292 - Sing Sing Sing PDF
292 - Sing Sing Sing PDF
292 - Sing Sing Sing PDF
M&T: Louis Prima
Arr: Mario Thürig / Jan. 03
d A7
Now that you've dis - cov- ered that the mu-sic goes 'round and 'round,
Now that you've dis - cov- ered that the mu-sic goes 'round and 'round,
d A7 d Bb7 d A7 d
you've for - got to re - mem- ber, you've got to swing in this man's town.
you've for - got to re - mem- ber, you've got to swing in this man's town.
d A7/e d/f
A7/e d
A7/e d/f A7
Sing, sing, sing, sing, ev - 'ry - bo - dy start to sing.
Swing, swing, swing, swing, ev - 'ry - bo - dy start to swing.
Sing, sing, sing, sing, ev - 'ry - bo - dy start to sing.
Swing, swing, swing, swing, ev - 'ry - bo - dy start to swing.
La - de - la, wo - ho- ho, now you're swing - in' while you swing.
La - de - la, wo - ho- ho, now you're sing - in' with a swing.
La - de - la, wo - ho- ho, now you're swing - in' while you swing.
F C7 F C7 g7
C7 F
When the mu - sic goes a - round ev - 'ry - bo - dy goes to town.
When the mu - sic goes a - round ev - 'ry - bo - dy goes to town.
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Sing, sing, sing - 2
F C7 F C7 g7 C7 F C7/e
But there's some- thing you should know, ho - ho, ba - by, ho - ho - ho.
But there's some- thing you should know, ho - ho, ba - by, ho - ho - ho.
Sing, sing, sing, sing, ev - 'ry - bo - dy start to sing.
Sing, sing, sing, sing, ev - 'ry - bo - dy start to sing.
La - de - la, wo - ho- ho, now you're sing - in' with a swing.
La - de - la, wo - ho- ho, now you're sing - in' with a swing.
(patschen auf Brust)