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GENERAL PHYSICS | (WEEK 2) Name: Aghanty Madebine D. Cruz Subject Teacher. Me. Anthony Salangsang Ashanty Madeline 9. One GIL -Gemini What is new? ey Motion can be described using words, tables, numerical data, equations or formula or even graphs. In this part, your previous knowledge in making graphs, interpreting slopes of the graph and calculating slope of the graph willbe néeded. Objectives: 1. Compare the:motion of the body. 2. Interpret the graph. — 24,6 8 10,12, 14,16, 18 Time (secords) Guide Questions: 1, Which runner completed the 100 m race in the least amount of time? » What /was his time? lo _ ca she _100. 2. Which runner started out the fastest? Levey stared ov the fastest im the race. 3. What was Leroy doing between 8 to 12.5 seconds? 4. What does a straight line orf this graph tell you? A curved line? a speed While Ord line Jelly thot 15 510g Tn His GrOGh, speech i€ incres What I know? Pre-Assessment Direction. Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. It is a complete description of speed with direction. A. speed @ velocity C.acceleration _d. motion 20If the velocity of a moving ‘object if constant, the acceleration Is 2 SE Aipoaiive Bihegatve ee gonatant (Berra | 3, the slope of a eo , and the area under | curves indicates A. velocity - distance {&. velocity - displacement B, acceleration - distance (D) acceleration - displacement 4, When the speed of an object does not change, it is moving at A. changing speed . increasing speed @ constant speed D. decreasing speed. 5. If a car accelerates from 3 m/s to 12m/s in 3 seconds, what is the car’s accel- | eration? A. 1m/s? B. 2 m/s? ©3m/s? D. 4 m/s? 6. James Collin went driving one weekend. He covered a distance of 150 km in|5 | hrs. At the end of his drive, he returned back to where he started. What was his average velocity for the trip? i 4 30km/hr —-B. 20 km/hr ¢.10km/hr Qo For nos. 7 to 9, refer to the given graphs below: Ai gos B. ic D. = x v v t t D7. Which-of the graphs above describes an object ‘moving with uniformly acceler- ‘ated motion?, 8B 3. which of the graphs above describes| an object that ie speeding up2 A,9. Which of the graphs above describes an object that is slowing down? 10, Describe the motion of the ball that is thrown up in the air as illustrated by the picture to the right. Which of the following is true about the ball’s velocity at the highest point B? = @®its velocity is zero B. its velocity is constant C. its velocity is increasing D. its velocity is decreasing 46 Objectives:' ‘1, Identify the key terns used to describe motion. 2. Analyze the motion of an object on a graph in terms of its dis placement, velocity and acceleration as functions of time. 3. Interpret the slope of the graph. Part I: Match the given in Column A with the terms in Column B. ‘COLUMN A COLUMN B. Terefers to how fast the object is moving. ‘A acceleration= It is the change in position of an object. B. distance’ The total amount an object has moved. C speed Tis speed with direction, D. displacement The rate at which velocity changes. E, velocity : Draw the slope of the graph that fits the description below. z z Constant + acceleration | [ zero acceleration’ || |_negative acceleration 7 Part Il Interpret the slope of| the position vs. time grapli, Encircle the Correct ‘symbol (+, - or 0) that would in- terpret the slope in terms of its velocity and acceleration. Note: (+) means in- [creasing rate and (-) means decreasing rate. Lox =O) |* [os TAGs Mo In Physics’ graph is “worth a thousand numbers”. A great deal of infor- ‘mation can be obtained by lookifg and interpreting graphs describing motion (displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration). To know what a slope of a graph indicate use the equation for slope. In mathematics, slope is equal to rise/run or y/x. For example the figure below shows a displacement vs. time graph or sometimes called position vs. time graph. sof Slope = oe nee ir i at By substitution what is in x and y: 4y = displacement x= — time Slope = sivelocity 3469 ao 16a ie ocd ‘Thus; the slope of a displacement vs. time graph indicates velocity. ‘To interpret the slope, use the equation and substitute the x and y