Present Simple Tense

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Ова време го користиме за да искажеме факти, навики, чувства и дејствија
што секојдневно се случуваат, односно се повторливи.
На пр. Dogs like meat.
I study English three times a week.
She is sometimes very nervous.
My parents work from Monday to Friday.
My friends and I usually play football after school.
He always does his homework in the afternoon.

1. Affirmative form (Потврдна форма)

Ова време потврдна форма прави со основната форма на глаголот (на пр.
play, watch, go, like итн.) во сите лица, освен во 3.л.ед. кога на глаголот му се
додава наставка -s или -es или -ies.
Неколку примери:
to work to play to watch to go to have* to be*
л еднина еднина еднина еднина еднина еднина
1 I work I play I watch I go I have I am
2 You work You play You watch You go You have You are
3 He works He plays He watches He goes He has* He is
She works She plays She She goes She has* She is
It works It plays It watches It goes It has* It is
множина множина множина множина множина множина
1 We work We play We watch We go We have We are
2 You work You play You watch You go You have You are
3 They work They play They watch They go They have They are

- Најголемиот број глаголи добива само наставка -s во 3.л.ед. (read –

reads; like -likes; meet-meets; say – says итн.)
- Глаголите кои завршуваат на -o, -s, -ch, -sh добиваат наставка -es (go –
goes; do – does; pass – passes; watch – watches; wash – washes итн.)
- Глаголите кои завршуваат на согласка и -y, ја отфрлаат -y и добиваат
наставка -ies. (study – studies; try – tries; carry – carries итн.) *play - plays

Вежба 1. Измени го глаголот во сегашно просто време во потврдна форма!

a) My sister __________ (read) a book. (чита)
b) Frank ___________ (like) dogs.
c) My parents __________ (do) the shopping.
d) We _________ (meet) in front of the cinema on Saturdays. (се среќава)
e) He _________ (play) tennis in the afternoon.
f) They __________ (watch) TV in the evening.
g) Anna ___________ (watch) TV after school.
h) My sister _________ (be) sometimes late for class.
i) His brother _________ (have) a new pet.
j) You _________ (have) lunch at 3 o’clock.
2. Negative form (Одречна форма)
Одречна форма правиме кога пред глаголот ставаме don’t (во 1,2.л.ед. и во
множина) и doesn’t (во 3.л.ед.) и после doesn’t на глаголот не ставаме
На пр. Elephants don’t like meat.
I don’t study English once a week.
My parents don’t work from Monday to Friday.
My friends and I don’t play football after school.
He doesn’t do his homework in the afternoon.
My friend doesn’t study German at school.
*She isn’t always late.

to work to watch to go
л еднина еднина еднина
1 I don’t work I don’t watch I don’t go
2 You don’t work You don’t watch You don’t go
3 He doesn’t work He doesn’t watch He doesn’t go
She doesn’t work She doesn’t watch She doesn’t go
It doesn’t work It doesn’t watch It doesn’t go
множина множина множина
1 We don’t work We don’t watch We don’t go
2 You don’t work You don’t watch You don’t go
3 They don’t work They don’t watch They don’t go

Вежба 2. Речениците од вежба 1 направи ги одречни!

3. Interrogative form (Прашална форма)
Прашална форма правиме со помош на Do и Does. Тие секогаш стојат на
почетокот на реченицата освен ако пред нив не ставиме прашален збор
(where, when, who итн).

На пр. Do dogs like meat? Yes, they do.

Do I study English once a week? No, I don’t.
Do my parents work from Monday to Friday? Yes, they do.
Do my friends and I play football after school? No, we don’t.
Does he do his homework in the afternoon? Yes, he does.
Does my friend study German at school? No, she doesn’t.
*Is she always late? No, she isn’t.

to work to watch to go
л еднина еднина еднина
1 Do I work? Do I watch? Do I go?
2 Do you work? Do you watch? Do you go?
3 Does he work? Does he watch? Does he go?
Does she work? Does she watch? Does she go?
Does It work? Does it watch? Does it go?
Множина множина множина
1 Do we work? Do we watch? Do we go?
2 Do you work? Do you watch? Do you go?
3 Do they work? Do they watch? Do they go?

Уште примери:
We live in Macedonia.
We don’t live in England.
Do we live in Macedonia? Yes, we do.
Do we live in England? No, we don’t.
Where do we live? We live in Macedonia.

He plays football after school.

He doesn’t play football in the morning.
Does he play football after school? Yes, he does.
Does he play football in the morning? No, he doesn’t.
When does he play football? He plays football after school.

Вежба 3. Речениците од вежба 1 направи ги прашални и дај краток одговор!

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