Finite Element Analysis of Space Truss Using MATLAB: January 2015

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Finite element analysis of space truss using MATLAB

Article · January 2015

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3 authors, including:

Sangeetha P. Rupali Senthil

Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering National Institute of Technology Jalandhar


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VOL. 10, NO. 8, MAY 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


P. Sangeetha1, P. Naveen Kumar1 and R.Senthil2
1SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, India
2College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, India

One of the interesting engineering application is space truss, a three dimensional element, particularly used as roof
for industrial and commercial structure spanning large distances. Analysis of space truss can be performed by many
commercial FEA software available in the market. This paper concerns the current growth of MATLAB based program
which analyze the space truss step by step as done in Finite Element Analysis. Using MATLAB all stages of calculations
have been done to solve the space truss and verify with that of published experimental data.

Keywords: space truss, MATLAB, finite element analysis.

INTRODUCTION function representation was effective for moving boundary

Space Truss is a lightweight rigid structure problems
consists of members and nodes interlocking in a triangular
geometric pattern. The inherent rigidity of triangular FINITE ELEMENT FORMULATION
geometric pattern derives its strength. On the application Finite Element Analysis is a numerical method to
of imposed load, tension and compression loads are solve Engineering problems and Mathematical physics. A
transmitted along the length of the member. The advantage space truss is subdivided into smaller elements called
of using space trusses as roof structure is to provide members. Then the assemblage of these members
rigidity along all the three directions comparatively higher connected at a finite number of joints called Nodes. The
strength than the normal truss. Finite Element Analysis of properties of each type of member is obtained and
a space truss involves many matrix operations. Sometimes assembled together and solved as whole to get solution.
it is tedious to solve manually if the size of the matrix goes Static analysis of space truss is done by stiffness method
higher. Matrix is the fundamental object of MATLAB. where formulation is simpler for most structural analysis
MATLAB is a trademark of The Math Works, Inc., USA problems. Algorithms for solving space truss problem are
and majorly designed to perform matrix operations. formulated below:
MATLAB based program is simple coding system with
matrix functions, conditionals (if and switch), loops (for
and while) and Graphics (2Dplots and 3Dplots).
MATLAB is a simpler package but its application stands
in all fields of science and Engineering. Schmidt et al,
have studied that with greater degrees of freedom, space
trusses became more sensitive to compression members,
joints and stiffness of the member-node joints normally
neglected in the design and it consequently proven to be
failure of the structure. A.I. EI-Sheikh, introduced simple
jointing system provides ductility and enhances the ability
to redistribute forces that the reduction of overall
component cost. Ahmed Farhan Kadhum analysed the
space trusses by using ANSYS software and found that
ANSYS provide graphical option to simulate the real
behavior of the structure under the application of load and
a good agreement between the analytical and experimental
load-deflection values. O. Cagalayan and E. Yuksel made
a study on the possible reasons for the collapse of a roof
structure using SAP. He concluded that the most probable
reason behind the collapse were improper substitution of
snow load intensity and some mistakes in the elastic
design of the truss. Per-Ol of Persson and Gilbert Strang
have created a mesh with a simple MATLAB code to find
mesh points and triangulation. They concluded that the
algorithm can be useful in other areas and the distance

VOL. 10, NO. 8, MAY 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

space truss element has two nodes and is inclined with

angles θx, θy, and θz measured from the global X, Y, and
Z axes respectively, to the local x axis as shown in figure.
Let Cx = cosθx, Cy = cosθy, and Cz = cosθz. Figure-1
shows the space truss coordinates and its element stiffness


This function returns the element length gives the
coordinates of their respective nodes and the element
stiffness matrix for space truss element with m
odulus of elasticity E, cross-sectional area A, Length
L, and angles thetax, thetay, and theaz. It returns the 6x6
element stiffness matrix k.
function y =
%SpaceTrussElementLength This function returns
the length of the space truss element whose first node has
coordinates (x1,y1,z1) and second node has coordinates

y = sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1) + (z2-z1)*(z2-


function y = Space Truss Element Stiffness

%Space Truss Element Stiffness This function returns
the element stiffness matrix for a space truss element with
modulus of elasticity E, cross-sectional area A, length L,
and angles the tax, the tay, thetaz (in degrees). The size of
the element stiffness matrix is 6 x 6.
x = thetax*pi/180;
y = thetay*pi/180;
z = thetaz*pi/180;
Cx = cos(x);
Cy = cos(y);
Cz = cos(z);
w = [Cx*Cx Cx*Cy Cx*Cz; Cy*Cx Cy*Cy Cy*Cz;
Cz*Cx Cz*Cy Cz*Cz];
SPACE TRUSS ELEMENT y = E*A/L*[w -w; -w w];
The space truss element is a three‐dimensional
finite element with both local and global coordinates. It is
characterized by linear shape functions. It has modulus of
elasticity E, cross sectional area A, and length L. Each

Figure-1. Space truss coordinates and its stiffness matrix.

