Development of An Ensemble Learning-Based Intelligent Model For Stock Market Forecasting
Development of An Ensemble Learning-Based Intelligent Model For Stock Market Forecasting
Development of An Ensemble Learning-Based Intelligent Model For Stock Market Forecasting
Market Forecasting
Mohammad_Taghi Faghihi_Nezhada , Behrouz Minaei_Bidgolib
Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Payame Noor University Tehran, Iran
Iran University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Computer Engineering, Tehran, Iran
The use of artificial intelligence-based models have shown that the market is
predictable despite its uncertainty and unstable nature. The most important
challenge of the proposed models in the stock market is the accuracy of the
results and increasing the forecasting efficiency. Another challenge, which is a
prerequisite for making decision and using the results of the forecast for
profitability of transactions, is to forecast the trend of stock price movements in
forecasting price. To overcome the mentioned challenges, this paper employs
ensemble learning (EL) model using intelligence-based learners and
metaheuristic optimization methods to maximize the
improvement of forecasting performance. In addition, in order to consider the
direction of price change in stock price forecasting, a two-stage structure is used.
In the first stage, the next movement of the stock price (increase or decrease) is
forecasted and its outcome is then employed to forecast the price in the second
stage. In both stages, genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization
(PSO) technique are used to optimize the aggregation results of the base learners.
The evaluation results of stock market dataset show that the proposed model has
higher accuracy compared to other models used in the literature.
Corresponding author
1. Introduction
Accurate forecasting stock market behavior is invaluable for traders of this market. So,
forecasting financial time series is an important and challenging problem in forecasting [1],
where researchers try to extract hidden patterns to forecast the future behavior of the market
Improvement in forecasting performance and accurate results is the main challenge of the
stock market [3, 4]. The second challenge in forecasting models is the lack of attention to the
trend of the stock price (the direction of stock price movement)[5]. The investor should have
an accurate forecasting of the price change (increase or decrease) for trading. Most of the
proposed models in this area have been developed for price forecasting. In these researches,
the performance is evaluated through several criteria such as Mean Absolute Percentage
Error (MAPE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) [6-9]. These criteria are able to
evaluate the proximity of the forecasted price to the real price, but they are not able to
evaluate the model in forecasting the stock price trends.
To illustrate the price concept and the direction of price movement, the Apple stock price
and Apple direction of stock price movement are depicted through Fig. 1 for 15 consecutive
days from 6/16/2017 to 7/7/2017.
To determine the importance of forecast the direction of price movement shown in Fig. 1,
consider the price of the fourth day that is 145.87$. A trader predicts a price of 145.9$,
which shows that he predicts an increment in price for the next (fifth) day. He gets the buy
position, while the real price of the next day would be $145.63 (lower than predicted) and he
would face a loss on the trade. The main reason for such a forfeiture in this trading is that
forecasting the direction of price movement was wrong, while the price forecasting had only
0.18% error.
In order to avoid similar losses happening again, it is necessary to forecast the price
considering forecasting the direction of the stock price movement. To overcome the two
above-mentioned challenges, the proposed model uses an ensemble-learning algorithm
equipped with intelligent-based models and meta-heuristic technique to maximize the
quality of the prediction results.
In addition, a two-stage structure is used to take into account the direction of price
movement in price forecasting. In the first stage, the next direction of the price movement
(increase or decrease) is forecasted and it is used for forecasting the price in the second
stage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to consider both direction of the
stock price movement and stock price itself simultaneously so as to forecast the stock price.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows; In Section 2, the predictability of the stock
market and various models in stock market forecasting are reviewed. In Section 3, a two-
stage procedure is proposed based on ensemble learning using intelligence-based models.
The proposed model is evaluated and thoroughly compared to the other models in Section 4
and experimental results are then presented in this section. Finally, conclusions are given in
Section 5.
1. Literature Review
There are two main hypotheses about forecasting stock market; 1) all available information
is fully reflected by the market prices, according to “efficient market hypothesis” and
instability in prices is then made based on results of new information. According to this
hypothesis, it is impossible to obtain higher returns through intelligently stock selection
methods or other forecasting techniques and the only way to do so is selecting stocks with
high risks or by chance [10]. In an efficient market, if expectations and information of all
participants in the market are well reflected using prices, fluctuation of prices cannot be
forecasted. 2) Another hypothesis which is compatible with the efficient market hypothesis
is “random walk (RW)” that says the trend of volatilities in stock market prices are random
and thus cannot be forecasted. However, some recent studies reject the random walk
behavior of stock prices [11]. Also, the application of artificial intelligence in financial area
has strengthened this idea that the market might not be always efficient and one can forecast
the future prices from historical data by means of various techniques [12, 13]. Since the
nature of the financial time series is fundamentally complex, noisy, dynamic, nonlinear, non-
parametric, and chaotic [13], the stock market forecasting is a challenging issue for
researchers [1, 14].
