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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 11 | Nov -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Role and Service of Cloud Computing for Higher Education System

Upendra Singh1, Prashant Kumar Baheti2

1Lecturer, CSE&IT Department, Government Engineering College, Bharatpur

2Assistant Professor, CSE&IT Department, Government Engineering College, Bharatpur
Abstract: Higher education has vital role in the maintain IT infrastructure in organization [3][5]. Thus the
development of society and nation. Therefore education cloud computing is a feasible solution for a higher
methodologies should adapt new technologies and IT education institute for transiting from a traditional
infrastructures in education system. To implement new education system to a online or digital education system.
technical infrastructure in an educational institute impose a In these days, every student is familiar with computer and
big cost of implementation and maintenance of smart systems like smart phone, tablets etc., and they all
infrastructure, this may be a limit for various institutions to are using cloud based technologies (Facebook, WhatsApp,
adapt new IT infrastructure. For institutions, having Twitter, Instagram, Gmail etc.) and has connected to
financial limitations, cloud computing is a feasible solution. internet all the time. Thus it is not difficult to implement
With cloud computing we can hire service and infrastructure cloud based technologies in educational system. By
on lease as per the need of institution. Institution does not to implementing cloud technologies in education system
develop as well as maintain the complete infrastructure by make it is convenient for students. They can access any
its own. Institute needs to invest as their requirement. In this learning content from anywhere any time. It improves
paper, limitations / drawbacks of traditional education availability of education and also helps in evaluation of
system and benefits of education with cloud computing are student performance [4].
discussed. And also discuss about the cloud services which
are useful for educational institutes for their students, II. LIMITATION / DRAWBACKS OF
teachers, researchers, and as well as for administration staff. TRADITIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEM

Keywords: Cloud Computing, Higher Education, SaaS, As traditional education system every student is treated as
PaaS, IaaS. same regardless of their caliber of learning. Teachers
lecture is generally like one size fit all. Each student has
I. INTRODUCTION different pace of learning. Teacher does not consider the
ability, likes and dislikes of student. Therefore traditional
Higher education institutes are key organizations for education system is very unfair at core [9, 10]. Traditional
development of society and nation. In last few years education system is like a spoon feeding process as it does
universities are implementing high end IT infrastructure not contain any additional contents like demonstrative
for their higher education and research activities. With the videos or any other digital media which helps student in
evolution of new technologies traditional education system acquiring the subject contents easily. Teachers and
is being migrated toward online education system [2]. students meet every day in classroom; teachers see every
These new trends in education system requires an educate activity of students. Teachers show favoritism which
infrastructure with proper technology that guaranty the destroys personality and moral dignity of student. They
access for large number of users with security. It is feel incompetent and worth less. Moreover; traditional
necessary to use IT infrastructure effectively in higher education system is very costly as tuition fees, books,
education to provide high quality education and research notebooks are very costly. For overcoming on these
activity. Adaptation of new technology is very slow due to drawbacks of traditional education system cloud
financial limitation of higher education institutes. In past computing has very important role in higher education
few years cloud computing is an emerging solution for the system [9, 10].
challenges related to IT infrastructure cost. Cloud
computing is a model for accessing a shared pool of III. CLOUD COMPUTING
configurable resources (for example servers, network
devices, storage, applications, operating systems etc.) that Cloud computing provide various facility to user to store
can be dynamically allocated as per user requirement [1]. and process huge amount of data through internet or
These all resources can be accessed from anywhere using network access to a shared pool of configurable resources
any device having high speed network connectivity (e.g. servers, network devices, storage, applications,
because the entire computational task is performed at development tools, operating systems etc [1]. NIST cloud
remote server or cloud server. As all the computational model specify five essential characteristics, three services
task is performed at cloud server, user does not require a models and four deployment models.
high configuration machine. This reduced the cost to

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 708
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 11 | Nov -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3.1. Five characteristics of cloud computing critical in privacy and security concern must be hosted on
are as following [1] – internal (private) cloud [1, 2].

 On demand self-service. Community Cloud – in this type of deployment model

 Broad network access. entire cloud infrastructure is shared among different
 Resource pooling. organization related to same community i.e. banks and
 Rapid. trading firms. A community cloud is appropriate for
 Measured. organizations and businesses that work on joint ventures,
tenders or research that needs a centralized cloud
3.2. Three service models of cloud computing computing [1, 2].
are as following –

Software as a Service (SaaS) – applications are provided

to user which is running on cloud server. Applications can
be accessed from different devices through a client
interface such as web browser or a program interface [1,

Platform as a Service (PaaS) – the capability of cloud

system provided to users to deploy their own applications
on cloud. It provides support for programming, libraries
services, network devices, servers, operating systems,
development tools etc. [1, 2].

