Smart Goods Billing Management and Payment System: March 2018
Smart Goods Billing Management and Payment System: March 2018
Smart Goods Billing Management and Payment System: March 2018
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4 authors, including:
Jatin Arora
Polytechnic Institute of Porto
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Research Paper
In the present scenario, it is essential to have an automatic billing system for shopping malls, supermarket and other wholesale & retail
stores. Numerous billing systems like barcode scanning mechanism-based systems or tag-based systems are available in the market. It is
important to replace such existing system with better and robust systems so hereby we proposed “Smart Goods Billing Management and
Payment System for Shopping Malls”. In this system, the basic fundamental is barcode scanning for products, but we replace the conven-
tional barcode scanner for faster and better results. In our prototype, the android phone is being used as a barcode scanner for simple, better
and portable barcode scanner. This scanner is connected wirelessly to MCU via Bluetooth module. MCU is also connected to PC/Laptop
for creating the database of all customers, their products, and bills. This database also tracks the total sale and number of goods sold per
day. In addition, RFID technology is implemented in this system for payment through card-based system. Simulation and hardware-based
results are proposed in this paper.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Survey
Day by day, the lifestyle of today’s generation is changing which
enforce to have more number of shopping malls, supermarkets and The Number of methods is proposed by researchers in this domain.
retail outlets. It is common to see huge rush at malls on holidays B. Ananthabarathi proposed High Speed Billing System in which
and weekends. The scenario is even worse when there are special RF detector is placed inside the shopping cart which is linked to the
offers and discount [1]. It is essential to have efficient billing man- server for billing [3]. R.Rajeshkumar, R.Mohanraj, M.Varatharaj
agement system in shopping places so that customers can avoid
proposed Smart Trolley in which they have used RFID cards for
long queue on billing counter, save time and shop comfortably.
Hereby “Smart Goods Billing Management and Payment System each product and RFID reader with MCU on each trolley for calcu-
for Shopping Malls” is proposed to achieve this goal. This paper lating the bills while shopping [4].
describes the detailed research on this topic as simulation along P. Chandrasekar, T. Sangeetha have proposed Smart Shopping Cart
with hardware experimental setup results are shown. In our pro- with Zigbee and RFID in which they utilize RFID cards for each
posed method barcode scanning phenomenon is used but unlike product along with Product Identification Device (PID) for the trol-
conventional billings system, any smartphone can be used as a bar- ley which is used for calculation of products and bill. This approach
code scanner. Rear camera of the mobile phone is used to scan the used Zigbee for transmitting the billing details to central billing sys-
barcode using “Scan to Arduino” android application which is open tem [1]. Few more researchers have proposed system for billing
source and freely available from google play store [2]. This scanned management but most of the methods are similar in nature and used
barcode can be sent wirelessly using Bluetooth of smartphone. A MCU plus communication module based system for each trolley [5],
microcontroller is interfaced with Bluetooth module for receiving [6], [7].
the barcode reading from smartphone and processes this infor-
mation. Database is automatically maintained on laptop using PLX- 3. Proposed Method
DAQ application as microcontroller updates the data from time to
time via the serial port. While detailed information is shown and
The basic problem in existing research proposals is using the sepa-
saved in MS Excel but at the same time, it also being displayed on
rate system for every trolley and then makes it communicate to the
LCD about the current customer, product and price.
billing system using some wireless communication module. Such
proposals make the system complex, inefficient and expensive.
Electromagnetic interference is another factor which makes such
Copyright © 2018 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 457
system unreliable as the number of wireless communication mod- Customers can pay for the total amount via cash or card based
ules used for every trolley. Moreover, sometimes customer may systems. We have developed the card based payment system for our
need to buy only a few items in which he/she may not require a proposed model and RFID cards are utilized for it. When customer
trolley so such systems are failed in such scenarios. In this paper, will swipe his/her card then has to type the 4 digit PIN on their
we proposed a robust and superior technique which can overcome smartphone using the same application. Once payment is made
the existing proposed methods. The smartphone is utilized as bar- successfully then the customer gets notified about deducted amount
code scanner using android application and connected to the main and balance amount. It also informs the customer about the wrong
system wirelessly for purpose of updating the information about PIN entered and insufficient amount if in any case. It is important
products, bills, payment and sales record. PIC16F877A 8- bit Mi- to provide the control flow of proposed method for making it more
crocontroller is used for controlling every process in this approach descriptive and useful for researchers. Flow control of the proposed
[8], [9]. Scan to Arduino application is used for turning a method is shown in figure 2.
