White Dzambhala - Short Practice

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White Dzambhala

*; .J-/?-$;%-:$$?-:.A-v<-<R;  3.:-.<-$;2-&A%-IJ<-|R3-4$;
Summoning the forces of good fortune. Wave the silk-arrow and chant while meditating.

    >-ZA; 2.J-2-&/-IA-8A%-#3?-/?; #$-2}=-1-;%-3A-P$?-0:A; 2.J-*A.-1/-?3-5S$?-0:A-$;%-;

hum hri / de wa chen gyi zhing kham ne / dug ngal dra yang mi drag pe / de kyi phün sum tshog pe yang
Hum Hri In the Buddhafield of Sukhavati, fortune of excellent joy, even the sound of sorrow is unknown.

5K-;A-.%R?-P2-2.$-=-)R=; ,$?-eJ-$9A$?->A$-5K-.0$-3J.; 
tshe yi ngö drub dag la tsöl / thug je zig shig tshe pag me
Amitayus, bestow the Siddhi of longevity and behold me with compassion.

0R-B-=-;A-8A%-#3?-?; *R/-3R%?-.$-s:A-3A%-;%-3J.; ,$?-eJJ-1/-?3-5S$?-0:A-$;%-;

po ta la yi zhing kham su / nyön mong dug nge ming yang me / thug je phün sum tshog pe yang
In the Buddhafield of Potala, fortune of genuine compassion, even the name of the five poisonous defilements does not exist.

3(R$-$A-.%R?-P2-2.$-=-)R=; 2lJ-2?-$9A$?->A$-,/-<?-$9A$?;
chog gi ngö drub dag la tsöl / tse we zig shig chen re zig
Avalokitesvara, bestow the supreme Siddhi and behold me with love.

0E-:R.-GA-8A%-#3?-?; #$-2}=-:#R<-2:A-3A%-;%-3J.; :(A-3J.-5K-;A-<A$-:6B/-$;%-;
pema ö kyi zhing kham su / dug ngal khor we ming yang me / chi me tshe yi rig dzin yang
In the Buddhafield of Lotus Light, fortune of immortal Vidyadharas, even the name of samsaric suffering does not exist.

:):-=?-3#:-,R.-.%R?-P2-)R=; LA/-IA-_R2?->A$-0E-:L%-;
ja lü kha chö ngö drub tsöl / jin gyi lob shig pema jung
Guru Padmasambhava, bless me and bestow the Siddhi of the celestial rainbow body.

3%R/-0<-.$:-2:A-8A%-#3?-?; 8J-#%-:O=-0:A-3A%-;%-3J.; .$:-2.J-1/-?3-5S$?-0:A-$;%-;

ngön par ga we zhing kham su / zhe dang thrül pe ming yang me / ga de phün sum tshog pe yang
In the Buddhafield of Manifest Joy, fortune of perfect happiness, even the name of illusory aversion does not exist.

3J-=R%-;J->J?-.%R?-P2-)R=; LA/-IA?-_R2?->A$-hR-eJ-?J3?;

me long ye she ngö drub tsöl / jin gyi lob shig dor je sem
Vajrasattva, bless me and bestow the Siddhi of mirror-like primordial awareness.

.0=-.%-w/-0:A-8A%-#3?-?; %-o=-:O=-0:A-3A%-;%-3J.; .0=-;R/-1/-?3-5S$?-0:A-$;%-;

pal dang den pe zhing kham su / nga gyal thrül pe ming yang me / pal yön phün sum tshog pe yang
In the glorious Buddhafield, fortune of excellent splendor, even the name of illusory pride does not exist.

3*3-*A.-;J->J?-.%R?-P2-)R=; LA/-IA?-_R2?->A$-<A/-(J/-:L%-;

nyam nyi ye she ngö drub tsöl / jin gyi lob shig rin chen jung
Ratnasambhava, bless me and bestow the Siddhi of equanimous primordial awareness.

2.J-2-&/-IA-8A%-#3?-?; :.R.-($?-:O=-0:A-3A%-;%-3J.; 2.J-*A.-1/-?3-5S$?-0:A-$;%-;

de wa chen gyi zhing kham su / dö chag thrül pe ming yang me / de kyi phün sum tshog pe yang
In the Buddhafield of Sukhavati, fortune of excellent bliss, even the name of illusory attachment does not exist.

?R<-gR$-;J->J?-.%R?-P2-)R=; LA/-IA?-_R2?->A$-$%-3,:-;?;

sor tog ye she ngö drub tsöl / jin gyi lob shig nang tha ye
Amitabha, bless me and bestow the Siddhi of discerning primordial awareness.

