Salary Placement Guidelines For K-12 Teachers Frequently Asked Questions
Salary Placement Guidelines For K-12 Teachers Frequently Asked Questions
Salary Placement Guidelines For K-12 Teachers Frequently Asked Questions
A teacher’s salary is determined by two factors: (1) classification and (2) rating.
II. Rating: Salary rating is determined by the number of years of service in the
District as well as teaching experience in other school districts or private
A newly-appointed probationary teacher shall receive year-for-year credit for
verified outside teaching in full-time permanent or probationary teacher,
temporary, categorical, emergency or long-term substitute status. Verified
experience for teachers appointed to the area of pupil services shall include
service with a public or private agency in a position requiring experience with
school-age children and their parents and/or teaching experience. Nutrition
education teachers shall receive credit to a maximum of five (5) increments
for previous full-time work experience in the field of nutrition.
Newly appointed teachers will be placed at the rating one greater than the
number of years of credit. Whenever a “year” is referred to in determining
credit for outside or former teaching experience, it is hereby defined as not
less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the service which the college or
school district in which the instructor or teacher was formerly employed
required of regular full-time instructors or teachers. Outside teaching
experience in more than one (1) college or school district in any one (1)
school year may be combined for granting such outside credit.
The maximum step placement for newly hired teachers on the BA + 30 units
salary schedule is Step 12. The maximum step placement for newly hired
teachers on the BA + 60 units salary schedule is Step 11. Steps beyond
these are career increments earned by working for SFUSD.
Non-credential teachers are not entitled to claim outside teaching experience.
They place on the first step of the non-credentialed teachers’ salary
schedule, plus units/hours earned beyond a Bachelors Degree. However, a
non-credential teacher will receive service credit for each year worked in the
Intern Teachers. Salary placement is based on the first step of the non-
credentialed teachers’ salary schedule, plus units/hours earned beyond a
Bachelors Degree. Intern teachers are given year-for-year credit up to
maximum for full-time teaching experience outside the District.
All newly-hired
credential teachers are paid at Classification B6, Rating 1, ($46,020) and
non-credential teachers are paid at Classification C6, Rating 1 ($38,909).
When transcripts and/or previous employment verification forms are received and
verified by the Salary Office, the appropriate salary adjustment will be calculated and
retroactive pay, if any, will be reflected in the next pay check.
Credit earned in the following manner will be acceptable for salary classification
Accredited university or college courses.
In-services courses, equivalent to college or university courses,
approved in advance for a specified number of units.
Courses in specialized schools, if are approved in advance.
Teaching an in-service course for which no monetary compensation is
given, provided the course is approved in advance, and further, that
the number of credits allowable shall not exceed twice the credit
granted the participants.
All teachers must submit official transcripts carrying the embossed seal of the degree-
granting institution to the SFUSD Salary Office. Photocopies will not be accepted.
Official transcripts are required to verify the Bachelor’s Degree and any units being
submitted for the purpose of attaining a higher classification. Credit earned in the
following manner will be acceptable for salary classification purposes:
Accredited university or college courses.
In-services courses, equivalent to college or university courses, approved in advance
for a specified number of units.
Courses in specialized schools, if are approved in advance.
Teaching an in-service course for which no monetary compensation is given,
provided the course is approved in advance, and further, that the number of credits
allowable shall not exceed twice the credit granted the participants.
Prior teaching experience claimed for salary rating purposes must be verified by the
former employer(s) on forms provided by the Salary Office (copy attached).
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San Francisco Unified School District, Human Resources Department
555 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94102-5299
Newly-hired teachers have until December 1st of the first semester or April 1st of the
second semester to submit the official transcripts necessary for determining classification
on the salary schedule.
Credit for outside teaching experience should be submitted as soon as possible in order
for the Salary Office to place the teacher on the correct rating on the salary schedule.
Ratings will be adjusted prospectively from the time employment verification is received.
Since the Salary Office must finalize pay on the nineteenth (19th) of each month in order to
issue pay checks on the last working day of that month, documents needed for
Classification/Rating placement must be submitted to the Salary Office by the 15th
of that month.
1. August 31
2. September 30
3. October 31
4. December 1
5. January 2
6. January 30
7. February 28
8. March 31
9. April 30
10. May 31
11. June 30
12. July 20
If the payday lands on a weekend or other non-work day, you will be paid on the prior
We will pay you according to how many days of the school year you will work. The daily
rate of pay is determined by taking the annual salary and dividing by the number of days in
the school year (180 e.g.). This total amount will be prorated by the number of paychecks
remaining in the year.