Qualitative Research

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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in English 10

Cabbigat, Alexander Jhill

Dacanay, Godofredo
Urban, Jerald
Ymana, Vincent
Basilio, Ada
Biswek,Febee Kate
Capuyan, Shastine
Conarco, Jellay
Dado, Freyalyn
Dapnisan, Alliah
Dayrit, Kaina
Saclangan, Julia
Tuabas, Vaness

Chastity 2019-2020

This chapter presents the background of the study, conceptual framework

and statement of the problem.

Background of the Study

A romantic relationship is an important element in an adolescent life.

Adolescents spend much of their time thinking, and engaging in romantic

relationships. Strong positive or negative emotions in adolescent are more

commonly caused by romantic relationships as opposed to other kinds of

relationships such as with friends, parents or school staff ( Furman and Shaffer,

2003 ). It is often believed that romantic relationships may negatively affect

adolescents academic outcomes because the time spent with a romantic partner

might distract one from schoolwork I the USA, Myers (2010) said that

relationships also consume much of the life of university students. It is proven

in the study of Mehl and Pennebaker (2003) conducted to 11 participants, using

Electronically Activated Recorder for each participant, coming from the University

from Texas at Austin, that 28 percent of the students’ waking hours were spent

by just talking to their partners.

Another study of Steinhauer and Holson (2008) found out that an average

American 13- 18 years old sent or received 1,742 text messages per month.

Most often these youth have been involved in romantic relationships by using

cellphones to communicate with their romantic partners. On the other hand,

research conducted by Campbell, et al. (1994) found benefits in having a

romantic relationship such as feeling happiness or elation, feeling loved or loving

another, feeling of belongingness, self- growth and self- understanding, more

positive self-esteem and companionship. These benefits found in a romantic

relationship were said to be the cause of motivation and inspiration of the

students in pursuing their studies. However, Campbell and Oliver (1994) also

pointed out some problems which are found in a romantic relationship, social and

nonsocial sacrifices, increased dependence on their partner, fights, time and

effort investment, and feeling worse about their selves. These problems found in

a romantic relationship were said to be the cause of anxiety of the students.

During adolescents, teens become interested in dating because of the desire

to be belong with someone. As a result, they crave to have an inseparable

romantic relationship in which love is given and received constraint.

Furthermore, the theory states that humans “share” the same need to be a part

or connected with other individuals may live life better if they are connected.

Myers (2010) supported “The Need To Belong Theory” by asserting that people

who find a person compliment their needs to whom they can share their

problems with, makes people more acknowledgeable. Belongingness is

supported by close, intimate relationships which tends to be healthier and

happier. Engaging themselves in this romantic relationship enable them feel that

someone cares for them, shows affection to them and loves them. In fact,

Furman (2002) reported that romantic relationships become more important to

adolescents in their social world as they develop from puberty towards late

adolescence in which if shows how dominant is romantic relationship among


The effect of having early romantic relationship might be positive or negative

depends on how adolescents handle the relationship they are in. Philippines, just

like any other countries, couples are everywhere. In this generation, most

couples are students. Here in the country as early as 13-18 years old teenagers

are starting to fall in love. They start to commit themselves in a relationship.

According to 10 Filipinas who share their experiences about meeting their high

school sweethearts and ending up to marriage, they started third year high

school in genera. Committing in a relationship is said to be very complicated.

Teen couples usually visits places such as parks, malls, restaurants, etc., just to

bond and spend their time with each other. It happens to be that their relationship

affects their time and studies that’s why entering a relationship at the same time

studying is complex. Mostly, relationships at a young age usually ends up in

breaking up after a few months. Some might succeed prolonging their

relationship but others don’t.

Many people say that relationship should be the cause of motivation in

pursuing their studies. Here in Baguio City we found out that some students who

have poor academic performance low educational aspiration, delinquency,

enduring social skills, depression and even teenage pregnancy have been linked

to having girlfriend or boyfriend. The suggest an existing problem on having

relationship that needs to alleviate students’ performance and behavior to

perform better in school and even in community. Being teen, we observe that

having boyfriend and girlfriend is being alarming since this issue is one of the

reasons why students drop out and even choose to have a family instead since

they think that it’s the best for them since they think that they are the one for

each other. This issue is actually interesting since we are part of teens who are

mostly engaged in this kind of relationship.

Right now we aim to know how does teens specifically grade 10 balance their

time with their studies, boyfriend/girlfriend, and family. We aim to discover why
couples get fed up or break and how does it affects the students. We aim to

know all this by conducting our research here in Rizal National High School

involving all grade 10 students who are currently in a relationship. Thus, an

action research is necessary to address this issue so that all teens specifically

single teens who are in grade 10 would benefit in having an idea how does

it feels entering a romantic relationship. (academia.com)



This research discuss about on students having romantic relationship or to

opposite sex at an early age . In this paper, we propose a conceptual framework

that is intended to discuss single teenager specifically grade ten students. The

past decade has seen a marked increase in studies on adolescent romantic

relationships. First, romantic relationships have been implicated both in negative

behaviors (Neeman et al 1995) and psychosocial well-being ( Joyner and Udry

2000;Davies and Windle 2000).Thus, researchers have aimed to identify the age,

stage, and social conditions under which such relationships are pro-social or

maladaptive. Second, the transition to adulthood has become elongated and less

orderly such that young people take longer to “become” adults and they do so by

passing various markers of adulthood out of the standard sequence common to

prior generations ( Settersten et al 2005). Finally, theories have developed and

adapted to more fully account for romantic experience in adolescence ( Furman

and Wehner 1994; Brown1999; Connolly and Goldberg 1999; Allen and Land

1999; Collis 1997; Collins andSroufe 1999; Giordano 2003; Giordano et al 2001

and 2005). Applying the concept of the theory the need to belong and the social

exchange theory provides ideas that explains how does early romantic

relationship affects couples and what happens in entering in an early romantic


(https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url= and academia.com )



This theory refers to the idea that humans have a fundamental motivation

to be accepted into a relationship and be part of social groups. The fact that

belonging-ness is a need means that human beings must establish and maintain

a mini- mum quantity of enduring relationships. Emotions play a large role in the

formation and dissolution of relationships.


