A F Ramework For Analysis of Data Quality Research
A F Ramework For Analysis of Data Quality Research
A F Ramework For Analysis of Data Quality Research
Abstiuct-Organizational databases are pervaded with data of W e deliberately exclude research efforts from well estab-
poor quality. However, there has not been an analysis of the data lished research areas that are not focused on issues directly
quality literature that provides an overall understanding of the
state-of-art research in this area. Using an analogy between
related to data quality. For example, concurrency control has
product manufacturing and data manufacturing, this paper de- been surveyed by Bernstein and Goodman [15], data security
velops a framework for analyzing data quality research, and uses by Denning and Denning [38], database schema integration by
it as the basis for organizing the data quality literature. This Batini, Lenzirini, and Navathe [ 141, logical database design by
framework consists of seven elements: management responsibili- Teorey, Yang, and Fry [108], and temporal databases by Tan-
ties, operation and assurance costs, research and development,
production, distribution, personnel management, and legal func- se1 et al. [106]. Other well established research areas that we
tion. The analysis reveals that most research efforts focus on op- do not investigate include privacy and software quality. Thus,
eration and assurance costs, research and development, and pro- this paper strives to serve as a focal point for understanding
duction of data products. Unexplored research topics and unre- the state-of-the-art in data quality research, and to bridge the
solved issues are identified and directions for future research gap between research that directly addresses data quality is-
sues and research that is primarily focused on other subject
Index Terms-Data quality, data manufacturing, data product, areas.
Total Quality Management (TQM), ISO9000, information qual- This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents a
ity, data quality analysis, data quality practices. framework for data quality analysis. The elements of this
framework are presented in Section III. Section IV analyzes
I. INTRODUCTION existing research and identifies unresolved research issues for
each element of the framework. Section V summarizes and
searchers and practitioners for some time. In order to further II. A FRAMEWORK FOR DATA QUALITY ANALYSIS
advance the research on data quality, however, one must first There are many approaches in the literature that can be
understand the work that has been conducted to date and iden- applied to studying data quality. A data life cycle which fo-
tify specific topics that merit further investigation.
cuses on the sequence of activities from creation to disposition
The objectives of this paper are to develop a framework that of data has been proposed; see, for example, Redman [92] and
can be used to analyze existing research on data quality, and to Te’eni [107]. Another concept that might be applicable is the
identify important future research directions. In selecting the value chain, where producing, distributing and consuming or-
appropriate body of research for examination, two primary ganizations are categorized by the value they add at each stage
criteria were used:
in the production process [90], [91]. Other approaches to the
1) The authors of the articles specifically recognize a data data quality problem include an electronic data processing
quality problem, which they attempt to address in their (EDP) audit [83], [112], [120], and database integrity [19,]
work. That is, the research is motivated by a data quality ~271,P81, [341, [1041.
issue. Although all of these approaches have merits, we choose to
2) The researchers address a problem that, although not draw upon an analogy that exists between quality issues in a
specifically described as a data quality issue (e.g., user manufacturing environment and those in an information sys-
satisfaction with information systems), is comprised of tems environment. Information systems have been compared to
components that are related to data quality management. production systems wherein data are the raw materials and
Many of these authors’ papers are referenced by research information (i.e., data products) is the output [29], [39]. This
that falls into the first category. analogy has also been suggested in discussions of data assem-
bly [52], information as inventory [94], information systems
Manuscript received Oct. 3, 1994.
quality [35], and information manufacturing [4].
R.Y. W a n g is with the Total Data Quality Management Research Program, As shown in Fig. 1, a product manufacturing system acts on
Room E53-320, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- raw material inputs to produce output material, or physical
nology, 50 Memorial Dr., Cambtidge, M A 02142; e-mail: [email protected].
V.C. Storey is with the Computer and Information Systems Dept., the Wil-
products. Similarly, an information system can be viewed as a
liam E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, University of data manufacturing system acting on raw data input (e.g., a
Rochester, Dewy Hall 238, Rochester, NY 14627; e-mail: storey@ single number, a record, a file, a spreadsheet, or a report) to
C.P. Firth is with Global Consumer Bank, Citibank, N.A., 1 Shenton
produce output data, or data products (e.g., a sorted file or a
Way, Singapore 0106; e-mail: [email protected]. corrected mailing list). This data product, in turn, can be
IEEECS Log Number K95053.
treated as raw data in another data manufacturing system. Use structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes, and re-
of the term “data manufacturing” encourages researchers and sources for implementing data quality management.
practitioners alike to seek out cross-disciplinary analogies that l Data quality control is the set of operational techniques
can facilitate the transfer of knowledge from the field of prod- and activities that are used to attain the quality required
uct quality to the field of data quality. Use of the term “data for a data product.
product” emphasizes the fact that the data output has value that l Data quality assurunce includes all those planned and
is transferred to customers, be they internal or external to the systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confi-
organization. dence that a data product will satisfy a given set of qual-
ity requirements.
Product Data
Manufacturing Manufacturing
A framework for data quality analysis is developed that
consists of seven elements (as shown in Fig. 2) adapted from
input Raw Materials
the ISO9000: 1) management responsibilities, 2) operation and
Raw Data
assurance costs, 3) research and development, 4) production,
5) distribution, 6) personnel management, and 7) legal func-
Process Materials Processing Data Processing tion. These seven are a result of grouping the original twenty
categories in the IS09004 to obtain a workable number of
output Physical Products Data products dimensions that could be applied to data quality.
