Ali 2018, Definition, HM
Ali 2018, Definition, HM
Ali 2018, Definition, HM
To cite this article: Hazrat Ali & Ezzat Khan (2017): What are heavy metals? long-standing
controversy over the scientific use of the term ‘heavy metals’—proposal of a comprehensive
definition, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, DOI: 10.1080/02772248.2017.1413652
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Publisher: Taylor & Francis
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What are heavy metals? Long-standing controversy over the scientific use of the
Inorganic Chemistry Section, Department of Chemistry, University of Malakand, Chakdara 18800, Dir
Green & Environmental Chemistry, Ecotoxicology and Ecology Laboratory, Department of Zoology,
*Corresponding authors
The term “heavy metals” is commonly used in the environmental literature to refer to metals and
metalloids associated with environmental pollution, toxicity and adverse effects on biota. The term has
been diversely defined, mostly in terms of density, relative atomic mass and atomic number. This
diversity of definitions has raised questions about the nomenclature of these elements. The inclusion of
the metalloid As and the nonmetal Se with heavy metals is also an important issue. Some people have
called the term as meaningless, imprecise and poorly defined and have suggested abandoning the use of
the term. The term itself may not be problematic but the careless and inconsistent use of terminology
has led to a confusion about the meaning of the term. The use of the term may be continued but it
should be defined in a more comprehensive and scientific way. Here a more comprehensive definition of
the term “heavy metals” is suggested as “naturally occurring metals having atomic number (Z) greater
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than 20 and an elemental density greater than 5 g cm−3”. A screening of the Periodic Table according to
this definition yields 51 elements to be called “heavy metals”. As and Se are excluded from heavy
Key Words
1. Introduction
Search results for the term “heavy metals” show extensive use of this term on the internet. Thousands
of articles have been published in scientific journals about different aspects of heavy metals. The term is
generally used as a generic term for metals and metalloids associated with environmental pollution,
toxicity and adverse effects on living organisms including humans. The term is commonly used in the
etc. Thousands of scientific publications and other government documents have reported scientific
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studies and legislations on heavy metals. Some topics dealing with heavy metals include their sources in
the environment, transport and environmental fate, biogeochemical cycling, entry into the food chains
and bioaccumulation in biota, toxicity and adverse effects on living organisms including harmful effects
on human health, and remediation, among many others. Two major environmental chemical disasters of
the 20th century, Minamata disease and Donana mining catastrophe, were associated with the release of
A metal is chemically defined as “a substance that conducts electricity, has a metallic luster, is malleable
and ductile, forms cations, and has basic oxides” (Atkins and Jones 1997). What is a “heavy metal”?
Hawkes (1997) defined heavy metals as “the transition and post-transition metals” and hoped that this
definition should serve the needs of most chemists and some others who use the term. The oldest
scientific use of the term “heavy metal”, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, dates back to
Bjerrum’s Inorganic Chemistry 3rd Danish edition in which heavy metals were defined as those metals
with an elemental density above 7 g cm−3 (Bjerrum 1936). Heavy metals are most often defined as
metals having density greater than 5 g cm−3. For example, a highly cited review article in Arabian Journal
of Chemistry defines heavy metals as “Heavy metals are generally considered to be those whose density
exceeds 5 g per cubic centimeter” (Barakat 2011). According to Walker et al. (2012) “For a metal to be
considered heavy, it must have a density relative to water of greater than 5”. However, some studies
have included metals having density less than 5 g cm−3 under the name heavy metals. For example, a
highly cited research article in Chemosphere reporting levels of 10 heavy metals in rice from an E-waste
recycling area in China has included As and Ba under the title heavy metals (Fu et al. 2008). Arsenic is a
metalloid while Ba is an alkaline earth metal of Group 2 of the periodic table and has a density of 3.62 g
cm−3, which is less than 5. A recent article in Journal of Hazardous Materials (Fang et al. 2016) has listed
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Cs and Sr with heavy metals. Cs and Sr are alkali and alkaline earth metals respectively with respective
elemental densities of 1.873 and 2.64 g cm−3. We personally had listed As with heavy metals in Table 1
titled “Anthropogenic sources of specific heavy metals in the environment” in our highly cited article on
phytoremediation of heavy metals, published in Chemosphere (Ali, Khan, and Sajad 2013). The inclusion
of metalloids with heavy metals is also an issue which has created confusion and requires solution.
