The Contemporary World Class (Lesson 9) Activity 9.1

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Jhon Dave Surbano

The Contemporary World Class (Lesson 9)
Activity 9.1
The image below shows a community built with many familiar icons of today. Using this
illustration, give the relationship between media and culture and how the two shape a globalized

Image Source: Center for the Study of Globalization and Cultures

The image shows the rapidly changing into modernity. It is the phenomenon
that we experience in a daily living and it reflects a standardization of cultural around the
world, media influence culture comprehensively the way life. Culture refers to the unified
style of human knowledge, beliefs and behavior from which people learn, and the ability
to communicate knowledge to the next generations. Its development has been mainly
influenced by media. The broad communications have an extraordinary effect on the
cultural examples of society relying upon the path react to the impact. As the media
becomes more internationalized, the more it is available to the outside impacts,
subsequently varieties of culture are being passed and disguised by various individual in
the globe. Media fills in as a medium that spreads social correspondence all the more
Activity 9.2
Read the article about Globalization and Media to help you compare and broaden your
perspectives along the questions posted on the previous activity. Click on the link:

After reading the article about globalization and media, I learned that media has impact
on globalization. Without media, globalization can’t work into global economy. Media may be
conceptualized Economic Aspects in economics, globalization engages in various
aspects of cross border transactions, free international capital flows, foreign direct
investment, portfolio investment, and rapid and widespread diffusion of technology. As a
starting point, the following paradox can be observed regarding the relationship between
the development of the news media and the public sphere: Due to the growth in
transnational and global news media, public opinion formation occasionally transcends
national borders and acquires a political momentum of its own at a global level. The
process of globalization can’t replace because the mass correspondence had impact both
culture and society. While the global media system disseminates capitalist consumer
culture globally and uniformly having a homogenizing effect, it simultaneously has the
effect of creating new hybrid cultures as a result of global flows of people and the
interpretation of media flows. Furthermore, The Internet is an especially appropriate medium
for the transmission of cultural contents, including that for even the smallest minority, given that it
notably increases the possibilities for choice for the public and offers immediate access. Media
shapes our culture and society.

Activity 9.3
Are you done reading? Below are some of the points mentioned in the material. Let’s try to find
out if you agree or disagree with the following points. Elaborate your answer.
1.The media have become the chief transmitters of culture.

AGREE- for instance, conventional media fills in as an approach to advice tangible social
data (exhibition halls, craftsmanship displays and libraries). Media serves a medium in
exchanging information and passing on correspondence, subsequently this exchange of
information likewise incorporates culture. With the introduction of new media new, better
and more advantageous method of passing on social correspondence. Media and
associated technology used to transmit the strange phenomenon that is ‘culture’ also
influence what is preserved and for how long.

2. Youth are the subject of a massive cultural assault from the unending flow of American
television, magazines, books, films and music which bombard them daily.

AGREE- In this case, we the youth are the victim of massive cultural assault brought by
the avenues of media. Young people are exceptionally inclined from new media's
impact, driven by interest they tend quest for something.

3. The smaller culture is to be absorbed by the bigger, economically, militarily or politically stronger

AGREE- Due to predominant country with amazing military, and economically

prosperous participate in little culture in a needy nation. Because of Globalization is not
just an economic phenomenon, but a political, cultural, military, and environmental one
as well.
4. The Internet is an especially appropriate medium for the transmission of cultural contents,
including that for even the smallest minority, given that it notably increases the possibilities for
choice for the public and offers immediate access.

AGREE- It is the most ideal approach to pass on social setting and substance, there are
motivation behind why web is the best media to utilizes on the grounds that it is advantageous,
accessible, and open all day, every day. internet play an important role in transmission of
information such as cultural content. Without internet there is no transmission happens because
in today’s world internet or data is the new oil.

5. There is no globalization without media.

AGREE- Notwithstanding, as I would see it I without a doubt concurred, without media there is just
eye to eye correspondence, not everything individuals can go the world over to talk spread data and
exchange. Information that media share, and spread are useless without globalization. Without
media, maybe some places that depending on globalization are illiterate on some things. Media
came from various kinds, for example, print, customary and new media

Activity 9 .4
Using the matrix below, exemplify your understanding of the three perspectives on global cultural
flow by providing your own definitions and examples.

Perspective on Global How do you understand this Give your own set of
Cultural Flow perspective? examples to exemplify its
Cultural Differentialism Cultural Differentialism An example of this
includes boundaries that perspective are the clashes
forestall streams that serve to between two opposes that
make culture more alike; the influences each colonized
way of life will in general
nation and by this event
remain determinedly unique
in relation to each other. It
people are seeing that
shows the persistent distinct there’s a remarkable
with each other and just product that affects their
implies that in culture are culture like on the religion
diverse due to the standards because the concept of
of the society. cultural diffferentialism
emphasizes lasting
differences among and
between cultures largely
unaffected by globalization
or any trans-cultural flows.
As seen in the example,
clashing cultures can have
a huge impact on both
cultures, countries and the
entire world.
Cultural Convergence Cultural Convergence from An example of these is
the word itself convergence accessing Language, like
means interaction of the two using English language
or more culture. This means because it plays an
that the two or more culture important role in
will be increasing the global
flows like each other as their
globalization, it enables
interactions increase. people from different
culture to understand what
other people are saying
and easy to communicate,
covey the information with
different countries. And
another example is the
SONA with engaging
different leaders to
exchange ideas about the
direction of their particular
field, business culture and
etc. in order to meet their
needs in culture.

Cultural Hybridity In this perspective, I One example of these is in our

understand that cultural country, some Filipino prefer a
hybridity is the mixture of Filipino movie while some are
different culture either local addicted with international
culture or international culture movie and Korean Drama. So
and the convergence of as a result, we are practicing
global. a culture from different
country through movie and as
that we are diverting our
movie taste into something
new that make us interesting.
And another example is would
be foreign moving to our
country and keeping their
foreign traditions, while also
integrating into Filipino
society and adopt some our
traditions as well.
Activity 9.5.
Analyze the different cartoons below and give your reflection along the effect, role and impact of
media to the contemporary world. Summarize your response to a minimum of four sentences.

The images above are demonstrating the phenomenon media affects in our daily living. In
picture number 1 which is tied in with begging, that It just show that in order for us to have something
we need someone approval through social media to provide our neediness. Media affects our daily
living of our life because we are simultaneously dependent through web-based media and relying upon
what individuals could response on it. In the second picture, it features that media or technology is
advance that could replace everything on what we see and pondering the screen the nature that should
we squander as of now. Media changes our current circumstance into present day. Media changes the
landscapes that we see that we expected to be. The picture 3 highlights that position is definitely not a
big deal with regards to media, however it influences as to do something vindictive and utilize the media
as a weapon. We can use media to oppose someone in order to revenge and make them inappropriate
in social media. The fourth picture is all about media changes of what we are, media carry us to be
highfaluting. It just essentially needs us to understand that what we see online isn't simply the genuine
real thing and we see ourselves as a profesional not the real self that make us fake through social media
to be able to become famous. Media can change our status throughout everyday life. The last picture
shows us that media has also its disadvantage. As we observe in the picture, the boy is having a trust
issue on what channels should he believe on because that these days not all we see or hear on media
are realible sources and fact information because now a days there’s a lot of fake information in order
to convey their opinion either it’s not realible sources.

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