M75E-2 Guide en-US
M75E-2 Guide en-US
M75E-2 Guide en-US
Diamond Stylus
Output Voltage
(1,000 Hi. at
5 cm/sec)
M75ED N75ED TYPE 2 5.0 millivolts Black % to 1 %
TYPE 2 ( E D T I ) Elliptica!
Side Contact R a d ~ u :s
.0002" (.005 mm)
Frontal Radius :
,0007" (.018 mm)
1 N75G TYPE 2
(G T2) Radius:
,0006'' I.015 mm) 1 5.0 millivolts
1 1
3/4 to 1 %
N75EJ T Y P E 2
( E J T2) Elliptical
5.0 millivolts / Green
Light 1 % to 3
Side Contact R a d ~ u :s
,0004" (.010 mm)
Frontal Radius :
.0007" (.018 mm)
1 N75-3,* Radius:
.0025" (.Of34 mm)
T h e N75-3 stylus may be used to reproduce the standard 78
rpm recold,.? I n t h ~ scase, the ampl~fier should be s e t to
Monaural or A + B " mode.
q F o ~ n ~ e r lM75-6
y TYPE 2.
-*Formerlv N75-6 TYPE 2.
M75ED T Y P E 2 a t a stylus force of 1 gram.
400 Hz. - 22 cm/sec.
1.000 Hz. - 33 cm/sec.
10.000 Hz. - 19 cmisec.
M75G TYPE 2 a t a stylus force of 1 g r i m .
400 Hz. - 20 cm/sec
1,000 Hz. - 28 cm/sec
10,000 Hz. - 18 cm/sec
M75Be* TYPE 2, and M75EJ TYPE 2
a t a stylus force of 2 g r a m s
400 Hz. - 28 cm/sec
1,000 Hz. - 35 cm/sec
10,000 Hz. - 20 cm/sec
(Higher stylus forces within specified range improve trackability.)
F R E Q U E N C Y RESPONSE: F r o m 20 to 20,000 Hz.
C H A N N E L S E P A R A T I O N : Nominallv 25 d b a t 1.000 Hz.
O P T I M U M L O A D : 47,000 ohms resistance in parallel with 400
to 500 picofarads total capacitance per channel. Load resistance
can be up to 70,000 ohms with almost no audible change in fre-
quency response. Total capacitance includes both t h e tone a r m
wiring a n d amplifier i n p u t circuit.
I N D U C T A N C E : 720 millihenries
D.C. R E S I S T A N C E : 630 ohms
M O U N T I N G : Standard %" (12.7 mm) mounting center
W E I G H T : 6 grams
T E R M I N A L S : 4 terminals
CONNECT IONS: 4-Lead Stereo Connection : Connect "hot" lead
of right channel to terminal "R" (usually red) and shield or
ground lead of right channel to terminal "RG" (usually green).
Connect "hot" lead of left channel to terminal "L" (usually
white) and shield or ground lead of left channel to "LG"
(usually blue). To prevent "ground loops" and hum, no common
connection should be used a t cartridge terminals.
C A U T I O N : Do not make solder connections to cartridge termi-
nals. Make all solder connections to terminal jacks provided
before slipping them over the terminals.
M O N A U R A L O P E R A T ION : F o r monaural playback of records,
the left and right channels should be connected in parallel. This
is accomplished most conveniently b y setting the function switch
on the associated amnlifier to " A + B-W o r "Mono."
t h e s t y l u s , use a camel's-hair b r u s h (No. -2 &;-or sm&7
dipped lightly in alcohol or alcohol-water solution; grain alcohol
is preferred. (WARNING: Commercial record o r stylus cleaning
solutions m a y cause corrosion and permanent stylus damage.)
The alcohol will remove a n v sludge d e ~ o s i t swhich mav have
coated the stylus tip. The ,6rush Fristlei should b e - t r i m k e d - t o
a length no longer than Vi ~ n c h .ALWAYS brush t h e stylus with
a forward movement from the rear (terminal end of the car-
tridge) to the front. NEVER brush o r wipe the stvlus from
front to back or side to side.
R E C O R D . C L E A N I N G : An effective way to clean a record is to
immerse ~t in a solution of mild dishwashing liquid detergent
and lukewarm or cool water (preferably distilled water). Use a
lint-free cloth to work the mixture into the grooves following
the grooves around f o r a thorough cleansing. Then, 'rinse with
clear, cool o r lukewarm water (preferablv distilled) and d r v
with a lint-free cloth.
Grasp molded housing of stylus
between thumb and forefinger. Gently
withdraw stylus b y pulling forward
out of cartridge. Grasp replacement
stylus between thumb and forefinger
and insert into stylus socket. P r e s s
stylus into socket until molded hous-
ing of the stylus mates with the
cartridge case. Care must be taken
not to allow t h e finger to slip off
the molded housing of the stylus,
resulting in damage to the stylus
tip o r shank.