coordi- nates. From the given graph, the slope from Os to 6s is positive and is not: changing, this indicates that the body is moving with constant velocity and the! body is moving away from its original position. From 6s to 12s the slope is zero, this indicates that the body is at rest. And from 12s to 18s the slope is negative and is not changing, this means that the graph is at decreasing function, con- stant negative velocity, the body is going back to its original position. If you plot the displacement against time for a body moving at changing velocities ~ the result will be-a curved line. The slope of a curved line is defined at any point by the slope of the line tangent to the curve. The value of this slope corresponds to the magnitude of the instantaneous velocities. Since curved line represents changing velocities, it means that accelera- tion is present. The body may either be moving from fast to slow or slow to fast. I. If the slope of a position-time graph indicates velocity, what does the slope of a distance-time graph indicate? What does the slope of a velocity - time graph indicate? 2. Carefully analyze the graph of the motion of an object shown Pte eects 1, Where is the object at t= I } 48? - 2. Describe the motion of the object per section. (a, b, c, d, e, and f) 3, Calculate the total distance and total displacement of the object. Pacers a a The slope oF @ distonteme grap, indicct@s the speed of an okyecral a Certaimthme. The slope oF a velocity -time graph indicaes tre acceleration or change ‘in velocity over 4 pesiod oF ime + Byhe sbjed at #45 ism positive 20 Hlometer im dishance oway fom the gigin @ The mohon of the obyect in cecton @ 1s moving with constant speed oe MAID asiay fom 4 origunal posiion Tn section lo jjhe obyett is atrest Tn section C, the cb\ecrig also mang with tonetant postive speed - While: the object's mehion in section dic movin WiHR” constant negative apeed ancl ges bade to fener pation. Likewive, iin Seckion ©, te chica is moving with constant regaiive speed downwards the x-axis ov iw negative direction « Lastly, ie Seok im seChen f maes with cons regatve speed F rate eee: Mea i aeons OA Gee renee shanty Modeling D-Cr2 Gl2-Gemini II. Acceleration: Changing Velocity. _ Acceleration. is a vector quantity that is defined as the rate at which an’ object changes its velocity. An object is accelerating if there-is a change in speed, change in direction or change in both speed and direction. . = a= Ov=w-vi tom TE To represent acceleration; the slope of a velocity vs. time graph or an ac- celeration vs. time graph can be ‘used. However, it is not just the slope of the graph that represents motion, also, area under curves of a graph can be used to) interpret the movement of the body. ‘To know what the area under curves of a graph indicates; use the equa- tion for area. To find the aréa of a rectangle; multiply the length by the width. To. find the area of a triangle, we use % bh, where b is the base and h is the height of the triangle. a Arca. = % bh= yx T ee 4 = % {mm/s} (8) i « © Qim/s= unit of velocity - the aréa'under curves of acceleration- ‘Teme (seconds) time graph indicates velocity TI, Quantitative Description of Motion ‘The description of motion in one dimension with constant acceleration requires only three basic equations that will allow you to develop simple relationships among kin- ematics quantities ~ displacement, velocity, acceleration and time. 3 Basie Eqiiations for Uniformly Accelerated Motion Lvi= vie tat where: r+ final velocity d - displacement 3.d-vit+%av vj- initial velocity t - time ‘als acceleration IV. Free Fall A free falling object is one that is falling under the sole influence of the force of| gravity. In free fall, object does not encounter air resistance and falls to the Earth at a rate of 9.8 m/s?. The best way to see the basic features Of motion involwing gravity’ is to stact by| [considering straight up and down motion with no air resistance or friction. This mneans| ‘that if the object is dropped, we know the initial velotity is zero. Once the object is in motion, the object is in free-fall. Under these circumstanées; the motion is ‘one- /dimensional and has constant acceleration, g. The kinematic equations