=?-<2-mR$?-0:A-8A%-#3?-?; U$-.R$-%<-:6B/-3A%-;%-3J.; 36.-UA/-1/-?3-5S$?-0:A-$;%-;

le rab dzog pe zhing kham su / thrag dog ngar dzin ming yang me / dze thrin phün sum tshog pe yang
In the Buddhafield of fulfilled activity, fortune of excellent Buddha activity, even the name of ego-fixating jealousy does not exist.

L-P2-;J->J?-.%R?-P2-)R=; LA/-IA?-_R2?->A$-.R/-;R.-P2;

ja drub ye she ngö drub tsöl / jin gyi lob shig dön yö drub
Amoghasiddhi, bless me and bestow the Siddhi of all-accomplishing primordial awareness.

:R$-3A/-(R?-.LA%?-8A%-#3?-?; $+A-3$-:O=-0:A-3A%-;%-3J.; 1/-5S$?-s-.%-w/-0:A-$;%-;
og min chö ying zhing kham su / ti mug thrül pe ming yang me / phün tshog nga dang den pe yang
In the Buddhafield of Dharmadhatu Akanirtha, fortune endowed with the five perfections, even the name of illusory ignorance does not exist.

(R?-.LA%?-;J->J?-.%R?-P2-)R=; LA/-IA?-_R2?->A$-i3-$%-36.;

chö ying ye she ngö drub tsöl / jin gyi lob shig nam nang dze
Vairocana, bless me and bestow the Siddhi of Dharmadhatu primordial awareness.

#3?-s-.$-0:A-;3-(J/-s?; :L%-s:A-2&.-.%-5K-$;%-)R=;
kham nga dag pe yum chen nge / jung nge chü dang tshe yang tsöl
Five great mothers of the five pure natures, bestow the vital essence of the five elements and the fortune of longevity.

AR-o/-3=-0:A-8A%-#3?-/?; ;J->J?-35S-o=-D-!A:A-5S$?; $?%-}$?-92-3R-(R?-GA-$;%-; 2.J-!R%-l=-:LR%?-.%R?-P2-)R=;

orgyen trül pe zhing kham ne / ye she tsho gyal da ki tshog / sang ngag zab mo chö kyi yang / de tong tsal jong ngö drub tsöl
From the Buddhafield of Uddiyana, [abode of] Yeshe Tsogyal and the assembly of Dakinis, fortune of profound secret mantra teachings,
bestow the Siddhi of attaining bliss-emptiness.

$%-YA.-]-3:A-.GA=-:#R<-/?; 2!:-2o.-]-3:A-z-5S$?-GA?; K$-o-(J/-0R-3(R$-$A-$;%-; 5K-$&A$-?%?-o?-.%R?-P2-)R=;

nang si la me kyil khor ne / ka gyü la me lha tshog kyi / chag gya chen po chog gi yang / tshe chig sang gye ngö drub tsöl
From the Mandala of the guru who is everything that appears and exists, divine assemblies of Kagyü gurus, fortune of sublime Mahamudra,
bestow the Siddhi of awakening in a single lifetime.

<%-$%-.$-0:A-$8=-;?-/?; ;A-.3-8A-OR:A-z-5S$?-GA?; 3(R$-.%-,/-3R%-.%R?-P2-$;%-; .R/-$*A?-3,<-KA/-.%R?-P2-)R=;

rang nang dag pe zhal ye ne / yi dam zhi thrö lha tshog kyi / chok dang thün mong ngö drub yang / dön nyi thar chin ngö drub tsöl
From the divine palace of immaculate self-display, divine assembly of peaceful and wrathful Yidam-deities, fortune of supreme and ordinary
attainments, bestow the Siddhi of attaining the two-fold goal.

*A->-l-28A:A-$/?-3(R$-/?; .0:-2R-D-!A-o-35S?-2{R<;  $?%-2-}$?-GA-LA/-_2?-$;%-;  <%-$8/-(A/-PR=-.%R?-P2-)R=;

nyi shu tsa zhi ne chog ne / pa wo da ki gya tshö kor / sang wa ngag kyi jin lab yang / rang zhen min dröl ngö drub tsöl
From the twenty four exalted and sacred places, surrounded by an ocean of Dakas and Dakinis, fortune of secret mantra blessings, bestow the
Siddhi of ripening and liberation of others and myself.

