QCG Memo-Road Clearing 15nov2020 PDF

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TO : All Heads of the Member-Departments/Offices/Task Forces of the

Quezon City Government’s Task Force Road Clearing 2.0
All District Administrators
All Punong Barangays in Quezon City
The Quezon City Police District
All National Government Agencies operating/located in Quezon City
The General Public

SUBJECT : Local Guidelines to Comply with Department of the Interior and

Local Government (DILG) Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2020-
145, Directing the Resumption of Road Clearing Operations from
16 November 2020 to 15 January 2021

DATE : 15 November 2020


1. This pertains to Quezon City’s compliance with the Presidential Directive on Road
Clearing, and DILG MC Nos. 2019-121, 2020-027 and 2020-145 directing Local
Government Units (LGUs) to comply with the said Presidential Directive.

2. Item 4.2 of DILG MC No. 2020-145 provides that LGUs under the community
quarantine classification of General Community Quarantine (GCQ) shall pursue
Partial Implementation. Quezon City remains under GCQ together with the rest of
the National Capital Region.

3. Partial implementation is defined in item 3.2 of the same circular, as follows:

Partial implementation refers to the implementation of this policy limited to the following:
(1) Item 3 of Memorandum Circular 2020-027, or the actual or physical removal or
abatement of road and sidewalk obstructions that are considered hazardous to motorists
and pedestrians such as, but not limited to, unauthorized parked vehicles, illegal
structures, nuisances, and any other structures erected along or standing on, made
immovable or otherwise, that impede safe and convenient passage through public road or
sidewalk; and (2) road clearing for the purposes of establishing bicycle lanes, pursuant to
Section 3(h) of Republic Act 11494 or the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act and DILG
Memorandum Circular 2020-100 or Guidelines for the Establishment of a Network of
Cycling Lanes and Walking Paths to Support People's Mobility.

4. Prior to the quarantine restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic, Quezon
City commenced with its compliance with DILG MC No. 2020-027.
(a) On 14 February 2020, the City Government issued Executive Order (EO) No. 9, s-
2020, creating the Quezon City Task Force Road Clearing 2.0, identifying its
member-Departments/Offices/Task Forces (henceforth, member-Departments),
and defining its duties and functions.
(b) Starting 15 February 2020, the Task Force and the Barangays commenced with
road clearing operations, whereby the Barangays spearheaded road clearing in

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their respective jurisdictions, with the City Government monitoring the same and
coordinating the submission of reports as required by the DILG. In instances
where the City or the National Government’s assistance was required, this was
provided by the City or requested of the concerned National Government
agency/ies. It is noted that instructions previously issued by the Task Force’s
member-Departments shall continue to apply.

5. Foregoing considered, given the adjustments to the scope of the road clearing
directive for LGUs in GCQ, like Quezon City, and in light of the ongoing Pandemic,
these Guidelines are being issued to provide all concerned with the following:
(a) Deliverables of the Quezon City Task Force Road Clearing 2.0;
(b) Role of the Barangays; and
(c) Expectations from the National Government and the general public.


6. Task Force Road Clearing 2.0 – As directed by EO No. 9, s-2020, concerned City
Departments shall ensure compliance within Quezon City of DILG MC No. 2020-145,
and when feasible develop and implement longer-term initiatives as directed by
DILG MC No. 2020-027.

6.1. National Roads, Secondary Roads, and Mabuhay Lanes – In addition to the
efforts that the City shall undertake to comply with Item 3.2 of DILG MC No.
2020-145, the Task Force shall likewise coordinate with concerned National
Government Agencies having jurisdiction, projects, or other responsibilities
over National and Secondary Roads and Mabuhay Lanes within the City’s
jurisdiction, in accordance with Item II (f) of DILG MC No. 2020-027.
Coordination shall likewise extend to Barangays to whom said National and
Secondary Roads and Mabuhay Lanes, or portions thereof, were turned over by
the City upon completion of the City’s compliance with the earlier Road
Clearing directive as mandated by DILG MC No. 2019-121. For these Barangays,
these turned over roads shall form part of their areas of responsibility, as
discussed in Sub-Item 6.2, below.

To this end, the Task Force, thru the City Planning and Development
Office (CPDO), shall provide a list and a map of all roads covered by this Sub-
Item, including Sub-Item 6.3, below, upon commencement of the road clearing

6.2. Barangay Roads, Minor Public-Use Streets, and Other Local Roads – In
compliance with Part I of DILG MC No. 2020-027, Barangays shall be in charge
of the conduct of road clearing operations in Barangay roads and minor public-
use streets within their jurisdiction, as well as of other National and Secondary
Roads and Mabuhay Lanes, or portions thereof, as turned over by the City per
Sub-Item 6.1, above.