VOL. 10, NO. 8, MAY 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

%Space Truss Element Assemble This function assembles Function y = Space Truss Element Force (E, A, L, the tax,
the element stiffness matrix k of the space truss element the tay, the taz,u)
with nodes i and j into the global stiffness matrix K. This This function returns the element force given the
function returns the global stiffness matrix K after the modulus of elasticity E, the cross-sectional area A, the
element stiffness matrix k is assembled. % Stiffness length L, the angles the tax, the tay, the taz (in degrees),
Matrix Construction and the element nodal displacement vector u.
x = thetax * pi/180;
k = zeros(3*G,3*G);
w = thetay * pi/180;
for i=1:E
v = thetaz * pi/180;
for j=1:3
Cx = cos(x);
for h=1:3
Cy = cos(w);
Cz = cos(v);
k(3*(l1(i)-1)+h,3*(l1(i)-1)+j) = k(3*(l1(i)-1)+h,3*(l1(i)-
y = E*A/L*[-Cx -Cy -CzCx Cy Cz]*u;
1)+j) + k_elem(h,j,i);
k(3*(l1(i)-1)+h,3*(l2(i)-1)+j) = k(3*(l1(i)-1)+h,3*(l2(i)- Function y = Space Truss Element Stress (E,L, the tax, the
1)+j) + k_elem(h,j,i); tay, the taz,u)
k(3*(l2(i)-1)+h,3*(l1(i)-1)+j) = k(3*(l2(i)-1)+h,3*(l1(i)-
%SpaceTrussElementForce This function returns the element stress given the modulus
1)+j) + k_elem(h,j,i); of elasticity E, the length L, the angles the tax, the tay, the
k(3*(l2(i)-1)+h,3*(l2(i)-1)+j) = k(3*(l2(i)-1)+h,3*(l2(i)- taz (in degrees), and the element nodal displacement
1)+j) + k_elem(h,j,i); vector u.
x = the tax * pi/180;
%Assemble Matrix Construction w = the tay * pi/180;
K = zeros(3*G,3*G); v = the taz * pi/180;
for i=1:G Cx = cos(x);
for j=1:E Cy = cos(w);
if(l1(j)==i || l2(j)==i) Cz = cos(v);
K(3*i-2,3*i-2) = (Ro(j)*Area(j)*L(j))/2 + K(3*i-2,3*i-2); y = E/L*[-Cx -Cy -CzCx Cy Cz]*u;
K(3*i-1,3*i-1) = (Ro(j)*Area(j)*L(j))/2 + K(3*i-1,3*i-1); %Plot Undeformed and Deformed shapes
K(3*i,3*i) = (Ro(j)*Area(j)*L(j))/2 + K(3*i,3*i); for i=1:E
%Space Truss Element Assemble This function assembles x_bef(2,i)=x(l2(i));
the element stiffness matrix k of the space truss element y_bef(1,i)=y(l1(i));
with nodes i and j into the global stiffness matrix K. This y_bef(2,i)=y(l2(i));
function returns the global stiffness matrix K after the z_bef(1,i)=z(l1(i));
element stiffness matrix k is assembled. %Stiffness Matrix z_bef(2,i)=z(l2(i));
Construction x_aft(1,i)=x(l1(i))+Q(1+3*(l1(i)-1),2);
k = zeros(3*G,3*G); y_aft(1,i)=y(l1(i))+Q(2+3*(l1(i)-1),2);
for i=1:E y_aft(2,i)=y(l2(i))+Q(2+3*(l2(i)-1),2);
for j=1:3 z_aft(1,i)=z(l1(i))+Q(3+3*(l1(i)-1),2);
for h=1:3 z_aft(2,i)=z(l2(i))+Q(3+3*(l2(i)-1),2);
k(3*(l1(i)-1)+h,3*(l1(i)-1)+j) = k(3*(l1(i)-1)+h,3*(l1(i)- end
1)+j) + k_elem(h,j,i); x_offset=.2*(max(x)-min(x));
k(3*(l1(i)-1)+h,3*(l2(i)-1)+j) = k(3*(l1(i)-1)+h,3*(l2(i)- y_offset=.2*(max(y)-min(y));
1)+j) + k_elem(h,j,i); z_offset=.2*(max(z)-min(z));
k(3*(l2(i)-1)+h,3*(l1(i)-1)+j) = k(3*(l2(i)-1)+h,3*(l1(i)- xmin=min(x)-x_offset;
1)+j) + k_elem(h,j,i); xmax=max(x)-x_offset;
k(3*(l2(i)-1)+h,3*(l2(i)-1)+j) = k(3*(l2(i)-1)+h,3*(l2(i)- ymin=min(y)-y_offset;
1)+j) + k_elem(h,j,i); ymax=max(y)-y_offset;
%Assemble Matrix Construction zmin=min(z)-z_offset;
K = zeros(3*G,3*G);
plot3(x_bef, y_bef, z_bef, 'b', x_aft, y_aft, z_aft, 'g')
for i=1:G
for j=1:E
axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax]);
if(l1(j)==i || l2(j)==i)
K(3*i-2,3*i-2) = (Ro(j)*Area(j)*L(j))/2 + K(3*i-2,3*i-2);
K(3*i-1,3*i-1) = (Ro(j)*Area(j)*L(j))/2 + K(3*i-1,3*i-1);
K(3*i,3*i) = (Ro(j)*Area(j)*L(j))/2 + K(3*i,3*i);

