: bar charts use horizontal bars instead of vertical bars to
compare values across categories. Some bar graphs display series as individual bars grouped by category, and others show
bars divided into subparts to show a cumulative effect (stacked bar graphs). You can select bar charts of different shapes,
such as cylinder, cone or pyramid.
Area Charts
Area charts display series as filled areas in a diagram, with each data point displayed as a peak or valley in the area. This
chart type is useful when you need to show trends for several series on the same diagram, and also show the relationship of
the parts to the whole. The area chart is based on the line chart, with the area below the plotted line filled with color.

Scatter Charts
Scatter charts are used to plot data points on the horizontal and vertical axis to show the relationship between two sets of
data. This chart type combines data values into single data points and displays them in uneven intervals (or clusters).
Bubble charts allow you to visually represent data that has a third dimension, expressed in the bubble's size. You map two
dimensions along the horizontal and vertical axes, and then the third dimension is displayed as a filled circle at the data
Stock Charts
Stock charts are used to show variation in stock prices over the course of a day. In the High-Low-Close chart type, the
High and Low prices are represented by the top and bottom values of the vertical line that is shown at each point, and the
Close prices are represented by the right tick marks. In the Open-High-Low-Close chart type, the High and Low prices are
shown in the same way as in the High-Low-Close charts, but the Open and Close prices are represented by the bottom
and top borders of a rectangle. If the stock closes higher than its opening price, the rectangle is hollow. And if the stock
closes lower than its opening price, the rectangle is filled.

Radar Charts
Radar charts are used when it is necessary to display series as an area on a circular grid that has multiple axes along which
data can be plotted, so values are shown relative to a center point.
Creating a Chart
The Spreadsheet allows you to create charts quickly using the Charts group of the Insert tab.
To create a chart, select the table that contains the data you wish to use for the chart. Note that the Spreadsheet only allows you
to create charts for data series representing a contiguous cell range.

In the Charts group within the Insert tab, select the required chart type. In the example below, a line chart is created. To insert a
line chart, click the Line button, and then select the Line with Markers chart subtype.

The chart is added to the worksheet. You can move the chart to the desired location and resize it for a better fit.
Changing a Chart Type
The Spreadsheet allows you to change the type of the existing chart. To do this, click the chart to display the Chart Tools
contextual tab.
Click the Change Chart Type button in the Type group within the Design tab...

... or right-click the chart and select the Change Chart Type... item in the context menu.

In the invoked Change Chart Type dialog, select a new chart type and click OK.

The following image illustrates the chart with the Radar with Markers chart type applied.
Applying a Predefined Chart Layout and Style
The Spreadsheet allows you to change the appearance of the existing chart by applying one of the predefined layouts and styles.
To change a chart style or layout, click the chart you wish to format, to display the Chart Tools contextual tab.

Apply a Predefined Chart Layout

In the Chart Layouts group within the Design tab, select the required chart layout. For example, select Layout 10, which
positions the chart legend to the right of the chart area, and adds the chart and axis titles.

To enter the chart title, right-click the chart and select the Change Chart Title... item in the context menu.

In the invoked Change Chart Title dialog box, enter a title and click OK.

To provide horizontal or vertical axis titles, right-click the chart and select the Change Horizontal Axis Title... or Change
Vertical Axis Title... item in the context menu. Type a new title in the invoked dialog box.
The image below shows the result.
Apply a Predefined Style
In the Chart Styles group of the Design tab, click the chart style you wish to apply.

The image below shows a chart with Style 22 applied.

Modifying a Chart Manually
After you create a chart, you can choose whether to apply one of the predefined chart layouts or specify your own layout. The
Spreadsheet provides the capability to add axis titles and chart titles, show the chart legend, display gridlines and data labels, etc.
To modify a chart, click it to display the Chart Tools contextual tab.

Add a Chart Title

To add a title to your chart, click the Chart Title button in the Labels group within the Layout tab, and then select where to
position the chart title. For example, click the Above Chart button to display the title at the top of the chart.

The image below illustrates the result.

To change the default text in the title, right-click the chart and select the Change Chart Title... item in the context menu. Specify a
new chart title in the invoked Change Chart Title dialog box.

Add Axis Titles

To display horizontal and vertical axis titles, click the Axis Titles button in the Labels group within the Layout tab and do the
To add a horizontal axis title, select the Primary Horizontal Axis Title item, and then click the Title Below Axis button.

To add a vertical axis title, select the Primary Vertical Axis Title item, and then select the type of axis title (rotated, vertical
or horizontal) you wish to display.

To change the default text in the axis title, right-click the chart and select the Change Horizontal Axis Title... or Change
Vertical Axis Title... item in the context menu. Type a new title in the invoked dialog box.

Add a Chart Legend

To add a legend to the chart, click the Legend button in the Labels group within the Layout tab, and then select where to
position the legend.
For example, click the Show Legend at Top button to display the legend above the plot area.

Display Data Labels

To display data values on the chart, click the Data Labels button in the Labels group within the Layout tab, and then select
where to position the data labels.

Add Gridlines
To display chart gridlines, click the Gridlines button in the Axes group within the Layout tab and do one of the following:
To add horizontal gridlines, select the Primary Horizontal Gridlines item, and then select the type of gridlines you wish to

To add vertical gridlines, select the Primary Vertical Gridlines item, and then select the type of gridlines you wish to

A chart with horizontal and vertical gridlines is shown below.

Creating a Chart Sheet
The Spreadsheet allows you to create two chart types: an embedded chart inserted into an existing worksheet and a standalone
chart placed on a separate sheet in a workbook - a chart sheet. Chart sheets are useful when you need to show or print a chart on
a page without any worksheet data.
Select the action you wish to perform:
Insert a New Chart Sheet
Move an Existing Chart to a Chart Sheet
Remove a Chart Sheet

Insert a New Chart Sheet

1. On the Sheet tab bar, right-click an existing worksheet's tab and select Insert... in the context menu.

2. Select Chart in the invoked dialog and click OK.

As a result, an empty chart sheet with a default name is added to the document.
3. Select the chart data by clicking Select Data in the Data group, on the Chart Tools | Design tab...

... or by right-clicking an empty chart area and clicking Select Data... in the context menu.
4. In the invoked Select Data Source dialog, enter a reference to the cell range containing the chart data. You can use the
Collapse Dialog button to select this range directly in a worksheet.

The Spreadsheet creates a clustered column chart by default.

