Can Giraffes Dance?: Learning Objectives

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Can Giraffes Dance?

Preschool, Kindergarten Reading, Writing,

by Lily Jones July 5, 2018

Get students moving with this fun activity! After reading a story about a giraffe trying to dance, students will
come up with their own dances for the giraffe to do—all while practicing using adjectives!

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to describe a dance using adjectives and pictures.

Materials and Preparation Key Terms

Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae adjective

Paper description

Introduction (10 minutes)

Ask, "Do you think giraffes can dance? Why or why not?"
Call on a couple students to come to the front of the class to share what a giraffe's dance might look like.

Explicit Instruction/Teacher Modeling (10 minutes)

Read aloud Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae to the class.

Have students turn and talk to a partner to tell what happened in the story.
Call on students to retell what happened in the story.

Guided Practice/Interactive Modeling (10 minutes)

Tell students that they will be working with a partner to create a dance for a giraffe.
Explain that they will describe their dances using adjectives, or describing words.
Model how to create a short dance. Ask students to give a description of what your dance looked like,
using words like silly, fast, slow, etc. Write students' adjectives on the board.
After performing your dance, draw a picture of your dance.

Independent Working Time (20 minutes)

Have students work in pairs to create a dance for giraffes. As they work, prompt students to use
adjectives to describe their dances.
After creating a dance, have pairs perform their dance for you and share the describing words they used.
Then hand out paper and have students draw a picture of their dances.


Support: Have students work on their drawings together.

Enrichment: Have students try to draw instructions for completing their dances.

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Assessment (5 minutes)

Assess how students are using adjectives.

Pay attention to how students retell the story.
Notice how students use pictures to represent their dances.

Review and Closing (5 minutes)

Call on pairs to share their giraffe dances with the class. Make sure to ask students to share the
adjectives they used to describe their dances, as well.

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