Visual Ruler: Bachelor of Technology

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Visual Ruler

University Project – I Report submitted to the Presidency University, Bengaluru in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for award of Degree of






Ms. Suha Ahmed ID No.: 2017ECE0301

Mr. Sri Sai KA ID No.: 2017ECE0296
Mr. Sanketh G ID No.: 2017ECE0
ID No:20171ECE0254
Ms. Saba Amreen

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Sunil Kumar Dasari

Assistant Professor


(Private University established in Karnataka State by Act No. 41 of 2013)
Itgalpur, Rajanakunte, Yelahanka, Bengaluru – 560064

December, 2018
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


This is to certify that the University Project – I work entitled “VISUAL RULER”
was carried out by Ms. Suha Ahmed(ID No. 2017ECE0301), Mr. Sri Sai KA(ID No.
2017ECE0296), Mr. Sanketh G (ID No.20171ECE) and Ms. Saba Amreen(ID No.
20171ece0254) who are bonafide students of V Semester B.Tech. Electronics and
Communication Engineering in Presidency University. This is in partial fulfillment of
the course work in place of Professional Practice – I of Bachelor of Engineering in
Presidency University, Bengaluru, during the year 2019-2020.

Mr. Sunil Kumar Dasari Dr. Shilpa Mehta

Supervisor & Assistant Professor Professor & Head of the
Department of Electronics and Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering Communication Engineering

Examiner-1 ______________________

Examiner-2 ______________________


We do hereby declare that the Project Report entitled “VISUAL RULER” is a record
of an original work done by us under the guidance of Mr. Sunil Kumar Dasari,
Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering, Presidency University, Bengaluru. This report is submitted by us in the
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering to Presidency University,
Bengaluru in the month of December, 2018. The results embodied in this report have
not been submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any degree or

Ms. Suha Ahmed

ID No.: 20171ECE0301

Mr. Sri Sai KA

ID No.: 20171ECE0296

Mr. Sanketh G
ID No.: 20171ECE

Ms. Saba Amreen

ID No.:20171ECE0254


We would like to express our sincere thanks to the supervisor, Mr. Sunil Kumar
Dasari, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering for her morale boosting, meticulous guidance, co-operation and
supervision throughout this project work.

We would like to convey our sincere thanks to our project coordinators Mr. G
Tirumala Vasu, Ms. Aruna M, Ms. Samreen Fiza and Mr. Swastik Sahoo and all other
teaching and non-teaching staff, Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering for providing us required support throughout the project work.

We would like to owe our heartiest gratitude to Dr. Shilpa Mehta, Head of the
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering for her encouragement
during the progress of this project work.

We would also like to pay our sincere thanks to Dr. C. Prabhakar Reddy, The Dean,
School of Engineering for sharing his valuable experience in completing project work.

We would like to convey our sincere thanks to the management of our university for
providing us required infrastructure within college campus.

We would also like to thank all of our classmates and friends for their valuable
suggestions to complete our project work on time.

Last but not the least we would like to thank our parents for always staying beside us
and encouraging all the time.

Place: Presidency University, Bengaluru

Ms. Suha Ahmed ID No.: 20171ECE0301
Mr. Sri Sai ID No.: 20171ECE0296
Mr. Sanketh G ID No.: 20171ECECE0
Ms. Saba Amreen ID No.:20171ECE0254


In these days, real-time object detection and dimensioning of objects is

an important issue from many areas of industry. This is a vital topic of
computer vision problems. This study presents an enhanced technique
for detecting objects and computing their measurements in real time
from video streams. We suggested an object measurement technique
for real-time video by utilizing OpenCV libraries and includes the canny
edge detection, dilation, and erosion algorithms. The suggested
technique comprises of four stages: (1) identifying an object to be
measured by using canny edge detection algorithm, (2) using
morphological operators includes dilation and erosion algorithm to close
gaps between edges, (3) find and sort contours, (4) measuring the
dimensions of objects. In the implementation of the proposed technique,
we designed a system that used OpenCV software library, Raspberry Pi
3 and Raspberry Camera. The proposed technique was nearly achieved
98% success in determines the size of the objects.


Page No.
DECLARATION ……………………………………………………… I
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………. II
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………… III
CONTENTS …………………………………………………………… IV
LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………… V
LIST OF TABLES ……………………...……………………………... VI


1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Block Diagram 2
1.3 Objectives 3

CHAPTER 2 CIRCUIT ANALYSIS ……………………………... 4-5

2.1 Principle 4

CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY …………………………………. 6-8


CHAPTER 5 RESULTS ……………………………………………. 10- 12

CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS …………………………………….. 13

REFERENCES ………………………………………………………… 14


Figure No. Figure Caption Page


Fig. 1.1 Piezoelectric with Wireless Power Transfer 2

Mobile Charging Technique

Fig. 2.1 Piezoelectric Transducer Disc 4

Fig. 2.2 Generation and Transmission Circuit 5

Fig. 2.3 Receiver and Charging Circuit. 5

Fig. 3.1 Linear Arrangement of Piezoelectric Material on the mat 8

Fig. 3.2 Generation and Transmission Circuit 8

Fig. 3.3 Bridge Rectifier Circuit 9

Fig. 3.4 Prototype Circuit Design 9

Fig. 6.1 Output from Piezoelectric material (After Rectification) 10

Fig. 6.2 Input at Coil Tx (Wireless Power Transfer) after high 10

frequency inverter.

