Ignition Guides Cenario-Planning-For-Supply-Chain
Ignition Guides Cenario-Planning-For-Supply-Chain
Ignition Guides Cenario-Planning-For-Supply-Chain
Ignition Guide:
Planning for
Supply Chain
© 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. CM_GBS_987677
Supply chain leaders can use this step-by-step This Ignition Guide is tailor-made for short-cycle
Gartner Ignition Guide to: projects that take a few weeks to a month to
• Identify and prioritize critical driving forces execute and may not require extensive planning
to get started or monitoring after launch. Before
• Create and effectively communicate scenarios you start:
• Use scenarios to continuously revise supply • Establish the timing, roles and responsibilities
chain strategies for the scenario planning process.
• Determine the scope the scenario plan will
cover, such as the end-to-end supply chain
or a specific route to market, channel,
geography, or business unit or functions
within the supply chain.
Technology Company
Source: Gartner
List the critical Enter the likely truths List the critical Enter extreme range of
driving forces and the corresponding uncertainties about possible outcomes of
identified sources of information the driving force the uncertainty
Example: Customer product Example: Diversity of customer Example: Customer and provider Example: Service level, cost and Example: High to low
and service expectations requirements to an explosion or feedback/data lead time expectations for different
long tail of SKUs products
Scenario A Scenario B
Scenario D Scenario C
Action Plan
Response N/A 2
Option 2
Action Plan
Response N/A N/A 3
Option 3
Review Your
To further improve the scenario planning
process, review your performance by:
• Documenting key lessons learned from the scenario planning
exercise conducted.
• Seeking feedback from the scenario planning team and
external stakeholders on the scenario planning exercise.
• Reflecting on the accuracy of the scenarios and document
lessons learned.
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practices for supply chain executives to improve business performance. Supply Chain
Benchmark your performance with data-driven Our unmatched combination of expert-led, Gartner for Supply Chain clients have access
insights. Prioritize investments and areas of practitioner sourced and data-driven research to additional resources and tools to help them
improvement. Execute on your mission-critical steers clients toward the right decisions on achieve their top priorities.
priorities with speed and confidence. the issues that matter most. We’re trusted as
Gartner is the world’s leading research and an objective resource and critical advisor by For more information on scenario planning,
advisory company and a member of the S&P 500. more than 15,000 enterprises in more than 100 contact us to learn about becoming a client
We equip business leaders with indispensable countries — across all major functions, in every or call 1 855 476 0138.
insights, advice and tools to achieve their mission- industry and enterprise size.
critical priorities today and build the successful To learn more, visit gartner.com/en/supply-chain
organizations of tomorrow.
2020Ignition Guide
Gartner, Inc. toitsConducting
and/or Scenario
affiliates. All rights reserved. Planning for Supply
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