Module 5: Implement Good Manufacturing Practice Procedure
Module 5: Implement Good Manufacturing Practice Procedure
Module 5: Implement Good Manufacturing Practice Procedure
Practice Procedure
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) is a system of processes, procedures,
and documentation that help ensure that products are consistently produced
and controlled according to quality standards. These practices are required in
order to conform to guidelines and regulations recommended by agencies that
control authorization and licensing for the manufacture and sale of food, drug
products, and active pharmaceutical products.
Since most of the reasons for detention cited are related to the
manufacturing practices of the processor, a complimentary field observation
was done to evaluate the level of conformance to Good Manufacturing
Poor layout and lack of facilities such as scales, floors, drains, ceiling,
toilets, hand washing facilities, employee lockers and lounge
- Use of jewelries
HACCP concept is more likely to detect the hazard during the food
production by having control over the process, the raw materials, the
environment and the people beginning as early in the production as
possible. Furthermore, this allows to determine the type of controls to be
done in the area determined to be critical one.
1. Hazard analysis
Foods that are free from contamination when they are shipped
sometimes become contaminated in route. This emphasizes the
importance of existing proper storage conditions in vessels, railroad
cars, or other conveyances. All shippers should pack their products so
as to protect them against spoilage or contamination in route and
should urge carriers to protect the merchandise by maintaining
sanitary conditions and segregating them from other cargoes which
might contaminate it.
- well kept
4. sanitary operations
- detergents effective and safe
- SOP in terms of cleaning equipment