Hubner, Astin, and Herbert (2010) point to this fact and remark that “not all ‘heavy metals’ are metals in
the first place”. They refer to the examples of As and Sb, which are usually classified as ‘heavy metals’,
What is a metalloid? Goldsmith (1982) has reviewed the history of the term metalloid. He
argued that by that time there was no agreement on an exact definition of the term metalloid, nor had
there been any agreement about which elements could be identified as metalloids. Goldsmith pointed
out that the elements B, Si, As, Ge, Sb, and Te were mentioned most frequently as metalloids, but Po
and At were sometimes included in the list. Hawkes (2010) explained that Po is a metal and At is a
nonmetal. A relatively recent literature survey by Vernon (2013) revealed that the elements most
frequently identified as metalloids were B, Si, Ge, As, Se, Sb, Te, Po, and At. However, he also
maintained that six elements, namely B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, and Te, are commonly recognized as metalloids.
element that, in its standard state, has (a) the electronic band structure of a semiconductor or a
semimetal, (b) an intermediate first ionization potential (say, 750−1,000 kJ/mol), and (c) an intermediate
Different terms are used in relation to heavy metals in environmental, biological and toxicological
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context. These terms include toxic or hazardous metals, trace metals, trace elements, essential metals,
non-essential metals, trace minerals, micronutrients etc. These terms are often used as alternatives of
heavy metals, knowingly or unknowingly. All these terms have their own specific contextual meanings
and are not the alternatives of the term “heavy metals”. For example, a particular heavy metal may be
toxic, essential or non-essential. In pure elemental forms, most metals are nontoxic because they are
not bioavailable (Duffus 2003). In the environmental literature, the term “heavy metals” has often been
associated with environmental pollution, toxicity and harmful effects on living organisms including
humans. Just as the heaviness of a metal has nothing to do with its physiological or toxicological profile,
the term “heavy metals” itself has nothing to do with its role in (biological) life or its toxicity. Although
many heavy metals are toxic for living organisms under certain conditions, this is not always true for all
heavy metals under all conditions. Hodson (2004) has remarked that “All metals/elements are toxic in
Thus, the careless use of terminology has created confusions about the meaning of the term
“heavy metals”. Regarding the careless use of terminology in the scientific literature, Duffus (2003) has
remarked that “Careless and imprecise use of terminology is not conducive to clarity of thought; it
certainly cannot promote clear thought in the minds of students, and should not be found in our
textbooks”. He further remarked that “All of us who have been active in the field of metal toxicology
have probably been guilty of poor use of terminology in the past. Now it is time to apply stricter
standards to our writing and teaching, to ensure that we provide a solid foundation for future progress”.
