Background of The Problems To Be Explored
Background of The Problems To Be Explored
Background of The Problems To Be Explored
The GIK Institute is a well-known university due to the success rate of its students and the
renowned research papers published by the faculty members. The main focus has always been
on the technicalities of engineering. At its initial years, the GIK Institute stood at the highest
rank among the top universities of the country and is still recognized as one of the most
prestigious universities in Pakistan.
Presently, the case is bit different, due to globalization and fast advancements in technology;
the demand of engineers with diverse qualities around the world has also been increased.
Managerial skills and the ability to speak foreign languages give an extra edge to students in
this highly competitive world. The industry, unlike in the past, has changed its demands and
criteria. It requires engineers with more creativity and uniqueness along with the technical
skills. This could only be achieved by introducing short courses which allows an individual to
explore himself and polish his skills of his own interest with no bounds and restrictions.
The introduction to productivity courses will make the GIK Institute’s students successful in the
long run. They will further groom the “to-be” engineer so he is confident and social for more
effectiveness in interacting with people and getting the job done. The productivity programs
will also increase the ranking of the Institute leading to more enrolments in the future.
The main problem in today’s world is the lack of exposure and creativity in students especially
in university level. They are bound to complete the so called “mandatory” courses to get the
degree and don’t get a chance to be their inner self and test their limits.
The short courses will enable the students to explore themselves, their interests, their talents,
their passion and what they enjoy doing. What will this achieve in the long run? It may seem
meaningless at first glance but if we see the possibilities and the advantages in the long run, we
are but defeated in presenting any counter arguments.
These short courses will deal directly with an individual’s ability to develop a habit of creativity,
uniqueness and brainstorming no matter what the situation might me. It focuses on divergent
thinking, the ability to develop multiple ideas and concepts to solve real life problems.
The courses makes any individual realize the role of innovation in his own work and in other
disciplines as well. It will challenge you to move outside your comfort zone and recognize the
value of exploration and the value of self-grooming that the arts subjects have on a person. It
will help you understand the importance of diverse ideas, and to convey that understanding to
These courses will not be so demanding that a student might fall in other major technical subjects. They
will be light, consisting of one credit hour, and comprising of near to no assignments or projects. They
will be challenging though for that is necessary to push an individual out of his comfort zone and into the
wilderness to discover himself. They will not expect anyone to be present 80% of the time nor will bar
them from sitting in the examinations.
Overall, these courses will bring a lot of benefits and will make the graduates of giki unique from others
and will groom them so they will have the perfect balance of technical skills along with their