There are different approaches for forecasting stock market by using historical data. One
approach categorizes them into “linear” and “nonlinear” techniques, while the other
approach considers them as “statistical” and “machine learning” [15]. Among these
categories, intelligent and classical ones are suitable. In classic forecasting approach, it is
assumed that the future value of the price follows the linear trend of the past values. The
autoregressive moving average (ARIMA), autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity
(GARCH) and regression belong to this class. The artificial neural networks (ANNs), fuzzy
logic, support vector machines (SVMs), ensemble learning (EL) and meta-heuristic
algorithms all belong to intelligent techniques [9, 15]. These methods, unlike the classic
ones, are capable to obtain a nonlinear relationship between input variables without having
information about the statistical distribution of these inputs.
2.1 Intelligent models
The intelligent models for time series forecasting have some advantages and disadvantages
[16]. The conducted comparisons show that the intelligent models can overcome limitations
of linear models, where they can better extract a pattern from data with a higher forecasting
accuracy [9, 17]. In recent years, most of the studies conducted over forecasting stock
market have focused on intelligent models [18]. These models for stock market forecasting
can be divided into three groups; single models, hybrid models and ensemble learning
models shown in Fig 2.
Fig. 2. To be placed here
The first group in Fig 2. uses a single model for forecasting which itself includes two types:
1) the models that employ one technique and 2) the models that use multi techniques to
forecast. According to studies conducted by Atsalakis [43] and Tkáč [18] among different
intelligent models, ANNs techniques have been applied more than other techniques, since
they had better performance [18]. The ANNs are used in these researches to forecast the
stock price [23] or the direction of stock price movement [2]. Despite the stock market
forecasting is complex, it is shown that ANNs with only a hidden layer can model such a
complex system with an acceptable accuracy.
Although using ANNs has led to increasing in forecasting accuracy compared to the classic
models, however, there are some obstacles in this regard such as getting stuck in local
optimum and over-fitting, which make the forecasting accuracy challengeable [15]. One of
the suitable approaches to improve the forecasting accuracy is using multi-technique models.
For example, using the ANNs combined with meta-heuristic algorithms, which is ordinarily
employed to overcome the mentioned problems and improvement of NN training [21, 22,
29]. Another approach is applying Neuro-fuzzy techniques equipped with meta-heuristic
algorithms [24, 28].
The second group in Fig 2. is named hybrid forecasting models combining different single
models for attaining higher accuracy results. By integrating the ANN as nonlinear technique
and ARIMA as a linear method, one can benefit their both advantages [31]. Also, a hybrid
model comprising RW for exploring linear patterns and two NN models for uncovering non-
linear patterns has been proposed in [34]. Tsai [33] obtained a higher rate of forecasting
accuracy through combining the ANN and DT models. Wang [14] proposed a hybrid model
combining ESM, ARIMA, and BPNN, where the weight of each single model was
determined by the GA. Andrawis [37] combined computational intelligence and linear
models with methods such as mean, trimmed mean and winsorized mean. In these types of
researches, the hybrid models were compared with the existing single models in the
literature and the obtained results demonstrated that such combined models outperform
single models in forecasting accuracy [6, 9, 32, 36].
The third group in Fig 2. is the models based on ensemble learning algorithm. These
algorithms belong to computational intelligence approach that integrates a set of base
learners into a single model [44]. It is also shown that the necessary and sufficient
conditions for an ensemble learner to have higher accuracy than its base learners dependent
on being accurate and diversity in categorizing the members. Here, the “accuracy” means
“better than random prediction” and “diverse” means the learners make uncorrelated errors.
Tsai [12] examined two types of ensembles, i.e., ‘homogeneous’ classifier ensembles and
‘heterogeneous’ classifier ensembles for prediction accuracy of stock returns. The results
indicated that the homogeneous multiple classifiers using NNs outperform the single
classifiers. Lin [16] proposed the RF-based extreme learning machine (ELM) ensemble
model in order to achieve the accuracy, stability, and efficiency simultaneously in time
series forecasting. Ballings [41] investigated ensemble methods against single models in the
stock forecasting and suggested that the novel studies in this domain should be included
ensembles algorithms.