One of the first papers to suggest replacement of the term “heavy metals” was published by Nieboer
and Richardson (1980). They proposed the replacement of the term “heavy metals” by a classification
which separates metal ions into class A (O-seeking), class B (N/S seeking) and borderline (or
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intermediate). The debate on scientific use of the term “heavy metals” was triggered at the dawn of the
21st century by the publication of an article in Pure and Applied Chemistry as an IUPAC Technical Report
by John H. Duffus of The Edinburgh Centre for Toxicology, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom (Duffus
2002). In this article, he called the term as both meaningless and misleading and suggested abandoning
the use of the term. He has pointed out that a survey of usage by April 2001, has found different
definitions of the term “heavy metal”. These definitions have been listed in Table 2 of the Duffus (2002)
article and included those in terms of density (specific gravity), in terms of atomic weight (relative
atomic mass), in terms of atomic number, those based on other chemical properties, those without a
clear basis other than toxicity and nonchemical definitions used before 1936. Duffus explained that such
a diversity of definitions given by different authors has made the term practically meaningless. He
pointed out the lack of relationship between density and any of the other physicochemical concepts
used for defining “heavy metals” and their toxicity or ecotoxicity. He further explained the lack of
definition of the term “heavy metal” by any authoritative body like IUPAC. Duffus suggested abandoning
metal classification using terms without sound terminological or scientific basis such as the term “heavy
metals”. He highlighted the need for a metal classification tightly based on their chemical properties. He
anticipated the usefulness of such a classification in interpreting the biochemical basis of metal toxicity
and in providing a rational basis for predicting the toxicity of different metal species. The publication of
Duffus (2002) was appreciated by Hodson (2004), Appenroth (2010) and Hubner, Astin, and Herbert
The pioneering publication highlighting the improper and inconsistent use of the term “heavy metals”
was followed by few publications in the relevant scientific journals, mostly endorsing Duffus’
recommendations for abandoning the use of the term. To our knowledge, the first such responsive
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article was an invited paper in Environmental Pollution by Hodson (2004). In this article, agreeing with
Duffus, he also communicated that the term “heavy metals” is a loose and poorly defined term which is
usually used to mean environmentally ‘‘bad’’ metals. He explained that the term is majorly viewed as
synonymous with pollution and toxicity and therefore heavy metals are viewed as bogey men,
Another publication regarding the scientific use of the term was Chapman (2007). He called the
term “heavy metals” as imprecise and incorrect and showed his concern on the general usage of the
term in scientific publications. Chapman highlighted the recommendation from International Union of
Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and others for a new classification of metals based on the periodic
table. For the time being, he suggested replacement of the term “heavy metals” by simply “metals” (or
“metalloids”, in the case of B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, Po, At, and Se). Here note the mention of Po, At and Se
as metalloids, although this is not the only such mention in the scientific literature. Other authors and
some fundamental chemistry textbooks list Po with metals while At and Se with nonmetals. Chapman
called for a need for authors and editors to thoroughly edit out the term “heavy” metals in science.
Nikinmaa and Schlenk (2010) communicated in an editorial of Aquatic Toxicology that they have
received manuscripts which use the term “heavy metal” for both low-density and high-density metals
and metals in vastly different positions in the periodic table so that all the metals are called heavy
except Na, K, Mg and Ca. They explained that in such situation where the term is used for both low-
density and high-density metals, using heavy metal instead of metal does not add to the content of
information. They suggested that it is much more informative to use only metal and whenever needed,
use the name of the metal. They offered a suggestion to all the authors of Aquatic Toxicology to quit the
A relatively more clear categorization of elements as heavy metals, in the context of Plant or Life
Sciences, was suggested by Appenroth (2010). He was of the view that the term is so widely used in
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Plant Sciences that it is hardly possible to eliminate it. He realized the need for defining the term in a
clearer way instead of eliminating it and suggested that the periodic table of elements should be the
basis for such a definition. Classification of metals according to their position in the periodic table makes
sense. Concerning the use of density as a criterion for defining heavy metals, he pointed out the lack of
any correlation between the density of a metal and its physiological or toxicological effects. Appenroth
pointed out that heavy metals are not toxic per se, it is the exposure dose, which makes them toxic. He
referred to the old wisdom (sola dosis facit venenum) i.e., it is the dose of a chemical that determines its
effect in living systems. He showed his concern over the density-based definition of heavy metals and
stated that such definition has made the term ambiguous in Plant (Life) Sciences remarking that “plants
do not have the ability to detect the density of a metal”. Appenroth suggested to define the term “heavy
metals”. However, he did not define the term according to certain criteria but instead included certain
groups of elements of the periodic table as heavy metals. He included the following three sub-groups of
(b) Rare earth elements, subdivided in the series of lanthanides and the series of actinides
(c) A heterogenous group of elements including Al, Ga, Ge, As, In, Sn, Sb, Te, Ta, Pb, Bi and Po
He called the third sub-group i.e., (c) above, as ‘‘Pb-group elements’’ with the justification that Pb is the
most investigated heavy metal in toxicology and therefore might represent this third sub-group of heavy
metals. His categorization of heavy metals in the periodic table is shown in Figure 1.
Madrid (2010) also expressed concern over the definition of “heavy metals” based on density.