5. To change the default chart type, click Change Chart Type in the Type group, on the Chart Tools | Design tab...

... or right-click a chart and select Change Chart Type... in the context menu.

6. In the invoked Change Chart Type dialog, select a new chart type and click OK.
Use other options on the Chart Tools contextual tab to fine-tune chart settings like applying a chart style and adjusting the
chart's layout.

Move an Existing Chart to a Chart Sheet

To move an existing chart from a worksheet to a separate chart sheet, follow the steps below:
1. Click Move Chart in the Location group, on the Chart Tools | Design tab...

... or right-click the chart and select Move Chart... in the context menu.

2. In the invoked dialog, select New Sheet and then enter a chart sheet name. Click OK to create a chart sheet with the
specified chart.
Remove a Chart Sheet
To delete a chart sheet, right-click its tab on the Sheet tab bar, and then click Delete in the context menu.

If you want to preserve a chart located on a chart sheet, you can move the chart back to the worksheet containing the source data
or place it on another worksheet. Click Move Chart in the Location group, on the Chart Tools | Design tab to invoke the Move
Chart dialog. Select the necessary worksheet from the Object in list and click OK.

As a result, the Spreadsheet removes the chart sheet and moves its chart to the specified worksheet. You can change the chart's
location and resize it.
Mail Merge Overview
The Spreadsheet supports the Mail Merge functionality, which allows you to automatically generate a set of documents based
on a common template, and include unique data values retrieved from a data source in each document. Use mail merge to
generate personalized letters and a variety of professional reports.
Add a Data Source
Create a Template
Generate a Merged Document

Add a Data Source

To perform a mail merge, you need a template and a data source from which the data is retrieved. You can specify a data source
at runtime using the Data Source Wizard. Once created, the data source configuration will be stored in the XLS/XLSX
spreadsheet file, so there is no need to re-configure the data source again.
To invoke the wizard, click Add Data Source in the External Data Sources group of the Mail Merge tab.

The wizard allows you to select the data source type. You can choose between an external database, the Entity Framework, an
object data source or an Excel workbook.

For more information on data source configuration, review the following documents:
Data Source Wizard
Query Builder
Parameters Panel
Create a Template
A template is a workbook with one worksheet containing mail merge fields that will be filled with unique data values from a
bound data source.
As a rule, a template includes detail, header and footer ranges that reflect the structure of a merged document. To highlight
template ranges, on the Mail Merge tab, in the Design group, click the Mail Merge Design View button.

A detail range contains information from a data source. To create a detail range, select the range of the required size and do one
of the following:
On the Mail Merge tab, in the Template Ranges group, click the Detail button.

Assign the "DETAILRANGE" defined name to the selected range.

A detail range includes mail merge fields. Real data values retrieved from a data source will be displayed in a merged document
instead of these fields. To create a mail merge field, use the FIELD function.

FIELD FIELD("data_field_name") Retrieves a data value from the corresponding field of a data source.

A mail merge field is displayed as the name of the specified data field enclosed in square brackets. If a mail merge field is used in
a cell formula as one of its elements, the entire formula is displayed in the cell.

You can also create a multi-level report by adding nested levels within a detail range. To create the next data level, select a range
within an existing detail range, and then click Master-Detail | Detail Level in the Template Ranges group. Click Master-Detail
| Data Member to invoke the Data Member dialog and bind the specified detail level to a data member from a data source.

Header and footer ranges are displayed above and below all detail ranges in the resulting worksheet if all data records are
merged into a single worksheet. In other mail merge modes, the header and footer are repeated for each detail range. To create a
header or footer range, select the range you wish to use as a header or footer, and do one of the following:
On the Mail Merge tab, in the Template Ranges group, click the Header or Footer button.

Assign the "HEADERRANGE" or "FOOTERRANGE" defined name to the selected range.

Note that you can create a header or footer range only if the template already contains a detail range. If you do not set a detail
range, the entire template will be copied for each record of the data source.
At the template creation stage, you can access the range into which the specified cell in a template will be expanded after a mail
merge is performed. To do this, use the RANGE function.


RANGE RANGE(abs_cell_reference) Obtains the specified range of a merged document.

If you no longer wish to use the specified range as a detail range, header or footer, you can reset it by clicking the Reset button.

Generate a Merged Document

A mail merge supports three modes for generating a resulting document, as listed in the table below:


Multiple Documents Inserts the merged range for each record of the data source into a separate workbook.

Multiple Sheets Inserts the merged range for each record of the data source into a separate worksheet of a single document.

Single Sheet Inserts all merged ranges into a single worksheet, retaining the structure of the template document.

Document Orientation Specifies the direction in which the detail range will be repeated.

To select the desired mode, on the Mail Merge tab, in the Mode group, click Multiple Documents, Multiple Sheets or Single
Sheet. Document Orientation option can be useful for the Single Sheet mode only.
Data Source Wizard
The Data Source Wizard allows the user to create a new data source, configure it, and if there is more than one data source
available, to select the one that is required for a particular task. Once created, the data source configuration will be stored in the
XLS/XLSX spreadsheet file, so the user does not have to re-configure the data source again.
To invoke the wizard, click Add Data Source in the External Data Sources group of the Mail Merge tab.

Next, proceed with the following steps in the wizard.

1. On the first page, specify the name for the new data source and click Next.

2. On the next page, select the data source type and click Next. The following steps assume that a Database is selected.
3. If a data connection has already been specified in the application, the next wizard page allows you to select whether to use
one of the existing connections, or create a new one.

4. When creating a new connection, you can specify the connection parameters on the next page.
On this page, you can define a custom connection string, or select from the following supported data source types.
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Access 97
Microsoft Access 2007
Microsoft SQL Server CE
Amazon Redshift
Google BigQuery
Pervasive PSQL
SAP Sybase Advantage
SAP Sybase ASE
XML File
Depending on the selected data provider, it may be necessary to specify additional connection options (such as
authentication type and database name) on this page.
To proceed to the next wizard page, click Next.
5. On this page, you are prompted whether to save the user name and password in a connection string.
Click Next to proceed to the next page.
6. This page allows you to select a query or a stored procedure.

Click Run Query Builder... to invoke the Query Builder window.

7. The Query Builder window allows you to select tables and columns to include in the result. The joins are created
automatically, however you can modify them using the Join Editor.
Click OK to close the Query Builder dialog and return to the Data Source Wizard.
8. The data source is created and configured.