Is an interpersonal communication theory about close personal ties and

relationships that highlights the tensions, struggles and interplay between

contrary tendencies. The theory, proposed respectively by Leslie Baxter and

Barbara Montgomery in 1998, defines communication patterns between

relationship partners as the result of endemic dialectical tensions.

Relationships are made in dialogue and they can be complicated and

dialogue with similarities and differences are necessary. Relational

communication theories allow for opposing views or forces to come together in a

reasonable way. When making decisions, desires and viewpoints that often

contradict one another are mentioned and lead to dialectical tensions.

Relational dialectics theory is an interpersonal communication theory

which explains communication patterns that arise between individuals when they

maintain a relationship. The theory focuses on theories and struggles in a

relationship. These tensions could be within the relational partners or

between the couple and the society.

In communication, dialectics are competing states that are produced

through dialogue. Relational dialectics can be of two types – internal and

external. Internal dialectics can be understood as the tension between the

relational partners while external dialectics can be understood as the tension

between the couple and society.


Some people are more aware of or at least talk more about their viewpoint

on relationships than others. Regardless of individual’s awareness or one’s own

theory of relationships, most people tend to treat their view of relationships as

reality. Because of this egocentric view of reality, how one views Self and Others

in relational contexts is of fundamental importance.

The primary source of cultural-level variability explored here is an

individual’s orientation to the concepts of Self, Other, and Relationship. William

W. Wilmot’s (1995) conceptualization of three paradigmatic views of relationships

is at the heart of this discussion. The concepts of individualism and collectivism

augment this discussion illustrating the unique impact cultural-level variations

have on individual’s communicative behavior in interaction.

This discussion should be tempered by cautioning that although there are

general patterns of behavior consistently associated with paradigmatic views of

relationships and individualism/collectivism, not every individual’s behavior is

guided by these cultural level factors. We must keep in mind the distinction

between cultural-level behaviors and unique individual behavior within a given

social setting.

Romantic relationships, along with the identity formation and the choice of

a vocation, play a crucial role in a young person’s development. Children are

entering puberty and reaching physical maturity earlier today than 50 years ago,

so the topic of romance comes up more quickly than in past. Adolescence is also

a time of changes in the parent-child relationship, as young people gain more

emotional autonomy. They are increasingly focused on their peers- first on same-

sex friends, and then on romantic partners.



 Building interview questions:

 Good morning/Good afternoon, how are you today?

 Im (name of the interviewer), pleased to meet you.

 Are you busy right now?

 Can I talk to you?

 Is it okay if we could talk to you about your relationship with your gf/bf?

 Will you be comfortable if incase we ask you questions?

 When/where/how did you meet each other?

 How did you fell inlove with each other?

Interview questions:

1. Most often how much alone time do you need being with each other?

2. If the two of you are hitting the great outdoors what would you spend the day


3. What would you two prefer to do on weekends?

4. Do you still excel on your academics?

5. Do you still join your family during mealtime?

6. Do you still come with them during family bonding

7. What do you think are the usual reasons behind quarrels?

After the interview,

Thank you (name of the respondent) for having us.



The study aims to answer the following:

1.) How to couples spend time with each other?

2.) What are Effects of having girlfriend or boyfriend?


This part shows the research design, the population and the locale of the

study, data gathering procedures, data collection instruments and

treatment of the data.

Research Design

Phenomenological qualitative research design was used in this study.

According to Jasper (1994;309), phenomenology considers that the true

meaning of phenomena be explored through the experience of them as

described by individual”. The purpose of this phenomenological study was

to know how grade ten couple students spent time with each other and the

effects of having girlfriend and boyfriend.

Purposive sampling method was also used in this study. This sampling

refers to judgemental sampling that involves the conscious selection by

the researcher to participants to include in the study (Burns and

Grove1198:750). This study was focused on a particular group which is

the grade 10 students of Rizal National high School who are currently in a

romantic relationship. There are 8 students who were the respondents of

the study.

Population And Locale Of The Study

The research was conducted at Rizal National High School, Baguio City,

School Year 2019-2020. In order to determine the effects of having a

relationship, there were 8 Grade 10 respondents who took part in the


Data Collection Instruments

The aid memoire was used as the main data gathering instrument in the

study. Furthermore, interview was conducted to distribute the questions to

the respondents. It consists of open ended questions in order to get the

data and information needed for the study. Therefore, the questions

includes the romantic involvement of the students in a relationship. It

composes the time management being made by the students including the

relationship they’re in.

Data Collection Procedure

The researchers were given a permission to proceed with the interview

and upon approval the questions were self-administered by the

researchers. This research was conducted through a face to face

interview and the interviews were recorded and being analysed by writing

all the statements of the interviewer and the respondents. Meetings were

all held in Rizal National High School and all the interviews were

conducted by the researchers. Prior to the start of each interview the aims

of the study and the interviewee's right we're clarified. Consent was

obtained from the interviewees.