He argues that defining heavy metals on the basis of density results in the inclusion of elements that
cannot be considered as pollutants in any case, e.g. Mn or Fe. He also points out the different density
thresholds set by different authors for defining heavy metals and remarks that “different density limits
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according to different authors would mean that some elements would be excluded or included”. He
discusses some options such as ‘trace’ and ‘potentially toxic’ but also considers their limitations. He also
suggests ‘trace metals’ and ‘soft acid metal ions’ as reasonably good alternatives of the term “heavy
metals” but again understands them as being certainly not perfect. In summary, he recommends listing
all the elements involved in a given study as the best way for their description.
Hubner, Astin, and Herbert (2010) have also seriously addressed the issue of the use of the term
“heavy metals”. As their title indicates, they have focused on solution to the problem in addition to a
best description of the issue. These authors referred to the list of 40 different definitions of the term
“heavy metal” given in Duffus (2002) article. They explained that majority of these definitions are based
on various chemical and physical properties of the elements particularly on density and relative atomic
mass. They also highlighted the wide ranges of densities (3.5–7 g cm−3) and relative atomic mass (23–40)
as threshold levels in these definitions. They explained that such diversity in definitions has resulted in
different number of elements considered to be ‘heavy metals’ in different studies. Hubner et al.,
conducted a literature survey using the two databases, Web of Knowledge and Scopus, to find the
trends in the use of the term ‘heavy metal’ in topics and titles of publications. They found that such use
has increased at an exponential rate since 1970. They also noted that the publication of the IUPAC
technical report in 2002 has no significant impact on the use of the term in either of the databases. Their
results showed that the use of the term is actually increasing rather than declining and the trend in the
use remains increasing in both relative and absolute numbers. They reported that based on 2009 data,
the ten most common sources of the term ‘heavy metal’ in the publications’ titles included some of the
most renowned environmental journals with a considerable impact, such as Journal of Hazardous
Materials, Chemosphere and Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. The authors argued that the term
seems to have been ‘vernacularised’ in science and therefore has proven to be very resilient. Hubner et
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al., called continuing use of the term in environmental sciences as unscientific and presented four
options as possible solutions to the problem. These options are summarized in Table 1.
Another publication addressing this dilemma was by Bhat and Khan (2011). These authors also
communicated that the term “heavy metals” is unsatisfactory because it misrepresents a large and
diverse group of elements. They proposed the term Biologically Labile Elements (BLEs) or simply Bio-
labile Elements.
In response to the campaign for abolition of the term “heavy metals”, Graeme E Batley, a seasoned
researcher of the environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology of heavy metals, presented a defense of
the term in a very peaceful and logical way (Batley 2012). He was confident about the use of the term
and believed that it adequately discriminates between the metals of environmental concern and those
other, notionally ‘‘light’’ metals like Na, K, Mg, and Ca, which are all major ion constituents of natural
waters, soils, and sediments and are of minor environmental interest. He explained that the accepted
classification of heavy metals is mostly restricted to the transition metals, because they are encountered
as anthropogenic contaminants and are potential toxicants and therefore are of environmental concern,
although many of them are definitely essential for life. He added that a logical extension in the class of
heavy metals is to include the lanthanide and actinide elements. However, these are rare earth
elements and are not routinely included in studies of heavy metals. Batley personally did not suggest a
definition of heavy metals, instead he explained his viewpoint about the classification of heavy metals.
He explained that from the perspective of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology, he would agree
with any definition of heavy metals that includes the elements V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Ag, Cd,
Au, Hg, Sn, and Pb. It seems that, during his career in the field since early 1970s, he has noted these
elements as the common heavy metals of environmental concern. Finally, Batley would consider the
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(ii) The metals in Groups IIIA and IVA, namely Ga, In, Sn, Tl, and Pb
Regarding the response of the environmental science community about the campaign for abolition of
the term “heavy metals”, Batley remarked that “Apart from our editor, the objections from within the
environmental science community amount to less than a whimper, because most either feel
comfortable with the term, or have no strong opinions one way or the other”. In conclusion, Batley
explained that he firmly believes in ‘‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’’. Until there is a better definition of the
term that covers the group of metals commonly posing environmental concerns, he would not be
convinced to abandon the prefix ‘‘heavy’’ as it is a well understood descriptor of these metals.
