Assessment 1
Assessment 1
Assessment 1
Societal groups that are dominating can be alienating the minorities. The following essay
gives a brief understanding about alienation, which is caused by gender in Australian public
schools. Gender is referred to the difference and contrast among opposite sex which are
biologically different to each other, and they deal with different circumstances in terms of
social behaviour and expectations (Connell, 2002, p. 10). The gender issue has become one of
the main issues in schools because of which alienation episodes are created. The main reason
behind gender diversity is all because of social constructions. Female and male gender is
differentiated because of different factors in social constructive theory, and these factors are
location, family, religion, media and much more[ CITATION Fer15 \l 3081 ]. Gender diversity
starts from the day when parents get admission for their kids, and the child is classified as a
boy or girl, and the gender gets practiced throughout their lives that is when the teachers and
peer start treating them, they also develop relationships, friendships and society expectations
(Meyer, 2010, p. 3). Discrimination among males and females has always been a big issue,
Bolger (2017) stated, that there has always been gender exclusion among girls, as they can’t
participate in specific activities which are characterised as boy’s activities. Another issue
which is faced in schools is the sexual diversity which have been overlooked and
marginalised in which Transgender, Gay, Lesbians, Queer and Intersex. By using feminism
theory, this essay will examine the way alienation is caused by gender issues in education
sector, the policies will be examined as well to avoid discrimination in Australian education
Gender discrimination has been a common issue in schools, since decades whether it is a
western or eastern culture. Gender differences are also part of selecting their career, a small
step can also lead them to ignore high income and status career. A term has been stated by
Watt, Ecckes and Durik in 2006 that a pattern “Leaky Pipeline” which elaborates that girls
tend to opt out of “STEM” fields (science, technology, engineering and maths) whereas boys
are more likely to opt these fields because of which girls face issues when finding more
secure career (Jacob et al, Watt, 2006; Watt, Ecckes &Durik, 2006). Sports and physical
education is another aspect in which a lot of people have narrow vision as they consider that
they are meant to be for boys because they have physical strength, so if girls opt for joining
sports or PE, they are nonconformist [CITATION Cas16 \l 3081 ]. Even though physical
education is essential for both genders because it gives a sense of active lifestyle and well-
being. Girls without dominant identities are likely to be bullied if they do not comply with the
standard required for some positions and some girls found that playing sports or studying
physical education could harm their popularity, for this peer support and society acceptance is
required which could motivate them to be a part of it (Casey, Mooney, Smith, & Payne, 2016;
Brown et al. (2003) claimed that there were a lot of research were done since 1981 but there
has been conflict between genders regarding which of them are more alienated in schools. In
2010, it was claimed by Hodgetss and Lecouter that the idea of boys outperforming girls is
not accepted, based on differences in their achievements within gender groups, because they
are consistently superior than those between them (Vickers, 2005). Furthermore, on a broader
scale such ideas are believed to include simple comparisons between their success, which
result in failure to address inequalities because they are better interpreters of low achievement
as compared to gender (Mills, Martino, & Lingard, 2007; Griffin, 2000; Hodgetts &
Lecouteur, 2010). From a long time, boys and girls had different uniforms which they had to
follow as school’s rules and regulations. Usually, boys had to wear shorts/pants with collar
shirt and ties whereas girls used to wear skirts or dresses. Through uniforms, both genders are
given different identity and if feminism is used in this factor the first thing to bring equality
would be making policy of gender neutral uniform. As it gets difficult for girls to play around
or to attend sports classes and physical education if they are wearing dress of skirt. Same is
the case with language inside and outside the schools there shouldn’t be discrimination in
calling out gender with different names. Hunt 2016 stated that Cheltenham high school in
Sydney claimed that referring to a student with girls, women or lady was not accepted but
instead the language should be neutral, gender neutral language is foundation of safe schools
to create safe environment. There are different ways in which language can be neutral by
talking directly, using plurals, refer to objects, avoid usage of words which restricts one sex,
Feminism theory can play massive positive role towards Australian Education Sector as it
will help to provide equality and justice among genders. Feminism theory has a suspicion of
dual thinking approach: Many efforts to determine the contradicting factors in the real world
streamlines an intricate field and sets obvious limits instead of permeable and covering
relations [ CITATION Fer17 \l 3081 ]. Feminist approach can be beneficial in different ways
but as stated by [ CITATION Cas16 \l 3081 ] that if feminist approach is used while giving
Sports and Physical Education things will become normal, this approach will avoid labelling
individual identities and there will be ignorance towards violence. Such theories are needed