S P E C I A C N O T E : T h e Dynetic stylus assembly used in these car-
t r ~ d g e s1s the most critical component. To maintain the o r ~ g i n a l
performance standards of your cartridge, be certain t h a t a n y re-
placement stylus you buy bears the following certification on the
package: "This Stereo Dynetic stylus is precision manufactured
b y Shure Brothers Inc."
GUARANTEE: This Shure product is guaranteed in normal use
to be free from electrical and mechanical defects for a period of
one year from the date of purchase. Please retain proof of
purchase date. This guarantee includes all p a r t s and labor.
This guarantee does not include stylus wear.
S H I P P I N G INSTRUCTIONS: Carefully .repack the unit and
return it prepaid to the factory. If o u t s ~ d ethe United States.
return t h e unit to your dealer or authorized Shure Service Centel.
f o r repair. T h e unit will be returned to you prepaid.
P A T E N T N O T I C E : Cartridge and stylus manufactured under
one or more of the following U. S. Patents 3,055,988, 3,077,521.
3,077,522, and 3,463,889.
Copyright 1968, Shure Brothers Inc. Printcd in U.S.A.
27A516 ( L D )
Saisir l a partie en plastique d e l a pointe d e lecture entre le pouce et
I'index (voir illustration a u verso). Retirer l a pointe de lecture avec pre-
caution en l a tirant en dehors d e l a cellule. Saisir entre le pouce et
l'index l a partie en plastique d e l a pointe de lecture de rechange et i n t r o ~
duire s a tige dans l a douille du corps d e cellule. Enfoncer l a pointe d e
lecture dans l a douille jusqu'a ce que le logement moule d e l a pointe bute
ou affleure le boitier de l a cellule. I1 faut prendre soin d e ne pas laisser
glisser le doigt hors du logement moule d e l a pointe de lecture, car l'extre
mite ,ou l a tige d e l a pointe de lecture pourrait en consequence Btre endom-
ATTENTION: Ne pas utiliser des forces d'appui superieures a u maximum
indique. Voir caracteristiques (au verso) pour la gamme de forces d'appui
de votre modele de cellule.
Conseils pour nettoyer la pointe de lecture
Pour nettoyer l a pointe d e lecture, utilisez un petit pinceau a poils tres
souples et ires fins trempe legerement dans de l'alcool (de gram si possible)
ou dans une solution alcool-eau distillee (ATTENTION: les 11quides du com-
merce pour nettoyer les disques ou pointes de lecture, risquent d'attaquer et
endommager deflnitivement vos pointes). L'alcool enlevera les depBts et im-
puretes qui auront recouvert l a pointe de lecture. Les brins du pinceau
doivent Gtre coupes a une longueur d e 6 millimetres a u plus. Brossez toujours
l a pointe avec un mouvement d e l'arriere (ou sont les connections de la
cellule) vers l'avant. Ne jamais brosser l a pointe de l'avant vers l'arriere.
ou d'un cBte a l'autre.
REMARQUE: La pointe d e lecture Dynetic dans ces cellules constitue
l'element le plus delicat. Pour conserver les normes de performances
mitiales de votre cellule. assurez-vous que toute pointe de lecture d e
rechange que vous acheterez porte l a garantie suivante sur son condi-
tionnement: "This,,Stereo Dynetic stylus is precision manufactured by
Shure Brothers Inc.
Evitez les imitations de qualite inferieure. Elles diminueralent sensible-
ment les performances de votre cellule. Toutes les veritables pointes de
lecture "Dynetlc" sont fabriquees par Shure Brothers Inc. 11 est evident que
l'emploi d e toute imitation d e l a pointe d e lecture Dynetic ne nous permet
pas d e garantir que les performances d e l a cellule Dynetic Shure sont con-
formes aux caracteristiques annoncees par Shure. N'ACCEPTEZ AUCUNE
Nous offrons sur ce produit SHURE une garantie d'un a n contre tout
defaut electrique ou mecanique a partir de l a date d'achat pourvu qu'il
soit destine a un emploi normal. Priere d e garder l a preuve de l a date
d'achat. Cette garantie comporte toute piece de rechange et main d'oeuvre.
Mais elle ne couvre pas l'usure de l a pointe d e lecture.
Instruction dlExpedition:
Soigneusement remballer I'appareil et le retourner a l'usine. En dehors
des Etats-Unis retourner l'appareil a votre distributeur on a u Centre de Ser-
port paye.
vice autorise pour l a remise en etat. Alors on vous renverra l'awwareil en