By considering the natural complexity, instability and noisy of the stock market forecasting
problem, it is required to integrate several computing techniques synergistically rather than
exclusively [45]. By exploring the literature, one can obviously find that the EL algorithms
have better performance compared to the single models for a wide range of applications and
different scenarios. Their results are more accurate, more reliable and more stable [12, 16,
37, 38].
2.2 Problem definition
By introducing various methods, researchers are trying to demonstrate the ability of the
proposed models to increase the accuracy of stock market forecasting. According to the
results of conducted literature review in this research, the ensemble learning algorithms are
more accurate, more reliable and stable to forecast the stock market. Therefore, the proposed
forecasting model should use ensemble-learning algorithms to maximize the performance of
the predictive result. In addition, in order to use the results of a stock market forecasting
model in a real environment and generate profit, the direction of price movement in price
forecasting should be paid attention (Fig. 3).
In Fig. 3, the Apple's stock price is displayed along with the two-price forecast. The
calculated MAPE for the first forecast is 0.46%. The price of the second day is 146.34 and
the forecasted price for the third day is 146.6. Since the price is forecasted to increase, the
trader takes the buying position, while the real price on the third day will be 145.01 that
leads to a loss of $1.3. According to this forecast, a loss of $5.9 in 14 days will eventually
happen, based on daily trading. The calculated MAPE for the second forecast is 0.87, which
is almost 90% more than that of the first forecast, however, by carrying the daily trade out, a
profit of $ 2.3 in 14 days will take place, based on this forecast. The reason for obtaining this
amount of profit in accurate forecast about the direction of stock price movement and the
price forecast itself. While in the first forecast, as it can be observed in Fig. 3, the view is to
follow the sequence of the previous movement.
Fig. 3. To be placed here
The proposed model in this research comprises a two-stage structure to solve the mentioned
problem. In the first stage, the direction of the stock price movement (increase or decrease)
is forecasted and its result will be used so as to forecast the price in the second stage. The
model also employs ensemble learning through using intelligent-based models as well as
meta-heuristic algorithms in both stages that can maximize the performance of the
forecasted results.
1- Using different training datasets for training of the base learner; through resampling
methods in which sub-set of the original training data is selected randomly and will be
replaced by the original training dataset.
2- In order to ensure that the boundaries are different diverse, in addition to using
different training data, unstable models are used as base models because they can
make different decision boundaries, even with the low change in their training
parameters [47].
3- Another way to achieve a diversity in parameters is to use different models. For
example, a set of multi-layer perceptron neural networks can be trained with initial
weights, a number of layers and nodes, different error criteria, and so on. Setting such
parameters can control individual model instability and ultimately diversify them .
The ability to control the unstable ANNs has become the ideal candidate for using EL
4- By using different features; input space is divided into different sub-sets of original
features that might overlap and each sub-set is given to a model as an input. Through
this method, every base learner explores some part of knowledge and also diversity in
using features make the EL algorithms to yield better results.
Bagging as one of the simplest EL algorithms is offered to improve the performance of
predictions models, while the combinative strategy of base learners in them is the majority
vote. Diversity in bagging is made through the bootstraps that are randomly selected and
replaced by the original training data. Each bootstrap is used to train a learner of the same
type . Lack of using unstable predictor leads to collection creation of almost identical
predictors that makes no longer improvement in individual predictor’s efficiency. For the
same reason, in bagging, unstable learning models like DT and ANNs are very efficient and
effectively used because small changes in data can cause big changes in the result of
prediction[47]. After training different base learners, in order to achieve final prediction, the
obtained results from all learners are combined to predict an instance with different methods.
In the simple weighted mean method, the weights of all learners are the same for producing
the final result of an instance. The weight of each learner in the weighted mean method for
final forecast is determined based on the accuracy of training step and then compared to
other learners. The effect of each learner on the result of the final forecast can be considered
as an optimization problem. The goal of this optimization problem is to determine the best
weights for each learner in such a way that the prediction accuracy of the test data is
maximized. In this research, two well-known meta-heuristic algorithms, i.e., PSO and GA
are employed to tackle this optimization problem.
