Social Media As An Effective Tool
Social Media As An Effective Tool
Social Media As An Effective Tool
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1 author:
Moloy Ghoshal
Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research
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Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote
Business- An Empirical Study
Dr. Moloy Ghoshal
Abstract- In a rapidly changing era, entrepreneurs, as well as Along with the evolution of IT-based companies,
marketers, need to be up to date with the change in the social media has become one of the most booming
business environment or they may have to face the risk of sectors where youth are the major users and followers of
being obsolete. Days are long past when a conventional
such media. Social Media Marketing (SMM) has
business model used to grow fast and get success. In the era
become the hottest medium of promotion for most of
of Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Instagram, social
marketing has evolved as an integral part of marketing the companies irrespective of the private sector or
strategy. It is all most impossible to think of a marketing public sector. Most of the entrepreneurs micro or small,
strategy without taking into account the importance of social medium or big, are using social media for promotion as
media. Adopting some form of online promotion through well as for lead generation. Entrepreneurs have realized 15
social media has become essential for all business houses. In the power of social media and its role in building brand
an industry where trends are changing in faster than light,
Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( E ) Volume XIX Issue I Version I
image and customer relationship.
adoption of social network marketing is very vital for
Human, by birth, is social in nature and
companies to survive in that race.
collection & sharing of information is a part of his life
In this paper, the researcher has tried to find out the
importance and effectiveness of social media as a marketing
style. Technology has removed the physical distance
and promotional tool. An attempt has been made to analyze barrier and made it very quick and easy to connect with
the extent of influence of social media as a buying decision people living different part of the nation or even in the
maker. The paper also tries to find out the role of gender world. With the help of social network sites, it is easy to
biases. The gap between the customer’s expectation and stay in touch with old friends and relatives, living in a
social media performance is also attempted to find out. At the distanced place. Social media marketers have
end, strategies have been recommended by the researcher for understood this fact and are focusing on this business
maximizing the effectiveness of social media as a promotional strategy to reap profit by exploiting this new platform.
With time, the lives of people are becoming
Keywords: brand loyalty; promotional tool; marketing
more and more dependent on technologies even for
strategy; social media marketing (SMM); social
their basic communication. Now a day social networking
networking site; social media; online branding.
sites are affecting our daily life considerably, and are
I. Introduction commanding major portion of time in our daily life.
Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, are influencing
fter the liberalization in Indian Economy Policy, in our thinking process, socialization, and leisure time.
1991, we, as customers experienced a radical What is more shocking and astonishing is that the youth
change in our daily life, as well as in market place. of today are spending even more than ten hours on
The introduction of MNCs, along with their world-class social networking sites. They prefer to watch advertising
products, with a very competitive price; the living and product promotion on different social network sites
standard of common Indian has raised a lot. The on their Smartphone rather than on conventional
introduction of modern computers, laptop, tablet, television.
internet, e-commerce, and m-commerce has had a Customers, these days are more information-
tremendous impact on how business operates and savvy about a product or service, before they make a
promotes. purchase decision. Features like users review, expert
As more and more new technologies are opinion, peer review, critic’s opinion in network sites are
available, businesses houses willing to adopt them will becoming more influencing factors in decision making
gain big leverage over its competitor. Companies like, rather than conventional advertising and sales
Microsoft, eBay, Amazon, Facebook, Google are ruling promotion. Now a day, the customer has the power to
the world because they have adopted the changes in talk about a brand and post his opinion about the
technology keeping in view of customer’s expectations product and service on the company’s web page and
and conveniences. social media also. Therefore companies have no choice
but to accept the influence of social marketing and
Author: Associate Professor, Delhi School of Professional Studies and handle them with special care and respect.
Research (DSPSR), New Delhi, India. Due to such a tremendous influence on
e-mails: [email protected], [email protected]
customers’ purchase decision making, every business
now days needs to leverage proper social media Marketers and retailers should utilize these sites
channel in the best possible ways. By giving your more effectively, and professionally as a media to reach
business brand a social media touch, you not only their customers and provide a new experience of
generate more profit but also connect with new shopping.
customers better and serve them on a higher level. It The technology related development like the
makes digital marketing easier. introduction of powerful search engine, Smartphone,
The tremendous growth rate of social media different user-friendly apps, availability of high-speed
and galloping increase in users on social media on a internet with reasonable or very low price, social network
mobile device is encouraging companies to use medium has extended marketers ability to reach
Facebook, twitter, instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and shoppers through new touch points, (Shankar et
Google+ for advertising and promoting their products al. 2011).
and services. Word of Mouth (WOM) marketing is another
term used by the marketer to promote a product. It is an
II. Literature Review un-paid form of publicity where users of the product are
the campaigner of the company. Castronovo and Huang
Kalpana and Haenlein, (2010), defined social (2012) in their study on alternative marketing
media, as a group of internet based applications that communication discussed the importance of social
16 build on ideological and technological foundation of media and word of mouth communication as an integral
web 2.0 and allow the creation and exchange of user part of integrated marketing communication.
Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( E ) Volume XIX Issue I Version I
© 2019
1 Global Journals
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business- An Empirical Study
actively creating contents about a brand, something through social networking sites as a medium, and in
previously controlled solely by the company, (Heinonen, most of the cases, sponsored by the companies.
2011). Bampo et al, (2008), in their finding confirmed
Chu, (2011), examined the link between that social network marketing plays a critical role in
Facebook brand related group participation, responses spreading a viral message.
towards advertising, psychological factors of self- Bajpai and Pandey (2012) examined how viral
disclosure and attitude amongst members and marketing put its mark as a new concept of product
nonmembers of different social media groups. He promotion and concluded that it is in the stage of
concluded that those who are active members to a infancy and marketers still have to learn a lot to make it
particulars group have a more favorable attitude more effective.
towards social media and advertisements on this media.
Cox, (2010) has found the correlation between e) Objectives of the Study
attitude and age. Based on his finding he concluded
1. To examine whether there exists any role of gender
that people fall in the age bracket of 18-24, are more in attitude building, perception creation, and
attracted and active in blogs, videos on social media like purchase decision making based on social media
YouTube, Facebook, Snap deal, Instagram; as they find advertising.
it most eye- catching. 2. To study the gap between consumer’s perception 17
With ever increasing development of social about social media and its performance to meet the
Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( E ) Volume XIX Issue I Version I
media and the subsequent advantages that come with it expectation.
such as vast reach, low cost, and high communication 3. To suggest strategies to fill the gap between
efficiency, companies of all size have been hiring customers expectation, and the performance of
marketers who are very eager to learn about, create, social media.
and facilitate virtual brand communities. LaRoche,
Habibi, Richard, and Sankarnarayanan, (2012) listed f) Formulation of Hypothesis
several other reasons behind such interest in virtual Keeping in view the objectives of the study, the
brand communities: the rapid dissemination of following hypotheses were formulated:
information, influencing customers evaluation, learning H01: There is a significant difference in attitude between
customers perception of new products and most male and female towards social media advertisement.
importantly gaining a holy grail of loyal customer.
HA1: There is no significant difference in attitude
c) User-generated Content between male and female towards social media
Consumers now a day play an increasingly advertisement.
active and important role in the marketing cycle. Photo H02: There is a significant difference in perception of
editing apps such as camera +, and VSCO, enable advertisement utility in social media between male and
everyday people to produce and post high-quality female.
images to the internet. User-generated content, also
known as UGC, is a rich resource waiting to be tapped HA2: There is no significant difference in perception of
into by the business. advertisement utility in social media between male and
According to Gonzalez, (2010) social media
provides never- ending avenue for communication; it is H03: There is a significant difference between social
the individual who serves as the influencer, not the media performance and the expectation of consumers,
technology. According to Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010, in promotion of brand of consumer’s durable and luxury
UGC describes the sum of all ways in which people products.
make use of social media, and usually applied to HA3: There is no significant difference between social
describe the various forms of media content that are media performance and the expectation of consumers
publically available and created by end users. in promotion of brand of consumer’s durable and luxury
d) Viral Advertising
Viral advertising or viral marketing is a more Ho4: There is a significant difference between male and
popular business strategy that uses the social network female in decision making related to their purchase
to promote their products. According to Poter and Allen, either FMCG, Consumers’ durable, apparel, and luxury
cited by Chu, 2011, viral advertising is an unpaid peer to products through social media.
peer communication about a product using the internet HA4: There is no significant difference between male and
to influence the targeted customers. female in decision making related to their purchase
Just like a virus spreads from one person to either FMCG, Consumers’ durable, apparel, and luxury
another, viral marketing is circulated by companies products through social media.