Infrastructures as a Service (IaaS) – in this model

various fundamental computing resources like processing,
network and network devices, storage are provided on
cloud system. The consumer does not manage or control
the underlying cloud infrastructure but has control over Figure 1 – Basic Cloud Model of NIST [1]
operating systems, storage, and deployed applications [1,
3.3. Four deployment model of cloud
computing are as following – Cloud computing is an emerging tool for education. It
brings all new-resources, digital contents like cloud based
Private Cloud – in this deployment model of cloud text books, multimedia learning contents, virtual labs and
computing, cloud infrastructure is developed for exclusive administrative tools for educational institutions. It brings
use of a single organization. The cloud system is managed changes, progress, and opportunity for educational
by the organization itself or may be by third party institute [7]. With the use of cloud computing workload of
organization. Benefit of private cloud is that organization IT staff is reduced so that they can focus strategies to
has better management and control over data. Private better and efficient use of IT infrastructure [2, 3]. Use of
cloud is suitable when privacy and security of data is major cloud computing enables students and teachers to access
concern [1, 2]. more resource and work in collaborative manner with
institutes and they can communicates and share resource
Public Cloud – in this model of cloud computing cloud and ideas with other students and teachers of different
services are hosted on a public cloud and are delivered to institute at anytime and anywhere [1, 2]. All the
users over a shared network (Internet) which is open to educational institutes do not have same resources due
public. From the technical point of view, there is no some constraint like financial or any other constraint. They
difference in public and private cloud regarding structural can access these resources on cloud by paying nominal
design except the privacy and security level provide the charge for cloud providers. An higher educational institute
cloud’s vendor. The main advantage of public cloud is cost can access resource from cloud as per their need like
of uses. Private cloud is cheaper than private cloud [1, 2]. software’s, servers, computing , network devices, virtual
labs, journals, textbooks, multimedia contents, and various
Hybrid Cloud – this cloud is mix of private cloud and other tools those helpful in their research work and
public cloud. Some services are borrowed from public learning. Thus cloud computing is beneficial for higher
cloud and some services are hosted on private cloud. educational institutes for carrying out their research work
Workloads which are not critical hosted in public cloud and to improve learning of student as well as teaching and
managed by third party vendors and workloads which are evaluation practice of teachers [7]. Cloud computing

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 709
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 11 | Nov -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

reduced total IT infrastructure cost for institute because it

is managed by cloud providers. Therefore cloud computing
has many benefits for a higher educational institute
regarding their research work, learning, teaching as well as
cost of infrastructure. Some key benefits of cloud
computing in higher education are [2, 3] –

 Expensive textbooks are not required, digital

books are used which are accessible from
anywhere and anytime.

 Learning material is latest and updates. Student

does not require using an outdated learning
material. All learning material is accessible from
anywhere and anytime.

 Expensive hardware (servers, supercomputing

etc.) does not require. Institute can get these from Figure 2:- of classification of cloud services related to
cloud as pay per use. Cloud based hardware’s are Educational Institute [7]
accessible from anywhere and anytime.
 Expensive software (web server, MS office,
operating systems, development tools, etc.) does There are various vendors in market which provide cloud
not require. Cloud based software’s are accessible services commercially. A higher education institute can use
from anywhere and anytime. these services on pay per use basis. These available cloud
services are very useful for improvement in learning and
 More opportunities and resources are available on teaching. Some of commercial vendor’s services are
cloud which is beneficial for students as well as described below in table (source: - vendors website) with
students. respect to users of a higher education institute.

Table 1 - commercial vendor’s services with respect to users of a higher education institute

User’s Level
Google Cloud Amazon Web Admini
Service Microsoft Azure Teachers & Studen
Platform Services stratio
Model Researchers ts
Google Compute Azure Virtual
Amazon EC2 Yes Yes
Engine Machines
Google Cloud Amazon
Yes Yes
IaaS Bigtable DynamoDB
Google Cloud Amazon
Cosmos DB Yes Yes
Datastore DynamoDB
Google Storage Amazon S3 Azure Blob Storage Yes Yes Yes
AWS Elastic
PasS Google App Engine Azure Cloud Services Yes Yes
Microsoft Azure SQL
Google BigQuery Amazon Redshift Yes Yes
Gmail Hotmail Yes Yes Yes
Calendar Calendar, Task Yes Yes Yes
SaaS Google Docs Office 360 Yes Yes Yes
Google Drive One Drive Yes Yes Yes
YouTube Yes Yes
Hangout Yes Yes Yes
Classroom OneNote Yes Yes

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 710
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 11 | Nov -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

VI. CONCLUSION Computers & Education, Volume 80, January 2015,

Pages 132-151.
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© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 711

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