Analysis and Design of Prestressed Concrete Girder: Vishal U. Misal, N. G. Gore, P. J. Salunke

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International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE)

ISSN: 2319–6378, Volume-2 Issue-9, July 2014

Analysis and Design of Prestressed Concrete

Vishal U. Misal, N. G. Gore, P. J. Salunke

Abstract— In this present study, cost analysis and design of Figure 1(b) shows the same unloaded beams with prestressing
prestressed concrete girder and reinforced concrete girder is forces applied by stressing high strength tendons. By placing
presented. The aim and objective can be summarized as to analyze the prestressing low in the simple-span beam and high in the
and design the concrete girder under a IRC class 70 R loading. To
cantilever beam, compression is induced in the tension zones;
formulate the entire problem for a couple of span under the
loading mentioned above to obtain shear force and bending creating upward camber.
moment at regular intervals along the beam. To use the software
STAAD PRO for the analysis and design of prestressed concrete
girders. Before using the software for analysis it will be validated
by comparing its results with the corresponding classical theory
result. To carry out the parametric analysis for prestressed
concrete I girder and reinforced concrete girder. To calculate the
quantities of concrete and steel required as per the analysis and
design carried out for the girders and to carry out the comparative
study for the same.
Index Terms— Reinforced concrete girder, Deck slab, I girder,
Prestressed concrete.

Prestressed concrete is basically concrete in which internal
stresses of suitable magnitude and distribution are introduced
so that the stresses resulting from external loads are Fig. 1 Comparison of Reinforced and Prestressed
counteracted to a desired degree. In reinforced concrete Concrete Beams
members, the prestress is commonly introduced by tensioning Figure 1 (c) shows the two prestressed beams after loads have
the steel reinforcement. The development of early cracks in been applied. The loads cause both the simple-span beam and
reinforced concrete due to incompatibility in the strains of cantilever beam to deflect down, creating tensile stresses in
steel and concrete was perhaps the starting point in the the bottom of the simple-span beam and top of the cantilever
development of a new material like ‘prestressed concrete”. beam. The Bridge Designer balances the effects of load and
The application of permanent compressive stress to a material prestressing in such a way that tension from the loading is
like concrete, which is strong in compression but weak in compensated by compression induced by the prestressing.
tension, increases the apparent tensile strength of that Tension is eliminated under the combination of the two and
material, because the subsequent application of tensile stress tension cracks are prevented. Also, construction materials
must first nullify the compressive prestress. In 1904, (concrete and steel) are used more efficiently; optimizing
Freyssinet attempted to introduce permanently acting forces materials, construction effort and cost.
in concrete to resist the elastic forces developed under the
name of “prestressing”. III. PROBLEM FORMULATION
Design a post-tensioned prestressed concrete I-beam slab
The function of prestressing is to place the concrete structure 1. Permissible stresses:
under compression in those regions where load causes tensile - For deck slab: As per IRC: 21-2000 for various grade
of concrete and steel. Evaluate σ cb , σ st , m, Q and j.
stress. Tension caused by the load will first have to cancel the
compression induced by the prestressing before it can crack
the concrete. Figure 1 (a) shows a plainly reinforced concrete - For prestressed concrete girder: As per IRC: 18-2000
simple-span beam and fixed cantilever beam cracked under for various grade of concrete. Evaluate fck, fci, fct=
applied load. 0.45 fci, fcw= 0.33 fck.
2. Design of interior slab panel:
Manuscript Received on July2014.
a. Bending moments
Mr. Vishal U. Misal, (M.E. student), Department of Civil Engineering, - Dead weight of slab: 1*1* thickness of slab*density of
M.G.M’s College of Engineering & Technology, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, concrete…….“(1)”
India. - Dead weight of wearing coat: thickness of wearing
Prof. N. G. Gore, (Guide), Department of Civil Engineering, M.G.M’s coat* density of wearing coat... “(2)”
College of Engineering & Technology, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, India.
Prof. P. J. Salunke, (Guide), Department of Civil Engineering, M.G.M’s
- Total dead load: eq “(1+2)”.
College of Engineering & Technology, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, India.

Published By:
43 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Analysis and Design of Prestressed Concrete Girder

- Live load calculation: for IRC class AA tracked

vehicle. One wheel is placed at the centre of panel

Fig. 3 Transverse Disposition of IRC Class AA

Tracked Vehicle
Fig. 2 Position of IRC Class AA Wheel Load for
Maximum Bending Moment • Reaction factor of outer girder A is

2W1  
4* a * e
- L= length of panel. * .
4  ( 2* a 2 )( 2* b 2 ) 
- B= Width of panel.
- u= 0.85+2*thickness of wearing coat.
 