3.1 The proposed model
The existing challenge of models was presented in the previous sections that was paying no
attention to stock price and direction of the price movement, simultaneously. In order to
tackle such difficulty, in this subsection, a new stock price forecasting model is introduced
by considering the price and the direction of price movement, concurrently. The proposed
model includes two dependent stage. Firstly, the direction of price change is forecasted and
added to other features as a new characteristic and this new dataset is then used for the
forecast in the next time. In order to maximize the classification accuracy (forecasting the
direction of price movement) in the first stage, the bagging algorithm, as a kind of EL
algorithms, is used, while this algorithm is employed in the second stage to maximize the
regression accuracy (the price forecasting). The results of the base models should be diverse
as much as possible so as to achieve the appropriate accuracy. The diversity is attained
through different training datasets for each model. Diverse datasets are obtained by
resampling the subset of the training data randomly through replacement. In addition, the
NN that can create different decision boundaries, even with low deviations in training
parameters, is used as the base models. The aggregation of the results is carried out in four
ways: optimization with GA, optimization with PSO, weighted aggregation based on the
weight of each model obtained by the accuracy of the training data and aggregation result
with equal weight for each model. The best way to aggregate the base model is opted based
on the accuracy.
3.1.1. The first stage (forecasting the direction of price movement)
In the first stage, the direction of stock price movement is forecasted for the next time.
Most of the time series data in the stock market are non-stationary and trendy, which reduces
the accuracy of forecasting stock market. The data must be as de-trend and stationary as
possible so that the hidden pattern in the series can be extracted more accurately [48].
Differentiation and logarithmic conversion can discover more the knowledge in the data.
The first difference of a time series creates a new time series whose values are different of
two successive values of the initial time series is the series of changes from one period to the
xt xt xt 1 (1)
Where 𝑥𝑡 denotes the value of the time series 𝑥𝑡 in period t, the first difference of 𝑥𝑡 in
period t is 𝑥𝑡 − 𝑥𝑡−1 . By differencing the initial series, a new time series is obtained. The
elements of the initial time series are stock prices while the elements of the new time series
are changes in price.
The value of x in period t is auto-correlated with respect to its value at earlier periods,
where the n-th element of the series with k lag is entered into the model as input and the
(n+1)th element is then predicted. This value is considered as the price change in the next
period. In the proposed model, those price data closed to the values of the previous days are
assigned as the initial inputs, and with their differentiation, the new series is created. The
output of the model is the difference between the “close” price of today and the previous
Data preparation and formation of new time series is performed, where the value of the new
time series is obtained by one times differencing of two successive elements of the initial
series and the number of k lagged of that .Then, the new dataset is divided into “training”
and “test” data groups. If the records contained in the dataset N are assumed, the N
bootstraps are created through N times of sampling with replacement on training data.One
NN is created and trained N times with N bootstraps until N base models are obtained. In the
following, the training data is entered into each of the trained base models and its output is
compared with the target output in order to determine the forecasting accuracy of the base
model.If the forecasting accuracy is better than random forecasting (greater than 0.5), then
the output of this model is maintained and the results (forecasted the direction of price
movement) are added to the matrix result. After applying training data to all trained models
and completing the results matrix, this matrix is aggregated with four methods and the best
weigh vector for the combination of the trained models is then obtained.
The results are aggregated using four methods: Simple Average Aggregation (SAV),
Weighted Average Aggregation (WAV), GA and PSO. The obtained weights from the
method having the most accuracy are finally selected.
By considering the importance of the learner's weight for the final performance, as already
explained, obtaining the weights is defined as an optimization problem. In the following, the
weight of each model is attained using PSO explained. Every particle in this algorithm is
defined as a weight vector for combining the learners in computation of the final output.
Therefore, every particle of a vector equals to the dimensions of a number of learners
obtained in the previous steps. The weights and initial velocities are determined randomly
for each particle. In the following, the performance (accuracy) of each particle (weights of
the base learners) is calculated. The performance of each particle means that the
performance of the learner in teamwork to reach the least possible error for all training data
obtained by particle-related weight combination. For example, for a particle with weights of
0.5, 0.3 and 0.2, the learner for a specific sample yields 59, 65 and 62, as outputs, so the
final output will be 61.4=0.5*59+0.3*65+0.2*62. A complete update of the group of
particles is made based on the best personal and group experiences with a certain number of
iterations. Finally, the best particle in the last iteration is used as the final weight for the
combination of the base models.