Now you can click Finish to quit the Data Source Wizard.
If the Spreadsheet is accompanied with the Field List Panel, the fields from the bound data source are immediately
displayed within that panel. It allows you to drag and drop the required data field onto a worksheet used as a mail merge
To modify the query used in the data source, click Manage Relations -> Manage Queries in the External Data Sources
group to invoke the Query Builder.
 Tip

The data source configuration is stored in .xls or .xlsx file. You can save the workbook after creating the data source. Subsequently,
you can start a mail merge immediately after the XLSX/XLS file is loaded into the Spreadsheet control.
Query Builder
When the data source is configured, you can use the built-in Query Builder dialog to select required data.
To invoke the Query Builder window, select the Manage Queries item from the Manage Relations drop-down menu.

In the Manage Queries dialog, click the ellipsis button in the query list to edit the selected query.

The Query Editor window appears.

To modify the query, invoke the Query Builder window by clicking the Run Query Builder... button.

To add a data table to the query, drag the required table from the list of available tables on the left and drop it onto the list of data
tables to be used. Select the check box near the field to include this field in the query. A green plus symbol near the field indicates
that you can join tables using this field.
Click Preview Results... to invoke a dialog displaying the first 1000 records of the resulting table.
Click the Filter... button in the Query Builder to invoke the Filter Editor window that allows you to specify a filtering criterion or
create a parametrized query.

For more information on parameters, review the Parameters Panel document.

When all the necessary changes are made, click OK to close the window and save the query in the document.
 Tip

All queries are stored in an .xls or .xlsx file. You can save the workbook after creating the data source. Subsequently, you can start
performing a mail merge immediately after the XLSX/XLS file is loaded into the Spreadsheet control.
Parameters Panel
The Spreadsheet can be accompanied with the Parameters panel. It displays parameters used in a query to retrieve data and
allows you to modify them. The following picture illustrates how to specify the order ID for data used in the mail merge template.

The resulting report for order ID 10300 is shown below.

To add a parameter to a query, invoke the Query Builder and click the Filter... button to display the Filter Editor window.
The Filter Editor window allows you to specify a filtering criterion to be applied to the source data.

Click the icon on the right side of the Filter Editor to switch between a value, another field and a parameter.
Click OK to close the Filter Editor dialog and click Next in the Query Editor window to navigate to the page that allows you to
configure query parameters. This page is shown in the image below.

Select the check box in the Expression column to specify an expression to calculate the parameter value. Map the query
parameter to a new spreadsheet parameter. To do this, expand the drop-down list for the Value column and select the New
Spreadsheet Parameter... item.
In the invoked Spreadsheet Parameter dialog, specify the required parameter settings (its name, type and initial value).
After closing the Query Builder window, you will see the newly created parameter in the Parameters panel as shown in the
picture at the beginning of this document.
Insert a Picture
The Spreadsheet allows you to insert pictures in a worksheet.
You can insert graphics of the following type.
Bitmap (*.bmp, *.dib)
JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpg, *.jpeg)
Portable Network Graphics (*.png)
Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif)
Tagged Image Format (*.tif, *.tiff)
Microsoft Enhanced Metafile (*.emf)
Windows Metafile (*.wmf)
To insert a picture, follow the instructions below.
1. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click the Picture button.

2. In the Open dialog box that is invoked, locate the folder that contains the picture you want to insert. Click Open. The picture
will be inserted into the worksheet.
Move, Rotate and Resize a Picture
Move a Picture
1. Click the picture you wish to move.
2. Drag the picture to a new location.

Rotate a Picture
1. Click the picture you wish to rotate.
2. Click the rotation handle (the round arrow that appears over the selected picture) and drag it in the direction in which you
wish to rotate the object.

3. To rotate a picture in 15-degree increments, drag the rotation handle while holding down the SHIFT key.

Resize a Picture
1. Click the picture to be resized.
2. Drag the sizing handle away from the center (or towards the center) of the picture, and release it once the desired size is

When you change the width of the object by dragging a corner sizing handle, the object's height will automatically be changed to
maintain the aspect ratio of the object, and vice-versa.
Insert and Delete Hyperlinks
The Spreadsheet allows you to insert, edit and delete hyperlinks. A hyperlink is a link from a worksheet to another file or Web
page that can be opened when you click the hyperlink text or image.

Insert a Hyperlink
1. Click the cell in which you wish to insert a hyperlink.
2. Do one of the following.
In the Links group within the Insert tab, click the Hyperlink button.

Right-click the cell and select Hyperlink... from the context menu.

Press CTRL+K.
3. In the invoked Edit Hyperlink dialog box, select whether you wish to insert a hyperlink to an existing file, a Web page, a
location within the current workbook, or an email address. Depending on your choice, provide all required options in the
right pane of the dialog box.
Delete a Hyperlink
1. To delete a hyperlink along with its text, do one of the following.
In the Editing group within the Home tab, click the Clear button, and select Clear Contents from the drop-down list.

Right-click the cell that contains the hyperlink and select Clear Contents from the invoked context menu.
2. To delete a hyperlink while maintaining its text with hyperlink formatting, in the Editing group within the Home tab, click
Clear, and select Clear Hyperlinks from the drop-down list.

3. To delete a hyperlink while maintaining its text with default formatting, do one of the following.
In the Editing group within the Home tab, click the Clear button, and select Remove Hyperlinks from the drop-
down list.
Right-click the cell that contains the hyperlink and select Remove Hyperlinks from the invoked context menu.
Shortcuts to Work with Pictures
The Spreadsheet allows you to move, resize or rotate pictures quickly using keyboard shortcuts.
To work with pictures, use the default shortcuts listed in the table below.


DELETE Deletes the selected picture.

BACKSPACE Deletes the selected picture.

ARROW KEYS Move the selected picture in a worksheet.

ALT+LEFT ARROW KEY Rotates the selected picture counterclockwise by 15 degrees.

CTRL+ALT+LEFT ARROW KEY Rotates the selected picture counterclockwise by 1 degree.

ALT+RIGHT ARROW KEY Rotates the selected picture clockwise by 15 degrees.

CTRL+ALT+RIGHT ARROW KEY Rotates the selected picture clockwise by 1 degree.

SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW KEY Increases the width and height of the selected picture by 10%.

SHIFT+UP ARROW KEY Increases the width and height of the selected picture by 10%.

CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW KEY Increases the width and height of the selected picture by 1%.