To this end, upon the commencement of road clearing operations, each

Barangay shall provide the Task Force, thru the Barangay and Community
Relations Department (BCRD), with a list and a map of all roads covered by this
Sub-Item. The Task Force, thru the BCRD, shall work closely with the Barangays
to ensure that the focus areas for clearing, as defined hereunder by DILG MC
No. 2020-027 and by the Task Force, are pursued in the said roads and reported
accordingly to the DILG-QC.

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6.3. Bicycle Lanes – In support of the City’s Bike Lanes Program and in compliance
with Item 3.2 (2) of DILG MC No. 2020-145, special attention shall be given by
the Task Force, thru the Task Force on Transport and Traffic Management (TF-
TTM) and the Green Transport Division of the Department of Public Order and
Safety (DPOS), to the City’s existing and new bicycle lanes. Barangays are called
upon to provide full support the City’s Bike Lanes Program, if these are located
within their jurisdiction.

7. Focus Areas for Clearing – As provided by Part II (a) of DILG MC No. 2020-027,
Road clearing shall mean the removal of illegal or unauthorized road obstructions
along the road right-of-way, which encompasses the entire width of the road
carriageway (including travelway for motor vehicles and road shoulders) and
sidewalk. The widening of the scope of the existing road right-of-way and activities
undertaken for such purpose are beyond the scope of this directive.

Part II (b) of the same circular provides, road obstructions are structures,
materials, or activities within the road right-of-way that impede the free and clear
passage of motor vehicles or pedestrians and/or pose danger or cause injury to
motorists, pedestrians, or occupants of nearby structures. These include, but are not
limited to:

7.1. Vehicular Obstructions – Part II (b) 1 of DILG MC No. 2020-027 provides that
vehicles parked in prohibited places as specified in Section 46 of Republic Act
4136 or the Land Transportation and Traffic Code,1 or in sidewalks, paths, or
alleys not intended for vehicular parking pursuant to Section 52 of the same
Republic Act, are considered road obstructions.

Also considered as road obstructions according to Part II (b) 2 of the

same circular are, vehicular terminals except in areas designated by the
concerned LGU.

To both these ends, the Barangays shall provide the Task Force, thru the
BCRD, with a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) covering the list of roads
contemplated in Sub-Item 6.2 above, overlain on the map required in the
same Sub-Item, for the perusal of the TF-TTM. Said TMP should reflect the
Barangay’s existing traffic and on-street-parking related resolutions,
including public transport terminals and loading and unloading areas.
Names, designations, and areas of responsibility of Barangay Traffic
Enforcers deputized by the City to help in traffic management should
likewise be included, together with possible alternative parking areas, public
transport terminals and loading and unloading areas identified in the

Vehicular obstructions found in the area of responsibility of the

Barangays as defined by Sub-Item 6.2, above, shall be cleared by the Barangays; or
jointly cleared by the TF-TTM, the Barangay and the QCPD if in an area covered by
Sub-Item 6.1, above. The Barangays may request the assistance of the TF-TTM if
absolutely necessary. Owners of cleared vehicles may proceed to either the
Barangays or the TF-TTM, thru the DPOS, to process the release of their

1 Sec. 46, RA 4136. Parking Prohibited in Specified Places. – No driver shall park a vehicle, or permit it to stand, whether attended or
unattended, upon a highway in any of the following places: (a) within an intersection, (b) on a crosswalk, (c) within six meters of the
intersection of curb lines, (d) within four meters of the driveway entrance to and fire station (sic), (e) within four meters of a fire
hydrant, (f) in front of a private driveway, (g) on the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the curb or edge of the
highway, (h) at any place where official signs have been erected prohibiting parking.

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vehicles subject to applicable rules and procedures as provided by relevant
City Ordinances.

It is noted that Barangays are not authorized to tow or clamp vehicles

without prior coordination with the City Government; Barangay policies on
on-street parking in interior roads have to be with the consent of the City;
Barangays are to add signages in authorized public transport terminals and loading and
unloading areas; and Barangays in support of the City Government are to undertake
tricycle-related initiatives to comply with Sub-Item 4.11 of DILG MC No. 2020-145, in
reference to DILG MC No. 2020-036.

If is further noted that Sub-Item 4.7 of DILG MC No. 2020-145 provides, only for
the implementation period herein set, the following structures or vehicles shall be
exempt from removal or apprehension by LGUs, except in extraordinary circumstances:
(a) parked ambulances and public emergency vehicles; (b) checkpoints established and
duly authorized by the LGU, the IATF, the PNP, or the AFP, and; (c) temporary
obstructions caused by the establishment of bicycle lanes, as defined in MC No. 2020-

7.2. Unauthorized Vending Sites – Part II (b) 3 of DILG MC No. 2020-027 identifies,
vending sites for any kind of item as road obstructions. However, in
consideration of the effects of the pandemic on our economy and the need for
social distancing, the initiatives of the Barangays, the National Government,
the private sector and even the City Government to establish alternative
vending sites are hereby acknowledged.