In addition to PSO algorithm, GA is employed for obtaining the optimal weights of the base
models. In this algorithm, each chromosome is considered as one weight vector. The number
of genes concerned with each chromosome are equal to the number of base models obtained
in the previous steps. The initial amounts of weights are randomly generated in each
chromosome. Then, chromosomes are arranged based on their performance (exactly similar
to PSO). To generate the next generation, the selection is conducted through roulette wheel
mechanism. In addition, the canonical two-point crossover and two-point mutation are
applied over the selected parents. In the last iteration, after sorting the chromosomes based
on their accuracy in determining the direction of price movement (their fitness) for all
training data, the best one is selected as final weight for the base learner combination.
WAV is another method for training the output matrix aggregation. Firstly, the accuracy
level of each matrix column (forecast a base model) is calculated to forecast the target vector
of training. The accuracy of each base model is divided by total accuracy, while the
coefficient of each matrix column is obtained in the optimal combination vector. SAV is the
simple average of the base models’ output for aggregation of the results with equal weights.
The implementing process of the first stage of the proposed model is shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. To be placed here
3. Experimental Results
In this section, the performance of the proposed model is evaluated through several datasets
including the introduction of datasets, evaluation criteria, implementation of the proposed
model and comparison results of the proposed model with other researches.
4.1. Datasets
In order to compare the results of the proposed model with accredited paper, the same
datasets in the literature are used [22, 24, 27]. These data include different indices of the
world’s validated stock exchanges showing the changes of the prices general level in the
market. In this paper, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE)
and Tehran Price Index (TEPIX) together with three other Tehran’s indices are investigated.
Tehran Industry Index (TII) shows the average changes in the stock price of operating
companies in the industrial sector, Tehran Index of Financial Group (TIFG) expresses the
average changes in the stock price of operating companies in the financial sector and the
Tehran Index of top 50 companies (TIT50C) demonstrates the liquidity. The information of
different indices is shown in Table 1.
Table 1. To be placed here
4.2. Evaluation criteria
Since the aim of this paper is to improve forecasting the direction of price movement and
the price itself, simultaneously, the used criteria for evaluating the outcomes should measure
these two standards. The first criterion used to compare the models is MAPE [6-8]. This
criterion, the absolute difference between the real and predicted amounts is divided to the
real amount at first. Then, the outcome is divided by the number of total data. Eq. (2) shows
how MAPE works, where yi and pi are the real and predicted amounts, respectively, and N is
the number of data.
1 N yi pi
MAPE 100*
The Prediction On Change In Direction (POCID) presenting in Equations (3) and (4) shows
the calculation of the direction change prediction. The model accuracy in direction
prediction of the price movement besides the proper prediction of the price, plays a leading
role in gaining the profit. The POCID criterion is ranged over the interval [0,100]. The
closer the value of POCID to 100, the higher accuracy of the prediction [49].
1 N
POICD 100* Di
N i 0 (3)
y p
N 2
U of Tail i 1 i i
Di (5)
y y
N 2
i 1 i i+1
The fourth used criterion in this study is Average Relative Variance (ARV) shown in Eq.
(6). If the average of the time series is used instead of the forecasted values, the accuracy
does not change. The value of this criterion, which is less than 1 and close to 0, indicates
better forecasting accuracy [50].
y p
N 2
ARV i 1 i i
y p
N 2
i 1 i
The prediction output vector obtained from the first stage is added to other price variables,
which creates a new input dataset for the second stage. In this stage, the learning model is
repeated by changing its settings (similar to the first stage) to get the best results.
After training of each individual model and their aggregation, the combination that has the
best evaluation result of the training data is selected. The test data will be then entered into
the model and the model will be evaluated. The evaluation result of the test data along with
the settings that produced these results are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. To be placed here
As shown in Table 3, using Dow Jones dataset yields the (near) optimal MAPE, i.e., 1.126,
when 3 lags are used. Also, 9 neurons in base models and %0.05 of data from each bootstrap
are used for validation. The number of bootstraps are 100 and WAV is used as the
aggregations method of base models. Fig. 6 shows a comparison between the real and
forecasted values in the proposed model.
Fig. 6. To be placed here
In this paper for aggregation of the results in both stages, two well-known meta-heuristic
optimization algorithms are used, GA and PSO. Among different settings obtained by trial
and error, the best parameters are selected for each dataset that are shown in Table 4.
