Getting Started With Pic Microcontrollers: Lecturer: Arwa Alaaeldin Mursi Elamin 2018

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Lecturer: Arwa Alaaeldin Mursi Elamin

Lecture Contents
- Important Terminologies
• Integrated circuits (IC )
• Chips
• printed circuit board (PCB)
• Test board
• General Purpose System Vs Embedded system

- PIC (Peripheral Interface Controller)

Important Terminologies
• Integrated circuits (IC )
• Chips
• printed circuit board (PCB)
• Test board
• General Purpose System Vs Embedded system
Integrated Circuits (IC)
An integrated circuit (IC), A very small electronic circuit which consists of a lot
of small parts made on a piece of semiconducting material.
It is a semiconductor wafer on which thousands or millions of tiny resistors,
capacitors, and transistors are fabricated.
An IC can function as an amplifier, oscillator, timer, counter, computer
memory, or microprocessor).
• Very small piece of semiconductor, especially in a computer, that contains
extremely small electronic circuits and devices, and can perform particular
• A small piece of semiconducting material (usually silicon) on which an
integrated circuit is embedded.
• Computers consist of many chips placed on electronic boards called
printed circuit boards.
Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
an electronic circuit consisting of thin strips of a conducting material such as
copper, which have been etched from a layer fixed to a flat insulating sheet
called a printed circuit board, and to which integrated circuits and other
components are attached.
Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
Example of the (PCB):
The Computer Mother Board
• The main printed circuit board in a computer is known as the motherboard.
Numerous major components, crucial for the functioning of the computer, are
attached to the motherboard. These include the processor, memory, and
expansion slots. The motherboard connects directly or indirectly to every part
of the PC.
TEST board
General Purpose System
A general-purpose computer is one that, given the appropriate application
and required time, should be able to perform most common computing
• Personal computers, including desktops, notebooks and tablets, are all
examples of general-purpose computers.
Embedded System
As the name implies, it may be hardware or software integrated to perform a
particular function. It is a special-purpose computer system designed to perform
one or a few dedicated functions. It uses a Microcontroller /Microprocessor to
perform a single job. It is a stand-alone device with no operating system.
• Some of the examples of an embedded system are smartphone, washing
machine, Air conditioner, refrigerator, kiosk etc.
Embedded System VS General Purpose System
General purpose system like computers has external peripherals (Real-time
Clock, USB, Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth etc.) connected to it and are visible
outside. But an embedded device contains few or all the peripherals inside
the module, i.e. SOC (System On Chip).
Microcontroller Types
PIC (Peripheral Interface Controller)
PIC family are popular among students, hobbyists and also the industrial
developers due to its ;
- low cost,
- serial programming capability and
- its ease of availability.
PIC microcontrollers
• The 8-bit PIC microcontrollers are divided into four large families based
on their built-in special features:
• PIC10FXXX series
• PIC12FXXX series
• PIC16FXXX series
• PIC18FXXX series
PIC16FXXX series
PIC 16F877A
PIC16F877A introduction and features
- The PIC microcontroller PIC16f877a is one of the most renowned microcontrollers
in the industry. This controller is very convenient to use, the coding or
programming of this controller is also easier.
- One of the main advantages is that it can be write-erase as many times as
possible because it use FLASH memory technology.
- It has a total number of 40 pins and there are 33 pins for input and output.
PIC16f877a finds its applications in a huge number of devices.
- An EEPROM is also featured in it which makes it possible to store some of the
information permanently like transmitter codes and receiver frequencies and
some other related data.
- The cost of this controller is low and its handling is also easy.
PIN configuration OF PIC16F877A
The pin configuration of the MCU and some of its functions are illustrated
below. It is a 40-pin DIP Microcontroller .
PIC16F877A –Simplified Features
CPU 8-bit PIC
Number of Pins 40
Operating Voltage (V) 2 to 5.5 V
Number of I/O pins 33
ADC Module 8ch, 10-bit
Timer Module 8-bit(2), 16-bit(1)
Comparators 2
DAC Module Nil
UART(1), SPI(1), I2C(1),
Communication Peripherals
External Oscillator Up to 20Mhz
Internal Oscillator Nil
Program Memory Type Flash
Program Memory (KB) 14KB
RAM Bytes 368
Data EEPROM 256 bytes

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