Polyhedrons Made From 2x4 Wood Painted Gray, 1963 Effective Advent of Minimalism
Polyhedrons Made From 2x4 Wood Painted Gray, 1963 Effective Advent of Minimalism
Polyhedrons Made From 2x4 Wood Painted Gray, 1963 Effective Advent of Minimalism
“My painting is based on the fact that only what can be seen there is there. All I want
anyone to get out of my paintings and all I ever get out of them is the fact that you can
see the whole idea without any confusion. What you see is what you see.”
Frank Stella (US b. 1936)
Quathlamba, 1964, metallic powder in polymer emulsion, 6’5” x 13’7”
“Ideas can be works of art; they are in a chain of development that may eventually find
some form. All ideas need not be made physical.” “Paragraphs on Conceptual Art,” 1969
Sol Lewitt, Modular Open Cube Pieces (9 x 9 x 9) Floor/Corner 2 (Corner Piece), 1976
Lewitt, A Wall Divided Vertically into Fifteen Equal Parts, Each with a Different Line
Direction and Color, and All Combinations 1970
"In conceptual art the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work . . . all
planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair.
The idea becomes the machine that makes the art."
“If I was an artist and I was in the studio, then whatever I was doing in the
studio must be art. At this point art became more of an activity and less of a
Nauman, Art Makeup, White, Black, Pink, Green, 1967-8, performance video stills
Nauman, Slow Angle Walk (Beckett Walk) (1968). Video, 60 min