CTRL+SHIFT+UP ARROW KEY Increases the width and height of the selected picture by 1%.

SHIFT+LEFT ARROW KEY Decreases the width and height of the selected picture by 10%.

SHIFT+DOWN ARROW KEY Decreases the width and height of the selected picture by 10%.

CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW KEY Decreases the width and height of the selected picture by 1%.

CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW KEY Decreases the width and height of the selected picture by 1%.

CTRL+A Selects all pictures in a worksheet.

TAB Selects the next picture in a worksheet.

TAB+SHIFT Selects the previous picture in a worksheet.

Protect a Workbook
Workbook protection prevents users from changing a workbook’s structure (by moving, deleting, adding, hiding or displaying a
hidden worksheet) or window position (by freezing or unfreezing panes).
You can protect a worksheet by using the following dialog:

To invoke this dialog, on the Review tab, in the Changes group, click Protect Workbook.

In a protected workbook, this button displays the "Unprotect Workbook" caption, which invokes a simple dialog that prompts
for a password or unlocks the workbook if an empty password was set.
Protect a Worksheet
Worksheet protection locks the cells so that you can only perform a specific (restricted) set of actions.
By default, all cells in the worksheet are locked. When protection is applied to the worksheet, these cells become read-only.
However, you can specify certain actions which can be performed with the locked cells in a protected worksheet.
To protect a worksheet, use the following dialog:

To invoke this dialog, on the Review tab, in the Changes group, click the Protect Sheet button.

In a protected sheet, this button displays the "Unprotect Sheet" caption, which invokes a simple dialog that prompts for a
password or unlocks the sheet if an empty password was set.
Protect Worksheet Ranges
In a protected worksheet, all locked cells are read-only. However, you can unlock certain ranges for users who provide the correct
password. You can also specify user accounts and groups who can edit specific ranges without a password.
To accomplish this task, invoke the Allow Users to Edit Ranges dialog. On the Review tab, in the Changes group, click Allow
Users to Edit Ranges.

The Allow Users to Edit Ranges dialog is shown in the picture below.

Click the New... button to display a dialog to specify the worksheet range and password, as illustrated below.

The Permissions... button allows you to specify Active Directory users and groups.
After all required permissions and password-protected ranges are specified, apply protection to the worksheet to activate
permissions as described in the Protect a Worksheet document.
When attempting to edit a cell content in a protected range for which a permission is specified, you will be prompted for a
password if your user account is not listed in the Permissions dialog for that range or if the account does not belong to the user
group listed in that dialog.
Encrypt a Workbook with the Password
You can encrypt your document with a password to prevent unauthorized people from opening or modifying your workbooks. To
do that, follow the steps below.
1. In the Info group on the File tab, click the Encrypt with Password button.

2. In the invoked dialog, specify the encryption password. Then, re-enter the password again and click OK.

3. Save the workbook to apply changes. The next time the workbook will be opened, a simple dialog that prompts for a
password will be invoked.

4. To remove the password encryption, in the Info group on the File tab, click the Encrypt with Password button. In the
invoked window, clear the contents of the Password box. Save the document to apply changes.
The Spreadsheet provides the capability to perform common commands quickly using keyboard shortcuts.
All supported shortcuts are divided into the following groups:
File Operations
Navigation inside Worksheets
Work with Selections
Copy, Paste and Edit the Cell Content
Cell Formatting
Work with Columns and Rows
Sort and Filter
Work with Formulas
File Operations
The key combinations used to perform file operations are listed in the table below.


CTRL+N Creates a blank workbook.

CTRL+O Invokes the Open dialog box to open a new file.

CTRL+S Saves changes in the current workbook.

F12 Invokes the Save as dialog box to save a workbook in the specified file format to a new location.

SHIFT+F11 Inserts a new worksheet in front of the existing worksheet within the current workbook.

CTRL+P Invokes the Print dialog box.

Navigation inside Worksheets
The key combinations that allow you to navigate through a worksheet are listed in the table below.


LEFT ARROW KEY Moves the active cell one cell to the left in a worksheet.

RIGHT ARROW KEY Moves the active cell one cell to the right in a worksheet.

UP ARROW KEY Moves the active cell one cell up in a worksheet.

DOWN ARROW KEY Moves the active cell one cell down in a worksheet.

ENTER Moves the active cell one cell down in a worksheet.

SHIFT+ENTER Moves the active cell one cell up in a worksheet.

TAB Moves the active cell one cell to the right in a worksheet.

SHIFT+TAB Moves the active cell one cell to the left in a worksheet.

CTRL+ARROW KEYS Move the active cell to the edge of the current data region in a worksheet.

HOME Moves the active cell to the beginning of a row in a worksheet.

CTRL+HOME Moves the active cell to the beginning of a worksheet.

CTRL+END Moves the active cell to the last cell in a worksheet (the last edited row of the rightmost edited column).

PAGE DOWN Moves the active cell one screen down in a worksheet.

PAGE UP Moves the active cell one screen up in a worksheet.

CTRL+F Invokes the Find and Replace dialog (with the Find tab activated).

CTRL+H Invokes the Find and Replace dialog (with the Replace tab activated).

CTRL+PAGE DOWN Moves to the next worksheet in the current workbook.

CTRL+PAGE UP Moves to the previous worksheet in the current workbook.

Work with Selections
The key combinations that allow you to work with selections are listed in the table below.


ENTER Moves the active cell one cell down in the selection.

SHIFT+ENTER Moves the active cell one cell up in the selection.

TAB Moves the active cell one cell to the right in the selection.

SHIFT+TAB Moves the active cell one cell to the left in the selection.

CTRL+PERIOD (.) Moves the active cell clockwise to the next corner of the selection.

CTRL+ALT+LEFT/RIGHT ARROW KEY Switches between multiple selected ranges of cells.

SHIFT+BACKSPACE Selects only the active cell in the selected cell range.

CTRL+SPACEBAR Selects an entire column in a worksheet.

SHIFT+SPACEBAR Selects an entire row in a worksheet.

CTRL+A Selects the entire worksheet or the data region to which the active cell belongs.

CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR Selects the entire worksheet or the data region to which the active cell belongs.

SHIFT+ARROW KEYS Extend the selection by one cell.

CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW KEYS Extend the selection to the last nonblank cell in a row or column.

SHIFT+HOME Extends the selection to the first column.

CTRL+SHIFT+HOME Extends the selection to the beginning of the document.