The publication of Dr. Graeme Batley article in Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management
presenting a defense for the term “heavy metals” was followed by a response from Chapman in the
same issue of the journal (Chapman 2012b). Chapman explained that scientists are humans, they are not
always right, and as scientists they should constantly question and encourage questioning (Chapman
Very recently, Pourret and Bollinger (2018) have suggested removal of the term “heavy metals”
and its replacement with alternatives such as “potentially toxic metal(s)/element(s)” or “trace
definitive term and almost any metal/element may be potentially toxic depending on dose and duration
of exposure. Likewise, “trace metal(s)/element(s)” can have two meanings, one with respect to their
quantity required in the body and the other with respect to their abundance in the earth’s
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Since 2012, with the exception of the above-mentioned article, there is silence in the debate on
use of the term “heavy metals” and a comprehensive definition is still awaited. Hodson (2004), a
supporter of Duffus call for stopping the use of the term, has communicated that many apologists of the
term “heavy metals” from the environmental science community defend their use of the term with such
statement ‘‘I know it is a terrible term but everyone knows what it means and there aren’t any
alternatives’’. So, we suggest that instead of searching for alternatives of the term, it is better to define
the term in a comprehensive way and use this new definition for deciding which elements in the
As stated by Hodson (2004), the term is popular in the environmental literature. According to Hubner,
Astin, and Herbert (2010), the use of the term in topics and titles of publications is still widespread and
increasing. These authors have communicated the argument that a proposed replacement of the term
may seem non-intuitive to environmental scientists. Therefore, a comprehensive and more scientific
definition of the term “heavy metals” is needed in order to clearly identify the elements to be
categorized as heavy metals. Such a definition should be based on the periodic table of elements but it
should also preserve the traditional taste of heaviness of the term heavy metals.
In the first place, heavy metals must be metals. Thus elements, which are metals can be
categorized as heavy metals; metalloids such as As and the nonmetal Se cannot be categorized as heavy
metals. The heaviness of an element is based on the mass of its atoms and their arrangement/packing in
the available space at a given temperature. The former property of elements is expressed in terms of
their atomic mass and the later in terms of their density. The atomic mass of an element is ultimately
determined by the number of nucleons in its nucleus. Since, the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an
element may be less than (only for protium, 1H), equal to or greater than the number of protons in it,
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therefore, the arrangement of elements in the periodic table is based on the number of protons in the
nucleus of an element, called the atomic number (Z). Thus, to categorize heavy metals more
scientifically and at the same time retaining the taste of heaviness in their definition, we must consider
both atomic number and elemental density. Since elements are placed in the periodic table according to
their atomic number, incorporation of atomic number as a classification criterion in the definition of
heavy metals will provide a systematic way of locating them in the periodic table. In summary, we
suggest that such a definition should be based on both atomic number and elemental density of metals.
“Heavy metals are naturally occurring metals having atomic number greater than 20 and an elemental
Criteria items (ii) and (iii) above have previously been used, separately, for defining heavy metals; we
have only assembled them into a single definition and appended criterion (i) to their combination in
order to have a more comprehensive definition. The inclusion of criterion (i) in the definition of heavy
metals is very important because As and Se, two elements other than metals, are most often discussed
under the umbrella of heavy metals in the environmental literature. As discussed by Duffus (2003), the
confusion arising from inclusion of As with metals is very common in the relevant literature. A metalloid
or semimetal is defined as “an element that has the physical appearance and properties of a metal but
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behaves chemically like a non-metal” (Atkins and Jones 1997). Duffus (2003) has argued that since
toxicological properties of elements are determined by their chemical properties, therefore metalloids
should not be considered as a subset of metals but rather as a subset of nonmetals. Madrid (2010) also
explained that using “metals” for a group of elements including As or Se is, at least, incorrect. Batley
(2012) is also of the view that As and Se should not be included as heavy metals. A screening of the
periodic table according to our proposed new definition yields a total of 51 elements to be classified as