Fig. 8. To be placed here
4.5. Discussion
As mentioned earlier, forecasting models have been divided into two groups including price
forecasting and forecasting the direction of price movement. In addition, it was clarified that
the use of models forecast the price regardless of price trends, may cause a loss in real-
trading despite having less error in some important criteria. This is also true for models
concerned only with forecasting the direction of price movement. A considerable amount of
effort is made in this research so as to propose a model for forecasting the price considering
price trend where better than random forecast than other models in real-world situation.
Three categories of models with different datasets are implemented in this research
including, “price forecasting”, “forecasting the direction of price movement” and “price
forecasting regarding the direction of price movement” (the proposed model). The obtained
results are then compared through various trading strategies and profits. For example, DIJA
test data (Table 4) are used to be tested through each of the three models. The real and
forecasted prices are depicted in Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. To be placed here
Also, the results of forecasting the direction of price movement model are shown in Fig. 10,
in which the value ‘1’ signifies the price increment and ‘-1’ denotes the price reduction.
These forecasting are evaluated through the following trading strategies. If the output of the
forecasting model is ‘price’, one can buy the new stock as much as the prediction says, if the
next forecasted price is being increased. Otherwise, if the forecasting shows reduction in
price, one can sell the existing stocks as much as the prediction forecasts. If the model
output is ‘the direction of price movement’, buying and selling is done according to the
forecasted direction. In better words, if the forecasting shows ascending trend, one should
buy the stocks and vice versa. This strategy is implemented over the forecasted results of the
three applied models.
As instance, all three models are employed for forecasting the trend of a deal with an initial
capital of 10,000,000$. The obtained results depicted in Fig. 11 show that the “price
forecasting” model has gained 8% profit owing to correct forecasting the direction of price
movement, while the initial capital of the other two models has decreased during this period.
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Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli is Associate Professor in the School of Computer Engineering at Iran University of Science
and Technology. He leads the Data Mining Lab that does research on various areas in artificial intelligence and data
mining, including text mining, web information extraction, and natural language processing.
Fig. 1. The price and direction of the price movement
Fig. 2. Classification of intelligent models
Fig. 3. The real price besides two-forecasted price
Fig. 4. The implementing process of the first stage of the proposed model
Fig. 5. The implementing process of the second stage of the proposed model
Fig. 6. Comparison of real and forecasted values in the proposed model
Fig. 7. Comparison of two models considering MAPE criterion
Fig. 8. Comparison of two models considering POICD criterion
Fig. 9. “Real values”, “forecasted prices” and “forecasted prices considering price direction”
for DIJA dataset
Fig. 10. The real and forecasted direction of the stock price movement for DIJA dataset
Fig. 11. Results of trading with three forecasting models and strategies expressed over 120
Table 1
Descriptions of stock indices
Table 2
The first stage’s results for implementation of the training data in the proposed model
Table 3
The second stage’s results for implementation of the test data in the proposed model
Table 4
The values of used parameters in employed meta-heuristic algorithms for each dataset
Table 5
Comparing the results of the proposed model and other models
Table 6
Comparing the results of the proposed model with the Asadi's one
Fig. 1. The price and direction of the price movement
Intelligent models
NN: (Kara, 2011) [2] , (Zhong, 2017) [13] GA: genetic algorithm
FS: Feature Selection
Single-technique SVM: (Kara, 2011) [2]
SA: Simulated Annealing
DEEP NN: (Arévalo, 2016) [19], (Chong, 2017) [20]
FC: Fuzzy Clustering
NN&GA:(Hassan ,200( [21] ,(Asadi, 2012) [22],(Göçken., 2016)[23] ASFA: artificial fish swarm
Single Neuro Fuzzy & SA: (Chang and Liu, 2008) [24] algorithm
MLP: multilayer perceptron
models SVM &GA: (Yu et al., 2009) [25]
MOPSO: Multi-Objective
Neuro Fuzzy & SVR: Huang, Yang, & Lee, 2018[26]
Multi-technique Particle Swarm Optimization
Neuro Fuzzy &FC: (Esfahanipour ,2010) [27], ( Chen, 2016) [28] NSGA-II: Non-dominated
RBF& K-means & AFSA: (Shen et al., 2011) [29] Sorting Genetic Algorithm
FS, FC & Fuzzy NN: (Enke , 2013) [30] ,(Chen , 2016) [28] DT: decision tree
Chaos theory &MLP&MOPSO&NSGA-II (Ravi , 2017) [9] ESM: exponential simple
ARIMA, NN: (Khashei, 2009)[31], (Babu , 2014)[32] model
NN, DT: (Tsai and Chiou, 2009)[33] SVR: support vector
ARIMA, ESM,NN: (Wang , 2012)[14]
RNN: recurrent neural
RW, FANN, EANN: (Adhikari and Agrawal, 2014)[34]
Hybrid models SVR, RF: (Patel , 2015)[6] FANNs: feedforward ANNs
RBF, RW: (Freitas and Rodrigues, 2006)[35] EANNs: Elman ANNs
Linear and nonlinear Model: (Rather, 2015)[36] SVR: support vector
Computational Intelligence, Linear Model: (Andrawis, 2011)[37] regression
RF: Random forest
Dietterich, 2000)[38], (Yu ,2008)[39], (Tsai ,2011)[12], (Xiao ,2013) RBF: Radial basis function
Fig. 3. The real price besides two-forecasted price
1 Preparing and preprocessing data
2 Differencing of time series data
3 Select the best lag of time series data and create a new time series
5 Creating Neural Networks as the base learners Dividing data into train and test groups
Test data
𝑣𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓,𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇
𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕
Fig. 4. The implementing process of the first stage of the proposed model
BS1 BS=Bootstrap
Model 1
Training data
BS2 Model 2
Price data NN .