- v= 3.60+2*thickness of wearing coat. • Reaction factor for inner girder B is
• Bending moment along short span (MS): W (m1 + 2W1  4* b * e 
* .
4  ( 2* a 2 )( 2* b 2 ) 
0.15m2). RB=
• Bending moment along short span (ML): W (0.15m1 +  
m2). Where,
• Where: m1 and m2 is computed by using Piegeauds a= distance between c/l to girder A.
curves & W= 350 KN. b= distance between c/l to girder B.
• Design bending moment= 1.25 * 0.8 * Bending b. Dead load on slab per girder:
b. Shear forces:
Dispersion in the direction of span= [0.85 + 2 (thickness
of wearing coat + thickness of deck slab)]
- For maximum shear, load is kept such that the whole
dispersion is in the span. The load is kept at
(dispersion in the direction of span/2) from the edge
of beam (x).
- Effective width of the slab= kx[1-(x/L)]+bw.
- Load per metre width= 350/ Effective width of the
Fig. 4 Details of Footpath, Parapet and Deck Slab
- Shear force per metre width= [Load per metre width*
(Clear width of panel - x)]/ Clear width of panel. Weight of
c. Dead load Bending moments and Shear force: • Parapet railing = 0.92KN/m(assume)
- Total load on panel (W) = (length of panel * width of • Footpath and kerb= depth * width * density.
panel * total dead load). • Deck slab= depth * width * density.
- MS= W (m1+ 0.15m2).
- ML= W (m2+ 0.15m1). Total dead load of the deck= [2 * {weight of (parapet railing +
d. Design moment: Including the continuity factor by footpath and kerb + deck slab)} + (total dead load of interior
multiplying 0.8 to Bending moments. slab panel * width of slab)].
e. Design of slab section and reinforcement. It is assume that the deck load is shared equally by all
M four girders.
- Effective depth, d= .
c. Dead load on main girder: the overall depth of the girder
 M  is assumed to be 1800 mm at the rate of 60 mm of every
- Area of steel: Ast=  .
 σ st jd  meter of span.
Overall depth: 60 * span of girder.
f. Check for shear: (As per IRC: 21-2000).
• Self-weight of girder= (dead weight of rib + dead
V 
- τv =  . weight of bottom flange)
 bd  • Weight of cross girder= (width of cross girder *
3. Design of longitudinal girder: depth of cross girder * density)
a. Reaction factor d. Dead load moments and shears in the main girder:
Using Courbon theory:

Published By:
44 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE)
ISSN: 2319–6378, Volume-2 Issue-9, July 2014

• fbr = (η fct − ftw )

h. Prestressing force:
( Af inf Z b )
• P=
( Z b + Ae)
Fig. 5 Dead Load on Main Girder  f   M D 
Where, • f in f =  tw  +  
X= total dead load on the girder.  η  η Zb 
W= reaction on main girder. i. Permissible tendon zone:
• Reaction from deck slab on each girder: load on  f ct   Zb 
each girder. • e  Zb − 
• Reaction on main girder= Weight of cross girder  P   A 
* spacing of main girders.  f tw   Zb 
• Total dead load on the girder= (self-weight of the
• e  Zb − 
main girder + Reaction from deck slab on each
 P   A 
4. Check for stresses:
girder )
• Maximum bending moment: it will act at the A. At transfer stage
• Maximum shear force:  P   Pe   M D  
e. Live load bending moments in the girder: - σ t =  − + 
  A   Zt   Zt 
 P   Pe   M D  
- σ b =   +  − 
  A   Z b   Zb 
B. At working stage:

  P  Pe   M   M 
- σt = η   −η   +  D  +  L 
  A   Zt   Zt   Zt 
 P  Pe   M D   M L  
σ b = η   +η  − − 
Fig. 6 Influence Line for Bending Moment in Girder   A  Zb   Zb   Zb 
5. Check for ultimate flexural strength:
Where: According to I.S: 1343-1980, the ultimate flexural strength of
- x= 3.6m. the centre of span section is computed as follow:
- z= Wab/l Ap= (Apw + Apf)
- L= length of girder.
- a=b= length of girder/2. Where,
- W= 1.
- B.M at centre of span= 0.5(y+z)*700.  Df 
- A pf = 0.45 f ck (b − bw )  
- B.M, including the impact and reaction factors,  f
- For outer girder is= (reaction at A * 1.1)  p 
- For inner girder= (reaction at B * 1.1) ∏ 2
- Ap = d x No of tendon in each cable * No of
f. Properties of main girder section: 4
- Apw = Ap − A pf .

 Apw f p 
- Ratio:  
 bw df ck 
f pu x
- = x, u = y.
0.87 f p d

- MU =  f pu Apw ( d − 0.42xu ) + 0.45 fck ( b − bw ) Df ( d − 0.5Df ) 

Fig. 7 Cross-Section of Main Girder
 
M u req = (1.5 M D + 2.5 M L ) .
Calculate A, Zt, Zb.
g. Check for minimum section modulus:
M q + (1 − η ) M d
• Zb = 6. Check for ultimate shear strength:
f br Ultimate shear force: Vu= (1.5 Vg + 2.5 Vq)

Published By:
45 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Analysis and Design of Prestressed Concrete Girder

According to IRC: 18-2000, the ultimate shear resistance of • But by strength wise and long term durability prestressed
the support section uncracked in flexure is given by, concrete is much strong than reinforced concrete girder.

- Vcw = 0.67bw h ft 2 + 0.8 f cp ft + η P sin θ REFERENCES

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• By extracting result we have concluded that Prestessed
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Published By:
46 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE)
ISSN: 2319–6378, Volume-2 Issue-9, July 2014

Mr. Vishal U. Misal, (M.E.-Structures-Student) Civil

Engg. Dept., M.G.M’s College of Engineering &
Technology, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai.

Prof. N. G. Gore, (M.E.-Structural Engineering-Guide) Civil Engg. Dept.,

M.G.M’s College of Engineering & Technology, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai.

Prof. P. J. Salunke, (M.Tech.- Environmental Engineering-Guide) Civil

Engg. Dept., M.G.M’s College of Engineering & Technology., Kamothe,
Navi Mumbai.

Published By:
47 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.

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