heavy metals. For such screening, elemental densities were taken from the interactive periodic table of
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC 2017). Figure 2 shows a plot of elemental density versus atomic
number. A schematic of such screening and a view of the periodic table depicting heavy metals are
As shown in Figure 4, out of the 51 elements to be called heavy metals, 7 are from p-Block, 25
from d-Block, 19 from f-Block while no element from s-Block, the notionally light metals. The two main
group metals barium (Ba) and radium (Ra) were not included in heavy metals because their densities are
3.62 and 5 g cm−3 respectively, which are less than the threshold density of greater than 5 g cm−3 set in
the new proposed definition. Similarly, the three transition metals scandium (Sc), titanium (Ti) and
yttrium (Y) were also not included because of the same reason; their densities are 2.99, 4.506 and 4.47 g
cm−3 respectively. The transition metals technetium (Tc) and promethium (Pm) could not be included as
heavy metals because both of them do not meet the criterion of “naturally occurring metals” as the first
criterion in the new definition. Actually, only 90 of the first 92 elements occur naturally; Tc and Pm do
not occur naturally because all their isotopes are radioactive and have very short half-lives (McMurry
and Fay 2012). The main group metal Al was not included because its atomic number (13) is less than 20
and its density (2.7 g cm−3) is less than the threshold density. The metalloid As and the nonmetal Se
could not be included in heavy metals because they are not metals at all; the density of Se (4.809 g cm−3)
is also less than the threshold density. (Sorry As and Se! We feel sorry for missing you but you by your
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very nature were not metals to be grouped with heavy metals. Also sorry Al! But you by your nature
were neither high enough on the ladder of atomic numbers nor heavy enough to be grouped with heavy
metals; however, not being heavy is fortunate for you because heaviness would prevent you from flying
in the air. Nevertheless, it does not mean that you all have no rich environmental profile; we will
continue to research and explore your environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology). Thus, it is
Although many people will still raise hands with Duffus, our efforts in suggesting the new definition and
consequent categorization of heavy metals may improve the picture of the term. Another contribution
of this effort will be to inform our readers and future authors to take care in the use of terminology
related to heavy metals. Here we would like to convey our message that for an element to be grouped
with heavy metals, it is not necessary to be essential or non-essential for living organisms, to be toxic, to
the light metal Al, the metalloid As and the nonmetal Se could not be included in the class of heavy
metals despite their environmental concerns, in the same way there may be heavy metals not notorious
for toxicity and with no environmental concerns. Thus, a heavy metal is a heavy metal, essential or non-
essential for biological life, notorious for toxicity or not, have reputation as environmental pollutant or
Many people may not be aware of the environmental importance for Al. Although not a heavy
metal, Al has a considerable environmental importance. Walker et al. (2012) have remarked that “some
metals are not heavy but can act as important environmental pollutants”. They have given the example
of Al and have reported that it is an extremely important pollutant in acidified lakes, where its solubility
makes it toxic to fauna especially to fish gills. It has also been implicated in Alzheimer’s disease in
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humans. Exogenous Al exposure is considered among the exogenous risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease
(Kepp (2012) and references 44-47 therein). Another very important aspect of some heavy metals is
their essentiality for biological life. Although some heavy metals such as Cd, Hg and Pb are thoroughly
regarded as totally nonessential for living organisms, the non-essentiality of Cd has been questioned in
recent years. Lane et al. (2005) has reported a carbonic anhydrase (an enzyme involved in the
acquisition of inorganic C for photosynthesis) containing Cd (CDCA1) from the marine diatom
Thalassiosira weissflogii, which was claimed to be the first native enzyme discovered so far to contain
Cd. This discovery has provided a long-awaited explanation for the nutrient-like behavior of Cd in the
oceans. So, as progress in research continues, more and more information is expected to come
regarding the role of heavy metals in biological systems. However, here we will not go much in this topic
The aim of publication on the “heavy metals” controversy is not to have a tour of the subject for our
readers and finally leave them in a closed street with no take-home message. We agree with both Batley
and Chapman. We agree with Batley in that we should present a defense of the term in order to keep it
live in the literature and with Chapman in that we should not persist on our ‘sin of omission’ i.e., we
should have a more comprehensive definition of the term, which should be consistently used thereafter.