open, close, .
volume , …. . Step2
Neural network .
+ BS n training with N
bootstraps and Create
. n
N Base Models Combination
𝑣𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓,𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇
𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 Methods
Model 1
Step1 SAV
Model 2
. Output
. matrix
Import training data . GA
into N models and .
create output matrix Step3
New data set Model n PSO
Test data
Fig. 5. The implementing process of the second stage of the proposed model
real trend&price_forecast
Fig. 6. Comparison of real and forecasted values in the proposed model
DIJA 1.41
TSE 0.659
TEPI 0.37
X 0.5
proposed model
TIT5 0.368
0C 0.76 Asadi model
TII 0.286
TIFG 0.31
0 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 0.75 0.9 1.05 1.2 1.35 1.5
DIJA 61.15
TSE 81
TEPIX 60 proposed model
58.491 Asadi model
TIT50C 57.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Fig. 9. “Real values”, “forecasted prices” and “forecasted prices considering price direction”
for DIJA dataset
predict direct(up/down) real direct(up/down)
Fig. 10. The real and forecasted direction of the stock price movement for DIJA dataset
prediction trend&price
prediction of price
prediction of direct
Fig. 11. Results of trading with three forecasting models and strategies expressed over 120
Table 1. Descriptions of stock indices
Stock index name From To Average Standard deviation
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index (DJIA) March 7, 2001 August 26, 2003 9345.324 925.15
Taiwan Stock Exchange index (TSE) July 18, 2003 December 31, 2005 6070.557 1910.45
Tehran Prices Index (TEPIX) April 10, 2006 January 30, 2009 9991.631 973.63
Tehran Index of top 50 Companies (TIT50C) April 10, 2006 January 30, 2009 16562.49 3715.06
Tehran Industry Index (TII) April 10, 2006 January 30, 2009 7869.937 834.69
Tehran Index of Financial Group (TIFG) April 3, 2006 January 30, 2009 20584.07 2383.53
Table 2
The first stage’s results for implementation of the training data in the proposed model
Using logarithmic transformation - - -
The number of lag used 7 11 7 9 7 7
Percentage of validation data 0.03% 0.05% 0.05% 0.03% 0.05% 0.03%
The use amount of training data in each bootstrap 90% 100% 100% 95% 95% 95%
The number of bootstraps 300 400 200 100 200 300
The training method traingdm trainlm trainlm traingdm trainlm trainlm
The number of neurons 5 6 5 4 5 6
The aggregation method PSO GA PSO PSO PSO PSO
Percentage of correct forecasts of the price direction
73.1% 75.3% 76.4% 70.6% 80.7% 79.50%
Table 3
The second stage’s results for implementation of the test data in the proposed model
The number of used lag 3 3 1 2 3 1
Percentage of validation data 0.05% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.05% 0.05%
Number of neurons in the neural network 9 9 7 9 7 5
The use amount of data from each bootstrap 100% 95% 100% 100% 95% 100%
The number of bootstraps 100 300 100 300 300 100
The aggregation method WAV PSO GA WAV PSO PSO
MAPE 1.126 0.659 0.37 0.368 0.286 0.31
POCID 61.15 81 60.202 58.491 74.3 69.182
U of Theil 0.518 0.494 0.552 0.483 0.588 0.672
ARV 0.068 0.068 0.003 0.086 0.04 0.013
Table 4
The values of used parameters in employed meta-heuristic algorithms for each dataset
Data DJIA TSE TEPIX Top 50 companies Industry index Financial group