CTRL+SHIFT+END Extends the selection to the previously used cell in a worksheet.

SHIFT+PAGE DOWN Extends the selection one screen down in a worksheet.

SHIFT+PAGE UP Extends the selection one screen up in a worksheet.

Copy, Paste and Edit the Cell Content
The key combinations used to work with cell content are listed below.


F2 Turns on the edit mode for the active cell and positions the cursor at the end of the cell content.

SHIFT+LEFT ARROW KEY In the cell edit mode, selects or deselects one character to the left.

SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW KEY In the cell edit mode, selects or deselects one character to the right.

CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW KEY In the cell edit mode, selects or deselects one word to the left.

CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW KEY In the cell edit mode, selects or deselects one word to the right.

SHIFT+HOME In the cell edit mode, selects from the cursor current position to the beginning of the cell.

SHIFT+END In the cell edit mode, selects from the cursor current position to the end of the cell.

ALT+ENTER Starts a new line in the same cell.

CTRL+ENTER Completes a cell entry and stays in the same cell.

ENTER Completes a cell entry and selects the cell below.

SHIFT+ENTER Completes a cell entry and selects the cell above.

TAB Completes a cell entry and selects the cell to the right.

SHIFT+TAB Completes a cell entry and selects the cell to the left.

ESC Cancels an entry in a cell or Formula Bar.

BACKSPACE In the cell edit mode, deletes a character to the left of the cursor.

DELETE Removes the cell content without affecting the cell formatting.

CTRL+DELETE In the cell edit mode, deletes all characters from the cursor current position to the end of the line.

CTRL+Z or ALT+BACKSPACE Performs the Undo command to reverse the last action or to delete the last entry you typed.

CTRL+Y or ALT+SHIFT+BACKSPACE Repeats the last action.

CTRL+C or CTRL+INSERT Copies the selected cell in the clipboard.

CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERT Inserts the contents of the clipboard in the specified cell and replaces any selection.

CTRL+ALT+V Invokes the Paste Special dialog box to specify the paste options.

CTRL+X or SHIFT+DELETE Cuts the selected cells.


CTRL+D Performs the Fill Down command to copy the contents of the topmost cell to the cells below.

CTRL+R Performs the Fill Right command to copy the contents of the leftmost cell to the cell to the right.

CTRL+K Invokes the Insert Hyperlink dialog box to create a new hyperlink.

SHIFT+F2 Adds a comment to the active cell.

Cell Formatting
The key combinations that allow you to apply formatting options quickly are listed in the following table.


CTRL+SHIFT+F Invokes the Format Cells dialog (with the Font tab activated).

CTRL+B or CTRL+2 Applies or removes bold formatting.

CTRL+I or CTRL+3 Applies or removes italic formatting.

CTRL+U or CTRL+4 Applies or removes underlining.

CTRL+5 Applies or removes strikethrough.

CTRL+SHIFT+7 Applies the outline border to the selected cell or cell range.

CTRL+SHIFT+MINUS (-) Removes the outline border from the selected cell or cell range.

CTRL+SHIFT+1 Applies the Number format with two decimal places.

CTRL+SHIFT+2 Applies the Time format.

CTRL+SHIFT+3 Applies the Date format.

CTRL+SHIFT+4 Applies the Currency format.

CTRL+SHIFT+5 Applies the Percentage format.

CTRL+SHIFT+6 Applies the Scientific number format.

Work with Columns and Rows
The key combinations that allow you to display, hide or group columns and rows in a worksheet are listed in the following table.


CTRL+9 Hides the selected rows.

CTRL+SHIFT+9 Displays the hidden rows.

CTRL+0 Hides the selected columns.

CTRL+SHIFT+0 Displays the hidden columns.

ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW KEY Groups the selected rows or columns.

ALT+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW KEY Unroups the selected rows or columns.

Sort and Filter
The key combinations that allow you to activate the filtering functionality for a worksheet range or table are listed in the table


CTRL+SHIFT+L Toggles between enabling and disabling the AutoFilter functionality.

CTRL+ALT+L Reapplies a filter.

Work with Formulas
The key combinations used to create formulas quickly are listed in the table below.


CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER Creates an array formula.

CTRL+ENTER Creates a shared formula.

ALT+PLUS (+) Inserts the SUM function in the active cell.

SHIFT+F3 Invokes the Insert Function dialog.

CTRL+ ` Toggles between displaying cell values and formulas on a worksheet.

CTRL+SHIFT+U Toggles between expanding and collapsing the Formula Bar.

Cycles through all the various types of cell references, when a cell reference is selected or edited directly in the cell
or Formula Bar.

F9 Calculates the entire workbook.

SHIFT+F9 Calculates the active worksheet.

CTRL+ALT+F9 Calculates the entire workbook, regardless of whether its data has changed since the last calculation.

Calculates the entire workbook, regardless of whether its data has changed since the last calculation, and rebuilds
the dependencies.

CTRL+F3 Invokes the Name Manager dialog to define a name.

CTRL+SHIFT+F3 Creates names from row and column labels.

Toolbars and Menus
This section describes the capabilities provided by toolbars and menus.

Layout Customization
Open Toolbar Customization Window
Finish Toolbar Customization
Hide and Display Toolbars
Hide and Display Bar Commands
Rearrange Toolbars and Menus
Rearrange Bar Commands
Restore the Default Layout of Bar Commands

Keyboard Navigation in Menus and Toolbars

Select Commands
Invoke Toolbar and Menu Commands
Open Toolbar Customization Window
Opening the Customization window activates the customization mode where you can:
Rearrange, hide and display bar commands.
Change display options of bar commands.
Hide bars, etc
To open the Customization window, do one of the following:
Right-click any bar or the empty space, and select Customize...

Click the dropdown button displayed at the right edge of any bar. Then select Add or Remove Buttons and then

Double-click the empty space, not occupied by any bar.

The Customization window will be opened, containing three tabs:

The Toolbars tab allows you to hide specific bars and display hidden ones.
The Commands tab allows you to access bar commands and add them to bars.
The Options tab allows you to control options affecting the display of menus and bar commands.
Finish Toolbar Customization
To finish customization, click the Customization window's Close button:
Hide and Display Toolbars
Use the Quick Customization Menu
Right-click any bar, and check or uncheck the required toolbars.

