Grammar Express U54 Phrasal Verbs-Inseparable 1
Grammar Express U54 Phrasal Verbs-Inseparable 1
Grammar Express U54 Phrasal Verbs-Inseparable 1
w eэ h o u | d
eat oul.
Сheck thе correct onswеr.
:<--:; Whеre does the woman
suggest eating?
t at homе
Unscromblеthеsе words to form two sentenсеs.
We ran into Bob.
He was eating out.
Рhrasal Verbs: lгlsеparab|e l 233
2. Partiсlesandprepositions
lookthеsame. . sr..Тl?'TlТ:xъ1l., .unn"rbeсause
Howеver,partiсlesarе part of thе verb phrase, Wasn,tpaying attеntion.
and thеy often сhanoе thе mеaning of thе verb. (Sheсollidеdwith anothеrrunner.)
vеrb + partiс|е
l l r a n i n to |oh n a t th е su per ma r kеt.
(l mеt John by oссidеnt.)
3. Тhe verb and paгtiс|eare usuallyсommon words, l Plеase9сr on. I didn,t mеan to interгupt'
but their sеparatemеaningsmay not heIpyou (Plеoseсontinue.)
guessthе mеaning of the phrasal verb.
r We got back afterdark.
Usдсв Noтt: PhrasaIverbs are verv сommon in (We rеturnedoftеrdork.)
l They сallеd off thе mееting.
(Theyсonсеledthе meеting,)
4. Most phrasalverbs are transitive. (Thеy takе r You shou|dgo aftеr уour gools.
direсt objeсts).
dirесt oLljeсt
Some tгansitivephrasa|vеrbs are insеparab|е. r Shе ran into her friend at the |ibгaгy.
Тhis mеansthat both noun and pronounobjесts Noт Shе at thе |ibrary.
alwaysgo ____;.l^:;-
afterthе paгtiсlе.You сannot sеparatе
, dirесtobjeсt
the vеrb from its paгtiс|е. r Shе ran into her.
Noт Sh е r a n h ег i n to.
it out!
t.or a list of some сommon inseparable phrasal vеrbs, see Appendix 17 on pagеs 341_342.
To learn about separable phrasal verbs, seе Unit 55, pages 236-237.
234 I unit s4
TheАrt of FengShui 6|
,/ffi: ffi,:ii:H:ж:::
Fеngshui(mеaning..windand water',)is thе anсiеntСhinesеart of p|aсingthingsin thс
еnvironmсnt.Aссordingto this art,thе arrangеmеnt
of furniture,doors, and windows
аffесtsour hеalth,wеalth,and happinеss.Мr. Ho was сoncеrnеdabout his businсss,
but hr didn,tgivеup. Followingthе сonsultаntЗadviсе,hе rеmodе|вdand rеdссorаtеd
his rеstaurant.His aсtionspaid off. Soon businеsspiсkеd up and Мr. Ho beсamс riсh.
..ltWasthс bеst dесision| еvеr made,'' glows.
hе Аnd hе isn'talonе in his еnthusiasm.
Fengshui has сaughton with modеrnarсhitесtsand homеownеrsеvеrywhеrе,
IllАтсltо Writе еаch phrosol verb from thе orticle nеxt to its mеoning.
PhrasalVerb Meaning PhrasalVerb Meaning
1. caught on has beсome pоpular 4. find out learn information
2. cam e b a c k returned 5. give up quit
3. paid off were worthwhile picked up improved
l jиsг tinishedаn аrtic|еаbouttеng shui' Аt thе еnd,rhе аutnorэuqgestssiiting
с'|oosEa I}мPLETE o Rеod this orticle аbout the orchitеct t, M. Pei. Сomplеte it using
thе correct form of the phrosol verbs in the boх.
most сontroversial projeсts was his glass pyramid at the Louvre rn Paris. The old museum
come up with
had a lot of problems, but no onе wantеd to destroy it. Pei had to
a solution. Мany Parisians were shoсked with his proposal for a 7l-foot-high glass
pyramid. It went up anyway, blending with the environment. Today
many people say that it is a good example of the prinсiples of feng shui.
Pei kept on despite сritiсism. He strongly believed havе
give up
to identify the important things and press for thеm, and not
His determinatron
paid off . He сontinued to build struсtures that
refleсted thе еnvironment. Pei rесeived many prizes for his wоrk. He used some of the
ptize money to start a sсholarship fund for Chinese students to study arсhitесture in
EDITo Rеod Bob,s noteto his roommote,Find ond corrеcteight mistаkesin the use of
insеporoblеphrosol vеrbs,Thе firstmistokeis olreodуcorrected.
Eoггy thе аpагtment is suсh a mеss. Igotdfi.l+ lаtе this morning and didnt hаvе timе to
up out back
stгaТghtеnoиt |'m going to thе gym now to work off for anhour. Ishould 9еt aсгoss bеfore
Wе сan 9еt togеthеr with
уou, and |'ll сlean up thеn. ГJowabout еаtТngtonTght out? Аftеrwаrd,
up -Dob
*omе of thе gиys and maybе seе a movTе.oг mayЬe wе'll сome over with а betteг idеа.
into by
oh' -| ranTom into at sсhool. Гle'lldrop off to sеe you latеn