In This Micro Project We Will

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Annexure -I

Micro-Project Proposal
Configure VPN using cisco packet tracer

1.0 Aims of the Micro-Project

a) To get familiar with Computer Network.
b) To get the information about tools use in cisco packet tracer.
c) To get the knowledge about how to configure VPN using cisco packet tracer.
d) To implement micro project in Data Communication and Computer Network.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

a) Analyze the functioning of data communication and computer network.
b) Analyze the transmission errors with respect to IEEE standards.
c) Configure the different TCP/IP services.

3.0 Proposed Methodology

First we find the various topics related to Data Communication and Computer Network.
Then we had finalized micro project title as “configure VPN using cisco packet tracer”. Then we
search the information about configure VPN using cisco packet tracer. Then we will collect the
information about configure VPN using cisco packet tracer as well as getting deep knowledge
about cisco packet tracer. We will collect the information related topic. Then arrange all
information in proper format. Then we will create final report using all collected information.
Then we will implement configure VPN using cisco packet tracer. In this micro project we will
configure VPN using cisco packet tracer.

4.0 Action Plan

Planned Start Planned Name of Responsible
S. No. Details of activity
Date Finish date Team Members

1 Search micro project topics related 23/12/2019 31/12/2019

To subject. All team members.

2 Selection of micro project title 31/12/2019 08/01/2020 All team members

3 Search & collect information 08/01/2020 17/01/2020

related to selected topic Pansare Saurabh M.
4 Completion of micro project topic 17/01/2020 31/01/2020 Kadam Atharva B.

5 Analyze & finalize collected data 31/01/2020 07/02/2020

Fulsundar Omkar N.
For micro-Project report.
Finalize Design & flow of Bangar Smit G.
6 07/02/2020 14/02/2020
Implementation Gavali Kunal S.
7 Implementation of micro project 14/02/2020 20/02/2020 Yendhe Satyam B.
8 Report preparation, finalization, 28/02/2019 28/02/2020 All team members.

5.0 Resources Required

Name of Resource
S. No. Specifications Qty. Remarks
Intel core 2Duo 3.00 GHZ
1 Computer System 1
RAM 4.00GB
2 Operating System Windows 7 1
3 software Cisco packet tracer 1
Mozilla Firefox, Google
4 Browser 1
5 Printer HP Laser jet 1

Names of Team Members Roll No

1. Gavali Kunal S. 01
2. Kadam Atharva B. 23
3. Yendhe Satyam B. 31
4. Bangar Smit G. 36
5. Pansare Saurabh M. 49
6. Fulsundar Omkar N. 51

Mr. Chaudhari H. N.
(Subject teacher)

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