$<-28$?-(R?-{:A-1R-V%-/?; 2!:-22?-(R?-2.$-3(J.-PR$?-%/; 2*J.-mR$?-z-}$?-9%-:)$-$;%-; 36.-UA/-$R%-:1J=-.%R?-P2-)R=;

gar zhug chö kü pho drang ne / ka bab chö dag che drog pün / kye dzog lha ngag zung jug yang / dze thrin gong phel ngö drub tsöl
From the palace of all-pervasive Dharmakaya, oral lineage [holders], dharma masters, vajra siblings and fellow practitioners, fortune of
indivisible development and completion stages, deity and mantra, bestow the Siddhi of ever-increasing Buddha activity.

$%-:.=-3=-0:A-1R-V%-/?;  (R?-*R%-3-3$R/-t3-S=-i3?;  :UA/-=?-i3-28A-:P2-0:A-$;%-;  3%R/-,R.-/?-3,:A-.%R?-P2-)R=;  >-ZA;

gang dül trül pe pho drang ne / chö kyong ma gön cham dral nam / thrin le nam zhi drub pe yang / ngön chö nü thü ngö drub tsöl /
hum hri
From the palace of all-taming Nirmanakaya, Dharmapalas, Mahakala, Mahakali and their brothers and sisters, fortune of accomplishing the
four enlightened activities, bestow the Siddhi of subjugating power. Hum Hri

t%-=R-&/-IA-$/?-3(R$-/?;  /R<-2.$-A#-6&-S-=;  ~A%-eJ:A-:PR-2:A-.R/-!/-36.;
chang lo chen gyi ne chog ne / nor dag arya dzam bha la / nying je dro we dön kün dze
From the excellent abode of Vaisravana, lord of riches, Arya Jambhala, compassionately you accomplish every purpose for transient beings.

5K-2?R.-9?-/R<-$;%-$A-2.$;  :#R<-.%-;%-:#R<-2&?-0-i3?;  }R/-IA-,$?-.3-3-$;J%-2<;  :PR-=-,$?-eJ:A-2lJ<-.$R%?-=;
tshe sö se nor yang gi dag / khor dang yang khor che pa nam / ngön gyi thug dam ma yeng war / dro la thug je tser gong la
Master of longevity, merit, nourishment, riches and fortune, together with your [principal] and secondary retinue, unwavering from your
former pledges, you consider beings with compassionate love.

5K-$;%-,3?-&.-:.A<-)R=-&A$;  b%-28A-K$?-GA-$;%-)R=-&A$;  M<-8A%-3IR$?-0-g-;A-$;%-;  :.R.-.$-:L%-2-/R<-IA-$;%-;

tshe yang tham ce dir tsöl chig / kang zhi chug kyi yang tsöl chig / nyur zhing gyog pa ta yi yang / dö gu jung wa nor gyi yang
Bestow every fortune of longevity; bestow the fortune of herd animals, swift horses, manifold desires, elemental forces, cattle,

:1J=-!R2?-w/-0-=$-$A-$;%-;  K$?-GA-P%?-5/-<-;A-$;%-;  /R<-IA-29%-24/-36S-;A-$;%-;  

phel tob den pa lug gi yang / chug kyi drang tshen ra yi yang / nor kyi zang tsün dzo yi yang /
fertile sheep, and from within the herd animals, the fortune of goats, the fortune of dzos, the most excellent and noble of cattle,

:.R.-:)R:C-2-.%-\%-$A-$;%-;  ,J$-(J/-#<-2-SJ::A-$;%-;  ,3?-&.-:.A-<-$;%-.-=J/;

dö jö ba dang lang gi yang / theg chen khur wa dre ü yang / tham che di ru yang du len
the fortune of wish-granting cows and bulls and mules able to carry heavy loads, all these, bring them here as good fortune!

36K?->A%-;A.-:R%-.<-92-$;%-;  <A/-,%-(J-2-$?J<-.%=-$;%-;  ?-2&.-:V?-S$-:V-;A-$;%-;
dze shing yi ong dar zab yang / rin thang che wa ser ngül yang / sa chü dre drug dru yi yang
The fortune of beauty, charm, finest silk, most valuable gold and silver, fertile soil, six [types of] grain,

<A/-(J/-/R<-.LA$?-o/-IA-$;%-;  <R-2o-w/-0-29:-2+%-$;%-;  ,3?-&.-:.A-<-$;%-.-=J/;

rin chen nor yig gyen gyi yang / ro gya den pa za tung yang / tham che di ru yang du len
precious jewels and ornaments, food and drink of a hundred tastes, all these, bring them here as good fortune.