To this end, the concerned Barangays, National/City Government Departments,

and private sector groups, as the case may be, must provide the Task Force, thru the
Market Development and Administration Department (MDAD), with resolutions in
the case of Barangays, or any form of documentation authorizing the alternative vending
sites. Said resolutions or documentation must have a timeframe and sunset clauses, with
lay-out in clear illustrations, number of stalls, and list of authorized vendors. All
vendors must likewise have themselves registered with MDAD.

It is noted that without authorization from MDAD, a vending site will be

considered illegal. Further, organizers of the said vending sites are encouraged to have
all their vendors wear uniform-colored shirts and display identification cards while
vending. Minimum Health Standards such as facemask and face shield wearing by
vendors and shoppers, including social distancing of at least six-feet will be strictly
enforced. Finally, vendors are disallowed from sub-leasing their vending stalls/spaces,
having more than one helper, and sleeping in vending sites.

Vending sites operating without the authority of the Barangay or any National or
City Government Department must be reported by the Barangay to the Task Force, thru
MDAD. The same must be cleared by the Barangay if located within their area of
responsibility in accordance with Sub-Item 6.2, above, or jointly cleared by the Task
Force, the Barangay and the QCPD if covered by Sub-Item 6.1, above.

Operators of vending sites and/or vendors still currently unauthorized by, or

unregistered with, the Barangays or the MDAD must immediately submit themselves
and their vending site-projects to the same.

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7.3. Residential Building Encroachments – Part II (b) 4 of DILG MC No. 2020-027
provides that, house encroachments that obstruct the road right-of-way,
protruding gates, conduct of household activities, and tents, except those being
temporarily used for funerals and other similar activities are considered as
road obstructions. Barangays are called-upon to identify such encroachments
throughout their jurisdiction, and to coordinate with the Task Force, thru the DPOS.
The DPOS, together with the Barangay, the Department of the Building Official
(DBO), the City Assessor’s Office (CAO), the City Engineering Department (CED) and
the QCPD shall then act on said encroachments accordingly.

7.4. Commercial Building Encroachments, Signages and Advertisements – Part II (b) 5 of

DILG MC No. 2020-027 likewise identifies, store encroachments and indiscriminate
signage and advertisements as road obstructions. Similarly, Barangays are called-upon
to identify such encroachments throughout their jurisdiction, and to coordinate with the
Task Force, thru the DPOS. The DPOS, together with the DBO, the CAO, the Business
Permits and Licensing Department (BPLD) and the QCPD shall then act on said
encroachments accordingly.

For signages and advertisements encroaching into roads and sidewalks, the
Barangays are called-upon to identify and immediately cause the removal of the same.
The QCPD and other agencies must also avoid having their contact details indicated on
said illegal signages and advertisements. The assistance of the DPOS may be
requested by the Barangay if absolutely necessary.

Owners and representatives of buildings, structures and facilities contemplated in

Sub-Items 7.3 and 7.4 are encouraged to voluntarily implement corrective measures on
their properties, and to report to their Barangays if they are in need of assistance.

7.5. Obstructing Government Structures and Activities – Also considered road obstructions
according to Part II (b) 6 and 7, respectively, of DILG MC No. 2020-027 are,
obstructing Barangay outposts, halls, markers, and directories; and the conduct of
sports, sports facilities, and other related activities. Barangays are called-upon to
identify such obstructions, and to coordinate with the Task Force, thru the DPOS. The
DPOS, together with the CED, DBO, CAO, BCRD and the QCPD shall then act on the
said obstructions accordingly.

If is noted that pursuant to Sub-Item 4.8 of DILG MC No. 2020-145, all road
closures currently set up by Barangays without respective enabling ordinances nor
approval from concerned authorities shall be dismantled and cleared to ensure
unhampered public conveyance. Barangays under ECQ or MECQ may put up such
road closures subject to the approval of concerned authorities.