Treatment Of Data

Generally the researchers engaged themselves in the analysis of the

corpora by identifying the recurring patterns of themes that characterized

the data. This involved a process of categorizing and transcribing the

answers of each respondents. The researchers tried to initially categorize

and transcribe which of the answers given by the respondents’ were either

identical in meaning and rereading to create themes that might exist in the

categories. After the initial analysis of the first set of answer of one

respondent, we went on doing the same thing to the next set of answers

shared by another respondents.

The researcher dealt with the individual answers first before coming up

with initial themes. What the researchers did was actually content analysis
or thematic analysis, (Caelli et al 2003) in determining the themes. The

researchers also used thematic analysis hence the researchers

transcribed the recorded interviews, then read and reread the interviews

as whole. Then they summarized the interviews, keeping in mind that

more than one theme might exist in a set of interviews (Morse and Field

1998:115). The researchers sorted out were subsumed under 2 categories

where in it shows how the respondents spend time with their partners and

the effects on the respondents of having girlfriend or boyfriend. Each of

these was discussed and interpreted based on the researchers’

understanding or the respondents’ understanding of the participants’




Good Afternoon, how are you today?. I’m great

I’m Freyalyn Dado, pleased to meet

Uhmm..are you busy right now? Uhhmm, I have time naman to talk with

Uhmm, is it okay if we could talk to you Pwede naman

about your relationship with your
boyfriend or girlfriend?
Would you be comfortable if incase Mmm,, depende? Siguro
we ask you questions/personal

When or where or how did you meet Mmm,,,nagstart yun dito sa school,
your partner? explain ko pa ba kung paano?,
nagsimnula yun mga kasali ako sa Mr.
and Miss yun chinicheer niya ako
palagi everytime na magkakasalubong
kami chinicheer up niya ako so yun
medyo dun na nagsimula siyempre
may mararamdaman ka naman na
tapos one time nag lyric prank siya
sakin yun tas yun dun na ako umamin
sa kanya and then yun naging kami
nun ng grade 9 ng 1 ½ month, un tas
nagbreak kami nung april tas di kami
nagpansinan then after 6 months yun
un, ummm October 5 nun nagkita
kaming dalawa with friends tas yun
ummm, tas kinabukasan Sunday ng
gabi that’s October 6 ummm tinanong
niya ako kung pwedeng maging kami

Ooww,,,Ummm,,, most often how much Uhmmm,,,am sa mga naaalala ko is

alone time do you need being with kada , most often ummh, paminsan
each other minsan more on may mga kasama
kaming mga kaibigan tas un pag- uwi
nalang sa bahay don tawag tawag text
text chat chat parang yun nalang ung
time namin minsan pero pag wala
naman kaming mga kasama
pumupunta kami sa upuan man niya or
upuan ko tas un nag- uusap yun

So for you ilang time? A day ‘di do you Total time sa isang araw? Yung gusto
need? Yung kailangan mo alone time ko parang ganon, ano siyempre gusto
with him? ko naman always siyempre iba diba
pag kasama mo siya siyempre mas
masaya parang ganun mas feel ko
lang yun pag everyday pero ayun nga
dahil limited ung time parang wala
pang wala pang hour isang oras

So kailangan mo more than that? Yup saka busy din kase sa school

If the two of you are hitting the great Ummm,,, siguro manonood or
outdoors what would you spend the kumakain ganun yup
day doing?

What would you two prefer to do on Uhmmm,,, siyempre go on a date diba

weekends? kase ginagawa din naman namin yun
minsan, minsan yun lalabas, kakain,
magmimilktea ganun, mag lalaro sa
wonder park ganun yun

Do you still excel on your academics? Ummm, not really sure kase noong
second grading kami naman na nun,
not exactly the start of the second
grading so dun nag excel ako diba tas
nag top 3 pa nga ganun pero ngayong
third grading kasi umm di ko
madifferentiate it dahil bas a absences
ko or about sa relationship,,, about sa
love life ko kasi syem, parang nung
kami tinanong ko mga friends ko like
sabi dati daw all day, nakaupo ako para
daw akong nerd ngayon hindi naman
na daw so ganon, tas ngayun di ko
lang talaga sure kasi nagkasakit ako ng
isang lingo kaya un di ko sure

Do you still join your family during meal Yup, pero depende kung nakakatulog
time? ako kaya di ako nakakasama sa kanila

Do you still come with them during Oo naman like kung ano nandito yung
family bonding? ate ko sumasama naman ako palagi

Next what do you think are the reasons Ano kapag minsan moody siya ummh
behind quarrels? parang o choose to be quiet pero pag
minsan naman ngayon nilalapitan ko
na siya tinatanong ko siya kung ano
bang problema tas yun di naman siya
nagsasalita kaya yun weird din kaya
yun,uhmm with, when it comes naman
to jealousy uhh,,sinasabi naman
naming sa isat isa kung ano yung mga

pinagseselosan naming then yun
inaayos naming like cineclear out
naming sa isat isa na kung sino lang
yung taong toh, ganto ganyan

Okay thank you so much sir for having



Good afternoon, how are you today? I’m good

I’m Catherine, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.

Are you busy right now? Hindi

Can I talk to you? Sure

Is it okay if we could talk to you about No…charot, yes

your relationship with your bf/ gf?

Will you be comfortable if incase we Yes

ask you questions?

When did you meet each other? Ah..hindi ko alam

Kailan..kailan? kailan ba kayo Nung grade 9, sa jeep

nagkakilala?. Saan kayo una

Paano kayo nagkakilala? Nung grade 9, so parang magka-upo

kami. Lumipat siya sa amin banda. So,
tapos yun, nagging katawanan ko siya,
nagging best friend ko siya, ayon tas
parang, he begun to chatting with me.