Use the Customization Window

Open the Customization window. Under the Toolbars tab, check or uncheck the required toolbars.
Hide and Display Bar Commands
Temporarily Hide and Display Bar Commands
You can temporarily hide bar commands, and then restore hidden commands within a specific bar as follows:
1. Click the dropdown button displayed at the right edge of the bar:

2. Select Add or Remove Buttons, and then select the name of the clicked bar displayed at the top of the submenu. A check
list of bar commands displayed within the bar will be displayed:

3. To hide specific commands, uncheck corresponding items via mouse click. To display hidden commands, check the
corresponding items.
If a specific command is not available in a bar's command list, you can still access this command in customization mode, and add
this command to the bar. See below, to learn more.

Hide and Display Bar Commands in Customization Mode

First, open the Customization window.
To add a specific bar command to a bar, do the following:
1. Switch to the Commands tab page and locate the required command in the Commands list. Typically, commands are
grouped into categories, so you can first select a category to quickly locate the command.
2. Drag the bar command from the Commands list onto a bar or menu. Note that you can put bar commands into nested
menus. Menus will automatically open when you drag a bar command over their parent menu items.

To remove a bar command from a bar, drag the bar command away from the bar, and drop it when the mouse cursor changes its
image to 'x':


You can cancel drag and drop while dragging an item by pressing ESC.
Rearrange Toolbars and Menus
To move a bar docked to a form to a new position, drag it via its drag widget.

To move a floating bar, drag it by its caption.

To dock a bar to any of the four edges of the form, drag the bar to this edge.

To make a docked bar floating, drag the bar away from the form's edges.
Rearrange Bar Commands
To rearrange bar commands, do the following:
1. Open the Customization window.
2. Drag a bar command to a new position:

To copy a bar command, press CTRL while dragging.


You can move commands even when the customization window is closed. For this purpose, hold down the ALT key when
dragging a bar command.
Restore the Default Layout of Bar Commands
You can customize the layout of bar commands within a bar by hiding and rearranging them. Subsequently, you can revert to the
default layout of bar commands. This topic describes two ways to do this.

Restore the Default Layout Using Quick Customization

1. Click the dropdown button displayed at the right edge of any bar:

2. Select Add or Remove Buttons, and then select the name of the clicked bar displayed at the top of the submenu. Then,
select Reset Toolbar.

Restore the Default Layout in Customization Mode

1. Open the Customization window.
2. Select a bar in the list whose layout is to be restored.

3. Click Reset.
Keyboard Navigation in Menus and Toolbars
Navigate between Toolbar and Menu Items
To switch focus to the main menu, press ALT or F10. The following shortcuts allow you to navigate through bars and bar items.
They are in effect when a bar/menu is focused.


CTRL+TAB Moves focus to another bar.

ARROW keys Moves focus to the next command in the corresponding direction.

TAB or SHIFT+TAB Moves focus to the next/previous command.

ESC Moves focus away from the currently focused bar.

Open and Close Menus

To open a sub-menu displayed within a bar, do one of the following:
Focus the sub-menu (using one of the methods described above) and press the ENTER or DOWN ARROW.
If the sub-menu's name contains an underscored letter, then:
if the bar is focused, press the underscored letter.
if the bar is not focused, hold the ALT key down and then press the underscored letter.
To open a menu displayed within another menu, do one of the following:
Focus the sub-menu and press the RIGHT ARROW.
If the menu's name contains an underscored letter, press the underscored letter.
To close the currently opened menu, press ESC.
Invoke Toolbar and Menu Commands
To invoke a specific bar or menu command, do one of the following:
Click the command with the mouse
Focus the command and then press ENTER.
If a command is visible and it contains an underscored letter in its name, then:
if the bar or menu that contains this command is focused, then press this underscored letter.
if the bar or menu that contains this command is not focused, hold the ALT key down and then press this underscored
Press the shortcut assigned to the command.
If a command is displayed within a menu, its shortcut is displayed next to the command's name (if assigned).
Shortcuts for toolbar buttons are typically displayed in hints.
Tree List
This section describes the capabilities provided by a multi-column tree view, which displays hierarchical data, supports data
editing, sorting, summary calculation and many other features:

Data Editing
Edit Cells in a Tree List

Data Presentation
Sort Tree List Nodes

Data Analysis
Filter TreeList Data
Show Summaries (Totals) in a Tree List
Apply Cell Conditional Formatting

Layout Customization
Expand and Collapse Nodes in a Tree List
Hide and Display Tree List Columns
Reorder Tree List Columns
Resize Tree List Columns

Selection and Navigation

Navigation in a Tree List
Select Tree List Nodes
Edit Cells in a Tree List
Activate Cell Editor
Do one of the following:
Click a cell.
Focus a cell (for instance, via the keyboard), and press ENTER or F2.
Focus a cell and press any alpha-numeric key. The editor will be invoked and its contents will be replaced with the pressed

Select and Deselect Cell Text

Press F2 or CTRL+A.

Close Cell Editor and Accept Changes Made

Do one of the following:
Press ENTER.
Click any other grid cell.
Focus any other control.

Discard Changes
To discard changes made in a cell, press ESC.
To discard changes made in all cells within a node, press ESC twice.

Open Cell Editor's Dropdown

Do one of the following:
Activate a cell editor and press ALT+DOWN ARROW or F4.
Click the editor's dropdown button:

Close Cell Editor's Dropdown

For all editors providing a dropdown, you can close the dropdown by pressing ALT+DOWN ARROW.
If the calculator is displayed in the dropdown, it can be closed via CTRL+ENTER.
Dropdowns displaying lists of items can be closed by clicking an item with the mouse, or by selecting an item with the keyboard
and pressing ENTER.

Change Values
Change Date/Time Values
You can edit these cell values without opening the dropdown calendar. Position the caret at the portion of a date/time value that
needs to be changed. To increment the value, press CTRL+UP ARROW. To decrement the value, press CTRL+DOWN ARROW.
Change Numeric Values
To increment the value, press CTRL+UP ARROW. To decrement the value, press CTRL+DOWN ARROW.
Change Values of Cells That Provide Dropdown Items
To select the previous value, press CTRL+UP ARROW. To select the next value, press CTRL+DOWN ARROW.
Note: this feature is not applicable to all editors.
Edit Images
To copy, cut, paste, load and save images in image editors, right click the image and select the required command via the context
Sort Tree List Nodes
To sort nodes by a column's values and replace existing sort conditions that are applied to the current or other columns, click the
target column's header, until an Up or Down Arrow icon is displayed within the header. The Up and Down Arrows indicate
ascending and descending sort orders respectively.