Element Description
the raw data, the data manufacturing process, and the data its potential impact on production costs, quality costs, cus-
products themselves. This function should be such that the tomer satisfaction, and so forth. Cause and effect relationships
data product can be produced, verified, and controlled under should be identified and preventative action initiated to pre-
the proposed processing conditions. The quality aspects of the vent a reoccurrence of nonconformity. It is well accepted by
design should be unambiguous and adequately define charac- practitioners in the data quality management area that it is
teristics important to data product quality, such as acceptance more beneficial to check and, if appropriate, modify the proc-
and rejection criteria. Tests and reviews should be conducted ess that caused the data quality problem than to correct the
to verify the design. nonconforming data items.
D. Production E. Distribution
In terms of production, data quality begins with the pro- The handling of data products requires proper planning and
curement of raw data. A data quality system for procurement control. The marking and labeling of data products should be
must include the selection of qualified raw data suppliers, an legible and remain intact from initial receipt to final delivery.
agreement on quality assurance, and the establishment of veri- Specifically, in the context of data stored in computerized da-
fication methods. All raw data must conform to data quality tabases, this means that the metadata that describes the data
standards before being introduced into the data manufacturing should be interpretable to the user and not corrupted. The data
system. W h e n traceability is important, appropriate identifica- quality system should establish, and require the maintenance
tion should be maintained throughout the data manufacturing and after-sales servicing of data products, whether they be
process to ensure that the original identification of the raw data distributed to internal or external customers. In addition, it
and its quality status can be attained. The identification, in the should provide a means of identifying, collecting, indexing,
form of tags, should distinguish between verified and unveri- storing, retrieving, and disposing of documentation and rec-
fied raw data. Verification of the quality status of data should ords regarding the data products produced by a data manufac-
be carried out at important points during the data manufactur- turing system.
ing process. The verifications should relate directly to the data
product specifications. F. Personnel Management
Suspected nonconforming data items (including raw data, Personnel management falls into three categories: training,
data products in-process, and final data products) should be qualification (formal qualification, experience, and skill), and
identified, reviewed, and recorded. Corrective action begins motivation. An effort should be made to raise employees’
when a nonconforming data item is detected. The significance awareness of issues related to data quality. Management
of a problem affecting quality should be evaluated in terms of should measure and reward data quality achievement.
G. Legal Function ity, they are not included in this paper. For example, much
research in the areas of concurrency control, integrity con-
The safety aspect of data products should be identified in
straints, and temporal databases is aimed at ensuring the con-
order to enhance product safety and minimize product liability.
sistency, accuracy, and currency of the stored data, but is not
Doing so includes identifying relevant safety standards, carry-
ing out design evaluation and prototype testing, providing data included.
This section is divided into seven subsections reflecting the
quality indicators to the user, and developing a traceability
seven elements of the framework:
system to facilitate data product recall.
A. Management Responsibilities
B. Operation and Assurance Costs
B .1 Information Systems
The framework is employed in this section to analyze arti- B .2 Database
cles relevant to data quality research. In addition to the articles B.3 Accounting
with which the authors were already familiar, exhaustive on- C. Research and Development
line database searches were conducted. Since we were aware C.l Analysis and Design of the Quality Aspects of Data
that research on data quality may appear in different disci- Products
plines, we searched various databases, including Inspec and C.2 Incorporating Data Quality into the Design of Data
ABI/Inform; the former focuses on computing literature and Manufacturing Systems
the later contains business, management, and industry-specific C.3 Dimensions of Data Quality and Measurement of
articles. Their Values
The Inspec library that we searched contains articles dating D. Production
back to 1970. Our search included all the articles in the journal E. Distribution
and conference proceedings published by the Association of F. Personnel Management
Computing Machinery (ACM) and by the Institute of Electri- G. Legal Function
cal and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Any phrase containing To serve as a reference for the reader, related research ef-
the words “data” (or “information”) and “quality” adjacent to forts are listed in a table at the beginning of each subsection.
each other with no more than two words in between was used The tables also reflect whether these research efforts address
as a key phrase in this search. For example, any article with a issues related to other elements of the framework. For exam-
title, key phrase, or abstract that contains the words “data ple, Table I in Section 1V.A shows that Huh et al. [52] also
quality, ” “quality of information,” or “data and process qual- address issues related to Sections IV.C.3 and IV.D, as indi-
ity” was identified. This exhaustive search found relatively few cated by the symbol J. This convention is used throughout
articles with the key phrases specified above. It did, however, Section IV.
identify all the research papers of which we were previously
aware. Another on-line search was conducted using other key A. Management Responsibilities
words such as “integrity,” “accuracy,” and “consistency.” The importance of top management’s involvement in attain-
The ABI/Inform library that we searched contains articles ing high quality data has been recognized; see, for example,
published between January 1987 and April 1993. Since this Bailey [6] and Halloran et al. [48]. However, as can be seen
database system does not have the capability to search for two from Table I, very little research has been conducted to inves-
words adjacent to each other with no more than two words in tigate what constitutes a data quality policy or how to establish
between, we used a similar strategy where articles with the a data quality system, both of which are important tasks for top
words “data” (or “information”) and “quality” in the title, ab- management.
stract, or keywords were identified. Major journals related to Ballou and Pazer [lo] present quantitative measurements
the information systems field were searched, including Deci- for analyzing errors in conjunctive, multi-criteria, satisficing
sion Sciences, Decision Support Systems, Harvard Business decision processes. Their results support ideas previously
Review, Management Science, MIS Quarterly, and Sloan couched in qualitative terms only. Oman and Ayers [86] focus
Management Review. (The ABI/Inform Library that we re- on the organizational side of implementing data quality sys-
searched does not include Information Systems Research tems. They use data quality survey results as a tool to improve
(ISR), the Journal of Management Information Systems the quality of data in the U.S. government. The survey results
(JMIS), and conference proceedings in the information sys- were sent back to the people directly responsible for data
tems field. Therefore, a manual search of these journals was quality on a monthly basis over a period of several years.