How did you fell in love with each Actually I’m not in love with him nung
other? grade 9, ‘cause like I don’t know what I
really feel about him. So parang
nagbreak kami nung grade 9 tapos

nagyong grade 10 parang 6 months,
walang pinag-uusapan, tas parang ‘di
kami nagpapansinan, tas ngayong
grade 10, mga October or December
parang na wrong send ako then parang
nagchat siya, then tuloy tuloy na yon.

How much often alone time do you Mostly everyday.

need being with each other?. Gaanong
kadalas mong gusting makasama siya?

If you two are hitting the great Oh my gosh, eating watching.

outdoors, what would you spend the
day doing?.

What would you two prefer to do in Sleeping.


Kayong dalawa? Nagtutulugan nga kami eh.

Do you still excel on your academics? Yes, he’s my inspiration.

Do you still join your family during Yes.


Kunware may labas kayo ng jowa mo Both

tapos may labas kayo ng parents mo,
sinong pipiliin mo?

Paano? ‘Cause, kasi kwan, syempre legal kami


So legal na kayo. Hindi pa, pero parang sa mother side

niya,sa tita ko ganon.

What do you think are the usual reason Jealousy

behind quarrels?

Sinong mas seloso sa inyo? Siya

Thank you sir for having us.


So, good afternoon, how are you I’m okay


Uhhmm..I’m Julia, pleased to meet No

you. Are you busy right now?

Can I talk to you? Yes

Is it okay if we could talk to you about Yes

your relationship with your boyfriend or

Will you be comfortable if we ask you Yes


When or when or how did you meet Sa yung when

each other?

When? Nung grade 9, December, basta

December. Tapos saan?, dito sa
school lang and kung paano is parang
magkaibigan lang kami first, yon.

How did you fell in love with each Ano? (giggles)

Sige, it takes time So yung una isa parang nagstart lang
sa advice kasi broken siya ganon, tas
parang ako lang yung nag-aadvice until
sa….until sa naging close kame to
each other and doon parang
naramdaman naming yung love.

Hmmm…my gosh sana all. Uhmmm, Sometimes lang eh.

most often how much alone time do
you being with each other?. Most of the
time, everyday ganon.

If the two of you hit the great outdoors, Uhmm, ano parang nagbabonding lang
what would you spend the day doing?. kami each other. Parang nag-uusap
Uhhh..uhhmm, diba kunware lalabas lang kami. Lakad lakad ganon yun.
kayo, ano yung ginagawa niyo ganon

kapag sa labas.

What would you two prefer doing on Hmmm…play games

Bukod sa play games, wala na? Uhhh ano, ano pa ba, wait lang. Eat

Ano yung games na ginagawa ninyo? Video games

Do you still excel on your academics? Yes

Do you still join your family during Yes


Do you still come with them during Yes

family bonding?

Kahit ano, kahit monthsary niyo Hmm, sumama siya minsan kasi legal
What do you think are the usual reason
behind quarrels?

Jealousy, wala na? Yun lang eh

So, hindi siya humihingi ng time No, kasi always naman akong may
ganon? time.

Thank you Miss for your answer.


Hi, Good afternoon, how are you I’m fine


I’m Vaness, pleased to meet you Uhh, you too

Are you busy right now? Uhmm,,, no

Can I talk to you? Yeah….

Is it okay if we could talk to you about Sure, sure

your relationship with your boyfriend?

Will you be comfortable if incase we Yeah

ask you questions?

When/where/how did you meet each Ummm,,,saglit lang,,saglit,,,saglit

Sige lang..,sige lang.., take your time

Uhmmm,,, kalian ba kayo Kalian…nung grade 8 tayo

nagkakilala..,kalian? Tapos grade 7 siya…

So nung grade 8 …. Yeah…

Ayy so grade 7 siya,,grade 8 kayo Pero hindi pa kami nun…



Tapos…saan kayo nagkita, saan kayo Dito sa school, dito sa school

unang nagkita?

Pano kayo, pano kayo nagkakilala? Uhmmm,,yung pinsan niya na

kabarkada ko

Ayyy so…how did you fell inlove with Oh my gosh, (laugh) uhmmm,,, uhmm
each other? ano ang funny niya kase kasama
ganun, tapos maybe yung ano yung
ugali na din

Okay, next, question, most often much Pag ganitong may, pag ganitong
alone time do you need being with school days.
each other?

Kahit 1hour lang? Yeah

Paano pag weekends? 2 hours (laughs)

Sigurado ka? Hindi nagagalit mama mo Minsan lang naman kami nagmimeet
ganon? pag ano, pag weekends.

If the two of you are hitting the great Kumakain (laughs), nag-uusap, tas, oo
the outdoors, what would you spend yun lang.
the day doing?, Ano yung madalas
niyong ginagawa kapag lumalabas
kayong dalawa.

Yun lang madalas? Minsan nagbabantay ng mga kapatid

niya ganon.

Ay wow, so legal kayo? Yeah

Wow, both sides? Yeah

What would you two prefer to do on Nanonood ng cartoons


Anong cartoons? Tom and Jerry

Ahh so parang kasama niyo yung mga Oo, kasama yung mga bata kaya
bata? ganon.

Do you still excel on your academics? Oo naman, namemaintain ko naman,

tas pati din siya, ayos naman.

Ano bang section niya? Diyan sa baba, Tolerance

Do you still join your family during Meron, meron

mealtime? Or meron ba yung mealtime
na kayo ng boyfriend mo na

Do you still come with them during Lagi, lagi

family bonding? Nakikipagbonding ka
pa ba sa family mo?