!J%-KR$?-5%?-0-z-;A-$;%-;  2<-KR$?-z-YA/-$*/-IA-$;%-;  :R$-KR$?-[-$;%-;A.-28A/-/R<;
teng chog tshang pa lha yi yang / bar chog lha sin nyen gyi yang / og chog lu yang yi zhin nor
The fortune of Brahma above, of gods, spirits and Nyens in the middle, and of Nagas, the wish fulfilling jewel below,

YA.-$?3-z-3A:A-.0=-:LR<-$;%-;  ,3?-&.-:.A-<-$;%-.-=J/;

si sum lha mi pal jor yang / tham che di ru yang du len

the wealth of gods and humans in the three realms of existence, all these, bring them here as good fortune.

=?-:1$?-0R-;A-$9$?-29%-$;%-;  :63-2-\A%-$A-.3-(R?-$;%-;  2-=%-,R.-GA-.!R<-/R<-$;%-;
lü phag po yi zug zang yang / dzam bu ling gi dam chö yang / ba lang chö kyi kor nor yang
The fortune of the excellent body of Purvavideha, the sacred Dharma of Jambudvipa, the abundance of Aparagodani,

1-3A-~/-IA-5K-<A%-$;%-;  \A%-28A-\A%-U/-*J-:PR-;A;  5K-2?R.-.2%-,%-$;%-.-=J/;

dra mi nyen gyi tshe ring yang / ling zhi ling thren kye dro yi / tshe sö wang thang yang du len
the longevity of Uttarakuru, the power, merit and vitality of sentient beings [inhabiting] the four continents and [eight] subcontinents, bring
them [here] as good fortune.

o-$<-o=-0R:C-(R?-YA.-$;%-;  o-/$-o=-0R:C-3%:-,%-$;%-;  !$-$9A$?-o=-0R:C-/R<-$;%-.%-;
gya gar gyal pö chö si yang / gya nag gyal pö nga thang yang / tag zig gyal pö nor yang dang
The fortune of religious sovereignty of the Indian kings, the might of the Chinese kings, the riches of the Persian kings,

$J-?<-o=-0R:C-.3$-$;%-.%-;  .2-.!<-@R<-IA-.0:-$;%-i3?;  ,3?-&.-:.A-<-$;%-.-=J/;

ge sar gyal pö mag yang dang / u kar hor gyi pa yang nam / tham che di ru yang du len
the army of King Gesar, the courage of Ukarhor, all these, bring them here as good fortune.

3,R-2-.$%-$A-3,R-$;%-.%-;  .3:-2-?-;A-2g/-$;%-.%-;  3A-/R<-9?-$R?-1/-5S$?-$;%-;  2N$-.%-$9A-3.%?-=R%?-,R.-$;%-;
tho wa gung gi tho yang dang / ma wa sa yi ten yang dang / mi nor ze kö phün tshog yang / trag dang zi dang long chö yang
The fortune of the distant reaches of the sky and the stability of the lower grounds, the fortune of excellent wealth, food and clothing, beautiful
appearance, radiance, resources,

$R-35S/-.0:-l=-m-:U=-$;%-;  #J-$R.-:6B/-0-<2-L%-$;%-;  .0:-l=-!R2?->$?-2-5:A-$;%-;

go tshön pa tsal dzu thrül yang / de nö dzin pa rab jung yang / pa tsal tob shug bu tshe yang
armor, weapons, courage, miraculous powers, upholders of the Tripitaka, renunciates, brave and strong boys,

36K?-24/-:6S3?-0-3R-24/-$;%-;  HR-<A$?-w/-0-YA.-GA-$;%-;  ,3?-&.-:.A-<-$;%-?-=J/;
dze tsün dzom pa mo tsün yang / khyo rig den pa si kyi yang / tham che di ru yang su len
beautiful and virtuous girls, pure offspring, all these bring them here as good fortune.

><-IA-KR$?-/?-5K-$;%-i3?;  *A-^-28A/-.-:(<-28A/-LR/;  zR-;A-KR$?-/?-5K-$;%-i3?;  zR-3A/-28A/-.-:52?->A%-LR/;
shar gyi chog ne tshe yang nam / nyi da zhin du char zhin jön / lho yi chog ne tshe yang nam / lho trin zhin du tshub shing jön
Like the rising of the sun and moon, all fortune of longevity of the eastern direction, come here!
Like the swirling of the southern clouds, all fortune of longevity of the southern direction, come here!