conducted.) Other on-line databases that were used to identify AT&T has taken a pragmatic approach to data quality man-
articles include Compendex which contains a broad spectrum agement that is based on its process management and im-
of engineering articles, and Lexis/Nexis which contains a va- provement guidelines. The approach involves seven steps: 1)
riety of articles including legal matters and news stories. establishing a process owner, 2) describing the current process
Articles that met the criteria described at the beginning of and identifying customer requirements, 3) establishing a sys-
this paper were collected and their references further examined tem of measurement, 4) establishing statistical control, 5)
to uncover additional relevant papers. Although many articles identifying improvement opportunities, 6) selecting improve-
identified above could have useful implications for data qual- ment oonortunities to oursue. and setting obiectives for doing
so, and 7) making changes and sustaining gains. This approach ity policies and data quality systems are needed. From them,
has been successfully applied both within and outside AT&T hypotheses for a corporate data quality policy and for system
[=I, W I, W I, W I. guidelines could be developed. As more and more companies
Another approach to data quality management entails two implement corporate data quality policies and systems, empiri-
phases and is found in many organizations [78], [115]. In the cal analyses could identify the most successful approaches.
first phase, the data quality proponent initiates a data quality The results from the empirical analyses would help to develop
project by identifying an area in which the effectiveness of an a body of knowledge on this topic.
organization is critically impacted by poor data quality. Upon
completion of this phase, the proponent has gained experience B. Operation and Assurance Costs
and established credibility within the organization. In the sec- The costs of a data quality system are divided into: 1) op-
ond phase, the proponent strives to become the leader for data erating costs (prevention, appraisal, and failure), and 2) assur-
quality management within the organization. ance costs (demonstrating the quality required by both man-
A high level management perspective of data quality has also agement and customers). The research that addresses cost is-
been proposed [78], [ 1141 in which fundamental problems such sues is identified in Table II. Although the literature does not
as the need to define, measure, analyze, and improve data quality distinguish between operating and assurance costs, it is possi-
are identified. Guidelines are provided to show how total data ble to classify the work that has been carried out by the areas
quality management may be attained. In addition, challenging in which the work occurs, namely, information systems
research issues for each problem area are identified. (Section IV.B.l), databases (Section IV.B.2), and accounting
Other approaches have also been developed by various (Section IV.B.3).
firms. Although the implementation details vary with different
approaches and organizational settings, most practitioners B. I. Information Systems
have benefited from the accumulated body of knowledge on The information systems literature provides cost and quality
total quality management (TQM) [32], [37], [40], [63], [105]. tradeoffs for control procedures in information systems and a
methodology for allocating resources to data quality enhance-
A. I. Analysis of Research.
ment. Ballou and Pazer [9] present a framework for studying
The lack of research on what constitutes a data quality pol- the cost/quality tradeoffs of internal control scenarios designed
icy and a data quality system contrasts sharply with the grow- to ensure the quality of the output from an information system.
ing anecdotal evidence that organizations are increasingly The model includes the following parameters: the cost and
aware of the need to develop a corporate policy for data qual- quality of processing activities, the cost and quality of correc-
ity management [20], [30], [45], [71], [72], [97]. Researchers tive procedures, and a penalty cost that is incurred by failure to
and practitioners alike need to demonstrate convincingly to top detect and correct errors. Ballou and Tayi [ 121 use parameters
management that data quality is critical to the survival of an that include the cost of undetected errors, the stored data error
organization in the rapidly changing global environment. Re- rate, and the effectiveness of data repair procedures in an inte-
search is also needed to develop methodologies that will assist ger program designed to allocate available resources in an
management in identifying data quality factors that affect a optimal manner. The researchers note in particular, the need to
company’s position. Such methodologies will allow manage- obtain better estimates for the penalty costs of poor data qual-
ment to analyze the impact of data quality more directly. A ity. A heuristic is developed that helps assess whether it is
useful starting point might be to update the questionnaire de- better to identify and correct few, serious errors in one data-
veloped by Saraph, Benson, and Schroeder [95] that measures base or more widespread, but less severe, quality problems in
management policies related to total quality management. another database.
Case studies that document successful corporate data qual-
Other research investigates error characteristics [ 181, [60], C. Research and Development
audit concerns in distributed processing systems [51], models A significant amount of work can be classified under re-
of the internal control process [43], [85], information systems search and development, although the original work might not
research as applied to accounting and auditing [3], data quality have been identified as such. From the data quality manage-
as it relates to audit populations [47], and how auditors need to ment perspective, there are three main issues involved in re-
examine only those parts of a system where structural changes search and development: analysis and design of the data qual-
made at the system level induce structural changes at the sub- ity aspects of data products (Section IV.C.l), design of data
system level [ 1121. manufacturing systems that incorporate data quality aspects
B.4. Analysis of Research.