Wow, meron ba yung time na Parent’s niya

nagbobonding kayo ng boyfriend mo
kasama ng parent’s mo ganon?

Bakit?, bat sa parents mo? Busy masyado

Kailan monthsary niyo? .Hala (laugh)

Kahit day lang, day lang ng monthsary Ngayong month, okay 29

Ay malas mo wala sa February Meron, saturday.

Wala every year, every 4 years lang Oo din (laugh) pero meron ngayon.

What do you think are the usual Uhhmmmm…..

reasons behind quarrels? Kapag tinutulugan ko siya.

Ano yung madalas niyong pinag-

aawayan ng boyfriend mo?

Ahy oo chat ganon Oo

Ano pa? Minsan lang naman yun, tapos kapag

hindi ko siya ina-update ganun.

Seloso ba siya? Hindi

Ay wow, so understanding siya? Yeah

Dapat ganun(laugh)

Thank you for having us.


Good morning how are you today? I’m okay

Im Jellay, pleased to meet you Nice to meet you too

Are you busy right know? No

Can I talk to you? Yes

Is it okay if we could talk to you about Yes, ofcourse

your relationship with your boyfriend?

Will you be comfortable if incase we Yes

asked you questions?

When did you meet each other?, kalian Wait hindi ko maalala
kayo nagkakilala

Kahit ano kahit hindi specific date March 2018

example noong grade 9 ba…

Where did you meet each other? Sa town,,,, Facebook

How did you meet each other? Facebook,,,Charr

How did you fell inlove with each other Umm,,basta nahulog kami sa isa’t-isa

Ahh,, nag umpisa ba sa friendship Oo


Most often how much alone time do Every Saturday lang

you need being with each other?

Okay nay un? Oo basta magkita

If the two of you are hitting the great Kumakain

outdoors what would you spend the
day doing?

What would you prefer to do on Magkasama?

weekends?kapag weekends ano yung
gusto ninyong ginagawa ninyo?
magkasama ba kayo?

Nagdedate ba kayo? Minsan

Ano yung madalas ninyong ginagawa Kumakain lang

sa date ninyo?

Yun lang? wala na? Oo namamasyal ganon

Do you still excel on your academics? Ha?

Yung academics mo nakakaapekto ba Hindi naman

sa pagkakaroon mo ng jowa?

Do you still join your family during Oo


Do you still come with them during Oo, yes

What do you think are the usual selos

reasons behind quarrels?

Sino ang seloso sa inyo? ako

Anong grade niya ? 12

Thank you miss for having us smiles and nod her head


Good Afternoon, how are you today? Okay lang

I’m Kaina pleased to meet you, are you Hindi

busy right now?

Can I talk to you? Sige

Is it okay if we could talk to you about Oo

your relationship with your bf/gf?

Will you be comfortable if incase we Oo

ask you questions?

When did you meet each other? Dito sa school.

When?, Kailan? Ay ano, brad, kelan kami nag-ano…


October?, where did you meet each Dito sa school.


How did you meet each other? Hmmmmm….

Paano kayo nagkakilala? Hindi ko alam.

Hindi mo alam. How did you fell in love Ano, nung ano, nung sumasayaw siya.
with each other?. Paano kayo
nagkagusto sa isa’t isa?

Sumasayaw ng? Ng ano, dito sa school, yung sa Rizal


Okay most often how much alone time Ilang beses ganon?
do you need being with each other?

Oo, gano kadalas mo siya gustong Once a day (laughs)


Once a day (giggles) or basta araw- Hmm,,oo

araw ganon?

Okay, if the two of you are hitting the Wala kumakain ganon
great outdoors what would you spend
the day doing?, So kunware ano
lumabas kayo, ano yung madalas
niyong ginagawa?

Kumakain? Kumakain sa labas

Next uhmm, what would you two prefer Kapag ano minsan nagsisimba ganon
to do on weekends?, kunware sa pag Sunday, ay weekends,,,wala
weekends naman kayo lalabas, ano
yung madalas niyo gusting ginagawa?

Legal ba kayo? Hmmm, legal

Both sides? Oo

Ahhh sana all, next, do you still excel Oo

on your academics?

‘Di ka naman bumabagsak? Mas tumataas

Wow, uy mas tumataas, naks, next, do Ano?

you still join your family during

Sinasabayan mo ba yung pamilya Oo, sabay-sabay kami.
motuwing kumakain ganon, dinner?

Okay next, do you still come with them Oo

during family bonding?

Minsan ba nakikibonding yung gf mo *nods*

sa inyo?

Next, what do you think are the usual Selos ganon, tas minsa ano, mainit
reasons behind quarrels?, Ano yung lang ang ulo nung isa ganon.
madalas niyong pinag-aawayan?

Sino ang seloso sa inyo? Dalawa kami

Thank you Kate for having us.


Good afternoon, how are you today? Im fine

I’m Kaina pleased to meet you, are you No, I’m not
busy right now?

Can I talk to you?is it okay if we could Yeah sure

talk to you about your relationship with
your boyfriend?

Will you be comfortable if incase we Yah

ask you questions?

When/where/how did you meet each Hmmmm,,,


Saan kayo nagkita, kalian? Uhh,una,,,first meeting naming is sa

church tapos uhh,….first meet namin is
sa church tapos uhh

So how did you fell inlove with each nakilala ko siya dahil sa isang kaibigan,
other? tapos, parang nagging magkaibigan
kami, then nagkamabutihan

Oh, I see so uhmm, next question is ano, uhh, we have, we have many
most often how much alone time do similarities and we just fell inlove
you need being with each other?