III. Research Methodology the questionnaire were met. Then the questionnaire was
put over Google docs and a link was shared with the
A descriptive research methodology technique users of social media through mail for the purpose of
was applied to collect the data. A questionnaire was data collection. The link was also posted on various
designed to collect the view of the respondents about social network sites like Facebook, WhatsApp, and
the influence of social media in consumer’s buying LinkedIn etc. The respondents and the users of social
decision. The questionnaire was divided into two parts,
network sites were also requested to share the link from
Part-I, and Part-II. Part-I contains questions related to
their own profile. The researcher has used a non-
respondents demographic information and its usages
probability convenience sampling. For visual
pattern, whereas Part-II have a series of close-ended
representation of findings and results; bar charts, pie
questions based on the impact of social media in the chart, and table has been used as a descriptive analysis
purchase decision and their expectation from tool. To prove the hypothesis, SPSS 20 software was
such media. used and the independent T-test has been performed.
a) Descriptive Statistics
18 Table 1.1: Profile of respondents
Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( E ) Volume XIX Issue I Version I
From table-1.1, we can observe that out of 150 Seventy respondents out of one hundred and fifty, i.e.,
respondents, 85 respondents are male, and 65 46.7 percent respondents as per the tabular data, fall in
respondents are female. this category of youth. Fifty respondents are in between
As per Govt. of India age categorization, the the age of 31-50 years and are of the middle age group
researcher has considered the respondents having age peopled. Rest thirty respondents are within the age
in between 18-30 years will be in the youth category. bracket of old peopled.
© 2019
1 Global Journals
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business- An Empirical Study
Table 1.3: Motivational factors behind following a brand or joining a brand page
Variable Total N
Brand name invitation/ advertising
Friends invitation 25
Motivation to follow a brand or
join a brand page
Personal research 25
loyal consumers purchase a product again and again;
Motivational factor for social media users joining
or following a brand in social network platforms varies market the brand directly or indirectly by talking positive
from user to user. From table-1.3, we can see that the words amongst their friends and peers. It is known as 19
main reason for fans to join a brand page or brand is Word of Mouth (WoM) communication about a brand or
a product, and is considered to be the most effective
Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( E ) Volume XIX Issue I Version I
based on the brand name of the product. Advertising
and friends invitation do also play an important role in tool for a purchase decision making, especially for a
selection of a brand or a product. Personal search is technical and costly product.
another important factor of public preference towards a Social networking sites are the new customer
brand page. relationship management (CRM) medium where
Thus we can interpret that easy availability of consumers have a feeling of exclusiveness. The
the brand name in a search engine is crucial attachment towards a particular company or brand is
consideration for companies to be kept in mind. Brand the key motivators to advocate about it.
Entertainment 15
Networking 75
Chatting 25 Series1
Professional 35
0 20 40 60 80
with their long lost friends of childhood or college life. the products and services, and persuade them to
This is evident, as most of the respondents, near about transact and become a loyal customer for the company.
100 out of 150, are using such platform to connect with Undoubtedly the social media is a rapidly growing
their friends through network building and chatting. platform for a brand building and is used by almost all
While ‘professional use’ has rated second as a purpose the sectors. It is not only an effective tool for product
of using the social network, and others apart from just promotion and brand building but very cost effective
playing games, watching videos, listening to music, are compare to any other form of promotion.
the next important purposes of using this medium.
Never 38
Rarely 25
Mostly 55
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
© 2019
1 Global Journals
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business- An Empirical Study
From fig.1.3, it is pretty evident that the social effective, it is expected from the marketers that they will
media is not an effective grievance handling platform. It put more importance on this aspect of customer’s
seems that consumers are not getting the proper satisfaction. Providing effective after sales service and
services, especially the after sales services as perceived redressal of grievances through customer’s complaint 21
by them. During the survey, it has been pointed out by page, social marketing will be more effective in years to
the respondents that they are not getting any response come, as it is well said by a Chinese proverb, “a stitch in
Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( E ) Volume XIX Issue I Version I
of their queries and questions they used to post on the time, save nine.”
companies social media pages. To make SNM more
e) Hypotheses Testing
H01: There is a significant difference in attitude between male and female towards social media advertising.
Group statistics
From the above test table, we can see that the findings of Vollman, Abraham & Morn, 2010 and Junco,
significant value, i.e., p- value for T-test is .022, less than Merson, Salter, 2010; where women found more active
our chosen significant value i.e., p˂ α = 0.05. Therefore in social media.
we reject the null hypothesis and interpret that there is
no significant difference in attitude between male and
female towards social media advertisement. The finding
indicates that gender difference is not a considerable
factor for social media advertising, contrary to the
© 2019 Global Journals
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business- An Empirical Study
H02: There is a significance difference in perception towards advertisement utility in social media between male and
female respondents.