for objects expe- riencing free fall are: where: . si L viz vit gt vr- final velocity d - displacement;- initial velocity t - time Sid=vit+%g? — g_ acceleration due to gravity Objectives: 1. Calculate the velocity of a moving body. 2, Determine the acceleration ofa moving body. 3, Solve word problems related to uniformly-accelerated motion and free falling body, Part I. Complete:the tables below showing the distance and time travelled of two runners by calculating velocity and acceleration... SewKONS in Yellow Pager Runner 1 sane | twat [veer Tm | waar [pecan fot # Lis) | a) toi aes [es | 1G 5 {saa [petata tues 20) 4230-| tra. fh A.F2 cL [36s 1453-006) Fans [| as | a0 Lz | Guide Questions: 1. What do the differences in the recorded time of runners indicate? 2. What happens when the runners change his velocity? 3, Are velocity and acceleration the same? Explain. Part Il. Solve the following word problems using equations of VAM and free fall. 1. A baseball has an acceleration of 0.5 m/s?. If it covered a distance of 10 m starting from rest, what is its velocity? How much time is needed for this change in velocity? 2, A bus is moving at 15 m/s slows down at/1.5 m/s2 to a velocity of 10 m/s. How far did the bus go during the slow down? 3. Nikki drops her doll from the rooftop 10 m above the ground. Neglecting air resistance, how long it will take to reach the ground? i aX Fart T.° Guide Girestions | saa e Aifferences in the vecorded ime of vinners diene ake change inimey or over white the charge goons. For instance ,wicihy 1s Pre wale OF cha oor bre cathe with respect bo She “orignnal position The runners! occeleration are based onthe change of fen Velocities over a ericd of time. pmdsinis is the dffvences im Hime thetoe roaded 2) There is @ charge im Speed and diveckon if velodihy oF He ronner changed. The rumers accelerate, Speeding UP, or Accelerate, Seeding down . 3) No, because velocity 15 the charge in, displacement ever the pened cf time- While the accelerak on is the chenge in Velocity over time. But bol oh stem are vectors and chage wn direc on. Addtionally, vedi agfects the obyeds accelerertion be cause if the velotity peed Ups acceleration wll veer. 29 Prswers to “Port I. Guide Questions ~ runners 4) Va? 2 vithad SO NieDhas 0-Smfs® actom on) Ser: Viz Gals B>) Given? d= 10m Ve2* 0%s2(0.5\ {0} *27 Ne= Aon! 9= 4-3 mf hee Np =Vj bak A-5 ms? eee Om ie Veo tate We =04+0.5)t Formla! yo ye “de wit + Iho) wo 1G oe oft ae ee, 1d = Of Ftp @.8)4> os = 5 The basebaly moved at DAG MIs from rest. lwo 225 4f3d)) 8 A What I have learned? Answers in, Nelle Pagor PHYSICS IN ACTION. 1. How will the knowledge of Kinematics help you in supporting defensive driv- ing? “ = 2, Using what you know on free fall, express your idea on this topic “Don't Fire Guns in the Air’ 3, Make a NOTE CARD. Write 3 things you learned, 2 things you found interest- | ing and 1 question you stilbhave about the discussion. What I can achieve? POST - ASSESSMENT 1. Direction. Choose the letter of the correct answer. ‘1. A changing velocity indicates . A. speed B. velocity (GJacceleration |. motion 2. It is zero if the slope of a position — time graph is horizontal. A. speed (B) velocity C. acceleration —_d. motion 3. On a distance-time graph, a straight line sloping upward to the right corre sponds toamotionat. i ‘A. changing speed C. increasing speed constant speed D. decreasing speed e area under curves of acceleration-time graph indicates A. speed @® velocity C. acceleration d, displacement "5. Ignoring air resistance, an object falling toward the surface of the earth has a | velocity that is A.constant _B. changing C)increasing decteasing “6. How long does a high pitched ball with an acceleration of 2.0 m/s? take to-go from 10 m/s to 30 m/s? Onn 3208 6.308 D. 408 7.-What is the acceleration of a body that moves at a rate of 2 m/s to 6 m/s in 4s? A.0Sm/st (B)1 m/s? C.1.5 m/s? D.2 m/s? + For nos. 8 — 10, refer to the graph below. 8. Which letter indicates constant 20 velocity? | 9. Which letter indicates constant z= + Positive acceleration? i “Tal 10. What is the total displacement of ** 5} ; ie body? 0 < ics | 10 km B.15 km |] mi 20 km D. 25 km slack 1 aid 2

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