Fig. 6.3 Output at Coil Rx (Wireless Power Transfer) 11

Fig. 6.4 Voltage before Boost Converter 11

Fig. 6.5 Final Output 12


Table No. Table Caption Page


Table 4.1 Required parameters for Inductance Matching of 8

Transmission coil Tx and Receiving coil Rx

Table 4.1 Required parameters for Frequency Matching of 14 - 15

Transmission coil Tx and Receiving coil Rx

Table 5.1 Reading of voltage generated due to walking and 18

running of a user on the Piezo-mat using multimeter


Visual Ruler is designed to calculate the size of nearby
objects. This uses computer vision techniques to measure
the size of an object.
Real-time object detection and measurement systems are
very vital tasks in the industrial process. Object detection
is often used in product quality stages in the industry. The
proposed system can be applied to an industrial quality
control system. Likewise, it can be utilized for various
industrial systems or for security purposes. Generally, it is
identifying objects in public area and measure dimensions
of each of them. The competence of the proposed system
has been confirmed through utilizing real videos that taken
from a Raspberry Pi camera. The execution of this
procedure has a high computation rate and it is dependent
on the resolution of frames. The achievement of
identifying objects and separate these objects from the
background, is perfect.

In the proposed system, firstly, we need to preprocess our

image. The camera will capture a frame and the frame will
convert to grayscale to increase quickness and accuracy.
Objects are detected via canny edge detector algorithm. It
is used to detect only one object or multiple objects. By
the help of canny edge detector, the converted image will
be processed. The canny edge algorithm scans the entire
image. After that, execute dilation and erosion algorithm
to close holes among edges in the edge frame.

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1.2 Flow Chart:


 To design a system that can detect edges of the object

from real time videos and images.
 To further calculate the dimensions (width and height)
of the detected object.
 To make it easy for the industrialist to calculate
dimensions without using any measuring tape.

Chapter 3. Methodology



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Chapter 3. Methodology

Frame work- It uses an embedded system where an image
is captured by a raspberry pi camera and the digital data is
collected by an OpenCV application via raspberry pi.

Step 1: Canny Edge Detection

• Algorithm:-
1. Create some needed variables(threshold value, kernel size, etc)
2. Load the source image.
3. Create a matrix of the same type and size of source.
4. Convert the image to grayscale.
5. Create a window to display the results.
6. Create a Trackbar for the user to enter the lower threshold for our
Canny detector.
7. Blur the image with a filter of kernel size as per required.
8. Apply the OpenCV function.
9. We fill a dst image with zeros (meaning the image is completely
10. The function copyTo to map only the areas of the image that are
identified as edges (on a black background) is used.

Step 2: Dilation and Erosion

• Load the image

• Create two windows(one for dilation output, the other for erosion).
• Create a set of 2 trackbars for each operation:
First Trackbar-Element
Second Trackbar-Kernel size
• Every time we move any slider, the function EROSION or
DILATION will be called and it will update the output image
based on the current Trackbar values.

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Chapter 3. Methodology

Step 3: Find and Sort Contours

• Convert the image into grayscale and blur it slightly.

• Segment the object region from the rest of the image and convert it
into binary image.
• To detect the outlines apply findcontours function to find the
largest one.
• Numpy functions are used to help us find the extreme coordinates
i.e, smallest x coordinate could be “west” value, largest x
coordinate could be “east” value and so on.
• Now we have our extreme north, south, east and west coordinates.

Step 4: Finding the dimensions

• Examine each of the counters by looping over it.

• Compute the rotated bound box of the image.
• Arrange it in order to find the serious midpoints.
• Compute the Euclidian distances between each midpoint and give
different variables for height and width.
• To get the value in inches we divide the value by PIXELS PER

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14 Piezoelectrical material were arranged linearly on a mat and were

connected in parallel as shown in fig 5.1 The requirement for the transmitting coil Tx
and receiving coil Rx is as follows:

 Inductance of coil is a function of:

Coil diameter (D) = 100mm
Wire diameter (d) = 64mm
Number of turns of coil (N) = 50
Permeability of free space (μ0) = 4π x 10−7
Relative permeability of material (μr) = 0.99994

Table.4.1 Parameters for Inductance Matching of Tx and Rx

 Frequency is a function of:

Inductance of coil (L) = 0.805mH
Capacitance (C) = 0.1μF
Resonant Frequency (F) = 22KHz

Table.4.2 Parameters for Frequency Matching of Tx and Rx

 Formula for coil inductance:

L = N2 * μ0 μr * (D/2) [ln (8D/d)-2]

 Formula for resonant frequency:

F = 1/¿π√LC)

 Discharge time is basically the mAh (milliamp Hour) rating divided by the
current. So, for a 2200mAh battery with a load that draws 300mA,

mAh discharging 2200 milliamphour

Charging time = =
load current 300 milliamp
Charging time = 7.3 Hours
The output waveforms of several units in the simulation of the prototype
of fig.5.4 is as shown below.