(Section IV.C.2), and definition of data quality dimensions and
the measurement of their values (Section IV.C.3). The follow-
A significant body of research exists that addresses issues ing three subsections examine the literature, as summarized in
associated with costs and data quality, mostly data errors. At a Table III, that addresses these issues.
theoretical level, this body of research provides a basis for
studying the relationship between prevention costs and failure C. 1. Analysis and Design of the Quality Aspects of Data
costs. At a more pragmatic level, however, there is still a criti- Products
cal need for the development of methodologies and tools that Brodie [19] places the role of data quality within the life-
help practitioners to determine operation and assurance costs cycle framework with an emphasis on database constraints.
when implementing a data quality system. Such methodologies Data quality is defined as the extent to which a database accu-
and tools should allow practitioners to determine prevention, rately represents the essential properties of the intended appli-
appraisal, and failure costs along data quality dimensions such cation, and has three distinct properties: 1) data reliability, 2)
as accuracy and timeliness. logical or semantic integrity, and 3) physical integrity (the
There does not appear to be any documented research correctness of implementation details). A semantic integrity
dealing with the economics of external failure, although anec- subsystem to improve data quality is proposed that consists of
dotes abound; see, for example, Liepins and Uppuluri [72]. five parts: 1) a constraint language to express the constraints,
Furthermore, there does not seem to be any work that attempts 2) a constraint verifier, 3) a constraint database management
to estimate the costs of data quality assurance. Applying qual- system, 4) a constraint validation system, and 5) a violation-
ity control techniques to data has been largely overlooked be- action processor.
cause the economic consequences of data errors are less ap- Svanks [104] reports on the actual development of an in-
parent than are manufacturing non-conformities. But data er- tegrity analysis system that has been tested on a case study.
rors are costly-the cost is simply harder to quantify [7 11. In Svanks’ approach consists of seven steps: 1) defining database
some cases, it can be catastrophically high. (In a 1990 report to constraints, 2) selecting statistical techniques for sampling the
Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), the U.S. General Accounting Office database, 3) selecting the integrity analysis to be performed, 4)
reported that more than $2 billion of federal loan money had defining suitable quality measures, 5) specifying outputs to be
been lost because of poor data quality at a single agency.) produced from a defect file, 6) developing and testing program
In addition, persuasive case studies are needed of the impact code, and 7) executing the integrity analysis system.
of data quality upon profit and loss statements, similar to those In the conceptual modeling area, most data models, includ-
that have been conducted in the physical product manufactur- ing the entity-relationship (ER) model [25], are aimed at cap-
ing area. For example, when examining product or service turing the content of data (such as which entities or attributes
quality, Crosby [3 l] estimates that manufacturing companies are to be included for the intended application domain) and do
spend over 2 5 % of sales doing things wrong and service com- not deal explicitly with the data quality aspect. Chen, who first
panies spend more than 4 0 % of their operating costs on waste- proposed the ER model, recommends that a methodology be
ful practices. In another example, Garvin [46] demonstrates developed to incorporate quality aspects into the ER model
that among businesses with less than 1 2 % market share, those [26]. To extend the ER model, a methodology for data quality
with inferior product quality averaged a return on investment requirements collection and documentation is proposed to in-
(ROI) of 4.5%, those with average product quality an ROI of clude data quality specifications as an integral component of
10.4%, and those with superior product quality, an ROI of the database design process [ 1151. The methodology includes
17.4%. Those businesses that improved their product quality a step-by-step procedure for defining and documenting the
during the 1970s increased their market share five to six times data quality parameters (e.g., timeliness or credibility) that are
faster than those whose product quality declined-and three important to users. The subjective data quality parameters are
times faster than those whose quality remained unchanged. then translated into more objective data quality indicators
Research in the data quality area analogous to the examples (e.g., data source, creation time, and collection method) that
illustrated above will contribute not only to the development of should be tagged to the data items.
tools and methodologies in estimating operation and assurance C.1.a. Analysis of Research. Previous research has focused
costs, but will also help convince top management to imple- primarily on the accuracy requirements for data products that
ment a corporate data quality policy. are represented by semantic integrity constraints. Semantic
integrity constraints, however, do not capture all the accuracy
requirements. For example, the zip code 02146 corresponds to
Brookline, Massachusetts, except for Chestnut Hill (02167). A In short, research on this topic is still in its formative stage.
semantic integrity constraint provided by the database system Much work is needed to develop a formal design methodol-
may not be able to capture this exception. Since data quality is ogy that can be used by database designers to systematically
a multi-faceted concept that includes not only accuracy, but gather and translate “soft” customer data quality requirements
also other dimensions such as timeliness and completeness, into “hard” design specifications. Research issues such as the
much more research is needed on the other dimensions as well. following need to be addressed:
1) What differentiates a data quality attribute from a regular overall process that yield inconsistent data. Changes that arise
entity attribute? during data tracking are classified as normalization, transla-
2) How does one relate quality attributes to entities, rela- tion, or spurious-operational. Spurious-operational changes
tionships, and their attributes? occur when fields are changed during one sub-process; they
3) How does one determine which quality attributes are ap- indicate an error somewhere in the process. This allows the
propriate for a given application domain? cause of errors to be systematically located.
4) Under what circumstances should an attribute be catego- An attribute-based model that can be used to incorporate
rized as a quality attribute as opposed to an entity quality aspects of data products has also been developed [57],
attribute? [115], [116], [117], [119]. Underlying this model is the idea
5) What are the criteria for trading off the quality aspects that objective data quality indicators (such as source, time, and
versus other design factors, such as cost, when determin- collection method) can be designed into a system in such a
ing which quality attributes to incorporate into a data- way that they will be delivered along with the data products.
base system? As a result, data consumers can judge the quality of the data
product according to their own chosen criteria. These data
C.2. Incorporating Data Quality into the Design of Data
quality indicators also help trace the supplier of raw data to
Manufacturing Systems ensure that the supplier meets the quality requirements. Also
Similar to the quality-by-design concept that is advocated introduced in the attribute-based model is the notion of a
by leaders in the TQM area [63], [ 1051, the quality aspects of quality database management system; that is, one that supports
data products should be designed into data manufacturing data quality related capabilities (for example, an SQL that in-
systems in order to attain quality-data-product-by-design. The cludes a facility for data quality indicators). Much like the
literature that addresses this topic can be classified into two entity-relationship model [25] which has been widely adopted
categories: 1) analytical models that study how data manufac- by the industry as a tool for database design, the attribute-
turing systems can be developed to meet data quality require- based model can be used as a guideline by database designers
ments (e.g., acceptable error rate) subject to certain constraints in incorporating data quality aspects into their systems.