To sort nodes by a column's values while preserving existing sort conditions, do one of the following:
Click a column header while holding the SHIFT key down, until an UP or Down Arrow icon is displayed within the header.
Right-click a column header and select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending from the context menu that will appear.

To remove sorting by a column, click a column header while holding the CTRL key down.
Filter TreeList Data
Invoking the Filter Dropdown List
Hover over the column header and click the filter button that appears.

Creating a Simple Filter Condition

To select records that contain a specific value in a specific column, do the following.
1. Invoke the filter dropdown list containing available filter values.
By default, if filtering is applied, the filter dropdown will only display the values which match the current filter criteria. If the
SHIFT key is pressed while opening the filter dropdown, all values will be listed (not only those that match the current filter
2. Select the required filter value in the filter dropdown list.

The filter dropdown list will be immediately closed, and the control will display the records that contain the specified value
in the specified column.
If the filter dropdown list provides check boxes to the left of filter values, multiple values can be selected (checked)

In this mode, click the OK button to close the filter dropdown list and apply the filter.
For date-time columns, the filter dropdown list is displayed as a calendar. To apply the filter, select the desired date.
The control will immediately display records which contain the selected date in the appropriate column. To hide the filter
dropdown list, click the close button .

Using the Advanced Filter Editor Dialog

To invoke an advanced Filter Editor dialog, do one of the following.
Right-click any column's header and select Filter Editor.

If the Filter Panel at the bottom of the TreeList control is visible, click the Edit Filter button.

To learn how to work with the Filter Editor, refer to Filter Data via the Filter Editor.

Using the Auto Filter Row

If the Auto Filter Row is displayed at the top of the TreeList control, you can type text within this row. A filter condition is
automatically created based on the entered value, and the filter is applied to the focused column.
Clearing the Filter
To clear the filter applied to a specific column, do one of the following.
Invoke the filter dropdown list (see above), and then choose between clicking (All) or selecting (Select All) or choosing
(Show All,) depending on the dropdown list type.
Right-click the column header and select the Clear Filter menu item.

To clear all filter criteria, click the Close Filter Button within the Filter Panel.

Disabling/Enabling the Filter

Click the Enable Filter Button within the Filter Panel.
Show Summaries (Totals) in a Tree List
To change the type of summary for a specific column or apply a summary, do the following:
1. Right-click a region within a group footer or grid footer under a specific column. A context menu displaying a list of
supported summary types will be displayed.

2. Select the required option from the context menu.

To calculate summaries against all nodes, ensure that the All Nodes menu check item is checked. To calculate summaries against
root nodes only, uncheck the All Nodes check item.
Apply Cell Conditional Formatting
You can highlight certain column cells that meet a specific condition using the Conditional Formatting menu. To invoke this
menu, right-click the column to which a formatting rule should be applied and select Conditional Formatting.

Available format rules are displayed when expanding the Conditional Formatting menu. Different options are supported for
different columns (depending on the type of data a clicked column displays).

Highlighting Cells that Meet a Specific Condition

Choose the Highlight Cell Rules menu item.

Select the condition type. You can use one of the predefined conditions (the Greater Than..., Less Than.., Between... and
Equal To... menu items), provide a custom condition (the Custom Condition.. item) or format cells that contain the
specified text (Text that Contains...) or refer to a certain date interval(s) (A Date Occurring...).
Based on the selected condition type, an appropriate dialog window is invoked. You need to either enter a constant to be
compared with the column's values, or select desired check boxes related to dates, or construct a custom condition in the
dedicated editor. After that, choose a format style in the dropdown list, and click the OK button. To apply formatting to an
entire row instead of a single cell, select the corresponding check box.
Highlighting Top or Bottom Cell Values
Choose the Top/Bottom Rules menu item.

Select the rule type. You can highlight cells that contain the highest or lowest values (the Top 10%..., Bottom 10%..., Top
10 Items... and Bottom 10 Items... menu items), and values that are above or below the column's average (Above
Average and Below Average).
According to the selected rule type, an appropriate dialog window is invoked. Enter a cutoff value (where required), choose a
format style in the dropdown list, and click the OK button. To apply formatting to an entire row instead of a single cell, select
the corresponding check box.

Highlighting Unique or Duplicate Cell Values

Choose the Unique/Duplicate Rules menu item.

Select the rule type.

In the invoked dialog window, choose a format style in the dropdown list, and click the OK button. To apply formatting to an
entire row instead of a single cell, select the corresponding check box.
Highlighting Cells Using Data Bars
A data bar fills a cell according to the ratio of the cell's value to the highest and smallest column values. A longer bar corresponds
to a higher value, and a shorter bar corresponds to a lower value.
To apply a data bar format, do the following:
Choose the Data Bars menu item.

Select the bar style format. Solid bars and bars with gradient fills are available in various colors.

Applying Color Scales

This format shows data distribution and variation using color scales. A cell is filled with the background color that is calculated
according to the ratio of the cell's value to the highest and smallest column values. A two-color scale specifies two colors, which
represent the minimum and maximum column values. Cell values residing between the minimum and maximum values are
painted using a shade of these colors. A three-color scale additionally defines a color for the middle value and so, uses a gradation
of three colors.
Choose the Color Scales menu item.

Select one of the predefined two or three-color scales.

Highlighting Cells Using Predefined Icons

Icon sets allow you to classify column values into several ranges separated by threshold values, and display a specific icon in a
column cell according to the range to which this cell value belongs. In the Positive/Negative group, the available icon sets divide
column values into three ranges: positive values, negative values and values equal to zero.
Other icon sets divide column values into three, four or five ranges, displaying a specific icon for each range. If an icon set
contains three icons, the ranges are as follows: [0%-33%), [33%-67%) and [67%-100%], where 0% corresponds to the smallest
column value and 100% corresponds to the largest column value. The icon sets with four icons classify column values into four
ranges: [0%-25%), [25%-50%), [50%-75%) and [75%-100%]. For the icon sets that contain five icons, the target ranges are: [0%-
20%), [20%-40%), [40%-60%), [60%-80%) and [80%-100%].
Choose the Icon Sets menu item.

Select one of the predefined icon sets.

Deleting Rules
If you have already applied one or more rules to columns, the additional Clear Rules item is displayed at the second level of the
Conditional Formatting menu.

