Lucid Dreaming Module Worksheet: Becoming An Oneironaught

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Lucid Dreaming Module Worksheet

Becoming an Oneironaught

“In Greek mythology, the Oneiroi were the sons of Hypnos, the god of sleep. They each represented different aspects
of dreams. They lived on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean; dreams came from one of two gates located here. Correct
dreams came from a gate made of horn, while untrue ones came from an ivory gate.”1 – In modern times, an
“Oneironaught” is synonymous with one that has lucid dreams.

There are many lucid dreaming practices but with the Lucid Dreaming Module, most are
unnecessary. Simply, there are a few key practices that can be done to boost the ability to trigger
lucidity in a dream in conjunction with this module.

Triggering Lucidity in Dreams

1. Get about 20 post-it notes and on each one write one of the following phrases on them:
Am I Dreaming?, Is This A Dream?, Am I Awake?, I Am Lucid Dreaming.
2. Post these post-it notes around your home, work, car, etc… Put them: inside your
refrigerator on a pitcher-jug-etc…, medicine cabinet mirror, car dashboard, on one or two
light switches in your home, inside one of your clothing drawers so you see it when you
open the drawer, by your computer screen, by your landline telephone, inside a kitchen
cabinet on a box or something, etc…
3. Anytime you see one of these notes, repeat the phrase out loud, look around and really
question if you are dreaming or awake and look at both of your palms. Notice the lines on
your palms and notice if the lines start to shift.
4. Whenever going to sleep, simply remind yourself over and over that you are going to
become lucid when you dream.

Maintaining Lucidity in a Dream

During a lucid dream, it is very easy to notice when you are not only losing lucidity but are
waking up out of a dream. It is very easy to stay in a lucid dream almost as long as you want
with will power and a few techniques. Here are a few things you can remind yourself to do as
you feel yourself slipping from a Lucid Dream:

1. Immediately focus on both of your palms and maintain focus on the lines on your palm.
2. “Spinning”. Literally, jump in the air and make yourself spin around like a twister. It will
change up the dream environment but you will still be lucid.
3. With sheer will power, simply force yourself to maintain lucidity. This is the most
challenging one for Oneironaughts.



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