/2-GA-KR$?-/?-5K-$;%-i3?;  /-2/-28A/-.-:,A2?->A%-LR/;  L%-$A-KR$?-/?-5K-$;%-i3?;  (-2R-28A/-.-:22-&A%-LR/;

nub kyi chog ne tshe yang nam / na bün zhin du thib shing jön / jang gi chog ne tshe yang nam / chu wo zhin du bab cing jön
Like overcast with mist, all fortune of longevity of the western direction, come here!
Like a river flowing down, all fortune of longevity of the northern direction, come here!

!J%-$A-KR$?-/?-5K-$;%-i3?;  4%-(<-28A/-.-:2J2?->A%-LR/;  :R$-$A-KR$?-/?-5K-$;%-i3?;  :V?-S$-28A/-.-(A/-&A%-LR/;

teng gi chog ne tshe yang nam / drang char zhin du beb shing jön / og gi chog ne tshe yang nam / dre drug zhin du min ching jön
Like a light rain drizzling down, all fortune of longevity of the upper direction, come here!
Like the six grains ripening, all fortune of longevity of the lower direction, come here!

~/-.%-P$?-0:A-2!R.-$;%-i3?;  $;-:V$-28A/-.-P$?->A%-LR/;  2-aR2-<A$?-o.-:.?-0:A-$;%-;  {<-UJ%-28A/-.-2N$-&A%-LR/; >-ZA;

nyen dang drag pe tö yang nam / yu drug zhin du drag shing jön / bu lob rig gyü dü pe yang / kar threng zhin du trag ching jön /
hum hri
Far-reaching like the turquoise dragon's [roar], all fortune of melodious and illustrious praise, come here!
Brilliant like a garland of stars, fortune of assembled lineage of heart-disciples, come here! Hum Hri

><-KR$?-hR-eJ-3#:-:PR-3;  5K-$;%-,3?-&.-:.A<-#$-&A$;  /.-$.R/-2<-(.-8A-2<-36S.;

shar chog dor je khan dro ma / tshe yang tham che dir khug chig / ne dön bar che zhi war dzö
Vajra Dakini of the East, summon all fortune of longevity and pacify disease, demons and obstacles!

zR-KR$?-<A/-(J/-3#:-:PR-3;  9?-/R<-=R%?-,R.-$;%-#$-&A$;  5K-2?R.-.0=-:LR<-o?-0<-36S.;

lho chog rin chen khan dro ma / se nor long chö yang khug chig / tshe sö pal jor gye par dzö
Precious Dakini of the South, summon the fortune of food, wealth and bounty, and expand life span, merit and wealth!

/2-KR$?-0E-3#:-:PR-3;  :#R<-:.?-.2%-#.-$;%-#$-&A$;  $%-YA.-.2%-.-:.-2<-36S.;

nub chog pema khan dro ma / khor de wang dü yang khug chig / nang si wang du du war dzö
Lotus Dakini of the West, summon the fortune of transcending samsara and nirvana and magnetize everything that appears and exists!

L%-KR$?-=?-GA-3#:-:PR-3;  =?-28A:A-:UA/-=?-$;%-#$-&A$;  $/R.-LJ.-$.R/-2$J$?-5<-$&R.-36S.;

jang chog le kyi khan dro ma / le zhi thrin le yang khug chig / nö je dön geg tshar chö dzö
Action Dakini of the North, summon the fortune of the four Buddha-activities and annihilate harming demons and obstructing spirits!

/R<-z-5S$?-2.$-:#R<-2&?-GA;  :63-\A%-$;%-i3?-:.A<-#$-&A$;  K-;=-:.A-<-K-#$-&A$;  $;%-;=-:.A-=-$;%-#$-&A$;

nor lha tshog dag khor che kyi / dzam ling yang nam dir khug chig / cha yül di ru cha khug chig / yang yül di la yang khug chig
Deities of wealth, Ganapati and retinue, bring here all fortune of the world!
Bring here auspicious objects! Bring here fortunate objects!

$/?-#%-:.A-=-g$-0<-28$?;  $;%-(?-:.A-=-2g/-0<-36S.;  5J-m?-:.A-=-2&.-&A$-1R2;  3A-/R<-:.A-=-Y%-*R2?-36S.;
ne khang di la tag par zhug / yang che di la ten par dzö / tshe dze di la chü chig phob / mi nor di la sung kyob dzö
At all times remain at this dwelling place; cause these objects of fortune to be steadfast!
Give potency to life substances and at this place protect wealth!