Stage Stage I Stage II Stage I Stage II Stage I Stage II Stage I Stage II Stage I Stage II Stage I Stage II
GA Parameters
Population Size 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 150 150 200 200 200
Crossover Rate 0.75 0.75 0.80 0.80 0.75 85.00 0.75 0.75 0.75 85.00 0.75 0.75
Mutation Rate 0.15 0.15 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.15
Number of iterations 1500 1500 1000 1000 1500 2000 1500 1000 1000 2000 1500 1500
PSO Parameters
C1 = C2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Number of particles 200 200 200 200 150 150 150 200 200 150 100 100
Number of iterations 1200 1000 700 700 800 700 800 700 600 500 600 500
Table 5
Comparing the results of the proposed model and other models
Dataset Model MAPE Improvement
ARIMA 10.23 88.99%
Dow Jones Industrial
ANN (LM) 3.9 71.13%
Average Index(DJIA)
TAEF [50] 1.13 0.00%
ANN trained with back-propagation (BPNN) [22] 3.5 67.83%
Pre-processing Evolutionary Neural Networks (PENN) [22] 2.4 53.08%
Pre-processing Evolutionary Neural Networks back propagation (PEBPNN) [22] 2 43.70%
Pre-processed Evolutionary LM neural networks (PELMNN) [22] 1.4 19.57%
Proposed model 1.126 -
Hybrid of fuzzy clustering and TSK fuzzy system [27] 1.3 49.31%
Taiwan Stock Exchange TSK-type fuzzy rule-based system[24] 2.4 72.54%
index (TSE)
ANN trained with back-propagation (BPNN) [22] 0.78 15.51%
Pre-processing Evolutionary Neural Networks (PENN) [22] 0.67 1.64%
Pre-processing Evolutionary Neural Networks back propagation (PEBPNN) [22] 0.52 -
pre-processed evolutionary LM neural networks (PELMNN) [22] 0.51 -
Proposed model 0.659 -
Hybrid of fuzzy clustering and TSK fuzzy system[27] 2.4 84.58%
ANN trained with back-propagation (BPNN) [22] 0.97 61.86%
Tehran Prices Index Pre-processing Evolutionary Neural Networks (PENN) [22] 0.64 42.19%
(TEPIX) Pre-processing Evolutionary Neural Networks back propagation (PEBPNN) [22] 0.61 39.34%
Pre-processed Evolutionary LM neural networks (PELMNN) [22] 0.5 26.00%
Proposed model 0.37 -
Hybrid of fuzzy clustering and TSK fuzzy system[27] 1.85 80.11%
ANN trained with back-propagation (BPNN)[22] 1.4 73.71%
Pre-processing Evolutionary Neural Networks (PENN) [22] 1.12 67.14%
Tehran Index of top 50 Pre-processing Evolutionary Neural Networks back propagation (PEBPNN) [22] 0.83 55.66%
Companies (TIT50C) Pre-processed Evolutionary LM neural networks (PELMNN) [22] 0.76 51.58%
Proposed model 0.368 -
Hybrid of fuzzy clustering and TSK fuzzy system[27] 2.02 85.84%
Tehran Industry Index (TII) ANN trained with back-propagation (BPNN)[22] 1.73 83.47%
Pre-processing Evolutionary Neural Networks (PENN) [22] 1.3 78.00%
Pre-processing Evolutionary Neural Networks back propagation (PEBPNN) [22] 0.98 70.82%
Pre-processed Evolutionary LM neural networks (PELMNN) [22] 0.89 67.87%
Proposed model 0.286 -
Hybrid of fuzzy clustering and TSK fuzzy system [27] 1.03 69.90%
ANN trained with back-propagation (BPNN) [22] 0.94 67.02%
Tehran Index of Financial Pre-processing Evolutionary Neural Networks (PENN) [22] 0.79 60.76%
Group (TIFG) Pre-processing Evolutionary Neural Networks back propagation (PEBPNN) [22] 0.69 55.07%
Pre-processed Evolutionary LM neural networks (PELMNN) [22] 0.66 53.03%
Proposed model 0.31 -
Table 6
Comparing the results of the proposed model with the Asadi's one