Group statistics
Sex N Mean Std. deviation Std. error mean
Perception on ad. utility in social male 85 1.3294 .47279 .05128
media female 65 1.6462 .48188 .05977
95% confidence
Perception on ad assumed .378 .540 -4.032 148 .000 -.31674 .07855 -.47197 -.16151
utility in social Equal variances
media not assumed
-4.022 136.534 .000 -.31674 .07875 -.47248 -.16101
From the above table we can see that the that there is no significant difference in perception
significant value i.e., p- value for T-test is .000, which is towards advertisement utility in social media between
less than our chosen significant value, i.e. p˂ α = 0.05. male and female.
Therefore we reject the null hypothesis and conclude
H03: There is a significant difference between social media performance and expectation of consumers in promotion
of brand of consumer’s durable and luxury products.
One sample statistics
N Mean Std. difference Std. error mean
Performance of social media
150 1.5333 .50056 .04087
One sample test
Test value = 1.5
T Df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean 95% confidence interval of the difference
difference Lower Upper
Performance of social media ad. .816 149 .416 .03333 -.0474 .1141
From the above table we can see that the
significant value i.e., p-value for one sample t-test is
0.416, which is much higher than our chosen significant
value i.e., p ˃ α = 0.05. Therefore we accept the null
hypothesis and interpret that there is a significant
difference between social media performance and
expectation of consumers in promotion of brand of
consumer’s durable and luxury products.
© 2019
1 Global Journals
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business- An Empirical Study
Ho4: There is a significant difference between male and female in decision making related to their purchase either
FMCG, Consumers’ durable, apparel, and luxury products through social media.
Levene’s test for
equality of t- test for equality of means
95% confidence
interval of the
F Sig. t df Sig.(2- Mean Std. Error difference
tailed) difference difference
Lower Upper
Equal variances
Role in assumed
purchase 1.632 .203 -.657 148 .512 -.05158 .07846 -.20664 .10347
decision Equal variances
making not assumed
-.654 135.162 .514 -.05158 .07886 -.20755 .10438
Group statistics 23
Sex N Mean Std. Deviation Std. error. mean
Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( E ) Volume XIX Issue I Version I
male 85 1.3176 .46832 .05080
Role in purchase decision making
female 65 1.3692 .48635 .06032
From the above table we can see that the shortcoming of social media and is not as effective as
significant value i.e., p- value for T-test is .512, which is single stand retail store. One of the interesting findings
much higher than our chosen significant value, p ˃ α of this research is, that women usually prefer to
=0.05. Therefore we accept the null hypothesis and can purchase product that they can touch, feel, and bargain
interpret that there is a significant difference between with.
male and female in decision making related to their
purchase either in FMCG or consumers’ durable; V. Discussion
apparel, and luxury products through social media. There is a paradigm shift of business from
transactional to long-lasting relationship marketing. A
IV. Findings
new area of relationship building and management i.e.
There is no variability in attitude towards social Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has evolved
media usage between male and female i.e. gender as a marketing strategic tool. It is now more critical than
biases has no impact on the usage pattern of social ever that successful companies are using engagement
media. It is young people who have been adopting marketing principle to engage their prospects and
social media as a platform of up gradation about what is consumers before, during and after their purchase
happening in the world of marketing and to enrich their cycle. Information which is demanded by target market
knowledge domain in other areas. should be provided in such a manner that you are
Both male and female have the same outlook viewed in a positive light, create a positive brand and
related to the effectiveness of social media for market product reputation, and are selected with a priority as
promotion. The effectiveness of social media as a their brand of choice. With the growth of social media, a
marketing tool is only possible when organizations will new term of marketing i.e. permission marketing has
provide effective and timely information about their been coined in 1999 and the features like - friend
products and services in social media and also on their request, page like, page follow, page share etc. are
media pages, which is supported by the finding of helping companies to reach their customer with more
Bashar et al. 2012. Daily updating of company’s social confident. Though the concept of SNM is growing at a
media page is a must to create a positive impression on very fast rate, still it is in a nascent stage in India.
consumers mind. Therefore the companies have to think seriously about
During the course of data analysis it has been the use of this recent development in the field
realized by the researcher that somehow a gap exists communication, make effective strategies, and execute
between customer’s expectation and company’s them in a professional manner so as to win a large
promises over social media advertising. Customers share of market and evolve as an innovative firm in years
also, do not agree with the fact that social media in to come.
general, and companies’ page in particular, is a good For a business to get success in a world of
platform for their grievances to be solved. At the same reached social media influence; companies now have to
time, they feel lack of personal touch that is a major transform their business strategies from product-
© 2019 Global Journals
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business- An Empirical Study
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