:I<-2-3J.-0<-2g/-28$?-:5=;  :(A-3J.-5K-;A-.%R?-P2-)R=;  9.-3J.-$+J<-IA-.%R?-P2-)R=;  2?R.-/3?-/R<-IA-.%R?-P2-)R=;
gyur wa me par ten zhug tshal / chi me tshe yi ngö drub tsöl / ze me ter gyi ngö drub tsöl / sö nam nor gyi ngö drub tsöl
I beseech you to remain steadfast and unchanging! Bestow the Siddhi of immortality! Bestow the Siddhi of inexhaustible treasures! Bestow the
Siddhi of merit and riches!

3(R$-.%-,/-3R%-.%R?-P2-)R=;  :2.-3J.-z/-IA?-:P2-0<-36S.;  ?j-?A;A-A-=-=-@R;
chog dang thün mong ngö drub tsöl / be me lhün gyi drub par dzö / sarva siddhi a la la ho
Bestow supreme and ordinary Siddhis! Let it be accomplished spontaneously and without effort! sarva siddhi a la la ho

8J?-2eR.-$;%-:$$?-5<-P%?-.<;  :.A-;/-5<-P%?-$%-:P2-L;  2&-$?3-43-/A-%J?-0:A-P%?;  $%-:.R.-2~J/-0-.J-28A/-2^?;  .%R?-P2-i3-$*A?-M<-.-,R2; ?-3-;;
Thus apply yourself in summoning fortune and recite a number of times. Thereafter recite repeatedly as often as possible. Accumulate thirteen recitations at the least [or]
recite as many times as you wish. Swiftly attain the two kinds of Siddhis! Samaya

>-ZA;  {-$?3-]-3-5K-;A-z;  AR-o/-3#:-:PR-/R<-z:A-5S$?;  <%-$A-=?-%$-;A.-$?3-.%-;  5K-gJ/-12-m?-:.A-i3?-=;
hum hri / ku sum la ma tshe yi lha / or gyen khan dro nor lhe tshog / rang gi lü ngag yi sum dang / tshe ten drub dze di nam la
Hum Hri. The three Kayas, the guru, deities of longevity, the land of Uddiyana, Dakinis, assembly of wealth deities, my own body, speech and
mind, a solid life - established and substantial, all these

3#:-=-3A/-v<-,A3-0-v<;  (-=-(-28$-v-2<-I<;  .3A$?-3J.-H2-.=-[R%-.-A;
kha la trin tar thim pa tar / chu la chu zhag ta bur gyur / mig me khyab dal long du A
are like clouds dissolving in the sky, or water pouring into water. Free from thought A pervades all-encompassing expanse.

3-;J%?-%%-.-zR.-=-8R$;  *J-3J.-.LA%?-?-K=-IA?-,R%?;  3R?-V=-%%-.-,=-=J-8R$;  $8R3-8A$-V=-2:A-o?-$.2-2R; ?-3-;

Within a state of non-distraction, rest at ease In the unborn Dharmadhatu let go of everything. In an unconditioned state remain free and open. Conjoin with the
indestructible seal. Samaya



Recite the dedication prayer accordingly.

>-ZA;  .?-$?3-.?-3J.-.$J-2-:.A?;  :PR-i3-.2=-1R%-2NJ?-{R3-IA;  #$-2}=-,3?-&.-<2-8A-/?;  :.R.-.$-=R%?-,R.-1/-5S$?-/?;
hum hri / dü sum dü me ge wa di / dro nam ül phong tre kom gyi / dug ngal tham che rab zhi ne / dö gu long chö phün tshog ne
Hum Hri. By this virtue of timelessness beyond the three times, may all beings be relieved from the suffering of poverty, hunger and thirst, and
may all wishes and enjoyments be fulfilled.

3,<-,$-2.J-(J/-8A%-#3?-?;  AR-o/-$%-2-3,:-;?-GA;  $R-:1%-.3-0-M<-,R2-/?;  KA<-3A-wR$-0:A-?-,R2->R$;
thar thug de chen zhing kham su / or gyen nang wa tha ye kyi / go phang dam pa nyur thob ne / chir mi dog pe sa thob shog
At last may they attain the most excellent state of the master Padmasambhava and Amitabha in the buddhafield of great bliss and reach the
ground of no return.

This translation was heartfully requested by Bu Nima Lama, and fulfilled by Ina Bieler in November 2006.


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