smartphone into wireless barcode scanner [2]. Bluetooth module is
interfaced for providing communication between MCU and bar-
code scanner (Smart Phone). PLX-DAQ by Parallax is computer
application which is used for maintaining the database on laptop/PC
by communicating with MCU using serial port [10]. It keeps the
track record of the product, individual product price, the total price
for items purchased by customer, name of customer, date & time of
products sold, Method of Payment, sales record etc. RFID reader is
used for card based payment system as RFID cards are used in this
prototype for payment. Alphanumeric LCD has used for display the
information related to product, bill or payment. Block Diagram of
proposed method is shown in Figure 1. This approach can be very
beneficial by utilized it in the real world by understanding and im-
plemented it in following described way. Customers entered in
shopping malls firstly need to open the “Scan to Arduino” Applica-
tion and then connect their smartphone to the cash counter using
Bluetooth [2]. After this, customer needs to scan his/her member-
ship card from the smartphone. After the customer identification,
the user will receive the feedback from the MCU and welcome them
for shopping. The customer can now take the trolley and manually
scan the items using their barcode and place them in the trolley.
There is no limit of scanning goods so the customer can buy any
number of items and quantity as per requirement. Once shopping is
complete then the customer will notify the system by sending some
text about the completion of shopping. Now the database will up-
date the total amount of shopping along with individual items and
their cost. This total amount information will be sent back to cus-
tomer’s smartphone.
4. Simulation Results
Simulation-based results are proposed for this approach using Pro-
teus software which is quite popular for simulation of both digital
and analog electronics systems. Proteus 7.10 is used in this simula-
tion result for analyzing and verifies the behavior of proposed
method [13]. Virtual Terminal is used in the simulation for the pur-
pose of serial communication with various modules. Barcode scan-
ning is the basic process used for scanning various products and
membership cards as shown in figure 4.
After the scanning of all the products, next step is payment. The
customer can pay via cash or card based payment. A RFID tag
consists of a wireless transducer, an antenna, and an encapsulating
material. These tags can be active or passive. While the active tags
have on-chip power, passive tags use the power induced by the
magnetic field of the RFID reader [4]. In card based payment,
passive RFID cards are used which generate unique 12 bytes codes
when swiping to RFID reader. This 12 bytes unique code is received
by MCU after card swiping then received data is used to identify
the card owner and PIN. RFID card scanning process is shown in
figure 7.
If card successfully identified then the system will ask for PIN by
sending a message to the smartphone. The customer then enters the
PIN on smartphone application and sends it. Payment is successful
if entered PIN is matched with the actual PIN of the card. In case
the wrong PIN is entered then the user needs to swipe the card again
and enter correct PIN. If the amount is insufficient on the card then
it is notified to the customer via smartphone application so that cus-
tomer can pay with another card.
5. Hardware Results
Hardware results are essential for implementing any real time em-
bedded system. These kinds of results explore the behavior of sys-
tems in real world. Hardware experimental setup for proposed sys-
Fig.9 Membership Cards
tem is shown in figure 8. This setup includes HC-05 Bluetooth
Module, EM-18 RFID reader and 40-pin DIP PIC microcontroller
which contain MAX232, USB to serial converter, LCD and Next step is to open the “Scan to Arduino” application on
PIC16F877A. PCB of this development board is designed in Pro- smartphone and connect it to the Bluetooth module.
teus ARES software and fabricated using screen printing technique Once the application is connected to the Bluetooth module success-
[13]. fully then it will show the status connected. It also shows options
like scan the barcode, send the string and received data from MCU
as shown in figure 10.
460 International Journal of Engineering & Technology
to make use of algorithms which can bring the concurrency for all
the users and reduce the waiting time. In our next work, we are
working on scheduling algorithm for providing services to large
number of customers simultaneously.
This work is sponsored by Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Cam-
pus, Hyderabad, India. We would like to thank and acknowledge
the invaluable support of Dr. H.S Saini, Managing Director of Guru
Nanak Institutions.
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