(e.g., minimal cost), and 2) designing system technologies into Finally, research by Brodie [ 191 and Svanks [ 1041 on data-
data manufacturing systems to ensure that data products will base constraints could be further extended to help design and
meet the specified quality. produce data products that will meet the specified quality.
C.2.a. Analytical Models. Most of the research that addresses C.2.c. Analysis of Research. A significant number of analytic
issues related to operation and assurance costs falls into this models have been developed for the design of data manufac-
category. This is because the research approaches are analytic, turing systems, most of which focus primarily on data accu-
and their primary concern is how to enhance a data manufac- racy. Future research in this area should be directed toward
turing system’s quality in such a way that a high probability of other data quality dimensions. Ballou and Pazer [ll] define
preventing, detecting, and eliminating data quality problems in the accuracy-timeliness tradeoff as the balance between using
the system can be maintained. current but inaccurate information or accurate but outdated
In addition, Ballou and Pazer [8], [9] describe a model that information. Based on the definition, they analyzed a generic
produces expressions for the magnitude of errors for selected family of environments, and procedures are suggested for re-
terminal outputs. The model is intended for analysts to use in ducing the negative consequences of this tradeoff. Their re-
comparing alternative quality control strategies and is useful in search indicates that in many situations, rather general knowl-
assessing the impact of errors in existing systems. The re- edge concerning relative weights and shapes of functions is
searchers also develop an operations research model for ana- sufficient to determine optimizing strategies.
lyzing the effect and efficacy of using data quality control Many of these mathematical models make assumptions that
blocks in managing production systems. Ballou et al. [ 131 fur- require further work in order to be applicable in practice. The
ther propose a data manufacturing model to determine data assumptions underlying these models typically include inputs
product quality. A set of ideas, concepts, models, and proce- for the mathematical models, the topology of the system, the
dures appropriate to data manufacturing systems is presented cost and data quality information, and the utility function of
that can be used to assess the quality impact of data products the data consumers. In practice, obtaining this information can
delivered or transferred to data customers. To measure the be very challenging, and there is also a gap between under-
timeliness, quality, and cost of data products, the model sys- standing these models and applying them to the design of in-
tematically tracks relevant parameters. This is facilitated dustrial-strength data manufacturing systems.
through a data manufacturing analysis matrix that relates data To fully exploit the potential of these mathematical models,
units to various system components. computer-aided tools and methodologies based on extensions
C.2.b. Systems Technologies. A data tracking technique that to them need to be developed. They would allow designers to
employs a combination of statistical control and manual iden- more systematically explore the design alternatives for data
tification of errors and their sources has been developed [52], manufacturing systems, much like the computer-aided software
[89], [92]. Underlying the data tracking technique is the idea engineering tools that have been developed, based on variants
that processes that create data are often highly redundant. Data of the entity-relationship model, for database designers to ex-
tracking uses the redundancy to determine pairs of steps in the plore design alternatives.
System technologies research represents one of the promis- Agmon and Ahituv [l] apply reliability concepts from the
ing areas that can have short-term as well as long-term benefits field of quality control to information systems. Three measures
to organizations. For example, Page and Kaomea [87] present for data reliability are developed: 1) internal reliability (the
a system which will be deployed on U.S. aircraft carriers as a “commonly accepted” characteristics of data items), 2) relative
stand-alone image exploitation tool, particularly for making reliability (the compliance of data to user requirements), and
trade-offs between the timeliness of receiving a tactical image 3) absolute reliability (the level of resemblance of data items
vs. the degree of accuracy of the image. In the long run, tech- to reality). Jang, Ishii, and W a n g [57] propose a data quality
niques for making trade-offs among data quality dimensions reasoner that provides both an automated form of judging data
should be integrated with other efforts, with the goal of ex- quality and an objective measure of overall data quality.
ploiting the data tracking technique, the attribute-based ap- Other, perhaps less directly related research includes:
proach, and the database constraints work. development of an instrument for perceived usefulness of
information [68], analysis of approaches for evaluating system
C.3. Dimensions of Data Quality and Measurement of Their
effectiveness [49], examination of the “usefulness” of infor-
Values mation in relationship to cognitive style [ 161, evaluation of
The three primary types of researchers who have attempted the structure of executive information systems and their
to identify appropriate dimensions of data quality are those in relationship to decision making [62], measurement of the
the areas of: 1) data quality, 2) information systems success quality of information systems [53], and measurement of the
and user satisfaction, and 3) accounting and auditing. effectiveness of information systems as applied to financial
In the data quality area, a method is proposed by Morey services [ 821.
