What Are The Brand Components For A Service Company in B2B Marketing?

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2. What are the brand components for a service company in B2B marketing?

Brand components have been a very important things for every brand or even a
service company in becoming greater and more successful. There are different types of brand
components which need to be identified as it include of brand definition, brand value, brand
promise, brand identity, brand differentiate, market position, brand messaging and brand

By having its own brand definition, it will have their own personality and voices to be
showed and recognized by others. Where it showed with that intention of being a language
associate and consultant for its customer, Serge Bélair founded Traductions Serge Bélair in
the late of 1980’s. Other than that, TRSB showed that it has its own brand value which will
show how much their brand worth in the market towards their clients. So that it can be easily
make comparison or understandable by all the investor or even clients in making their own
decision. This been proved that TRSB was able to achieve this growth by gaining broad
experience in the Quebec business community and creating a client base consisting solely of
large and very large Canadian companies operating in the commercial, banking,
pharmaceutical, insurance, and technological sectors.

TRSB showed that their clients have a range of things in common: their brand image
is paramount, they work in highly regulated sectors, and their interactions must be flawless.
This proved that TRSB did have criteria of brand promise by trying their best to fulfil client’s
needs. Clients will also be guaranteed with the service that offer from the company as to
match performance to promises. Brand identity was revealed in TRSB as well. Brand identity
consists all visual elements related to the brand, from the logo and typeface until colours,
website design, design of the packaging and even the graphic in social media. Clients can
recognise the identity of TRSB easily when TRSB involved itself in the various trade show,
charitable donations and buying advertising space. TRSB also did brand messaging by
having a good communication with their clients. Brand messaging includes main message,
tagline, positioning declaration and even declaration of brand promise to be send to clients.
This helps TRSB to build their brand through attracting clients at an emotive level.

Brand differentiate can also be defined as Unique Selling Proposition (USP). It is

because by having specialty such as benefits in having it, own unique or systematic service
design. Specialty designate to be easily remembered by clients and it holds a special position
in the 7 minds of customers. It can be proved by the first referendum in the province
established the creation of identity of Quebec as a culture which the importance of local
culture and French is high a few years later.

When there are many similar services offering in the market, market position will
help clients or investor in identifying the most potential company by comparing their
qualities, performance, or price. To support that position, this will help Quebec’s translation
to pin down their market position and align their brand components. As the report showed
that sales in the year of 2015 which proved that market position is important in a company.

Other than that, TRSB carry out brand experience by identifying key areas of contact
and differentiation from which the customer’s value-added offer was focused. This showed
that how the customer communicates with the service provided by TRSB works. Lastly,
brand components are important for TRSB in becoming a better service business in the
marketing fields.

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