Madalas ba?, everyday ba? umm,,,

Ano yung work niya? uhh, depende sa free time kasi

nagwowork den sia tas tinutulungan
niya Tatay niya
parang assistant sa business ng Papa
niya sa business

Wow, saan siya, ano saan siya nag nag- aral siya dati sa UB tas sa Emilio
aaral? ata yun?

Ay so ano, graduate na siya? Uhh, not yet, grade,,,maggegrade 12

If the two of you are hitting the great Uhh, siguro ano ,,,,wait lang hahaha
outdoors, what would you spend the
day doing?

Ano yung madalas ninyong ginagawa Uhh, nagdedate tas kumakain ng street
kapag lumalabas kayo, ganon? foods ganon, depende den kasi minsan
pag konti lang yung time na natitira na
nagkakasama kami parang ichecherish
na lang naming yung mga time na yon

Hhhmm, okay, what would the two of Go to church, praise God together
you prefer to do on weekends?

So nagkikita kayo every Sunday? Yah

Ow sana all, okay next, do you still Yes ah,, namemaintain pa den yung
excel on your academics? pagiging with honors, kahit papaano

Good job, do you still join your family Uhmm,,, siyempre, hindi naman kami
during mealtime, ganon? Or sa magkasama ng jowa ko, sumasama
boyfriend ka nakikimeal ganon ako don sa parents ko, tsaka mas
madalas kong kasama yung family ko.

Okay next do you still come with them Yes, kasi ma-mas nagiging busy yung
during family bonding? boyfriend ko this last few months.

Thank you next, what do you think are NAPAKAseloso

the usual reasons behind quarrels?

ahh, hindi ba, hindi ba siya seloso Minsan(laughs)


Nasasakal ka ba kapag….. Ilang beses na

ahhh..pe-pero pumasok bas a isip mo Kasi ano, parang naisip ko yung

na makipaghiwalay sa kaniya? sinasabi niya tsaka once na sinaboi ng
parents niya na parang uhhmm….sa
‘Bat hindi mo ginawa? relasyon daw talaga nagkakaroon ng
away ganon. Tsaka misunderstanding,
ang kailangan daw don, uhhh,
naghohold on kayong pareho sa
relationship niyo para, para ang mas,
mas maging maayos paren kasi, kung
bumitaw na yung isa, iintindihin nung
isa, pag bumitaw na yung isa iintindihin
din nung isa, parang vice versa ganon.

So legal kayong dalawa? Both sides

Thank you for having us, have a nice



Good morning,how are you today? I’m good

I am Alliah Dapnisan, pleased to meet Nice to meet you too


Are you busy right now? No

Can I talk to you? Yeah, sure

Is it okay if we could talk to you about Yeah, it’s okay
your relationship with your girlfriend?

Will you be comfortable if incase we Hmm…yeah

ask you question?

When did you meet each other? November 16,2019

When did you meet each other? School,circle

How did you meet each other? Because of a friend

How did you fell inlove with each Communication to each other

Most often how much alone time do It depends if we have time to each
you need being each other? other and if we are not busy

If the two of you are hitting the great Going out, doing activities,kakain
outdoors what would you spend the
day doing?

What would you two prefer on Because she is not allowed to spend
weekends? the weekend with me. Chat in
messenger and video call

Do you still excel on your acadenics? yes

Do you still join your family during yes,always


Do you still come with them during yes

family bonding?

What do you think are the usual I think because of jealousy that’s all
reasons behind quarrels?

What are the things which drive you I don’t know…but I think jealousy and
not to continue with the relationship? there is no communication to each

Thank you sir for having us


The purpose of this study is to know how the relationship works among

the grade 10 students of Rizal National High School. This part presents the

answers to the problems of this study.


The Restricted Time Between Partners

The fundamental premise of this is that the time needed for them

and their partner alone is very limited. As a student who have responsibilities, it is

hard for them to have time to spend with their partner. So, they find it very hard

to have rearranged time for their special someone. According to Jonathan,

Nestor, Misha, Ana they need alone time being with each other at least rarely

hence Jonathan stated that they most of the time they spend with their friends in

addition to that Nestor stated that, “It depends if we have time to each other and

if we are not busy”. Ana who has a grade 12 boyfriend answered that “uhh,

depende sa free time kasi nagwowork den siya ta’s tinutulungan niya Tatay

niya” , as to Misha she plainly answered “sometimes”. In addition to that

there are also respondents who needs being with their partners at least mostly

everyday as long as they spend time with each other like respondent Kate and


In connection with the theories of Rob Pascle and Lou Primavera PH.D.

(2017) Time together and time apart, it is also important to have certain

amount of time to spend things with each other, without other couples involve.

According to them, the time together matters, but it’s more about how that

time is used. Also, they have lead partners to interact with each other in a

positive way. And lastly they also stated that commitment is very important.

According to Ashely Papa in her “15 Simple Ways to Show love and

Affection (September 4,2018)” that you can never give your significant

other more love and affection by showing it more. And still according to the,

showing how you feel more often requires more time in plainly wrong.

Even the two lovers have limited time, they still make it very productive.

They utilize every time that they can have being with their partners to at least still

have the connection between their selves. In having this kind of effort they can

strengthen and understand more about their relationship without having problem

with the given time they can have. (https://www-psychologytoday-



Couples That Bonds Together Stays Stronger

This study attempted to determine how they spend the day together.

Results show that couples spend the day by going out ang bond with each other.

Respondent no. 1: "Uhhmm..ano parang nagbobonding lang kami each

other. Parang nag-uusap lang kami. Lakad lakad ganon yun." Respondent no.

12: "Going out, doing activities, kakain".