[84] that estimates the “true” stored error rate. Ballou et al. [7], In accounting and auditing, where internal control systems
[8], [9], [12], [13] define: 1) accuracy which occurs when the require maximum reliability with minimum cost, the key data
recorded value is in conformity with the actual value, 2) time- quality dimension used is accuracy-defined in terms of the
liness which occurs when the recorded value is not out of date, frequency, size, and distribution of errors in data. In assessing
3) completeness which occurs when all values for a certain the value of information, Feltham [42] further identifies rele-
variable are recorded, and 4) consistency which occurs when vance and timeliness as desirable attributes of information.
the representation of the data value is the same in all cases. C.3.a. Analysis of Research. A number of data quality dimen-
Strong, Lee, and W a n g [ 1021, and Wang, Strong, and Guaras- sions have been identified, although there is a lack of consen-
cio [ 1181 identify intrinsic, contextual, representation, and sus, both on what constitutes a set of “good” data quality di-
accessibility aspects of data as four categories for data quality. mensions, and on what an appropriate definition is for each. In
Other dimensions that have been identified include data vali-
fact, even a relatively obvious dimension such as accuracy,
dation, availability, traceability, and credibility [58], [74], does not have a well established definition. Most of the re-
[ 1161. Redman [92] identifies more than 20 dimensions of data search efforts have assumed that a record is accurate if it con-
quality, including accuracy, completeness, consistency, and forms with the actual value. This, however, would lead one to
cycle time. Finally, Paradice and Fuerst [88] develop a quanti- ask several questions:
tative measure of data quality by formulating the error rate of
MIS records, which are classified as being either “correct” or What is the “actual value?”
“erroneous.” Do values in all fields of a record need to conform
A cumulated body of research has appeared in the informa- with the “actual value” in order to be considered as
tion systems field based on evaluating information systems “accurate?”
success from the user’s point of view. Halloran et al. [48] pro- Should a record with one inaccurate field value be
pose various factors such as usability, reliability, independ- defined as more accurate than a record that has two
ence, and so forth. Zmud [ 1231 conducts a survey to establish inaccurate field values?
important user requirements of data quality. The results of Would a file with all of its records 9 9 % accurate
Zmud’s work reveal some of the users’ intuition about the di- (1% off from the actual value) be more accurate than
mensions of data quality. In evaluating the quality of informa- a file with 9 9 % of its records 100% accurate but 1 %
tion systems, Kriebel [66] identifies attributes such as accu- of its records off by an order of magnitude?
racy, timeliness, precision, reliability, completeness, and rele- Two avenues could be pursued in the establishment of data
vancy. In assessing the value of an information system, Ahituv quality dimensions. The first is to use a scientifically grounded
[2] proposes a multi-attribute utility function, and suggests approach to rigorously define dimensions of data quality, and
relevant attributes such as timeliness, accuracy, and reliability. to separate the dimensions into those intrinsic to an informa-
User satisfaction studies have identified as important di- tion system from those external to the system. An ontological-
mensions accuracy, timeliness, precision, reliability, and based approach [21], [22], [llO], [ill], [113], for example,
completeness [5]. Other work on user satisfaction and user identifies the data deficiencies that exists when mapping the
involvement that identifies data quality attributes can be found real world to an information system, and therefore, offers a
in Ives, Olson, and Baroudi [56], Ives and Olson [55], Kim rigorous basis for the definition of dimensions of data quality.
[64], and Melone [80]. Work also has been carried out on in- Another approach is to apply information theory as a basis for
formation systems value 1361, [65]. these dimensions [36]. Marketing research is yet another ap-
preach to empirically derive and define dimensions of impor- and final data products, and 3) nonconformity, and corrective ac-
tance to data consumers [ 1181. This approach would develop a tion for data products that do not conform to their specifications.
framework that captures the aspects of data quality that are Table IV summarizes the data quality research related to
important to data consumers. production. Most of the work on the research and development
The second avenue is to establish pragmatic approaches for of data products can be employed at production time to help
defining data quality in an operational manner. One approach understand how to address the inter-related issues of procure-
would be to have data quality defined by the user, depending ment, verification, nonconformity, and corrective action. In
on the context of the task at hand. Alternatively, it may be use- addition, many research efforts address these issues directly at
ful to form a data quality standard technical committee, con- production time, as discussed below.
sisting of key participants from government, industry, and re- Morey [84] focuses on applications that are updated peri-
search institutions. The responsibility of this committee would odically, or whenever changes to the record are reported, and
be to recommend a set of operational definitions for data qual- examines: 1) the portion of incoming transactions that fail,
ity dimensions. For example, the IEEE has developed a stan- 2) the portion of incoming transactions that are truly in error,
dard for software quality dimensions [76], [96]. and 3) the probability that the stored MIS record is in error for
any reason. It is implicitly assumed that a piece of data (i.e.,
D. Production birth date, mother’s maiden name, and rank) is accurate if it
The previous section dealt with issues related to the reflects the truth in the real world. A key result in this research
research and development of data manufacturing systems that is a mathematical relationship for the stored MIS record non-
will enable the data producer to manufacture data products conformity rate as a function of the quality of the incoming
with the specified quality demanded by the data consumer. data, the various processing times, the likelihood of Type I and
This section focuses on how to ensure that a data product is II errors, and the probability distribution for the inter-
manufactured according to its given data quality specifications. transaction time. It is shown how the mathematical result can
In producing data products, three main issues are involved: be used to forecast the level of improvement in the accuracy of
1) quality requirements in the procurement of raw data, com- the MIS record if corrective actions are taken.
ponents, and assemblies needed for the production of data Focusing on verification processes and building upon
products, 2) quality verification of raw data, work-in-progress, Morey’s work, Paradice and Fuerst [88] develop a verification
mechanism based on statistical classification theory [61], rection of non-conforming data items. The method tabulates
whereby MIS records are classified as being either “correct” or the volume of data reported, counts the number of errors, and
“erroneous.” Acceptance as a “correct” record by the verifica- divides the number of correct data by the total volume of data
tion mechanism occurs when the mechanism determines that to produce a statistic on “percent correct” which is the “bottom
the record is more similar to correct records, whereas rejection line” statistic to be used in scoring data quality, and in provid-
as an “erroneous” record occurs when the mechanism deter- ing feedback to reporting organizations. The analysis of the
mines that the record is more similar to erroneous records. measurement shows marked improvement in the first half year
They use this as a benchmark for comparing actual error rates of the effort and slow but steady progress overall.