Fig.6.1 Output from Piezo (After Rectification)

Fig.6.1. is the graphical representation of the output after rectification

unit where the X axis represents the time in seconds and the Y axis represents
the voltage in volts. The voltage after rectification is 3 Volts DC. This output
obtained from the regulator is then converted to AC using high frequency
inverter. The output from the high frequency inverter is shown in Fig.6.2.

Fig.6.2.. Input at Coil Tx (Wireless Power Transfer)

after high frequency inverter.

Fig.6.2. is the graphical representation of output at the high frequency

inverter circuit which is also the input for the transmitter coil of the wireless
power transfer system.
Chapter 5. Results

The coils are magnetically coupled thus the voltage is induced in the
Receiver Coil Rx is represented in Fig.6.3.

Fig.6.3. shows the voltage at the receiver coil Rx. It can be seen from
Fig.6.2 that the voltage while transmitting is 3V, and the Voltage at receiving
end is 6V, this is due to the number of turns in the coil the turn ration is 1:2.
This power is then rectified and regulated from rectification circuit and
regulation circuit. The voltage is boosted using a Dc-Dc Converter.

Fig.6.3. Output at Coil Rx (Wireless Power Transfer)

Fig.6.4. is a graphical representation that shows the voltage after

rectification. The AC supply is rectified to DC using a rectification circuit,
here a bridge rectifier. The X axis represents the time in Seconds and the Y
axis represents the voltage in Volts. The voltage after rectification is ~6 Volts
DC. This voltage is fed to the Dc-Dc boost converter, here the Dc-Dc
Converter used is an Interleaved Boost converter. A basic boost converter
converts a DC voltage to a higher DC voltage. Interleaving ads additional
benefits such as reduced ripple currents in both the input and output circuits.

Fig.6.4. Voltage before Boost Converter

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Chapter 5. Results

Fig.6.5 is the graphical representation that shows the output voltage of

DC-DC – Interleaved Boost Converter. The Boost Converter gives the output
of 12V at the output. The X axis represents the time in Seconds and the Y axis
represents the voltage in Volts. This voltage is then further used to charge the
battery. Thus, the output of the system is 12V DC, which is then regulated and
supplied to electronics devices.

Fig.6.5. Final Output

In walking condition for a 70 kg man, one disc produces a voltage up to

1.75-2 Volts. Thus, the total voltage yield from 14 parallel-connected
Piezoelectric material sums up to be ~4.2 Volts. The voltage is converted into
high frequency AC using oscillatory circuit. This voltage is regulated to ~5.2
Volts using a regulator IC 7805.


1. 1.5 1.7

2. 1 2.8

3. 2.3 3.2

4. 1.8 3.6

5 2.1 3.7

6. 1.9 3.5

7. 2.7 4.2

Table.5.1 Reading of voltage generated due to walking

and running of a user on the Piezo-mat using multimeter

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The piezo mat was fabricated as it involves walking/running on it and

the actual data has been recorded in the tabular column above. From the
calculation, it can concluded that this circuit gives us 70% efficiency. This
circuit can charge devices that requires 5V and 300mA charging current. To
charge a wearable device completely, it requires 45 minutes of exertion of
pressure on the Piezo-mat. To charge a smartphone up to the range of 20-25%,
it requires 45 minutes of exertion of pressure on the Piezo-mat. However,
there are certain limitations to this model as the model doesn’t work beyond
the given range of 2cm. Due to poor air coupling, skin effect and error in
inductance of the hand winded coil, the frequency of the oscillator circuit may
not stable.

[1] Design and Test of a High Power High Efficiency Loosely Coupled Planar
Wireless Power Transfer System by Zhen Ning Low, IEEE transactions on
industrial electronics, vol. 56, no. 5, May 2009.

[2] Wireless Power Transfer via Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonances by Andre
Kurs, Aristeidis Karalis, Robert Moffatt, J. D. Joannopoulos, Peter Fisher, Marin
Soljacic. 2008.

[3] Piezoelectric generator Datasheet:

[4] C. S. Brown,, R. C. Kell,, a.inst.p., associate member, R. Taylor,

m.a.,ph.d.,, f.inst.p., f.i.m., and l. A. Thomas,, f.inst.p., associate
member. “Piezoelectric Materials (A Review Of Progress)”.

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