through which can prevent gender diversity, as teachers and mentors play a vital role in
learning environment of every child. Schools should use more of basic understanding on
feminist education [ CITATION Jon05 \l 3081 ]. As feminist education will help to shape each
identity towards gender discrimination, since it is a social construction, through this approach
the language used to identify each gender should be minimized and there will be more focus
on terms like equality. Feminist approach and the power will enable to focus on language
Teachers and mentors are main power in schools, they are the one who can easily resolve this
issue, which has been created because of social construction. Education is key to minimise
the negative perceptions and improve the cognition, through education social constructions
can be ignored which can avoid gender discrimination. Teachers and mentors should use the
expectations re performance of ‘proper’ gendered selves that shape everyday interactions, the
Policy making and its implementation in a broader spectrum plays a critical role to resolve
gender inequality which causes alienation in schools. Australian education has gradually
shifted to federalism which has made new policy to achieve national curriculum and the
policy has literacy and Numeracy national test which is called NAPLAN, this policy is to
promote equality among the genders as it is essential for both genders to attempt the test to
improve their skills equally Secondly, policies should be constructed which focuses on
engagement with senior students and to give them sense of inspiration after graduating from
school [ CITATION Rei12 \l 3081 ]. In 2018, education minister changed the policy of
uniforms for girls of primary and secondary schools to wear pants/shorts in NSW schools
[ CITATION Col18 \l 3081 ]. Through this policy, a clear gender equality has been made and
alienation issue is much likely to be avoided as some little steps can make a great difference.
Victoria state government provides gender identity policy (sex discrimination act 1984) in
which they cover equality and protection of different genders [ CITATION Vic182 \l 3081 ].
Power is a capacity or ability to influence or direct the behaviour. Quoted by Foucault
“Power is everywhere because it comes everywhere” (Smith, 2019). Theory of power can
help in mobilisation and resistance as it can not only be negative but give productive and
positive approach. In our culture male gender has dominant nature which makes it superior
from females in any sector of life. Power plays an important role in schooling as without
power no one would follow rules and laws of the schools, through power teachers and
mentors can reproduce the thinking about gender discrimination. There are 8 steps of powers,
[ CITATION Cas16 \l 3081 ]. These steps can be beneficial for teachers in schools to regulate
student’s behaviour and how it can impact the power on teacher’s vocation and direction.
As a secondary teacher, my key learning area is Design and Textile which is a field which has
opportunity for all gender and to minimise the gender inequality. I will arrange one day
workshops to encourage all to attend one class of design and textile in which I will be
explaining how this field is for all genders not only for girls and I would remove the
stereotype with this course. As a teacher will try to engage and motivate the students, through
workshops, expo’s, international short course trips. Feminism theory will be used all the way
and usage of gender neutral language to avoid misunderstanding among students. Business
and commerce, is another key learning area which provides an understanding of the concept
of management and logistics, this course has more of critical thinking. This subject is more
about theory and less practical work so focus would be on books and case study through
which engagement will be done with students. Case studies will provide the students insight
of practical knowledge: for example, ‘how the organisation is successful?’ through such
discussion students will get the chance of knowing my experience and I will learn from them
so it will be give and take process. Furthermore, as a teacher I have to adapt with new things
and my knowledge should be on point so for that I have to do different courses, gather in-
depth research’s, listen to TED Talk so I can manage to avoid alienation in schools caused by
gender issues.
This essay aimed to explore the gender issues causing alienation in schools. Since decades it
has been identified that gender discrimination has never changed. Minimizing educational
works on, including educator’s inability to openly and uniform location homophobic and
transphobic language in the classroom, stands out as an extra contributing variable (Ullman,
2014; Ferfolja, Diaz & Ullman 2015). Schools have major impact on students as it has social
discrimination and alienation among the students. Gender neutral language will be used
which will motivate both students as it is hard to identify which gender is having more
difficulties in schools. The stereotyping should be avoided as well because five fingers cannot
be same so labelling should be ignored. Policies should be focused like bullying policies, sex
discrimination policies and NAPLAN national test this will bring more understanding
between the teachers, students and parents. An in-depth feminism theory is identified to
control and measure student alienation in schools. If teachers and students start working
together in feminism and equality, more opportunities will be provided and genders can
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