with the theoretically smallest attainable error rates, and sug- The data tracking technique [52], [89], [92] is another veri-
gest a method for assessing an organization’s data quality. fication mechanism of the quality of data in the data-product
They also offer guidelines for deriving values for parameters manufacturing process. A combination of statistical control
of their data quality model. and the manual identification of errors and their sources is
Janson [58] demonstrates that exploratory statistical tech- used to systematically locate the cause of errors, and therefore,
niques [109] can significantly improve data quality during all offers a framework for production verification. The data
phases of data validation. It is argued that data validation, if it tracking technique in its present form, focuses primarily on
is to be done successfully, requires knowledge of the underly- certain data items and their consistency at different stages of
ing data structures. This is particularly crucial when the data their life cycle, and involves a significant amount of man-
are collected without any prior involvement by the analyst. machine interaction.
Exploratory statistical techniques are well suited to the data Theattribute-based approach [57], [87], [115], [116], [117],
validation effort because they can aid in identifying cases with [119] can also be applied to verify the quality of data. By ex-
data items that are suspect and likely to be erroneous, and in amining data quality indicators (such as source, time, and pro-
exploring the existence of functional relationships or patterns curement method) or data quality parameters (such as timeli-
that can provide a basis for data cleaning. ness, credibility, and completeness), the producer can verify, at
Strong [loo] examines how expert systems can be used to different stages of the data product manufacturing process,
enhance data quality by inspecting and correcting non- whether the data conform with the specified requirements.
conforming data items. A model is developed to evaluate the W h e n non-conforming data are identified, their data quality
quality of the data products produced from a data production indicators can be used to trace back to the source of the prob-
process [ 1011. It is also used to evaluate the process itself, and lem so that appropriate corrective action may be taken.
thus provides information to the research and development Finally, as mentioned earlier, Svanks [104] reports on the
role for improving the data production process [103]. The actual development of an integrity analysis system that consists
process analysis indicates that it can be difficult to determine the of seven steps. These steps, in some sense, cover the overall
quality of raw data inputs, data processing, and data products quality aspects in data production. Work on auditing can also
because what may be viewed as data and process irregularities be applied to the verification process.
by management may be viewed as necessary data production
process flexibility by producers and consumers of data. D. 1. Analysis of Research.
W ith some similarities to the above work, there are a num- A body of research exists that can be related to the produc-
ber of studies that focus on the data editing function of survey tion of data products. Still, much more research is needed be-
data and the changing of data when errors are detected [41] cause there is a significant gap between the current state-of-
[44], [59], [701, [73], [79]. These studies address data verifi- the-art in data product production and the level of maturity
cation and correction through anomalies resolution and miss- required to establish a set of guidelines and standards in the
ing-values imputation in questionnaire data prior to process- data quality area similar to those established in ISO9000. Pos-
ing. McKeown [79], for example, establishes probabilities that sible future research directions include: 1) developing
selected data fields were correct and contends that “data edit- “standard” data quality metrics or acceptance tests that could
ing and imputation were separate and distinct.” Garfinkel et al. be used at the design stage or during the production process,
[44] use experts to establish feasibility constraints, and de- 2) establishing criteria for the selection of qualified data sup-
velop algorithms that are “particularly relevant to problems in pliers, 3) developing a mechanism or tool to manage data
which data of every record are indispensable.” quality shelf-life (out-of-date data) and deterioration control
Oman and Ayers [86] provide a feedback loop for the cor- (data corruption), 4) studying the process, data flow and hu-
man or automated procedures, 5) developing a method for systems to handle identification, packaging, installation, deliv-
positive identification and control of all non-conforming ma- ery, and after-sales servicing of data products, as well as docu-
terial (poor quality data), and 6) investigating the link between mentation and records for data products. W e note in passing that
data quality problems and revision of the procedures used to data products are not necessarily “distributed”; but rather are
detect and eliminate problems. made “available” or “accessible” to the user. They are stored in
databases (data warehouses) where users can access and retrieve
E. Distribution the relevant portion when needed. Thus, data accessibility can be
Data quality research that can be related to distribution interpreted as relevant to data product distribution.
deals with data annotation and encapsulation, as summarized
in Table V. F. Personnel Management
McCarthy [77] proposes self-describing data files and a There have only been a few attempts by researchers to ei-
metadata management approach at the schema level to anno- ther address or analyze personnel issues within the context of
tate the data contained in the file. A similar annotation could data quality. These are summarized in Table VI.
be used to package data products. This would indicate, for Te’eni [ 1071 proposes a general framework for understand-
example, what the data product is (identification), how it ing data production that incorporates the person-environment
should be installed, etc. A direct analogy to physical products fit and the effect of an employee’s ability and motivation. The
can easily be seen. For physical products, labels are required to research concentrates on the people who produce the data,
describe product features such as expiration date (for food and examining the processes they employ and how the processes
drugs) or safety information (for electronic components). In the lead to the production of high quality data. The belief is that
object-oriented field, an important concept is encapsulation by some of the problems in producing effective data are more
which data and procedures are “packaged” together. Some pre- likely to occur when one worker creates data and another uses
liminary research has been devoted to apply the encapsulation it; that is, when data production is separated from data use.
concept to the packaging of data products [ 871, [ 1161. Data production problems are postulated to arise when there is
a poor fit between the data producers’ needs and resources,
E. 1. Analysis of Research.
and the organization’s demands and resources.