VOL. 10, NO. 8, MAY 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Verification was done in order to check the accuracy The Element Stiffness matrix at each node was
and validity of using MATLAB based program for solving computed. Figure-3 shows the generation of the Element
static analysis of a structure. A space truss model has been Stiffness matrix for the Element 1 which is connecting the
analyzed and compared with the published results of node 1 and 2.
double layer space truss of size 4m x 4m. The space truss
have top chord , bottom chord members and diagonal
members. Numbering of nodal points was done for the
space truss model along with coordinates with respect to
global axes X, Y, and Z respectively. It consists of 61
nodes and 200 elements. Figure-2 shows the layout of the
Space truss (EI-Sheikh model).

Figure-3. Element stiffness matrix for the Element 1.


Element stiffness matrices were assembled to
form a single matrix by making calls to the stiffness
matrix of each element. Assembled Stiffness Matrix of
given truss model having size 3(61) x 3(61), where 61=
total no. of nodes in a structure. The assembled stiffness
matrix having a size of 183 x 183 was generated. A fixed
support was provided at four end nodal points 58, 59, 60
and 61 and a concentrated load of 100KN was given at 16
nodal points of the top chord members. After obtaining the
Figure-2. Layout of Space Truss (EI-Sheikh model). displacement at each node, form a nodal displacement
vector U. Then the forces in the member was computed by
MATERIALS using the standard formula F = K * U. Figure-4 shows
Circular steel tubes for bottom and diagonal deformed shape of the EI Sheikh Model using MATLAB.
chord members, and Rectangular steel tubes for top chord
members were used. Young’s Modulus of material and
density of steel was taken as 2x105 N/mm2 and 78.5Kg/m3
respectively. The dimension of the tubular members were
shown in Table-1.
Table-1. Dimension of the Truss member.
Specification of the members
S. No.
Members Size (mm)
1. Top Chord Members 40 x 24 x 1.6
2. Bottom Chord Members 28.58 x 6.3
3. Diagonal Chord Members 28.58 x 6.3
4. Corner Diagonal Chord 60.3 x 3.2
Figure-4. Deformed shapes using Mat lab – EI Sheikh

VOL. 10, NO. 8, MAY 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS [4] O.Caglaan, E.Yuksel. ‘Experimental and finite

The published experimental maximum deflection element investigations on the collapse of a Mero
of the space truss of size 4m x 4m was about 5mm and space truss roof structure –A case study.
from the Finite Element analysis using MATLAB the
deflection was 4.4mm .The percentage decrease in [5] Peter Kattan. ‘MATLAB Guide to Finite Elements –
deflection is about 12% from experimental result to An interactive approach.
MATLAB results. Figure-5 shows the load verses
deflection curve between the experimental and MATLAB [6] A. J. M. Ferrira. MATLAB codes for Finite Element
results. Analysis.

Figure-5. Load verses deflection curve for the.


1. The MAT LAB coding was generated for the Double

layer grid space truss structure.

2. The space truss of size 4m x 4m was analyzed using

MATLAB against published experimental data. The
maximum central defection was about 12 % variation
comparing with EI-Sheikh model.


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Ultimate load testing of space trusses ‘ , Journal Of
Structural Division , ASCE , Vol. 108, No. 7 , pp.

[2] El-sheikh A. and McConnel R.E. 1993. Experimental

study of behavior of composite space trusses. Journal
of Structural Engineering ,Vol. 119, No. 3 , pp. 747-

[3] El-sheikh A. and El–Barky H. 1996. Experimental

Study of New space truss system. Journal of
Structural Engineering , Vol. 122, No. 8 , pp. 845-

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