ENG 154 Study Notes For P2: Other Types of Listening

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ENG 154 Study Notes for P2 - This requires excellent discrimination and

close attention to the nuances of emotional

Module 10: The Listening Process signals.
Listening Process
Other Types of Listening
1. Receiving -Attending is the process of
accurately identifying and interpreting Appreciative Listening
particular sounds we hear as words. - listening for enjoyment
-listening to our favorite music, a recorded
2. Understanding -It is the stage where the meditation or a recited speech.
listener determines the context and meanings
of the words that are heard. Rapport Listening
- This type of listening is common in situations
3. Remembering -It occurs as the listener of negotiation.
categorizes and retains the information she's - A salesman, for example, may make an effort
gathering from the speaker. to listen carefully to what you are saying as a
way to promote trust and potentially make a
4. Evaluating -The listener critically evaluates sale.
the information she received from the speaker.
Selective Listening
5. Responding -The listener provides verbal - This is a more negative type of listening; it
and/or nonverbal reactions to what she hears. implies that the listener is somehow biased to
what they are hearing.
- a student filtering the speaker’s message and
Module 11: Types of Listening selecting from what he or she says.

General Types of Listening Module 12: Methods of Teaching Listening Skills

Discriminative Listening Methods of Teaching Listening Skills

-This type of listening is the most basic type of
listening, whereby the difference between 1. Interpersonal Activities
difference sounds is identified. - Nonthreatening way for students to develop
-It is when the listener interprets and assigns stronger listening skills
meaning to sound rather than to words. - Mock interviews and storytelling.

Comprehensive Listening 2. Group Activities

-It involves understanding the thoughts, ideas, - Larger group activities also serve as a helpful
and message. method for teaching listening skills to students.
- think-pair-share, stand up and listen
Specific Types of Listening
3. Audio Segments
Informational Listening - You can also teach listening skills through
-It focuses on the ability of an individual to audio segments of radio programs, online
understand a speaker's message. podcasts, instructional lectures and other audio
-listening to news or watching a documentary messages.

Critical Listening 4. Video Segments

-It is about listening in order to evaluate and - Another helpful resource for teaching listening
judge, forming opinion about what is being said. skills are video segments, including short
-listening to the sales pitch of a used-car dealer sketches, news programs, documentary films,
or the campaign speech of a political candidate interview segments, and dramatic and comedic

Therapeutic or Emphatic Listening

that appears near a word or phrase and offers
direct or indirect suggestions about its meaning.
Module 13: Reading Process and Reading -synonyms
Techniques -antonyms
-Explanation or illustration
The Reading Process
-word structure
1. Pre-reading Stage- allows the reader to
activate background knowledge, preview the
text, and develop a purpose for reading.
2. Denotation and Connotation
2. during Reading Stage- the reader makes
Denotation= Dictionary (definition of word)
predictions as they read and then confirms or
Connotation=Connection (emotional
revises the predictions.
associations attached to a word)

3. Final Stage- allows the reader to retell the

Ex. Snake
story, discuss the elements of a story, answer
Denotation- a long limbless reptile that has no
questions, and/or compare it to another text.
eyelids, a short tail, and jaws that are capable of
considerable extension and venomous bite
Connotation- a treacherous or deceitful person
Scanning- involves looking only for specific
information (such as keywords, numbers,
3. Figurative Language- the use of language to
names, etc.) while omitting other details.
give words meaning beyond their literal
Skimming- involves reading more in less time.
 Simile- comparison of two unlike things
Intensive Reading- the most time- consuming of
with the use of “like” or “as”
all the reading techniques. The main goal here
 metaphor- comparison of two unlike
is to retain information for the long-term.
things without the use of “like” and “as”
 hyperbole- exaggeration
Extensive Reading- focuses on reading for
 personification- attributing human
pleasure. Great for fiction works.
characteristics to something non human
 symbolism- Using an object or word to
represent an abstract idea
Module 14: Reading Strategies
 imagery- Vivid, descriptive language

Reading Strategies
Module 16: Media and Visual Literacy
 Using Prior Knowledge
 Predicting
 Main Idea and Summarization
- It refers to perceiving, examining, interpreting,
 Questioning
and construction meaning from visual images
 Making Inferences
and is crucial to improving comprehension of
 Visualizing
print and nonprint materials.
 Retelling
 Answering Comprehension Questions MEDIA LITERACY
 Graphic Organizers - refers to the ability to access, analyze, and
evaluate media and technology information
Module 15: Ways in Getting Word Meaning that involves moving images and sound effects.

Ways in Getting Word Meanings VISUAL LITERACY

- refers to the power of giving meaning to and
1. Context clues - a form of information (such as building up similar messages for visual
a definition, synonym, antonym, or example)
messages and the ability to construct meaning
from images

-are “visual systems of using spatial frameworks
such as diagrams, maps, or charts to organize
and present structural knowledge in a
content domain”

Prepared By: Ms. Cy Dacanay

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