The finding supported the study of Crissey (2006) the time spent with the

partner would consume much time that must be alotted for studying; taking into

consideration the time management of a student being involved in romantic

relationship affects the academic performance. As stated by Crissey (2006) in

her study about impact of romantic relationship on high school girls, there is

really a challenge in balancing romantic relationship and academic performance

in a teenager's life. It gives pressure on how to maintain the romantic side and

the academic work as well. A study by Festinger (1998) demonstrated two

factors that exercise the greatest infuence on personal relationships: the location

of the places the two people live, and the distances between them. This means

that if couples bond more, the stronger relationship they make.



A Faithful Love

A new study finds that couples who attend church and pray together are


Respondents 6 and 7 they prefer to do on weekends “ay minsan


This study, which analyzed data from the 2006 National Survey of

Religion and Family Life, found church going was  mostly  a positive for

relationships, with one noteworthy exception. Sociologists Brad Wilcox and

Nicholas Wolfinger found that couples who go to church and pray

together are generally happier, and that church going men tend to be in

happy relationships. Interestingly, women who went to church without their

boyfriend or husband were less likely to be happy in love. Going to church with

your partner does seem to be a good thing. Church going couples were

significantly more likely (11 percent) to report they were “very” or “extremely

happy” in their relationships, as compared to non-attending couples. It’s

especially good when couples have many friends at church. Unsurprisingly,

church can be a good social outlet, and it’s all the better to

share that with your spouse.


More Time, More Bond Partner

Spending time together can be seen as one of the most important

pathways to build mutual trust and establish closeness and intimacy in a

relationship (Reis & Shaver, 1988). The stress– divorce model proposed

by Bodenmann et al. (2007) suggests that less time spent together is one

of four factors that lead to mutual alienation, to less relationship

satisfaction and eventually to the dissolution of an intimate relationship.

Bodenmann et al. (2007) argue that when couples do not spend enough time

together, partners’ feelings of togetherness and intimacy may decline due

to a lack of shared experiences and less profound self-disclosure. As a result,

needs, show less acceptance and understanding towards each other and engage

more often in negative communication.

Respondents 1 and 3 spends time with their partners dating and

watching during weekends.

Divergent effects for weekend versus weekdays prompt the conclusion

that spending time together might serve a specific (potentially compensatory)

function on the weekend. Third, gender effects urgently require further

clarification. In line with other research (e.g., Holman & Jacquart, 1988; Rhyne,

1981; Smith et al., 1988), shared time seemed to be more important for women

than men in our study, explaining three times as much incremental variance in

relationship satisfaction. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, this was the

first study that provided differentiated empirical evidence comparing the

mediating role of quantity and quality of shared time within the spillover of

external stress on relationship satisfaction. Our results showed that the quality,

not quantity, of shared time partially mediated the deleterious effects of

chronic external stress on relationship satisfaction for both genders.


Relationship Satisfaction In Online Romantic Relationship

During weekend, the couples prefer in communicating through social

media, especially in Messenger through Video chat and Private messages.

Though they can do outdoor activities, they still choose to stay with their family

but updates their partner on the happenings of their day through video chat and

private massaging.

Respondent 8, says that they prefer, “video chatting and exchanging of

private messages every weekends”. So that at least they are informed in the

events that their partner is involved to.

Anderson and Emmer-Sommer’s (2005) communication studies states

that more people especially couples are becoming involved to social-mediated

relationship. Theoretically, current interpersonal theories do not completely

account for the development of, or what occurs within, online romantic

relationships (Merkle and Richardsons, 2000). Practically speaking, it is possible

that people in online romantic relationship will experience relationship problems

or struggle with the stigma that comes from having an online romantic

relationship (Wildermuth, 2004) as people tend to perceive online relationship

negatively (Anderson, 2005), thus, people might seek counseling from a

practitioner who, at the present time, would be hard pressed to find any

substantial research on online romantic relationship. Walter (1996) argued that

online interpersonal communication lends itself to rapidly developing

relationships. According to him, this closeness develops due to the sender’s

ability to carefully present him- or herself, the afford ability to edit messages

before sending them, the receiver’s tendency to form positive and ideal partner

attributions, and the dyad’s level and intensity of self-disclosure.


Watching Together Can Make The Relationship Stronger

In this part, another couple shares the activities they usually do during

weekends.Watching televisions, most likely cartoons, is their favorite activity

instead of going on a date or other outdoor activities that couples usually do.

Respondent 4, says that every weekend they prefer on, “ watching

together with the siblings with the partner”.

The accepted modern view of attachment comes from research by

Brennan, et. Al. (1998) who dentified to attachment styles in romantic

relationship. The first is anxious attachment, which involves a person’s fear or

rejection or abandonment by a romantic partner and the degree a person

obsesses over their relationships. The second is avoidant attachment, which

involves the person’s associated with becoming close to another person, and a

discomfort intimacy. Bartholomew and Horowitz (1991) suggests that those who

are securely attached are comfortable depending on others. In connecting

with the Theory of Attachment of Brenan, et. Al, if the couple will bond together

with unique activities they will not feel the fear of rejection or abandonment to

their partner. If they are together they will not feel discomfort to one another

because they spend quality time with their partner more. They are both legal

because both parents knew their relationship, that’s why they become close

to each other by the support of their parents.



The Change

Some of the couples are not sure if they still excel in their academic

performances. They are rathe r distracted or have less time to do their

obligations in school. Despite on having a relationship couples are not sure if

they are passing cause they have no time management in their academics.

Rspondent 1: ”I’m not really sure if I excel in my academics, I can’t

differentiate it because of my absences or about my relationship. My friends told

me that I change I bit since I have a relationship with him”.

