Questioning Tool: Accounting Firm's Standards Are As High As They Should Be?

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Questions to probe the candidate’s underpinning knowledge response
Extension/Reflection Questions Yes No
1. Does the student understand the Accounting
principles/Philippine Financial Reporting Standards
2. Does the student can Perform the Accounting equation
Safety Questions
3. Quality is such an intangible. can you be certain your
accounting firm's standards are as high as they should be?
Contingency Questions
4. Can you differentiate bookkeeping and accounting
Job Role/Environment Questions
5. Can you define what is a bookkeeper
Rules and Regulations
6. Can you understand the accounting equation and double
entry rule
The candidate’s underpinning / Satisfactory  Not
knowledge was: Satisfactory
1. Accounting principles are uniform practices which entities follow to
record, prepare and present financial statements.

2.T he fundamental accounting equation, also called the balance sheet

equation, represents the relationship between the assets, liabilities,
and owner's equity of a person or business. 

3. CPA firms are reviewed every three years by an outside accounting firm
that is either randomly assigned by the state society of CPAs or selected by
the firm itself. 

4. In the simplest of terms, bookkeeping is responsible for the recording of

financial transactions whereas accounting is responsible for interpreting,
classifying, analyzing, reporting, and summarizing the financial
data. Bookkeeping and accounting may appear to be the same profession
to an untrained eye.

5.Bookkeepers work with the financial transactions and records of business

clients. These records typically include expenditure, receipts, accounts
payable, accounts receivable, and profit and loss records.

6. Assets = Liabilities + Capital/Owner’s Equity

The accounting equation must always remain in balance – the two
sides must always be equal. This rule is one of the basic rules in
accounting. Since transactions normally begins the accounting process,
each transaction must be recorded so that this equality is maintained.

Double Entry Rule

A second rule, which complements the equality rule, is the double
entry rule. The double entry rule means that in recording a transaction
at least two changes must be made iN the assets, liabilities, or capital.
These changes are made as entries in the accounting records thus a double
entry must always be made.

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