7.6. Construction Materials, Debris, Waste Materials, and Other Junked Items – Part II (b)
9 and 10, respectively, of DILG MC No. 2020-027 also provide that, sand, gravel,
cement, steel bars, logs, and the like; and debris, waste materials, and other junked items
are road obstructions. As such, said construction and waste materials on roads and
sidewalks have to be cleared. The Barangays are called-upon to cause the removal of the
said items throughout their jurisdiction, and only if absolutely necessary, call upon the
Task Force thru the Task Force on Solid Waste Management (TF-SWM) for assistance.
If also deemed necessary, the Barangay may seek the involvement of the DPOS and the

Relatedly, the City’s management of its solid waste, inclusive of domestic and
bulky wastes, relies heavily upon all Quezon City residents and all Barangays to strictly

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observe schedules of garbage collection and proper waste segregation. The Barangays
must strictly enforce the Tapat Ko Linis Ko program of the Government as well as all
other environmental Laws and City Ordinances relevant to littering and solid waste
management. If still needed, the Barangays must report uncollected garbage to the TF-
SWM. The Task Force, thru the TF-SWM and the Public Affairs Information Services
Department (PAISD) must likewise reiterate the garbage collection schedules formally
to the Barangays and to the people thru the QC Facebook page and QC Website.

7.7. Street Dwellers, Beggars, and Stray Animals – Part II (b) 11 of DILG MC No. 2020-
027 provides, other structures, materials, or activities identified by the LGUs as
obstructions through their road inventory, which may apply to street dwellers and
beggars who need to be rescued from the streets. For this purpose, Barangays shall
allocate processing centers, personnel and vehicles, and undertake rescue operations of
street dwellers and beggars throughout their jurisdiction. If so required, the assistance of
the Task Force thru the Social Service and Development Department (SSDD) and Task
Force Disiplina may be sought by the Barangays.

The same provision may also be used to apply to stray dogs, cats, and other
animals that are both a nuisance and pose danger to the public. Barangays are called
upon to catch and impound the said animals and coordinate with the Task Force thru the
City Veterinary Department (CityVet) for their proper disposal. Owners of animals
must strictly adhere to rules and regulations relative thereto in the interests of the
general welfare.

7.8. Dangerously-Leaning Trees and Branches – As provided by Part II (c) of DILG MC No.
2020-027, obstructing and/or hazardous trees may be pruned or removed by the LGU in
accordance with rules imposed by the DENR. The Barangays are called-upon to report
any such trees found throughout their jurisdiction to the Task Force thru DPOS, the
Parks Development and Administration Department (PDAD), or the Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Office (DRRMO) for immediate and appropriate action.

7.9. Dangling-Wires and Obstructing Utility Poles and Cabinets – Part II (d) of DILG MC
No. 2020-027 provides, in cases wherein structures or facilities owned by utility service
providers, such as posts, meters, instrumentation boxes, and the like, cause obstruction
to the road right-of-way, due coordination shall be made by the concerned utility
company and the LGU to remove or relocate the obstructing structure of facility. It must
also be ensured that such relocation, and the conduct of road clearing operations in
general, shall not cause disruption in the delivery of utility and other basic services. The
Barangays are thereby called-upon to report any such obstructions throughout their
jurisdiction to the Task Force, thru the Anti-Dangling Wires Unit of the CED. Utility
companies are likewise called-upon to cause the timely removal/transfer of these

7.10. Obstructions Caused by National Government Projects – Part II (d) of DILG MC No.
2020-027 likewise provides that, similarly, in cases wherein materials, equipment, and
structures temporarily obstruct the road right-of-way due to the undertaking of a project
by a National Government Agency, the LGU may coordinate with the concerned agency
to relocate the obstructions or agree on a timetable for its removal. The Barangays are
called-upon to report any such obstructions found throughout their jurisdiction to the
Task Force, thru the TF-TTM and the Green Transport Division of DPOS in the case of
obstructions to the City’s Bike Lanes, and to the Assistant City Administrator for
Operations in the case of road obstructions. Concerned National Government Agencies
are called-upon to cooperate with the Quezon City Government in complying with the

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Presidential Directive on Road Clearing and the relevant DILG Memorandum

8. Minimum Health Standards During Road Clearing Operations – As clearly

directed by Sub-Item 4.10 of DILG MC No. 2020-145, all road clearing-related
policies and undertakings shall be implemented and conducted without prejudice to
the local government’s COVID-19 containment efforts and initiatives. Likewise,
enforcement agents of LGUs shall observe minimum public health standards in all
activities conducted in compliance with this Memorandum Circular. Whenever
possible, LGUs are advised to conduct their road clearing-related meetings, sessions
and other coordination activities virtually.

9. Information, Education and Communications (IEC) Campaign – The Task Force, thru
the PAISD, shall undertake a massive IEC Campaign thru the City’s website and Facebook
pages, and thru verbal and visual announcements in the communities with the assistance of
the BCRD and the Barangays.

10. Reporting – Pursuant to Sub-Item 4.4 of DILG MC No. 2020-145, the manner of
submission of regular reports as provided under DILG Advisory dated 08 January
2020 shall continue. The Task Force, thru BCRD, shall coordinate and facilitate the
said submission procedures with the Barangays and the DILG-QC.

For Strict Compliance.


City Mayor

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