The term has occupied space permanently not only in our memories but also in computer memories.
We are of the opinion not to abandon the term, not at least currently (Sorry Duffus! But it is true that
the term cannot be sacrificed without having a more meaningful alternative in hands). We have based
our definition on the periodic table of elements, the gold standard in chemistry. Although the term is
complained about for being imprecise, poorly defined and inconsistently used in the scientific literature
but is widely accepted and therefore indispensable. The new proposed definition of the term “heavy
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metals” is a step forward for a sound scientific definition of the term. Finally, it is once again explained
that the term “heavy metals” is a concept in its own place and therefore should not be necessarily
It is brought into the notice of the editors of relevant scientific journals (Table 2 of Ali and Khan
(2017)) and other environmental journals as well as Pure and Applied Chemistry to note the controversy
associated with the use of the term “heavy metals”. They may advise their prospective authors to use
either the definition suggested in this paper or any other sensible definition and not to consider
elements other than heavy metals (especially the light metals such as Al, the metalloid As or the
The credit for motivation of this publication goes to Duffus, who published the pioneering and
fundamental article in Pure and Applied Chemistry in 2002 and brought the issue into the notice of the
scientific community. All those who contributed to the growth and resolution of the controversy on the
Ali, H., and E. Khan. 2017. "Environmental Chemistry in the Twenty-First Century." Environmental
Ali, H., E. Khan, and M. A. Sajad. 2013. "Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals—Concepts and Applications."
Appenroth, K.-J. 2010. "What Are “Heavy Metals” in Plant Sciences?" Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 32
Atkins, P., and L. Jones. 1997. Chemistry—Molecules, Matter and Change. 3rd ed. New York: W. H.
Barakat, M. A. 2011. "New Trends in Removing Heavy Metals from Industrial Wastewater." Arabian
Batley, G. E. 2012. "“Heavy Metal”—a Useful Term." Integrated Environmental Assessment and
Bhat, U. N., and A. B. Khan. 2011. "Heavy Metals: An Ambiguous Category of Inorganic Contaminants,
Nutrients and Toxins." Research Journal of Environmental Sciences 5 (8): 682-690. doi:
Bjerrum, N. 1936. Bjerrum’s Inorganic Chemistry. 3rd Danish ed. London: Heinemann.
Chapman, P. M. 2007. "Heavy Metal—Music, Not Science." Environmental Science & Technology 41
Chapman, P. M. 2012a. "Crossing the Scientific Line: Sins of Omission and Commission." Marine
Duffus, J. H. 2002. ""Heavy Metals"—a Meaningless Term? (Iupac Technical Report)." Pure and Applied
Fang, H., L. Huang, J. Wang, G. He, and D. Reible. 2016. "Environmental Assessment of Heavy Metal
Transport and Transformation in the Hangzhou Bay, China." Journal of Hazardous Materials
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Figure Captions
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Figure 1: Periodic Table of Elements. Metals and some metalloids included in the new term ‘‘heavy
metals’’ are framed. For the definition of ‘‘heavy metals’’ (1) the block of the transition elements
(middle) (2) the rare earth elements (lanthanide series, actinide series at the bottom) and (3) the lead-
group elements on the right-hand side of the table form the three constituting subgroups (Appenroth
(2010), used with permission of Springer)
Density (g cm−3)
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97
Atomic Number (Z)
Downloaded by [University of New England] at 06:49 08 December 2017
Figure 2: Plot of elemental density versus atomic number. The orange line is a demarcation line at a
density of 5 g cm−3. Elemental densities are taken from the interactive periodic table of Royal Society of
Chemistry (RSC 2017).
Downloaded by [University of New England] at 06:49 08 December 2017
Figure 3: Schematic showing scrutiny of the elements in the periodic table for heavy metals according to
the newly proposed definition
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
55 56 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
6 *
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
87 88 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
7 **
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
Figure 4: Periodic Table of Elements showing heavy metals (shaded in olive green) and metalloids
(shaded in orange)
Table 1: Options with remarks presented by Hubner et al. (2010) for the solution of the long-standing
problem of the imprecise usage of the term “heavy metals” in scientific literature