You can do one of the following.

To delete conditional formatting rules from the target column, click the Clear Rules from This Column menu item. If the
column has no rules applied to it, this item is not shown.
To delete formatting rules from all columns, click the Clear Rules from All Columns menu item .
Expand and Collapse Nodes in a Tree List
Expand and Collapse Nodes
Do one of the following:
Focus the node and then press PLUS on the keyboard to expand the node, and MINUS to collapse the node:
Click the node's expand button.

Double-click the indicator cell corresponding to the node.

Expand Nodes Recursively

To expand a node and all its child nodes that have nested nodes, focus the node and press MULTIPLY on the keyboard.
Hide and Display Tree List Columns
Hide Columns
Do one of the following:
Click a column header and drag it outside the header panel, until the cursor changes its image to the big 'X'. Then drop the

Drag and drop a column header onto the Customization Form if it's open (see below).

Display Hidden Columns

1. Open the Customization Form by right-clicking a column header and selecting Column Chooser.

The Customization Form will be displayed listing hidden columns (if any).

2. Drag the required column from the Customization Form onto the column header panel and drop it at the required position.
Reorder Tree List Columns
To reorder columns, drag and drop a column header to a new position.
Resize Tree List Columns
To resize columns, drag the right edge of the target column header:

To change a column's width so that it displays its contents compactly in their entirety, do one of the following:
Double-click the right edge of the column header.
Right-click the column's header and select Best Fit.

To change the widths of all columns so that they display their contents in the best possible way, right-click the header of any
column and select Best Fit (all columns).
Navigation in a Tree List

Clicking a data cell Moves focus to the clicked cell.

ARROW keys Moves focus to the next cell in the corresponding direction.

HOME Moves focus to the first cell within the focused node.

END Moves focus to the last cell within the focused node.

PAGE UP Moves focus one page up.

PAGE DOWN Moves focus one page down.

CTRL+HOME Moves focus to the first cell within the first node.

CTRL+END Moves focus to the last cell within the last node.

TAB or CTRL+TAB Moves focus away from the TreeList to the next control, in tab order.

SHIFT+TAB Moves focus away from the TreeList to the previous control, in tab order.

CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Expands the focused node.

CTRL+LEFT ARROW Collapses the focused node.

You can also click node indicator cells to move focus to the corresponding row while preserving column focus.
Select Tree List Nodes
Change Focused Node
To focus a node and clear the existing selection, do one of the following.
Click the node's indicator cell or any of its data cells.

Select the node using the ARROW keys.

Select Multiple Nodes

To select a node while preserving the current selection, click the node's indicator cell or any of its data cells, while holding the
CTRL key down.
To toggle the focused node's selected state, do one of the following.
Click the node while holding the CTRL key down.
To move focus between nodes while preserving the current selection, use CTRL+ARROW keyboard shortcut.
Vertical Grid
This section describes the capabilities provided by Vertical Grids (Property Grids).

Data Editing
Edit Cells in Vertical Grids

Layout Customization
Expand and Collapse Rows in Vertical Grids
Resize Rows and Columns in Vertical Grids

Navigation in Vertical Grids
Edit Cells in Vertical Grids
Activate Cell Editor
Do one of the following:
Click a cell.
Focus a cell (for instance, via the keyboard), and press ENTER or F2.
Focus a cell and press any alpha-numeric key. The editor will be invoked and its contents will be replaced with the pressed

Select and Deselect Cell Text

Press F2 or CTRL+A.

Close Cell Editor and Accept Changes Made

Do one of the following:
Press ENTER.
Click any other grid cell.
Focus any other control.

Discard Changes
To discard changes made in a cell, press ESC.

Open Cell Editor's Dropdown

Do one of the following:
Activate a cell editor and press ALT+DOWN ARROW or F4.
Click the editor's dropdown button:

Close Cell Editor's Dropdown

For all editors providing a dropdown, you can close the dropdown by pressing ALT+DOWN ARROW.
If the calculator is displayed in the dropdown, it can be closed via CTRL+ENTER.
Dropdowns displaying lists of items can be closed by clicking an item with the mouse, or by selecting an item with the keyboard
and pressing ENTER.

Change Values
Change D ate/Time Values
You can edit these cell values without opening the dropdown calendar. Position the caret at the portion of a date/time value that
needs to be changed. To increment the value, press CTRL+UP ARROW. To decrement the value, press CTRL+DOWN ARROW.
Change Numeric Values
To increment the value, press CTRL+UP ARROW. To decrement the value, press CTRL+DOWN ARROW.
Change Values of Cells That P rovide D ropdown I tems
To select the previous value, press CTRL+UP ARROW. To select the next value, press CTRL+DOWN ARROW.

This feature is not applicable to all editors.

Edit I mages
To copy, cut, paste, load and save images in image editors, right click the image and select the required command via the context
Expand and Collapse Rows in Vertical Grids
Expand and Collapse Data Rows
Do one of the following:
Focus the row and then press PLUS on the keyboard to expand the row, and MINUS to collapse the row:
Double-click the row's header.

Click the row's expand button.

Expand and Collapse Category Rows

Do one of the following:
Focus the row and press PLUS on the keyboard to expand the row, and MINUS to collapse the row.

Double-click the row.

Click the row's expand button.

Expand Rows Recursively

To expand a row and all its child rows that have nested rows, focus the row and press MULTIPLY on the keyboard.
Resize Rows and Columns in Vertical Grids
Resize Rows
To resize a row, drag the row header's bottom edge vertically.

Resize Columns
To resize data columns, drag a separator between data columns horizontally.

To resize the header column, do one of the following.

Drag the header column's right edge.

Press CTRL+LEFT ARROW to decrease the header column's width. Press CTRL+RIGHT ARROW to increase the header
column's width.
To resize headers to the minimum width while making sure all content is visible, double-click a header's right edge.
Navigation in Vertical Grids

Clicking a data cell Moves focus to the clicked cell.

Clicking a row header Moves focus to the corresponding row while preserving column focus.

ARROW keys Moves focus to the next cell in the corresponding direction.

TAB, SHIFT+TAB Moves focus to the next/previous cell.

HOME, END Moves focus to the first/last cell within the current row.

PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN Moves focus one page up or down.

CTRL+HOME Moves focus to the first cell of the grid control.

CTRL+END Moves focus to the last cell of the grid control.

CTRL+TAB Moves focus away from the control to the next control, in tab order.

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