Based on a study at the University of the Philippines by Bernales and

Colonia (2011), when teenagers are involved in romantic relationships, they

tend to pay less attention to their academic work. The study reveals that

students who engage in relationships are unable to manage their time well and

mostly spend only 1 to 4 hours per week for their studies. As love grows

fonder, along with the desire to keep the relationship going, more time is allotted

to various dating activities, leaving only a small amount of time for learning.


Crissey (2006) then added that having a romantic affair especially when

you are just a student would not just giv e a "source of stress" but also a

disturbance. Having a romantic relationship is really disturbing because a

student will deal on managing time between the school and in the romantic

side that somehow leads to give academic works a lesser priority.


A Smart Relationship

Most of the couples still excel in their academics while having a

relationship with their significant other. They tent to use their relationship to gain

inspiration and to focus on their studies more than either usual. Seven of the

espondents states that they excel on their academics.

Respondent 2: “He is my inspiration.”

Campbell, Olivier and Sedikides(1994) states that romantic relationships

provide significant positive impacts on academic achievement. They can bring

companionship, feelings of happiness, feelings of being loved or loving another,

intimacy, self – growth and self – understanding and more positive – esteem.

Romantic relationships therefore are said to be the cause of motivation for

Teenagers in pursuing their studies.


Additionally, a research paper studied by Giordano, Kenyatta D. Phelps,

Manning, and Longmore (2008) had discovered that a romantic relationship has

a positive link in adolescent academic achievement.They argued that a dolescent

romantic relationships contribute to a personal development prior to the student

being successful in their studies. For instance, teens who have romantic partners

with higher grades are themselves more likely to earn higher grades.



Family Meals: Time Is Relevant At All

Effective time management allows you have a lot of time being with your

family especially being with them during mealtime but sometimes we cannot

deny that there are still people who sleeps early and tends to skip meal with

his/her family.

Respondent 1 prefer to join their family bonding during mealtime, “Yun

pero depende kung nakakatulog ako kaya hindi ako nakakasama”.

They are considered times to enhance interaction, communication and

Intimacy among family members (Cason,2006). Moreover, they have various

benefits such as improving the quality of families’ diets(Sobal & Hanson, 2011)

and improving emotional bonding among family members (Cason,2006).

However, despite family dinner times being considered a valuable activity with

numerous benefits for individuals and families, their frequency has declined with

the changes in family structure mentioned above (Cinotto, 2006).


Yes To Them

For many, family mealtime has been lost in our overscheduled lives.

For many families, school, work schedules and extracurricular activities can

Make it difficult to find time to eat together and some go days or weeks

without sitting down as a family to share a meal. However, family meals are

important and should be considered part of our daily requirements.

Respondents 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 prefer to join their family during meal time, "yes".

Francois de la Rohefoucauld said that if we’re motivated. (Although we

often end up just a bit too squeezed to make it to the gym in the morning, we

can still find time to go to the movies after work.) Perhaps seeing eating

together not as another appointment on a busy schedule , but rather as an

opportunity to de-stress, a chance to catch up with those whom we love then,

could help our children do better in school, get in better shape, and be less

likely to abuse drugs and alcohol. Eating together also led children to report

better relationships with their p arents and surely relationships between adults

can similarly benefit. (https://www.fcconline.org/)


How a second, minute, hour, or day be spend with family while in a relationship

According to Joan Cyril Abello.Prioritize family over friends and boyfriend/

girlfriend.And always put your family, especially your parents,above other people.

Friends and boyfriends/girlfriends may be your outside friends and they may go

but our family is always there for you. Perhaps the tendency of a young lovers to

be with their parents having bonding is because they think more to be with

theme than going with friends and boyfriends/girlfriend. Half of 100% of millennial

consider their parents as their best friend or family. They give time for their family

to enjoy there moment to each other. And gives their tradition an good time to be

together. Family first before other things because family is more important than

anything. Friend and boyfriends/girlfriends there are a lot of that in this world but

your true family is the only thing you cannot replace. Being with your family

bonding can help you to become more close to theme, not like being with your

friend and boyfriends/girlfriends. Prioritize more your family than going with your

partner, other says that “I prefer not be with my romantic partner, just to be with

my family.”

According to respondents Jonathan Lagazon, Zandrex Bocanog, and

Misha Balansi. They all agree to the question “Do you still come with them during

family bonding?”.


After all the data were processed, analyzed and interpret, the following

conclusions are derived:

1. The respondents frequently spend time with their partner and frequently

go on dating with boyfriends and girlfriends. The level of academic

performance of the respondent is proficient. This means that the student

at this level has developed fundamental knowledge, skills, and core

understandings and can transfer them independently through authentic

performance tasks.

2. There is no significant relationship between the two variables being

reviewed. This means that the higher the level of romantic relationship,

the higher the academic performance and vice versa.


Based on the conclusions the following recommendations are traded

1. Appreciate your partner even by the little things.

2. It doesn’t measure the love of your partner by how he/she spend time

with you but by cherishing every moment that you’ll have the chance to

be with him/her is the key to a relationship.

3. The time for your family is just as important as the time with your

partner because of the love you have for both.

4. Have a wide understanding and patience with your partners is always

important specially in an issue or an argument

5. Never forget to make your partner feel that they’re important by making

simple efforts for him/her.


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Background of the Study 1

Conceptual Framework 5

Aide Memoire 8

Statement of the Problem 9


Research Design 10

Population and Locale of the Study 11

Data Collection Instruments 11

Data Collection Procedure 11

Treatment of Data 12


Conclusions 40

Recommendations 41


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