Researchers could examine the literature in the area of Maxwell [75] recognizes the need to improve the quality of
physical product distribution to identify how that body of data in human information systems databases as an important
knowledge can be adapted to data product distribution. For personnel issue. Many well-known examples of poor quality
instance, establishing an analogy could be a research goal. data in personnel databases are often cited; for example, a per-
Consider data marting, an emerging concept in the database son’s name may appear as “F. W a n g ” in one entry of a data-
industry. Data marts can be set up through features such as a base and as “Forea L. W a n g ” in another. “Base salary” might
data pipeline that can be found in many commercial software include overtime premiums for one set of employees, but not
packages. However, data products are not as tangible as physi- for another. Maxwell proposes that, to improve human re-
cal products, and additional copies of data products can be source data quality, three issues need to be examined: 1) data
produced at almost negligible cost when compared to physical ownership and origination, 2) accuracy-level requirements of
products. Thus, adapting the knowledge of physical product specific data, and 3) procedural problems correctable through
distribution to data product distribution may not be a straight- training and improved communications. A similar observation
forward task. A thorough examination of data quality docu- on data ownership has been made by Spirig [98]. He addresses
mentation is also required to assess need, role, and implemen- some of the issues involved in interfacing payroll and person-
tation strategies. In addition, researchers need to establish a nel systems and suggests that, when data ownership becomes
customer feedback system for data quality, and to accurately separated from the data originator, no system can retain data
define customer requirements. quality for very long.
The ultimate research goal in this area is to ensure that a Finally, Oman and Ayers [86] report on a case study of how
data product delivered to data consumers meets the quality a company’s employees identified the need to improve data
requirements specified for it. Finally, research could be pur- quality and brought it to management’s attention. This organ-
sued to extend the capabilities of current database management izational awareness resulted in action, by both the employees
involved and by top management, to raise the level of data
quality in a large MIS database that obtained its raw data from plan, then the plan must pass a series of tests on eligibility.
over twenty subordinate reporting organizations. Data quality This, in turn, places a priority on the need for accuracy of em-
was improved by users searching for other sources of informa- ployee data. From the legal viewpoint, the data products pro-
tion and by using competing systems. duced by human resources information systems must be accu-
rate, otherwise the company would be breaking the law.
F. I. Analysis of Research. Wright [121], working in the electronic data interchange (EDI)
There is some recognition of the awareness and motiva- area, examines the need to legally prove the origin and content
tional issues involved in obtaining high quality data. We do of an electronic message.
not see an immediate need for research in this area as it is Privacy and security are two other areas related to legal
likely that existing TQM techniques for personnel could be function. However, both are well-established fields and there-
applied. Furthermore, it is more important to address manage- fore, will not be discussed further.
ment responsibilities first. After top management develops a G. 1. Analysis of Research.
data quality policy, personnel management issues related to
data quality can be addressed. In the long term, research on No work has been found on safety or liability limitations of
personnel could include the following: data products. It is evident that data products are increasingly
available in the (electronic) market. Some of them are pro-
1) The development of an incentive plan to motivate em- duced by a single information provider (e.g., mailing lists,
ployees to strive for high data quality. Case studies could value-added information services, etc.) and others are pro-
be used to gain insights into what kinds of incentive duced through inter-organizational information systems that
structures are appropriate. involve more than one legal entity. The legal ramifications of
2) The development of a set of measures that could be used data products will become increasingly important given the
by the organization to monitor the quality level of the trend toward information highways. The Commission of the
data obtained and generated by employees, and the crea- European Community published a proposal for a Council Di-
tion of a feedback mechanism for the employees. For ex- rective concerning the protection of individuals in relation to
ample, if one department is evaluated by the number of the processing of personal data [24]. The Directive contains
transactions that occur and another by daily balances, chapters on the rights of data subjects, data quality, and provi-
these discrepancies need to be understood. sions relating to liability and sanctions. From the data product
3) The analysis of existing successful compensation and re- liability viewpoint, research needs to be pursued that would
ward structures in various types of companies in order to investigate the effect on the parties involved of failed data
understand how they work, so that successful approaches products produced by an inter-organizational system. This
could be adapted to data quality. includes everyone from the suppliers of the raw data to the
G. Legal Function parties who will either be using the data product directly or be
affected by it. In addition, there is a requirement for methods
Within the context of the framework, the legal issues sur- to be developed on how to avoid liability issues.
rounding data products include enhancing data product safety
and minimizing product liability. The research efforts in this
area are summarized in Table VII. V. CONCLUDINGREMARKS
Laudon [69] examines the quality of data in the criminal-
The database literature refers to data quality management as
record system of the United States (a large inter-organizational
ensuring 1) syntactic correctness (e.g., constraints enforcement
system). Samples of records that deal with criminal history and
that prevents “garbage data” from being entered into the data-
warrant records are compared to hard-copy original documents
base), and 2) semantic correctness (data in the database truth-
of known quality. The results show that a large number of
fully reflect the real world situation). This traditional approach
people could be at risk of being falsely detained, thus affecting
of data quality management leads to techniques such as integ-
their constitutional rights. Maxwell [75] identifies legal re-
rity constraints, schema integration, and concurrency control.
quirements as an important reason for ensuring the accuracy of
Although critical to data quality, these techniques fail to ad-
employee-originated data. For example, Section 89 of the In-
dress some issues that are important to users. Many databases
ternal Revenue Code requires that, unless 80% of a company’s
are plagued with erroneous data or data that do not meet users’
nonhighly compensated employees are covered by a given
needs. This approach fails to incorporate much of the results
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